Flux Cored Arc Welding PDF
Flux Cored Arc Welding PDF
Flux Cored Arc Welding PDF
Table of Contents
Chapter Page
2. Principles of Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
5. Welding Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
7. Welding Metallurgy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
ISBN 978-1-936058-18-1
This publication includes information available at the time of production. The Hobart Institute of Welding Technology presents
this information as a guideline. Relevant standards may have been updated and should be reviewed together with this book
for accuracy. Federal or other laws and standards may govern different operations and facilities.
Hobart Institute of Welding Technology disclaims liability for any injury to persons or to property, or other damages of any na-
ture whatsoever, whether special, indirect, consequential or compensatory, directly or indirectly resulting from the publication,
use of or reliance on this book. Hobart Institute of Welding Technology makes no guarantee or warranty as to the accuracy
or completeness of any information published herein.
A major development in flux cored arc welding in the ADVANTAGES AND LIMITATIONS
early 1960’s was the introduction of flux cored wires, not
requiring external gas shielding. These electrode wires Flux cored arc welding has many advantages for a wide
became popular for many field construction applications variety of applications. Flux cored arc welding often
because the need for a gas shielding system was elimi- competes with shielded metal arc welding, gas metal arc
nated, which made the equipment more portable. welding, and submerged arc welding for many applica-
tions. Some of the advantages of this process are:
Continuing work has been done on improving the me-
chanical properties, especially the impact toughness, of 1) It has a high deposition rate and faster travel speeds
welds made by flux cored arc welding. The electrodes are often used
available today produce much better results than the
wires originally introduced in the late 1950’s and early 2) Using small diameter electrode wires, welding can be
1960’s. More flux cored wires for welding higher alloy done in all positions
steels have been developed. During the 1960’s metal
cored wires were introduced. An important difference 3) Some flux cored wires do not need an external supply
between a flux cored wire and a metal cored wire is the of shielding gas which simplifies the equipment
absence of heavy slag on the weld.
4) The electrode wire is fed continuously so there is very
Other major improvements in flux cored wires include im- little time spent on changing electrodes
proving the welder appeal. This has been done by reduc-
ing the smoke and spatter levels produced and improving 5) A higher percentage of the filler metal is deposited
the weld bead appearance characteristics. Development when compared to shielded metal arc welding
on these and other aspects of flux cored arc welding is
continuing. 6) Better penetration is obtained than from shielded
metal arc welding
The flux cored arc welding process uses the heat of an atmosphere. Most self-shielding wires also operate using
electric arc between a consumable, tubular electrode and longer electrode extensions than gas-shielded wires.
the part to be welded. Electric current passing through an
ionized gas produces an electric arc. The gas atoms and ARC SYSTEMS
molecules are broken up and ionized by losing electrons
and leaving a positive charge. The positive gas ions then The flux cored arc welding process may be operated on
flow from the positive pole to the negative pole and the both constant voltage and constant current power sourc-
electrons flow from the negative pole to the positive pole. es. Any welding power source can be classified by its
About 95% of the heat is carried by the electrons and the volt-ampere characteristics as either a constant voltage
rest is carried by the positive ions. The heat of the arc (also called constant potential) or constant current (also
melts the electrode and the surface of the base metal. called variable voltage) type, although there are some ma-
The molten weld metal, heated weld zone, and electrode chines that can produce both characteristics. Constant
are shielded by one of two methods. One is by the de- voltage power sources are preferred for a majority of flux
composition of the flux core of the electrode. The sec- cored arc welding applications.
ond method is by a combination of an externally supplied
shielding gas and the decomposition of the flux core of In the constant voltage arc system, the voltage deliv-
the electrode wire. The flux core has essentially the same ered to the arc is maintained at a relatively constant level
purpose as the coating on an electrode for shielded metal which gives a flat or nearly flat volt-ampere curve, as
arc welding. The molten electrode filler metal transfers shown in Illustration 2-1. This type of power source is
across the arc and into the molten weld puddle. A slag widely used for the processes that require a continuously
forms on top of the weld bead which can be removed fed wire electrode. In this system, the arc length is con-
after welding. trolled by setting the voltage level on the power source
and the welding current is controlled by setting the wire
The arc is struck by starting the wire feed which causes feed speed. As shown in Illustration 2-1, a slight change
the electrode wire to touch the workpiece and initiate the in the arc length will produce a large change in the weld-
arc. Arc travel is usually not started until a weld puddle is ing current.
formed. The welding gun then moves along the weld joint
manually or mechanically so that the edges of the weld Most power sources have a fixed slope that is built in for
joint are joined. The weld metal solidifies behind the arc a certain type of flux cored arc welding. Some constant
which completes the welding process. A large amount of voltage welding machines are equipped with a slope con-
flux is contained in the core of a self-shielding wire as trol which is used to change the slope of the volt-ampere
compared to a gas-shielded wire. This is needed to pro- curve. Illustration 2-2 shows different slopes obtained
vide adequate shielding and because of this, a thicker from one power source. The slope has the effect of limit-
slag coating is formed. In these wires, deoxidizing and ing the amount of short-circuiting current that the power
denitrifying elements are needed in the filler metal and supply can deliver. This is the current available from the
flux core because some nitrogen is introduced from the power source on the short circuit between the electrode
36 40
0 0
0 200 300 400 500 600 0 200 300 400 500 600
Illustration 2-1 – Constant Voltage Volt-Ampere Curve Illustration 2-2 – Different Slope Obtained
from a Constant Voltage Power Source
wire and the work. This is not as important in flux cored The constant current arc system provides a nearly con-
arc welding as it was in gas metal arc welding because stant welding current to the arc which gives a drooping
short-circuiting metal transfer is not encountered except volt-ampere characteristic, as shown in Illustration 2-3.
with alloy cored, low flux content wires. This arc system is used with the shielded metal arc weld-
ing and gas tungsten arc welding processes. The welding
A slope control is not required, but may be desirable, current is set by a dial on the machine and the welding
when welding with small diameter, alloy cored, low flux voltage is controlled by the arc length held by the welder.
content electrodes at low current levels. The short-circuit
current determines the amount of pinch force available This system is necessary for manual welding because
on the electrode. The pinch force causes the molten the welder cannot hold a constant arc length which
electrode droplet to separate from the solid electrode. causes only small variations in the welding current.
The flatter the slope of the volt ampere curve, the higher When flux cored arc welding is done with a constant
the short-circuit and the pinch force. The steeper the current system, a special voltage sensing wire feeder is
slope, the lower the short-circuit and pinch force. The used to maintain a constant arc length.
pinch force is important with these electrodes because it
affects the way the droplet detaches from the tip of the For any power source, the voltage drop across the weld-
electrode wire. When a high short-circuit and pinch force ing arc is directly dependent on the arc length. An in-
are caused by a flat slope, excessive spatter is created. crease in the arc length results in a corresponding in-
When a very low short-circuit current and pinch force crease in the arc voltage and a decrease in the arc length
are caused by a steep slope, the electrode wire tends to results in a corresponding decrease in the arc voltage.
freeze in the weld puddle or pile up on the work piece. Another important relationship exists between the weld-
When the proper amount of short-circuit current is used, ing current and the melt off rate of the electrode. With
very little spatter is created. low current, the electrode melts off slower and the metal
is deposited slower. This relationship between welding
The inductance of the power supply also has an effect current and wire feed speed is definite, based on the
on the arc stability. When the load on the power supply wire size, shielding gas type and type of electrode. A
changes, the current takes time to find its new level. The faster wire feed speed will give a higher welding current.
rate of current change is determined by the inductance of
the power supply. Increasing the inductance will reduce In the constant voltage system, instead of regulating the
the rate of current rise. The rate of the welding current wire to maintain a constant arc length, the wire is fed
rise increases with the current which is also affected by into the arc at a fixed speed and the power source is de-
the inductance in the circuit. Increased arc time or induc- signed to melt off the wire at the same speed. The self-
tance produces a flatter and smoother weld bead as well regulating characteristic of a constant voltage power
as a more fluid weld puddle. Too much inductance will source comes about by the ability of this type of power
cause more difficult arc starting. source to adjust its welding current in order to maintain
a fixed voltage across the arc.
Open circuit voltage
30 Constant
length: Constant
Long power
20Normal source
0 200 300 400 500 600
Illustration 2-3 – Constant Current Illustration 2-4 – Volt-Ampere Curves
Volt-Ampere Curve
With the constant current arc system, the welder would of transfer. These are spray transfer, globular transfer,
change the wire feed speed as the gun is moved toward and short-circuiting transfer. The metal transfer of most
or away from the weld puddle. Since the welding cur- flux cored electrodes resembles a fine globular transfer,
rent remains the same, the burn-off rate of the wire is sometimes referred to as small droplet transfer. Some
unable to compensate for the variations in the wire feed flux cored electrodes have a spray transfer. Only the al-
speed, which allows stubbing or burning back of the wire loy cored, low flux content wires can produce a short-
into the contact tip to occur. To lessen this problem, a circuiting metal transfer similar to gas metal arc welding.
special voltage sensing wire feeder is used, which regu-
lates the wire feed speed to maintain a constant voltage On flux cored electrodes, the molten droplets build up
across the arc. The constant voltage system is preferred around the periphery or outer metal sheath of the elec-
for most applications, particularly for small diameter wire. trode. By contrast, the droplets on solid wires tend to
With smaller diameter electrodes, the voltage sensing form across the entire cross section at the end of the
system is often not able to react fast enough to feed at wire. A droplet forms on the cored wire, is transferred,
the required burn-off rate, resulting in a higher instance of and then a droplet is formed at another location on the
burn-back into the contact tip of the gun. metal sheath. The core material appears to transfer inde-
pendently to the surface of the weld puddle. Illustration
Illustration 2-4 shows a comparison of the volt ampere 2-5 shows the metal transfer in flux cored arc welding.
curves for the two arc systems. This shows that for these
particular curves, when a normal arc length is used, the At low currents, the droplets tend to be larger than at
current and voltage level is the same for both the con- higher current levels. If the welding current using a 3/32
stant current and constant voltage systems. For a long in. (2.4 mm) electrode wire is increased from 350 to 550
arc length, there is a slight drop in the welding current for amps, the metal transfer characteristics will change.
the constant current machine and large drop in the cur- Transfer is much more frequent and the droplets become
rent for a constant voltage machine. For constant volt- smaller as the current is increased. At 550 amperes some
age power sources, the volt-ampere curve shows that of the metal may transfer by the spray mode, although
when the arc length shortens slightly, a large increase in the globular mode prevails. There is no indication that
welding current occurs. This results in an increased burn- higher currents cause a transition to a spray mode of
off rate, which brings the arc length back to the desired transfer, unless an argon-oxygen shielding gas mixture
level. Under this system, changes in the wire feed speed, is used.
caused by the welder, are compensated for electrically
by the power source. The larger droplets at the lower currents cause a certain
amount of “splashing action” when they enter the weld
METAL TRANSFER puddle. This action decreases with the smaller droplet
size. This explains why there is less visible spatter, the arc
Metal transfer, from consumable electrodes across appears smoother to the operator, and the deposition ef-
an arc, has been classified into three general modes ficiency is higher, when a wire is used with a high current
density rather than at the low end of its current range.
The equipment used for flux cored arc welding is very In general, these lower duty cycle machines are the
similar to that used for gas metal arc welding. The basic constant current type, which are used in plants where
arc welding equipment consists of a power source, con- the same machines are also used for shielded metal
trols, wire feeder, welding gun and welding cables. A ma- arc welding and gas tungsten arc welding. Some of the
jor difference between the gas-shielded electrodes and smaller constant voltage welding machines have a 60%
self-shielded electrodes is that the gas-shielded wires duty cycle.
also require a gas shielding system. This may also have
an effect on the type of welding gun used. Fume extrac- Types of Current
tors are often used with this process. For machine and
automatic welding, several items, such as seam followers Flux cored arc welding uses direct current. Direct cur-
and motion devices, are added to the basic equipment. rent can be connected in one of two ways, which are
Illustration 3-1 shows a diagram of the equipment used electrode positive (reverse polarity) or electrode negative
for semiautomatic flux cored arc welding. (straight polarity). The electrically charged particles flow
between the tip of the electrode and the work as shown in
POWER SOURCES Illustration 3-2. Flux cored electrode wires are designed
to operate on either DCEP or DCEN. The wires designed
The power source or welding machine provides the elec- for use with an external gas shielding system are gener-
tric power of the proper voltage and amperage to main- ally designed for use with DCEP. Some self-shielding flux
tain a welding arc. Most power sources operate on 230 or cored wires are used with DCEP while others are devel-
460 volt input power, but machines that operate on 200 oped for use with DCEN. Electrode positive current gives
or 575 volt input are available as options. Power sources better penetration into the weld joint. Electrode negative
may operate on either single phase or three-phase input current gives lighter penetration and is used for welding
with a frequency of 50 to 60 Hz. thinner metal or where there is poor fit-up. The weld cre-
ated by DCEN is wider and shallower than the weld pro-
Power Source Duty Cycle duced by DCEP.
The duty cycle of a power source is defined as the ratio Types of Power Sources
of arc time to total time. Most power sources used for
flux cored arc welding have a duty cycle of 100%, which The power sources generally recommended for flux cored
indicates that they can be used to weld continuously. arc welding are direct current constant voltage types.
Some machines used for this process have duty cycles Both rotating (generator) and static (single or three-phase
of 60%, which means that they can be used to weld six transformer-rectifiers) are employed. Any of these types
of every ten minutes. of machines are available to produce constant current or
Electrode Lead Source
Workpiece Lead
Base Metal
constant voltage output, or both. The same power sourc-
es used with gas metal arc welding are employed with
flux cored arc welding. Flux cored arc welding generally
uses higher welding currents than gas metal arc weld-
ing, which sometimes requires a larger power source.
It is important to use a power source that is capable of
producing the maximum current level required for an ap-
+ -
rent power source, a special variable speed or voltage
sensing wire feeder must be used to maintain a uniform
current level. A limitation of the single phase system is
that the power required by the single phase input power
may create an unbalance of the power supply lines which
is objectionable to most power companies. These ma-
chines normally have a duty cycle of 60%.
The most widely used type of power source for this pro-
+ - - + cess is the three-phase transformer-rectifier. These ma-
+ - - + chines produce DC current for the arc and, for flux cored
arc welding, most have a constant voltage volt ampere
+ - - + characteristic. When using these constant voltage ma-
- +
chines, a constant speed wire feeder is employed. This
type of wire feeder maintains a constant wire feed speed
with slight changes in welding current. The three-phase
input power gives these machines a more stable arc
than single phase input power and avoids the line unbal-
ance that occurs with the single phase machines. Many
Illustration 3-2 – Particle Flow for DCEP and DCEN of these machines also use solid state controls for the
welding. A 650 amp solid state controlled power source
is shown in Illustration 3-4. This machine will produce
the flattest volt-ampere curve of the different constant
voltage power sources. Most three-phase transformer-
rectifier power sources are rated at a 100% duty cycle.
Illustration 3-5
Constant Speed
Wire Feeder
Photo courtesy of Miller Electric Manufacturing Co.
The wire feed motor provides the power for driving the
electrode through the cable and gun and to the work.
There are several different wire feeding systems available.
The selection of the best type of system depends on the
application. Most of the wire feed systems used for flux
cored arc welding are the constant speed type, which are
used with constant voltage power sources. This means
that the wire feed speed is set before welding. (See Illus-
tration 3.5.) The wire feed speed controls the amount of
welding current. Variable speed or voltage sensing wire
feeders are used with constant current power sources.
With a variable speed wire feeder, a voltage sensing cir-
cuit is used to maintain the desired arc length by varying Illustration 3-6 – Variable Speed
the wire feed speed. Variations in the arc length increase (Voltage Sensing) Wire Feeder
or decrease the wire feed speed. (See Illustration 3.6.) Photo courtesy of Miller Electric Manufacturing Co.
A wire feeder consists of an electrical motor connected flattened. V-knurled drive rolls are most commonly used
to a gear box containing drive rolls. The gear box and for wire sizes 1/16 in. (1.6 mm) and greater. These drive
wire feed motor shown in Illustration 3-7 has four feed rolls are lightly knurled to prevent slipping of the wire. The
rolls in the gear box. Many systems have only two. In a U-cogged (geared) drive rolls are used for large diameter
four roll system, the lower two rolls drive the wire. Be- flux cored wires. A groove is cut into both rolls. Different
cause of their structure, flux cored wires can be easily gear ratios are used, depending on the wire feed speed
flattened. The type of drive roll used is based on the size required. Illustration 3-9 shows the wire feed speeds that
of the tubular wire being fed. The three basic types of can be obtained from different gear ratios.
drive rolls are the U-groove, V-knurled and the U-cogged
(gear type), as shown in Illustration 3-8. U-groove drive Wire feed systems may be of the pull, push, or push-
rolls are only used on small diameter wires. These can be pull, type depending on the method of application and
used because small diameter tubular wires are less easily the distance between the welding gun and the coil or
spool of wire. Pull type wire feeders have the drive rolls
attached to the welding gun. Most machine and auto-
matic welding stations use this type of system. Pull type
wire feeders are rarely used in semiautomatic welding.
Pull wire feeders have the advantage for welding small
diameter aluminum and soft nonferrous metals with gas
metal arc welding because it reduces wire feeding prob-
lems. Since most flux cored wires are steel, this is not
“U” groove “V” knurled “U” cogged an advantage for flux cored arc welding. The push type
for soft wires for hard-shelled for extremely system, which has the drive rolls mounted near the coil
or soft-shelled cored wires soft wires
cored wires or soft-shelled or spool of wire is the most commonly used in semiau-
cored wires tomatic welding. The wire is pulled from the coil or spool
and then pushed into a flexible conduit and through the
Illustration 3-8 gun. The relatively large diameter wires used in flux cored
Common Types of Drive Rolls and their Uses arc welding are well suited to this type of system. The
length of the conduit can be up to about 12 feet (3.7 m).
Wire Feed Speed Another advantage of this push type system is that the
Ratio in/min (mm/s) wire feed mechanism is not attached to the gun, which
reduces the weight and makes the gun easier to handle.
15:1 500-2000 212-846
37.5:1 60-1000 25-423 Some wire feed systems contain a two-gun, two-wire
46:1 50-825 21-349 feeder arrangement connected to a single control box,
which is connected to a single power source. Both wire
75:1 30-500 13-212 feeders may be set up and there is a switch on the con-
90:1 25-400 11-169 trol to automatically select which of the two systems will
be used. One advantage to this system is that the sec-
150:1 15-250 6-106
ond wire feeder and gun can provide backup in case of
300:1 8-125 3-53 breakdown, gun maintenance or electrode change. An-
600:1 4-63 2-27 other advantage is that two different electrodes for dif-
ferent applications can be set up. For example, a gas
1200:1 2-30 1-13
metal arc welding electrode and gun can be set up on
Illustration 3-9 – Wire Feed Speeds obtained one schedule for welding a root pass. The second sched-
from Different Gear Ratios ule can be set up with flux cored wire to weld the rest of
– 10 –
the joint. This eliminates the need for two power sources and duty cycles required. The welding gun is mounted
or the need to change the electrode wire and gun. The directly below the wire feeder. Illustration 3-13 shows
liner is made of flexible metal and is available in sizes a machine welding head with concentric nozzle for flux
compatible with the electrode size. The liner guides the cored arc welding. Gas can also be supplied to the arc by
electrode wire from the wire feeder drive rolls through the a side delivery tube. If a gas-shielded wire is to be used,
cable assembly and prevents interruptions in the travel. the gas can be supplied by a nozzle that is concentric
around the electrode or by a side delivery tube. The side
Heavy duty welding guns are normally used because of shielding permits the welding gun to be used in deep,
the large size electrode wires used and the high welding narrow grooves and reduces spatter buildup problems
current levels required. Because of the intense heat cre- in the nozzle. Side shielding is only recommended for
ated by this process, heat shields are usually attached to welding using carbon dioxide. When using argon-carbon
the gun in front of the trigger to protect the welder’s hand. dioxide and argon-oxygen mixtures, a concentric nozzle
is preferred. Concentric nozzles provide better shielding
Both air-cooled and water-cooled guns are used for flux and are sometimes recommended for CO2 at high current
cored arc welding. Air-cooled guns are cooled primarily levels when a large weld puddle exists.
by the surrounding air, but when a shielding gas is used,
this will have an additional cooling effect. Air-cooled guns FUME EXTRACTORS
are lighter and easier to manipulate. Illustration 3-10
shows a 600 ampere air-cooled welding gun. Fume extractors are often used to help to reduce the
smoke levels produced by flux cored electrodes. This
Some self-shielded flux cored wires require a specific
minimum electrode extension to develop proper shield-
ing. These welding guns have guide tubes with an insu-
lated extension tube. This guide supports the electrode
and insures minimum electrode extension as shown in
Illustration 3-12. A gun for self-shielded flux cored wire
welding is shown in Illustration 3-11.
Insulated Nozzle
Contact Tube
Flux Cored
– 11 –
The purpose of a gas flow regulator is to reduce the pres-
sure from the gas supply source and maintain a constant
delivery pressure. The gas flowmeter is then used to con-
trol the flow of gas from the regulator to the welding gun.
The gas flow rate is adjusted by a valve at the flowmeter
outlet. The flowmeter is often attached to the regulator
as shown in Illustration 3-15. Regulators and flowmeters
are designated for use with specific shielding gases and
should only be used with the gas that they were designed
– 12 –
Length of Cable in Feet – Cable Size A.W.G.
Weld Weld
Type Current 60' 100' 150' 200' 300' 400'
100 4 4 4 2 1 1/0
150 2 2 2 1 2/0 3/0
200 2 2 1 1/0 3/0 4/0
250 2 2 1/0 2/0
(Low 300 1 1 2/0 3/0
Cycle) 350 1/0 1/0 3/0 4/0
400 1/0 1/0 3/0
450 2/0 2/0 4/0
500 2/0 2/0 4/0
Note: Length of cable circuit equals total electrode and work cable
Illustration 3-16 – Suggested Copper Welding Cable Sized for Flux Cored Arc Welding
chine and the work. Cable sizes range from the smallest Motion Devices
at AWG No. 8 to AWG No. 4/0 with amperage ratings of
75 amperes on up. Illustration 3-16 shows recommended Motion devices are used for machine and automatic
cable sizes for use with different welding currents and welding. These motion devices can be used to move the
cable lengths. A cable that is too small may become too welding head, workpiece, or gun, depending on the type
hot during welding and size of work and the preference of the user.
OTHER EQUIPMENT Motor driven carriages that run on tracks or directly on the
workpiece are commonly used. Carriages can be used
Water Circulators for straight line, contour, vertical, or horizontal welding.
Side beam carriages are supported on the vertical face
When a water-cooled gun is used, a water supply must of a flat track and they can be used for straight line weld-
be included in the system. This can be supplied by a ing. Multiple electrode welding heads can be used to ob-
water circulator or directly from a hose connection to tain higher deposition rates. Welding head manipulators
a water tap. The water is carried to the welding torch may be used for longitudinal welds and, in conjunction
through hoses that may or may not go through a valve in with a rotary weld positioner, for circumferential welds.
the welding machine. A typical water circulator is shown These welding head manipulators come in many boom
in Illustration 3-17. sizes and can also be used for semiautomatic welding
with mounted welding heads.
– 13 –
The electrodes used for flux cored arc welding provide Hydrogen may come from water in the atmosphere or
the filler metal to the weld puddle and shielding for the from moisture on surfaces welded and is also harmful to
arc. A shielding gas is required for some electrode types. welds. Hydrogen is also present in oils, paints, and some
The purpose of the shielding gas is to provide protection, protective coverings. Even very small amounts of hydro-
from the atmosphere, to the arc and molten weld puddle. gen in the atmosphere produce an erratic arc. Of more
The chemical composition of the electrode wire and flux importance is the effect that hydrogen has on the proper-
core in combination with the shielding gas will determine ties of the weld deposit. As in the case of nitrogen, steel
the weld metal composition and mechanical properties of can hold a relatively large amount of hydrogen when it is
the weld. molten but, upon cooling, it has a low solubility for hydro-
gen. As the metal starts to solidify, it rejects the hydrogen.
