K3L Bab#9 Manual Handling and Ergonomy PDF
K3L Bab#9 Manual Handling and Ergonomy PDF
K3L Bab#9 Manual Handling and Ergonomy PDF
Purpose 17
Interpretation 17
Overview 17
Consultation 18
Design 18
Risk Identification, Assessment and Control 20
Risk Control 22
Review and Evaluation 24
Record Keeping 24
1.1 The purpose of this National Code of Practice for Manual Handling is to provide practical
advice in meeting the requirements of the National Standard for Manual Handling for the
identification, assessment and control of risks arising from manual handling activity in workplaces.
1.2 While this national code of practice aims to provide detailed advice, it is not possible to deal
with every situation which may be found in workplaces.
1.3 This national code of practice provides advice in the following areas:
2.1 The National Standard for Manual Handling (Sections 5.2 and 6) requires assessment and
control of manual handling tasks to be carried out by employers in consultation with employee(s) who
are required to carry out the tasks and their representative(s) on health and safety issues. This
consultation should occur:
(a) as early as possible in planning for the introduction of new or modified manual handling tasks,
or in the review of existing tasks, to allow for changes arising from the consultation to be
(b) when the employer is identifying the problem areas in order to establish priorities for
(c) when determining the approach and methods to be used in assessing the manual handling tasks;
(d) when decisions are being taken on various control measures to reduce risk factors; and
2.2 Consultation may occur through formal and/or informal processes, and involve direct and/or
representational participation.
2.3 The National Standard for Manual Handling provides (Section 3):
(c) that the working environment is designed to be, as far as workable, consistent with safe manual
handling activities.
2.4 Additional costs are incurred in redesigning or modifying plant or processes once they are
being used in the workplace. It is more cost effective to reduce risk factors at the design stage.
2.5 Purchasing specifications should specify the uses or functions of the plant and equipment, and,
where possible, the general performance characteristics required to reduce the risk to health and safety.
2.6 Where design or purchase of equipment is planned, the appropriate consultation should occur
in accordance with procedures in Sections 3.9-3.11 of this national code of practice.
2.7 The design of plant, equipment and containers in workplaces needs to provide for a range of
physical characteristics of the workforce. Information concerning human dimensions and capabilities
should be taken into account to provide an optimum match between the plant or equipment and users.
Design Principles
2.8 Employers need to be aware of the enormous range of physical dimensions, for example height
and reach, to be found in the workforce, and the implications of this for task design and the selection
and use of equipment and furniture.
2.9 Equipment and furniture should be designed so that they can be used safely. It is also desirable
to design activities and tasks to suit the capacity of the widest possible range of the workforce to avoid
discrimination against particular groups. That is, the employer is required to take account of the safety
of each employee, and not simply design a system which might be safe for an average person of the
2.10 Some general principles for reducing risks associated with manual handling, which should be
incorporated into the design of workspaces, plant and equipment are:
(b) avoid the need for bending, twisting and reaching movements; and
2.12 These aspects should be considered in relation to the following stages of the handling process:
2.13 This national code of practice provides guidance on the following three key stages in the
process of reducing manual handling injuries:
(a) identification of risk factors in the workplace likely to cause manual handling injury;
Figure 2 – The three stage approach to safe manual handling
2.15 After the risk factors have been assessed, they should be removed or reduced by particular
actions. The National Standard for Manual Handling proposes a priority order in controlling risk as
follows (Sections 5.3 and 5.4):
2.16 It is likely that for many jobs the application of these types of control will not be mutually
exclusive. In some job(s) it may be workable to redesign some parts, and to provide mechanical aids.
2.17 The risk control section of this national code of practice gives advice about control options
which can be considered depending on the severity of risk.
2.18 Weight is used in this national code of practice as one of the important factors to be considered
when assessing and controlling risk.
2.19 Weight is not used to prescribe absolute limits. However, particular attention should be given
to Sections 4.21-4.26 and 5.19-5.43 of this national code of practice which provide a general guide to
weights which it is recommended that adults and juniors should not handle unaided.
New and Returning Employees
2.20 Notwithstanding the remainder of this national code of practice, employees newly engaged on
a manual handling task or process or returning from an extended absence should, where necessary, be
allowed a period of adjustment to build up the skill and ability demanded by the tasks they are required
to perform.
