A Proposal For Automatic Diagnosis of Malaria: (Extended Abstract)
A Proposal For Automatic Diagnosis of Malaria: (Extended Abstract)
A Proposal For Automatic Diagnosis of Malaria: (Extended Abstract)
[Extended Abstract]
Allisson D. Oliveira Giordano Cabral D. López
University Federal Rural of University Federal Rural of Universitat Politécnica de
Pernambuco (UFRPE) Pernambuco (UFRPE) Catalunya (UPC)
two Brothers, 52171-900 two Brothers, 52171-900 despatx 2508860
Recife-PE, Brazil Recife-PE, Brazil Barcelona, Spain
allissondantas@gmail.com giordanorec@gmail.com daniel.lopezcodina@upc.edu
Caetano. Firmo F. Zarzuela Serrat J. Albuquerque
University Federal Rural of Institut Català de la Salut University Federal Rural of
Pernambuco (UFRPE) (ICS) Pernambuco (UFRPE)
two Brothers, 52171-900 Av Drassanes 08011 two Brothers, 52171-900
Recife-PE, Brazil Barcelona, Spain Recife-PE, Brazil
caetanof rmo@gmail.com francesc.bcn.ics@gencat.cat joa@deinfo.ufrpe.br
position contains the intensity value of all pixels above and 4. RESULTS
to the left of point, including it its own location (x, y). For The training detection system consists of sequenced clas-
such is given in equation 1. sifiers based on the methodology proposed by Viola and
X Jones[7] in order to form a single strong classifier with the
ii(x, y) = i(xl , y l ), (1)
purpose of identifying malaria infection.
xl ≤x,y l ≤y
In his best performance reached It had obtained an accu-
The evaluation of any feature rectangle can be made with 4 racy rate of 74% in classification of true positives in clas-
reference to the image. The sum of the pixels of the rectan- sifiers with 10 stages, the set of tests was composed of 35
gles of arbitrary size can be calculated in constant time. positive examples. We also carried out experiments with 10,
To extract the features most effective algorithm is used 15, 22 and 25 classifiers.
Adaboost, one of the features this algorithm is weight dis-
tribution on sets of examples and a modification this dis- 5. CONCLUSIONS
tribution during the course iterations of the algorithm, this
This approach enables to train a technician with an auto-
algorithm is based in bosting, where strong hypotheses are
mated system and develop a malaria diagnosis on site and in
formed by means of a linear combination of weak hypothe-
real time. This is very important for remote areas. This is
ses. This proposes then a cascade of classifiers[1][7].
accomplished through a mobile device already informing the
For the diagnosis of malaria were considered some steps
result and medicating the patient or even refer to a treat-
that are respectively image acquisition,preprocessing image,
ment center or hospital data would be stored. The results
training and classification.
can be send to a central epidemiological once the device to
In this first phase of the project image acquisition, we use
get internet connection.
a set of 13 images of malaria slides extracted by the labo-
ratory group research MOSIMBIO of University Politecnica
de Catalunya, identified 112 positive cases of malaria in this 6. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
set of 13 images, using the method for preparing blood smear This work was partially supported by FACEPE and UFRPE
slides and a camera coupled to a microscope. and DEINFO.
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is converted in grayscale justified by the fact minimize the 7. REFERENCES
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