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Disclosure To Promote The Right To Information

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इंटरनेट मानक

Disclosure to Promote the Right To Information

Whereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to
information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities,
in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority,
and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest
to the public, particularly disadvantaged communities and those engaged in the pursuit of
education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the
timely dissemination of this information in an accurate manner to the public.

“जान1 का अ+धकार, जी1 का अ+धकार” “प0रा1 को छोड न' 5 तरफ”

Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan Jawaharlal Nehru
“The Right to Information, The Right to Live” “Step Out From the Old to the New”

IS 949 (2012): Emergency (Rescue) Tender - Functional

Requirements [CED 22: Fire Fighting]

“!ान $ एक न' भारत का +नम-ण”

Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda
“Invent a New India Using Knowledge”

“!ान एक ऐसा खजाना > जो कभी च0राया नहB जा सकता ह”


“Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen”
IS 949 : 2012

Hkkjrh; ekud
vkikrdky esa cpko ds fy, iz;ksx gksus okys
VsaMj — dk;kZRed vis{kk,¡
( rhljk iqujh{k.k )

Indian Standard
( Third Revision )

ICS 13.220.10

© BIS 2012
NEW DELHI 110002

March 2012 Price Group 5

Fire Fighting Sectional Committee, CED 22

This Indian Standard (Third Revision) was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards, after the draft finalized by
the Fire Fighting Sectional Committee had been approved by the Civil Engineering Division Council.
The tender covered in this standard is designed both for use for fires and special service work, such as,
a) large fires in cities or large towns, difficult or special fires requiring the use of breathing apparatus,
special equipment or illumination;
b) major electrical fires, for example, in power stations and transformers;
c) house collapse, lift, road transport, railway and machine accidents, etc, for which special equipment is
required and is not available locally;
d) major leakages of toxic or dangerous gases or gaseous liquids; and
e) ship fires.
This standard was first published in 1959 and revised in 1967 and 1985. This revision is based on the experience
gained after publication of standard and availability of new designs and accessories. The position of pump has
been shifted from mid-position of the vehicle to rear side to facilitate easy removal. In this revision design and
construction details of appliances and list of accessories have also been modified, most of which are normally
required to assist in operation (see Annex A), and are given for information and guidance.
The composition of the Committee responsible for the formulation of this standard is given in Annex C.
For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of this standard is complied with, the final value,
observed or calculated, expressing the result of a test or analysis, shall be rounded off in accordance with IS 2 : 1960
‘Rules for rounding off numerical values (revised)’. The number of significant places retained in the rounded off
value should be the same as that of the specified value in this standard.
IS 949 : 2012

Indian Standard
( Third Revision )
1 SCOPE 4.5 Ferrous metal shall not be used for nickel or
chromium plated fittings and the plating of all such
This standard lays down the requirements regarding
fittings shall be of extra heavy quality.
material, design and construction, workmanship and
finish, accessories and equipment of emergency 5 DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION
(rescue) tender.
5.1 The chassis shall have the gross vehicle weight of
2 REFERENCES not less than 16 000 kg for small tender and 25 000
kg for large tender, including equipments, crew
The standards listed at Annex B contain provisions
members, etc, and shall have the following
which through reference in this text, constitute
provisions of this standard. At the time of publication,
the editions indicated were valid. All standards are Chassis Small Tender Large Tender
subject to revision and parties to agreements based
on this standard are encouraged to investigate the Wheel base not more than not more than
possibility of applying the most recent editions of the 4.50 m 5.0 m
standards indicated at Annex B. Turning circle not more than not more than
20 m 20 m
3 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS Road clearance not less than not less than
0.23 m 0.23 m
3.1 The appliance shall be designed to carry the Overall width not more than not more than
equipments listed in Annex A. The equipment shall be 2.50 m 2.50 m
arranged in a manner so as to allow the crew members Height not more than not more than
to get ready in vehicle itself. 3.60 m from 3.60 m from
ground level ground level
3.2 The appliance shall be suitably geared to provide a
road speed of 70 km/h on a level ground. The
acceleration shall be such that with a warm running 5.2 Engine
engine, the fully laden appliance shall attain a speed
The engine (oil fuel type) shall have 6 cylinders. The
of 64 km/h from a standing start, through the gears.
engine shall be fitted with quick starting system. The
3.2.1 The appliance shall also be capable of being engine shall be capable of driving the fully laden
started from rest to upward at a gradient of 1 in 4 when appliance at speed from starting without any
laden. preliminary running period, even under abnormally
cold atmospheric conditions. The operating
4 MATERIAL SELECTION AND TREATMENT temperature of the engine cooling water shall be
4.1 The choice of materials to be used in the thermostatically controlled.
construction of the appliance shall be made with a view
5.3 Fuel System
to combining lightness with strength and durability.
5.3.1 The fuel tank shall have a minimum capacity of
4.2 Timber shall not be used in the body construction.
140 litre for small tender and 250 litre for large tender.
4.3 The appliance shall be required for use in A fuel tank contents gauge shall be fitted on the
conditions with constant high humidity and heat. This instrument panel in the driving compartment.
shall be given full consideration while selecting the
5.3.2 The fitting orifice shall be of ample size, and
shall be in accessible position. The cap shall be clearly
4.4 All metal parts exposed to atmosphere shall either marked to show that it is for fuel and an anti-flash
be of corrosion resisting material or treated to resist device shall be incorporated in it, if the engine is petrol
corrosion. driven.

