Iktva Doing Business With SA 2018 L
Iktva Doing Business With SA 2018 L
Iktva Doing Business With SA 2018 L
01 Overview
02 Corporate values
Disclaimer: The information contained herein is made available to the public by Saudi
Aramco, and is provided “as is.” Saudi Aramco makes no representations or warranties,
express or implied, as to the correctness, completeness, or use of this document or the Supplier relations
information therein by any party for any purpose whatsoever. Neither Saudi Aramco nor
any of its affiliates shall be liable for any direct, incidental, consequential, or punitive
damages arising out of or in any way connected with the information herein. Use of, or
reliance on, the information contained in this document does not create any binding or
legal or other obligations on Saudi Aramco toward any other party. Reference herein to
any specific organization or company does not constitute or imply Saudi Aramco’s
Procurement policies and
endorsement or recommendation of, or preference toward, such entity. registration procedures
processes, and delivers supplies
of natural gas that fuel Saudi • Develop innovative supply
Arabia’s industrial sector. The chain methodologies.
Company has an array of • Raise the percentage of locally
international subsidiaries, joint
produced energy-related
and equity ventures to deliver
crude oil, refined products, and goods and services contracted
chemicals to customers by Saudi Aramco to 70% by
worldwide. Our Procurement 2021.
and Supply Chain Management • Develop and retain a
organization (P&SCM) is professional workforce.
responsible for procurement in
support of Saudi Aramco.
our values Saudi Aramco adheres to a set of values that also guide
our procurement activities. Similar values are expected
from suppliers and contractors supporting our supply
chain activities. Similar values are expected from
suppliers and contractors supporting our supply chain.
We drive for the best We operate safely and We follow ethical
results and are agile in are committed to the standards in
addressing new well-being of our conducting our
challenges. workforce. business.
code of
acknowledge, and agree to
abide by, the policies and
principles set forth in the
Supplier Code of Conduct to
continue doing business with
Saudi Aramco. The Supplier
Code of Conduct also applies to
all potential new vendors,
manufacturers, contractors, and
and safety
sub-contractors. Our suppliers
and contractors are expected to
provide the Supplier Code of
Conduct to all employees in their
organizations who are involved
in conducting business with
Saudi Aramco.
The In-Kingdom
made energy goods and services falls into seven major categories:
to 30% by 2021. Development Revenue, Goods and Services,
of the Saudi workforce is also Saudi Payroll Related Costs,
one of the primary goals of the Saudi Training and Development,
(iktva) Program
localization in the Kingdom. The our spending that remains
program is designed to promote in-Kingdom or develops the
local content development, Kingdom’s supply chain and
leading to higher levels of capabilities. Saudi Aramco
Saudization and local spending requires third-party verification
to boost the Kingdom’s of the numbers as part of
economy, capabilities, and suppliers’ annual submission.
supply chain.
12 doing business with Saudi Aramco 13
D R E Partnership and
Supplier Research & Revenue (spend
development spend development from Saudi • Supplier focused
Aramco) • Jointly develop action plans
• Mutual benefit and
X Export Factor
iktva support The iktva Support Team
combines the roles of supplier
supplier iktva formula Team performance monitoring and
proactive supplier development.
The team is designed to ensure
A+B+C+D+R an increase in the local supply of
% iktva = +X goods and services to Saudi
E Aramco by coordinating
technical assistance for suppliers.
iktva defines the net value generated for the Kingdom The Team can be reached
Email: iktva@aramco.com
Additional info
• Number of Saudi employees
• Investment
• Exports
14 doing business with Saudi Aramco 15
Engagement framework
iktva certification > iktva 5-year action plan > procurement award and monitoring
• Measure the local footprint of • Detailed plan on increasing • Quarterly status update
a company the iktva score in the next five • Annual progress review
• Yearly certification years.