2.21 The National Standard for Manual Handling provides (Section 5.3):
2.22 In addition to the employees involved in manual handling, other target groups also requiring
training include:
(c) staff responsible for work organisation, job and task design.
(a) the prevention of manual handling injuries by an approach based on risk identification and
assessment, and primary control through job and task design;
(b) the recognition and promotion of understanding of the multi-faceted nature of manual handling
activities; and
Training Content
2.24 The content of any training program should be tailored to the specific needs of the group being
2.25 Topics should include:
Particular Training
2.26 In addition to the general training above, refer to Sections 5.54 - 5.57 of this national code of
practice for guidelines on particular training on safe manual handling.
2.27 The implementation of this risk control approach, as with any successful systematic process,
does not end with the implementation of some change. The effectiveness of the new control measures
needs to be reviewed regularly to ensure that the objectives are being achieved and that there are no
unforeseen negative outcomes.
2.28 Records associated with the implementation of the National Standard for Manual Handling
should be maintained in a central location and be available to the employees' representative(s) on
health and safety issues. Such records will make the task of review and evaluation easier.
(c) design modifications to, and specifications for, plant and work processes;
3.1 This section of the national code of practice provides means of identifying manual handling
tasks likely to be a risk to health and safety in order that they can be examined and assessed as
required by the National Standard for Manual Handling (Section 4.1).
3.4 If any of the three steps indicate the need for assessment, Section 4 of this national code of
practice provides advice on that assessment.
3.5 Workplace records of injuries should be examined to identify where, and in what jobs, manual
handling injuries have occurred.
(c) the part of the body injured, for example, back, neck or shoulder;
(d) the nature of the injury, for example, strain, sprain, laceration or fracture; and
(e) the type of accident, for example, overexertion and physical stress in lifting object, or slips and
falls while handling objects.
3.7 It is often useful to examine injury records to find out the frequency and severity of injuries and
compare them to the number of employees or hours worked, that is, incidence rate. Comparisons can
also be made between locations, occupations or tasks.
3.8 Higher frequency and/or severity rates indicate priority areas.
3.9 It is important to consult with employee(s) performing the tasks as they are likely to be aware
of the risk of manual handling injuries associated with their jobs.
3.10 Consultation during the risk identification process with employee(s) carrying out the tasks and
with their representative(s) on health and safety issues may also obtain information about associated
risk factors.
3.11 Consultation should also occur when priorities for risk assessment are being established.
Employee(s) may be able to indicate tasks or movements which are particularly fatiguing, strenuous or
difficult to perform.
3.12 The direct observation of work areas and of the task being performed will assist in identifying
risk. Workplace inspections, audits and walk-through surveys, and the use of checklists can assist in
the risk identification process. It is best if these direct observation tools are tailored to the specific
characteristics of the organisation or industry concerned. A general risk identification checklist, and
guidance on its use, is provided in this section. The checklist is also reproduced at the back of this
publication so that it can be copied for use in the workplace.
3.13 The spaces provided at the top of the checklist enable the person performing the general risk
identification to record relevant information on:
3.14 If any of the questions in the checklist result in a YES answer, further assessment of that risk
factor is required. Generally the more YES answers that result for a particular task, then the higher the
priority for risk assessment.
Task Description
Assessed by
Employees' Representative(s)
The existence of any one of the following key risk factors, that is, a Yes answer, indicates the need for
further assessment as outlined in Section 4 - Risk Assessment.
10. Is the load difficult or awkward to handle, for example, due to its ! Yes ! No
size, shape, temperature, instability or unpredictability?
12. Is the task performed in a confined space? ! Yes ! No
15. Are the floor working surfaces cluttered, uneven, slippery ! Yes ! No
or otherwise unsafe?
4.1 The National Standard for Manual Handling provides (Section 4.1):
4.2 The National Standard for Manual Handling lists (Section 4.3) the factors to be taken into
account when making an assessment of a manual handling task. These factors highlight the complex
nature of the causes of injury from manual handling.
4.3 Risk identification should be undertaken on a regular basis and, when indicated, risk
assessment carried out. Risk assessment is particularly critical whenever:
(a) an injury has occurred arising from a work process and/or practice; and
4.4 In assessing a job or a task, all risk factors should be considered, and in determining
appropriate control measures, the interaction of all the factors shall be taken into account.