SHIELDING GASES The hydrogen entrapped in the solidifying metal collects
at small discontinuities and causes pressure stresses to
The primary purpose of shielding gas, in any gas-shielded occur. This pressure can lead to minute cracks in the weld
arc welding process, is to protect the arc and weld puddle metal, which can later develop into larger cracks. Hydro-
from contaminating effects of the atmosphere. The nitro- gen also causes defects known as “fish eyes” and under-
gen and oxygen of the atmosphere, if allowed to come in bead cracks. Underbead cracking is caused by excessive
contact with the molten weld metal, cause porosity and hydrogen that collects in the heat affected zone.
Inert and active gases may be used for flux cored arc
In shielded metal arc welding, protection is accomplished welding. Active gases such as carbon dioxide, argon-
by placing an outer coating on the electrode which pro- oxygen mixtures and argon-carbon dioxide mixtures are
duces a gaseous shield as the coating disintegrates in the used for almost all applications, with carbon dioxide be-
welding arc. In flux cored arc welding, the same effect is ing the most common. Active gases are not chemically
accomplished by decomposition of the electrode core or inert and can form compounds with the metals. Since al-
by a combination of this and surrounding the arc area with most all flux cored arc welding is done on ferrous metals,
a shielding gas supplied from an external source. this is not a problem. The choice of the proper shielding
gas for a specific application is based on:
A shielding gas displaces air in the arc area. Welding is
then accomplished under a blanket of shielding gas. Since 1) Type of metal to be welded
the molten weld metal is exposed only to the shielding 2) Arc characteristics and metal
gas, it is not contaminated by the atmosphere. transfer
3) Availability
Oxygen, which makes up 21% of air, is a highly reactive 4) Cost of the gas
element which, at high temperatures, combines readily 5) Mechanical property require-
with other elements in the steel to form undesirable ox- ments
ides and gases. Oxygen combines with iron to form com- 6) Penetration and weld bead shape GAS
pounds which can lead to inclusions in the weld metal
and also lower its mechanical properties. On coating, free Carbon Dioxide
oxygen in the molten metal combines with the carbon of
the steel to form carbon monoxide. If gas is trapped in the Carbon dioxide is manufactured
weld metal as it cools, it collects in pockets and causes from fuel gases which are given off
pores in the weld deposit. by the burning of natural gas, fuel
oil, or coke. It is also obtained as a
by-product of calcining operations in LIQUID
Nitrogen, which makes up 78% of air, causes the most
serious problems when welding steel. When steel is mol- lime kilns, from the manufacturing of
ten, it can take a relatively large amount of nitrogen into ammonia, and from the fermentation
solution. At room temperature, the solubility of nitrogen in of alcohol. The carbon dioxide given
steel is very low. Therefore, in cooling, nitrogen precipi- off by the manufacturing of ammonia
tates or comes out of the steel as nitrites. These nitrites and the fermentation of alcohol is al-
cause high yield strength, tensile strength, hardness, and most 100% pure. Carbon dioxide is
a pronounced decrease in the ductility and impact resis- made available to the user in either
tance of the steel. The loss of ductility due to the presence cylinder or bulk containers, with the
of iron nitrites often leads to cracking of the weld metal. cylinder being more common. With Illustration 4-1
Excessive amounts of nitrogen can also lead to extensive the bulk system, carbon dioxide Carbon Dioxide
porosity in the weld deposit. is usually drawn off as a liquid and Gas Cylinder
– 14 –
welding steel. These are deep penetration and low cost.
Carbon dioxide promotes a globular transfer.
– 15 –
ELECTRODES signed machinery. Illustration 4-4 shows one simplified
version of the apparatus for producing tubular type cored
electrodes on continuous production. A thin, narrow,
Core flat, low-carbon steel strip passes through forming rolls
Sheath • Alloying Materials
• Flux which form the strip into a U-shaped cross-section. This
• Slag Formers U-shaped steel passes through a special filling device
where a measured amount of the specially formulated
granular core material is added. The flux-filled U-shaped
Illustration 4.3 – Cross-Section of a Flux Cored Wire strip then flows through special closing rolls which form
it into a tube and tightly compress the core materials.
This tube is then pulled through draw dies to reduce its
The electrodes for flux cored arc welding consist of a
diameter and further compress the core materials. Draw-
metal sheath surrounding a core of fluxing and/or alloy-
ing tightly seals the sheath and additionally secures the
ing compounds as shown in Illustration 4-3. The core of
core materials inside the tube under compression thus
carbon steel and low alloy electrodes contain primarily
avoiding discontinuities in the flux. The electrode may or
fluxing compounds. Some of the low alloy steel electrode
may not be baked during, or between, drawing opera-
cores contain high amounts of alloying compounds with
tions. This depends on the type of electrode and the type
a low flux content. Most low alloy steel electrodes re-
of elements and compounds enclosed in the sheath.
quire gas shielding. The sheath comprises approximately
75 to 90% of the weight of the electrode. Self-shielded
Additional drawing operations are performed on the wire
electrodes contain more fluxing compounds than gas-
to produce various electrode diameters. Flux cored elec-
shielded electrodes. The compounds contained in the
trode wires are commonly available in sizes ranging from
electrode perform essentially the same functions as the
.035-5/32 inch.
coating of a covered electrode used in shielded metal arc
welding. These functions are:
The finished electrode is wound into a continuous coil,
spool, reel or drum. These are available as 10 Ib., 15 Ib.,
1) To form a slag coating that floats on the surface of
or 50 Ib. spools, 60 Ib. (27 kg) coils, 250 or 500 Ib. (113-
the weld metal and protects it during solidification.
225 kg) reels, or a 600 Ib. drum. Electrode wires are gen-
2) To provide deoxidizer and scavengers which help
erally wrapped in plastic to prevent moisture pick-up.
purify and produce solid weld metal.
3) To provide arc stabilizers which produce a smooth
welding arc and keep spatter to a minimum.
4) To add alloying elements to the weld metal which will
The classification system used for tubular wire electrodes
increase the strength and improve other properties in
throughout industry in the United States was devised by
the weld metal.
the American Welding Society (AWS). There are several
5) To provide shielding gas. Gas-shielded wires require
different specifications covering flux cored arc welding
an external supply of shielding gas to supplement
electrodes for steels which are shown in illustration 4-5.
that produced by the core of the electrode.
– 16 –
The AWS specification for carbon steel and low-alloy AWS
steel electrodes uses two classification systems. Specification Specification Title / Metal
Stainless Steel Flux Cored and
The “fixed classification system” includes electrodes that A5.22
Metal Cored Welding Electrode and Rods
have gained wide acceptance over the years, and they Carbon and Low Alloy Steel Flux Cored Electrodes for
are classified by their specific mechanical properties. Il- A5.36 Flux Cored Arc Welding and Metal Cored Electrodes for
lustration 4-6 shows the electrodes that are included in Gas Metal Arc Welding
the fixed classification system. Illustration 4-5 – AWS Filler Electrodes
Specifications for Flux Cored Arc Welding
– 17 –
The “open classification system” is designed to better strength in units of 10,000 ksi (69 MPa). Illustration
define the performance capabilities of advanced elec- 4-7 shows the tension test requirements.
trodes that are being developed. 3) The third digit indicates the welding position. A “0”
indicates flat and horizontal positions only, and a “1”
An example is E80T5-M21P6-Ni2 where: indicates all positions.
1) The “E” indicates an electrode. 4) The “T” stands for a tubular (flux cored) wire classifi-
cation and the “5” designates the usability character-
2) The number “8” designates the minimum tensile istics of the electrode. See Illustration 4-11.
Tensile Strength Single Pass For A5.36 Multiple Pass Electrodes For A5.36 Multiple Pass Electrodes
Designator Electrodes U.S. Customary Units International System of Units (SI)
U.S. International Min. Tensile Tensile Min. Yield Minimum Tensile Min. Yield Minimum
Customary System of Strength Strength Strengtha Percent Strength Strengtha Percent
Units Units (SI) ksi (MPa) (ksi) (ksi) Elongationb (MPa) (MPa) Elongationb
6 43 60 (430) 60-80 48 22 430-550 330 22
7 49 70 (490) 70-95 58 22 490-660 400 22
8 55 80 (550) 80-100 68 19 550-690 470 19
9 62 90 (620) 90-110 78 17 620-760 540 17
10 69 100 (690) 100-120 88 16 690-830 610 16
11 76 110 (760) 110-130 98 15 760-900 680 15
12 83 120 (830) 120-140 108 14 830-970 740 14
13 90 130 (900) 130-150 118 14 900-1040 810 14
a) Yield strength at 0.2% offset.
b) In 2 in (50 mm]) gauge length when a 0.500 in. (12.5 mm) nominal diameter tensile specimen and nominal gauge length to diameter ratio of 4:1 (as specified in the Tension Test
section of AWS B4.0) is used. In 1 in. (25 mm) gauge length when a 0.250 in (6.5 mm) nominal tensile specimen is used as permitted for 0.045 in. (1.2 mm) and smaller sizes of
the E7XT11-AZ-CS3 (E49XT11-AZ-CS3).
c) Elongation requirement may be reduced by one percentage point if the tensile strength of the weld metal is in the upper 25% of the tensile strength range.
Illustration 4-7 – Tension Test Requirements for Carbon and Low Alloy Steel Flux Cored Electrodes
(Source: AWS A5.36)
AWS A5.36/5.36M Composition Ranges for Indicated Nominal Composition of Shielding Gases to be Used for Clas-
AWS A5.36 Main/Sub Groupb sification of Gas Shielded Electrodes to AWS A5.36/5.36M
Shielding Gas
Designatora Oxidizing Componentsc ISO 14175 Oxidizing Componentsc,e
% CO2 % O2 Designation % CO2 % O2
C1 100 – C1 100 –
M12 0.5 ≤ CO2 ≤ 5 – M12-ArC-3 3 –
M13 – 0.5 ≤ O2 ≤ 3 M13-ArO-2 – 2
M14 0.5 ≤ CO2 ≤ 5 0.5 ≤ O2 ≤ 3 M14-ArCO-3/2 3 2
M20 5 < CO2 ≤ 15 – M20-ArC-10 10 –
M21 15 < CO2 ≤ 25 – M21-ArC-20 20 –
M22 – 3 < O2 ≤ 10 M22-ArO-7 – 7
M23 .05 ≤ CO2 ≤ 5 3 < O2 ≤ 10 M23-ArO-7/3 3 7
M24 5 < CO2 ≤ 15 0.5 ≤ O2 ≤ 3 M24-ArCO-10/2 10 2
M25 5 < CO2 ≤ 15 3 < O2 ≤ 10 M25-ArCO-10/7 10 7
M26 15 < CO2 ≤ 25 0.5 ≤ O2 ≤ 3 M26-ArCO-20/2 20 2
M27 15 < CO2 ≤ 25 3 < O2 ≤ 10 M27-ArCO-20/7 20 7
M31 25 < CO2 ≤ 50 – M31-ArC-38 38 –
M32 – 10 < O2 ≤ 15 M32-ArO-12.5 – 12.5
M33 25 < CO2 ≤ 50 2 < O2 ≤ 10 M33-ArCO-38/6 38 6
M34 5 < CO2 ≤ 25 10 < O2 ≤ 15 M34-ArCO-15/12.5 15 12.5
M35 25 < CO2 ≤ 25 10 < O2 ≤ 15 M35-ArCO-38/12.5 38 12.5
The designator “Z” indicates that the shielding gas used for electrode classification is not one of the shielding gases
Z specified in this table but is a different composition as agreed upon between the supplier and purchaser.
a) The Shielding Gas Designators are identical to the Main group/Sub-group designators used in AWS A5.32M/A5.32:2011 (ISO 14175:2008 MOD), Welding Consumables –
Gases and Gas Mixtures for Fusion Welding and Allied Processes, for these same shielding gases.
b) Under AWS A5.32M/A5.32:2011, the inert gas used for the balance of the gas mixture may be either argon, helium, or some mixture thereof.
c) The mixture tolerances are:
For a component gas with a nominal concentration of >5%, ±10% of nominal.
For a component gas with a nominal concentration of 1-5%, ±0.5% absolute.
For a component gas with a nominal concentration of <1%, not specified in this standard.
d) AWS A5.32M/A5.32:2011 shielding gas designators begin with “AWS A5.32 (ISO 14175).” That part of the designation has been omitted from the Shielding Gas Designator
e) The inert gas to be used for the balance of the gas mixtures specified for the classification of gas-shielded flux cored electrodes shall be argon.
– 18 –
5) The “M21” designates the shielding gas. The absence 7) The number “6” indicates impact test requirements as
of a designator in this position would indicate a self- shown in Illustration 4-10.
shielding electrode. See Illustration 4-8. 8) The “Ni2” indicates the chemical composition of the
6) The “P” indicates the tested weld was Postweld weld metal as shown in Illustration 4-12.
Treated. A letter “A” in this position would indicate as
welded, and a letter “G” would indicate as agreed be- Optional supplementary designators pertaining to dif-
tween supplier and purchaser. Illustration 4-9 shows fusible hydrogen and temperature variables can also be
the heat treatment test specifications. added at the end of the electrode classification.
For A5.36 Multiple Pass Electrodes For A5.36 Multiple Pass Electrodes
U.S. Customary Units International System of Units (SI)
Impact Maximum Test Minimum Average Impact Maximum Test Minimum Average
Designatora,b Temperaturec,d (ºF) Energy Level Designatora,b Temperaturec,d (ºC) Energy Level
Y +68 Y +20
0 0 0 0
2 -20 2 -20
4 -40 3 -30
5 -50 20 ft•lbf 4 -40 27 J
6 -60 5 -50
8 -80 6 -60
10 -100 7 -70
15 -150 10 -100
Z No Impact Requirements. Z No Impact Requirements.
G As agreed between supplier and purchaser.
a) Based on the results of the impact tests of the weld metal, the manufacturer shall insert in the classification the appropriate designator from this table.
b) When classifying an electrode to A5.36 using U.S. Customary Units, the Impact Designator indicates the maximum impact lest temperature in degrees Fahrenheit. When
classifying to A5.36M using the International System of Units (Sl), the Impact Designator indicates the maximum impact test temperature in degrees Celsius. With the exception
of the Impact Designator “4”, a given Impact Designator will indicate different temperatures depending upon whether classification is according to A5.36 in U.S. Customary Units
or according to A5.36M in the International System of Units (SI). For example, a “2” Impact Designator when classifying to A5.36 indicates a lest temperature of -20° F. When
classifying to A5.36M, the “2” Impact Designator indicates a test temperature of -20° C, which is -4° F.
c) Weld metal from an electrode that meets the impact requirements at a given temperature also meets the requirements at all higher temperatures in this table. For example, weld
metal meeting the A5.36 requirements for designator “5” also meets the requirements for designators 4, 2, 0, and Y. (Weld metal meeting the A5.36M requirements for designator
“5” also meets the requirements for designators 4, 3, 2, 0, and Y.)
d) Filler metal classification testing to demonstrate conformance to a specified minimum acceptable level for impact testing, i.e., minimum energy at specific temperature, can be
met by testing and meeting the minimum energy requirement at any lower temperature. In these cases, the actual temperature used for testing shall be listed on the
certification documentation when issued.
Illustration 4-10 – Impact Test Requirements for Carbon and Low Alloy Steel Flux Cored Electrodes (Source: AWS A5.36)
– 19 –
Usability Position
Process General Description of Electrode Typeb,c Polarityf
Designatora of Weldinga, b
Flux cored electrodes of this type are gas-shielded and have a rutile base
T1 FCAW-G slag. They are characterized by a spray transfer, low spatter loss, and a H, F, VU, OH DCEP
moderate volume of slag which completely covers the weld.
Flux cored electrodes of this type are similar to the “T1” type of electrode
but with higher manganese or silicon, or both. They are designed primarily
T1S FCAW-G for single pass welding in the flat and horizontal positions. The higher levels H, F, VU, OH DCEP
of deoxidizers in this electrode type allow single pass welding of heavily
oxidized or rimmed steel.
Flux cored electrodes of this type are self-shielded and are intended for
single pass welding and are characterized by a spray type transfer. The H, F
titanium-based slag system is designed to make very high welding speeds
Flux cored electrodes of this type are self-shielded and are characterized by
a globular type transfer. Its flouride-based basic slag system is designed to
make very high deposition rates possible and to make low sulfur welds for
improved resistance to hot cracking.
Flux cored electrodes of this type are gas-shielded and are characterized
by a globular transfer, slightly convex bead contour, and a thin slag that
T5 FCAW-G may not completely cover the weld bead. They have a lime-flouride slag H, F, VU, OH
system and develop improved impact properties and better cold cracking
resistance than typically exhibited by the “T1” type electrodes.
Flux cored electrodes of this type are self-shielded and are characterized by
a spray type transfer. Its oxide-based slag system is designed to produce
good low temperature impacts, good penetration into the root of the weld,
and excellent slag removal.
Flux cored electrodes of this type are self-shielded and are characterized by
a small droplet to spray type transfer. The flouride-based slag system is de-
signed to provide high deposition rates in the downhand positions with the
larger diameters and out of position capabilities with the smaller diameters.
Flux cored electrodes of this type are self-shielded and are characterized
by a small droplet to spray type transfer. The flouride-based slag system is
T8 FCAW-S designed to provide improved out-of-position control. The weld metal pro- H, F, VD, VU, OH DCEN
duced typically exhibits very good low temperature notch toughness and
crack resistance.
– 20 –
Usability Position
Process General Description of Electrode Typeb,c Polarityf
Designatora of Weldinga, b
Flux cored electrodes of this type are similar in design and application to
the “T1” types but with improved weld metal notch toughness capabilities.
Flux cored electrodes of this type are self-shielded and are characterized by
T10S FCAW-S a small droplet transfer. The flouride-based slag system is designed to make H, F DCEN
single pass welds at high travel speeds on steel of any thickness.
Flux cored electrodes of this type are self-shielded and are characterized by
T11 FCAW-S a smooth spray type transfer, limited slag coverage, and are generally not H, F, VD, OH DCEN
recommended for the welding of materials over 3/4 in. (20 mm) thick.
Flux cored electrodes of this type are similar in design and application to the
“T1” types, however, they have been modified for improved impact tough-
ness and to meet the lower manganese requirements of the A-No. 1 Analy-
sis Group in the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section IX.
Flux cored electrodes of this type are self-shielded and are characterized by
T14S FCAW-S a smooth spray type transfer. The slag system is designed for single pass H, F, VD, OH DCEN
welds in all positions and at high travel speeds.
Not Speci-
G – As agreed upon between supplier and purchaser. Not Specified
a) An “S” is added to the end of the Usability Designator when the electrode being classified is recommended for single pass applications only.
b) For more information refer to AWS A5.36/A5.36M, A7, Description and Intended Use, in Annex A.
c) Properties of weld metal from electrodes that are used with external shielding gas will vary according to the shielding gas used. Electrodes classified with a specific shielding gas
should not be used with other shielding gases without first consulting the manufacturer of the electrode.
d) H = horizontal position, F = flat position, OH = overhead position, VU = vertical position with upward progression, VD - vertical position with downward progression.
e) Electrode sizes suitable for out-of-position welding, i.e., welding positions other that flat and horizontal, are usually those sizes that are smaller than the 3/32 in. (2.4 mm) size or
or the nearest size called for in Clause 9 for the groove weld. For that reason, electrodes meeting the requirements for the groove weld test may be classified as EX1TX-XXX-X
(where X represents the tensile strength, usability, shielding gas, if any, condition of heat treatment, impact test temperature, and weld metal composition designators) regardless
of their size.
f) The term “DCEP” refers to direct current electrode positive (dc, reverse polarity). The term “DCEN” refers to direct current electrode negative (dc, straight polarity).
g) Some EX1T5-XXX-X electrodes may be recommended for use on DCEN for improved out-of-position welding. Consult the manufacturer for the recommended polarity.
h) For this electrode type the welding current can be conventional sinusoidal alternating current, a modified AC waveform alternating between positive and negative, an alternating
DCEP waveform, or an alternating DCEN waveform.
Illustration 4-11 – Usability Characteristics for Carbon and Low Alloy Steel Flux Cored Electrodes
(Source: AWS A5.36)
– 21 –
Weight Percentc
Weld Metal UNS
Designation Numberb C Mn Si S P Ni Cr Mo V Al Cu Otherd
CS1e – 0.12 1.75 0.90 0.030 0.030 0.50f 0.20f 0.30f 0.08 – 0.35 –
CS2e,g – 0.12 1.60 0.90 0.030 0.030 0.50f 0.20f 0.30f 0.08 – 0.35 –
CS3e – 0.30 1.75 0.60 0.030 0.030 0.50f 0.20f 0.30f 0.08 1.8f,h 0.35 –
0.40 to
A1 W1703X 0.12 1.25 0.030 0.030 0.30 – – – – – –
0.40 to 0.40 to
B1L W5113X 0.05 1.25 0.80 0.030 0.030 – – – – –
0.65 0.65
1.00 to 0.40 to
B2L W5213X 0.05 1.25 0.80 0.030 0.030 – – – – –
1.50 0.65
2.00 to 0.90 to
B3L W5313X 0.05 1.25 0.80 0.030 0.030 – – – – –
2.50 1.20
4.0 to 0.45 to
B6L W50230 0.05 1.25 1.00 0.030 0.025 0.40 – – 0.50 –
6.0 0.65
8.0 to 0.85 to
B8L W50430 0.05 1.25 1.00 0.030 0.040 0.40 – – 0.50 –
10.5 1.20
0.80 to
Ni1 W2103X 0.12 1.75 0.80 0.030 0.030 0.15 0.35 0.05 1.8h – –
1.75 to
Ni2 W2203X 0.12 1.50 0.80 0.030 0.030 – – – 1.8h – –
2.75 to
Ni3 W2303X 0.12 1.50 0.80 0.030 0.030 – – – 1.8h – –
Continued on next page.
Illustration 4-12 – Chemical Composition Requirements for Carbon and Low Alloy Steel Flux Cored Electrodesa
(Source: AWS A5.36)
– 22 –
Weight Percentc
Weld Metal UNS
Designation Numberb C Mn Si S P Ni Cr Mo V Al Cu Otherd
1.25 to 0.25 to
D1 W1913X 0.12 0.80 0.030 0.030 – – – – – –
2.00 0.55
1.65 to 0.25 to
D2 W1923X 0.15 0.80 0.030 0.030 – – – – – –
2.25 0.55
1.00 to 0.40 to
D3 W1933X 0.12 0.80 0.030 0.030 – – – – – –
1.75 0.65
0.50 to 1.00 to
K2 W2123X 0.15 0.80 0.030 0.030 0.15 0.35 0.05 1.8h – –
1.75 2.00
0.50 to 0.40 to
K6 W2104X 0.15 0.80 0.030 0.030 0.20 0.15 0.05 1.8h – –
1.50 1.00
1.00 to 2.00 to
K7 W2105X 0.15 0.80 0.030 0.030 – – – – – –
1.75 2.75
1.00 to 0.50 to
K8 W2143X 0.15 0.40 0.030 0.030 0.20 0.20 0.05 1.8h – –
2.00 1.50
0.50 to 1.30 to
K9 W2323X 0.07 0.60 0.015 0.015 0.20 0.50 0.05 – 0.06 –
1.50 3.75
1.25 to 1.75 to
K10 – 0.12 0.80 0.030 0.030 0.20 0.50 – – 0.50 –
2.25 2.75
1.00 to 0.40 to
K11 – 0.15 0.80 0.030 0.030 0.20 0.50 0.05 1.8h – –
2.00 1.00
G – m
As agreed upon between supplier and purchaser.
a) The weld metal shall be analyzed for the specific elements for which values are shown in this table.
b) Refer to ASTM DS-56/SAE HS-1086, Metals and Alloys in the Unified Numbering System. An “X”, when present in the last position, represents the usability designator for the
electrode type used to deposit the weld metal. An exception to this applies to the “11” electrode type where a “9” is used instead of an “11”.
c) Single values arc maximums.
d) An analysis of the weld deposit for for boron is required and shall be reported if this element is intentionally added or if it is known to be present at levels in excess of 0.0010%.
e) The total of all the elements listed in this classification shall not exceed 5%.
f) The analysis of these elements shall be reported only if intentionally added.
g) Meets the lower Mn requirements of the A-No. 1 Analysis Group in the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section DC, Welding and Brazing Qualifications, QW-422.
h) Applicable to self-shielded electrodes only. Electrodes intended for use with gas shielding normally do not have significant additions of aluminum.
i) The “B91” designation is a new designation, replacving the “B9” designation previously used for this alloy type.
j) Mn+Ni = 1.40% maximum. See AWS A5.36/A.536M, A7.17.2 in Annex A.
k) Analysis for Co is required to be reported if intentionally added, or if it is known to be present at levels greater than 0.20%.
m) The limit for gas-shielded electrodes is 0.18% maximum. The limit for self-shielded electrodes is 0.30% maximum.
n) The composition of weld metal is not particulalry meaningful since electrodes in this category are intended only for single pass welds. Dilution from the base metal in such weld is
usually quite high. See AWS A5.36/A.536M, A7.2 in Annex A.