IS 949 : 2012

5.4 Electrical System h) 32 A TPN MCB — 1 No.;

5.4.1 A heavy duty alternator/generator shall be fitted j) Hand throttle control; and
to the engine to supply the vehicle 12 V or 24 V dc k) Engine cooling water temperature gauge (if
electrical system. The alternator/generator shall be water cooled).
fitted with the necessary control unit.
5.6 Body Work
5.4.2 A trickle charger shall be fitted in the cab and it
shall be fitted with socket for connection to 230 V ac 5.6.1 Enclosed accommodation for six persons shall
electrical supply. A red pilot lamp, to indicate when be provided in the driver cab-cum-crew compartment
the battery is being charged from an external supply, including the driver and the in-charge of the crew. Both
shall be provided. the seats should be independent. The driver’s seat
should be adjustable and comfortable. The rear
5.4.3 All important electrical circuits shall have compartment of driver’s cabin should have one
separate fuses suitably indicated and grouped into a removable seat for full width of cab for 4 (four) crew
common fuse box, which shall be located in an members. The cab floor should be covered with 3 mm
accessible position. Provision shall be made to carry thick aluminium chequered plate rigidly fixed to the
spare fuses in this box. under frame cross members by means of nuts and bolts
or riveting. Trap doors for topping up oil, etc, wherever
5.5 Alternator Unit
necessary shall be provided.
5.5.1 A 230 V, 50 cycle alternator with its independent
engine shall be provided. 5.6.2 One roof light should be provided in the driver’s
cabin dwell vision and external rear view mirrors
5.5.2 The alternator shall be screen protected, should be fitted to the cab.
continuously rated, self-regulating, self excited, class
‘E’ insulation type, having an output of not less than 5.6.3 The driver-cum-crew cabin shall be provided with
25 kVA at 0.8 power factor (4 kW) 220 V three phase, full four doors, one for driver, one for officer and two at
50 cycles. the crew compartment. The doors shall be generously
sized for easy embarking/disembarking of crew members.
5.5.3 The alternator shall be equipped with a direct All the doors shall be fitted on the super structural
coupled flange mounted exciter which shall members, each hung upon three invisible coach type mild
automatically keep the alternator voltage constant and steel stout hinges and fitted with best quality handles.
provide an approximately straight line voltage
characteristic within 5 percent at all loads, and at any 5.6.4 The door handle on out side of driver seat shall
pre-set factor between 0.8 and 1. have a locking arrangement. Other doors shall be
lockable from inside. In addition to the doors locks,
5.5.4 Two cable reels each with 30 m of cable shall be aluminum tower bolt of 200 mm shall be provided for
provided. The cable shall be a 3-core duty flexible cords all the doors from inside adequate grab rails shall be
250 V grade having a conductor of cross-section 4 mm2 provided for easily boarding and alighting from the
(128/0.20 mm) conforming to IS 9968 (Part 1 or 2) or appliance.
IS 694.
5.6.5 The windscreen glass shall be provided in the
5.5.5 Controls shall be mounted near the generator and
two valves and shall be flat in shape. Each glass shall
shall consist of the following:
be fitted in E.P.D.M. rubber beading. The glasses shall
a) Three sockets (plugs) and switches with 3 be 5 mm thick toughened safety glass. The rubber
phase connections; beading used for fitting glasses and window frame
b) Four sockets (plugs) and switches (MCB’s) shall be E.P.D.M. rubber.
with single phase connections of minimum 5.6.6 Seats
20 A capacity;
c) Four sockets (plugs) and switches (MCB’s) The driver seat shall be adjustable type
with single phase connections of minimum vertically, forward and backward. The officer seat shall
10 A capacity; be fixed type. Both the seats shall be rigidly fixed to
d) RPM Meter digital — 1 No.; the flooring by means of nuts and bolts.
e) kW meter — 1 No.; The seat cushion shall be of latex foam rubber
f) Ampere meter separate for each phase –– 3 75 mm thick upholstered in good quality foam leather
Nos. (Total); cloth. The back seat shall be of latex foam rubber
g) Frequency meter — 1 No.; 50 mm thick upholstered in good quality foam leather