4.6 Actions and movements should not cause undue discomfort or pain. Actions should be
performed smoothly and with control, avoiding sudden or jerky movements. Manual handling should
be performed in a balanced and comfortable posture. Extreme ranges of joint movement should be
avoided, especially when this is prolonged or repetitive. Repetitive bending, twisting and overreaching
movements are among those liable to increase the risk of manual handling injuries.
4.7 Variation from the above and/or answering YES to any of the following questions
indicates an increased risk:
(a) Is the load shared unevenly between both hands, or lifted by one hand only?
(b) Is the object pushed or pulled across the front of the body?
(c) Is there a need to bend over to one side to lift an object or exert a force?
(d) Are two actions performed at the same time when one action is holding an unsupported fixed
(e) Are several tasks performed in the one position where some are best done in a seated position
and the others are best done in a standing position?
4.8 The positioning of plant and its controls, equipment, tools and other materials in relation to
each other and the employee affects the working posture, working height, manual handling technique,
duration, frequency and other work actions and movements.
(c) to perform the majority of tasks at about waist height and within easy reach.
(a) Is the layout appropriate for the manual handling task and the physical dimensions of the
employee(s) performing the task?
(b) Is there adequate space for all movements involved in the manual handling task?
(c) Are appropriate mechanical handling aids readily available for the task?
(d) Are the working heights adjustable or matched to the size of the employees and the tasks?
(e) Is there adequate clear space for moving legs and feet?
(f) Are the different manual handling tasks performed by one person arranged so that excessive
movement is avoided?
4.11 Work activities should permit the employee to adopt several different, but equally healthy and
safe, working postures. Any one posture should not be maintained for long periods without the
opportunity to change posture through variation of activity or rest.
4.12 During manual handling, bending and/or twisting of the spine should be avoided, especially
when this is prolonged or repetitive.
4.13 Answering YES to any of the following questions indicates an increased risk:
(a) Is the object presented to the employee in a position which makes it difficult to reach or grasp?
4.14 The risk of injury rises with the increasing frequency, repetition and duration of manual
handling activity by any one employee in a work period. How often, and for how long, a task is
performed are key risk factors to be considered.
4.15 Problems with frequency and duration are not restricted to lifting or lowering of loads.
Pushing, pulling, carrying and holding of loads can also be a problem if performed frequently or for
prolonged periods.
4.16 The same manual handling task repeated over long periods of time may induce feelings of
monotony and boredom. This reduction in alertness may also have important safety consequences.
4.17 There are several factors which influence a person's ability to continue prolonged exertion.
These include available energy reserves, the employee's physical fitness and the relative work load,
that is, the proportion of the employee's physical capacity engaged by the task.
4.18 Manual handling operations involving the use of smaller muscle groups such as hands (whether
in sustained or repetitive static activity) should not be overlooked in assessing risks because these
muscles fatigue quickly when overloaded.
4.19 Distances over which loads are manually handled should be as short as possible. The longer
the distance the lighter the load that can be carried without increased risk.
4.20 If the load is located above the employee's shoulder height or below mid-thigh height or
otherwise requires extended reach, then the risk of injury is increased. An increased risk also occurs
where the load requires manoeuvring to be placed accurately into position.
4.21 The weight of any load which is manually handled shall be considered in relation to other key
risk factors including, in particular:
4.22 Where heavier objects are handled, more care is needed in the assessment of risk and in the
application of appropriate control measures.
4.23 For lifting, lowering or carrying loads:
(a) in seated work, it is advisable not to lift loads in excess of 4.5 kg;
(b) some evidence shows that the risk of back injury increases significantly with objects above the
range of 16-20 kg, therefore, from the standing position, it is advisable to keep the load below
or within this range;
(c) as weight increases from 16 kg up to 55 kg, the percentage of healthy adults who can safely
lift, lower or carry the weight, decreases. Therefore, more care is required for weights above
16 kg and up to 55 kg in the assessment process. Mechanical assistance and/or team lifting
arrangements should be provided to reduce the risk of injury associated with these heavier
weights; and
(d) generally, no person should be required to lift, lower or carry loads above 55 kg, unless
mechanical assistance or team lifting arrangements are provided to lower the risk of injury.
