Control Valves
Control Valves
Control Valves
Introduction ...................................................................................................................................... 1
Design versions ............................................................................................................................... 2
Material executions .......................................................................................................................... 3
Nominal pressure ............................................................................................................................. 3
Flow ratio ......................................................................................................................................... 4
Flow characteristics ......................................................................................................................... 4
Internal tightness ............................................................................................................................. 5
Bonnet, types and packings ............................................................................................................. 6
End connections, types .................................................................................................................... 7
Hardening of valve internal parts ..................................................................................................... 7
Drive selection ................................................................................................................................. 8
Harmful effects in valve operation .................................................................................................... 9
Fluid flow ratio regulation appliances, which keep the required regulation characteristics, are critical in industrial
automatics systems. The main component of such appliances are controllers, which adjust the resistance for
flowing fluid, and drives (actuators), which provide mechanic energy required in setting of controllers.
1. Design versions:
The design version aspect applies only to valves.
Valves can be subdivided using the following criteria:
a) position of body inlet and outlet
• globe,
• three-way,
• angle,
b) closing component
• with linear motion valve plug,
• with rotary motion valve plug,
c) shape of closing component
• profile valve plug,
• perforated valve plug,
• multi-stage valve plug,
• cage valve plug,
d) balancing of axial forces
• unbalanced,
• balanced,
e) reversibility of operation
• reversible design double-ported valves,
• irreversible design single-ported valves.
Globe valves with linear situation of input and output are the basic, most common group of valves.
Three-way valves are used in installations where mixing or separation of fluid is required. Angle valves are
preferred option in applications where flashing (evaporation) and large pressure drops occur. A variation of
angle valves are „ ” valves, with parallel but not axial body ends.
Rotary plug globe valves are recommended in cases of large flows and demand for precise adjustment
in the beginning of opening. Perforated (perforated) components are used mostly to reduce noise emissions.
Multi-stage valve plugs reduce cavitation and choked flow.
In cage valves there is a piston valve plug, working with perforated control cage. They are used for
large pressure drops applications.
Pressure balancing of valve aims at equalization of static pressure on both sides of valve plug, by
means of balance holes or internal valve plug (pilot).
For selection of the valve balancing method the following factors must be taken into account:
a) plug - pilot
- flow direction - above the plug (Flow To Close - FTC),
- high leakage class - (V class),
- enhanced rangeability,
- limited possibility to manufacture two-stage plugs to apply throttling cages.
b) balancing and relieving holes in the plug
- flow direction under the plug (Flow To Open - FTO), - max. leakage class (IV class),
- plug sealing subjects to wearing - it must be replaceable, - possibility to manufacture multi-stage plugs
to and apply throttling cages.
Reversibility of valve operation denotes possibility of changing its function (pressing the valve plug stem can
cause opening or closing of valve) in the consequence of different assembly of valve internal parts.
While selecting valve design one should consider the following aspects:
• leakage class
Single-ported valves are more tight than double-ported ones.
• balancing of axial forces
Double-ported valves require smaller resetting forces and allow transferring of larger pressure drops than in
the case of single-ported valves with same actuators.
• flow coefficient
Single-ported valves feature better possibility of flow reduction, whereas double-ported valves and rotary plug
valves feature better flow coefficients than single-ported ones, with same valve diameter.
• nominal pressure
Irreversible valves are used in applications with higher nominal pressure than in the case of reversible valves.
• fluid viscosity
It is recommended, that single-ported valves are used with dense fluids, with viscosity v>10-5 [m2/s], where
laminar flow may be observed.
03-284 Warsaw, Porannej Bryzy 33 St. Poland, Tel.: (48 22) 828 15 31, Fax: (48 22) 828 15 32, e-mail:;
2. Material executions:
Material execution is determined by material in which body is executed.
