Engineering Chemistry PDF
Engineering Chemistry PDF
Engineering Chemistry PDF
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Engineering Chemistry Lab Manual
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B V Raju Institute of Technology (UGC Autonomous)
Engineering Chemistry Lab Manual
List of Experiments:
Mineral analysis:
Instrumental Methods:
5. Determination of ferrous iron in cement by colorimetric method
6. Estimation of copper by colorimetric method.
7. Conduct metric titration of strong acid vs strong base.
8. Conduct metric titration of mixture of acids vs strong base.
9. Titration of strong acdvs strong base by potentiometry.
10. Titration of weak acid vs strong base by potentiometry.
Physical properties
11. Determination of viscosity of sample oil by redwood / Oswald’sViscometer
12. Determination of Surface tension of lubricants.
13. Preparation of Aspirin
14. Preparation of Thiokol rubber
15. Adsorption of acetic acid on charcoal.
1. Practical Engineering Chemistry by K. Mukkanti, etal, B.S. Publications, Hyderabad.
2. Inorganic quantitative analysis, Vogel.
1. Text Book of engineering chemistry by
R. N. Goyal and HarrmendraGoel, Ane Books Private Ltd.,
2. A text book on experiments and calculation Engg. S.S. Dara.
3. Instrumental methods of chemical analysis, Chatwal, Anand, Himalaya Publications
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B V Raju Institute of Technology (UGC Autonomous)
Engineering Chemistry Lab Manual
3. Keep the water and gas taps closed expect when these utilities are needed.
4. Never taste any chemical unless instructed to do so and don’t allow chemicals to come
in contact with your skin.
6. Keep all the doors and windows open while working in the laboratory.
7. You should know about the hazards and properties of every chemical which you are
going to use for the experiment. Many chemicals encountered in analysis are poisonous
and must be carefully handled.
8. Sulphuric acid must be diluted only when it is cold .This should be done by adding it
slowly to cold water with stirring ,and not vice versa.
9. Reagent bottles must never be allowed to accumulate on the work bench. They should
be placed back in the shelves as and when used.
10. Containers in which reaction to be performed a little later should be labeled. Working
space should be cleaned immediately.
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B V Raju Institute of Technology (UGC Autonomous)
Engineering Chemistry Lab Manual
f) Inference or Result.
2. Left hand page should contain the following in their proper places.
3. Students should submit a record of the previous experiments when they come for
practical work.
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B V Raju Institute of Technology (UGC Autonomous)
Engineering Chemistry Lab Manual
Number of grams moles of a solute dissolved per liter of solution is called Molarity.
It is denoted by M
Molarity = Wsolute/Msolute × 1/Vsovent (in lit)
Where M is Gram molecular weight
It is the number of mole of the substance dissolved in 1kg of the solvent it is denoted by (m).
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B V Raju Institute of Technology (UGC Autonomous)
Engineering Chemistry Lab Manual
AIM: To estimate the amount of ferrous iron present of the whole solution with the help of
standard solution of potassium dichromate.
Ferrous iron is oxidized to ferric iron by potassium dichromate in acid solution. The completion
of the oxidation of reaction is marked by the appearance of blue violet color of the
diphenylamine which is used as an internal indicator.
The equivalent weight of iron is its atomic weight i.e.55.86 since one equivalent of potassium
dichromate oxidizes one equivalent of iron.
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Engineering Chemistry Lab Manual
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B V Raju Institute of Technology (UGC Autonomous)
Engineering Chemistry Lab Manual
AIM: To determine the total hardness, permanent hardness and temporary hardness of water
PRINCIPLE: Calcium and magnesium ions which are present in standard water forms a weak
complex with EBT with wine red colour
Then the solution is titrated against EDTA results in the formation of stable complex
changing colour from winered to blue
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Engineering Chemistry Lab Manual
Pipette out 25 ml of standard hard water into a conical flask .To this add 5ml of buffer solution
followed by addition of 3 to 4 drops of EBT indicator. Then titrate against EDTA which is taken
in the burette. Continue the titration till wine red colour changes to blue colour. Repeat this
process until two concurrent values are obtained.