IS 949 : 2012 Below the crew seat, two lockers shall be panelling shall be done from 1.60 mm thick aluminium
provided. One locker for battery box to accommodate sheets.
batteries (2 Nos.) and another for keeping accessories.
The extra length of battery cable shall be provided by 5.7 Cable Winch
tenderer. An electrical/hydraulically operated cable winch of The crew seat shall be rigidly fixed to floor 6 t capacity should be provided. The winch unit should
by means of nuts and bolts, running full width of the be complete with compatible HP, dc series wound
vehicle suitable for sitting five fireman, covered with electric reversible motor for increased pulling power,
75 mm × 50 mm cushion latex foam rubber rope drum, and 27 m heavy duty galvanized EIPS wire
upholstered in good quality foam leather of approved rope with replaceable self-locking clevis hook and
shade. should be mounted on the front bumper of the vehicle
with suitable strong supports. Below the crew seat, two lockers shall be
provided, one for storage of batteries and another for 5.8 Telescopic Light Mast
keeping accessories. The extra length of battery cable
A compact, low profile, roof mounted lighting system,
shall be provided, if required.
fitted with 4 × 1 000 W metal halide/halogen lamps,
5.6.7 The super structure of the cabin shall be vertically elevated pneumatically up to 6 m shall be
constructed out of 2 mm mild steel 45 mm × 45 mm × installed on the roof of the vehicle. Lighting shall be
20 mm pressed ‘TOP HAT’ sections. The super provided by a 12 V or 24 V dc with remote control,
structure shall be strengthened specifically on the directional lighting system with rotation and tilt lamps
members with the lockers doors frames are to be fitted to provide total coverage. The remote control unit shall
and also the other members by providing brackets and allow a person to operate all the functions of the light
gussets of 2 mm mild steel plate securely welded. mast and accurately aim for complete directional
positioning. In addition auto-show, a one button The details of super structure are as follows:
command, automatically retracts, turns out the lights
a) Under frame cross : 100 mm × and stows the entire system to the compact transport
members 50 mm × 5 mm position shall also be included in the remote controller.
b) Floor longitudinal : 50 mm × 50 mm × The complete unit should comprise of hand held
members 6 mm remote control with cable, rotation and tilt positioner,
c) Vertical members on : 45 mm × 45 mm × mounting frame with built in tilt system.
even side 20 mm
d) Skirt member : 45 mm × 45 mm × 5.9 Miscellaneous
20 mm 5.9.1 A suitable bumper shall be provided at the rear
e) Waist member : 45 mm × 45 mm × rigidly fixed to the super structure members by means
20 mm of nuts and bolts, fabricated from 100 mm × 50 mm ×
f) Top deck longitudinal : 45 mm × 45 mm × 5 mm mild steel channel.
20 mm 5.9.2 Two cat ladders made out of stainless steel round The cab and lockers should be of composite or square pipe of 2.5 mm diameter shall be provided.
construction with sufficient rigidity and reinforcement 5.9.3 Two numbers of 2.5 mm diameter aluminum
and shall be kept as light as possible. pipe railing with sufficient number of aluminum The structure/frame work shall be of welded double socket brackets shall be provided to the rear
constructions and made from 2 mm thick mild steel body over the deck.
pressed sections and square tubes. The angles and 5.9.4 A heavy duty towing hook shall be provided
channels used shall be of minimum 3 mm thickness. and fitted the rear bumper by means of nuts and bolts.
The complete structure material shall be treated for
anti-corrosion by zinc plating. The plating thickness 5.9.5 Quick removable type wire mesh guard made
shall not be less than 20 µ. Two coats of epoxy paint from 2.5 mm × 2.5 mm size mild steel wire mesh of
shall be applied to the completely welded structure. 1.6 mm size covered in mild steel angle frame shall
be provided to all the glasses of driver-cum-crew The structure shall be so designed so as to cabin.
avoid any vibration/ratting/deformation in the
intended usage of the vehicle. 5.9.6 An illuminated ‘FIRE’ sign shall also be fitted
to the outer centre front of the cab. The interior panelling shall be done from
1.22 mm thick aluminium sheets and the exterior 5.9.7 The body work shall be designed so as to enclose