4.24 Apart from lifting, lowering and carrying objects, many tasks in industry involve the use of
force to push, pull, hold or restrain objects. Sometimes, as when holding or restraining, the
force used does not actually result in movement. In other cases such as pushing levers,
pulling/sliding objects the amount of force used is not necessarily related to the movement; for
example, a large force may be required to move a lever a short distance. The posture required
and the working conditions affect the risk associated with applying a force to push, pull or
restrain an object.
4.26 Answering YES to any of the following questions indicates an increased risk:
(a) When sliding, pulling or pushing an object, is the object difficult to move?
(c) Is the employee required to push/pull while seated without having good seating and solid foot
4.27 Characteristics of loads and equipment to consider when assessing risk, in addition to weights
and forces, include dimensions, stability, rigidity, predictability, surface texture and temperature, grips
and handles.
4.28 The requirement for gloves or similar personal protective equipment also needs to be assessed
in relation to manual handling risks. Gloves may protect against hand injuries, such as abrasions and
burns, but they will affect grip stability, dexterity and strength. The size, shape, structure and material
of the load can affect the risk of injury.
4.29 The handling of live animals or humans increases the difficulty of assessing the risk, and limits
the availability of some of the common controls which are used for inanimate objects. This is because
the person or animal being handled can hinder (or assist) by moving independently of the persons
performing the handling. This may require the handlers to apply additional force to restrain the person
or animal, or to exert sudden force in response to unexpected movements.
4.30 The nature of the person or animal may place additional demands on the handlers or limit the
way the handling may be performed. Some examples are:
(a) hospital patients require extreme care in handling, often while attached to fragile medical
equipment; and
(b) disturbed patients or animals may require restraint in addition to the force needed to move
(a) Does the person or animal need to be moved in a special way to ensure their health or safety?
(e) Is the object unstable or unbalanced, or does it have contents that may move suddenly?
(i) Does the object block the view of the employee when being handled?
(j) Does one person handle sheet material or other large-sized loads without straps, special holders
or a second person to assist?
(k) Is the object more than 50 cm wide (measured in direction across the body)?
(l) Is the object more than 30 cm long (measured in direction away from the body)?
(m) Are any two of the object's dimensions more than 75 cm?
4.32 Work organisation factors that may influence risk by interacting with other risk factors include
staffing levels, availability of equipment, work schedules, shift work, work pace, task variety, rest
breaks and recovery time and work procedures.
4.33 Answering YES to any of the following questions indicates an increased risk:
(a) Is the work frequency affected by bottlenecks, or sudden changes or delays to the flow of
(b) Is the work affected by the unavailability of people to complete tasks within a deadline?
(c) Team lifting is not provided and/or safely organised when required?
(d) Are there insufficient numbers of employees to carry out the work including where peak
workloads occur?
(e) Is there lack of an effective maintenance program for tools, plant and equipment used for
manual handling?
(f) Are procedures for reporting and fixing unsafe equipment or environmental conditions
(h) Is there a lack of effective selection/purchasing, instruction and maintenance program for
loads, equipment and mechanical handling devices?
4.34 Factors in the work environment that influence risk include climate, lighting, space and floors
and other surfaces underfoot.
4.35 Housekeeping and footwear are associated factors that have particular relevance for risk of
slips, trips and falls while handling loads.
4.36 Answering YES to any of the following questions indicates an increased risk:
(h) Is the lighting below the levels recommended in Australian Standard AS1680 Code of Practice
for Interior Lighting and the Visual Environment?
4.37 Employees shall have the knowledge and ability required to perform the task. A mismatch can
cause an increased risk of injury.
(a) Has the employee received appropriate training/education in manual handling hazards and/or
(b) Has the employee received appropriate training in recognising risk and evaluating tasks in
order to select and apply appropriate handling techniques?
(c) Has training, appropriate to the tasks, been provided which relates to manual handling?
(d) Has the employee been properly inducted into the job practices and safety requirements in the
(e) For heavy handling tasks, has the employee had previous experience with heavy manual
(f) Are the demands of the task within the physical capacity of the employee?
4.39 Young workers, under the age of 18, are at greater risk than adult workers because they are still
developing physically.