Take 50 ml of sample water into a conical flask.To this add 5ml of buffer solution
followed by addition of 3 to 4 drops EBT indicator.Then titrate against with EDTA which is
taken in burette.Continue the titration till winered colour to blue colour. Repeat this titration
until two concurrent values are obtained.
Take 100ml of sample water in the beaker. Boil the water until its volume reduces to
50ml.Filter it into a standard volumetric flask and make the solution upto 100ml by adding
distilled water. To this add 3 to 4 drops of EDTA indicator.Then titrate it against EDTA which is
taken in the burette.continue the titration till wine red colour changes to blue colour. Repeat
this process until two concurrent values are obtained.
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B V Raju Institute of Technology (UGC Autonomous)
Engineering Chemistry Lab Manual
APPARATUS: Burette, Pipette, Conical Flask, Iodination flask, Standard Volumetric flask.
CHEMICALS: Standard Sodium thiosulphate (Na2S2O3), Hypo, Potassium iodide solution (KI),
CH3COOH, Starch, Dil HNO3, 0.1 N Hypo
PRINCIPLE: Cupric salt in neutral media when treated with KI forms a white PPT of Cuprous
iodide and decompose to liberate iodine, By estimating the liberated iodine CU can be
𝐶𝑢 + 2𝐻𝑁𝑂3 → 𝐶𝑢(𝑁𝑂3 )2 + 𝐻2 ↑
2𝐶𝑢𝐼2 → 𝐶𝑢2 𝐼2 + 𝐼2
2𝐶𝑢𝐼2 + 𝐼2 → 2𝑁𝑎2 𝑆2 𝑂3
Take the accurately weighted sample into 250ml beaker to that add 10ml of dil HNO3. Keep nit
on hot pan for heating purpose till the sample completely dissolve. Then transfer this solution
into clean 100ml standard volumetric flask by using funnel. Make up the solution up to 100ml
by adding distilled water.
Pipette out 200ml of solution from the standard volumetric flask. Add NH4OH till blue
color appears. Then add CH3COOH till its position in the solution becomes clear. To this add
20ml of KI and keep it in dark for 5mins. Then the color changes to thick brown color. After 5
min remove the Iodination flask from dark place and rinse the walls of the flask with
approximately 50ml of distilled water. Then titrate this against Hypo which is taken in burette.
The titration continues till the color changes to pale brown. Then add 3 drops of starch
indicator. Then color changes to black and titrate against Hypo until solution becomes clear. I.e.
Milky white.
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B V Raju Institute of Technology (UGC Autonomous)
Engineering Chemistry Lab Manual
AIM: To estimate the amount of Manganese dioxide present in given pyrolusite sample by using
the standard potassium permanganate.
CHEMICALS REQUIRED: Pyrolusite, 0.5 N Sodium oxalate, 0.3 N KMNO4, Dil H2SO4
PRINCIPLE: MNO2 present in pyrolusite is reduced by a known excess of oxalic acid in acidic
medium. Unreacted oxalic acid is treated against standard solution of KMNO4 till colour changes
to pink colour
PROCEDURE: Weigh out the given sample and transfer the sample into conical flask. 40ml of
sodium oxalate followed by the addition of 50ml dil H2SO4 by keeping the funnel in the mouth
of conical flask. Then keep the conical flask along with funnel on hot pan for heating purpose
and continue till the black colored MNO2 particles disappeared in the solution and ring the
conical flask by adding 10 ml distilled water. Then titrate that solution against standard KMNO4
which is taken in burette and continue the titration till the change of colour from colourless to
pink. Then calculate the amount of oxalic acid consumed. From this it is possible to determine
MNO4 from pyrolusite.
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Engineering Chemistry Lab Manual
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B V Raju Institute of Technology (UGC Autonomous)
Engineering Chemistry Lab Manual
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B V Raju Institute of Technology (UGC Autonomous)
Engineering Chemistry Lab Manual
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B V Raju Institute of Technology (UGC Autonomous)
Engineering Chemistry Lab Manual
PRINCIPLE: - Colorimeter measures the optical density of an absorbing substance where optical
density (O.D) is defined as O.D = log 1
As per beers law, optical density of an absorbing substance is related to the concentration by the
equation. O.D E.C.l
Where ‘C’ is the concentration of the substance, l is the path length, which represents the width
of the cell used and is constant for a given cell used, E is the molar absorption coefficient and is a
constant for given substance. Equation 2 may be written as O.D. C 3
Equation 3 represents the quantitative form of Beer’s law. if the optical density of a substance is
determined at varying concentration. A plot of O.D.vs C gives a straight line.
