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ISH Journal of Hydraulic Engineering

ISSN: 0971-5010 (Print) 2164-3040 (Online) Journal homepage: http://www.tandfonline.com/loi/tish20

Hydraulics of submerged radial gates with a sill

Fahmy Salah Fahmy Abdelhaleem

To cite this article: Fahmy Salah Fahmy Abdelhaleem (2017): Hydraulics of submerged radial
gates with a sill, ISH Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, DOI: 10.1080/09715010.2016.1273798

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ISH Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 2017

Hydraulics of submerged radial gates with a sill

Fahmy Salah Fahmy Abdelhaleem
Benha Faculty of Engineering, Civil Engineering Department, Benha University, Benha, Egypt


In this paper the submerged flow through radial gates with and without a gate sill was experimentally Received 3 April 2016
investigated. The effect of different gate sill heights on contraction coefficient, discharge coefficient, Accepted 14 December 2016
submerged jump length, backup water depth, flow energy dissipation, and velocity distribution with KEYWORDS
different hydraulic parameters was analyzed and graphically presented. A combination of dimensional Radial gate; gate
and regression analysis tools was employed to develop reliable formulas for estimating the studied sill; submerged flow
parameters. This paper concluded the negative influence of sills under submerged radial gates and characteristics; submerged
justified the local scour phenomena occurred immediately downstream the stilling basin of some hydraulic jump; velocity field
existing submerged radial gates with a gate sill in Egypt.

1. Introduction for both free and submerged flow conditions (e.g. Ibrahim
2000; Negm et al. 1993a; Negm et al. 1998; Saad 2011; Sarhan
Radial gates are among the most common features of water
control structures in many irrigation networks overall the
The effect of stilling basin shape on submerged jump charac-
world. They are employed to regulate both water level and flow
teristics was experimentally investigated by Ali and Mohamed
discharge in irrigation canals. Radial gates are preferred over
(2010). They believed that a flat basin provided with positive
vertical sluice gates for several advantages. They require smaller
multi-steps at the end produces the minimal length of the sub-
hoisting force, have easier operation, produce lower flow
merged jump compared with sloped or sudden drop shape
disturbance, and provide better discharge (Sehgal 1996). The
(Ali et al. 2009).
flow through radial gates is classified as either free flowing or
Mohamed et al. (2015) assessed the effect of different sill
submerged depending upon the tailwater depth and the size of
configurations and arrangements on submerged flow charac-
the gate opening. Notwithstanding many studies can be found
teristics downstream the radial gates of new Naga Hammadi
in the literature on free and submerged radial gates (e.g. Toch
regulator in Egypt. They showed that the sill over stilling basin
1955; Buyalski 1983; Clemmens et al. 2003; Bijankhan et al.
has a great effect on flow characteristics and local scour depth
2011; Clemmens and Wahl 2012; Bijankhan et al. 2013; Ali
formed downstream the regulator especially for a sill with right
et al. 2015), a few works on radial gates with sill exists.
and slopped faces at the upstream, and downstream, respec-
Hydraulic jumps are often formed downstream of gates.
tively. Moreover, the effect of end step of stilling basin on
In order to confine hydraulic jumps, stilling basins are con-
submerged flow through a radial gate was clarified by Elsaeed
structed to improve the dissipation of the excessive energy
et al. (2016).
of the incoming supercritical flow. In submerged jumps, the
Salem (1990) introduced discharge coefficients for a radial
flow characteristics, including jet extension and streamwise
gate equipped with a sill of flat or curved top with different sill
velocity decay, differ notably from free jumps and the rate of
heights. He indicated that the sill of curved top increases the
energy dissipation being a function of submergence ratios.
value of discharge coefficient. El-Ganainy et al. (1996) con-
Submerged hydraulic jumps are less efficient in dissipating
ducted experimental and theoretical study to investigate the
energy. Therefore, longer stilling basins are required for sub-
flow through a radial gate with a gate sill. They developed a
merged hydraulic jumps compared with free hydraulic jumps
theoretical formula to estimate the flow coefficient for a radial
(Rajaratnam 1965, 1967). The flow characteristics of submerged
gate with a gate sill. They also examined velocity distributions
hydraulic jumps have been studied by numerous investiga-
at three sections downstream of the radial gate. They supposed
tors (e.g. Abdel-Aal 2004; Bhuiyan et al. 2011; Ma et al. 2001;
that higher sills reduce the submergences of the flow jet issuing
McCorquodale and Khalifa 1980; Narasimhan and Bhargara
beneath the gate but greater energy loss results upstream the
contracted section.
Sills and baffle blocks over stilling basin are often used to
A review of the literature revealed that only a few studies
stabilize the jump, decrease its length, and increase the energy
performed on radial gates with a sill under gate. According to
dissipation (Peterka 1984).
the bathymetric survey that carried out downstream of new
The presence of a sill under a gate reduces its height, and
Esna, and new Naga Hammadi regulators in Egypt, a signifi-
accordingly decreases the pressure forces acting on it. Moreover,
cant scour has been observed immediately downstream of their
the sill reduces the weight of the gate and the operation force,
stilling basins, although a gate sill was installed beneath radial
and hence the gate becomes more economic. Many investiga-
gates of these structures (Amin 2013).
tions have been performed on sills under vertical sluice gates

