Effect of Fiber Surface Treatment On The Fiber-Matrix Bond Strength of Natural Fiber Reinforced Composites
Effect of Fiber Surface Treatment On The Fiber-Matrix Bond Strength of Natural Fiber Reinforced Composites
Effect of Fiber Surface Treatment On The Fiber-Matrix Bond Strength of Natural Fiber Reinforced Composites
The interfacial shear strength (IFSS) between natural fibers and a thermoplastic matrix has been improved by the morphological and silane
chemical modification of the fiber surface. An alkaline treatment was used to enhance both the matrix fiber wetting and the chemical surface
modification in order to improve the physicochemical interactions at the fiber–matrix interphase. For characterization of the mechanical
properties of such interphase, a modification of the micromechanical techniques commonly used in the characterization of the IFSS for
circular-cross-section smooth fibers is proposed. The relationships developed for circular fibers were modified to incorporate the natural fiber
perimeter instead of an equivalent fiber diameter. From the micromechanical test’s results it was found that both surface modifications,
preimpregnation and chemical, improves the fiber–matrix IFSS. Finally, the results obtained from the single fiber fragmentation test seem to
better agree with the effective mechanical properties measured for the laminated material than those obtained with the pull out test. 䉷 1999
Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: A. Fibres; B. Mechanical properties; Interfacial shear strength
1. Introduction Joseph et al. [2] reported that hard fibers have been success-
fully incorporated into elastomers and thermoplastics.
The performance and properties of composite materials Herrera-Franco et al. [3] deposited a silane coupling agent
depend on the properties of the individual components and to henequén fibers and have shown that adhesion between
their interfacial compatibility. To ensure appropriate inter- the natural hard fibers and matrix plays an important role on
facial interactions their surface properties must be modified the final mechanical properties of the composite. Since the
accordingly. Also, the use of thermoplastic polymers with interface plays a major role in transferring the stress from
particulate fillers or short-fiber reinforcements has grown the matrix to the fiber, it is important to be able to charac-
rapidly because of their good processability and ability to terize the interphase and the level of adhesion to properly
be recycled. Fillers are added to the polymeric matrix with understand the performance of the composite.
the aim of improving its thermal and mechanical properties. There are several methods available to quantify the inter-
There are, however, some adverse effects, i.e. toughness, facial adhesion in composite materials. In the case of single
and ultimate elongation that polymers often suffer because fiber model composites, techniques such as the pull-out test
of the addition of fillers. A properly selected interface has a and the single-fiber fragmentation test (SFFT) are
significant effect on the dispersion quality and adhesion commonly used [4–8]. The SFFT test offers several impor-
between the polymer and the filler. tant practical advantages such as simplicity in sample
Natural hard fibers are gaining attention as a reinforcing preparation and the possibility of obtaining a large number
agent in thermoplastic matrices [1–3]. Low density and a of fragments from a single specimen. Then, a statistically
highly reduced wear of the processing machinery may be valid distribution can be obtained from a limited number of
mentioned as attractive properties, together with their abun- test samples. These methods have been successfully used to
dance and low cost. Cazaurang et al. [1] pointed out that characterize the interfacial shear strength (IFSS) of both
these hard fibers posses mechanical properties that make thermoplastic and thermosetting resins reinforced with a
them a suitable candidate to reinforce thermoplastic resins. rigid, constant diameter and smooth surface fibers such as
carbon, glass, kevlar etc. In the case of natural hard fibers
* Corresponding author. Fax: ⫹00 52-99-81-3900. such as henequén, sisal, coconut, etc., however, they can be
1359-8368/99/$ - see front matter 䉷 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: S1359-836 8(98)00054-7
310 A. Valadez-Gonzalez et al. / Composites: Part B 30 (1999) 309–320
Table 1 Table 3
Chemical composition of the henequén fibers [18] Different fibers treatments applied to the henequén fibers
considered to be flexible, they have a diameter that varies 2.2. Fiber surface treatments
along their length and a rough surface [1,9–12].
The aim of this work was to explore the possibility of In order to improve the adhesion between the fiber and the
improving the effective mechanical properties of a thermo- matrix, the fibers were subjected to one or several surface
plastic matrix reinforced with natural fibers enhancing the treatments (see Table 3) which are described hereafter.
