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Lecture PPT-1 2

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Bachelor of Engineering (Mechanical Engineering)
Manufacturing Techniques (MET-204)


Course Outcome
CO Title Level

CO1 The metallurgical changes exist in weld metal and its effect Remember
on properties.

CO2 The purpose and classification of coating of the electrodes Understand

CO3 The various types of modes of metal transfer exist in welding Understand

CO4 The difference between various welding processes and its Understand
industrial utilization.

CO5 To study different welding processes and their Understand

Basic elements of
welding process

Introduction to welding process & Classification of

welding processes . Concept of brazing
&Soldering .
Type of welding joints & various welding positions
Electric arc welding , Principle , metal transfer in
arc welding
straight & reverse polarity in AC & DC , relative
merits & demerits . Types of electric arc welding.
Welding Processes

Welding is a materials joining

process which produces
coalescence of materials by
heating them to suitable
temperatures with or without the
application of pressure or by the
application of pressure alone, and
with or without the use of filler
Welding Processes

• Many different energy sources can be used for welding,

including a gas flame (chemical), an electric arc (electrical), a
laser, an electron beam, friction, and ultrasound.
• While often an industrial process, welding may be performed
in many different environments, including in open air, under
water, and in outer space.
• Welding is a hazardous undertaking and precautions are
required to avoid burns, electric shock, vision damage,
inhalation of poisonous gases and fumes, and exposure to
intense ultraviolet radiation.
• As no hole is required for welding, hence no reduction of area. So structural
members are more effective in taking the load.
• In welding filler plates, gusseted plates, connecting angles etc, are not used, which
leads to reduced overall weight of the structure.
• Welded joints are more economical as less labor and less material is required.
• The efficiency of welded joint is more than that of the riveted joint.
• The welded joints look better than the bulky riveted/butted joints.
• The speed of fabrication is faster in comparison with the riveted joints.
• Complete rigid joints can be provided with welding process.
• The alternation and addition to the existing structure is easy.
• No noise is produced during the welding process as in the case of riveting.
• The welding process requires less work space in comparison to riveting.
• Any space of joint can be made with ease.
• Welded joints are more brittle and therefore their fatigue strength is less
than the members joined.
• Due to uneven heating & cooling of the members during the welding, the
members may distort resulting in additional stresses.
• Skilled labor and electricity are required for welding.
• No provision for expansion and contraction is kept in welded connection &
therefore, there is possibility of racks.
• The inspection of welding work is more difficult and costlier than the
riveting work.
• Defects like internal air pocket, slag inclusion and incomplete penetration
are difficult to detect.
Classifications of welding Processes
Classifications of welding Processes
(iv) Thermit Welding
(i). Arc welding (v) Solid State Welding
Carbon arc Friction
Metal arc Ultrasonic
Metal inert gas Explosive
Tungsten inert gas (vi) Newer Welding
Plasma arc Electron-beam
Submerged arc Laser
(vii) Related Process
Oxy-acetylene cutting
(ii). Gas Welding Arc cutting
Oxy-acetylene Hard facing
Air-acetylene Brazing
Oxy-hydrogen Soldering
(iii). Resistance Welding
Butt, Spot, Seam, Projection, Percussion

1. Define weld ability?

2. How is welding classified?
3. Name the applications of welding.
4. Name the types of gas welding.
5. What are the metals welded using neutral flame?
6. How does the flame of an oxidizing flame look?
7. Write down the methods of welding.
8. Give the applications of gas welding.
9. Give the applications of flux cored welding.
10. Name the methods of brazing.

• Text Books :
1. P.N.Rao, Manufacturing Technology ( Tata McGraw Hill )
2. P.C.Sharma, A text book of Production Technology ( S Chand Publication )
3. R.S.Parmar , Welding Technology, Khanna Publishers
4. R.K. Rajput, Text book of Manufacturing Technology ( Laxmi Publications )

• Reference Books
1. Amitabha Ghosh &Ahsok Kumar Malik, Manufacturing Science (Affiliated East West Press Pvt.
2. S. Kalpakjian & Steven R. Schmid, Manufacturing Engineering & Technology (Pearson)

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