4.40 An increased level of care is needed in the assessment of risk and the application of appropriate
control measures for young workers. As a guide, the younger the worker, the more care that needs to
be taken.
4.41 Young workers under the age of 18 years should not be required to lift, lower or carry objects
weighing more than 16 kg without mechanical or other assistance which may include team lifting
and/or particular training for the task.
4.42 For older workers, increasing age may be associated with decreasing physical capacity.
However, age alone is not sufficient for assessing risk, as older workers may be able to compensate
any physical loss by their experience and skill at the task. All relevant risk factors shall be taken into
4.43 The type of clothing an individual wears at work may hinder safe manual handling, for
example, tight clothing which restricts movements will adversely affect manual handling technique.
When specialist clothing is required, such as uniform or personal protective equipment, its effect on
risk needs to be assessed.
4.44 In some instances, employees may have special needs that require consideration in the risk
assessment process. These needs may be permanent or temporary, for example, returning to work from
an illness or extended leave of absence, pregnancy, specific disability, etc.
5.1 The National Standard for Manual Handling (Section 5) requires the following points to be
5.2 Risk control is the process of eliminating or reducing identified and assessed risk factors.
5.4 Care should be taken to ensure that further risks to health and safety are not created by the
application of control methods aimed at reduction of manual handling risks.
Job redesign
Modify Modify Rearrange Different Modify task-- Modify Mechanical Training Other
object workplace materials actions, mechanical task- team handling admi n
layout flow movements, assistance lifting equipment istrative -
forces control
a. Actions and
movements * * * * * · ·
b. Workplace and
workstation layout * * * * · ·
c. Working posture
and position * * * * · · ·
d. Duration and
frequency * * * ·
e. Location of
loads and
distances moved * * * * · ·
f. Weights and
* * * · · ·
g. Characteristics
of loads and
equipment * * * * · · ·
Job redesign
Modify Modify Rearrange Different Modify task-- Modify Mechanical Training Other
object workplace materials actions, mechanical task- team handling admi n
layout flow movements, assistance lifting equipment istrative -
forces control
h. Work
organisation * * * · ·
i. Work
environment * * ·
j. Skills and
experience * * · ·
k. Age * * · ·
l. Clothing · ·
m. Special needs * * * * * * · ·
* The asterisks indicate the control option of job redesign as preferred to the other options, indicated by a dot.
NOTE: Each risk factor control option should be considered in order of priority.
5.5 The preceding table indicates which risk control options are relevant for particular risk
factors, job redesign being the preferred risk control option. No one single option will necessarily
reduce a risk. A combination of different control options is often needed to address risk factors
and reduce the overall risk of manual handling injuries.
5.6 The table lists the risk control options described below and indicates which control
option(s) may be effective at reducing the risk of each factor.
5.7 NOTE: The asterisks should not be interpreted absolutely, rigidly or independently. Some
risk factors, and some control options, contain a broad range of situations or possible activities. It
may be possible in some circumstances to reduce the risk of a particular factor by one of the
control options for which there is no asterisk linking it to the risk factor.
5.8 To illustrate the preference, the five preferred job redesign control options, and their
connections with the key risk factors, have been placed in a shaded box.
Job Redesign
Modify Object
5.10 The object being handled may be modified or repackaged into a bigger or smaller weight or
a different size or shape.
5.11 The layout of the plant, equipment and furniture may be modified or rearranged. This may
include increased attention to housekeeping and maintenance functions.
5.12 The schedule or timing, and path(s) of materials flow may be modified. The risks may be
reduced by rearranging containers and the way materials are moved around the workplace.
5.13 With or without workplace modifications, a task may be done in a different way, using
different actions, movements and forces.
Modify Task - Team Lifting
5.15 The actions, movements and forces required for manual handling can be modified by team
lifting arrangements.
5.16 The provision of mechanical handling equipment with the provision of appropriate training
can reduce the risk by reducing the force required.
5.17 Where the previous options have been unable to reduce a significant risk, then the person
requires particular instruction, training and/or education in the manual handling task.
5.18 Other administrative controls requiring consideration include any special needs relating to
the employee, such as their state of health, and clothing.
