of planet in chart and other qualifications that attend upon it,i.e., its location, conjuctions, aspects and
its position and location in divisional chart.the horoscope only indicate the inherent promise. The time
when promise will fructifydepend uopn dasha and transit of planets. The total dasha period of a planet
is dividedin different parts and ruled by different planets. The dasha operative at the time of aparticular
planet and the results will pertains to natural signification, lordship,placements, aspects and strength of
planet. The major period is known as mahadasa,the major period is further divideded into sub-period,
and in Major dasha subperiod of all the planets are operative. Whenever, any important event is
happening in the life of a native, the transit of planets play an important role, particularly transit of
SATURNand JUPITER is very important.When SATURN and JUPITER both influence a house and house
lord, activity related tothat house start happening. In transit SUN indicate the month of event and the
MOONindicate the day of event. In other word, we can say SATURN approve and JUPITERbless the
event. For predicating any event in any natal chart, we have to study DashaAnterdashas of planets and
transit of planets particularly transit of SATURN/JUPITER.The birth chart of any native indicate the
promise inherent in a Horoscopic chartbecause of the position of planet in chart and other qualifications
that attend upon it,i.e., its location, conjunctions, aspects and its position and location in divisional
chart.the horoscope only indicate the inherent promise.The time when promise will fructify depend
uopn dasha and transit of planets. The totaldasha period of a planet is divided in different parts and
ruled by different planets. Thedasha operative at the time of a particular planet and the results will
pertains to naturalsignification, lordship, placements, aspects and strength of planet. The major period
isknown as mahadasa, the major period is further divideded into sub-period, and in Majordasha
subperiod of all the planets are operative. Whenever, any important event ishappening in the life of a
native, the transit of planets play an important role,particularly transit of SATURN and JUPITER is very
important. When SATURN andJUPITER both influence a house and house lord, activity related to that
house starthappening. In transit SUN indicate the month of event and the MOON indicate the dayof
event. In other word, we can say SATURN approve and JUPITER bless the event. Forpredicating any
event in any natal chart, we have to study Dasha Anterdashas of planets and transit of planets
particularly transit of SATURN/JUPITER."I have studies number of horoscopes and developed certain
principals which clearlyindicate as to when the particular event is likely to happen. I am discussing below
theprincipals applicable for happening of following events by giving examples. Theseprincipals have
been tested on number of horoscope and found "I have studies number of horoscopes and
developed certain principals which clearlyindicate as to when the particular event is likely to happen. I
am discussing below the principals applicable for happening of following events by giving examples.
Theseprincipals have been tested on number of horoscope and found accurate."The Vimsotri and Yogni
dasha has been used for analysing the events. Following topicsare being discussed in this article;
Naisargik Karakas or Natural Significators
In Vedic Astrology, planets assume the role of Karakas in Lagna Charts andDivisional Charts.Karakas are
of three types:thir Karakas !"i#ed igni$cators%Char Karakas !&ova'le igni$cators%(aisargik
Karakas !(atural igni$cators%(aisargik Karakas or (atural igni$cators are the planets that are used
tosee speci$c matters, in speci$c houses.
)st house from un sho*s self, soul, physical constitution and health ingeneral.+th house from un
sho*s po*er and house from un sho*s matters related to father, superiors, 'oss.)-th house
from un sho*s $ndings of profession and achievements.
)st house from &oon sho*s o*n house from &oon sho*s matters pertaining to mother,
happiness and peace of mind
/rd house from &ars sho*s courage, aggression, initiation, determinationand younger si'lings. th
house from &ars sho*s matters pertaining to land and properties.+th house from &ars sho*s matters of
speculation.0th house from &ars sho*s enemies, accidents, diseases, de'ts and loans.
1nd house from &ercury sho*s house from &ercury sho*s learning, analytical po*er and
logicalcapa'ility.+th house from &ercury sho*s memory, scholarships and students.)-th house from
&ercury sho*s professional achievements and honors.