CONTACT  Fahmy Salah Fahmy Abdelhaleem  fahmy.hri@bhit.bu.edu.eg

© 2017 Indian Society for Hydraulics

With this aspect in mind, a series of laboratory experiments All tests were carried out with the gate under submerged
was performed to investigate the hydraulic behavior of the sub- flow condition; this hydraulic condition was appraised by visual
merged flow through a radial gate with a gate sill over a wide inspection and quantified by applying the deduced formula of
range of Froude numbers and submergence ratios. This range Bijankhan et al. (2013), Figure 3.
of the experimental parameters was selected on the basis of Steady-state hydraulic parameters including upstream
the practical ranges that are common in new Esna, new Naga water depth, supercritical depth, backup depth, tailwater
Hammadi, and new Assuit (under construction) regulators depth, and discharge were measured at different gate open-
in Egypt, in which submerged hydraulic jump stilling basins ings. The upstream and tailwater depths, yo and yt were meas-
are employed. The main objective of this investigation was to ured at distances 3.0 m upstream and 9.0 m downstream of
improve the current understanding of the effect of a sill below the gate, respectively. These distances were always far away
radial gates, and hence update the design criteria of such con- from any zone of surface turbulences. The minimum jet thick-
trol structures for long time stability. ness, y1 was measured at a distance of 1.15 times the gate
opening from the gate lip; this is the approximate location of
the vena contracta (Rajaratnam 1967). Also a red rope was
2.  Experimental setup and procedures
employed to indicate the location of the vena contracta. The
The experiments were performed at the laboratory of the magnetic current-meter was immersed under the water sur-
Hydraulics Research Institute, (HRI), National Water Research face to define the zero-velocity line separating forward and
Centre, (NWRC), Egypt. Measurements were conducted in a backward flow in order to identify the boundary of the sub-
zero slope flume with smooth concrete bed and Plexiglas walls. merged jump. In all cases, the upstream head (yo − Z) was kept
The flume has a width of 1.0 m, height of 1.20 m, and length of constant. In this study, the submergence ratio is defined as
26.0 m. It has an upstream head tank to supply water at a con- S = (yt − y2)/y2, where y2 is the subcritical sequent depth for
stant level and an adjustable tailgate at the downstream end to a free jump corresponding to the supercritical depth of y1,
produce the submerged flow condition. At 12.0 m downstream computed by the illustrious Belanger equation (Chow 1959).
of the head tank, a radial gate was installed. The radial gate A total of 108 tests were performed for which the ranges of
was made of steel with sharp edge seal of 5.0 mm thickness. the compiled data are illustrated in Table 1. A computer test
For all experiments, the radial gate radius was 524 mm, the system integrated with data logger was employed to instantly
trunnion-pin height was 390 mm, the gate width was 810 mm receive all the measurements and save them. In terms of the
and the downstream channel width was 1.0 m. The difference accuracy and reliability, measurements included (Q, yo, w,
between the gate and channel width was ascribed to two abut- y1, y3, Lj, and yt) were repeated four times to estimate uncer-
ments symmetrically installed on both sides of the gate. The dis- tainty. It was observed that the mean absolute error associated
charge was measured with a magnetic flowmeter and a digital with measurements for considered parameters was in range
