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Chapter 5:analytical and Sampling Systems: Page 436

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This chapter describes the analytical and sampling system mentioned in para 3.3
of Chapter 3 of this Part.

2 Analytical Systems for determination of gaseous emission.

System (HCLA or Equivalent System)

A schematic diagram of the analytical and gas sampling system using HCLA or
equivalent systems for measuring NOx is shown in Figure 1 of this chapter.

SP - Stainless steel sample probe to obtain samples from exhaust system.

A closed end, multi-hole straight probe extending at least 80% across
the exhaust pipe is recommended. The exhaust gas temperature at the
probe shall be not less than 343 K (70o C).In the case of NG engine,
the sample probe shall be installed at minimum 1.5m and maximum
2.5m from exhaust manifold or turbocharger.

HSL 1 - Heated sampling line, temperature shall be kept at 453 K - 473 K

(180o C 200o C): the line shall be made in stainless steel of PTFE.

F1 - Heated pre-filter, if used; temperature shall be the same as HSL 1.

T1 - Temperature readout of sample streams entering oven compartment.

V1 - Suitable valve for selecting sample, span gas or air or gas flow to
the system. The valve shall be in the oven compartment or heated to
the temperature of the sampling line HSL1.

V2,V3 - Needle valves to regulate calibration gas and zero gas.

F2 - Filter to remove particulates. A 70 mm diameter glass fibre type

filter disc is suitable. The filter shall be readily accessible and
changed daily or more frequently, as needed.

PI - Heated sample pump

G1 - Pressure gauge to measure pressure in sample line HC-analyser.

R3 - Pressure regulator valve to control pressure in sample line and flow

to detector.

HFID - Heated flame ionization detector for hydrocarbons. Temperature of

oven shall be kept at 453 K - 473 K (180o C - 200o C).

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FL1,FL2,FL3 - Flow meter to measure sample bypass flow.

RI,R2 - Pressure regulators for air and fuel.

HSL2 - Heated sampling line, temperature shall be kept between 368 K

- 473 K (95o C - 200o C); the line shall be made in
stainless steel or PTFE.

HCLA - Heated chemiluminescence analyser for oxides of nitrogen.

T2 - Temperature readout of sample stream entering HCLA analyser.

T3 - Temperature readout of NO2 - NO converter.

V9, V10 - Three~way valve to by-pass NO2 - NO converter.

V11 - Needle valve to balance flow through NO2 - NO converter and


SL - Sample line. The line shall be made in PTFE or in stainless steel.

It may be heated or unheated.

B - Bath to cool and condense water from exhaust sample. The

bath shall be maintained at a temperature of 273 K - 277 K (0°C
– 4°C) by ice or refrigeration...
C - Cooling coil and trap sufficient to condense and collect water
vapour (optional with water insensitive analyser).

T4 - Temperature readout of bath temperature.

V5,V6 - Toggle valves to drain condensate traps and bath.
R4,R5 - Pressure regulator to control sample flow.
V7,V8 - Bail valve or solenoid valves to direct sample, zero gas or
calibrating gas streams to the analysers.

V12, V13 - Needle valves to regulate flows to the analysers.

CO - NDIR analyser for carbon monoxide.

NOx - HCLA analyser for oxides of nitrogen.

FL4,FL5 - By-pass flowmeter.

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V4, V 14 - Three-way ball or solenoid valves. The valves shall be in an oven
compartment or heated to the temperatures of the sampling line

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The determination of particulate emissions requires dilution system capable of

maintaining the temperature of the diluted exhaust gas at or below 325K (52
deg. C), the particulate sampling system, specified sampling filters and
microgram balance which shall be placed in an air conditioned weighing
chamber. Two principally different dilution and sampling systems(full-flow-
dilution system and partial-flow-dilution-system) are used The specification of
filters, balance and the weighing chamber apply to both systems.
3.1 Particulate Sampling Filters
Fluorocarbon-coated glass fibre filters or fluorocarbon –based (membrane)
filters are required.
Particulate filters shall have a minimum diameter of 47 mm(37 mm stain
diameter ) Larger diameter filters are acceptable.

The diluted exhaust are sampled by pair of filters placed in series (one primary
and one back-up filter )during the test sequence. The back-up filter shall be
located no more than 100mm down stream of and shall not be in contact with
primary filter .

The recommended minimum loading on primary 47 mm filter(37 mm stain

diameter) is 0.5 milligrams , on primary 70 mm filter (60 mm stain diameter)
1.3 milligrams.

Equivalent minimum loading of 0.5 –mg/1075 mm2 (i.e mass/stain area) are
recommended for other filters.

3.2 Weighing Chamber and Microbalance Specifications

The temperature of the chamber (or room) in which the particulate filters are
conditioned and weighed shall be maintained to within ± 6K of set point
between 293 and 303 K(20 o C and 30 o C) during all filter conditioning and
weighing . The relative humidity shall be maintained to within ± 10% relative
humidity of a set point between 35% and 55 %.