Illustration 4-12 – Chemical Composition Requirements for Carbon and Low Alloy Steel Flux Cored Electrodesa
(Source: AWS A5.36)
– 23 –
Weight Percentb,c
Classification Numberc C Cr Ni Mo Nb + Ta Mn Si P S N Cu Other
18.0 to 9.0 to 0.5 to 3.30 to
E307TX-X W30731 0.13 – 1.0 0.04 0.03 – 0.75 –
20.5 10.5 1.5 4.75
18.0 to 9.0 to 0.5 to
E308TX-X W30831 0.08 0.75 – 1.0 0.04 0.03 – 0.75 –
21.0 11.0 2.5
0.04 to 18.0 to 9.0 to 0.5 to
E308HTX-X W30831 0.75 – 1.0 0.04 0.03 – 0.75 –
0.08 21.0 11.0 2.5
18.0 to 9.0 to 0.5 to
E308LTX-X W30835 0.04 0.75 – 1.0 0.04 0.03 – 0.75 –
21.0 11.0 2.5
18.0 to 9.0 to 2.0 to 0.5 to
E308HMoTX-X W30832 0.08 – 1.0 0.04 0.03 – 0.75 –
21.0 11.0 3.0 2.5
18.0 to 9.0 to 2.0 to 0.5 to
E308LMoTX-X W30838 0.04 – 1.0 0.04 0.03 – 0.75 –
21.0 12.0 3.0 2.5
22.0 to 12.0 to 0.5 to
E309TX-X W30931 0.10 0.75 – 1.0 0.04 0.03 – 0.75 –
25.0 14.0 2.5
0.04 to 22.0 to 12.0 to 0.5 to
E309HTX-X W30931 0.50 – 1.0 0.04 0.03 – 0.75 –
0.10 25.0 14.0 2.5
22.0 to 12.0 to 0.5 to
E309LTX-X W30935 0.04 0.75 – 1.0 0.04 0.03 – 0.75 –
25.0 14.0 2.5
21.0 to 12.0 to 2.0 to 0.5 to
E309LMoTX-X W30939 0.12 – 1.0 0.04 0.03 – 0.75 –
25.0 16.0 3.0 2.5
21.0 to 12.0 to 2.0 to 0.5 to
E309LNiMoTX-X W30938 0.04 – 1.0 0.04 0.03 – 0.75 –
25.0 16.0 3.0 2.5
20.5 to 15.0 to 2.5 to 0.5 to
E309NiMoTX-X W30936 0.04 – 1.0 0.04 0.03 – 0.75 –
23.5 17.0 3.5 2.5
22.0 to 12.0 to 0.70 to 0.5 to
E309LNbTX-X W30932 0.04 0.75 1.0 0.04 0.03 – 0.75 –
25.0 14.0 1.00 2.5
25.0 to 20.0 to 1.0 to
E310TX-X W31031 0.20 0.75 – 1.0 0.03 0.03 – 0.75 –
28.0 22.5 2.5
28.0 to 8.0 to 0.5 to
E312TX-X W31331 0.15 0.75 – 1.0 0.04 0.03 – 0.75 –
32.0 10.5 2.5
17.0 to 11.0 to 2.0 to 0.5 to
E316TX-X W31631 0.08 – 1.0 0.04 0.03 – 0.75 –
20.0 14.0 3.0 2.5
0.04 to 17.0 to 11.0 to 2.0 to 0.5 to
E316HTX-X W31631 – 1.0 0.04 0.03 – 0.75 –
0.08 20.0 14.0 3.0 2.5
17.0 to 11.0 to 2.0 to 0.5 to
E316LTX-X W31635 0.04 – 1.0 0.04 0.03 – 0.75 –
20.0 14.0 3.0 2.5
18.0 to 12.0 to 3.0 to 0.5 to
E317LTX-X W31735 0.04 – 1.0 0.04 0.03 – 0.75 –
21.0 14.0 4.0 2.5
8xC min
18.0 to 19.0 to 0.5 to
E347TX-X W34731 0.08 0.75 to 1.0 1.0 0.04 0.03 – 0.75 –
21.0 11.0 2.5
8xC min
0.04 to 18.0 to 9.0 to 0.5 to
E347HTX-X W34731 0.75 to 1.0 1.0 0.04 0.03 – 0.75 –
0.08 21.0 11.0 2.5
18.0 to
E409TX-X W40931 0.10 0.60 0.75 – 0.80 1.0 0.04 0.03 – 0.75 min to 1.5
21.0 max
8xC min
10.5 to
E409NbTX-X W40957 0.10 0.6 0.5 to 1.0 1.2 1.0 0.04 0.03 – 0.75 –
13.5 max
11.0 to
E410TX-X W41031 0.12 0.60 0.75 – 1.2 1.0 0.04 0.03 – 0.75 –
11.0 to 4.0 to 0.40 to
E410NiMoTX-X W41036 0.06 – 1.0 1.0 0.04 0.03 – 0.75 –
12.5 5.0 0.70
15.0 to
E430TX-X W43031 0.10 0.60 0.75 – 1.2 1.0 0.04 0.03 – 0.75 –
15.0 to 0.5 to
E430NbTX-X W43057 0.10 0.6 0.5 1.2 1.0 0.04 0.03 – 0.75 –
18.0 1.5
21.0 to 7.5 to 2.5 to 0.5 to 0.08 to
E2209TX-X W39239 0.04 – 1.0 0.04 0.03 0.75 –
24.0 10.0 4.0 2.0 0.20
24.0 to 8.5 to 2.9 to 0.5 to 0.10 to 1.5 to
E2553TX-X W39533 0.04 – 0.75 0.04 0.03 –
27.0 10.5 3.9 1.5 0.25 2.5
24.0 to 8.0 to 2.5 to 0.5 to 0.20 to
E2594TX-X W39594 0.04 – 1.0 0.04 0.03 0.75 W = 10
27.0 10.5 4.5 2.5 0.30
EGTX-X g Not Specified
19.5 to 9.0 to 0.5 to 3.30 to
E307T0-3 W30733 0.13 – 1.0 0.04 0.03 – 0.75 –
22.0 10.5 1.5 4.75
E308T0-3 19.5 to 9.0 to 0.5 to
W30833 0.08 0.75 – 1.0 0.04 0.03 – 0.75 –
22.0 11.0 2.5
Illustration 4-13 – Chemical Composition Requirements for Stainless Steel Flux Cored Electrodes
(Source: AWS A5.22)
– 24 –
Weight Percentb,c
Classification Numberc C Cr Ni Mo Nb + Ta Mn Si P S N Cu Other
19.5 to 9.0 to 0.5 to
E308HT0-3 W30833 0.08 0.75 – 1.0 0.04 0.03 – 0.75 –
22.0 11.0 2.5
19.5 to 9.0 to 0.5 to
E308LT0-3 W30837 0.04 0.75 – 1.0 0.04 0.03 – 0.75 –
22.0 11.0 2.5
18.0 to 9.0 to 2.0 to 0.5 to
E308MoT0-3 W30839 0.08 – 1.0 0.04 0.03 – 0.75 –
21.0 11.0 3.0 2.5
0.07 to 19.0 to 9.0 to 1.8 to 1.25 to 0.25 to
E308HMoT0-3 W30830 – 0.04 0.03 – 0.75 –
0.12 21.5 10.7 2.4 2.25 0.80
18.0 to 9.0 to 2.0 to 0.5 to
E308LMoT0-3 W30838 0.4 – 1.0 0.04 0.03 – 0.75 –
21.0 12.0 3.0 2.5
23.0 to 12.0 to 0.5 to
E309T0-3 W30933 0.10 0.75 – 1.0 0.04 0.03 – 0.75 –
25.5 14.0 2.5
23.0 to 12.0 to 0.5 to
E309LT0-3 W30937 0.4 0.75 – 1.0 0.04 0.03 – 0.75 –
25.5 14.0 2.5
21.0 to 12.0 to 2.0 to 0.5 to
E309MoT0-3 W30939 0.12 – 1.0 0.04 0.03 – 0.75 –
25.0 16.0 3.0 2.5
21.0 to 12.0 to 2.0 to 0.5 to
E309LMoT0-3 W30938 0.4 – 1.0 0.04 0.03 – 0.75 –
25.0 16.0 3.0 2.5
23.0 to 12.0 to 0.70 to 0.5 to
E309LNbT0-3 W30934 0.4 0.75 1.0 0.04 0.03 – 0.75 –
25.5 14.0 1.00 2.5
25.0 to 20.0 to 1.0 to
E310T0-3 W31031 0.20 0.75 – 1.0 0.04 0.03 – 0.75 –
28.0 22.5 2.5
28.0 to 8.0 to 0.5 to
E312T0-3 W31231 0.15 0.75 – 1.0 0.04 0.03 – 0.75 –
32.0 10.5 2.5
18.0 to 11.0 to 2.0 to 0.5 to
E316T0-3 W31633 0.08 – 1.0 0.03 0.03 – 0.75 –
20.5 14.0 3.0 2.5
18.0 to 11.0 to 2.0 to 0.5 to
E316LT0-3 W31637 0.04 – 1.0 0.04 0.03 – 0.75 –
20.5 14.0 3.0 2.5
17.0 to 11.0 to 2.0 to 0.5 to
E316LKT0-3 f W31630 0.04 – 1.0 0.04 0.03 – 0.75 –
20.0 14.0 3.0 2.5
18.5 to 13.0 to 3.0 to 0.5 to
E317LT0-3 W31737 0.04 – 1.0 0.04 0.03 – 0.75 –
21.0 15.0 4.0 2.5
8XC min
19.0 to 9.0 to 0.5 to
E347LT0-3 W34733 0.08 0.75 to 1.0 1.0 0.04 0.03 – 0.75 –
21.5 11.0 2.5
10.5 to
E409LT0-3 W40931 0.10 0.60 0.75 – 0.80 1.0 0.04 0.03 – 0.75 min to 1.5
12.5 max
11.0 to
E410LT0-3 W41031 0.12 0.60 0.75 – 1.0 1.0 0.04 0.03 – 0.75 –
11.0 to 4.0 to 0.40 to
E410NiMoT0-3 W41036 0.06 – 1.0 1.0 0.04 0.03 – 0.75 –
12.5 5.0 0.70
15.0 to 0.08 to
E430T0-3 W43031 0.10 0.60 0.75 – 1.0 1.0 0.04 0.03 0.75 –
18.0 0.20
21.0 to 7.5 to 2.5 to 0.5 to 0.10 to
E2209T0-3 W39239 0.04 – 1.0 0.04 0.03 0.75 –
24.0 10.0 4.0 2.0 0.25
24.0 to 8.5 to 2.9 to 0.5 to 0.20 to 1.5 to 2.5
E2553T0-3 W39533 0.04 – 0.75 0.04 0.03 –
27.0 10.5 3.9 1.5 0.30
24.0 to 8.0 to 2.5 to 0.5 to
E2594T0-3 W39594 0.04 – 1.0 0.04 0.03 – 1.5 W = 10
27.0 10.5 4.5 2.5
EGTX-3g Not Specified
18.0 to 9.0 to 0.5 to
R308LT1-5 W30835 0.03 0.75 – 1.2 0.04 0.03 – 0.75 –
21.0 11.0 2.5
22.0 to 12.0 to 0.5 to
R309LT1-5 W30935 0.03 0.75 – 1.2 0.04 0.03 – 0.75 –
25.0 14.0 2.5
17.0 to 11.0 to 2.0 to 0.5 to
R316LT1-5 W31635 0.03 – 1.2 0.04 0.03 – 0.75 –
20.0 14.0 3.0 2.5
8XC min
18.0 to 9.0 to 0.5 to
R347T1-5 W34731 0.08 0.75 to 1.0 1.2 0.04 0.03 – 0.75 –
21.0 11.0 2.5
RGT1-5g Not Specified
a) The weld metal shall be analyzed for the specific elements in this table. If the presence of other elements is indicated in the course of this work, the amount of those elements
shall be determined to ensure that their total (excluding iron) does not exceed 0.50%.
b) Single values shown are maximum.
c) For flux cored electrodes and rods intended for elevated temperature service (above approximately 750º F [400º C] and for post weld heat treatment above 900º F [500º C],
bismuth (Bi) should be restricted to 0.002 wt % (20 ppm) maximum. See AWS A7.24 for more information.
d) In this table, the “X” following the “T” refers to the position of welding (1 for all-position or 0 for flat or horizontal operation) and the “X” following the dash refers to the shielding
medium (-1 or -4) as shown in the AWS Classification column in Table 2.
e) SAE HS-1086 / ASTM DS-56, Metals & Metal Alloys in the Unified Numbering System.
f) This alloy is designed for cryogenic applications.
g) See AWS A2.2.7 and A2.2.8.
Illustration 4-13 – Chemical Composition Requirements for Stainless Steel Flux Cored Electrodes
(Source: AWS A5.22)
– 25 –
AWSa External Welding most important criteria for selecting a filler metal to
Classification Shielding Gasb Polarity be used on low carbon and many low alloy steels.
EXXXTX-1 CO2 DCEP 2) Base Metal Composition – The chemical compo-
EXXXTX-3 None (self-shielded) DCEP
sition of the metal to be welded should be known.
Closely matching the filler and base metal composi-
EXXXTX-4 75-85% Ar / remainder CO2 DCEP tions is important when corrosion resistance and
creep resistance are needed. The filler metals for
EXXXTX-G Not Specified Not Specified
welding stainless steels and alloy steels are usually
a) The letters “XXX” stand for the designation of the chemical composition chosen on the basis of matching chemical composi-
(see AWS A5.22, Table 1). The “X” after the “T” designates the position of operation.
A “0” indicates flat or horizontal operation; a “1” indicates all-position operation. tions.
Refer to AWS A5.22, Figure A and Clause A2 for a complete description of this
classification system. 3) Welding Position – Flux cored electrodes are de-
b) The requirements for the use of a specified external shielding gas shall not be
construed to restrict the use of any other media, for which the electrodes are found signed to be used in specific positions. Wire diameter
suitable, for any application other than the classification tests. is the major factor limiting the position in which an
c) See AWS A2.2.7 to A2.2.9 for additional information.
d) AWS A5.32/A5.32M class SG-C. electrode can be used. All position electrodes are
e) AWS A5.32/A5.32M class SG-AC-25 or SG-AC-20. available only in the smaller sizes. Flat and horizontal
f) AWS A5.32/A5.32M class SG-A.
g) AWS A5.32/A5.32M class SG-A, SG-AO-1 or SG-AO-2. position only electrodes may have very similar com-
positions but are available in all sizes or the larger
Illustration 4-14 – Required Shielding Gas and Polarity for
Stainless Steel Flux Cored Electrodes sizes which cannot be easily used for vertical and
(Source: AWS A5.22) overhead welding. Electrodes should be selected to
match the welding position.
The classification system for stainless steel electrodes is 4) Welding Current – Flux cored electrodes are de-
based on the chemical composition of the weld metal signed to operate on either direct current electrode
and the type of shielding to be employed during welding. negative or direct current electrode positive. Elec-
An example of a stainless steel electrode classification is trodes operating on DCEN generally give lighter
E308T1-1 where: penetration and higher deposition rates. Electrodes
operating on DCEP generally provide deeper penetra-
1) The “E” indicates an electrode.
2) The digits between the “E” and the “T” indicate the
5) Joint Design and Fit-up – Electrodes should be
chemical composition of the weld as shown in illus-
chosen according to their penetration characteris-
tration 4-13.
tics. Gas-shielded flux cored wires produce deeper
3) The “T” stands for a tubular (flux cored) wire classifi- penetration than self-shielding wires. This can have
cation. an effect on the joint design used.
4) The next digit indicates the welding position. A “0” 6) Thickness and Shape of Base Metal – Weldments
indicates flat and horizontal positions only, and a “1” may include thick sections or complex shapes which
indicates all positions. may require maximum ductility to avoid weld crack-
ing. Electrodes that give the best ductility should be
5) The suffix indicates the type of shielding to be used
used for these applications.
as shown in illustration 4-14.
7) Service Conditions and/or Specifications – For
Electrode Selection weldments subject to severe conditions such as low
temperature, high temperature, or shock loading,
The selection of the proper electrode for an application is an electrode that matches the ductility and impact
based on the type of metal to be welded and the specific strength of the steel should be selected.
chemical and mechanical properties required of the joint.
8) Production Efficiency and Job Conditions – Large
Identification of the base metal is required to select an
diameter electrodes should be used, if possible, to
electrode. If the type of metal is not known, tests must be
give higher deposition rates.
made based on visual, magnetic, chisel, flame, fracture,
spark or chemistry tests.
Flux cored electrodes for carbon and low alloy steels are
each designed for specific applications based on the
The selection of the proper filler metal for a specific job
composition of the flux core of the wire. Each suffix used
application is quite involved but may be based on the
indicates a general grouping of electrodes that have simi-
following factors.
lar flux components and usability characteristics.
1) Base Metal Strength Properties – This is done by
A T-1 electrode is a single or multiple pass electrode.
choosing an electrode wire to match the tensile or
It operates on DCEP and requires gas shielding. It pro-
yield strength of a metal. This is usually one of the
– 26 –
duces a flat to slightly convex weld bead with a moder- T-11 electrodes are self-shielded electrodes that operate
ate slag coating. T-1 electrodes produce a fine globular on DCEN for single and multiple pass welding. These
transfer and low spatter levels. Welds produced with T-1 are general purpose electrodes for all position welding
electrodes have good mechanical properties. at moderate travel speeds. They produce a fine globular
A T-2 electrode operates on DCEP and also requires gas
shielding. These electrodes are similar to T-1 types, but T-G electrodes are for multiple pass welding which are
are designed to weld over rust and scale. They are for not covered by another classification.
single-pass welding only because of their high silicon
and manganese contents. T-GS electrodes are single pass electrodes which are not
covered by another classification. The operating condi-
T-3 electrodes are self-shielding wires using DCEP for tions and characteristics are not defined for the T-G and
single-pass welding operations. These electrodes pro- the T-GS electrodes.
duce a fine globular transfer and are designed for weld-
ing sheet metal at high welding speeds. Electrode selection will be discussed in more detail in
Chapter 7.
T-4 electrodes are self-shielding wires using DCEP for
single or multiple-pass operation. These electrodes pro- Conformances and Approvals
duce a globular metal transfer and light penetration for
joints with poor fit-up. Desulfurizing elements are con- Flux cored arc welding electrodes must conform to spec-
tained in the flux core to help prevent weld cracking. ifications, or be approved by code-making organizations
for many FCAW applications. Some of the code-making
T-5 electrodes can be used to weld higher carbon steels, organizations that issue specifications or approvals are
or for joining low alloy steels to carbon steels because of the American Welding Society (AWS), the American Bu-
cleaner welds and lower hydrogen levels. reau of Shipping (ABS), and other state and federal high-
way and military organizations. The American Welding
T-6 electrodes are self-shielded electrodes for single or Society provides specifications or flux cored wire elec-
multiple pass welding using DCEP. These electrodes are trodes. Electrodes must meet specific requirements in
characterized by a fine globular transfer and deep pene- order to conform to a particular electrode classification.
tration. The slag coating has good deep-groove removal Many code-making organizations such as the American
characteristics and produces good low temperature im- Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) and the Ameri-
pact properties. can Petroleum Institute (API) recognize and use the AWS
T-7 electrodes are self-shielded electrodes that operate
on DCEN for single or multiple pass welding. The larger Some of the code-making organizations such as the
sizes of this type of electrode are designed to produce American Bureau of Shipping (ABS) and the military,
high deposition rates. The smaller sizes are used for all- must directly approve the electrodes before they can be
position welding. The slag coating desulfurizes the weld used for welding on a project that is covered by that
metal to a very low level which helps prevent cracking. code. These organizations send inspectors to witness
the welding and testing, as well as to approve the clas-
T-8 electrodes are self-shielding electrodes for single or sification of the flux cored electrodes. To conform to the
multiple pass welding that operate on DCEN. The slag AWS specifications for carbon and low alloy steel filler
system is designed to allow all-position welding. The slag metals, the electrodes must produce a weld deposit that
also desulfurizes the weld metal and produces good low meets the specific mechanical and chemical require-
temperature impact properties. ments. For the stainless steel filler metal, the electrodes
must produce a weld deposit with a specific chemical
T-10 electrodes are self-shielded, single-pass electrodes composition. The requirements will vary depending on
that operate on DCEN. These electrodes are used for the class of the electrodes.
making welds in the flat and horizontal positions at high
travel speeds.
– 27 –
Flux cored arc welding has gained popularity for a wide Gas-shielded flux cored wires have replaced shielded
variety of applications. Flux cored arc welding has re- metal arc welding and gas metal arc welding for many
placed shielded metal arc welding for some applications. shop applications. Flux cored arc welding is widely em-
One of the major advantages of the process is the high ployed for welding of the thicker structural members
deposition rates obtained when compared to manual arc where the higher deposition rates provide more advan-
welding processes. Flux cored arc welding deposition tage.
rates are also generally higher than those ob-
tained from gas metal arc welding. Because For field welding, the self-shield-
flux cored arc welding is a semiautomatic ing flux cored wires are com-
process, higher productivity can be obtained monly used. These flux cored
compared to shielded metal arc welding. This wires are preferred over the gas-
process also lends itself easily to machine shielded types because a supply
and automatic welding. Because of the ver- of shielding gas is not required,
satility of flux cored arc welding, it has ob- which makes the equipment
tained wide application in shop fabrication, more portable.
maintenance and field erection work.
Another advantage of the self-
Each of the two variations of flux cored arc shielding electrodes for field
welding has its advantages, but the areas construction is that they can be
of application of the two variations often used in windier conditions. This
overlap. The method of welding used de- is because the decomposition
pends on the joint design, fit-up, availability of the flux core which provides
of electrodes, and mechanical property re- the shielding is less sensitive
quirements of the welded joints. The self- to wind than an external gas
shielding electrode wire variation can often shielding supply.
be used for applications that can be done by
shielded metal arc welding. This is especially Another application of self-
true when welding in locations where com- Illustration 5-5 shielding electrodes is for the
pressed gas cylinders are difficult to handle. Flux Cored Arc Welding welding of galvanized steel roof
Gas-shielded flux cored wires are used for Photo courtesy of Bernard decking. Single-pass electrodes
many applications that compete with gas using DCEN are preferred for
metal arc welding. There are many different applications most applications because of the lighter penetration
possible but the most common ones are discussed in produced which reduces the chances of burning through
this chapter. the decking.
Flux cored arc welding is employed in the shipbuilding
Structures industry because of the wide variety of low carbon and
low alloy steels and metal thicknesses being welded.