point gauge with an accuracy of ±0.1 mm was used to measure between ±0.06 and ±3.57%.
water depths. In order to visualize the flow field, the dye injec-
tion method and a digital camera were utilized. The backup
3.  Results and discussion
water depth was measured with the static side of a 5 mm diam-
eter Prandtl tube that was placed in the center of the flume. An 3.1.  Contraction coefficient
electromagnetic current-meter was employed to measure the
The measured gate opening w and the measured pressure head
velocity components. Five vertical velocity sections were allo-
in the jet at the vena contracta y1, were used to compute the
cated at the center plane of the flume at distances 0.5, 1.0, 1.5,
contraction coefficients, (δ = y1/w). It was observed that in all
2.0, and 3.0 B (B is the flume width) form the downstream toe
tests, the pressure distribution within the incoming jet can ade-
of the sill. Four point velocity measurements were carried out
quately assumed to be hydrostatic. Figure 4 depicts the meas-
for each velocity profile at depths equal to 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, and 0.8
ured values of δ and those available from previous researches.
of the water depth. Additional measurement at 20 mm above
The contraction coefficient decreases with the gate lip angle θ
the bed was also conducted to represent the near bed velocity.
which agrees with the previous investigators.
An average of 25 readings of each point velocity was taken.
Current experimental data were in a very good agreement
A definition sketch of the side view of a submerged radial
with those carried out by Tel (2000) and confirmed the formula
gate with a sill under gate is shown in Figure 1. In this figure,
of Toch (1955). Figure 4 does not support the recommendation
a is the gate trunnion-pin height (height of gate pivot point
of Mohamed et al. (2015) to apply the formula of Henderson
above invert), r is the radius of the radial gate, w is the gate
(1966), especially in case of submerged radial gates. The formu-
opening, yo the upstream water depth, y1 is the water depth
las of Webby (1999) and Shayan et al. (2014) are dependent on
at vena contracta (minimum jet thickness), Lj is the length of
the effect of the relative gate opening w/yo, and hence showed
the submerged hydraulic jump, y3 is the backup water depth
a discrepancy with the data of the present study. Thus, this
downstream of the gate, yt is the tailwater depth, Z is the sill
study essentially confirms that there is a small influence of w/yo
height, and θ is gate leaf angel, [θ = cos−1((a − Z − w)/r)].
on the contraction coefficient and it is a function of θ. This is
Sills under the radial gate were made of wood according to
consistent with Clemmens et al. (2003) and more experimen-
the design ranges of new Esna, new Naga Hammadi, and new
tal data may be useful to support this. The height of sill has a
Assuit regulators. Three heights of the gate sill (0.0, 100, and
small effect on the contraction coefficient as indicated by the
200 mm) were considered. In all tests, sills of 700 mm length
slight deviations between their fitted trends. The values of δ
have rounded upstream face and the downstream face of the
were ranged from 0.647 to 0.751, 0.657 to 0.759, and 0.671 to
sills have a ramp with a slope of 1 V:5H. Sills were mounted
0.811 as the sill height increased from 0.0 to 10 cm and then
under the radial gate in such a way that the gate lip converge
to 20 cm, respectively.
the midpoint of the sill when the gate is closed, Figure 2.