• Enforcing accountability
• Carried out by a third-party • Established targets on measures.
certifier Saudization and investment
• Summary of major sector
enablers and challenges
16 doing business with Saudi Aramco 17
providing us with services, to
suppliers offering their
Saudi Aramco expects its
suppliers to offer the highest
level of quality standards, be
innovative in their products and
services, be competitive in their
prices, and deliver on time. In
addition, Saudi Aramco is
looking for suppliers that add
value to its supply chain and
have the ability to scale-up to
meet growth changes according
to business needs.
our relation
and prosper. This interaction will suppliers’ performance.
The business relationship Suppliers interested to do
ensure the values that we are
between Saudi Aramco and business with Saudi Aramco are
looking from timely delivery, Supplier relations:
Dedicated to promoting the suppliers and contractors required to be registered and
high quality and reliability along
iktva program as we handle requires a sustained qualified as a first step.
with of course strong
relationship. external relations with suppliers. commitment to continuously
The following section will outline
improve service and efficiency.
the requirement for Saudi
SRM handles five main areas of P&SCM has implemented
Supplier Solutions Center: Aramco registration:
supplier interactions, including effective supply chain strategies
Dedicated to the development
the following: and industry best practices as Supplier Registration:
of existing local manufacturers
part of its everyday procurement
and expanding their capabilities. Our Saudi Aramco Supplier
Registration Office in Dhahran,
Together, suppliers and Saudi Arabia, acts as the single
Saudi Aramco provide point-of contact for supplier
consistent value and service registration inquiries with Saudi
by: Aramco.
• Developing value-added The Saudi Aramco Supplier
relationships and greater Registration Office is responsible
levels of trust for Suppliers located in Saudi
• Delivering greater customer Arabia, United Arab Emirates,
Bahrain, Qatar, Kuwait, Oman,
Yemen, Iraq, Jordan, Syria,
• Reducing inventory Lebanon, Egypt, Iran, Sudan,
throughout the supply chain Somalia, Kenya, Pakistan,
• Conducting joint process Bangladesh, and Afghanistan.
Suppliers located in countries
improvement meetings
other than the countries listed
• Deploying technology above should contact the proper
effectively Supplier Registration Office listed
• Sharing information under International Suppliers
• Implementing cost reduction
opportunities The Supplier Registration
Approval Process starts with the
• Continuously improving all Supplier submitting a registration
supply chain management request through our
practices. e-Marketplace platform SAP
20 doing business with Saudi Aramco 21
manufacturer with Saudi Available from the Saudi This Engineering Requirements
decides that the applying Aramco is not a guarantee of
manufacturer is a potential Aramco website, the newly for Technical and Quality
future business. developed Material Supplier Approval (ERTQA) handbook
source, the approval process will
be initiated. Guide provides suppliers with has been developed by Saudi
details on how to register and Aramco Engineering Services
update their records, and what (SAES) to provide clear approval
systems and support are guidelines for new and existing
available. In addition, the guide local manufacturers of
includes information about engineering commodities. The
materials delivery and payment handbook includes approval
terms. requirements based on Saudi
Aramco (SA) and industry
Note that the Material Supplier applicable standards, as well as
Guide is subject to change and ISO 9001 Quality Management
will be updated frequently and System (QMS) requirements.The
republished as necessary. ERTQA handbook can be
How to download the downloaded from:
Material Supplier Guide: www.iktva.sa > Download >
1. Open your Internet browser Guidelines
and go to our website:
2. Select the “Working with us”
3. Select “Resources”
4. Go to “Material Supplier
Guide” and click on the link
to download the guide as a
PDF document.
26 doing business with Saudi Aramco 27
transparency and upholds the
innovative solutions such as
corporate level agreements to commercial interests of both
consolidate spend on materials, Saudi Aramco and the local
spare parts, and services. The manufacturer/supplier
and contracting
continued focus is to support community.
the growth of Saudi Arabia’s • Where appropriate, the total
national economy by
cost of ownership will be the
encouraging in-Kingdom
manufacturing and the basis for selection, rather than
development of local stocking initial acquisition price.
normally the preferred sign a confidentiality
attention: contract form when it can be International contractors agreement.