PROCEDURE:- take the sample solution of CuSo4 and prepare the following 10 sample solutions
in test tubes as 1 to 10
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Engineering Chemistry Lab Manual
After selecting filter, determine the O.D. of the above mentioned ten sample solutions and tabulate
the results.
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Engineering Chemistry Lab Manual
1 10 0
2 9 1
3 8 2
4 7 3
5 6 4
6 5 5
7 4 6
8 3 7
9 2 8
10 1 9
GRAPH: - Plot a graph of O.D Vs [CuSo4]. A straight line passing through origin is obtained
the slope of which gives El, E is the molar
absorption coefficient.
y2 y1
x2 x1
slope El E
E mole 1cm
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Engineering Chemistry Lab Manual
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B V Raju Institute of Technology (UGC Autonomous)
Engineering Chemistry Lab Manual
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B V Raju Institute of Technology (UGC Autonomous)
Engineering Chemistry Lab Manual
APPARATUS: - Conductivity meter, conductivity cells, Beakers, Pipette, Burette, conical flask
PRINCIPLE: - When mixture containing CH3COOH and HCl is titrated against an alkali strong acid
will be neutralized first, the neutralization of weak acid commences only after the completion of
strong acid. Then conductance titration curve will be marked by two breaks, the first one
corresponds to neutralization of HCl and second one to that of CH3COOH.
Let v1 & v2 ml be the volume of alkali corresponding to 1st and 2nd breaks, respectively.
Take 0.1 N NaOH solution and 0.01 N acetic acid Solution and 0.01 N HCl in a
beaker. Fill the micro burette with 0.1 N NaOH solution. Place the conductivity cell in distilled
water and adjust the display to PH 10 with calibration knob. Take a beaker and add 20 ml of
CH3COOH and 20 ml of HCl.Titrate this mixture against 0.1 N NaOH. Now measure initial
conductance of solution. Then 0.1 ml of 0.1 N NaOH is added every time from burette into the
solution and stirred well each time note down the conductance values till the conductance values
decreases and increases considerably.
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Engineering Chemistry Lab Manual
Graph: y
Vbase(in ml) x
Normality of N2=-------------- N
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Engineering Chemistry Lab Manual
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Engineering Chemistry Lab Manual
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Engineering Chemistry Lab Manual
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B V Raju Institute of Technology (UGC Autonomous)
Engineering Chemistry Lab Manual
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B V Raju Institute of Technology (UGC Autonomous)
Engineering Chemistry Lab Manual
GRAPH: - Plot a graph of emf Vs volume of NaOH added and a second graph of E / V Vs Volume
of NaOH added. Note the point of Neutralization from both the graph and calculate the cone of
given CH3COOH using the concern of given NaOH as 0.1m
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Engineering Chemistry Lab Manual
V1 10ml V2 _____ (From Graph)
N1 ? N2 0.1
N1V1 = N2V2
N1 = N2V2/V1
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Engineering Chemistry Lab Manual
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Engineering Chemistry Lab Manual
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Engineering Chemistry Lab Manual
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B V Raju Institute of Technology (UGC Autonomous)
Engineering Chemistry Lab Manual
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B V Raju Institute of Technology (UGC Autonomous)
Engineering Chemistry Lab Manual
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B V Raju Institute of Technology (UGC Autonomous)
Engineering Chemistry Lab Manual
Preparation of Aspirin
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Engineering Chemistry Lab Manual
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B V Raju Institute of Technology (UGC Autonomous)
Engineering Chemistry Lab Manual
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B V Raju Institute of Technology (UGC Autonomous)
Engineering Chemistry Lab Manual
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B V Raju Institute of Technology (UGC Autonomous)
Engineering Chemistry Lab Manual
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B V Raju Institute of Technology (UGC Autonomous)
Engineering Chemistry Lab Manual
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B V Raju Institute of Technology (UGC Autonomous)