Table 1. Ranges of experimental parameters.

Parameter Symbol Values
Discharge Q 0.04–0.19 m3/s
Gate opening w 0.027–0.162 m
Tailwater depth yt 0.32–0.48 m
Froude number F1 1.63–6.44
Submergence factor S 0.56, 0.97, 1.67, 2.25, 3.5
Sill height Z 0.0, 0.1, 0.2 m

Figure 1. Definition sketch for a radial gate with under gate sill.
acceleration due to gravity, and DRF is a discharge reduction
factor defined by Bijankhan et al. (2013) as

(yo − yt )∕w
DRF = (2)
𝜆 (yt − y2 )∕w + (yo − yt )∕w

In which λ is a constant parameter and y2 is the subcritical

sequent depth for a free jump computed by the Belanger equa-
tion. The dimensionless group in Equation (1) takes the fol-
lowing form:
yc ( y )b1
= a1 o
(DRF)c1 (3)
w w
where a1, b1, and c1 are numerical constants that should be
determined form the experimental data. The classical discharge
equation of submerged flow through gates is written as (Chow


Q = Cd wb 2g(yo − yt )

In which Cd is the discharge coefficient.

Solving Equations (3) and (4) for the discharge coefficient
Figure 2. Modeled sill configurations under a radial gate. � � �b �1.5
a1 wo (DRF)c1
3.2.  Discharge coefficient (5)
Cd = √
w −0.5 2(yo − yt )
Bijankhan et al. (2013) applied the dimensionless method and
the incomplete self similarity (ISS) concept for calibrating the Using the current experimental data, numerical constants of
submerged radial gates and they offered the following func- Equation (5) were calibrated and are listed in Table 2.
tional relationship: Equation (5) can be applied to calculate the discharge coef-
(y y ) ficients for submerged flow through radial gates without sill
f c , o , DRF = 0 (1) (R2 = 0.92). The mean absolute errors associated with Equation
w w
√ (5), was 1.89%. The comparison between calculated Cd values
where yc =  q2 ∕g is the critical water depth, q = Q/b is the unit
by Equation (5) and those estimated by previous researchers
discharge, Q is the flow discharge, b is the gate width, g is the are shown in Figure 5

No Sill (Z=0.0)
Z=10 cm
Z=20 cm

16 Bijankhan et al. (2011)


Submerged Flow

4 Free Flow

0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30 33 36
Figure 3. Distinguishing condition curve.

No Sill (Z=0.0)
Z=10 cm
0.80 Z=20 cm
Toch (1955)

contraction coefficient,
Henderson (1970)
0.75 Webby (1999)
Tel (2000)
Shayan et al. (2014)


44 48 52 56 60 64 68



contraction coefficient,



0.72 No Sill (Z=0.0)

Z=10 cm
0.69 Z=20 cm
Toch (1955)
0.66 Henderson (1970)
Webby (1999)
0.63 Tel (2000)
Shayan et al. (2014)
3.5 6.5 9.5 12.5 15.5 18.5 21.5 24.5 27.5 30.5 33.5

Figure 4.  Submerged radial gate contraction coefficient δ as (a) function of gate angle θ and (b) function of yo/w.

Table 2. Constant parameters of Equations (5) and (7).

yc ( y )b2 ( )c2
Equation (5) = a2 o
(DRF)d2 (6)
Parameters λ a1 b1 c1  
w w w
Values 1.033 0.655 0.407 0.219   where a2, b2, c2, and d2 are constant parameters. Combining
Equation (7)
Equations (4) and (6) for the discharge coefficient, the follow-
Parameters λ a2 b2 c2 d2
Values 1.138 0.819 0.312 0.023 0.314 ing relationship is acquired:
� � �b � �c �1.5
2 2
yo Z d2
a2 w (DRF)
The data in Figure 5 agree with the formulas introduced by
Cd =
Bos (1989), (Clemmens et al. 2003, p. 681), and Shayan et al. −0.5

w 2(yo − yt )
(2014), especially for lower values of yo/w and show a small
discrepancy for higher values of yo/w. In contrast Equation Equation (7) can be applied to estimate Cd values for submerged
(5) shows a discrepancy with algorithms equations developed flow through radial gates with sill under gate (R2 = 0.96), respec-
by Buyalski (1983). tively. The mean absolute errors associated with Equation (7),
Although Equation (5) is deduced to compute the discharge was 0.89%.
coefficients for submerged flow through radial gates without Figure 6 shows that Equation (7) is consistent with most of
sill, it was applied to predict Cd values for cases of radial gate the experimental data presented by El-Ganainy et al. (1996),
with sills. The mean absolute errors associated with Equation but in contrast to equations proposed by Negm et al. (1998)
(5), was 9.81%. Largely discrepancies with the laboratory data and Sarhan (2013). This hence, confirms that the characteristics
is appeared for cases of smaller size gate openings than large of submerged flow through vertical gates with a sill under gate
openings. Therefore Equation (5) is not suitable to estimate are significantly different than the submerged flow through
the discharge coefficients for submerged flow through radial radial gates with a sill.
gates with sill. According to the current experiments, for relatively large
Likewise the previous analysis and applying the non-dimen- size gate openings, the sill height has a small effect on the dis-
sional method and ISS theory, the submerged flow through charge coefficient, but this effect is more significant for small
radial gates with a sill yields: gate openings. Moreover the discharge coefficient increases as

0.90 the height of sill increases and the average discharge coefficients
were 0.79, 0.82, and 0.85 as the sill height increased from 0.0
0.85 to 10 cm and then to 20 cm, respectively.