• Saudi Aramco policies used properly
Contractors that wish to do
regarding business ethics • For work to be performed in business with us should
must be adhered to and a Saudi Arabia, Saudi Aramco communicate their interest with
high standard of ethics and will normally consider the appropriate Saudi Aramco
fairness shall be maintained contractor’s technical and affiliate company — ASC, AOC,
financial qualifications and or AAC — located in their
• All contracts must be in geographical area. See the
writing and shall be executed will award contracts to only
Contact Information table for
before committing work to a those contractors who are details.
contractor, or a contractor properly registered or licensed
starting work to conduct business in Saudi
32 doing business with Saudi Aramco 33
Contractor sourcing and Saudi Aramco contract then select those contractors Treasury organization, which are located in Dhahran at North
prequalification procurement process considered most capable of maintains all financial Park II, Building 3301,
performing the work. We information in strict confidence. Contracting Department’s
To support our role as a leading The contract procurement use this method when it is Reception Center, Room #A162.
supplier of the world’s oil and process is described in the determined that the contract Job Explanation Meeting Bids must be submitted in
gas markets, Saudi Aramco following section. requirements are so stringent duplicate and clearly labeled in
partners with contractors for a Communications during all A Job Explanation Meeting (JEM)
that only a few contractors is held to explain the contract, accordance with the
wide range of services and has stages of contract procurement qualify, or when the high instructions.
opportunities for contractors of between bidders and Saudi describe the scope of the work,
cost of preparing a bid indi- and to answer any questions
all sizes. The Sourcing & Aramco must be authorized and cates that the size of the bid In many cases, bidders are
Prequalification Group of Saudi conducted by the Saudi Aramco concerning the contract or the requested to submit two
slate should be limited. procurement process. If possible,
Aramco’s Contracting Contracting Department. separate proposals: a technical
Department is responsible for 4. Sole Source: We do not favor the complete bid package is proposal and a commercial
supporting proponent Bid slate development this method of contract pro- distributed to the bidders for proposal. In these instances, the
organizations within Saudi curement, and it is used only review before the JEM. The bid bidder’s technical proposal is
We use four different after a careful review of the package consists of a pro forma
Aramco by developing General methods for procuring evaluated first and the bidder’s
Bid Slates for various services unique circumstances that contract, the scope of work — commercial proposal will be
contracts: may justify it. Sole Source including the plans and
required by the proponents. The evaluated only if the technical
Group is also responsible for 1. Open Bidding: A notice procurement is justified, for specifications of the proposed proposal is determined to be
sourcing, prequalifying, and is posted on the Saudi example, when a contractor project — general instructions to sufficient to meet contract
placing contractors on these Aramco Bulletin Board in provides a unique propri- the bidders for preparing the requirements.
General Bid Slates for the ECN. This Information etary service, when there is bid, and any special instructions
consideration in future contract for Bidder notice provides an unusual urgency to the that the particular project may All bid openings are conducted
procurement actions. overall descriptions of the work, or when a contractor require. by the Contracting Department
work, any prequalification has mobilized and the limited and the Finance organization in
To see examples of these work scope does not justify In many cases, the bidders are strict compliance with Saudi
requirements that must be invited to visit the proposed
General Bid Slates and met, and the date of the Job mobilizing another contrac- Aramco procedures designed to
contracting opportunities with tor. contract work site to familiarize ensure confidentiality and
Explanation Meeting. Any themselves more fully with the
Saudi Aramco, please visit Saudi contractor may bid when fairness to all bidders.
Aramco’s website under work requirements. During JEM
this procurement method and job site visits, bidders are Following the bid opening, there
contracting opportunities. For a contractor’s commercial
is used. encouraged to ask questions. will be no information released
Contractors may request to be bid to be considered for any
2. Open Solicitations with contract, the contractor must be on the progress of the bid
considered for prequalification Questions that arise following
Selective Bidding: These are considered qualified to perform evaluation. This information is
and inclusion on General Bid JEM and site visits must be
also posted on the Saudi the work. We review technical strictly confidential.
Slates for specific scopes of submitted in writing to the
Aramco Bulletin Board and financial qualifications to
work by contacting the group at Contract Representative, who
available in the ECN to allow determine whether a contractor
contractor-prequal@aramco. will respond in writing and
all contractors the equal is qualified or not.
com. provide a copy of the questions
opportunity to indicate
Preliminary contractor and answers to all bidders. The
Please note that registration or interest in submitting a bid.