One of the most important applications of flux cored arc Because this process can be used in the vertical and
welding is in the structural fabrication industry. A wide overhead positions, it is employed in places where sub-
variety of low carbon and low alloy steels in many differ- merged arc welding cannot be used. The process is also
ent thicknesses are used in this industry. Welding is done useful for vertical welding on metal thicknesses too thin
in the shop and the field and flux cored arc welding is for electroslag welding to be economical. Most flux cored
readily adaptable to both types of wires. The major ad- arc welding is done semiautomatically but some auto-
vantages of this process in the structural industry are the matic welding applications are employed.
high deposition rates, high production rates, deep pene-
trating characteristics and the adaptability of the process Industrial Piping
for field erection welding. Because a large percentage of
the welds made in structural work are fillets, flux cored Flux cored arc welding is used to some extent in the
arc welding is widely used for making large single-pass industrial piping industry. This process is employed for
fillet welds. Many of these welds would require multiple welding pipe in both the shop and the field for use in
passes using gas metal arc welding and shielded metal steam generating plants, refineries, distilleries and chem-
arc welding. ical processing plants. Flux cored arc welding competes
– 28 –
Illustration 5-5 – Flux Cored Arc Welding
Photo courtesy of Bernard
with submerged arc welding, shielded metal arc welding, which makes them more difficult to use. Most of the elec-
and gas metal arc welding. trodes used for flux cored arc welding of pipe are gas-
shielded because of the better penetration produced and
This process may be used to deposit all passes or it may the generally better mechanical properties produced.
be used to deposit the fill and cover passes over a root
pass welded by another process. Flat position roll weld- Railroads
ing, (1G position) is often used for both semiautomatic
and automatic welding applications. This allows higher Flux cored arc welding is used extensively in the railroad
welding currents with larger diameter wires and requires industry. Other processes such as shielded metal arc
fewer weld passes. Roll welding is often employed, es- welding, gas metal arc welding and submerged arc weld-
pecially on large diameter piping. Copper backing strips ing are also widely employed, so the choice of the weld-
are sometimes used to allow higher current levels and in- ing process is based on the weld size, joint accessibility,
sure full penetration to the root of the joint. When welding joint length and welding position. The longest welds on
fixed position pipe, smaller diameter electrodes are used. the heavier metal thicknesses in the flat position are gen-
These electrodes operate at lower current levels and re- erally welded using submerged arc welding. Flux cored
quire more passes. In these positions, the root pass is arc welding is usually used on the heavier metal thick-
often welded using gas metal arc welding and sometimes nesses where submerged arc welding is not practical.
gas tungsten arc welding. In the 5G or horizontal fixed Examples would be for joints in other positions, shorter
position, welding the root pass by flux cored arc welding joints and where accessibility is more limited. Flux cored
is done using a downhill technique. The remaining pass- arc welding is preferred over shielded metal arc welding
es are then welded using an uphill technique. and gas metal arc welding for many uses because of the
higher deposition rates obtained.
Flux cored arc welding is used for welding both carbon
steel and alloy steel pipe. A major application of the pro- Many different components on the engines and the rail
cess is for welding chromium-molybdenum steel pipe. cars are commonly welded.
This is the major type of alloy steel used for pipe. Flux
cored electrodes are preferred over the solid wire when Most manufacturers of railroad engines and cars primar-
matching chemical compositions. This is because poros- ily use the gas-shielded electrode wires. Self shielding
ity is hard to avoid. Also, with the solid wire electrodes the electrodes are sometimes used where lighter penetra-
operating characteristics of solid wires are not as good, tion is desirable. Flux cored wires that have good weld-
– 29 –
ing characteristics when welding over rust and scale are
also popular in this industry because the amount of joint
cleaning time is reduced.
Automotive Products
The use of flux cored arc welding has increased over gas
metal arc welding for many frame welding applications
because joint fit-up is less important, better appearing
weld beads can be produced, and flux cored arc welding
has better welder appeal.
Heavy Equipment
The flux cored arc welding process is very useful for main-
tenance and surfacing operations. Maintenance opera-
Illustration 5-5 – Flux Cored Arc Welding
Photo courtesy of Hobart Brothers Company
tions range from repairing and modifying plant and build-
– 30 –
ing facilities to repairing pipe, production equipment and The advantages of flux cored arc spot welding over resis-
castings. Surfacing and salvaging operations include the tance spot welding are:
repair of mismachined parts, foundry defects, accommo-
dating engineering changes, rebuilding worn parts, espe- 1) Access is only required from the top of the joint
cially shafting and rollers, and overlaying parts with spe-
2) Flux cored arc spot welding can be done in all posi-
cial materials. Reclamation includes the disassembly and
tions more easily
rewelding of defective items manufactured in the factory
and in the field. It has been used for maintaining and re- 3) The gun is light and portable and can be taken to the
pairing items too expensive to repair with oxyacetylene weldment
welding and other arc welding processes. Self shielding
4) Weld joint fit-up is not as critical
flux cored electrodes are popular for field repairs and
maintenance because the equipment is more portable. 5) Faster production rates can be obtained, particularly
on thicker metal
A metal overlay can be used to extend the usable life of
new parts which lack some of the wear-resistant quali- The main disadvantage of flux cored arc spot welding is
ties required for certain applications. Overlays are used the consistency of weld size and strength is not as good.
mostly to replace metal which has been worn away by
abrasion, corrosion, and impacts. An overlay provides Either the gas-shielded or self-shielded flux cored elec-
toughness and resistance to corrosion, abrasion and trodes may be used. The weld is made by depressing the
wear at the exact location on the part where it is needed trigger which starts the shielding gas, if used, and, after a
most. The primary reason for weld overlaying of parts is preflow interval, starts the arc and the wire feed. The arc
to prepare them for certain applications and to extend melts through the top sheet of the lap joint and fuses into
their service life. Flux cored arc welding is widely em- the bottom sheet. When the preset weld time is finished,
ployed because of its characteristic high deposition rate the arc and wire feed are stopped, followed by the gas
and good weld bead appearance. flow, if used. Metals of the same or different thicknesses
can be made. If dissimilar thicknesses are being welded,
FLUX CORED ARC SPOT WELDING the thinner member should always be placed on top. The
length of the spot weld cycle affects the penetration and
Flux cored arc spot welding is a variation of the process the amount of reinforcement on the surface of the weld
where a fusion weld is made through one sheet into an bead. Flux cored arc spot welding generally produces
adjacent sheet of a lap joint while the welding gun is held larger, stronger weld nuggets on the same metal thick-
stationary. The equipment used for arc spot welding is nesses as compared to gas metal arc spot welding. The
the same as for normal welding, except that a timer and a rest of the welding variables affect the weld in the same
special gun nozzle is required. Flux cored arc spot weld- way as normal weld.
ing is used on low carbon and low alloy steels and is gen-
erally preferred for welding thicker sheet metal and thin
plate sections. This is because of the greater penetrating
capability of the process as compared to gas tungsten or
gas metal arc spot welding. The flux cored arc welding
process also provides a wider penetration spot weld at
the interface between the plates to be joined. This pro-
duces a larger diameter spot weld with greater strength.
Flux cored arc spot welding is identical to gas metal arc
spot welding except that a flux cored electrode wire is
used. Carbon dioxide shielding is generally used but
argon-CO2 mixtures are sometimes used to reduce the
amount of penetration. When welding thinner metals, a
backup bar is used under the sheet metal.
– 31 –
The cost of welding is an important factor to consider taxes, services, facilities maintenance and depreciation
when selecting a welding process for an application. Flux of the equipment. The hourly labor and overhead rates
cored arc welding has advantages over other processes will vary considerably, so the actual rates for each plant
which make it the most economical welding method for should be used in the cost calculations.
many different applications. Factors such as deposition
rates, welding speeds, joint preparation time, operator There are several items that are used in labor cost cal-
factors, and welding material costs must be compared to culations. One of the most important is the operator fac-
properly choose a welding process. tor, which is the percentage of the total welding time that
the arc is in operation. Because this process is applied
The initial investment for the equipment can vary con- semiautomatically and automatically, the operator fac-
siderably depending on the size and complexity of the tor can vary widely. Operator factors for semiautomatic
equipment used. The equipment used is often basically welding usually range from 25% to as high as 60%. When
the same as for gas metal arc welding. Because of the compared to gas metal arc welding, operator factors are
higher current levels used in flux cored arc welding, larger usually slightly lower with flux cored arc welding because
power sources may be needed. With the self-shielding more time is spent removing slag. Since flux cored arc
electrode wires, a gas shielding system is not needed, welding uses a continuously fed electrode wire, operator
which simplifies and reduces the overall cost of the factors are much higher than those obtained in shielded
equipment. In some cases where gas metal arc welding metal arc welding, where much time is spent changing
equipment is available, a change to flux cored arc welding electrodes. Operator factors for machine and automatic
would require almost no new equipment. The equipment welding can range up to as high as 80% or more, de-
for semiautomatic welding is much less expensive than pending on the application. Another factor used in many
equipment for automatic welding. cost calculations is the deposition rate. This is the rate at
which the electrode wire is deposited in the weld joint.
An advantage of flux cored arc welding over the manual The deposition rate and travel speed affect the labor and
welding processes is that a lower degree of welder skill is overhead costs because the rate at which the electrode is
needed. A welder skilled in gas metal arc welding would deposited and the speed of welding affect the productiv-
have very little trouble learning the flux cored arc welding ity. The deposition rate and travel speeds used are deter-
process that generally has good welder appeal. This is mined by the size of the electrode, the welding current,
particularly true when compared to gas metal arc weld- the base metal thickness and the position of welding.
ing at the higher current levels. Another example is the
comparison to semiautomatic submerged arc welding The equation for determining the labor and overhead
where it is more difficult to weld because the weld puddle cost is:
is not visible. Semiautomatic flux cored arc welding usu- Labor + Overhead Pounds of Weld
Cost/hr X Deposit/Weld
ally competes with shielded metal arc welding, gas metal Labor Cost =
arc welding and submerged arc welding. Automatic flux Deposition Rate X Operator Factor
cored arc welding usually competes with automatic gas Or...
metal arc welding and submerged arc welding. In flux
cored arc welding, the costs of materials will vary de- Labor Cost = Total Welding Time X Labor + Overhead
pending on the electrode and whether or not shielding
gas is required. The electric power cost will depend on
the machine and the welding parameters. ELECTRODE COST
The cost of this process consists of four major items which The cost of the electrode wire per weld is determined by
are the labor and overhead, electrodes, shielding gas and several factors. The first is the weight of the weld deposit-
electric power. The cost calculation methods used in this ed, which is dependent on the size and shape of the weld
chapter can be used to compare the cost of flux cored arc to be made. A second factor is the cost per pound of
welding to the other processes. electrode wire, which is dependent on the type and size
of the electrode wire. Some types of mild steel electrodes
LABOR COST are substantially less expensive than other types. Small
diameter flux cored electrodes cost more per pound than
The labor cost is usually the largest cost factor of a pro- larger diameter flux cored electrodes because of the addi-
cess. Labor and overhead costs are generally combined tional wire drawing operations required. Electrode wire is
in cost calculations, which is common practice in many less expensive per pound when supplied in a reel or large
plants. The overhead normally includes items such as coil, as compared to a small coil. The total amount of wire
– 32 –
purchased also affects the cost. Large shipments of wire SHIELDING GAS COST
will generally cost less per pound than small shipments.
In relation to covered electrodes and solid wire elec- The cost of the shielding gas depends on the flow rate,
trodes, flux cored electrodes tend to be more expensive. arc time, and type of shielding gas. This factor is not in-
This factor can usually be offset by the higher deposition cluded in a cost calculation for a self-shielding electrode.
rates obtained from flux cored arc welding. A third factor Carbon dioxide is the least expensive and most com-
is the deposition efficiency of the electrode. The deposi- monly used shielding gas. Using an argon-carbon diox-
tion efficiency is the actual percentage of the total weight ide or argon-oxygen gas mixture will increase the costs
of the electrode wire purchased that is actually deposited of welding.
in the weld. The deposition efficiency of flux cored wire
is lower than that of solid wires because the flux core The equation for determining the shielding gas cost is:
provides shielding gas and a slag covering. Self-shielding
flux cored wires typically have a deposition efficiency of Arc Cost of
Shielding Gas Cost = X X Gas per
about 75-80%, which is much higher than obtained from Time Flow Cubic Ft.
covered electrodes. Gas-shielded electrode wires have
deposition efficiencies ranging from 80-90%. These are
higher than those obtained from self-shielding wires be-
cause less of the core becomes shielding gas and slag.
The cost of the electric power is a relatively minor
With both types of flux cored wires, some wire is lost to
cost factor, but it can become important when large
spatter and vaporization. Spatter is generally higher with
amounts of welding are required on an application. The
self-shielding electrodes which also contributes to the
electric power cost is determined by the welding current,
lower deposition efficiencies. The type of shielding gas
welding voltage, power source efficiency and the cost
used will have an effect on the deposition efficiency. Car-
per kilowatt-hour. The power consumption of the power
bon dioxide will produce higher spatter levels than argon-
source when idling will not be calculated because it is a
carbon dioxide and argon-oxygen mixtures.
very small percentage of the total power consumption of
the power source. The power source efficiency will be
The equations used for determining the cost of an elec-
assumed for the calculations in this chapter.
trode wire are:
Electrode Arc Wire Wire Weight Wire Cost The equation for electric power cost is:
Cost = Time X Feed X Unit of Length X Per Pound
Or... Welding Welding Power Cost
Electric Current X Voltage Arc per kW-hr
Electrode Weight of Deposit X Wire Cost Per Pound Power Cost = X Time X
Cost = Power Source Efficiency 1000
Deposition Efficiency
For the first equation, the wire weight per unit of length
is needed. This figure will vary depending on the type of
electrode wire used. Some flux cored electrodes contain
more core elements than others. This is true of the self-
shielding wires when compared to gas-shielded wires. A
good approximation of the percent fill or amount of flux
in a tubular wire for cost calculations is about 16% by
weight. This gives the inches of wire per pound as shown
in Illustration 6-1.
– 33 –
Manual Semiautomatic Semiautomatic Semiautomatic
– 34 –
Weight of Deposit
Deposition Rate
The following is a sample cost per foot of weld calculation for making a 1/2 in. (12.7 mm) fillet weld in the horizontal
position using semiautomatic flux cored arc welding with a gas-shielded electrode. Figures for calculation are taken
from Illustration 6-1 and 6-2.
Cost of
Arc Gas
Shielding Gas Cost = Time X Flow X Gas per = .025 hr/ft X 35 ft3/hr X .13 $/ft3 = $.114
Cubic Ft.
– 35 –
The properties of a weld include the chemical composi- The mechanical properties that are the most important in
tion, mechanical strength, ductility, toughness, and the the weld are the tensile strength, yield strength, elonga-
microstructure. These items will relate to the weldability tion, reduction of area, and the impact strength. The first
of the metal. The weldability of a metal is the quality ob- two are measures of the strength of the material, the next
tained and the ease of welding for the intended service two are measures of the ductility of the material, and the
conditions. The chemical, physical and mechanical prop- last is a measure of the toughness of the material. These
erties of the weld are affected by the types of materi- properties are often important in flux cored arc welding of
als used. The mechanical properties and microstructure steels designed to give maximum strength, ductility, and
are determined by the heat input as well as the chemical toughness. Flux cored arc welding can produce good
composition and physical properties of the weld. properties in the weld and heat affected zone. The slag
coating in flux cored arc welding slows the cooling rate
CHEMICAL COMPOSITION of the weld metal which reduces the tendency to become
The chemical composition of the base and filler metal
have a great influence on the weldability of a metal. This Flux cored arc welding produces a higher heat input
property has an influence of the preheating and posthe- which will also tend to produce a slower cooling rate. A
ating used, as well as the welding parameters. For the disadvantage of the higher heat input is that distortion
welding of stainless steels, the chemical composition of is more of a problem than with gas metal arc welding.
the weld is often the most important property. The chemi- The mechanical properties of the weld will vary depend-
cal composition of the weld must match the composition ing on whether a self-shielded or gas-shielded flux cored
of the base metal when corrosion resistance, thermal and wire is used. Some self-shielded electrodes contain high
electrical conductivity, and appearance are major con- amounts of deoxidizers, which may produce weld metal
siderations. The chemical composition can also affect with relatively low impact toughness. Most of the gas-
the high and low temperature strength, as well as the mi- shielded flux cored wires produce welds that have better
crostructure and mechanical properties of the weld. impact toughness.
Preheating reduces the cooling rate of the weld after The yield strength, ultimate tensile strength, elongation,
welding to prevent cracking. The amount of preheat and reduction of area are all measured from a 505 in.
needed depends on the type of metal being welded, (12.8 mm) diameter machined tensile bar. The metal is
the metal thickness, and the amount of joint restraint. In tested by pulling it in a tensile testing machine. Illustra-
steels, those with higher carbon contents need higher tion 7-2 shows a tensile bar before and after testing.
preheat than those with lower carbon equivalents. Illus-
tration 7-1 shows typical preheat values for different met- The yield strength of the metal is the stress at which the
als welded by flux cored arc welding. material is pulled beyond the point where it will return
to its original length. The ultimate tensile strength is the
Another major factor that determines the amount of pre- maximum stress or load that can be carried by the ma-
heat needed is the thickness of the base metal. Thicker terial without breaking. Two points are marked on the
base metals usually need higher preheat temperatures tensile bar before testing. After testing, the distance be-
than thinner base metals. Thick metal draws the heat tween the two points is measured again by putting the
away from the welding zone quicker because there is a two pieces of the tensile bar back together and measur-
large mass of metal to absorb the heat. This would cause ing the change in the distance between them in percent.
a quicker cooling of the weld if the same preheat tem- Reduction of area is another method of measuring ductil-
perature was used, as on thinner base metals. The third ity. The original area of the cross section of the testing
major factor for determining the amount of preheat need- bar is .20 sq. in. (128 sq. mm). During the testing, the
ed is the amount of joint restraint. Joint restraint is the re- diameter of the bar reduces as it elongates. When the
sistance of a joint configuration to moving or relieving the bar finally breaks, the diameter of the bar at the breaking
stresses due to welding during the heating and cooling of point is measured, which is then used to determine the
the weld zone. Where there is high resistance to moving area. The percent reduction of this cross sectional area is
or high joint restraint, large amounts of internal stresses called the reduction of area.
build up. Higher preheat temperatures are needed as the
amount of joint restraint increases. Slower cooling rates Impact tests are used to measure the toughness of a
reduce the amount of internal stresses that are building metal. The toughness of a metal is the ability to absorb
up as the weld cools. mechanical energy by deforming before breaking. The
– 36 –
Type of Metal Preheat
Low Carbon Steel Room Temperature or up to 200º F (93º C)
Medium Carbon Steel 400-500º F (205-260º C)
High Carbon Steel 500-600º F (260-315º C)
Less than 1/4” (6.4 mm) thick Room Temperature
Low Alloy Nickel Steel
More than 1/4” (6.4 mm) thick 500º F (260º C)
Carbon less than .20% 200-300º F (93-150º C)
Low Alloy Nickel Chrome Steel Carbon .20%-.35% 600-800º F (315-425º C)
Carbon above .35% 900-1100º F (480-595º C)
Low Alloy Manganese Steel 400-500º F (205-260º C)
Low Alloy Chrome Steel Up to 750º F (400º C)
Carbon less than .15% Room Temperature
Low Alloy Molybdenum Steel
Carbon more than .15% 400-650º F (205-345º C)
Low Alloy High Tensile Steel 150-300º F (66-150º C)
Austenitic Stainless Steel Room Temperature
Ferritic Stainless Steels 300-350º F (150-260º C)
Martensitic Stainless Steels 400-600º F (205-315º C)
Cast Irons 700-900º F (370-480º C)
Copper 500-800º F (260-425º C)
Nickel 200-300º F (93-150º C)
Aluminum Room Temperature or up to 300º F (150º C)
Charpy V-notch test is the most commonly used method ten during welding. This is bounded by the fusion line
of determining impact toughness. Illustration 7-3 shows which is the maximum limit of melting. The heat affected
a typical Charpy V-notch bar. zone is the area where the heat from welding had an ef-
fect on the microstructure of the base metal. The limit
These bars are usually 10 mm square and have a v- of visible heat affect is the outer limit of this area. The
shaped notch ground or machined in them. The bars are base metal zone is the area that was not affected by the
then put into a machine where they are struck by a ham- welding. Illustration 7-4 shows a cross section of a weld
mer attached to a pendulum. The energy that it takes to showing the different areas. The extent of change of the
break these bars is known as the impact strength and is microstructure is dependent on four factors:
measured in foot-pounds (Joules).
1) The maximum temperature that the weld metal
2) The time that the weld spent at that temperature.
There are three basic microstructural areas within a weld-
ment. These are the weld metal, heat affected zone, and 3) The chemical composition of the base metal.
the base metal. The weld metal is the area that was mol- 4) The cooling rate of the weld.
Illustration 7-2 – Tensile Strength Testing Bar Illustration 7-3 – Charpy V-Notch Bar
– 37 –
The weld metal zone, which is the area that is melted,
generally has the coarsest grain structure of the three ar-
eas. Usually a fairly fine grain size is produced on cooling
in most metals. Large grain size is undesirable because
it gives the weld poor toughness and poor cracking re-
sistance. The solidification of the weld metal starts at
the edge of the weld puddle next to the base metal. The
grains that form at the edge, called dendrites, grow to-
ward the molten center of the weld. Illustration 7-5 shows
the solidification pattern of a weld.
– 38 –
Steels with lower carbon equivalents generally are more Low Alloy Steels
readily weldable and require fewer precautions such
as the use of preheat and postheat. Steels with higher The low alloy steels discussed here will be those steels
carbon equivalents are generally more difficult to weld. that are low carbon and have alloy additions less than
When welding some of the steels, it is more important to 5%. This includes the quenched and tempered steels,
match the mechanical properties than the chemical com- heat treated low alloy steels, and the low nickel alloy
position of the filler metal to the base metal. Often, filler steels. Elements such as nickel, chromium, manganese,
metal with a lower carbon content than the base metal is and molybdenum are the main alloying elements used.
used because the weld metal absorbs carbon from the These steels have a higher hardenability than mild steels
base metal. This is done to minimize the tendency for and it is this factor that is the principal complication in
weld cracking. welding. Low alloy steels have good weldability but are
not as easily weldable as the mild steels. This higher
hardenability permits martensite to form at lower cool-
Low Carbon and Mild Steel ing rates. As the alloy content and the carbon content
increases, the hardenability also increases. In general,
Low carbon and mild steels are those that have low car- the weldability of the steel decreases as the hardenability
bon contents and are the most readily weldable. This increases. One of the best methods for determining the
group of steels is the most widely used in industrial fab- weldability of a low alloy steel is the use of the carbon
rication. This group also includes the high strength struc- equivalent formula. Steels that have carbon equivalents
tural steels. below about .40% usually do not require the use of pre-
heating and postheating in the welding procedure and
Low carbon steels have a carbon content up to .14%. generally have the best weldability. Steels with carbon
Mild steel has a carbon content ranging from .15 to equivalents higher than .40% require more precautions
.29%. For many applications, preheating is not required for welding. Generally, the higher the carbon equivalent,
except on thick sections, highly restrained joints, or the more difficult the steel is to weld.
where codes require preheating. Other precautions such
as interpass temperature control and postheating are
The selection of electrodes for the welding of steels is
sometimes used. With thicker sections and highly re-
usually based on the strength and mechanical proper-
strained joints, preheating, interpass temperature control
ties desired of the weld, rather than matching chemical
and postheating are usually required to prevent cracking.
compositions. Low alloy steels are often welded using
When welding these steels, electrodes of the E70-T class
the gas-shielded EXXT-1 and EXXT-5 electrodes. These
are employed with carbon dioxide. Self-shielding wires
wires produce good, low temperature toughness and are
are also widely used. The filler metal should be chosen
preferred for most applications. EXXT-4 and EXXT-8 self-
so that it matches the tensile strength of the base metal.
shielded wires often contain nickel for good strength, and
When welding rimmed steels which have silicon con-
aluminum as a deoxidizer to help give good mechanical
tents less than .05%, filler metal with sufficient amounts
properties. In other cases, such as for the welding of low
of deoxidizers must be chosen to prevent porosity. This
nickel steels, the electrode wires are chosen to match the
precaution is not necessary for welding steels containing
chemical composition of the base metal.
more than .05% silicon.