0.80 3.3.  Submerged hydraulic jump characteristics

The visualized flow using a coloring injection revealed that, in

0.75 case of the radial gate without sill, the flow downstream the gate
was highly turbulent and a recirculation zones were observed
0.70 near the water surface. The lengths of the recirculation zones
were smaller for low submergence ratios than those observed
Buyalski (1983) for high submergence. This reveals that as the submergences
0.65 Bos (1989)
Shayan et al.(2014)
increase the efflux under gate increases and more turbulence
Eq. (5) was generated. This is bound to create hydrodynamic instability
0.60 1:1 and vibrations, but this does not investigated throughout this
study. In case of the radial gate with a sill, besides the turbu-
0.55 lence for low submergences, the incoming flow after entering
0.55 0.60 0.65 0.70 0.75 0.80 0.85 0.90
the pool downstream the sill, was deflected on the way to the
water surface and increase the surface turbulences. For large
Figure 5.  Comparison between measured Cd values and those calculated by submergences, the flow jet immediately downstream the sill
Equation (5) and the previous formulas for cases of no sill. was deflected toward the water surface and then turned back
to the bed but at a longer distance downstream.

0.90 3.3.1.  Length of submerged jump

When the jump is submerged, jump characteristics are
function of submergence ratio, S. The relative length of sub-
merged jumps Lj/y1 as a function of the Froude number at
vena contracta F1 with different submergences is depicted in
0.80 Figure 7. According to this figure, the relative length of sub-
merged hydraulic jump increases as the submergence factor

0.75 increases. For large submergences, the length of the submerged

hydraulic jump increases as the Froude number increases. For
low submergences, F1 has small effect on Lj/y1. This indicates
that the submergence ratio was the most influential factor on
the length of the submerged hydraulic jump. For the considered
0.65 submergence ratios, the jump length increases as the sill height
El-Ganainy et al. (1996)
Negm et al.(1998) decreases. In other words, sills under the submerged radial
0.60 Sarhan (2013) gate have negative impact on the length of submerged jumps.
Eq. (7)
Employing the experimental data collected in the current
0.55 study and applying the dimensional analysis and the regression
0.55 0.60 0.65 0.70 0.75 0.80 0.85 0.90 analysis tools, Lj/y1 and other independent parameters were
Cd-Measured correlated to develop the following equations:
Figure 6.  Comparison between measured Cd values and those calculated by
Equation (7) and previous formulas for cases of a sill under gate.
Lj ∕y1 = 13.19 F10.97 S0.47 (8)


S = 3.5

80 S =2.25
Lj /y1

60 S = 1.67

S = 0.97
No Sill (Z=0.0)
S = 0.56
Z= 10 cm
Z= 20 cm
1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Figure 7.  Relative jump lengths Lj/y1 versus Froude number F1 for different submergence factors and different sill heights.

(a) Equation (8) is valid for submerged radial gates without sill
120 and Equation (9) is proposed for submerged radial gates
with under gate sill. The predictive capability of Equations
(8) and (9) was remarkably high (R2 = 0.97 and 0.95, respec-
tively). The comparison between measured Lj/y1 values and
those predicted by Equations (8) and (9) is shown in Figure
80 8. The associated absolute errors varied from 0.01 to 4.11%,
According to Figure 8, current experimental data were in a
Lj /y1

60 good agreement with those carried out by Rajaratnam (1965)

and Ali and Mohamed (2010) especially in case of considering
40 the same submergence factors.
Eq. (8)
Rajaratnam (1965) 3.3.2.  Energy dissipation
Ali and Mohamed (2010)
20 The pressure distributions within the jet were sufficiently
Zero error
hydrostatic; therefore the energy equation upstream and down-
± 10% errors
stream of the submerged hydraulic jump takes the following
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 form:
Lj /y1
U12 U2
(b) H = y3 + Z + 𝛼1 = yt + (𝛼2 + 𝜉) t (10)
120 2g 2g

where H is the energy head at upstream of the gate considered

100 the upstream bed of the flume without the sill as a datum,
y3 is the backup water depth, U1 is the average flow velocity
at the vena contracta, Ut is the average flow velocity at tail
80 section, yt is the tailwater depth, α is the velocity distribution
coefficient, and ξ is a coefficient of energy loss. The velocity
coefficient factor α, and the coefficient of energy loss ξ were
Lj /y 1