IS 949 : 2012

as much as possible of the appliance without interfering inter-connected with rubber/plastic/PVC profiles
with necessary accessibility but at the same time, shall sealing the roller shutter watertight when closed.
have clean lines. These roller shutters should be durable, maintenance
free, weather and corrosion resistant.
5.10 Lockers
5.10.6 All lockers shall be fitted with internal lighting
5.10.1 The lockers should be provided for storage of which shall be capable of being automatically
all equipments listed in Annex A. The lockers will switched ‘ON’ and ‘OFF’ by the opening and closing
have drawers as per the latest standards that is, roll in- of the roller shutters. A master switch for isolating
roll out type with opening in tapered position giving the locker lighting circuit shall also be provided.
very easy and immediate access to all equipments. All
equipments should be stowed very scientifically and 5.11 Grab-rails and non-slip steps be provided,
systematically in the drawers and each piece of wherever necessary. A ladder made out of stainless
equipment shall have its designated location so that steel round or square pipe of 2.5 mm diameter shall
at the time of emergency the required equipment can be provided at the rear of the appliance to provide
be very easily located and removed for use. Location easy access to the roof of the vehicle.
of equipment (labels) should be provided on each 5.12 A 10.5 m aluminium trussed type extension
drawer for immediate identification. ladder shall be mounted on suitable gallows fitted with
5.10.2 All the equipment should be properly clamped rollers and designed to facilitate easy and quick
and strapped in the drawers to prevent shifting of the removal of the ladder from the rear of the appliance.
equipments while the vehicle is in motion. 5.12.1 In addition, two stretcher-ladders shall be
5.10.3 The drawer sides would be constructed from mounted separately on the appliance in such a way
aluminium angles of minimum 100 mm × 4 mm that they would be easily, quickly and independently
thickness and the bottom floor of the drawers will be removed, when required. Main ladder section of
made from minimum 3 mm thick aluminium sheets stretcher-ladders shall be manufactured from
and then covered with good quality neoprene rubber aluminium alloy and shall have following
sheets. requirements:

5.10.4 The drawers should have self locking system Overall length : not less than 2.0 m
to prevent accidental opening while the vehicle is in Overall width : not less than 600 mm
motion. The bottom edges of the drawers shall be Centre of rungs : 210 mm approximately
covered with stainless steel angles of minimum 2 mm
5.13 Stability
thickness. The roll in-roll out drawers should be made
according to the required size of the equipment that The stability of the appliance shall be such that when
is to be stowed. under fully equipped and loaded conditions (but
excluding crew), if the surface on which the appliance
5.10.5 The lockers should be covered with push pull
stands is tilted to either side, the point at which
type aluminium roller shutters only for faster and
overturning occurs is not passed at an angle of 27.5°
smoother rescue operation at the time of emergency.
from the horizontal.
The roller shutters shall be made from extruded
aluminium sections with suitable roller, spring, guide 6 WORKMANSHIP AND FINISH
channels, etc. All aluminium sections used shall be
properly anodized. The roller shutters shall be rolled 6.1 The standard of workmanship and finish of all
inwards underneath the roof giving unobstructed mechanical and other parts shall be such that the parts
access to the equipment lockers and the fire fighting normally required to be replaced can be supplied and
material. will fit in correctly. These roller shutters should open in every 6.2 The appliance shall be painted fire-red colour
position of the vehicle even in rough terrain. Guide conforming to shade No. 536 of IS 5. The paint shall
rails shall support the shutters over entire length on conform to IS 2932.
both sides to make them absolutely torsion free. The 6.3 The driving compartment, crew’s compartment,
opening of the roller shutters should be done by means inside the vehicle and inside lockers shall be painted
of a lift bar provided. This should be of the self locking cream. Lockers shall be finished in shadow board
type so that while the vehicle is moving, the shutters painting or replica of items to show the position of
do not open accidentally during movement of vehicle. each piece of equipment. Roller shutters shall be made of hollow 6.4 All other parts except engine shall be painted
rectangular shaped aluminium links which shall be black.