The high strength structural steels are steels whose yield The quenched and tempered heat treated steels have
strength falls between 45,000 psi (310 MPa) and 70,000 yield strengths ranging from 50,000 psi (345 MPa) to very
psi (485 MPa) and their carbon content is generally be- high yield strengths and have carbon contents ranging
low .25%. These steels have relatively small amounts up to .25%. Some common examples of these types of
of alloying elements. Some common examples of these steel are the ASTM designations A533 Grade B, A514,
steels are the ASTM designations of A242, A441 A572, A517, A543 and A553. The 25% carbon limit is used to
A588, A553 and A537. provide fairly good weldability. These steels provide high
tensile and yield strength along with good ductility, notch
Some low carbon and mild steel electrodes are designed toughness, corrosion resistance, fatigue strength and
for welding over some rust and mill scale. The flux core weldability. The presence of hydrogen is always bad in
helps to reduce the bad effects of rust and mill scale but steel, but it is even more critical in these types of steels
some reduction in weld quality may occur. These flux compared to mild steels. Preheat is generally not used
cored arc welding electrodes are preferred for many ap- on thinner sections, but it is used on thicker or highly
plications because cleaning of the base metal is less im- restrained sections. Postweld heat treatment is usually
portant. For applications where the maximum mechani- not used because the flux cored arc welds made in these
cal properties are not as important as higher deposition have a good toughness. The steels are generally used in
rates and travel speeds, high welding currents can be the welded or stress relieved conditions.
– 39 –
The nickel alloy steels included in these low alloy steel electrodes of the austenitic type are sometimes used, but
groups are those with less than 5% nickel contents. The the fusion zone may still be hard and brittle. A preheat
2-1/4% and 3-1/2% nickel steels are usually welded with and/or postheat will help reduce the brittle structure.
electrodes that have the same general chemical com-
positions as the base metal. Preheating is required with The quenched and tempered steels, after welding, have
highly restrained joints. Most self-shielding wires for low carbon contents ranging from about .25% to .45%, which
alloy steels have been developed for welding the low distinguishes them from the steels that are quenched and
nickel steels. tempered before welding. These steels also have small
additions of alloying elements. Some common examples
Heat Treatable Steels of these steels are the AlSl designations 4130, 4140 and
4340. Because of the higher carbon contents, the steels
The heat treatable steels are the medium and high carbon in this group can be heat treated to extremely high lev-
steels and medium carbon steels that have been alloyed. els of strength and hardness. Some of these steels have
This group includes quenched and tempered steels af- enough alloy content to give them high hardenability. Be-
ter welding, normalized or annealed steels, and medium cause of this combination of carbon and alloy content,
and high carbon steels. These steels are more difficult to the steels must be preheated before welding. The weld-
weld than other types of steels already mentioned in this ability of these steels is also influenced by the purity of
chapter. The most important factor for selecting the type the steels. High amounts of sulfur and phosphorous in
of electrode to be used is matching the chemical compo- the steel increase the sensitivity to cracking and reduce
sitions of the base metal and the filler metal. the ductility. Flux cored arc welding is often used for
welding these steels. Filler metal of the same chemical
Medium carbon steels are those that have carbon con- composition as the base metal is required to obtain the
tents ranging from .30% to .59% and high carbon steels maximum strength. The composition of the weld metal is
have carbon contents ranging from .60% to about 1.0%. usually similar to that of the base metal.
When medium and high carbon steels are welded, pre-
cautions should be included in the welding procedure Chromium-Molybdenum Steels
because of the hardness that can occur in the weld joint.
As the carbon content increases up to .60%, the hard- The low chromium-molybdenum steels in this section
ness of the fully hardened structure (or martensite) in- are those with alloy contents of about 6% or less. These
creases to a maximum value. When the carbon content is steels are in the low carbon range, generally up to .15%,
above .60%, the hardness of the fully hardened structure and are readily weldable. The chromium and molybde-
does not increase, so these steels can be welded using num alloying elements provide these steels with good
about the same welding procedures as the medium car- oxidation resistance and high temperature strength. The
bon steels. Martensite, which is the phase that steel is in chromium is mainly responsible for the high oxidation re-
at its fullest hardness, is harder and more brittle in high sistance and the molybdenum is mainly responsible for
carbon steel than it is in low carbon steel. A high car- the high temperature strength.
bon, martensitic structure can have a tendency to crack
in the weld metal and heat affected zone during cooling. The higher chrome-moly steels contain about 6-10%
Welding procedures that lower the hardness of the heat chromium and .5-1% molybdenum. These steels are lim-
affected zone and the weld metal reduce the cracking ited to a maximum carbon content of about .10% to limit
tendency. This can be done by using a procedure that the hardness, because these steels are very sensitive to
requires lower carbon content in the filler metal, and by air hardening. For the welding of these steels, preheating,
slowing the cooling rate. The procedure would include interpass temperature control, slow cooling, and post-
preheat, interpass temperature control, and postheat. weld heat treatment are required to make a weld with
The procedures used for welding medium carbon steels good mechanical properties. These steels generally do
can be simpler than the one just mentioned, but that de- not require preheating except when welding thick sec-
pends on the specific applications. tions or highly restrained joints. Postheating is usually not
required on chromium molybdenum steels that contain
Medium carbon steels can be welded with the E70T-E90T less than 2-1/4% Cr and 1% Mo.
classifications. High carbon steels should be welded with
the E80T-El20T using the electrode of the proper tensile Flux cored arc welding is one of the most common meth-
strength to match the tensile strength of the base metal. ods of welding the chromium-molybdenum steels. The
Generally, very high carbon steels are not used in welded steels with less than 6% chromium are welded with a
production work. These steels are usually only welded in carbon dioxide or argon-carbon dioxide mixture. For the
repair work. steels with 6% chromium or more, argon with small ad-
ditions of carbon dioxide is often used. The filler metal is
Mild steel electrodes may also be used, but the deposited chosen to match the chemical composition of the base
weld metal absorbs carbon from the base metal and thus metal as closely as possible to give good corrosion re-
loses a considerable amount of ductility. Stainless steel sistance.
– 40 –
Free Machining Steels 2) The use of extra low carbon base and filler metal
(.03% C max.). Examples are 304L and 316L.
Free machining steels are steels that have additions of 3) The use of a stabilized base and filler metal alloy con-
sulfur, phosphorous, selenium, or lead in them to make taining columbium, tantalum, or titanium. Examples
these steels easier to machine. Except for the high sulfur, are 347 and 321.
lead, selenium, or phosphorous, these steels have chem- 4) The use of a solution heat treatment to resolve the
ical compositions similar to mild, low alloy, and stain- carbides after welding.
less steels. The addition of these elements makes these
steels difficult to weld. The reason for this is that the el- Martensitic stainless steels are not as easy to weld as
ements, lead, phosphorous, selenium and sulfur, have the austenitic stainless steels. These stainless steels
melting points that are much lower than the melting point have approximately 11-18% chromium, which is the ma-
of the steel. As the weld solidifies, these elements retain jor alloying element, and are designated by the AlSl as
liquid much longer than the steel so that they coat the the 400 series. Some examples are 403, 410, 420, and
grain boundaries, which cause hot cracking in the weld. 440. These types of stainless steels are heat treatable
Hot cracking is cracking that occurs before the weld has because they generally contain higher carbon contents
had a chance to cool. Because of this hot cracking prob- and a martensitic structure. Stainless steels with higher
lem, free machining steels cannot be welded easily. High carbon contents are more susceptible to cracking and
manganese filler metal and low base metal dilution will some, such as Type 440, have carbon contents so high
help give the best results possible. that they are often considered unweldable. A stainless
steel with carbon content greater than .10% will often
need preheating. Preheating is usually done in the range
Stainless Steels of from 400-600º F (205-315° C) to avoid cracking. For
steels containing carbon contents greater than .20%, a
Most types of stainless steels can be welded by this pro- postweld heat treatment such as annealing is often re-
cess. The types that are very difficult to weld are types quired to improve the toughness of the weld produced.
such as 303, 416, 416 Se, 430 F, and 430 FSe, which
have high sulfur and selenium contents and Type 440, Ferritic stainless steels are also more difficult to weld than
which has a high carbon content. The major alloying ele- austentic stainless steels because they produce welds
ment which distinguishes stainless steels from the other having lower toughness than the base metal. These stain-
types of steel is the chromium. Steels that have chro- less steels form a ferritic grain structure and are also des-
mium contents greater than 11% are considered stain- ignated by the AISI as the 400 series. Some examples are
less steels. The high chromium content gives these very Types 405, 430, 442, and 446. These types are generally
good corrosion and oxidation resistance. The three major less corrosion resistant than austenitic stainless steel. To
groups of stainless steels that are welded are the austen- avoid a brittle structure in the weld, preheating and pos-
itic, martensitic and ferritic types. theating are often required. Typical preheat temperatures
range from 300-500º F (150-260° C). Annealing is often
The austenitic types of stainless steels are generally the used after heat treatment welding to increase the tough-
easiest to weld. In addition to the high chromium content ness of the weld.
of about 16-26%, these types have high nickel contents
ranging from 6-22%. These steels are designated by the The flux cored arc welding process can produce stain-
AISI as the 300 series. The 200 series, which have high less steel weld deposits with a quality similar to those
manganese contents to replace some of the nickel, are produced by gas metal arc welding. Lower current levels
also austenitic. Nickel and manganese are strong aus- may be desirable for welding stainless steel compared to
tenite formers and maintain an austenitic structure at welding mild steel because of the higher thermal expan-
all temperatures. This structure gives these steels good sion, lower thermal conductivity and lower melting point
toughness and ductility but also makes them non-hard- of stainless steel. The lower thermal conductivity and
enable. A major problem when welding these types of higher thermal expansion causes more distortion and
steels is carbide precipitation or sensitization, which warpage for a given heat input. Carbon dioxide, argon-
only occurs in the austenitic structure. This occurs when carbon dioxide, and argon-oxygen mixtures are used.
the temperature of the steel is between approximately Carbon dioxide causes a loss of silicon and manganese
1000-1600º F (540-870° C) and can greatly reduce the and an increase in carbon in the low carbon stainless
resistance to corrosion. There are several methods for steels. The use of carbon dioxide or EXXT-1 electrodes
preventing this problem: is restricted for welding many of the stainless steels, es-
pecially austenitic grades, because the corrosion resis-
1) A fast cooling rate after welding through this tem- tance may be reduced, due to carbon added to the weld
perature range. This is a major reason why preheat- by gas. When good corrosion resistance is required, ar-
ing is usually not used and why these steels require gon-carbon dioxide or argon-oxygen mixtures are used.
a relatively low maximum interpass temperature on The argon-oxygen mixtures containing 1 or 2% oxygen
multiple pass welds. are used to improve the arc stability and weld puddle
– 41 –
wetting, as well as to eliminate carbon pickup from the 300 series austenitic filler metal is usually used, due to a
shielding gas. When the self-shielding EXXXT-3 elec- lack of availability of 200 series filler metal. This weld joint
trodes are used, there is greater pickup of nitrogen from will generally be weaker than the surrounding base metal.
the atmosphere into the weld metal. Nitrogen is an aus- 300 series filler metal is used on 300 series base metal.
tenite stabilizer and when excessive nitrogen is absorbed The Type 410 and 420 electrodes are the only martensitic
by the weld, there is a greater chance for micro-cracking stainless steel types recognized by the AWS. This limi-
to occur. The welding position and arc length have a large tation is often the reason why austenitic stainless steel
influence on this problem. An excessive arc length will filler metal is used for welding martensitic stainless steel.
usually cause excessive nitrogen pickup in the weld. For Austenitic filler metal provides a weld with lower strength
this reason, procedures for out-of-position welding with but higher toughness and eliminates the need for pre-
self-shielding wires should be carefully controlled to pro- heating and postheating. For the welding of ferritic stain-
duce a sound weld deposit. less steels, both ferritic and austenitic filler metal may
be used. Ferritic filler metal is used when higher strength
The filler metal used for welding stainless steel is gen- and annealing postheat are required. Austenitic filler met-
erally chosen to match the chemical composition of the al is used when higher ductility is required. Illustration 7-6
base metal. In the 200 series austenitic stainless steels, shows filler metal selection for stainless steels.
Illustration 7-6 – AISI Stainless Steel Classification System (Courtesy of the American Iron and Steel Institute)
– 42 –
The weld joint designs used in flux cored arc welding are 2) Strength Required
determined by the design of the weldment, metallurgical 3) Welding Position
considerations, and codes or specifications. Another fac- 4) Joint Accessibility
tor to consider is the method of flux cored arc welding
5) Metal Thickness
to be used. A properly selected joint design should allow
the highest quality weld to be made at the lowest pos- 6) Type of Metal
sible cost. A weld joint consists of a specific weld being
The edge and joint preparation are important because
made in a specific joint. A joint is defined as the junction
they affect both the quality and cost of welding. The cost
of members that are to be, or have been, joined. Illustra-
items to be considered are the amount of filler metal re-
tion 8-1 shows the five basic joint types.
quired, the method of joint preparation, the amount of
Each joint type may be joined by many different types of labor required and the quality level required. Joints that
welds, the most common of which are shown in Illustra- are more difficult to weld will often have more repair work
tion 8-2. necessary than those that are easier to weld. This can
lead to significant increases in cost, since repair weld-
The type of weld made is governed by the joint configu- ing sometimes requires more time and expense than the
ration. Each of the different types of welds has their own original weld.
specific advantages. The nomenclature used for the vari-
ous parts of groove and fillet welds is given in Illustration All of the five basic joint types are applicable to flux cored
8-3. arc welding, although the butt and T-joints are the most
widely used. Lap joints have the advantage of not requir-
There are several factors that influence the joint design to ing much preparation other than squaring off the edges
be used: and making sure the members are in close contact. Edge
Butt joints are widely used on thin metal. Corner
Butt Lapjoints general-
1) Process Method ly use similarCorner
edge preparations to those used on T-joints.
1 2
8 1
8 9
2 1 9
3 8
1 9
Edge T-Joint
Illustration 8-1 – There are only five basic joints. They can, however, be used in combinations.
2 3 9
1 13
9 8 4 12
4 12
3 13 2
4 1 13 1
4 8 8 14
12 5
1. Square-Groove 1
2. Single-V-Groove 3. Single-Bevel-Groove 4. Double-V-Groove 5. Double-Bevel-Groove
3 4 5 14
8 2 2 12
5 4 14
12 149 9
5 6
2 16
1 9
8 15
9 3 3 14 6
5 13
14 16 12
6 5 1
6 16 8 3 7 15
Plug Plug
13 7
13 6
2 16
Bead 6 7 4 6
13 10
10 16 12
Arc Seam
11. Double Fillet 12. Single-Flare-
13. Edge
Weld in a
14. Bead
14 6
15. Plug
15. Arc-Spot
Arc Seam
4 13 16
Arc SeamV-Groove
11 12
4 12 11
Flanged Butt Joint
Edge Fillet or Arc-Seam
6 16 13
4 12
7 5 14 7 10
6 7 16
5 14
11 5 14
Illustration 8-2 – Common Types of Welds (Many other variations of welds are possible)
5 14
10 10
6 16
– 43 –
7 15 11 10
Edge Fillet
6 16
Edge Fillet
10 15
6 16
Groove Weld Fillet Weld
5 5 47
4 5 2 56 7
6 2 6
7 3 1
7 3 1
1 2 3
1 2 3
1. ROOT OPENING (RO): the separation between the 1. ACTUAL THROAT OF A FILLET WELD: The shortest
members to be joined at the root of the joint. distance from the root of the fillet weld to its face.
2. ROOT FACE (RF): Groove face adjacent to the root 2. LEG OF A FILLET WELD: The distance from the root
of the joint. of the joint to the toe of the fillet weld.
3. GROOVE FACE: The surface of a member included 3. ROOT OF A WELD: The points at which the weld
in the groove. intersects the base metal and extends furthest into
the weld joint.
4. BEVEL ANGLE (A): the angle formed between the
4. TOE OF A WELD: The junction between the face of
prepared edge of a member and a plane perpendicu-
the weld and the base metal.
lar to the surface of the member.
5. FACE OF WELD: The exposed surface of a weld on
5. GROOVE ANGLE (A): the total included angle of the the side from which the welding was done.
groove between parts to be joined by a groove weld.
6. DEPTH OF FUSION: The distance that fusion ex-
6. SIZE OF WELD (S): the joint penetration (depth of tends into the base metal or previous pass from the
bevel plus the root penetration when specified). surface melted during welding.
7. PLATE THICKNESS (T): Thickness of plate welded. 7. SIZE OF WELD (S): Leg length of the fillet.
Illustration 8-3 – Weld Nomenclature
Many of the joint designs used for flux cored arc weld- joint. The joint design for the gas-shielded wire does not
ing are similar to those used in gas metal arc welding or need such a wide root opening because complete pene-
shielded metal arc welding. Flux cored arc welding has tration is easier to obtain. This weld would be less expen-
some characteristics which may affect the joint design. sive to make using the gas-shielded electrode because
The joint should be designed so the welder has good ac- less filler metal is required. This difference in joint design
cess to the joint and is able to properly manipulate the usually only applies when a backing strip is employed.
electrode. Joints must be located so that an adequate For joints not requiring a backing strip, gas-shielded and
distance between the joint and nozzle of the welding gun self-shielded wires use the same joint designs.
is created. The proper distance will vary depending on
the type of flux cored electrode being used. STRENGTH
– 44 –
30º 30º
3/16” 3/8”
Gas-Shielded Electrode Self-Shielded Electrode
Illustration 8-4 – Comparison between Gas-Shielded and Self-Shielded Wire Joint Designs for the Flat Position
in Illustration 8-5. For some applications, the size of the angles are used because the flux cored wire is smaller
weld can be reduced which decreases the amount of than a covered electrode and operates with a higher cur-
filler metal required. This can reduce the total cost also. rent density. Because of the smaller electrode, access to
the root of the joint is better.
The amount of penetration obtained will be affected by
the root opening and root face used. A root opening is POSITION
used to allow good access to the root of the joint and is
usually used in full penetrating weld joints. A root open- Flux cored arc welding may be used in all welding posi-
ing is usually not used in partial penetration weld joints tions based on the size and type of electrode wire used.
because access to the root is not necessary and parts A diagram of the welding position capabilities is shown
are easier to fit together without a root opening. The size in Illustration 8-6.
of the root face is also affected. A larger root face is used
for partial penetration welds than for complete penetra- Welding positions are classified by a set of numbers and
tion welds because less penetration is required. Because letters. The four basic welding positions are designated
of the deep penetrating characteristics of flux cored arc by the numbers 1 for flat, 2 for horizontal, 3 for vertical
welding process, larger root faces are used for this pro- and 4 for overhead. A G designation indicates a groove
cess compared to shielded metal arc welding and gas weld and an F designation indicates a fillet weld. The 2G,
metal arc welding using short circuiting metal transfer. 5G and 6G positions are used in pipe welding. The large
This is to prevent burning through the back of the joint diameter wires which are over 1/16 in. (1.6 mm) in diam-
being welded, which can be a problem in flux cored arc eter are limited to the flat and horizontal positions only
welding because of the high welding currents used. When because the weld puddle becomes too large to control.
compared to shielded metal arc welding, smaller groove The smaller diameter electrodes, which are 1/16 in. (1.6
mm) and less can generally be used easily in all positions.
– 45 –
Fillet Welds
1F 2F 3F 4F
Groove Welds
1G 2G 3G 4G
Plates, Axis of Weld Plates vertical, Axis Plates vertical, Axis of Plates Overhead, Axis
Horizontal of Weld Horizontal Weld Vertical of Weld Horizontal
45º ±5º
– 46 –
THICKNESS commonly employed. The smaller groove angles become
even more economical as the thickness of the metal in-
The thickness of the base metal has a large influence on creases. The wider groove angles are used to provide
the joint preparation required to produce the best qual- better accessibility to the root of the joint. Because of the
ity weld joint. Flux cored arc welding is used to weld deeper penetrating characteristics of this process, single
thicknesses down to 18 gauge (1.2 mm). The process is V-groove or single-bevel-groove welds are often weld-
also suitable for welding thick metal. Because of this, a ed with little or no root opening. Larger root faces and
wide variety of joint designs are used. The most common smaller groove angles are often used compared to those
groove preparations used on butt joints are the square- employed for shielded metal arc welding and gas tung-
V, J, U-bevel, and combination-grooves. The square-J, sten arc welding. This helps to minimize the amount of
bevel, and combination-groove preparations are also distortion and reduce the amount of filler metal required.
used on T-joints. The different preparations are employed For complete penetration welds, root faces usually are
on different thicknesses to make it possible to get com- close to 1/8 in. (3.2 mm).
plete or adequate penetration.
U- and J-grooves are generally used on thicknesses
Square-groove welds are used on the thinnest metal greater than 5/8 in. (14.3 mm). These joint preparations
thicknesses. The square-groove joint design is the easi- are the most difficult and expensive to prepare but the
est to prepare and requires the least filler metal. Thick- radius at the root of the joint allows better access to
nesses up to 3/8 in. (9.5 mm) thick can be welded with the root of the joint. Another advantage is that smaller
full penetration from both sides. This is thicker than the groove angles may be used compared to those used in
square-groove joints that can be welded with full pene- V-grooves. On thicker metal, this reduces the amount of
tration by shielded metal arc welding or gas tungsten arc filler metal required and on very thick metals, the savings
welding, because of the hotter arc and deeper penetra- become very substantial.
tion produced by this process. Root openings are used
to allow complete penetration through the joint. Many ACCESSIBILITY
square-groove welds are made in one pass. A backing
strip may be used so that the root can be opened enough The accessibility of the weld joint is another important
to provide better accessibility and insure adequate pen- factor in determining the weld joint design. Welds can
etration. be made from one or both sides of the weld joint. Sin-
gle-V, J, U, bevel, and combination grooves are used
V-grooves for butt joints and bevel-grooves for T-joints when accessibility is from one side only and on thinner
are commonly used for thicker metal up to about 3/4 in. metal. Double-V, J, U, bevel, and combination grooves
(19.1 mm). These joints are more difficult to prepare and are used on thicker metal where the joint can be welded
require more filler metal than square groove welds. The from both sides. Double-groove welds have three major
included angle for a V-groove is usually up to 75º with advantages over single-groove welds where accessibility
smaller groove angles such as 45º or 60º being more is only from one side. The first is that distortion is more
easily controlled through alternate weld bead sequenc-
ing. Weld beads are alternated from one side to the other
to keep the distortion from building up in the one direc-
tion. The weld roots are nearer the center of the plate. A
second advantage is that less filler metal is required to
fill a double groove joint than a single-groove joint. This
tends to make double-groove welds more economical on
metal 1 in. (25 mm) thick or greater. The third advantage
1/8” is that complete penetration can be more easily insured.
The root of the first pass on the plate can be gouged
or chipped out before the root pass on the second side
3/32” is welded, to make sure there is complete fusion at the
root. The disadvantages of joints welded from both sides
are that more joint preparation is required and gouging or
chipping is usually required to remove the root of the first
3/8” pass. Savings in the amount of filler metal needed for a
double-groove weld may more than compensate for the
extra joint preparation costs. Both of these add to the
labor time required. Welding on both sides of a square-
groove weld joint provides fuller penetration in thicker
metal than metal welded from one side only. This would
also save joint preparation time.
