Transits Graha Vedha Vipr. Vedha
Transits Graha Vedha Vipr. Vedha
Transits Graha Vedha Vipr. Vedha
The adhyay XXVI (26) of Phaladeepika has versed the golden
rules, sutras on transits so called Gochara phaladeepika.
Good 1 12
results Moon Moon Vipreet Moon
2 vedha 1 vedha
Saturn Saturn
Bhamidipaty Shanker’s Astrological Series
Vipareeta Vedha / Cancellation of the particular Obstruction.
Similarly in converse proportion when a planet gives bad results from certain
positions from the natal Moon, if at the same time some other planet
occupies certain other positions from the natal Moon the bad results get
reduced during the period of the transiting planet causing affliction. This is
called as Vipareeta Veda. For example if Saturn is transiting through 12th
house from the natal Moon, it produces adverse results. If at the same time
some other planet moves through the 3rd house from Moon sign it becomes
Vipareeta Veda and the adverse results get cancelled during the period of the
transiting planet causing affliction.
Vedha Table is reproduced here as mentioned in Adhyaya XXVI (26) of Mantreswar and more
specified on Vedha and Vipreeta Vedha Sloka 60 of Jatak Parijata.
Low /
Compulsor Average
y Good Results
Results (Natal Vedha Places /
Graha Good Results Chart) Obstruction
Sun 6,3,10, 11 1,2,7,8 5,9,4,12(Saturn)
11 2,5,12,8,4,9(Mercur
Moon 7,1,6,10 3 y)
Jupiter 7,9,2,5 11 1,12 12,8,10,4,3
11 1,2,4,7,10,1
Mars 6,3 2 12,5,9
11 1,2,4,7,10,1
Saturn 6,3 2 1,2,5,9 (Sun)
Mercur 11
y 6,2,4,10,8 1,7 5,3,9,1,8,12 (Moon)
Bhamidipaty Shanker’s Astrological Series
11 Generally
good unless
1,2,3,,4,5,8,9,1 in Yuti or
Venus 2 Drishti. 1,3,5,6,7,8,9,10,11
Rahu/ 11 1,2,7,8 5,9,4,12
Ketu 6,3,10
The number in Veda Houses gives the Veda or Obstruction
For example, if Sun transiting
3rd from Natal Moon, it is beneficial. But it will not give its
beneficial results if there is another planet in the 9th house
from Moon
Sun and Saturn do not cause Veda to each other ( Father &
Similarly, Moon and Mercury do not cause Veda to each other
(Mother & Son)