1nd house from 2upiter sho*s family and *ealth in house from 2upiter is used to analy3e
traditional learning.+th house from 2upiter sho*s intelligence and children. th house from 2upiter
sho*s furtune, religion, teacher.))th house from 2upiter sho*s elder 'rother and gains
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Ashlesha Nakshatra Stellar AstrologyAshlesha Nakshatra Characteristics, Karka rashi, four padas as per
Indian Vedic AstrologyAshlesha Nakshatra is ruled by Mercury and its deity is the Serpent or Shesh-
Naag. Its symbol islike a circle or coiled snake. Ashlesha born natives have penetrating eyes, sharp
insight, strongintuition, cunningness and secretive nature. Like serpents, they can cling around with an
idea; or person exhibiting false intense love and affection. They have very strong sense of
attachmentwith opposite sex and can go to any extent to meet their objectives. If required, they can use
their poisonous cunning intellect to defeat their enemies. They have stout body and slightly
palecomplexion and hot temperament. They are over sensitive to external environment and do nottrust
people easily. They will always have something or the other to doubt everybody; and eventheir close
friends and relatives are not excused. They are so suspicious in nature that they canhire detective to
keep eye on their spouse. They appear humorous initially but actually they arecold blooded and
ruthless. They have inherent quality of leadership and eagerness to grow veryfast. They can manipulate
any situation to climb the ladder of success. It’s very difficult to stopand compete with Ashlesha natives.
They can sense the forthcoming problem quite early and will be well prepared even before the problem
arises. Ashlesha as you know combines Moon +Mercury. This combination itself is clear indicative of the
individual profile. This is one of themost mean and selfish Nakshatra of the zodiac and we should not
expect any kind of emotionalrelationship from them. Although Ashlesha natives generally victimize
others but if natural benefic planets are placed in this Nakshatra, they themselves are victimized by
others. Ashleshanatives may have bad friend circle involved in illegal activities. Their behavior generally
surprise people as they react exactly opposite to what situation demands. For example, they may
notshow any expression of happiness listening to any auspicious news; and may have smile on theirface
on someone’s death. Their education is generally in commerce or arts.Afflicted Ashlesha native may
become big crooks, greedy, alcoholics and have loose character.They will have illicit profession and black
money. Or they loose the track of life completelydepending upon planetary combination. They
themselves may not know what to do, how to doand where to go. They totally loose the insight and
intuition. In some case, serious psychologicaldisorders are also seen.Ashlesha Nakshatra Marital life: is
generally good in the beginning on sexual terms as they arevery keen for mating. But their own relatives
may secretively create differences among husbandand wife to achieve their personal illicit
motives.Ashlesha Nakshatra Health: Natives are generally over-eaters; and may have fat body.
Theyeasily get addicted to alcohol and other bad habits. They are prone to problems like
indigestion,overweight and nervous breakdowns.Ashlesha Nakshatra Professions: Liquor industry,
cigarette industry, poisons, drugs, pharmacists,commerce, arts, gamblers, share traders, marriage
bureau owners, chemists, piracy business, blackmailers, photographers, doctors, psychotherapists,
detectives, prostitutes, hypnotists, tantrik of lower levels, occult, cheats, frauds, snake dealers,
automobile oils, modern fake saints who cheat people and sexually victimize their own followers of
opposite sex, high society call girlsetc.Body parts ruled by Ashlesha Nakshatra: Nails of our body are
ruled by Ashlesha NakshatraTree indicated by Ashlesha Nakshatra: Sandalwood tree covered by
FINITIONSTherearefour setsofplanetsasfollows:1. NATURALBENEFICSThosethat
Astrologrwe cliassiSSunasmostlyaNaturalBenefic.2. NATURALMAI-EFICS'Budhawith natural
6,8and12(Dustanas).4.FI.JNCTIONALMALEFICSAJlplanets(whethernahrralbeneficsormalefics)owning3, 6,
8and,12bhavas.Here afterweuse thefollowingabbreviationsforbrevity:N.B.-NahrralBeneficsN.M.'-