Illustration 8-7 – V-Groove Joint in the Horizontal Position
– 47 –
Backing Strips TYPE OF METAL
When backing strips are used, joints are accessible from The flux cored arc welding process is used to weld steels,
one side only. Backing strips allow better access to the some stainless steels and some nickels. The influence of
root of the joint and support the molten weld metal. the type of metal on the joint design is based primarily
These strips are available in two forms, which are fus- on the physical properties of the metal to be welded and
ible or nonfusible. Fusible backing strips are made of the whether or not the metal has an oxide coating. For ex-
metal being welded and remain part of the weldment after ample, stainless steels have a lower thermal conductivity
welding. These may be cut or machined off. Non-fusible than carbon steels. This causes the heat from welding
backing strips are made of copper, carbon, flux or ce- to remain in the weld zone longer, which enables slightly
ramic backing in tape or composite form. These forms of greater thicknesses of stainless steel to be welded using
backing do not become part of the weld. Backing strips a square groove joint design. Stainless steels also have
on square-groove joints make a full penetration weld from an oxide coating which tends to reduce the depth of fu-
one side easier. For this application, using a backing strip sion of the weld. Consequently, stainless steels normally
is more expensive because of the cost of a backing strip employ larger groove angles and root openings than car-
and the larger amount of filler metal required. This is not bon steels. This allows the welder to direct the arc on the
always the case. On V-groove joints, the backing strip base metal surfaces to obtain complete fusion.
allows wider root openings and removes the need for a
root face, which reduces the groove preparation costs. WELD JOINT DESIGNS
The weld joint designs shown in the rest of this chapter
30º are those typically used for flux cored arc welding. All of
the partial penetration weld joint designs covered may
be welded using either the self-shielded or gas-shield-
ed electrode wires. The joint dimensions will vary for full
penetration welds using backing strips, depending on
which method of flux cored arc welding is being used.
The joint designs that should be used only by the gas-
shielded method are indicated on these joints. All other
3/8” Backing Strip full penetration welds may be made by either of the two
Illustration 8-8 – Single-V-Groove Joints with and without To 1/4" (6.5mm) inclusive 1/8" (3mm)
Backing Strip in the Same Thickness of Metal
Over 1/4" to 1/2" (6.4-12.7m) inclusive 3/16" (5mm)
– 48 –
Basic Welding Symbols and their Basic Joints Identification
Location Significance No Arrow of Arrow Side
Arrow Other Both
Side or
Other Side
and Other Side Joint
Type of Weld Side Side Sides Significance
Arrow of
Seam not used Welding
Arrow of Arrow Side
Welding of Joint
Back or Backing not used not used Symbol T-Joint
Other Side
Surfacing not used not used not used of Joint
Other Side
Member of Joint
Edge not used
Supplementary Symbols
S or D(S)
Weld Field Melt- Consumable Backing
Around Weld thru Insert Spacer
Flush or
Flat Convex Concave
Process abbreviations
Where process abbreviations are to be included in the
tail of the welding symbol, reference is made to table
1, Designation of Welding and Allied Processes by
Letters of AWS A2.4:2012
American Welding Society
550 N.W. LeJeune Road, Miami, Florida 33126
– 49 –
Illustration 8-10 – Welding Symbols (continued)
– 50 –
Application of Arrow and Other Side Convention
– 51 –
Application of Break in Arrow of Welding Symbol
– 52 –
Combinations of Weld Symbols
– 53 –
Specification of Location and Extent of Fillet Welds
Welds Symbols
Welds Symbols
– 54 –
Specification of Extent of Welding
Welds Symbols
Welds Symbols
Welds Symbols
– 55 –
Specification of Extent of Welding
Welds Symbol
– 56 –
Specification of Extent of Welding
Welds Symbol
Welds Symbol
– 57 –
Applications of Typical Weld Symbols
– 58 –
The preselected or fixed variables are those which can The penetration of the weld is defined as the greatest
only be changed in large steps or intervals and are there- depth, below the surface of the base metal or previous
fore unfavorable as controls. For the flux cored arc weld- weld bead that the weld metal reaches. The bead height
ing process, these variables are set according to the type is the height of the weld metal above the surface of the
of material being welded, the thickness of the material, base metal. The bead width is the width of the weld bead.
welding position, deposition rate required, and mechani- The deposition rate is the weight of metal that is depos-
cal properties required. These are variables that cannot ited per unit of time.
be changed once the welding starts.
The welding variables are discussed in this chapter with
particular attention to the penetration, bead shape, de-
The primary adjustable variables are used to control the
position rate, and how they each affect the other welding
welding process after the preselected variables have
variables. Illustration 9-2 is a chart showing the effects of
been established. They control the formation of the weld
welding variables on the three major characteristics.
bead itself by affecting such things as penetration, bead
width, bead height, arc stability, deposition rate, and weld
soundness. The primary welding variables are welding FIXED VARIABLES
voltage, welding current, and travel speed. Because they
can be easily measured and continually adjusted over Electrode Type
a wide range, they can effectively be used as controls.
Specific values can be assigned to the primary adjustable The type of electrode wire will have an effect on the weld-
variables and these values can be accurately reset time ing characteristics of this process. The flux core of the
after time. electrodes contains different components that affect
bead shape, penetration, deposition rate, and the oper-
ating characteristics. Because of this, a wide variety of
The secondary adjustable variables can also be changed
operating characteristics exist which are similar to those
continuously over a wide range of values. However, they
found with the various covered electrodes used in shield-
are sometimes difficult to measure accurately. Therefore,
ed metal arc welding. Some self-shielded flux cored
it is not easy to employ them as controls since, for the
electrodes have been developed to operate on DCEN.
most part, they cannot be assigned exact values. This
These electrodes produce relatively light penetration and
is especially true in semiautomatic welding operations.
are used for many sheet welding and weld surfacing op-
Although difficult to measure, these variables should be
erations. Self-shielded electrodes that operate on DCEP
controlled within the range for proper operation. Second-
produce deeper penetration. Gas-shielded electrode
ary adjustable variables are such things as electrode ex-
wires operate on DCEP and provide the deepest penetra-
tension or stick-out, work and travel angles.
tion of the different types because of the gas shielding in
addition to the flux core.
The different variables affect the characteristics of the
weld such as the penetration of the weld, bead height, Many electrodes are designed to produce a stable arc
bead width, and the deposition rate. The definitions of and high deposition rates at the higher current levels. Il-
bead height, bead width, and penetration are shown in lustrations 9-3 and 9-4 show some deposition rate com-
Illustration 9-1. parisons between several types of flux cored electrodes.
– 59 –
Key: 1. first choice, 2. second choice, 3. third choice, 4. fourth choice, and 5. fifth choice.
a) When these variables are changed, the wire feed speed must be adjusted so that the welding current remains constant.
b) See deposition rate section of welding variables section.
c) This change is especially helpful on materials 20 gauge and smaller thickness.
Illustration 9-2 – Recommended Welding Variable Adjustments for Flux Cored Arc Welding
35 35
3/32" (2.4)
14 E70T-4 14
30 30
12 .120" (3.0) 12
3/32" (2.4) E70T-4
25 25
Deposition Rate (lb/hr)
20 20
8 8
5/64" (2.0)
10 10 E70T-8 DCEN
4 4
1/16" (1.6)
3/32" (2.4)
5 5
2 E70T-8 DCEN 2
0 0
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700
Welding Current (Amperes) Welding Current (Amperes)
Illustration 9-3 – Deposition Rate Versus Current Illustration 9-4 – Deposition Rate Versus Current
for Externally Shielded Tubular Electrode Wires for Self-Shielded Tubular Electrode Wires
– 60 –
Electrode Size Insufficient welding current produces large globular
transfer and excessive spatter in addition to poor pen-
Each electrode wire diameter of a given type has a usable etration and excessive piling up of the weld metal. With
welding current range. Larger diameter electrode wires self-shielding electrodes, insufficient current can cause
use higher welding currents to produce higher deposi- porosity and the pickup of two much nitrogen from the
tion rates and deeper penetration. The rate at which the atmosphere. The nitrogen causes a harder weld that
electrode melts is based on the welding current density has poorer ductility. Illustrations 9-6, 9-7, and 9-8 show
and the components in the flux. If two electrode wires the effects of welding current on the penetration, bead
of the same type, but different diameters, are operated height, and bead width.
at the same current level, the smaller electrode will give
a higher deposition rate because the current density is Welding Voltage (Arc Length)
higher. Illustrations 9-3 and 9-4 also show the deposi-
tion rates produced by different electrode diameters. The The welding voltage is determined by the distance be-
amount of penetration is also based on the current den- tween the tip of the electrode and the work. In a constant
sity. A smaller electrode will produce deeper penetration voltage system, the welding voltage is adjusted by a volt-
than a larger electrode at the same current setting. The age control knob on the front of the power source. The
weld bead will be wider when using the larger electrode power source maintains a given voltage which maintains
wire. The choice of the optimum electrode size to be a certain arc length. In a constant current system, the
used is based on the thickness of the metal to be welded, voltage is controlled by the voltage sensing wire feeder.
the amount of penetration required, the position of weld- The voltage sensing wire feeder regulates the wire feed
ing, the deposition rate desired, the bead profile desired, speed to maintain the arc length that produces the pre-
and the cost of the electrode wires. A smaller diameter selected arc voltage. For a given welding current, there is
electrode is more costly on a weight basis although, for a certain voltage that will provide the smoothest welding
out-of-position welding, the smaller diameter electrodes arc. The arc voltage required for an application is depen-
are the only ones that can be used. For each application, dent on the electrode size, type of shielding gas, position
there is an optimum electrode size that can be used to of welding, type of joint, and base metal thickness.
produce minimum welding costs.
When the other welding variables are held constant and
PRIMARY VARIABLES the welding voltage is increased, the weld bead becomes
wider and flatter. The effect of varying the arc voltage on
Welding Current a gas-shielded electrode is shown in Illustration 9-9.
The amount of welding current has the greatest effect on The penetration will increase up to an optimum voltage
the deposition rate, weld bead size and shape, and the level and then begin to decrease as shown in Illustration
weld penetration. Welding current is proportional to the 9-6. A higher voltage is often used to bridge a gap be-
wire feed speed for a given electrode type, shielding gas
type and pressure and amount of electrode extension. In
a constant voltage system, the welding current is con-
trolled by the knob on the wire feeder control, which sets
the wire feed speed. The welding current increases with
the wire feed speed.
– 61 –
cause of the decreased penetration obtained. An exces- 36 (91)
ing self-shielded electrodes, an excessive arc length can
also cause nitrogen pickup, which causes porosity in low 18
vex weld bead with excessive spatter and reduced pen- 28
etration. Illustrations 9-7 and 9-8 show the effects of the
welding voltage on bead height and bead width.
Travel Speed 22
– 62 –
32 (81) 31 (79)
24 (61) 23 (58)
20 (51) 19 (48)
16 (41) 15 (38)
12 (30) 11 (28)
8 (20) 7 (18)
Bead Height
37 36
34 34
31 32
28 30
25 28
22 26 Bead Width
19 24
550 550
500 500
450 450
400 400
350 350
300 300
Illustration 9-7 – Effect of Travel Speed, Arc Volts, and Illustration 9-8 – Effect of Travel Speed, Arc Volts, and
Welding Current on Bead Height Welding Current on Bead Width
– 63 –
Proper Current Welding Current Welding Current Welding Speed Welding Speed Insufficient
Voltage & Speed Too Low Too High Too Fast Too Slow Shielding Gas
(High Voltage) (Low Voltage) Coverage
Cross-section Fillet Cross-section Fillet Cross-section Fillet Cross-section Fillet Cross-section Fillet Cross-section Fillet
Cross-section Weld Bead Cross-section Weld Bead Cross-section Weld Bead Cross-section Weld Bead Cross-section Weld Bead Cross-section Weld Bead
Face Weld Bead Face Weld Bead Face Weld Bead Face Weld Bead Face Weld Bead Face Weld Bead
A smooth, regular, Excessive spatter Weld bead Bead too small, Excessive bead Excessive spatter
well formed bead. and porosity. excessively convex with contour width. and porosity
and narrow. irregular.
No undercutting, Weld bead Overlapping without Bead very irregular
overlapping or excessively wide Difficult slag Not enough weld penetration at edges. with poor
pileup. and flat. removal. metal in cross penetration.
section. Fillet with
Uniform in cross Undercutting along Wasted filler metal unequal legs. Weld metal not
section. edges weakens joint. and productive time. Poor mechanical properly shielded.
properties. Wasted filler metal
Excellent weld at Irregular bead and productive time. Wasted electrode
minimal material and contour. Undercut at toe and productive time.
labor cost. lines of fillet
Illustration 9-11 – Examples of Good and Bad Welds – Flux Cored with External Shielding Gas
– 64 –
Proper Current Welding Current Welding Current Welding Speed Welding Speed Insufficient
Voltage & Speed Too Low Too High Too Fast Too Slow Shielding Gas
(High Voltage) (Low Voltage) Coverage
Cross-section Fillet Cross-section Fillet Cross-section Fillet Cross-section Fillet Cross-section Fillet Cross-section Fillet
Cross-section Weld Bead Cross-section Weld Bead Cross-section Weld Bead Cross-section Weld Bead Cross-section Weld Bead Cross-section Weld Bead
Face Weld Bead Face Weld Bead Face Weld Bead Face Weld Bead Face Weld Bead Face Weld Bead
A smooth, regular, Excessive spatter Weld bead Bead too small, Excessive bead Excessive spatter
well formed bead. and porosity. excessively convex with contour width. and porosity
and narrow. irregular.
No undercutting, Weld bead Overlapping without Bead very irregular
overlapping or excessively wide Difficult slag Not enough weld penetration at edges. with poor
piling up. and flat. removal. metal in cross penetration.
section. Fillet with
Uniform in cross Undercutting along Wasted filler metal unequal legs. Weld metal not
section. edges weakens joint. and productive time. Poor mechanical properly shielded.
properties. Wasted filler metal
Excellent weld at Irregular bead and productive time. Wasted electrode
minimal material and contour. Undercut at toe and productive time.
labor cost. lines of fillet
Illustration 9-12 – Examples of Good and Bad Welds – Flux Cored without External Shielding Gas
– 65 –
2 50.8
Gas Nozzle
1-1/2 38.1
Electrode Extension
The electrode extension is the distance between the tip Because the shielding comes from the core of self-
of the contact tube and the tip of the electrode as shown shielded electrodes alone, a longer electrode extension
in Illustration 9-13. is generally recommended to take advantage of the extra
preheating effect which is needed to activate the shield-
The length of electrode that extends beyond the con- ing components in the electrode core. Welding guns for
tact tube is resistance heated in proportion to its length. self-shielded electrodes often have nozzles where the
The amount of resistance heating that occurs affects the contact tube is set inside far enough to ensure a mini-
electrode deposition rate and the amount of penetration, mum electrode extension. Electrode extensions ranging
as well as weld quality and arc stability, by varying the from 3/4 to 3-1/2 in. (19-89 mm) are commonly used.
welding current. Increasing the electrode extension re- This will vary depending on the type of electrode wire
duces the welding current as shown in Illustration 9-14. so the manufacturer’s data should be consulted for each
electrode. An electrode extension that is too long will
In semiautomatic welding, the electrode extension can produce an unstable arc and cause excessive spatter. An
be varied by the welder to compensate for joint varia- extension that is too short will cause an excessive arc
tion without interrupting the welding operation. Electrode length at a particular voltage setting. With gas-shielded
extension provides a good control during welding to electrodes, excessive spatter may result which can build
change the amount of penetration obtained. up in the nozzle and restrict the shielding gas flow. Poor
shielding gas coverage can result in porosity and surface
In flux cored arc welding, the electrode extension is a oxidation of the weld bead.
variable that must be held in balance with the shielding
conditions and the related welding variables. As the elec- The amount of electrode extension also has an effect on
trode extension is increased, the amount of preheating of the deposition rate. Increasing the electrode extension
the wire is increased. For gas-shielded flux cored elec- will increase the preheating effect on the electrode and,
trodes, an electrode extension ranging from 3/4 to 1-1/2 therefore, increase the deposition rate. Illustration 9-15
in. (19-38 mm) is normally recommended. shows this for a gas-shielded flux cored electrode.
– 66 –
Deposition Rate (kg/hr)
4.5 4.95 5.40 5.85 6.30 6.75 7.20 7.65 8.10 8.55 9.0
2 50.8
1-3/4 44.5
1-1/2 38.1
1-1/4 31.8
1 25.4
3/4 19.1
1/2 12.7
1/4 6.4
0 0
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Deposition Rate (lbs/hr)
Electrode Angle
The angle at which the welding electrode is held with ness of the base metal, and the position of welding. Us-
respect to the weld joint is called the electrode angle. ing gas-shielded electrodes, maximum weld penetration
These angles have an effect on the shape of the weld is obtained with a 10º drag angle. Drag angles ranging
bead and the amount of penetration. The electrode an- from about 2º to 15º are normally recommended, but a
gles are called the travel and work angles and are shown drag angle greater than 25º should not be used. Drag an-
in Illustration 9-16. gles greater than this do not provide good control of pen-
etration. As the drag angle is decreased, the bead height
The travel angle is the angle between the joint and elec- decreases and the width increases. This effect continues
trode in the longitudinal plane. A push angle exists when into the push angle up to a point where the bead will
the electrode points in the direction of travel. A drag an- start to narrow down again. Push angles are generally not
gle exists when the electrode points in the direction op- recommended because of the greater chances of slag
posite of travel. The work angle is the angle between the entrapment occurring. For self-shielded electrodes, the
electrode and the plane perpendicular to travel. drag angles used are similar to those used in shielded
metal arc welding. Flat and horizontal position welding is
The angle at which the electrode is held during welding done using drag angles ranging from 20º to 45º. Larger
determines the direction in which the arc force acts on angles may be used for thin sections. As the thickness of
the weld pool. The electrode angles are used to shape the the metal increases, smaller angles are used to increase
weld bead and to prevent the slag from running ahead of the penetration. For vertical position, uphill welding, a
the weld pool and becoming trapped in the weld. When push angle of 5º to 10º is recommended.
making flat position fillet and groove welds, gravity tends
to make the molten slag run ahead of the weld pool. To When making fillet welds in the horizontal position, the
compensate for this, a drag angle is used which forces weld metal tends to flow in both the horizontal and verti-
the slag back. The proper travel angle depends on the cal directions. To compensate for the vertical flow, a work
method of flux cored arc welding being used, the thick- angle of 40º to 50º from the upper plate is used.
– 67 –
Illustration 9-16 – Travel Angle and Work Angle
– 68 –
– 69 –
1) For fillet welds only.
2) Shielding gas is carbon dioxide.
3) Flat position only.
4) Semiautomatic welding.
1/8 (3.2) 1 3/32 (2.4) 24-26 300 100 (42) 35-45 (17-21) 44 (19)
Illustration 10-3 – Flux Cored Arc Welding of Plain Carbon and Low Alloy Steels
Using External Shielding Gas
– 70 –
1) For fillet welds only.
2) Shielding gas is carbon dioxide.
3) Horizontal position only.
4) Semiautomatic welding.
1/8 (3.2) 1 3/32 (2.4) 24-26 300 120 (51) 35-45 (17-21) 60 (25)
Illustration 10-4 – Flux Cored Arc Welding of Plain Carbon and Low Alloy Steels
Using External Shielding Gas
– 71 –
1) For square groove welds up to 3/8 inch (9.5 mm) (9.5 mm) base metal thickness.
2) Shielding gas is carbon dioxide.
3) Flat position.
4) Semiautomatic welding.
1/8 (3.2) 1 3/32 (2.4) 24-26 325-350 120 (51) 35-45 (17-21) 56 (24)
3/16 (4.8) 1 3/32 (2.4) 24-26 350-375 130 (55) 35-45 (17-21) 48 (20)
1/4 (6.4) 1 3/32 (2.4) 25-27 375-400 137 (58) 35-45 (17-21) 41 (17)
3/8 (9.5) 2 1/8 (3.2) 26-28 450-500 107 (45) 35-45 (17-21) 24 (10)
1/2 (12.7) 2 1/8 (3.2) 28-30 475-525 120 (51) 35-45 (17-21) 14 (6)
5/8 (15.9) 2 1/8 (3.2) 30-32 575-600 155 (66) 35-45 (17-21) 14-16 (6)
3/4 (19.1) 3 1/8 (3.2) 30-32 575-600 155 (66) 35-45 (17-21) 15-20 (6-8)
7/8 (22.2) 3 1/8 (3.2) 30-32 575-600 155 (66) 35-45 (17-21) 13-18 (5-8)
1 (25.4) 4 1/8 (3.2) 31-32 575-600 155 (66) 35-45 (17-21) 12-20 (5-8)
Illustration 10-5 – Flux Cored Arc Welding of Plain Carbon and Low Alloy Steels
Using External Shielding Gas
– 72 –
1) For square groove welds up to 3/8 inch (9.5 mm) base metal thickness.
2) Shielding gas is carbon dioxide.
3) Flat position only.
4) Automatic welding.
1/8 (3.2) 1 3/32 (2.4) 16-18 225-250 65 (27) 35-45 (17-21) 55 (23)
3/16 (4.8) 1 3/32 (2.4) 17-19 275-300 90 (38) 35-45 (17-21) 36 (15)
3/32 (2.4) 27-29 400-425 270 (114) 35-45 (17-21) 14-20 (6-8)
5/8 (15.9) 3
1/8 (3.2) 29-31 475-500 170 (72) 35-45 (17-21) 13-18 (5-8)
3/32 (2.4) 27-29 400-425 270 (114) 35-45 (17-21) 14-20 (6-8)
3/4 (19.1) 3
1/8 (3.2) 29-31 475-500 170 (72) 35-45 (17-21) 13-18 (5-8)
Illustration 10-6 – Flux Cored Arc Welding of Plain Carbon and Low Alloy Steels
Using External Shielding Gas
– 73 –
1) For fillet welds only.
2) Horizontal position.
3) Semiautomatic welding.
Thickness Travel
of Base Electrode Wire Feed Speed
Metal Number Diameter Welding Welding Speed in./min.
in. (mm) of Passes in. (mm) Voltage Current in./min. (mm/s) (mm/s)
3/4 (19.1) 3 1/8 (3.2) 28-30 425-450 107 (45) 12-16 (5-7)
7/8 (22.2) 3 1/8 (3.2) 29-31 475-500 120 (51) 12-16 (5-7)
Illustration 10-7 – Flux Cored Arc Welding of Plain Carbon and Low Alloy Steels
Using Self-Shielded Electrode Wires
– 74 –
1) For square groove welds up to 3/8 inch (9.5 mm) base metal thickness.
2) Flat position only.
3) Semiautomatic welding.
Thickness Travel
of Base Electrode Wire Feed Speed
Metal Number Diameter Welding Welding Speed in./min.
in. (mm) of Passes in. (mm) Voltage Current in./min. (mm/s) (mm/s)
3/8 (9.5) 2 1/8 (3.2) 28-30 400-425 135 (57) 13-16 (5-7)
1/2 (12.7) 2 1/8 (3.2) 27-29 425-450 150 (63) 14-16 (6-7)
5/8 (15.9) 3 1/8 (3.2) 29-31 400-425 130 (55) 13-18 (5-8)
3/4 (19.1) 3 1/8 (3.2) 28-30 425-450 150 (63) 13-16 (5-7)
7/8 (22.2) 3 1/8 (3.2) 29-31 475-500 170 (72) 13-18 (5-8)
Illustration 10-8 – Flux Cored Arc Welding of Plain Carbon and Low Alloy Steels
Using Self-Shielded Electrode Wires
– 75 –
1) For fillet and groove welds.
2) Shielding gas is carbon dioxide.
3) All positions
4) Semiautomatic welding.
5) Reduce amperage 25-35% for vertical positions
6) For square-groove welds up to 1/4 inch (6.4 mm) base metal thickness.