IS 949 : 2012

6.5 Necessary anti-corrosion and priming coats shall d) Revolving beacon light — Two, of blue
be applied before painting. colour and shall be capable of throwing
revolving beams of light round 360 º with
6.6 Painting and phosphating of the chasis shall be
beams inclined upward, horizontally and
carried out to withstand the climatic conditions in the
downward. These shall be mounted on the
cab-roof and second on roof at rear and shall
7 INSTRUCTION BOOK AND ACCESSORIES be operated from the vehicle battery;
e) Wind screen wipers (electrically operated) —
7.1 Instruction Book Two;
Instruction book(s) for the guidance of the user, f) Tools — All tools required for normal routine
including both operating and normal maintenance maintenance of the appliance, which are not
procedures, shall be provided. The book(s) shall included in the kit for the chassis;
include an itemized and illustrated spare parts list, g) Search light — Two, adjustable to give flood
giving reference to all the wearing parts. or beam light and shall be mounted in
convenient position on the appliance but at
7.2 Accessories
the same time, shall be capable of being
The following accessories shall be provided in readily removed and mounted on tripods
addition to those normally fitted on the chassis: away from the appliance. These shall each
be supplied complete with tripod and not less
a) One 250 mm diameter bell shall be mounted
than 30 m of TRS cable on reel mounted on
externally. It can be operated from inside the
the appliance;
driving/crew compartment;
h) Spot light — Two, adjustable and shall be
b) Fog lamps — Two, low mounted in front of mounted in convenient position on the roof
appliance; of the appliance; and
c) Reversing light — One, suitable situated to
j) One, 12 V battery operated siren shall be
assist reversing;
mounted in a convenient position.

(Foreword and Clauses 3.1 and 5.10.1)

A-1 The user may decide schedule of equipments

Sl No. Item Quantity
depending upon local conditions. The size of chassis
may be reviewed on the basis of equipments and
07. Oxygen cylinder, spare 5 litre 1
(see Sl No. 1)
Sl No. Item Quantity 08. Gauges for oxy-acetylene cutting 2
plant, spare
01. Breathing apparatus, positive 6 sets 09. Leather gloves 2 pairs
pressure type with spare cylinders 10. Goggles dark glasses 4 pairs
[see IS 10245 (Part 2)]
11. Chain, lifting 5 t, complete with end 6m
02. Protective suits (Proximity/chemical) 4 Nos.
rings and shackles
03. Ambu bags 1 set
12. Chain-sling, double leg, complete 1
04. MFR Kit 2 sets with rings
05. Blankets, woolen (see IS 1681) 6
13. Chain tackle 2 t (Chain pulley block) 1 set
06. Oxy-acetylene cutting set, complete 1 set
14. Tarpaulin 3.5 m × 3.5 m 2 Nos.
with 5 litre cylinders or equivalent
and 10 m lengths of tubing, portable 15. Pulling and lifting machine, lifting 2 sets
or trolley mounted 3 t or pulling 5 t and hook