fiber–matrix interphase physicochemical interactions. The
fiber surface area was increased by means of an alkaline 2.2.1. Treatment with alkaline solution
treatment and then preimpregnated with a diluted matrix The fibers were treated with a NaOH aqueous solution
solution or treated with a silane coupling agent to promote (2% w/v) for an hour at 25⬚C, then they were washed with
a chemical interaction between the fiber and the matrix. distilled water until all the sodium hydroxide was elimi-
Such interactions were characterized using two micro- nated, that is until the water used for washing the fibers
mechanical methods, the single-fiber fragmentation test no longer gave any alkalinity reaction. Subsequently, the
and the pull-out test. The results of the micromechanical fibers were dried to 60⬚C for 24 h. 1
characterization were compared with the effective mechan-
ical properties of the natural-fiber reinforced composite. 2.2.2. Surface treatment with silane
For the surface treatment of the fiber, 1% silane and 0.5%
dicumyl peroxide (Polyscience), weight percentage regard-
ing the fiber, dissolved for their hydrolysis in a mixture of
2. Experimental methanol–water (90/ 10 w/w) were used. The pH of the
solution was adjusted to 3.5 with acetic acid and stirred
2.1. Materials continuously during 10 min. Then, the fibers were immersed
in the solution and left for 1 h under agitation. At last, the
High density polyethylene (HDPE–Petrothene) extrusion fibers were dried at 60⬚C for 24 h.
grade, was supplied by Quantum Chemical Inc. with a melt
flow index (MFI) of 0.33 g/10 min., a density of 0.96 g/cm 3
2.2.3. Surface preimpregnation with polyethylene dilute
and a melting point of 135⬚C. The MFI was determined
following the ASTM standard D-1238-79 at 190⬚C with a
The henequén fibers were preimpregnated with a 1.5% w/
weight of 2160 g. The ASTM standard D-792-86, with
w HDPE–Xylene solution as follows: HDPE in powder
benzene as the immersion liquid, was used to determine
form was added to Xylene at 110⬚C in a Pyrex beaker and
the density. The melting point was determined in a DSC-7
stirred continuously with a magnetic bar to dissolve the
Perkin Elmer calorimeter. The natural hard fiber used was
polyolefin. The natural fibers were put in a stainless-steel
henequén (Agave fourcroydes) supplied by DESFIYUSA.
basket and carefully immersed in the hot solution and stirred
The chemical composition and mechanical properties of
continuously for 5 min. Then, the basket was removed and
the henequén fibers are shown in Tables 1 and 2.
the lumps of fibers were transferred to a flat tray and kept in
Sodium hydroxide and xylene, reactive grade from
an oven at 60⬚C for 24 h to allow the solvent to evaporate.
Técnica Quı́mica S.A., were used for the various surface
The lumps of impregnated fibers were dispersed before
treatments. As a coupling agent, the vinyltris (2-methoxy-
blending them with the matrix.
ethoxy) silane (Silane A-172) from Union Carbide was
2.3. Micromechanical characterization
Table 2
Mechanical properties of the henequén fibers One of the techniques most frequently used to measure
the interfacial shear strength (IFSS) is the so-called pull-out
Tensile strength (MPa) 500 ^ 70 test. In this test, one end of the fiber is embedded in a block
Strain at break (%) 4.8 ^ 1.1
Tensile modulus (GPa) 13.2 ^ 3.1
of a polymer matrix, Fig. 1(a), and a force is applied to the
free end to pull it out off the matrix while the force is
A. Valadez-Gonzalez et al. / Composites: Part B 30 (1999) 309–320 311
Fig. 2. (a) Typical cross-sections of henequén fibers at different points along their length; and histograms of the geometrical parameters (b) perimeter, (c)
diameter, and (d) cross-sectional area.
the parameters of the Weibull distribution. These para- observed for the equivalent diameter or the cross-section
meters are solutions to area. This suggests that the perimeter could be a better para-
P a P meter for calculation of the interfacial shear strength. Dong
X lnX 1 lnXi
Pi a i ⫺ ⫺ 0 and Sapieha [12], in a study concerning the characterization
Xi a n of the interfacial adhesion between cellulose and a thermo-
plastic matrix composite, modified the Kelly and Tyson
1X a a equation by using the ratio of the cross-section to perimeter
b Xi of the fibers instead of the apparent diameter to calculate the
interfacial shear strength, however, they did not report any
where a and b have the same meaning indicated earlier, that of their geometrical parameters. Karlsson et al. [13] using
is, they are the shape and scale parameters of the Weibull the Wilhelmy plate method measured the apparent peri-
distribution [5]. meter of regenerated cellulose and used this parameter to
It is observed from these figures that the perimeter of the calculate the IFSS.
fiber cross-section shows a lower dispersion than that In order to take into account the inherent variability of the
A. Valadez-Gonzalez et al. / Composites: Part B 30 (1999) 309–320 313
where Ff is the force of debonding, Pf is the measured peri- 2.4. Elaboration of the composite
meter of the henequén fiber and le is the fiber embedded
length. In the case of the single fiber fragmentation test A 20% in volume fiber composite was elaborated to
the IFSS was calculated with determine the effect of the henequén fiber surface treatments
on the tensile properties of the material. Henequén fibers
2Ff (6 mm long) were incorporated to the polyethylene matrix
1 using a BRABENDER intensive mixer at 180⬚C; the result-
bG 1 ⫹ P
a f ing material was laminated at a temperature of 180⬚C and a
pressure of 1 ton using a Carver laboratory press. From
where Ff is the tensile load at break for the henequén fiber, these laminates, type IV tensile tests specimens were
Pf is the perimeter; a, b are the shape and scale parameters obtained according to the D638 ASTM standard. The tensile
of the fragment length Weibull distribution and G is the tests were carried out in an INSTRON Universal Testing
gamma function. machine model 1125 using a cross-head speed of 5 mm/min.