The chamber(or room) environment shall be free of any ambient contaminates

(such as dust ) that could settle on particulate filtering during their stabilisation.
At least two unused reference filters must be weighed within four hours of but
preferably at the same time, as the sample filters weighing . If average weight of
the reference filter changes between sample filter weighing by more than ± 6%
of the recommended minimum filter loading ,then all sample filters discarded
and the emission tests repeated.

In case of a weight change between –3.0 % and –6.0 % the manufacturer has

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the option of either repeating the test or adding the average amount of weight
loss to the net weight sample .

In case of a weight change between +3.0 % and +6.0 % the manufacturer has
the option of either repeating the test or accepting the measured sample filter
weight values.

If the average weight changes by not more than + 3% of minimum filter

loading, the measured sample filter weights are used for calculations.The
reference filters shall be of the same size and material as the sample filters and
be changed at least once a month.

The microgram balance used to determine the weights of all the filters shall
have a precision of 2% and readability of 1% of the recommended minimum
filter loading.

3.3 Additional Specifications

All parts of the dilution system and the sampling from the exhaust pipe up to
filter holder, which are in contact with raw and dilute exhaust gas shall be
designed to minimise the deposition or alteration of the particulate matter. All
parts shall be made of electrically conductive material, that does not react with
exhaust gas components and shall be electrically grounded, to prevent
electrostatic effects.

3.4 System 2(Full-Flow-Dilution System)

A particulate sampling system is described based upon the dilution of the total
exhaust using the CVS (Constant Volume Sampling) concept.
Figure 2 is a schematic drawing of this system. The total flow of the mixture of
exhaust and dilution air shall be measured , and a sample shall be collected for

The mass of particulate emissions is subsequently determined from the mass

sample collected on a pair of filters ,the sample flow and the total flow of
dilution air and exhaust over a test period. Either a PDP or a CFV and a single-
dilution system may be used. Gaseous emissions shall not be determined with a
CVS system. The components shall meet the following requirements

EP- The exhaust pipe length from the exit of the engine exhaust manifold or
turbocharger outlet to the dilution tunnel is required to be not more
than10m.If the system exceeds 4m in length then all tubing in excess of 4m
shall be insulated. The radial thickness of the insulations must be at least 25
mm. The thermal conductivity of the insulating material shall have a value no
greater than 0.1 W/mk measured at 673 k (300 o K).

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PDP- The positive displacement pump meters total diluted exhaust flow from the
number of the pump revolutions and the pump displacement. The exhaust
system back pressure shall not artificially lowered by the PDP or dilution air
intel system. Static pressure measured with the Operating CVS system shall
remain within + 1.5 kPa of the static pressure measured without connection to
the CVS at identical engine speed and load. The gas mixture temperature
immediately ahead of the PDP shall be within + 6K of the average operating
temperature observed during the test, when no flow compensation is used.

Figure 2 : Full-Flow dilution system

CFV- The critical flow venturi measures total diluted exhaust flow by maintaining the
flow at choked conditions (critical flow). The static pressure variations in the
raw exhaust shall conform to the specifications detailed for the PDP.

The gas mixture temperature immediately ahead of the CFV shall be within +
11K of the average operating temperature observed during the test, when flow
compensation is used.

HE – The heat exchanger shall be of sufficient capacity to maintain the temperature

within the limits required above(optional if EEC is used)

EFC- If the temperature at the inlet to either PDP or CFV is not kept constant, an
electronic flow computation system is required for continuous measurement of
the flow rate (optional if HE is used)
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PDT- The primary dilution tunnel shall be: Small enough in diameter to cause
turbulent flow (Reynolds Number > 4000) and of sufficient length to cause
complete mixing of the exhaust and dilution air.

At least 460 mm in diameter with single – dilution system or at least 200 mm in

diameter with a double –dilution system.

The engine exhaust shall be directed downstream at the point where it

introduced into the primary dilution tunnel ,and thoroughly mixed.

SDS – The single-dilution system collects sample from the primary tunnel and then
passes this sample through the collection filters. The flow capacity of the PDP
or CFV shall be sufficient to maintain the diluted exhaust at a temperature of no
more than 325 K(52 o C) immediately before the primary particulate filter.

DDS- The double-dilution system collects sample form the primary tunnel and then
transfers this sample to secondary dilution tunnel where the sample is further
diluted. The double-diluted sample is then passed through the collection filters.
The flow capacity of PDP or CFV shall be sufficient to maintain the diluted
stream in the PDP at a temperature less than or equal to 464 K (191 o C) at the
sampling zone.The secondary dilution system shall provide sufficient
secondary dilution air to maintain the double diluted exhaust stream
temperature of less than or equal to 325 K(52oC) immediately before the
primarily particulate filter.