IS 949 : 2012

Sl No. Item Quantity Sl No. Item Quantity

16. Half round files 300 mm with wooden 2 Nos. 49. Circular saw for wood or metal cutting 1 No.
handle and diamond chain saw for RCC
17. Portable, electrically operated, 1 50. Chipping hammer 1 No.
300 mm diameter-circular saws, 51. Smoke blower and exhauster (Small) 1 No.
220 V 52. Electrically operated chain saw 2 Nos.
18. Portable, electric drill with different 1 set 53. Petrol engine operated chain saw 1 No.
size spare bits, 220 V
54. Concrete breaker 39 J 1 No.
19. Engineer’s tools 1 set
55. Diesel/petrol portable generator of 1 No.
20. Carpenter’s tools 1 set 5 kVA
21. Special tools for refrigerators, where 1 set 56. High pressure pneumatic lifting bags 1 set
required of working pressure 0.8 MPa, made of
22. Set of keys and securing plate for 1 set reinforced nitrile rubber with 3 layers
passenger lift aramide reinforcement, non-slip
23. Fire hook (see IS 927) 1 design, capable of being interlocked
24. Grapnel with wire cable 1 when 2 bags are placed on top of each
25. 30 m long 16 mm diameter BOB 2 lengths other, quick connection with automatic
rope double locking system, insertion
thickness not more than 25 mm
26. 12 m long 12 mm diameter BOB 2 lengths
including profile, resistant to ozone and
lashing lines
range of chemicals, etc, of the
27. 6 m long 10 mm diameter BOB rope 1 length following capacities:
28. 30 m long 16 mm diameter wire rope 1 length
Lift- Mini- Minimum Weight Qua-
29. Hardwood blocks, assorted, from 75 6 Nos.
ing mum Dimensions (Not ntity
to 225 mm thick and 300 mm Capa- Infla- More
30. Spades 2 Nos. city tion Than)
31. Shovel [see IS 274 (Parts 1 and 2)] 2 Nos. Height
32. Mattocks, handle 2 Nos. t mm mm kg
33. Picks, with handle (see IS 273) 3 Nos. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
34. Axes, felling (see IS 703) 2 Nos. 10 200 375 × 375 4 1
35. Crow bars, 1 m long (see IS 704) 2 Nos. 20 275 500 × 500 7 1
40 400 700 × 700 16 1
36. Sledge hammer 10 kg (see IS 841) 1 No. 60 500 900 × 900 25 1
37. Hammer, 5 kg (see IS 841) 1 No.
38. Rake, 3 prong (see IS 5991) 1 No.
The lifting capacities up to + 25 percent
39. Rubber, gloves tested to 25 000 V 2 pair shall be acceptable
(see IS 4770)
The airbags are to be supplied with the
40. High safety boots, high voltage 2 pair following accessories:
type (Gum boots)
41. Hydraulic jack with handle 1 No. Pressure reducer 30 MPa to : 2 Nos.
15 t capacity 0.8 MPa
42. Shears, bolt cropper, large with 1 pair Control box for operating : 2 Nos.
handle, 900 mm 2 airbags with pressure
43. Shears, bolt cropper, small with 1 pair gauges and carrying strap
handle 600 mm Single control unit : 4 Nos.
44. Debris baskets 6 Nos. Air hose 5 m : 2 Nos.
45. Fireman’s axe with carrying pouch 2 Nos. Air hose 10 m : 2 Nos.
46. Short ladder (Stretcher ladder) 2 Nos. Shut off hose with safety : 4 Nos.
47. Plastic folding stretcher 2 Nos. valve
48. Electric drill with spare bits battery 1 No. Connection piece to connect : 2 Nos.
operated (Rechargeable) two air cylinders