Basic material executions of the body casts:
- cast iron: EN-GJL 250, per PN-EN 1561
- spheroidal iron: EN-GJS-400-15, per PN-EN 1563
EN-GJS-400-18LT, per PN-EN 1563
- carbon steel: GP240GH, (1.0619), per PN-EN 10213-2
G20Mn5, (1.6220) wg PN-EN 10213-3
WCB, per ASTM A216
- alloy steel: G17CrMo9-10, (1.7379), per PN-EN 10213-2
WC9, per ASTM A217
- stainless steel: GX5CrNiMo19-11-2, (1.4408), per PN-EN 10213-4
CF8M, per ASTM A351
Criteria for selection of material:
• corrosion proofness,
• working temperature,
• nominal pressure,
• requirements of technical specifications (AD 2000 Merkblatt, WUDT-UC, ASME Code)
Material corrosion proofness depends on type of fluid, its temperature, concentration, etc. It is to be assessed
base don generally available tables and recommendations, or information by valve manufacturer. Relationship
between working temperature and pressure are illustrated in tables in catalog product charts. Minimum operating
temperature for all materials is -10°C.
There is a possibility of lowering operating temperature, as below:
- 40°C for spheroidal irons, EN-GJS-400-18LT,
- 60°C for carbon steels, GP240GH, (1.0619) i WCB,
- 90°C for carbon steels G20Mn5, (1.6220),
-196 °C for stainless steels, GX5CrNiMo19-11-2, (1.4408) i CF8M, provided that:
• design pressure is reduced respectively,
• results of impact strength tests at working temperature are positive,
• heat treatment (stress relieving) of casting is performed.
Requirements of AD 2000 Merkblatt specification, sheet A4, do not allow pressure equipment execution
in grey iron, with exception of products executed under Article 3.3 of Pressure Equipment Directive in accordance
with Technical Specification WUDT-UC.
3. Nominal pressure:
Nominal pressure is a dimensionless marking of maximum operating pressure at ambient temperature, preceded
with PN or CL symbol.
Control valves are executed in following nominal pressures:
PN6; 10; 16; 25; 40; 63; 100; 160; 250; 320; 400 per PN-EN 1092-1, DIN2548, DIN2549, DIN2550,
DIN2551, PN-H-74306, PN-H-74307
CL150; 300; 600; 900; 1500; 2500 per ANSI/ASME B16.5, PN-EN 1759-1
PN20; 50; 110; 150; 260; 420 per PN-EN 1759-1, PN-ISO 7005-1
Pressures PN20…420 are equivalent to CL150…2500.
4. Flow ratio:
Flow coefficient Kv is the stream of water in [m3/h], with temperature 5°C to 40°C, flowing through the valve, at pressure
drop 1 [bar], for specific stroke of valve.
Kv coefficient describes minimum hydraulic resistance of valve. Familiarity with Kv coefficient allows to directly determine
valve nominal size DN and diameter of pipe the valve is to be connected to.
Many different Kv values can be obtained for same nominal sizes DN, in the consequence of application of
reduced passages of valve seats. Nominal (catalog) value of flow coefficient is marked Kvs.
Relationships between flow coefficient, flow rate and pressure drop for various states of aggregation and flow
conditions can be determined using formulas on page 5.
Said formulas allow approximation of Kv coefficient. They however do not account for effects of fluid
viscosity, change in density of flowing fluid, critical flow, etc. For more details refer to PN-EN 60534-2-1 “Industrial-
process control valves. Flow capacity-sizing equations for fluid flow under installed conditions.
To ensure correct work of automatic controls and to avoid oversizing of the valve, adopted catalog
value of flow coefficient is to be higher than calculated. It is assumed that maximum value of calculated flow
coefficient is to be achieved within the 70…90% range of valve plug stroke.
5. Flow characteristic:
Valve flow characteristics is the relation between flow value and closing component stroke. Regarding pressure
drop we can divide characteristics into internal and working characteristics.
Internal characteristics describes relation between relative flow coefficient “kv” and relative stroke “h” at
constant pressure drop in valve, where:
Working characteristic describes change in flow in function of stroke at variable pressure drop in valve, in
installation conditions.