After a careful analysis of the capabilities are determined Contract Representative will also Our contracts
prequalification with Saudi
Aramco is not a guarantee of responses, we select those primarily from the ECN, transmit to all bidders, in writing, provide for the
future work. Furthermore, contractors considered to including contractor any modifications to the bid
contractors’ overall safety be best qualified for bidding performance reports on other package during the bidding fair and equitable
provides valuable insight into on the work and extend contracts. Additional pre- period. resolution of
their safety culture awareness them an invitation to the qualification or technical
and quality of work. Therefore, Job Explanation Meeting. proposal information unique to
Bid closing date and bid
disputes that
and in line with Saudi Aramco’s This is our most common the specific procurement may be may arise
Corporate Values, contractors and preferred procurement requested from the contractor. The Instructions to Bidders
shall be requested to submit a method.
Contractors with assets above
clearly specify a bid closing date between Saudi
separate pass/fail Safety and a time. Bids must be
Prequalification to evaluate their
3. Restrictive Selective Bidding:
We review the record of con-
$10,000,000 that wish to be
deposited according to the
Aramco and
considered for contracts must
safety program and safety tractors whose performance also submit current audited
Instructions to Bidders in the contractors.
performance to be included on indicates capabilities in a Contracting Department’s
financial statements to our
General Bid Slates. particular type of work and locked bid box. The bid boxes
34 doing business with Saudi Aramco 35
38 doing business with Saudi Aramco 39
Contact information
country/company function area of responsibility address, phone, and fax
Saudi Arabia / Saudi Aramco Saudi Aramco One-stop shop to handle all Supplier Help Desk, Saudi Aramco Box 77-X, North Park 2, Dhahran 31311, Saudi Arabia.
Supplier Help Desk inquiries and issues from suppliers Tel: +966-13-874-2222, Email: SupplierHelpDesk@aramco.com
Saudi Arabia / Saudi Aramco Supporting Local Industrial Saudi Arabia Supplier Solutions Center, Saudi Aramco Box 77-X, North Park 2, Dhahran 31311, Saudi Arabia.
Development Fax: +966-13-874-0015 , Email: SSC@aramco.com
Saudi Arabia / Saudi Aramco Supplier performance Saudi Arabia Supplier Performance Unit, Saudi Aramco Box 77-X, North Park 2, Dhahran 31311, Saudi Arabia.
management Tel: +966-13-874-0061, Fax: +966-13-874-0015,
Email: supplier-performance@aramco.com
Saudi Arabia / Saudi Aramco Manufacturer Saudi Arabia and other Supplier Relations and Qualification Unit (SR&QU), Saudi Aramco Box 87, North Park 2,
Registration GCC countries, the Middle East, Dhahran 31311, Saudi Arabia.
Egypt, Kenya, Somalia, and Sudan Tel: +966-13-874-0321, General Line: +966-13-874-0958
Fax: +966-13-874-0015, Email: manufacturer-registration@aramco.com,
Manufacturers online registration: www.saudiaramco.com > Click on the Suppliers Tab >
Choose Material or Services Supplier > Click on Register
Saudi Arabia / Saudi Aramco Vendor Registration Saudi Arabia Supplier Relations and Qualification Unit (SR&QU), Saudi Aramco Box 87, North Park 2,
Dhahran 31311, Saudi Arabia.
Tel: +966-13-874-0799, General Line: +966-13-874-0373,
Fax: +966-13-874-0015/0335, Email: vendor-registration@aramco.com,
Vendor online registration: www.saudiaramco.com > Click on the Suppliers Tab >
Choose Material or Services Supplier > Click on Register
Saudi Arabia / Saudi Aramco Contractor Registration Saudi Arabia Contractor Relations Counter, North Park 2, Room 162, Dhahran 31311, Saudi Arabia.