IS 949 : 2012

Sl No. Item Quantity Sl No. Item Quantity

57. Jumping cushions size 1 No. 73. Wireless walkie-talkie sets 6 sets
58. Leak sealing bags 1 set 74. Search camera 1 No.
59. Hydraulic spreader with pulling 1 No. 75. Video camera 1 No.
chains and adaptors 76. Loud hailer battery operated 1 No.
60. Hydraulic cutter 1 No. 77. a..c. detectors 1 No.
61. Hydraulic combi tool with pulling 1 No. 78. Inflatable lighting tower 1 No.
chains and adaptors 79. MFFR kit 1 set
62. Hydraulic light weight aluminium 1 No. 80. Pipe wrenches 300 mm and 1 each
jack — Lifting capacity minimum 600 mm
50 t and stroke minimum 50 mm
81. Wrench adjustable 300 mm 1 No.
63. Hydraulic light weight aluminium 1 No.
82. Slotted screw drivers 1 set
jack — Lifting capacity minimum
50 t and stroke minimum 100 mm 83. Orange paint can 1 No.
64. Hydraulic jack with accessories 1 No. 84. Measuring tape 3 m 1 No.
65. Hydraulic door opener 1 No. 85. Plywood (Marine grade) 1 No.
1.25 m × 2.5 m
66. Hydraulic pedal cutter 1 No.
86. Wood wedges 4 Nos.
67. Hydraulic pump for 2 tools 1 No.
simultaneous operation with 87. Nails 100 pcs
15 m long hose 88. Soaking kit 1 No.
68. Hydraulic foot/hand operated pump 1 No. 89. Search light (Rechargeable) 1 No.
with 10 m long hose 91. Inflatable boat for 7 persons with 1 No.
69. Shoring system 1 set OBM
70. Glass breaker (Punch) 1 No. 92. BA compressor 100 litre/min 1 No.
71. Evacuation system (Rope rescue with 1 set 93. Airline trolley 1 No.
tripod and descenders, etc) 94. Hydraulic concrete cutter 1 No.
72. Wireless set (UHF) 1 No. 95. Thermal imaging camera 1 No.

(Clause 2)
IS No. Title IS No. Title
5 : 2007 Colours for ready mixed paints and 704 : 1984 Specification for crow-bars and claw-
enamels (fifth revision) bars (second revision)
273 : 1990 Picks and beaters — Specification 841 : 1983 Specification for steel hammers
(fourth revision) (second revision)
274 Specification for shovels: Part 1 927 : 1981 Specification for fire hooks (second
(Part 1 and Part 2) : General purpose shovels; Part 2 revision)
1981 Heat-treated shovels (third revision) 1681 : 1998 Textiles — Hospital blankets,
694 : 1990 PVC insulated cables for working woolen, dyed — Specification (third
voltages upto and including 1 100 revision)
V (third revision) 2932 : 2003 Enamel, synthetic, exterior: (a)
703 : 1966 Specification for axes (second undercoating (b) finishing —
revision) Specification (third revision)

IS 949 : 2012

IS No. Title IS No. Title

4770 : 1991 Rubber gloves — Electrical (Part 2) : 2002 For working voltages from 3.3 kV
purposes — Specification (first up to and including 33 kV (first
revision) revision)
5991 : 1971 Specification for ballast rakes 10245 Respiratory protective devices —
9968 Elastomer insulated cables: (Part 2) : 1994 Breathing apparatus: Part 2 Open
(Part 1) : 1988 For working voltages up to and circuit breathing apparatus (first
including 1 100 V (first revision) revision)

Fire Fighting Sectional Committee, CED 22
Organization Representative(s)
Ministry of Home Affairs, New Delhi SHRI OM PRAKASH (Chairman)
SHRI D. K. SHAMI (Alternate)
Agni Controls, Chennai SHRI D. BALACHANDRAN
Airport Authority of India, New Delhi SHRI SUBHASH KUMAR
SHRI R. BANERJEE (Alternate)
ASKA Equipment Ltd, New Delhi SHRI ASHOK H. GARG
Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai CHIEF FIRE OFFICER
Bombay Fire Brigade, Mumbai CHIEF FIRE OFFICER
Building Fire Research Centre, Mysore DR N. SURESH
SHRI Y. M. MANJUNATH (Alternate)
Central Building Research Institute, Roorkee DR M. P. SINGH
Central Public Works Department, New Delhi CHIEF ENGINEER
Centre for Fire & Explosive Environment Safety (DIFR), Delhi DIRECTOR
DR K. C. WADHWA (Alternate)
Chennai Petroleum Corporation Ltd, Chennai SHRI J. P. K. HEPAT

