Reyes Et Al., 2008
Reyes Et Al., 2008
Reyes Et Al., 2008
The North Andean Block northward drifting has been related to lateral (opening of the Guayaquil Gulf) and
vertical motions (tectonic inversion of the Loja, Catamayo, Gonzanamá and Malacatos - Vilcabamba basins,
Fig.1). Hungerbühler et al. (2002) propose that the sedimentary infill evolution of these basins took place during
two stages. The first “Pacific coastal” stage took place between 15-10 Ma, with deltaic to brackish marine
environment deposits. At 10-9 Ma occurred the deformation of the sedimentary infill of the basins. The second
stage took place between 9 and 5 Ma with continental intermountain series. Two aspects of this model have
important implications: 1) development of marine embayments (15-10 Ma) throughout the basins (Steimann et
al., 1999; Hungerbühler et al., 2002) gives a reference point for the quantification of lateral as well as vertical
motions (Fig. 1) and 2) deformation period, between 10-9 Ma, involves surface uplift and thrusts.
We have realized the geological map (1:50 000 scale) between the towns of Catamayo, Gonzanamá and
Malacatos (approximately 700 km2, Fig 1.and 2A). We propose a new geological model for the Gonzanamá,
Catamayo and Malacatos - Vilcabamba basins evolution.
7th International Symposium on Andean Geodynamics (ISAG 2008, Nice), Extended Abstracts: 442-445
the strongest deformation observed in the sediments is located in the vicinity of these intrusions. Towards the top
of the sedimentary sequence the inter-bedded volcanic layers are more numerous. In some places sediment clasts
(which size ranges from few centimeters to several meters) are observed mixed with intrusive rocks. All these
observations allow concluding the existence of a magmatic intrusion and peperite-like phreatic eruption
(Skillling et al., 2002). The local deformation that was interpreted as slump (Kennerley, 1973, 1975; Jaillard et
al., 1996) or related to regional thrusting (Hungerbühler et al., 2002), results of the intrusion of magmatic bodies
within the soft sediments containing an important amount of water. Three zircon fission-track datings
(Hungerbühler et al., 2002) were made. Taking into account our observations and the sample locations of
Hungerbühler et al., (2002) (Fig. 2B), it seems that two of them are in the intrusive rocks (15.7 +/- 2.0 Ma and
14.4 +/- 1.8) whereas the last one is in volcanic levels to the top with sediments of Gonzanamá (14.0 +/-3 Ma)
(Fig 2.B). It is hoped to confirm these hypotheses with the results of analysis (petrologic, geochemistry, Ar/Ar
ages at the moment, in process) of the intrusive complex samples. Towards the east, between Gonzanamá and
Purunuma towns, several consecutive inselberg bodies (Colambo hill, Fig. 2A) ) can be observed (similar to the
well-known Cariamanga inselberg bodie located about 20 km southwest of Gonzanamá town), which display a
breccia crown that is indicative of a phreatic environment. Between Las Lagunas and Sasaco (NE of Purunuma
town, Fig 2A) the sediments are also affected by intrusions (hill of Colca, Fig 2A).
7th International Symposium on Andean Geodynamics (ISAG 2008, Nice), Extended Abstracts: 442-445
volcanic breccias (MiQuB, Fig. 2C) underlay volcanic agglomerate levels interbedded with very well welded
green breccias (MiQu, Fig. 2C).
This volcanism extends towards the south until the La Era town (Fig 2A). Near Tambo town, in the sector of
San Antonio and along the highway Catamayo - Loja, this volcanism is in contact by fault with Paleozoic
metamorphic rocks. Between the La Era and La Merced towns (Fig 2A), the Malacatos - Vilcabamba basin
7th International Symposium on Andean Geodynamics (ISAG 2008, Nice), Extended Abstracts: 442-445
sediments (Marocco et al., 1995), rests directly on the volcanic agglomerate levels and breccias, previously
mentioned. This volcanism is lithologically different as well as structurally from the Loma Blanca Formation
described by Kennerley et al. (1973). No evidence of thrusting (as it was proposed by Hungerbühler et al., 2002)
of these volcanic series on sediments of the Catamayo basin has been found in the area, according to Kennerley
et al. (1976) and Jaillard et al. (1996). This volcanism which is intercalated between the Catamayo basin
sediments and Malacatos-Vilcabamba basin sediments is lithologically equivalent to the volcanic Quinara
Formation described by Hungerbühler et al. (2002) south of Vilcabamba town (dated 15 Ma). This age is
coherently older than the ages from 12 to 13,5 Ma, proposed by Hungerbühler et al. (2002) for the sediments of
the Malacatos-Vilcabamba basin.
Along the Catamayo-Nambacola highway outcrop pyroclastics levels whose age is 29 Ma (Hungerbühler, et
al., 2002). Faults as the Suche fault (Fig. 2C) possibly control the vertical position of this volcanic set which
could explain the relative altitude between Catamayo basin (1200 m) and Gonzanamá basin (1600-2400 m).
Based on the geological mapping (1:50000 scale) among the Catamayo - Gonzanamá - Malacatos towns, we
propose a new interpretation of this area. The presence of peperites related to magmatic intrusion and associated
phreatic eruption into the sediments of the Gonzanamá basin is reported for the first time. The local deformation
in sediments is related to this magmatic episode and not to thrusting (10-9 Ma). Moreover the ostracofauna do
not agree with to the marine embayments model proposed (Steinmann et al., 1999; Hungerbühler et al. (2002).
The Gonzanamá basin sediments are affected by an intrusive event before deposition of the Catamayo basin
sediments. The Catamayo basin deposits are separated from the Malacatos - Vilcabamba basin deposits by an
interbedded volcanic event.
Acknowledgments. This work was supported by IRD (France) and by the Departamento de Geologia de EPN (Ecuador).
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