Modify Object
5.19 Where the presence of a risk factor has been identified, the modifications suggested in the
following questions may assist to reduce the risk:
5.20 Modification of the workplace layout can reduce the risk associated with manual handling.
Where risk factors have been identified, then particular workplace modification may be
effective in educing the risk. Examples of the modification of workplace layout are given
in the following figures (Figures 9-16).
Modify workplace layout
Tools Design and Modification
5.21 The design of tools, implements and controls has an influence on work postures,
movements and physical stress. Some principles of good design are:
(a) Tools are as light as their function will permit, that is, heavy tools are fitted with devices to
save the employee from having to support an unnecessary weight and designed for two
handed use.
(b) Tools are well balanced. The angle between handle and working parts is designed to avoid
unnatural bending of the hands and arms.
(c) The handle is designed to suit the grip and force required, and preferably in such a way that
the user can change grip.
(d) The grip surface does not conduct heat or cold easily. It is sufficiently rough to prevent
hands from slipping and it has no sharp or projecting parts to impose an uneven or
unnecessarily heavy surface pressure on the hand.
(e) The positioning, resistance direction of movement and length of travel of controls are
suitable for the employees and job.
(g) Tools are suitable for both right-handed and left-handed employees and for hands of
different size.
Controls Design
5.22 In relation to controls, hand controls are often preferable for precision or speed of
operation, while foot controls are generally best if greater force has to be applied. Pedals are most
conveniently and safely operated from a seated position. If the employee has to stand up, the pedal
shall be designed and positioned in such a way that the employee can support the foot on the pedal
at the heel. This will make it easier to keep balance.
Rearrange Materials Flow
5.23 Where the presence of risk factors has been identified, then the following rearrangement
may reduce the risk:
(a) Rearranging the containers and the way materials are moved around the workplace,
between different parts of the work process.
(b) Placing loads to be handled in an optimum location will also reduce the risk. The best
height range for handling loads is around waist level with lifting between the knuckle and
the shoulder being acceptable.
Different Actions, Movements, Forces
5.25 Where risk factors have been identified, the following suggestions may assist in reducing
the risk.
(a) using lift tables, work dispensers and similar mechanical aids;
(d) keeping materials at work level, for example, avoid lowering objects that shall later be
lifted; and
(b) using conveyors, chutes, slides or turntables to change the materials flow direction;
(d) providing sufficient work space for the employee's whole body to turn; and
5.28 Reaching motions can be reduced by:
(b) positioning materials, workpieces and other heavy objects as near the employee as
(e) enabling the employee to walk around the load or to rotate it.
(a) eliminating the need to manually do this by using lift tables, forklifts, cranes, hoists,
balancers, drum and barrel dumpers, work dispensers, elevating conveyors and similar
aids, raising the work level, lowering the position of the employee and using gravity
dumps and chutes;
(b) reducing object weight by reducing load size (specify to suppliers, for example, in regard to
photocopying paper packaging), reducing capacity of containers, reducing the weight of
the container, reducing load in each container and reducing the number of objects lifted or
lowered at one time;
(c) increase object weight so that it shall be handled mechanically by using a unit or bulk load
concept such as palletised loads;
(d) reducing the holding position away from the body by changing object shape, providing
suitable grips or handles, providing greater access to the load and improving workplace
layout; and
(a) eliminating the need to push or pull by using powered conveyors, using powered trucks or
movers and using slides, rollers or chutes;
(b) reduce required forces by reducing load weight; using non-powered conveyors, air
bearings, ball castor tables, monorails and similar aids; using four-wheel hand trucks,
hand trolley with good bearings and large diameter wheels or castors appropriate to the
particular surfaces; providing good maintenance of equipment and floor surfaces; using
mechanical pushers or pullers; and
(c) reduce the distance of push or pull by improving work area layout; relocating production or
storage area, or similar system change.
5.31 Carrying forces can be reduced by:
(a) converting to pushing or pulling by use of conveyors, air bearings, ball castor tables,
monorails, slides, chutes and similar aids, using forklifts, two or four-wheel hand trucks,
trolleys and similar;
(b) reducing object weight by reducing object size, reducing capacity of containers, reducing
container weight, reducing load in each container and reducing the number of objects
carried at one time; and
(c) reducing carry or transport distance by improving work area layout, relocating storage or
production area, or similar system change.
