Fin STM Fraud 2
Fin STM Fraud 2
Fin STM Fraud 2
with the object of reporting net income more or less than what actually it
is, or for making balance sheet figures to appear more or less attractive
than what actually they are. Directors may be interested in reporting a
higher net profit in order to win shareholders' confidence or to earn more
commission if they are entitled to a commission on profits or to fetch better
price for the shares they hold. In order to show inflated profits such
methods are employed as inflating sales, suppressing purchases, writing
off inadequate depreciation, providing inadequate provision for bad debts,
etc. On the other hand, management may be interested in showing a net
profit less than the company actually earned. The intention for doing this
may be to deceive tax authorities or to buy shares of the company at a
low price. In order to show lower profits management may employ such
methods as suppressing sales, inflating purchases, making excessive
provisions for depreciation and bad debts, etc. Manipulation of accounts
is done by director and top management; therefore, for the auditor it is
very difficult to detect it.
How is it Accomplished?
Financial statement fraud is generally accomplished by the following:
examine the
reasons for fraud, types and implication of costs of fraud in an