Valves have the following flow characteristics:
• linear - „L”
• equal percentage - „P”
• modified - „M”
• quick opening - „S”
Valve characteristic is obtained by proper design of fluid flow area between valve choking components regarding
the stroke. This function is realized through contoured valve plugs or perforated components (perforated valve
plugs, control cages):
- linear characteristic: equal increase in relative stroke “h” correspond with equal increase in relative flow
coefficient “kv”.
m - characteristic inclination
For POLNA valves: = 0,02; m = 1
- equal percentage characteristic: equal increase in relative stroke “h” corresponds with equal per cent increase
in relative flow coefficient „kv”
- modified characteristic: is a characteristics in between “L” and “P”, created for individual needs and specific
installations. It mostly is of equal percentage nature at the beginning of stroke (h=0…0.3) and linear in the
subsequent part of stroke.
- quick opening characteristic: used for “open-close” on-off operation; it allows achievement of nominal flow at
low stroke (h=0.6…0.7) and increase in flow coefficient by ca. 20% regarding catalog value, at full stroke.
Selection between value with equal percentage and linear characteristics depends on requirements
concerning changes in flow rate and pressure on valve.
With small changes in flow rate during valve operation, up to 50%, selection of characteristics has no material
effect to performance of control system. However for valves operating at large changes in flow rate, with
variable pressure drop, and in case of doubt selection of constant per cent characteristics is recommended.
Valves with linear characteristics are recommended for systems, where pressure drop on valve is
independent from flow rate, e.g. control of fluid level.
03-284 Warsaw, Porannej Bryzy 33 St. Poland, Tel.: (48 22) 828 15 31, Fax: (48 22) 828 15 32, e-mail:;
Valve plugs with quick opening characteristics are designated exclusively for on-off operation. Limitations in
application of perforated components are due to their susceptibility to contaminants suspended in fluids, hence
the need for their permanent filtering.
Flow characteristic
1 ,0
Butterfly valve flow characteristics
0 ,9
0 ,9
0 ,8
q uick o p e ning 0 ,8
0 ,7
line a r 0 ,7
0 ,6
0 ,6
0 ,5
0 ,5
0 ,4
0 ,4
0 ,3
e q ua l p e rce nta g e 0 ,3
0 ,2
0 ,2
0 ,1 0 ,1
0 ,0 0
0 ,0 0 ,1 0 ,2 0 ,3 0 ,4 0 ,5 0 ,6 0 ,7 0 ,8 0 ,9 1 ,0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
h ?a o
Fig. 1. Flow characteristics for valves Fig. 2. Flow characteristics for butterfly valves
Three way and rotary valve plug valves feature linear characteristics, whereas butterfly valves feature
characteristics similar to equal percentage characteristics in the range of opening angles 0°…60° (Fig. 2).
6. Internal tightness:
Maximum leakage of closure by valve choking components (“plug - seat”) is described in leakage classes as
per PN-EN 60534-4.
V - 3 • 10 -4 • Δp•D [cm3/min]
VI - 1 [blister/min] do D = 25
Allowable leakage Seat diameter Allowable leakage Seat diameter
[blister / min.] D [mm] [bubble / min.] D [mm]
1 25 6 80
2 40 11 100
3 50 27 150
4 65 45 200
Checking the internal tightness is carried out as part of acceptance tests of the product with the use of
air with pressure 3…4 [bar] (for valves in classes II, IV and VI) and with water with working pressure conforming
to the order (for valves in class V).
Valves in class VI have seats (single-seat valves) or plugs (two-seat valves) equipped with packing
rings made of PTFE reinforced with glass fibre.
Because of durability of the packing material, pressure drop on the valve must not exceed 35 bar.
Valves in class V require careful and laborious fitting of closing elements and a greater disposition force
of the drive.
Another acceptance criterion is the norm PN-EN 12266-1 “Industrial valves. Testing of metallic valves.
Part 1: Pressure tests, test procedures and acceptance criteria. Mandatory requirements.”