314 A. Valadez-Gonzalez et al. / Composites: Part B 30 (1999) 309–320
Fig. 4. Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectra for FIB and FIBNA.
3.2.1. Pull-out
The typical load–displacement curves for the native
(FIB), alkali treated (FIBNA), silane treated (FIBNASIL)
and preimpregnated henequén (FIBNAPRE) fibers from the
pull-out test are shown in Fig. 7. It can be noted that all the
curves exhibit the non-linear behavior characteristic of a
ductile matrix [20–22]. However, once the load reaches
its maximum value there are clearly significant differences
Fig. 6. SEM photomicrographs of henequén fibers for: (a) FIBNASIL; and
in the way these curves drop. For the native henequén it can
(b) FIBNAPRE. be seen that the load increases gradually and when it reaches
a maximum value there is a smooth transition and it begins
to decrease in a linear fashion until the total embedded
length of the fiber is pulled-out. This behavior agrees well
with the behavior of a poor interphase that results because of
the incompatibility between the hydrophilic fiber and the
hydrophobic matrix. This behavior shows a slight change
in the case of FIBNA, because the higher the roughness of
the alkali treated fiber, the better the fiber–matrix mechan-
ical interlocking, i.e. the fiber–matrix interaction is
improved. For the silane treated fiber, the load–displace-
ment curve depicts a weakly bonded interphase; after the
interphase has failed, the fiber can be extracted in a
controlled way and friction was measured until the fiber
was completely pulled-out [20]. The load displacement
curve for FIBNAPRE resembles a very strongly bonded
interphase: the interface fails immediately after fiber extrac-
tion, as reported by Désarmont et al. [20]
On the other hand, it can be seen in Fig. 8 that the depen-
dence of the force of debonding with the embedded length
follows linear behavior with a different slope for all treat-
ments. This seems to indicate some bond ductility [21,22]
Fig. 7. Typical pull-out test load–displacement curves for HDPE and and that the surface treatments increase the fiber–matrix
henequén fibers subjected to different surface treatments. interaction [20]. The slope of these curves indicates that
316 A. Valadez-Gonzalez et al. / Composites: Part B 30 (1999) 309–320
Fig. 10. Schematic representation of the interphases formed on the henequén fibers for: (a) FIB and fibers subjected to different surface treatments; (b) FIBNA;
fibers (80:20 v/v) is shown in Fig. 12. It should be noted that 4. Discussion
the only modification of the fiber surface with an aqueous
solution of NaOH does not seem to be enough to improve When the fiber is preimpregnated with the matrix the
the strength of the material. Either further treatment with a resulting IFSS seems to be higher than that obtained for
silane-coupling agent to promote the adhesion by chemical fibers which are treated only with a silane coupling agent,
interactions or by enhancing the mechanical interlocking by
a preimpregnation process clearly improves the mechanical
properties of the composite.
The silane treatment of the fiber surface increases the tensile
strength of the composite material from 21 to 27 MPa whereas
the preimpregnation process yields 23 MPa. Figs. 12 and 13
show the fracture photomicrographs of the specimens
subjected to tensile loads. It can be seen in Fig. 13(a) that
for FIB fibers, the phenomenon of ‘pull-out’ occurred in a
greater extent than FIBNASIL and FIBNAPRE.
In the picture corresponding to FIBNA, Fig. 13(b), it
could be appreciated both fiber pull out and some tearing
of the fibers as a consequence of a better mechanical inter-
locking induced by the greater roughness of the fiber. The
effect of the coupling agent is shown in Fig. 14(a) where it
can easily be seen that the fibers were broken and torn and
there is no evidence of fiber pull out. In addition, it is inter-
esting to note that the fibers are completely impregnated by
the matrix. In the case of the preimpregnated fiber, Fig.
14(b), more tearing of the fibers could be observed together Fig. 11. Effect of the surface treatment on the interfacial shear strength
with some cavities left by pulled-out fibers. measured using the single fiber fragmentation test.
318 A. Valadez-Gonzalez et al. / Composites: Part B 30 (1999) 309–320
Fig. 12. Effect of the surface treatment on the tensile strength for HDPE–
henequén fiber composites.
Fig. 14. Fracture surface SEM photomicrographs of: (a) FIBNASIL; and
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