BreachofContract Complaint2
BreachofContract Complaint2
BreachofContract Complaint2
PLAINTIFF, by and through the undersigned counsel and unto this Honorable
Court most respectfully allege that:
2. The Defendant Jack and Poy Bus Liner is a domestic corporation duly
organized under the laws of the Philippines engaged in the business of land transportation
of passengers and goods and a holder of certificate of public convenience with principal
place of business at 640 Quezon Avenue, Lucena City, Philippines, where it may be
served with summons and other court processes. A copy of the certificate of public
convenience is hereto attached as Annex “A”;
5. Because of the great impact, plaintiff suffered physical injuries for which
she was treated and confined for three months at Lucena United Doctors Hospital in
Lucena City, Quezon from September 7, 2018 to December 8, 2018 then another two
months for physical therapy, incurring hospitalization and medical expenses amounting
to a sum of Two hundred thousand pesos (P 200, 000.00). The copy of the official
receipts issued by Lucena United Doctors Hospital, Dr Patrick Go, and Mercury Drug as
Annexes “C”,“D” and “E” “F”, respectively and made an integral part hereto;
6. The defendant Jack and Poy Bus Liner is liable for damages for breach of
contract of carriage because it failed to observe the required diligence under the Under
Article 1755 of the Civil Code which provides that a common carrier is bound to carry
the passengers safely as far as human care and foresight can provide using the utmost
diligence of a very cautious person with a due regard for all the circumstances.
Employees being the extension of the common carrier with regard to the duty
transporting of passengers safely from one point to another, should have exercised the
said diligence. As stated in the case of Maranan vs Perez, as one of the reasons why the
principle that it is the carrier’s implied duty to transport passenger’s safely, said liability
of the carrier for the servent’s violation of duty to passengers, is the result of the former’s
confiding in the servant’s hands the performance of his contract to safely transport the
passenger, delegating therewith the duty of protecting the passenger with the utmost care
prescribed by law.
8. The act of Vicente Fabrero in driving the bus in a very fast manner not
giving due regard to the fact that the equipment of the bus he is driving is not rigorously
being inspected by the company and probably broken or malfunctioning clearly gives rise
to the fact that he is incompetent, but nonetheless he is hired, and as a result of this
incompetency, he failed to properly act upon the situation leading to the accident.
10. However, instead of heeding the polite demands of the plaintiff, the
defendant, simply ignored to entertain plaintiff’s just demands in her letter. Thus, the
plaintiffs seek the assistance of this Honorable Court.
11. As a result of defendant’s fault or negligence, they are liable to plaintiff for
14. Plaintiff was compelled to file this case because of defendant’s obstinate
and unjustified refusal to take responsibility for their actions. His polite demands were
simply ignored. Thus, plaintiff had no other recourse but to hire a lawyer and pursue
legal action. In the process, she will be spending for attorney’s fees in the amount of at
least PhP 50,000.00 and other legal expenses in the amount of at least PhP 10,000.00.
15. In addition to the physical injuries and pain, plaintiff, Hanna Desembrana,
has also suffered and is still suffering mental anguish, severe anxiety and psychological
torture caused by the incident. She has been suffering from sleepless nights and
tormented by financial expenses which could have been avoided, thereby entitling her to
moral damages in the amount of, at least, PhP 50,000.00.
Assisted by
2. I have caused the preparation and filing of the foregoing complaint, that I
have read the allegations therein, and that they are true and correct of my own personal
knowledge and belief and based on authentic documents;
3. Other than the foregoing complaint, I have not commenced any other action
or proceeding involving the same issue before any tribunal or agency and that, to the best
of my knowledge, there is no such action or proceeding pending before any tribunal;
4. If other than the foregoing complaint, I should learn that a similar action or
proceeding has been filed or is pending in any tribunal, I will notify this Honorable Court
of the same within five (5) days from such notice
Notary Public for Lucena
Doc No.: 80 Notarial Commission No. 123-2019
Page No.10 PTR No. 123456; 01-02-13;D.C.
Book No.II IBP Life Member Roll 12348
Series of 2019. MCLE Compliance No. III-123459; 01-
10-2012; Issued in Manila City