Chhatariya Rubber & Chemicals Industries, Mumbai SHRI S. A. HAVELIVALA

Concord Arai Pvt Limited, Chennai SHRI R. RAMAKRISHNAN
Controllerate of Quality Assurance, Pune COL L. K. SHARMA
LT-COL S. K. TERI (Alternate)
Council of Architecture, New Delhi PRESIDENT
Defence Research Development Organization, Ministry of SHRIMATI MEENAKSHI GUPTA
Defence, Delhi SHRI B. C. SHARMA (Alternate)
Delhi Development Authority, New Delhi REPRESENTATIVE
Delhi Fire Service, New Delhi SHRI R. C. SHARMA
SHRI A. K. SHARMA (Alternate)
Directorate of Fire and Emergency Services, Goa SHRI ASHOK MENON
Electricity Consumer Grievances Redressal Forum, New Delhi SHRI HEMANT KUMAR
Engineer-in-Chief’s Branch, New Delhi SHRI A. K. SHARMA
SHRI A. K. RAY (Alternate)
Engineers India Ltd, New Delhi SHRI NARESH KAUL
SHRI R. B. BHUTDA (Alternate)
F. M. Engineering International India Branch, Bangalore SHRI VIKRAM KALBAG
Fire Protection Association of India, Mumbai PRESIDENT

IS 949 : 2012

Organization Representative(s)
Government of Maharashtra, Mumbai FIRE ADVISER
Gunnebo Steelage Industries Ltd, Chennai SHRI RAJESH KUMAR SHARMA
H. D. Fire Protect Co, Thane SHRI HARISH N. DHARAMSHI
SHRI K. T. CHAUDHARI (Alternate)
In Time Fire Appliances, Mumbai SHRI MUKESH SHAH
Indian Oil Corporation Limited, Noida SHRI T. K. KUMAR
Institution of Fire Engineers, New Delhi PRESIDENT
Karnataka State Fire and Emergency Services, Bangalore SHRI B. G. CHANGAPPA
SHRI B. K. HAMPAGOL (Alternate)
K. V. Fire Chemicals (India) Pvt Ltd, Navi Mumbai SHRI RAJESH H. S ABADRA
Kochi Refineries Ltd, Dist Ernakulam SHRI A. K. DAS
National Fire Service College, Nagpur DIRECTOR
National Thermal Power Corporation, New Delhi SHRI D. K. S URYANARAYAN
NEEPCO Limited, Dibrugarh SHRI V. S. CHOWDHARY
Newage Industries, Fire Protection Engineers, Surendranagar SHRI ASHOK M. SHAH
Oil Industry Safety Directorate, New Delhi SHRI B. R. GADEKAR
Peter Autokits Pvt Limited, Mumbai SHRI J. K. SHAH
Prakash Suraksha Devices, Delhi SHRI PRAMOD PRAKASH
Reliance Industries Limited, Jamnagar SHRI VARADENDRA KOTI
S&P Safety Products Pvt Ltd, Kolkata SHRI TUNIR CHAKRABARTI
Safex Fire Services Limited, Mumbai SHRI JITENDRA SHAH
Shah Bhogilal Jethalal & Bros, Ahmedabad SHRI MUKESH M. SHAH
State Bank of India, Mumbai SHRI J. S. GAHLAUT
Steel Authority of India, Bokaro SHRI SHYAM NARAYAN
SHRI A. RAUTELA (Alternate)
Surex Production and Sales Private Limited, Kolkata SHRI DEBASHIS NEOGI
Tariff Advisory Committee, Mumbai SHRI D. K. P ODDAR
TYCO Thermal Controls India Pvt Ltd, Mumbai SHRI AJIT RAGHAVAN
UL India Pvt Limited, Bangalore DR PRAVINRAY GANDHI
SHRI V. JAGDISH (Alternate)
Uttar Pradesh Fire Services, Lucknow SHRI D. G. P. KARSOLIA
West Bengal Fire and Emergency Service, Kolkata SHRI D. P. BISWAS
Zenith Fire Services (India) Pvt Ltd, Mumbai SHRI B. C. SHAH
SHRI D. C. SHAH (Alternate)
In personal capacity (P/4 Belgacuta, Kolkata) SHRI S. N. KUNDU
In personal capacity (K-33-A Green Park, New Delhi) SHRI S. K. DHERI
In personal capacity (C-127 Kendriya Vihar, Noida) SHRI H. S. KAPARWAN
In personal capacity (305, SJR Verity, Amrita College Road, SHRI T. R. A. KRISHNAN
Kasavanahalli, Bangalore)
BIS Directorate General SHRI A. K. SAINI, Scientist ‘F’ & Head (Civ Engg)
[Representing Director General (Ex-officio)]

Scientist ‘E’ (Civ Engg), BIS

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This Indian Standard has been developed from Doc No.: CED 22 (7570).

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Amend No. Date of Issue Text Affected


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