Age, gender, and race are non-modifiable risk factors for upper gastrointestinal bleeding, while long-term aspirin use and coffee intake are contributing and modifiable risk factors, respectively. These factors can elicit effects on cyclooxygenase, impair mucosal defenses to acid, disrupt the mucous barrier, cause epigastric pain and ulcers that burrow into the gastro-duodenal mucosa, thin arterial walls, and cause weakened walls to rupture, resulting in upper gastrointestinal bleeding that presents as melena, low hemoglobin levels, and symptoms like lightheadedness, weakness, and pale skin and conjunctiva.
Age, gender, and race are non-modifiable risk factors for upper gastrointestinal bleeding, while long-term aspirin use and coffee intake are contributing and modifiable risk factors, respectively. These factors can elicit effects on cyclooxygenase, impair mucosal defenses to acid, disrupt the mucous barrier, cause epigastric pain and ulcers that burrow into the gastro-duodenal mucosa, thin arterial walls, and cause weakened walls to rupture, resulting in upper gastrointestinal bleeding that presents as melena, low hemoglobin levels, and symptoms like lightheadedness, weakness, and pale skin and conjunctiva.
Age, gender, and race are non-modifiable risk factors for upper gastrointestinal bleeding, while long-term aspirin use and coffee intake are contributing and modifiable risk factors, respectively. These factors can elicit effects on cyclooxygenase, impair mucosal defenses to acid, disrupt the mucous barrier, cause epigastric pain and ulcers that burrow into the gastro-duodenal mucosa, thin arterial walls, and cause weakened walls to rupture, resulting in upper gastrointestinal bleeding that presents as melena, low hemoglobin levels, and symptoms like lightheadedness, weakness, and pale skin and conjunctiva.
Age, gender, and race are non-modifiable risk factors for upper gastrointestinal bleeding, while long-term aspirin use and coffee intake are contributing and modifiable risk factors, respectively. These factors can elicit effects on cyclooxygenase, impair mucosal defenses to acid, disrupt the mucous barrier, cause epigastric pain and ulcers that burrow into the gastro-duodenal mucosa, thin arterial walls, and cause weakened walls to rupture, resulting in upper gastrointestinal bleeding that presents as melena, low hemoglobin levels, and symptoms like lightheadedness, weakness, and pale skin and conjunctiva.
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