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New Techniques of Predictions # 1

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NTP-I 133

The following cannons ot judgment are listed for


There are four sets of planets as follows :
Those that are good by nature and they are Guru,
Shukra, Budha without the coniunction of natural
malefics and Waxing Moon (Shukla Paksha Chandra).
As per our N.T.P. and Western Astrologr we cliassiS Sun
as mostly a Natural Benefic.
Budha with natural malefics, Waning Moon (Ikishna
Paksha Chandra), Kuja, Shani, Rahu and Ketu.
AII planets (whether natural benefics or malefics)
owning houses (Bhavas) other than 3, 6, 8 and 12
AJl planets (whether nahrral benefics or malefics)
owning 3, 6, 8 and,12 bhavas.
Here after we use the following abbreviations for
brevity :
N. B. -Nahrral Benefics
N. M. -Natural Malefics
F. B. -Functional Benefrcs
F. M. -Functional Malefics
I34 NTP- I

We classifr the effects of these planets as follows :

(a) N.B. - do good to the bhavas they conjoin or
aspect while so far as their l{arakatwas are concerned
they go good while in good bhauas and bad when in
Dustanasexcept in the case of 3 and 6 called Upachayas
where gradual good can be seen.
(b) N.M. - spoil the effects of all the bhavas they
conjoin or aspectwhile their lGrakatwas prove to be good
when in good bhavas and badwhen in 8 and 12 bhavas
gling gradual good, when in 3 and 6 the Upachaya
(c) F.B. - when in good bhavas do good to the bhaua
it owns while in Dustanas spoil tlte good of tlte bhaua it
(d) F.M. - when in good bhauas attain stenglh to
increase the bad effects of the bhaua it owns, while in
Dustanas get weakened to do bad and subsequently cause
what is knovm as'Viparitha Raja Yogd meaning sudden
and surprise good effects coming quite unexpectedly and
without trials. But this attainment may be after hurdles
disappointrnents and death of some one. Please note lhat
in the case of (c) and (d) we have confiined to lhe effects
of the bhaua it owns and not said of the bhava he
conjoins or aspects for which the tests of (a) and (b) only
should be applied.
IIow to read the combined effects of botlt
Nafttral and Functional ?
This is easy. Read the effects of each separately and
narrate both the effects. Sometimes it may seem to give
contradictory effects. Those differential effects have to
be read out during their periods separately.
NTP-I 135

(e ) Any planet in exaltation is supposed to be

naturally strong and so its Natural lGrakatwas go good.
But the good or bad ensuing from Functional character
has to be read out as has already been explained'. F.B.
exalted does good to the bhava it ovvns, while F.M. in
exaltation harms the bad bhaua it owns meaning that it
increases the bad effects of that bad bhava.
(f) Whether Benefic or Malefic, Natural or Functional,
in own house does always good to the bhava it owns.
(g) As position in bhava is more important than the
Rasi in which it is, F.B. in good bhava thougfr neecha
etc, retains its good of the bhava it owns-may bc of less
degree. The same planet though exalted in Dustana will
be of no avail.
(h) F.B. should not be related with F.M.
(i) Enemies by nature should not be related even
though they are F.8., for their powers to do good will be
lessened by counter action.
fi) In the case of malefic function of 8th bhava
exception is made for Sun and Moon. In my experience
this may hold good for maraka effectonly (death inflicting)
and not for Yoga (material prosperity). Even for maraka
other planets may cause death during their bhukties in
the Dasha of such as Sun or Moon.
Thus you see Orat Adhipathya (Functional) is more
important than Ikrakatwa (Natural). Nature arrd Function
should both be mixed up in all cases and results read
out by correlating the two.
E)(AMPI-E : Guru is the o'wner of the eigfrth house
for Vrishabha lagna. Even supposing that this Natural
Benefic occupies l-agna (a powerfrrl and auspicious bhava
r36 NIP-T

for him) he will give miserable and disastrous results in

his Dasha. As a benefic by natrre he will give knowledge,
piety, name, ordinary earning etc., so far as his Karaka
powers are not repugnant to his functional powers.

T^ 5. Mesha onwards and l-aglra onwards the organs

ao of l{ala Purusha and the Native are distributed from head
J6to foot AIso the planets are ascribed
)i (S..
(See chapter
chaptei-non Frakatwa) TFhow to predict the
Lgfti{gl anv nql of the bodv amidst three-sets*of
IterniEGs. PIeaSerxite that outward orsuperficial
of body are cannotd by Rasis rootd
are to be rad out from Bhauas. In-"'---'--
both ciases
the concerned @ohsideredfor

Example,' Meena Rasi is Kala Purusha's Feet.

Suppose Rahu is there (or any malefic) then predict that
the feet is allicted outwardly. How to read out the
nature of the afflicting planet ? If Rahu is t'here Eeema,
or skin diseases. Then look to Rahu who is karaka for
feet. If he is there the disease is confirmed on the outer
part of leg. Suppose it is also Mesha l-agna then Meena
becomes the twelfth Bhava when again the inward part
of feet is sihrated. Now you can say that both the inward
and outward parts of feet are affected.
6. Finally I cite an example to illustrate the
intricacies of nahrral and functional traits. Take Chart
No. 1 of my illustrated charts (19-6-1907 at7.O9 P.M.)
Here Shani, lord of 2 is in 4. As lord of Finance in
Kendra he is good for finance. As lord of 3 (House of
short Debts) in 4 he also gave short debt. As natural
NTP-I t37

malefic in 4 he affects general happiness and comforts

in life. Shukra as Nahrral benefic in 6th lessens disease,
debt and enemies to the native but as kalathn l<arakain
6 caused illness to wife during his period. As lord of 6 in
6 he gave Viparitha Yoga in Shukra Bhukti. But as lord
of I1 in 6th caused loss and evil to elder brother. Note
one speciality here. As this Shukra is in his own house
any malefic effect emanating will finally end in
happiness. Note that own house effect refers to 6th and
not llth Bhava.
Some torts say "Karako Bhava Nashaya*" meaning
tlrat a karaka in its appropriate Bhaua causes total
destruction to that effect. But some moderates say
"IGraka Graha Samyukfrro Bhava Swalpa phal,a pradaha"
meaning that a lraraka in its appropriate Bhaua lessens
tlte degree of its good effects. By research I agree with
the latter moderate opinion with the following
discriminations. A planet in Rasi Chart may appear to
occupy its Karak Bhava while by Cuspal Chart it may
not be so. Sometimes it may also be reverse. So you
must always judge this aspect from cuspal chart only.
(see if the l(araka is in the Rasi containing the cusp of
that Bhava). Further if such posited planets are also
powerful they increase bad effects to a certain degree;
but another factor to be noted here is that unless tlte
Dasha of that planet operates in fitting times in one's
Iife, this should not be predicted. By fitting times I mean
that for financial matters the youth and after, for
education of his teens, for marital affairs, youth and

Editor's Note : This effects only to certain Bhavas like 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, g -

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