(d) eliminating holding by using, for example, jigs and fixtures; and
5.33 Principles involved in minimising the risk of injury when applying force include:
(b) pushing in/pulling out is stronger than left/right (across the body); and
(c) for manual handling, significantly higher push/pull forces are possible when standing than
when seated, and the use of body weight in pushing/pulling is preferred.
5.34 Examples of mechanical aids and some potential hazards which may be encountered in
their use are given below.
5.35 The employee should be trained in the use of hand or packing hooks so that they will not
glance off hard objects. If the hook is carried in the belt, the point shall be covered.
5.36 The major hazard in the use of a crowbar is that it may slip. The point or edges should
have a good `bite'.
5.37 Rollers are often used to move heavy and bulky objects. Fingers or toes may be pinched or
crushed between a roller and the floor.
5.38 All jacks should be clearly marked with their safe working load. The surface onto which a
jack is placed shall be level, clean and be sturdy enough to support the load. After the load is
raised, additional support should be placed under it. Employees using jacks should wear safety
shoes and instep guard protection because handles may slip or parts may fall.
5.39 Platforms are useful for loading and unloading, provided that the load is maintained at a
convenient height for lifting and handling.
5.40 These and other support may be used for manoeuvring long loads on the point of balance,
or for readjusting the grip or carrying posture.
5.41 The following figures (Figures 25-46) are examples of the use of mechanical assistance.
Modify Task - Team Lifting
5.42 The regular need for team lifting usually signals the need for redesign. Introduction of
team lifting may be effective in reducing risk in certain manual handling tasks.
5.43 Whenever team lifting is used, it is essential to co-ordinate and carefully plan the lift.
In organising a lift it is important to ensure:
5.44 Where risk factors have been identified, then the provision of mechanical handling
equipment may reduce the risk.
(a) simple aids, for example, levers, sliding rails, conveyers, that is, belt conveyors and roller
(b) cranes and hoists, for example, jib cranes, overhead travelling cranes and mobile hoists;
(c) positioning equipment, for example, lift jacks; and
(d) industrial vehicles, for example, fork lift trucks and two-wheeled hand trucks.
5.47 Operators should have information, instruction, and opportunities for hands-on experience
on their use.
5.48 The design, installation and use of mechanical handling equipment may be subject to State
or Territory legislation.
Examples of Mechanical Handling Equipment
5.49 Conveyors are generally useful when loads are uniform, materials move continuously,
routes do not vary, loads are constant, movement rate is relatively fixed, conveyors can bypass
cross traffic, and the path to be followed is fixed. Types of conveyors include:
5.50 Cranes and hoists are most commonly used when movement is within a fixed area, moves
are intermittent, loads vary in size and weight, cross traffic will interfere with conveyors, and/or
loads handled are not uniform. Types of cranes and hoists include:
Industrial trucks
5.51 Industrial trucks are generally used when loads are moved intermittently, movement is over
varying routes, loads are uniform, cross traffic would prohibit conveyors, clearances and running
surfaces are adequate and suitable, most of the operation consists of, for example, pallet-lifting,
manoeuvring and stacking, and material can be put into unit loads. Types of industrial trucks
5.52 Illustrations of mechanical handling equipment follow (Figures 47-63).
Mechanical handling equipment
5.53 The principles dealing with general training are outlined in Sections 2.21-2.26 of this
national code of practice.
Particular Training
5.54 The National Standard for Manual Handling provides (Section 5.3):
5.55 The provision of particular training should follow an analysis of the task(s) involved which
will have identified the risk factors present. Once the analysis has eliminated job design options as
unworkable, how to do the job with least risk should be defined and forms the basis of the
particular training.
5.56 The training shall be specific to the task and will aim to ensure that the employee:
(a) understands the reasons for doing the job with least risk;
(b) can recognise the risks and decide the best way to go about it;
5.57 This training should be supplemented by appropriate supervision when required. Any
training which is provided for employees required to carry out the manual handling should also be
provided to their supervisors.
Manual Handling
5.58 For purposes of training programs, the following principles apply for most manual
handling tasks.
5.59 As one way of avoiding overexertion injuries, the employee undertaking the manual
handling should assess the load, determine where it will be placed and decide how it will be
handled. By first assessing the situation, the employee can decide if mechanical assistance/aids or
another person is needed to move the object, animal or person.