calculated as (Henderson (1966), p. 19 and Clemmens and
Wahl 2012). The relative energy dissipation is defined as the
40 ratio of the energy dissipated in the jump, ΔE to the energy of
Eq. (9) the supercritical flow, E1 (i.e. ΔE/E1). In Figure 9, the relative
Rajaratnam (1965) energy loss ΔE/E1 is plotted vs. F1 for considered sill heights
20 Ali and Mohamed (2010) and S values.
Zero error
± 10% errors
According to Figure 9 for all submergence ratios, the rela-
0 tive energy loss ΔE/E1 increases as the height of sill under gate
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 increases. For each height of sill, the relative energy loss ΔE/E1
Lj /y1 decreases as the submergence factor increases. At constant S,
ΔE/E1 increases as F1 increases.
Figure 8.  Comparison between Lj/y1 values and those computed by previous
formulas, (a) Equation (8) in case of no sill, (b) Equation (9) in case of under gate
Higher sill under gate gives the smallest backup water
with sill. depth and submerged jump length, but the highest energy loss.
Essentially, sill causes more energy loss and this is consistent
)−0.04 with the observations of El-Ganainy et al. (1996). The average
relative energy losses were 0.29, 0.33, and 0.41 for sill heights
Lj ∕y1 = 11.83 F11.04 S 0.58
y1 (9) of 0.0, 10, and 20 cm, respectively.

S = 0.97
0.5 S = 0.56

E/E 1


0.2 No Sill (Z=0.0)

S = 3.5 Z= 10 cm
0.1 S = 1.67
S =2.25 Z= 20 cm
1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Figure 9. Relative energy loss ΔE/E1 versus F1 for different submergence factors and different sill heights.


S = 3.5

S =2.25
S = 1.67

y3 /w
6 S = 0.97 No Sill (Z=0.0)

S = 0.56 Z= 10 cm
Z= 20 cm

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
yo /w

Figure 10. Relative backup depth y3/w versus relative gate opening yo/w for different submergence factors and different sill heights.

(a) S values. This figure shows that for all tested sill heights, the
15 relative backup depth y3/w increases as S value increases. For
constant y1 and yt, the relative backup depth y3/w decreases as
the height of sill increases. This signifies that increasing the
12 sill height reduces the submergence of the incoming jet and
increases the energy loss. These two actions have opposite effect
on the value of discharge coefficient and this gives reason for
9 the slightly increase in the discharge coefficient values as sill
height increases.
y3 /w

The backup water depth is extremely difficult to measure

6 in the field while the flow is highly turbulent. In an attempt to
simplify the field measurements, the experimental data were
Eq. (11)
Rajaratnam and Subramanya (1969)
employed and applying the dimensional analysis tools to pro-
3 Ali et al. (2015) pose the following equations:
Zero error
± 10% errors y3 )−0.41 ( yo )−0.61 ( yt )1.31
= 0.55 w.Cd
w w w
0 3 6 9 12 15
y3 /w
y3 )0.05 ( yo )−0.20 ( yt )1.61 ( Z )−0.29
= 0.46 w.Cd
(b) w w w w
Equations (11) and (12) were valid for submerged radial
gates without and with under gate sill, respectively. The
12 associated errors for computing by Equations (11) and (12)
were consistent and did not exceed ±2%. Figure 11 shows a
comparison between data calculated by Equations (11), (12),
and the measured data. Good correlation between them was
achieved. The results of these equations fall within the ±10%

error margins.
According to Figure 11, Equation (11) is in a very good
agreement with the experiments carried out by Ali et al.
(2015). Although the formula of Rajaratnam and Subramanya
Eq. (12)
Rajaratnam and Subramanya (1969) (1969) is developed for the submerged vertical sluice gates, the
Ali et al. (2015) present study applied this equation into its calculation pro-
Zero error cedure for submerged radial gates. The comparison between
± 10% errors
measured y3/w values and those calculated by Rajaratnam
0 3 6 9 12 15 and Subramanya (1969) is also depicted in Figure 11. A real
y3 /w surprise was the high accuracy that was revealed by equation
of Rajaratnam and Subramanya (1969) when estimating the
Figure 11. Comparison between observed y3/w values and those computed by backup water depth of the submerged radial gates particularly
previous formulas (a) Equation (11) in case of no sill and (b) Equation (12) in case
of under gate with sill.
for small gate openings.
On the contrary, the formulas of (Ali et al. 2015;
Rajaratnam and Subramanya 1969) for computing the backup
3.3.3.  Backup water depth depth showed a large discrepancy with the current experi-
In Figure 10, the relative backup depth y3/w is plotted vs. the ments for cases of sills under gate, especially for large gate
relative upstream water depth yo/w for selected sill heights and opening.