Tel: +966-13-874-2287, -2457, Fax: +966-13-874-2260,
Electronic Contracting Network IK Registration: http://esr.aramco.com, OOK registration and
general inquiries: contractor-registration@aramco.com
USA/Aramco Services Company Manufacturer and The Americas Aramco Services Company, Two Allen Center, 1200 Smith Street, Houston, TX 77002
Supplier Registration (Western Hemisphere) Tel: +1-(713)-432-5555, Fax: +1 (713) 432-4716, Strategic Sourcing,
Email: StrategicProjects@aramcoservices.com
Website: www.aramcoservices.com/strategicprojects Supplier Relations Group
USA/Aramco Services Company Service Contractors North America Aramco Services Company (ASC), Tel: +1-(713)-432-4000,
Email: contractor-registration@aramcoservices.com,
Website: www.aramcoservices.com
Aramco Overseas Company B.V. Contractor Registration Europe and South Africa Aramco Overseas Company B.V. (AOC) The Hague Office, Strategic Sourcing,
Scheveningseweg 62-66, 2517 KX The Hague, The Netherlands,
Tel: +31-(0)-88-262-2000, Fax: +31-(0)-88-262-3000,
Email: aocStrategicSourcing@aramcooverseas.com
Website: http://www.aramcooverseas.com/suppliers/service-suppliers/
40 doing business with Saudi Aramco 41
Contact information
country/company function area of responsibility address, phone, and fax
The Netherlands / Aramco Manufacturer and Europe and South Africa Aramco Overseas Company B.V. (AOC), The Hague Office, Strategic Sourcing,
Overseas Company Supplier Registration Scheveningseweg 62 - 66, 2517 KX The Hague, The Netherlands,
Tel: +31 (0) 88 262-2000, Fax: +31-(0)-88-262-3000,
Email: aocStrategicSourcing@aramcooverseas.com,
Website: https://aramcooverseas.com/suppliers/material- suppliers
Japan / Aramco Asia Japan K.K. Manufacturer and Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Aramco Asia Japan K.K., 26th Floor, Marunouchi Building, 2-4-1, Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
Supplier Registration Taiwan (*), Hong Kong (*) 1006326, Japan,
Tel: +81-(0)3-6367-7801, Fax: +81-(0)3-3211-3544,
Email: AAJ-Registration@aramcoasia.com,
Website: https://japan.aramco.com/en/home.html
Aramco Asia Korea LTD Manufacturer and Republic of Korea Aramco Asia Korea Limited, 18F, Seoul Finance Center, 136, Sejong-daero, Chung-gu,
Supplier Registration Seoul, 04520, Korea
Tel: +82-(0)2-6270-5553, Fax: +82-(0)2-6270-5592
Email: AAKSupplierRegistration@aramcoasia.com, Website: http://korea.aramco.com/en/home.
Singapore / Aramco Asia Manufacturer and SE Asian countries Aramco Asia Singapore PTE-LTD, 6 Battery Road, #35-01/02, Singapore, 049909
Singapore PTE-LTD Supplier Registration such as Malaysia, Singapore, Tel: +65-6224-2228, Fax: +65-6225-5388
Indonesia, Thailand,
Vietnam, Cambodia, Email: AAS-Registration@aramcoasia.com
and the Philippines Website: http://singapore.aramco.com
India / Aramco Asia India Manufacturer and India Aramco Asia India Private Limited, 2A-801, 8th Floor, Two Horizon Center, DLF Phase-5, Sector 43,
Private Limited Supplier Registration Gurugram-122002, Haryana, India.
Tel: +91-(124)-647-3600, Fax: +91-(124)-647-3609
Email: aaiSupplierRelation@aramcoasia.com; aaiSourcing@aramcoasia.com,
Website: www.saudiaraco.com
China / Aramco Asia China Manufacturer and China (including Taiwan Aramco Far East (Beijing) Business Services Co., Ltd. (ABS), Shanghai Branch No. 16T60, 16F–SWFC
(Aramco Far East (Beijing) Supplier Registration and Hong Kong) 100 Century Avenue, Pudong New District, Shanghai 200120, PRC,
Business Services Tel: +86-(0)-21-3866-5700, Fax: +86-(0)-21-6877-9080,
Company LTD ABS)
Email: ABS-SH-Sourcing@aramcoasia.com, Website: http://china.aramco.com/en/home.html
(*): For Taiwan and Hong Kong, sourcing activities are conducted by the
Shanghai office but registration is done in Japan.