5.60 All factors should to taken into account when determining the best technique. The best
handling technique involves suitable balance and avoidance of unnecessary bending, twisting and
reaching. A person undertaking a lift should lift efficiently and rhythmically, minimising bending
of the lower back. The knees should be bent, but preferably not at a right angle. When applying
force, the principles in Section 5.25-5.33 of this national code of practice are also relevant.
Take secure grip on the object being handled
5.61 The grip helps to determine how safe the task will be. Whenever possible, a comfortable
power grip (with the whole hand) should be used rather than a hook or precision grip (with fingers
5.62 For lifting in particular, it is important to have the centre of gravity of the load close to the
body to prevent excessive stress on the back and to use the strongest muscles of the arms to hold
the load. It is important to minimise the effects of acceleration by lifting slowly, smoothly and
without jerking.
Vary heavy handling tasks with lighter work
5.63 The job/task should be designed so as to provide alternative tasks that do not heavily stress
the same muscles. Throughout the work shift, heavier handling tasks should be alternated with
lighter tasks which allow the active muscles to recover.
Team lifting
5.64 To enable load sharing, lifting partners should be of similar height and build and should be
trained in lifting techniques. There should be a person nominated as team leader to coordinate the
lift. Team lifting should not be used as a first option in risk control.
Manual Lifting
5.65 It is difficult to generalise about the optimum or maximum weight of a load to be lifted,
because there are so many factors involved besides the actual weight to be lifted.
(b) There should be sufficient space for lifting to be done in the right position and with correct
posture and body movements.
(d) The start and finish height of the load should be a suitable level above the floor, that is,
between mid-thigh to shoulder height, preferably at about waist height.
(e) The centre of gravity of the load should be as close to the body as possible. A load is more
difficult (heavier) to lift or carry if it is not close to the body. For example, 10 kg held at a distance
of 80 cm imposes the same load as 50 kg right next to the body.
(h) If lifting has to be performed frequently or for prolonged time periods, then the acceptable
weight of the load rapidly diminishes.
Special Needs
5.67 The state of an individual's health should be taken into consideration when allocating
manual handling duties, drawing upon medical advice as appropriate. When an individual's health
changes and those changes affect capacity to perform normal duties, whether permanently or
temporarily (such as hernia, pregnancy or post-operative recovery), as far as workable the work
system should be adapted to suit the new circumstances or the individual should be allocated other
5.68 The increased experience and skills of older workers may compensate substantially for
decline in the resilience of their tissues, including ligaments and joints.
5.69 In making such decisions, it may be necessary to seek medical assessment of individual
cases in relation to the specific duties of a job, rather than generalised conclusions about the
capacities of groups to perform manual handling tasks.
5.70 In some situations, special clothing is required to reduce risk of injury. The following
examples demonstrate how special clothing can reduce the risk of injury:
(b) proper footwear assists prevention of injuries from slips and falls, and from dropped loads;
The direct observation of work areas and of the task being performed will assist in identifying risk.
Workplace inspections, audits and walk through surveys and the use of checklists such as this one
can assist in the risk identification process.
If any of the questions in the checklist result in a YES answer, further assessment of that risk
factor is required. Generally the more YES answers that result for a particular task, then the higher
the priority for risk assessment.
Information on risk assessment and practical advice for the identification and control of risks
arising from manual handling activity in workplaces, reference should be made to the National
Occupational Health and Safety Commission's National Standard for Manual Handling and
National Code of Practice for Manual Handling, published by the Australian Government
Publishing Service, Canberra, 1990.
Assessed by ____________________________________________________________________
(a) more than 4.5 kg and handled from a seated position? !Yes !No
Note: Weight is not used to prescribe absolute limits, but is one of the
important factors to be considered when assessing and controlling risk.
10. Is the load difficult or awkward to handle, for example, due to !Yes ! No
its size, shape, temperature, instability or unpredictability?
15. Are the floor working surfaces cluttered, uneven, slippery ! Yes ! No
or otherwise unsafe?
16. Is the employee new to the work or returning from an !Yes !No
extended period away from work?
18. Does the employee's clothing or personal protective equipment ! Yes !No
interfere with manual handling performance?