1/8 (3.2) 1 .045 (1.1) 22-24 150 60 (25) 35-45 (17-21) 30 (13)
3/16 (4.8) 1 .045 (1.1) 22-24 200 80 (34) 35-45 (17-21) 24-30 (10-13)
1/4 (6.4) 1 .045 (1.1) 23-25 220 110 (47) 35-45 (17-21) 15-18 (6-8)
3/8 (9.5) 2 .045 (1.1) 24-25 220 135 (57) 35-45 (17-21) 8-10 (3-4)
1/2 (12.7) 2 .045 (1.1) 24-26 220 150 (63) 35-45 (17-21) 8-10 (3-4)
3/4 (19.1) 3 .045 (1.1) 24-26 220 150 (63) 35-45 (17-21) 8-10 (3-4)
Illustration 10-9 – Flux Cored Arc Welding of Plain Carbon and Low Alloy Steels
Using Small Diameter Externally Shielded Electrode Wires
– 76 –
Preweld preparations are necessary to obtain a good the weld, when full penetration is required and a thermal
quality weld. Operations that may need to be done be- cutting method is not being used.
fore the welding is started are items such as preparing
the weld joint, maintenance of welding gun and cable as- Weld backings are commonly used in flux cored arc weld-
sembly, fixturing the weldment, setting the variables, and, ing to provide support for the weld metal and to control
in some cases, preheating. The amount of preweld prepa- the heat input. Copper, steel, stainless steel, and backing
ration depends upon the size of the weld and weldment, tape are the most common types of weld backing. Cop-
the type of base metal, the ease of fit-up, the quality re- per is a widely used method of weld backing because it
quirements, the governing code or specifications, and the does not fuse to thin metals. It also provides a fast cool-
welder. ing rate because of the high heat conductivity of copper,
which makes this the best method of controlling the heat
input. Steel backing is used when welding steels. These
PREPARING THE WELD JOINT are fusible and remain part of the weldment unless they
are cut off. These are often removed by oxy-fuel, air car-
There are different ways of preparing the edges of the joint bon arc cutting, or grinding. Stainless steels are good
for welding. The methods that are the most often used backing materials for welding of stainless steels. Back-
for edge preparation are oxygen fuel gas cutting, plasma ing tape is popular because it can be molded to any joint
arc cutting, air carbon arc gouging, shearing, machining, configuration, such as the inside of a pipe.
grinding, and chipping. When they can be used, the ther-
mal cutting methods, oxy-fuel gas, plasma arc cutting, CLEANING THE WORK METAL
and air carbon arc cutting, are generally faster than the
mechanical cutting methods, with the exception of shear- The welds made by flux cored arc welding are susceptible
ing. Oxygen fuel gas cutting is used on carbon and low to contamination during the welding process. The surface
alloy steels. Plasma arc cutting is used on carbon, low al- of the base metal should be free of grease, oil, paint, plat-
loy and stainless steels and is best for applications where ing, dirt, oxides or any other foreign material. This is espe-
high production rates are required. Air carbon arc cutting cially critical when welding stainless steel. Flux cored arc
is used for preparing joints in most steels including stain- welding is less sensitive to contaminants than gas metal
less steels. This process should not be used on stainless arc welding because of the scavengers and deoxidizers
steels for critical corrosion applications because of the present in the flux core. Some flux cored electrodes that
carbon deposited, unless the cut surfaces are cleaned by are made specially for welding over rust and scale are
grinding and brushing. The surfaces cut by these thermal available. This is done to make preweld cleaning less
methods sometimes have to be ground lightly to remove expensive. Very dirty workpieces are usually cleaned by
scale or contamination. Common types of prepared weld using solvent cleaners followed by vapor degreasing.
joints are the square, V-, U-, J-, bevel-, and combination- Simple degreasing is often used for cleaning carbon and
grooves. The more complex types of bevels require longer low alloy steel that have oxide free surfaces. Acid pickling
joint preparation times, which makes the joint preparation is generally used for cleaning scale and rust and can be
more expensive. removed mechanically by grinding and abrasive blasting.
Since flux cored arc welding is used on all metal thick- The type of cleaning operation will vary, depending on the
nesses, all of the different joint preparations are widely type of metal. Carbon and low alloy steels may be cleaned
employed. Joints for fillet, or square-groove welds are chemically in a hydrochloric acid solution. Nickel alloys
prepared simply by squaring the edges of the members and stainless steels may be cleaned by pickling which re-
to be welded if the as-received edge is not suitable. moves iron, sand blast residue and other contaminants.
Welding should never be done near chlorinated solvents
Next to the square edge preparation, the V-groove and because the arc can create phosgene gas which is toxic.
single-bevel grooves are the types most easily prepared Chemical cleaning can be done by pickling.
by oxygen fuel cutting, plasma arc cutting, chipping or
machining. These methods leave a smooth surface if Just before welding, there are several other tasks that
properly done. The edges of U- and J-grooves can be should be performed. One is to grind or file the edges of
done by using special tips and techniques with oxy-fuel the joint smooth so that there are no burrs present. Burrs
cutting or by machining. Machining produces the most can cause physical pain as well as create a place to trap
uniform groove. Carbon arc cutting is used extensively contaminants in a weld joint. Grinding is often used on
for preparing U-grooves in steels and for removing part plain carbon and low alloy steels to remove burrs and
of root passes, so that the joint can be welded from both rust or mill scale from the area in and around the joint.
sides. Chipping is sometimes done on the back side of The surfaces of the joint and surrounding area should
– 77 –
be wire brushed. Mild steel brushes are used for clean-
ing plain carbon and low alloy steel. Stainless steel wire
brushes are used for cleaning stainless steel. The joint
surfaces and surface of the previous weld bead should
also be cleaned off between passes of a multiple pass
weld. Stainless steel brushes should be used on these
metals to avoid contamination due to rust or carbon from
the mild steel wire brushes. Welding should be done
soon after cleaning, especially on metals that form sur-
face oxides such as stainless steel. Wire brushing does
not completely remove the oxide but it reduces the thick-
ness and makes them easier to weld. Gloves should be
worn while cleaning stainless steels to prevent oil or dirt,
from the fingers, from getting on the joint surfaces, which
can also cause contamination.
– 78 –
Flux cored arc welding, like the other arc welding pro-
cesses can have welding procedure problems that re- Wagon Tracks
sult in weld discontinuities or defects. Discontinuities
that can occur when using flux cored arc welding are Wagon tracks are linear slag inclusions
slag inclusions, porosity, wormhole porosity, undercut- that run along the longitudinal axis of
ting, incomplete fusion, excessive melt through, wagon the weld. These result from allow-
tracks, excessive weld spatter, arc strikes and craters. ing the slag to run ahead of the weld
These problems with the welding technique or procedure puddle and by slag left on the previ-
weaken the weld and can cause cracking. A poor welding ous pass. This is especially common
technique and improper choice of welding parameters are when slag forms in undercuts on the
major causes of weld defects. Some defects are caused previous pass. This discontinuity oc-
by the use of improper base metal, filler metal, or shield- curs along the toe line of the previous
ing gas. The base metal and filler metal should also be weld bead and can be corrected by Illustration 12-2
cleaned to avoid creation of a discontinuity. Other prob- correcting the electrode travel angles, Wagon Tracks
lems that can occur and reduce the quality of the weld are increasing the travel speed, or by do-
arc blow, loss of shielding, defective electrical contact be- ing a better slag cleaning.
tween the contact tube and the electrode, and wire feed
stoppages. Porosity
Wormhole Porosity
Illustration 12-6 – Incomplete Fusion
Wormhole porosity is the name given
to elongated gas pockets and is usual-
Incomplete fusion occurs when the weld metal is not
ly caused by sulfur in the steel or mois-
completely fused to the base metal. This can occur be-
ture on the surface of the base metal
tween the weld metal and the base metal or between
which becomes trapped in the weld
passes in a multiple pass weld. This is less of a problem
joint. Wormhole porosity can seriously
with flux cored arc welding than with shielded metal arc
reduce the strength of the weld. The
welding and short-circuiting transfer gas metal arc weld-
best methods of preventing this are to
ing because of the deeper penetration obtained. More
clean the surfaces of the joint and pre-
care should be taken when using a weaving technique
heat to remove moisture. If sulfur in the Illustration 12-4
because there is more chance of creating this discontinu-
steel is the problem, a more weldable
Porosity ity. Incomplete fusion between passes in a multiple pass
grade of steel should be selected.
weld often results from welding over a previous weld
bead that has excessive convexity. If an excessively con-
vex weld bead is created, the surface should be ground
off enough so that complete fusion can be made in the
Undercutting is a groove melted in the
next pass. Causes of incomplete fusion can be:
base metal next to the toe or root of a
weld that is not filled by the weld metal.
1) Excessive travel speed which causes an excessively
This is particularly a problem with fillet
convex weld bead
welds. Undercutting causes a weaker
2) Welding current too low
joint at the toe of the weld, which may
3) Poor joint preparation that has too large of a root face
result in cracking. It is caused by one
or too small a root opening
or more of the following:
4) Letting the weld metal get ahead of the arc or let-
ting the weld layer get too thick, which keeps the arc
1) Excessive welding current
away from the base metal.
2) Arc voltage too high
3) Excessive travel speed which does Illustration 12-5
Incomplete fusion can be prevented by:
not allow enough filler metal to be Undercutting
1) Reducing the travel speed
4) Erratic feeding of the electrode wire
2) Increasing the welding current
5) Excessive weaving speed
3) Increasing the root opening and
6) Incorrect electrode angles, especially on vertical and
decreasing the root face
horizontal welds
4) Using proper electrode angles or
increasing the travel speed
This can be prevented by:
1) Reducing the weld current
2) Reducing the welding voltage
Overlapping is the protrusion of the
3) Using a travel speed slow enough so that the weld
weld metal over the edge or toe of the
metal can completely fill all of the melted out areas of
weld bead. This defect can cause an
the base metal
area of incomplete fusion which cre- Illustration 12-7
4) Cleaning the nozzle, inside of the contact tube, or
ates a notch and can lead to crack ini- Overlapping
removing the jammed electrode wire
– 80 –
tiation. If overlapping is allowed to occur, grinding off the produce higher spatter levels than the same electrode
excess weld metal after welding can be done. Overlap- used with argon-carbon dioxide or argon-oxygen mix-
ping is produced by one or more of the following: tures. This is due to the coarser droplet size promoted
by the carbon dioxide shielding. Excessive weld spatter
1) Too slow a travel speed which permits the weld may also result from operating the electrode wire outside
puddle to get ahead of the electrode the operating ranges of amperage, voltage and electrode
2) Arc welding current that is too low extension for which the electrode was designed by the
3) An incorrect electrode angle that allows the force of manufacturer. Methods of reducing the amount of spat-
the arc to push the molten weld metal over unfused ter would then be to reduce the welding current, weld-
sections of the base metal. ing voltage, or electrode extension. When gas-shielded
wires are being used, changing the shielding gas from
Overlapping can be prevented or corrected by: carbon dioxide to an argon-carbon dioxide mixture will
further reduce spatter levels. If spatter is caused, it can
1) Using a higher travel speed be removed by grinding or chipping.
2) Using a higher welding current
3) Using the correct electrode angles Arc Strikes
– 82 –
Underbead cracks oc- It is often encountered when welding magnetized metal
cur underneath the weld or near a magnetized fixture. This problem also occurs
bead as shown in Illustra- when welding complex structures and on massive struc-
tion 12-14. tures with high currents and poor fit-up. Forward arc
blow is encountered when welding away from the ground
Base metal cracks are connection or at the beginning of a weld joint. Backward
those cracks that origi- arc blow occurs toward the grounding connection, into a
nate in the heat affect- corner or toward the end of a weld joint. There are sev-
ed zone of the weld. Illustration 12-14 eral methods that can be used to correct the arc blow
This type of cracking is Underbead Cracks problem:
caused by excessive joint
restraint, entrapped hydrogen, and a brittle microstruc- 1) Welding toward an existing weld or tack weld
ture. A brittle microstructure is caused by rapid cooling or 2) Reducing the welding current and reducing the arc
excessive heat input. Underbead and base metal crack- voltage
ing can be reduced or eliminated by using preheat. 3) Placing the work connection as far as possible from
the weld, at the end of the weld, or at the start of the
weld, and weld toward the heavy tack weld
OTHER PROBLEMS 4) Change position of fixture or demagnetize base metal
or fixture
Arc Blow
Inadequate Shielding
The electric current that flows through the electrode,
workpiece, and work cable sets up magnetic fields in a Many discontinuities that occur in
circular path perpendicular to the direction of the current. flux cored arc welding are caused
When the magnetic fields around the arc are unbalanced, by inadequate shielding of the arc.
it tends to bend away from the greatest concentration Inadequate shielding can cause
of the magnetic field. This deflection of the arc is called oxidation of the weld puddle and
arc blow. Deflection is usually in the direction of travel or porosity in the weld bead. This will
opposite to it, but it sometimes occurs to the side. Arc usually appear as surface porosity.
blow can result in an irregular weld bead and incomplete This problem can easily be detect-
fusion. ed because the arc will change col-
Top View of Magnetic Field or, the weld bead will be discolored
and the arc will become unstable
and difficult to control. The most
common causes of this problem
when using gas-shielded flux cored Illustration 12-16
arc welding are: Inadequate
Direction of Travel 1) Blockage of gas flow in the torch or hoses or freezing
of the regulator with carbon dioxide
2) A leak in the gas system
Forward No Backward 3) Weld spatter blocking the nozzle of the welding
Arc Blow Arc Blow Arc Blow
4) A very high travel speed
5) Improper flow rate
6) Wind or drafts
7) Too much distance between nozzle and work
Illustration 12-15 – Arc Blow 1) Electrode extension that is too short and doesn’t
allow proper activation of shielding gas core compo-
Direct current is susceptible to arc blow, especially when 2) A very high travel speed
welding is being done in corners and near the end of 3) Winds or drafts. Self-shielding electrodes can with-
joints. Arc blow occurs with direct current because the stand higher winds and drafts than gas-shielded
induced magnetic field is in one direction. Arc blow is electrodes and are popular for use in field conditions
shown in Illustration 12-15. where wind is a problem
– 83 –
In general, inadequate shielding is more of a problem Wire Feed Stoppages
with gas-shielding electrodes.
Wire feed stoppages are
There are several ways that this problem can be correct- generally less of a prob-
ed or prevented. The torch and hoses should be checked lem with flux cored arc
before welding to make sure that the shielding gas can welding than with gas
flow freely and is not leaking. The nozzle and contact tube metal arc welding be-
should be cleaned of spatter regularly. A very high travel cause of the larger diam-
speed may leave the weld puddle or part of it exposed to eter electrode wires used
the atmosphere. This may be corrected, in some cases in flux cored arc welding. Illustration 12-17 – Wire
by inclining the gun in the direction of travel, using a noz- However, this can still Wrapped Around Feed Rolls
zle that directs shielding gas back over the heated area, be a problem. Wire feed
or by increasing the gas flow rate. The best method is to stoppages cause the arc to be extinguished and can
slow the travel speed. Increasing the gas flow rate will create an irregular weld bead because of the stops and
increase the expense of the welding. An improper flow starts. Wire stoppages can also cause a loss of weld-
rate may occasionally be a problem. For example, when ing time because many of the problems take a long time
using carbon dioxide shielding in the overhead position, to correct when wire becomes wrapped around the wire
highest gas flow rates may have to be used to provide feed rolls, wadded up in bird nests in the wire feeder, or
adequate shielding. Carbon dioxide is heavier than air broken. Wire feed stoppages can be caused by:
and will tend to fall away from the weld area. An exces-
sive gas flow rate can cause excessive turbulence in the 1) A clogged contact tube
weld puddle. When winds or air drafts are present, there 2) A clogged circuit in the welding gun assembly
are several corrective steps that may be taken. One is to 3) Sharp bends or kinks in the wire feed conduit
switch from a gas-shielded electrode to a self-shielded 4) Excessive pressure on the wire feed roll which can
electrode. Setting up screens around the operation is an- cause breakage of the wire
other method of solving this problem. Increasing the gas 5) Inadequate pressure on the wire feed rolls
flow rate is helpful when using gas-shielded electrodes, 6) Attempting to feed the wire over excessively long
or increasing the electrode extension when using self- distances
shielded electrodes. An excessive distance between the 7) A spool of wire clamped too tightly to the wire reel
end of the nozzle and the molten weld puddle will also support
create a problem in providing adequate shielding, which
can be corrected by shortening this distance. Wire feed stoppages, in many cases, must be corrected
by taking the gun assembly apart and cutting and remov-
Clogged or Dirty Contact Tube ing the wire, or by cutting and removing the wire from the
wire feeder. These both result in time lost to locate the
The power delivered to the arc in flux problem and feed the new length of wire through the as-
cored arc welding depends on a trans- sembly to the gun. Wire stoppages can be prevented by:
fer of current from the tip of the contact
tube to the electrode by means of a 1) Cleaning the contact tube
sliding contact tube. A clogged, dirty or 2) Cleaning the conduit, which is usually done with
worn contact tube can cause changes compressed air
in the amount of power transferred to 3) Straightening or replacing the wire feed conduit
the electrode, which can have an effect 4) Reducing the pressure on the wire feed rolls to
on the arc characteristics. It can also prevent breakage
cause an irregular weld bead and pos- Illustration 12-16 5) Increasing the pressure on the wire feed rolls to
sible incomplete fusion because of the A Worn Contact provide adequate driving force
power fluctuations. A clogged contact Tube 6) Using a shorter distance from the wire feeder to
tube can stop the feed of the electrode the gun or from the wire feeder to the electrode
wire, which stops the welding arc. A contact tube can wire source
become dirty or clogged by spatter from the arc, by rust, 7) Reducing clamping pressure on the wire spool
scale, drawing compounds left from the manufacture of
the wire on the surface of the electrode, or by metal chips
created by tight wire feed rolls. These problems can best
be prevented by making sure that the electrode wire is
clean and the wire feed rolls are tight enough to feed the
wire without creating chips. A wire wipe, made of cloth is
often attached to the wire feeder to clean the electrode
wire as it is fed.
– 84 –
c) d)
– 85 –
structive testing methods. The most widely used nonde- od that is used for stress relieving and does not involve
structive testing methods are visual, magnetic particle, the reheating of the weldments is called vibratory stress
liquid penetrant, ultrasonic, and radiographic. Visual, relief. This method vibrates the weldment during or after
magnetic particle, and liquid penetrant welding to relieve the residual stresses
inspection are used to locate surface during or after solidification. Anneal-
defects, while ultrasonic, magnetic par- ing is a process involving heating and
ticle, and radiographic inspection are cooling that is usually applied to induce
used to locate internal defects. softening. This process is widely used
on steels that become very hard and
Destructive testing is used to deter-
brittle because of welding. There are
mine the mechanical properties of the
several different kinds and when used
weld, such as the strength, ductility, and
on ferrous metals it is called full anneal-
toughness. Destructive testing is also
ing. Full annealing is the heating up of a
accomplished by several methods, de-
material to cause recrystallization of the
pending on the mechanical properties
grain structure, which causes soften-
being tested. Some of the most com-
ing. This softening process is done by
mon types of destructive testing are
heating a ferrous metal to a temperature
tensile bar tests, impact tests, and bend
Illustration 13-3 – Annealing above the transformation range and
slowly cooling to a temperature below
this range. This process is usually done in a furnace to
REPAIRING OF WELDS provide a controlled cooling rate.
Repairing the weld is usually needed when defects are
Normalizing is a heat treatment that is applied only to
found during inspection. When a defect is found, it can be
ferrous metals. Normalizing occurs when the metal is
gouged, ground, chipped, or machined out, depending
heated to a temperature above the transformation range
on the type of material being welded. For steels, grinding
and is cooled in still air to a temperature below this range.
and air carbon arc gouging are commonly used. When
The main difference between normalizing and anneal-
maximum corrosion resistance is required, air carbon arc
ing is that a normalized weldment is cooled in still air
gouging is used on stainless steels only when grinding or
which produces a quicker cooling rate and an annealed
wire brushing of the groove face to remove carbon de-
weldment is slowly cooled in a furnace. A normalizing
posits is done. For stainless steels, chipping is a common
heat treatment will refine the metal grain size and give
method for removing defects. Air carbon arc gouging is
a tougher weld, while an annealing heat treatment will
preferred for many applications because it is usually the
result in a softer weld.
quickest method. Grinding is popular for removing sur-
face defects and shallow lying defects. Once the defects Stress relieving is the uniform heating of a weldment to a
have been removed, the low areas created by the grind- high enough temperature, below the critical range, to re-
ing and gouging can be rewelded using flux cored arc lieve most of the residual stresses due to welding. This is
welding or some other welding process. The welds are followed by uniform cooling. This operation is performed
then reinspected to make sure that the defects have been on many steels after welding to relieve the residual
properly repaired. stresses due to welding. This also re-
duces warpage during machining that
POSTHEATING may occur with a high residual stress
buildup. On parts and metals that are
Postheating is the heat treatment ap-
likely to crack due to the internal stress
plied to the weld or weldment after
created by welding, the parts should
welding. Postheating is often required
be put into stress relief immediately
after the weld has been completed, but
after welding, without being allowed to
this depends upon the type of metal
cool to room temperature. The terms
being welded, the specific applica-
normalizing and annealing are misno-
tion, and the governing code or speci-
mers for this heat treatment.
fications. Many of the low carbon and Illustration 13-4 – Stress Relieving
low alloy steels are rarely postheated. Quenching and tempering is another
There are various types of postheating that are used to postweld heat treatment that is commonly used. The
obtain specific properties. Some of the most commonly metal is heated up and then quenched to form a hard
used postheats are annealing, stress relieving, normal- and brittle metallurgical structure. The weldment is then
izing, and quenching and tempering. Stress relieving is tempered by reheating to a particular temperature, de-
the most widely used heat treatment after welding. Pos- pendent on the degree of ductility, strength, toughness,
theating is accomplished by most of the same methods and hardness desired. Tempering reduces the hardness
that are used for preheating, such as furnaces, induction of the part as it increases the strength, toughness and
coils, and electric resistance heating blankets. One meth- ductility of the weld.