42 doing business with Saudi Aramco 43
Useful links Major companies Useful links Vocational, technical, and educational entities
1. Saudi Basic Industries Corporation, www.sabic.com • General Organization for Technical Education and Vocational
2. Saudi Electric Company www.se.com.sa Training www.tvtc.gov.sa
3. Saline Water Conversion Corporation www.swcc.gov.sa • Jubail Industrial College www.jic.edu.sa
4. Water Utility Company for Jubail and Yanbu’ www.marafiq.com.
• Jubail Technical Institute www.jti.edu.sa
5. Saudi Arabian Oil Company (Saudi Aramco) www.saudiaramco. • Saudi Petroleum Services Polytechnic www.spsp.edu.sa
com • College of Technology-Dammam, www.ctd.edu.saf
6. Saudi Aramco and Dow Chemical Company (SADARA), www. • King Abdullah University for Science and Technology (KAUST)
sadara.com www.kaust.edu.sa
Land allocation entities • King Abdullah Petroleum Studies and Research Center (KAPSARC)
7. Royal Commission for Jubail and Yanbu’ www.rcjy.gov.sa https://www.kapsarc.org
8. Saudi Industrial Property Authority (MODON) www.modon.gov.
9. Rabigh Conversion Industrial Park www.rabighCIP.com List of • AAC: Aramco Asia Company AOC: Aramco Overseas Company
• ASC: Aramco Services Company CR: Commercial Registration
10. Dhahran Techno-Valley, http://www.dtvc.com.sa (R&D Purposes)
• ECN: Electronic Contracting Network
Funding entities • P&SCM: Procurement and Supply Chain Management
11. Saudi Industrial Development Fund www.sidf.gov.sa organization
12. Human Resources Development Fund (HRDF) www.hrdf.org.sa • QMS: Quality Management System SAGIA: Saudi Arabia General
13. Saudi Aramco Entrepreneurship Center (Wa’ed) for SME, http:// Investment Authority
www.waed.net • GOSI: General Organization for Social Insurance
Government and semi-government entities • SASO: Saudi Arabian Standards Organization Insurance
14. Saudi Government Electronic Portal www.saudi.gov.sa • SIDF: Saudi Industrial Development Fund
15. Saudi Arabia General Investment Authority www.sagia.gov.sa • HRDF: Human Resources Development Fund
16. Council of Saudi Chambers www.saudichambers.org.sa • SME: small to medium enterprises
17. Ministry of Energy Industry and Mineral Resources www.meim.
gov.sa • iktva: In-Kingdom Total Value Add Program
18. Ministry of Finance www.mof.gov.sa • SPU: Supplier Performance Unit
19. Electricity and Cogeneration Regulatory Authority, www.ecra. • JEM: Job Explanation Meeting
• SR&QU: Supplier Relations and Qualification Unit
20. Department of Zakat and Income Tax www.dzit.gov.sa
• ISO: International Organization for Standardization
21. Ministry of Commerce and Investment www.mci.gov.sa
22. Ministry of Labor www.mol.gov.sa • SSC: Supplier Solution Center
23. General Organization for Social Insurance www.gosi.gov.sa • KPI: Standardization key performance indicators
24. Saudi Standards, Metrology and Quality Org www.saso.org.sa • WTO: World Trade Organization
25. Saudi Trade & Export Development Company, www.tusdeer. • LSTK: lump sum turnkey
26. Saudi Export Development Authority https://www.saudiexports. • MIGA: Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency
sa • MOCI: Ministry of Commerce and Industry
27. Dammam Bonded & Re-export Zone www.reexport.com • MODON: Saudi Industrial Property Authority
28. Saudi Ports Authority www.ports.gov.sa
29. Saudi Customs www.customs.gov.sa
Procurement & Supply Chain Management
North Park 1, Saudi Aramco, Dhahran
© Saudi Arabian Oil Company, 2018