Z= 0.0 (no Sill) Z= 10 cm Z= 20 cm


10.4 0 1.0 2.0 m/s

y /y

0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 3.0 3.5

y /y


0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 3.0 3.5

y /y


0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 3.0 3.5

Figure 12. Non dimensional velocity profiles for different sill heights (a) F1 = 3.1, S = 1.67, (b) F1 = 2.31, S = 0.97 and (c) F1 = 1.63, S = 0.56.

3.4.  Velocity distributions submerged radial gates (Z = 0.0) gives the best results for the
velocity near bed that reached the end of basin with the small-
Non-dimensional velocity component profiles for the five
est velocity.
measured vertical sections located at distances 0.5, 1.0, 1.5,
2.0, and 3.0 B, from the end edge of the sill are depicted in
Figure 12 for the tested sill heights and at different S values. For 4. Conclusions
different sill heights, typical velocity profile is almost attained Experimental results and statistical investigations of the
at distance 3B. Higher sills need longer distance to attain the hydraulic characteristics of a submerged radial gate with a gate
normal velocity distribution. sill led to the following conclusions:
It was observed that the forward flow (positive or lower part
of the flow) increases as the Froude number F1 decreases and • The height of sill under gate has a minor effect on the
this due to increasing the gate opening leads to increase the contraction coefficient.
thickness of the incoming jet. The length over which reverse • The discharge coefficient slightly increases as the height
flow (negative upper part of the flow) is occurring downstream of sill increases.
the sill decreases as F1 and submergence ratios increase. • Higher sill under gate gives the smallest backup water
For all considered values of F1 and S, the forward flow and depth and submerged jump length, but the highest
the reverse flow increase as the sill height increases. energy loss.
Then on dimensional velocity decay near the bed Ub/U1, • The forward flow and the reverse flow increase as the sill
where Ub is the average bottom velocity is plotted vs. relative height increases.
distance from the edge of the sill x/y1. Typical cases are shown • Higher sill under gate generates the largest values of the
in Figure 13. near bed velocity.
According to Figure 13 the relative bottom velocity • Submerged radial gates with sill needs longer stilling
decreases as x/y1 increases. At a certain distance downstream basin than those without sills.
the sill, the relative bottom velocity increases as S value • Results revealed in this study via the developed sta-
decreases. The velocities near the bed increase as the Froude tistical equations predicting discharge coefficient,
numbers decrease. In all cases, higher sill under gate generates backup water depth, the length of submerged hydrau-
the largest values of the near bed velocity, which considered lic jump, and the relative energy dissipating agree
as greatly harmful to the natural bed downstream the stilling well with those obtained by some of the previous
basin and this gives a good reason for the local scour that researchers.
was observed immediately downstream new Esna, and new • The proposed formulas are applicable within the entire
Naga Hammadi regulators in Egypt. Actually, no sill under range of the experimental parameters.

(a) Lj   length of submerged hydraulic jump;

Z= 20 cm Q   flow discharge;
0.8 Z= 10 cm q     unit flow discharge;
No Sill (Z= 0.0) r    radius of the radial gate;
S    submergence factor;

0.4 U1    average velocity at the vena contracta (at minimum jet

0.2 Ub  average velocity near bed;
0.0 Ut   average flow velocity at tail section;
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 w     gate opening;
x/y1 x    longitudinal distance beginning from the sill toe;
(b) y    vertical distance measured from the flume bed
Z= 20 cm yc    critical water depth;
0.8 Z= 10 cm yo   upstream water depth;
No Sill (Z=0.0) y1   water depth at vena contracta (minimum jet thickness);
0.6 y3   backup water depth downstream of the gate;

0.4 yt    tailwater depth;

Z     sill height,
0.2 θ      gate leaf angel;
δ    contraction coefficient;
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 α    velocity distribution coefficient; and
x/y1 ξ    coefficient of energy loss
1.0 Z= 20 cm
Z= 10 cm Acknowledgments
No Sill (Z= 0.0) The author gratefully acknowledges the support of the Hydraulics
0.6 Research Institute staff, they facilitate the experimental setup. The
Ub /U1

high quality of this measured data allowed valuable relationships to be

0.4 deduced. The writer would like to acknowledge anonymous reviewers
for the very useful comments they made.

0.0 Disclosure statement

0 20 40 60 80 100 120
No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author.

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