– 86 –
Flux cored arc welding requires a certain degree of skill following is an outline for a course approximately 35
to produce good quality welds. In semiautomatic weld- hours long:
ing, the welder has to manipulate the welding gun and
control the speed of travel. Less skill is required to oper- 1) Flux Cored Arc Welding, Course Overview
ate this process when compared to the manual welding
processes because the machine controls the arc length 2) Introduction to Flux Cored Arc Welding
and feeds the electrode wire. Welders skilled in manual 3) Safety & Health of Welders
welding processes and gas metal arc welding generally
have less difficulty learning flux cored arc welding. This 4) Equipment Set Up, Adjustment & Maintenance
process uses similar equipment and welding techniques 5) Fillet Welds, T-Joints, Horizontal, Vertical &
to those used in gas metal arc welding. At higher current Overhead Positions (Gas & Self-Shielded)
levels, when using larger diameter wires, flux cored arc
welding has a smoother arc and is easier to handle than 6) Electrode Classification & Selection
larger diameter solid wires with a carbon dioxide shield- 7) Single-V-Groove Weld, Butt Joint, Horizontal
ing. Because of the deep penetrating characteristics of (2G) Position (Gas & Self-Shielded)
the process, lack of fusion and incomplete penetration
are easier to avoid and compensate for, than gas metal 8) Single-V-Groove Weld, 2G Destructive Test
arc welding using short-circuiting transfer. 9) Single-V-Groove Weld, Butt Joint, Vertical (3G)
Position, Up (Gas & Self-Shielded)
The exact content of a training program will vary depend-
ing on the specific application of the process. A training 10) Single-V-Groove Weld, Butt Joint, Overhead
program should have enough flexibility so that it can be (4G) Position (Gas & Self-Shielded)
adapted to changing needs and applications. Because 11) Single-V-Groove Weld, Butt Joint, Horizontal (2G)
of this, the emphasis may be placed on certain areas of Position (Gas & Self-Shielded)
training based on the complexity of the parts to be weld-
ed, type of metal, and governing code or specification. 12) Single-V-Groove Weld, Butt Joint, Vertical (3G)
A welding course that covers all position welding would Position, Up with Stringers (Gas & Self-Shielded)
require more training time than one that simply covers flat 13) Single-V-Groove Weld 3G Destructive Test
position welding only. A welding course for pipe would
require more training time than one for welding plate. 14) Single-V-Groove Weld, Butt Joint, Flat (1G) Position
The major purpose of the training program is to give the (Self-Shielded)
welder the skill and knowledge to be able to do the best 15) Fillet Weld, Lap Joint, Flat (1F) Position
job possible. A training program may be broken up into (Metal-Cored)
several areas depending on the training requirements of
the student. 16) Single-V-Groove Weld, Butt Joint, Flat (1G) Position,
(Metal-Cored) & Destructive Test
Basic Flux Cored Arc Welding 17) Single-V-Groove Weld, Butt Joint, Horizontal (2G)
Position, Pipe
The basic flux cored arc welding training program is used
to teach the students the basic skills necessary to weld 18) Single-V-Groove Weld, Butt Joint, Horizontal Fixed
plate. This course provides training on how to make qual- Position (5G) Pipe
ity fillet and groove welds. The course also gives the stu-
dents the knowledge of how to set up the equipment,
clean the base metal, basic operating principles and the WELDER QUALIFICATION
difficulties that are commonly encountered. The train-
ing also covers the different welding techniques used Before the welder can begin work on any job covered by
for gas-shielded and self-shielded electrodes. Also cov- a welding code or specification, the welder must become
ered are the techniques for welding out-of-position us- qualified under the code that applies.
ing small diameter electrodes. The training obtained by
the student should give the skill to perform a job welding Many different codes are in use today, and it is very im-
plate. This course should also provide the background portant that the specific codes are referred to when tak-
skill and knowledge required to take an advanced course ing qualification tests. In general, the following types of
for a specific application such as for welding pipe. The work are covered by codes: pressure vessels and piping,
– 87 –
highway and railway bridges, public buildings, tanks and
containers, cross country pipelines, ordnance material,
ships and boats, and nuclear power plants. Several of
the specifications include consideration of the flux cored
arc welding process. These are:
– 88 –
Safety is an important consideration when welding. or ground rod. Welding cables with frayed or cracked in-
sulation and faulty or badly worn connections can cause
Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDSs)
electrical short circuits and shocks. An improperly insu-
OSHA requires that employers must have a comprehen- lated welding cable is both an electrical shock hazard and
sive hazard communication program to inform employees a fire hazard.
about hazardous substances that might be used in the
workplace. The purpose of the MSDSs is to explain the The welding area should be dry and free of any standing
hazards involved in handling/using products such as weld- water. When it is necessary to weld in a damp or wet area,
ing consumables and the precautionary measures which the welder should wear rubber boots and stand on a dry,
must be put in place for safe welding. The employer must insulated platform.
maintain continuous training concerning such materials,
and safety in general. Provisions to safeguard employees ARC RADIATION
are included in Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDSs) as
prescribed by the Hazard Communications Standard of Flux cored arc welding produces an intense welding arc
the U.S. Department of Labor. Information must be pro- which emits ultraviolet and infrared rays. Skin that is ex-
vided for all substances taken into the workplace except posed to the arc for a short time can suffer serious ultra-
food, drugs, cosmetics or tobacco products used for violet and infrared burns which are essentially the same
personal consumption. The use of these data sheets in as sunburn, but the burn caused by welding can take
all manufacturing workplaces has been mandated since place in a much shorter time and can be very painful. The
1985. Employees must be trained on the information in welder should always wear protective clothing suitable for
Material Safety Data Sheets and labels. welding to be done. These clothes should be fairly heavy
AWS/ANSI Z49.1 and fire resistant. Leather is often used to make jackets,
capes, and bibs, or other similar arrangements to shield
A set of safety rules which should be followed is pre- the shoulders, arms, and chest from radiation and spatter.
sented in the American National Standard Institute Z49.1, Leather gloves should be worn, but the gloves are often
“Safety in Welding and Cutting”, published by the Ameri- lighter than those used for shielded metal arc welding.
can Welding Society. There are a number of hazards as-
sociated with shielded metal arc welding. These do not The eyes must be protected from the radiation emitted by
necessarily result in serious injuries. They can also be of the welding arc. The welding arc should never be viewed
a minor nature which can cause discomforts that irritate by the naked eye at a distance closer than 30 ft. (9 m). Arc
and reduce the efficiency of the welders. These hazards burn can result if the eyes are not protected. Arc burn of
are: the eye is similar to sunburn of the skin and is extremely
painful for about 24 to 48 hours. Usually arc burn does not
1) Electrical shock permanently injure the eyes, but it can cause intense pain.
2) Arc radiation There are several commercial solutions that are available
to soothe the skin and eyes during the period of suffering.
3) Air contamination Infrared arc rays can cause fatigue of the retina of the eye.
4) Compressed gases The effects of infrared rays are not nearly as noticeable or
immediate as the effects of ultraviolet rays. Infrared rays
5) Fire and explosion
6) Weld cleaning and other hazards
There are several precautions that should be taken to
prevent an electrical shock. First, make sure that the arc
welding equipment is properly installed, grounded, and in
good working condition. The electrical equipment should
be maintained and installed in accordance with the Na-
tional Electrical Code and any state and local codes that
apply. Equipment should be operated within NEMA Stan-
dards usual operating conditions for proper safety and
equipment life. The case or frame of the power supply
should be connected to an adequate electrical ground,
Illustration 15-1 – Welding Helmets
such as an approved building ground, cold water pipe, Photos courtesy of Miller Electric Manufacturing Co.
– 89 –
Welding Current Minimum Suggesteda Shade
(Amperes) Protective Shade No. (Comfort)
Under 60 7 9
Welding Bandana
protects head.
60-160 10 11
Safety Goggles
160-250 10 12 protects eyes.
250-550 10 14
Light Welding Jacket
protects the chest and arms.
a) As a rule of thumb, start with a shade that is not too dark to see the weld zone. Then go to
a lighter shade which gives sufficient view of the weld zone without going below the minimum.
In oxyfuel gas welding, cutting, or brazing where the torch and/or the flux produces a high yel-
low light, it is desirable to use a filter lens that absorbs the yellow or sodium line of the visible Industrial Grade
light spectrum. Auto-Darkening Helmet
protects eyes and face.
Illustration 15-2 – Suggested Filter Glass Shades
for Flux-Cored Arc Welding
Welding Gloves
protects hands.
are probably more dangerous in that their effects can be
longer lasting and result in impaired vision. Leather Apron
protects lap.
– 90 –
COMPRESSED GASES be worn underneath the welding helmet to protect the
eyes from particles that could get inside the welding hel-
The shielding gas used for flux cored arc welding is met. Screens shall be set up if there are other people in
compressed and stored in cylinders. One advantage the area, to protect them from arc burn.
of self-shielded flux cored wire is that compressed gas
cylinders are not required, so this is primarily a safety
consideration when gas-shielded electrodes are used.
Improper handling of compressed gas cylinders can cre-
1) Make sure your arc welding equipment is installed
ate a safety hazard. When in use, gas cylinders should be
properly and grounded and is in good working
secured to a wall or other structural support. The valve
condition. This will help prevent fatal electric shocks.
of the cylinder should be opened slowly and the welder
should stand away from the face of the regulator when 2) Always wear protective clothing suitable for the
doing this. The welding arc should never be struck on a welding to be done. This will help prevent injuries
compressed gas cylinder. When not in use, gas cylinders and burns.
should be stored with their caps on. Caps should also be
on when they are moved. If the valve would get knocked 3) Always wear proper eye protection, when welding,
off, the cylinder acts like a missile, because of the escap- cutting, or grinding. Do not look at the arc without
ing gas, and can cause injury and damage. When com- proper eye protection. This will prevent eye injuries
pressed gas cylinders are empty, the valve should be and “arc flash.”
closed and they should be marked empty. This is done
4) Avoid breathing the air in the fume plume directly
by marking the letters, “MT” or “EMPTY” on the cylinder.
above the arc. This will prevent illness due to
overexposure to hazardous materials in the
Fires and explosions are hazards that can exist in a weld- 5) Keep your work area clean and free of hazards. Make
ing area if the proper precautions are not taken. The flux sure that no flammable, volatile, or explosive materials
cored arc welding process can produce sparks and spat- are in or near the work area. Good housekeeping will
ter which can start a fire or explosion in the welding area, help prevent accidents.
if not kept free of flammable, volatile, or explosive materi-
als, Heavy, fire resistant clothing, usually leather, is worn 6) Handle all compressed gas cylinders with extreme
by the welder to protect him from burns. Fires can also care. Keep caps on when not in use. Damaged
be started by an electrical short, or by overheated, worn cylinders can rupture with explosive violence.
welding cables.
7) Make sure that compressed gas cylinders are
secured to the wall or to other structural supports.
In case of a fire that is started by a flammable liquid or
The impact of a fall can cause cylinder rupture or
an electrical short, a CO2 or dry chemical type of fire ex-
valve failure.
tinguisher should be used. Fire extinguishers should be
kept at critical areas around the shop and the welders 8) When compressed gas cylinders are empty close the
should make a mental note of where they are Iocated. valve and mark the cylinder “empty”. This will prevent
contamination from entering the cylinder.
Other precautions relating to explosions are also impor-
tant. A welder should not weld on containers that have 9) Do not weld in a confined space without special
held combustibles unless it is absolutely certain that precautions. Poor ventilation can lead to asphyxia-
there are no fumes or residue left. Welding should not be tion. Accumulation of flammable gases can explode.
done on sealed containers without providing vents and Always practice “confined space” safety.
taking special precautions. When the welding gun is set (See ANSI/AWS Z49.1, Section 7)
down or not in use, it should never be allowed to touch a 10) Do not weld on containers that have held combus-
compressed gas cylinder. tibles without taking special precautions. The heat
of welding can ignite residual gases and cause an
WELD CLEANING AND OTHER HAZARDS explosion. The heat can cause the release of
hazardous fumes. Always assure a container is clean
Hazards are also encountered during the weld cleaning and safe for welding.
process. Precautions must be taken to prevent the skin
and eyes from hot slag particles. Flux cored are weld- 11) Do not weld on sealed containers or compartments
ing produces a moderate slag covering which must be without providing vents and taking special
removed. The welding helmet or safety glasses, gloves, precautions. The heat of welding can cause gases
and heavy clothing protect the skin from slag chipping to expand. The increased pressure can lead to
and grinding of the weld metal. Safety glasses shall also an explosion.
– 91 –
12) Use mechanical exhaust at the point of welding when 10) “Arc Welding Equipment,” E-60974 Series,
welding lead, cadmium, chromium, manganese, Canadian Standards Association.
brass, bronze, zinc, or galvanized steel, and when
11) “Safety Standards for Arc Welding Equipment,”
welding in a confined space. These “low allowable-
series 60974, Underwriters Laboratories,
limit materials” can cause serious injury. Ventilation
Northbrook, IL.
will prevent overexposure.
12) “National Electric Code”, NFPA 70, National Fire
13) When it is necessary to weld in a damp or wet area,
Protection Association, Quincy, MA.
wear rubber boots and stand on a dry insulated plat-
form. This will minimize the chance of electric shocks. 13) “Thoriated Tungsten Electrodes,” Safety and
Health Fact Sheet No. 27, American Welding
14) Do not use cables with frayed, cracked, or bare spots
Society, Miami, FL.
in the insulation. This will prevent stray arcs between
the bare cable and the ground. It will prevent electric 14) “Lens Shade Selector,” F2.2. American Welding
shocks. Society, Miami, FL.
15) When the welding gun is not in use, do not hang it on 15) “Transparent Welding Curtains” by Sliney, Moss,
a compressed gas cylinder. Miller & Stephens, May 1982, Welding Journal,
Miami, FL.
16) “The Welding Environment,” American Welding
17) “Fumes and Gases in the Welding Environment”,
The primary reference for this book is Modern Welding American Welding Society, Miami, FL.
Technology, by Howard B. Cary and Scott C. Helzer, pub-
lished by Pearson Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ. 18) “Characterization of Arc Welding Fume”, CAWF,
Other references cited include: American Welding Society, Miami, FL.
1) “Report on a Danish Investigation into the Health 19) “Method for Sampling Airborne Particles Generated
and Working Environment of Arc Welders”, Welding by Welding and Allied Processes,” F1.1, American
in the World, Vol. 10, Nos. 3 and 4, 1972. Welding Society, Miami, FL.
2) “Occupational Safety and Health Standards” Code 20) “Industrial Ventilation - A Manual of Recommended
of Federal Regulations Title 29 - Part 1910, U.S. Practice”, American Conference of Governmental
Dept. of Labor. Available from the Superintendent of Industrial Hygienists, Cincinnati, OH.
Documents, U.S. Printing Office, Washington, DC. 21) “A Sampling Strategy Guide for Evaluating
3) “Safety in Welding, Cutting, and Allied Processes,” Contaminants in the Welding Environment,” F1.3,
ANSI Z49.1 American Welding Society, Miami, FL. American Welding Society, Miami, FL.
22) “Laboratory Method for Measuring Fume Genera-
4) “Effects of Welding on Health,” EWH series, tion Rates and Total Fume Emission of Welding and
American Welding Society, Miami, FL. Allied Processes,” F1.2, American Welding Society,
5) “Hazard Communication Standard,” 29 CFR Miami, FL.
1910.1200, U.S. Department of Labor, 23) “Handling Acetylene Cylinders in Fire Situations”,
Washington, DC. Safety Bulletin No. SB-4, Compressed Gas
“Threshold Limit Values for Chemical Substances Association, York, NY.
and Physical Agents and Biological Exposure 24) Hot Work Permits (Flame or Sparks) Data Sheet
Indices,” American Conference of Governmental 522, National Safety Council, Chicago, Illinois.
Industrial Hygienists, Cincinnati, OH.
25) “Standard for Fire Prevention During Welding,
7) “Welding Workplace Safety,” by Hallock Campbell. Cutting and Other Hotwork,” NFPA 51B, National
Data Sheet No. 79A, Sept., 1986, Welding Journal. Fire Protection Association, Quincy, MA.
“Safety Signs and Colors,” standards series ANSI 26) “Safe Practices for the Preparation of Containers
Z535 America National Standards Institute, and Piping for Welding and Cutting.” F4.1, American
New York, NY. Welding Society, Miami, FL.
“Electric Arc Welding Power Sources”, EW-1, 27) “Safe Hot Tapping Practices in the Petroleum and
National Electrical Manufacturers Association, Petrochemical Industries,” RP 2201, American
Rosslyn, VA. Petroleum Institute, Washington, DC.
– 92 –
28) “Cylinders: Safe Storage, Handling, and Use,” Safe- 48) “Recommended Practices for Resistance Welding,”
ty and Health Fact Sheet No. 30. American Welding C1.1, American Welding Society, Miami, FL.
Society, Miami, FL.
49) “Recommended Practices for Air Carbon Arc
29) “Arc Welding and Cutting Noise,” AWN, American Gouging and Cutting,” C5.3, American Welding
Welding Society, Miami, FL. Society, Miami, FL.
30) “Safety and Health Fact Sheets,” SHF, American 50) “Recommended Practices for Plasma Arc Cutting
Welding Society, Miami, FL. and Gouging,” C5.2, American Welding Society,
Miami, FL.
31) “Using Transparent Welding Curtains” by Dean R.
Wilson, Welding Journal, September 2005, Ameri- 51) “Recommended Practices for Electron Beam
can Welding Society, Miami, FL. Welding,” C7.1, American Welding Society,
Miami, FL.
32) “Methods for Sampling and Analyzing Gases from
Welding and Allied Processes,” F1.5, American 52) “Thermal Spray Manual,” TSM, American Welding
Welding Society, Miami, FL. Society, Miami, FL.
33) “Guide for Estimating Welding Emissions for EPA 53) “Thermal Spraying Practice, Theory and
and Ventilation Permit Reporting,” F1.6, American Application,” TSS, American Welding Society,
Welding Society, Miami, FL. Miami, FL.
34) “Lens Shade Selector,” F2.2, American Welding 54) “Recommended Practices for Laser Beam
Society, Miami, FL. Welding, Cutting, and Drilling,” C7.2, American
Welding Society, Miami, FL.
35) “Specification for Use and Performance of
Transparent Welding Curtains and Screens,” F2.3,
American Welding Society, Miami, FL.
Web Sites
36) “Ventilation Guide for Weld Fume,” F3.2, American
Welding Society, Miami, FL. 1) American Welding Society, http://www.aws.org
37) “Lockout/Tagout,” Safety and Health Fact Sheet No. 2) Occupational Safety and Health Administration,
18, American Welding Society, Miami, FL. http://www.osha.gov
38) “Underwater Cutting and Welding,” NAVSEA 3) National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health,
S0300-BB-MAN-010, U.S. Dept. of the Navy, Naval http://www.cdc.gov/niosh
Sea Systems Command, Washington, DC.
4) National Fire Protection Association,
39) “Occupational and Educational Personal Eye and http://www.nfpa.org
Face Protection Devices,” ANSI Z87.1 American
5) U.S. Government Printing Office,
National Standards Institute, New York, NY.
40) “Chromium, Nickel, and Welding,” International
6) American Conference of Governmental Industrial
Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), Volume 49,
Hygienists, http://www.acgih.org
7) Canadian Standards Association,
41) “Specification for Underwater Welding,” D3.6M,
American Welding Society, Miami, FL.
8) American National Standards Association,
42) “Specification for Robotic Arc Welding Safety,”
D16.1, American Welding Society, Miami, FL.
9) Compressed Gas Association,
43) “Risk Assessment Guide for Robotic Arc Welding.”
D16.3, American Welding Society, Miami, FL.
10) American Petroleum Institute, http://www.api.org
44) “Braze Safely” BRS, American Welding Society,
Miami, FL. 11) Underwriters Laboratories, http://www.ul.com
45) “Brazing Handbook,” BRH, American Welding 12) National Electrical Manufacturers Association,
Society, Miami, FL. http://www. www.nema.org
46) “Soldering Handbook,” SHB, American Welding 13) Global Engineering Documents,
Society, Miami, FL. http://www.global.ihs.com
47) “Resistance Welding Manual,” RWM, American 14) World Engineering Xchange, Ltd.,
Welding Society, Miami, FL. http://pubs.aws.org
– 93 –
Accessibility 47
Accessories 13 47
Advantages of FCAW 62
Acid Pickling 77
Air Carbon Arc Gouging 77 86
Air Contamination 90
Alternating Current 7
Annealing 41-42 86
Arc Blow 83
Arc Length 2-5 9 42
61-62 66 87
Arc Radiation 89
Arc Strikes 81
Arc Systems 3
Argon-Carbon Dioxide Mixtures 15
Argon-Oxygen Mixtures 15
Austenitic Stainless Steel 37 41-42
Automotive Products 30
AWS/ANSI Z49.1 89
Backing Strips 48
Base Metal Cracks 83
Bead Height 59 61-63 67
Bead Width 59 61-65
Bevel Angle 44
Cables 12
Recommended Lengths 13
Cadmium 90 92
Degreasing 77 90
Dendrites 38
Deoxidizers 20 36 38-39
Deposition Efficiency 5 15 33-35
Deposition Rate 1-2 13 20
26-35 39 59-61
66-67 78
Destructive Testing 85-86
Direct Current Electrode Negative 21 26
Direct Current Electrode Positive 21 26 69
Dirty Contact Tube 84
Discontinuities Caused By Welding Technique 79
Distortion 81
Drag Angle 67 79
Drive Rolls 9-11
Ductility 14-15 26 36
39-42 61 86
Duty Cycle 6-8 11-12
Effective Throat 48
Electric Power Cost 33
Electrical Shock 89
Electrode Angle 67
Electrode Cost 32
Electrode Extension 66
Electrode Lead 6 12
Electrode Size 61
Electrode Selection 26
Electrode Type 59
Electrodes 16
Classification 16
Selection 26
Conformances and Approvals 27
Elongation 17-18 36
Fires 91
Fixed Variables 59
Fixturing 78
Flux Cored Arc Spot Welding 31
Free Machining Steels 41
Fume Extractors 11
Fusion Line 37
Hardenability 38-40
Hardness 14 38 40
Heat Affected Zone 14 36-38 40
62 82-82
Heat Treatable Steels 40
Heavy Equipment 30
Helium 1 18
Helmet 89-91
High Carbon Steel 37-38 40
Filler Metal Classification 16-23
Preheat Temperatures 37
Hot Cracking 20 41 82
Joint Preparation 32 43 47
77 80
Joint Restraint 36 78 82-83
Joints, Common Types 43
Kilowatt 33
Labor Cost 32
Lead (element) 41 82
Limitations of FCAW 2
Longitudinal Crack 82
Low Alloy Steels 39
Filler Metal Classification 16-23
Preheat Temperatures 37
Low Carbon Steel 39
Filler Metal Classification 16-23
Preheat Temperatures 37
Nickel 22 37-41 77
Nitrogen 3 14 42
Nondestructive Testing 85-86
Normalizing 86
Radiographic 85-86 88
Railroads 29
Reduction of Area 36
References for Welding Safety 92
Repairing of Welds 86
Reverse Polarity 6 21
Root Face 44
Root Opening 44
Safety 89
Scavengers 16 38 77
Secondary Variables 66
Selenium 41
Shearing 77
Shielding Gases and Electrodes 14
Shielding Gas Cost 33
Shielding Gas Equipment 12
Shielding Gas Flow 8 12 15
66 79-80
Shielding Gases 14
Ships 28
Short Circuiting Metal Transfer 45
Slag 1-3 13 15-16
20-21 27-28 32-33
36 62 64-65
67 79 85
Slag Inclusions 79
Solidification 16 38 81-82
Spatter 1-2 4-5 11
13 15-16 20
27 33 61-62
64-66 79 81
83-85 89-91
Stainless Steels 41
Classification 42
Filler Metal Classification 24-27
Inches Per Pound of Wire 33
Preheat Temperatures 37
Steels 38
Straight Polarity 6 21
Strength 44
Stress Relieving 86
Structures 28
Ventilation 90-91
Volt-Ampere Curves 4
Voltage 3-9 33 59
61-65 69
Wagon Tracks 79
Warpage 81
Water Circulators 13
Weldable Metals 38
Zinc 90 92
American Association of State Highway and Transporta- Compressed Gas Association (CGA)
tion Officials (AASHTO) 14501 George Carter Way, Suite 103
444 N Capitol Street NW, Suite 249 Chantilly, VA 20151
Washington, DC 20001 (703) 788-2700
(202) 624-5800 http://www.cganet.com
Global Engineering Documents
American Bureau of Shipping and Affiliated Companies 15 Inverness Way East
(ABS) Englewood, CO 80112
16855 Northchase Drive (800) 854-7179
Houston TX 77060 USA http://global.ihs.com
(281) 877-5800
http://www.eagle.org Hobart Institute of Welding Technology (HIWT)
400 Trade Square East
American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC) Troy, OH 45373
One East Wacker Drive, Suite 700 (800) 332-9448 or (937) 332-5433
Chicago, IL 60601-1802 http://www.welding.org
(312) 670-2400
http://www.aisc.org MIL-STDS & NAVSHIP Specifications & Standards Docu-
ment Automation and Production Service
American National Standards Institute (ANSI) 700 Robbins Avenue
1899 L Street, NW Bldg 4/D
11th Floor Philadelphia, PA 19111
Washington, DC 20036 (215) 697-6257
(202) 293-8020 https://assist.daps.dla.mil
National Board of Boiler & Pressure Vessel Inspectors
American Petroleum Institute (API) (NBBPVI)
1220 L Street, NW 1055 Crupper Avenue
Washington, DC 20005-4070 Columbus, OH 43229-1183
(202) 682-8000 (614) 888-8320
http://www.api.org http://www.nationalboard.org
American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) National Certified Pipe Welding Bureau (NCPWB)
P.O. Box 2300, 22 Law Drive 1385 Piccard Drive
Fairfield, NJ 07007-2300 Rockville, MD 20850
(800) 843-2763 (U.S/Canada) (301) 869-5800
http://www.asme.org http://www.mcaa.org
American Society for Nondestructive Testing (ASNT) National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA)
P.O. Box 28518 , 1711 Arlingate Lane 1300 North 17th Street, Suite 1752
Columbus, OH 43228-0518 Rosslyn, VA 22209
(800) 222-2768 or (614) 274-6003 (703) 841-3200
http://www.asnt.org http://www.nema.org
American Society for Testing Materials (ASTM) National Fire Protection Association (NFPA)
P.O. Box C700, 100 Barr Harbor Drive 1 Batterymarch Park
West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959 Quincy, MA, 02169-7471
(610) 832-9500 (617) 770-3000
http://www.astm.org http://www.nfpa.org
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