Acceptable leakage [mm3/s] can be calculated for the given class according to the following formulas:
Medium Class A Class B Class C Class D Class E Class F Class G
Water 0 0,01 • D 0,03 • D 0,1 • D 0,3 • D 1,0 • D 2,0 • D
Air 0 0,3 • D 3,0 • D 30 • D 300 • D 3000 • D 6000 • D
Body connections are used to connect valve to pipeline and they should provide tightness, pressure
resistance, vibration resistance and pipeline deformations.
Valves are executed with following types of connections:
• flanged,
• flangeless,
• welding.
Flanged connections are executed as per European (PN-EN 1092-1, PN-EN 1092-2, PN-EN 1759-1,
DIN 2548, DIN 2549, DIN 2550, DIN 2551, PN-ISO 7005-1, PN-H-74306, PN-H-74307) and American
(ANSI/ASME B16.5) standards.
Regarding sealing surface type flanges can be executed with:
• raised face type B1, B2, B, RF
• groove, type D, D1, GF, DL
• recess type F, F1, FF
• ring-joint, type J, RTJ
Rotary plug valves and butterfly valves have flangeless connections of Sandwich type. Body is fitted between
pipeline counter-flanges by means of bolted ends.
Valves with welding connections are designed for butt welding, BW type, or socket welding, SW type. Pipe
dimensions and body lengths specified in catalog apply to execution of connections from body casting.
Application of smaller pipe dimensions is limited due to minimum internal diameter of pipe that can be achieved
from casting (D1 min). In such case reduction stub is to be welded to body, which shall cause elongation
of valve body by 100 mm (DN15…50), 150 mm (DN80, 100), 200 mm (DN150) and 300 mm (DN200, 250)
– in case of stubs fixed on both sides of the valve.
Nitriding (CrN) consists in hardening of component surfaces down to ca. 0.1 mm, to hardness of ca.
900HV, in the effect of plasma or diffusion processes. Nitriding is recommended for application with surfaces
exposed to friction or erosion. Heat treatment is applied in order to achieve high durability and resistance to
wear. Depending on the material type hardness achieved is up to 45 HRC (1.4057) or 55 HRC (1.4125).
Composite protecting coatings (BELZONA) are applied on body internal surfaces in order to protect them from
erosion (flashing, abrasive fluids).
FSP=10-4 • A • (pZ-p2)
Disposition force of type “R” actuators – FSR [kN] is dependent on the active flank of the actuator A [cm2]
and the initial spring travel p1 [kPa].
FSR=10-4 • A • p1
Disposition forces FSP and FSR calculated that way are established without consideration of friction force
of movable elements (spindle of the actuator and the valve) or tolerances of spring manufactures, hence they
should be treated with a 20% reserve regarding those factors.
The calculations refer to single-seat valves type Z, Z1A and Z1B in a closed position.
Catalog charts provide allowable pressure drops for various pneumatic actuators and various internal leakage
classes of valves.
Those values apply to single-ported valves, unbalanced, with fluid fed under the valve plug (FTO).
With fluid fed above the valve plug (FTC) allowable pressure drop may be higher, however such an
arrangement causes valve plug hitting the valve seat when closing and disturbances to control. Hence it is used
mostly in on-off operations, with actuator equipped with higher stiffness springs. For valves with valve plug
unbalanced it is assumed that available force Fs is at least equal to tightening force for class V leakage.
In the case of double-ported valves it is not possible to procure a table of allowable pressure drops, due
to dynamic forces occurring, which depend on i.a. actual flow conditions (pressure, fluid type, valve plug type,
valve operation type). In case when knowledge of forces acting on double-ported valve plug stem is required,
please contact manufacturer, stating all the data related to valve operation.
Pneumatic actuator accessories may comprise the following:
• top-mounted or side-mounted handwheel,
• positioner: pneumatic, electro-pneumatic with analog or digital signal (smart positioner),
• air set,
• three-way solenoid valve,