PSP- The particulate sample probe (for SDS only) shall :

Be installed facing upstream at point where the dilution air exhaust gas are well
mixed (i.e on the dilution tunnel centre – line, approximately
10 tunnel diameters downstream of the point where the exhaust enters the
dilution tunnel)

Have an inside diameter at least 12 mm.

The distance from the probe tip to the filter holder shall not exceed 1020mm.
The sample probe shall not be heated.

PTT - The particulate transfer tube (for DDS only) shall be :

Installed facing upstream at a point where the dilution air and exhaust gas are
well mixed (i.e on the dilution tunnel centre – line, approximately 10 tunnel
diameters downstream of the point where the exhaust enters the dilution tunnel)
12mm minimum inside diameter.

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Not more than 910 mm from the inlet plane to exit plane.

The particulate shall exit on the centre-line of the secondary dilution tunnel and
point downstream. The sample shall not be heated.

SDT- The secondary dilution tunnel (for DDS only) shall have minimum diameter of
75 mm and be of sufficient length so as to provide a residence time of at least
0.25 seconds for the double diluted sample. The primary filter holder shall be
located within 300 mm of the exit of the secondary dilution tunnel

DAF- The dilution air may be filtered at the dilution air inlet, shall have a temperature
of 298 (25o C) + 5K and may be sampled to determine background particulate
levels , which can then be subtracted from the values measured in diluted

FH – For primary and back-up filters housing the separate filter housing may be used.
The requirements of paragraph 2.1.3 of this chapter have to be met. The filter
holders shall not be heated

SP- The particulate sample pump shall be located sufficiently distant from the
tunnel so that the inlet gas temperature is maintained constant ( + 3K) if flow
compulation is not used. The sample pump(s) shall be running throughout the
complete test procedure. A bypass system is used for passing the sample
through the sampling filters.

DP- The dilution air pump (for DDS only) shall be located so that the secondary
dilution air is supplied with a temperature of 298 (25 o C) + 5K.

GF1- The gas meter or flow instrumentation (for particulate sample flow) shall be
located sufficiently distant from the tunnel so that the inlet gas temperature
remain constant ( + 3K), if flow computation is not used.

GF2- The gas meter or flow instrumentation (dilution air, for DDS only) shall located
so that the inlet gas temperature remains at 298 (25 o C) + 5K.

3.5 System 3 (Partial – Flow –Dilution System )

A particulate sampling system is described based upon the dilution of part of

the exhaust gas. Figure 3 is schematic drawing of this system. The mass of
particulate emissions is determined from a mass sample collected on a pair of
filter and from the dilution ratio sample flow and exhaust gas flow or fuel flow
over the test period.

The calculation of the dilution ration depends upon type of system used . Only a
fraction of diluted exhaust (fractional sampling type ) or all of the diluted
exhaust ( total sampling type) may be sampled . All types described herein are

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equivalent as long as they comply with the requirements of chapter 4 paragraph
4.2.6 ,appendix 3,paragraph Components shall meet the following

EP - For types without , isokinetic probe it is necessary to have a straight

pipe of length of 6 pipe diameters upstream and 3 pipe diameters
downstream of the tip of the probe .

For a type with isokinetic probe, the exhaust pipe shall be free of
elbows, bends and sudden diameter changes for at least 15 pipe
diameters upstream and 4 pipe diameters downstream of the tip of the
probe. The exhaust gas velocity at the sampling zone shall be higher
than 10 m/s and lower than 200 m/s.

Pressure oscillations of the exhaust gas shall not exceed + 500 Pa on

average. Any steps to reduce pressure oscillations beyond using a chasis
– type exhaust system (including muffler) shall not alter engine
performance nor cause the deposition of particulate.

Figure 3 : Partial-flow dilution system

PR- The sampling probe shall be installed facing upstream on the exhaust

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pipe centre-line at apoint where the above flow conditions are met. the
minimum inside diameter shall be 4 mm.

LSP- The isokinetic sampling probe(optional if EGA or mass flow control is

used) shall be designed to provide a proportional sample of the raw
exhaust gas. To that purpose, ISP replaces PR as described above and
has to be connected to differential pressure transducer and a speed
controller, to obtain isokinetic flow at the probe tip. The inside diameter
shall be at least 12 mm.

EGA – Exhaust gas analysers (optional if EGA or a mass flow control is used)
for CO2 or NOx analysis may be used (with carbon balance method CO2
only). The analysers shall be calibrated in the same way as the analysers
for the measurement of the gaseous pollutant . One or more analysers
may be used for the determination of the concentration differences.

TT- The particulate sample transfer tube shall be :

Heated or insulated so that the gas temperature in the transfer tube be

not below 423K (150o C). If the exhaust gas temperature is below 425 K
(150o C) it shall not be below the exhaust gas temperature.

Equal to or greater in diameter than probe diameter, but no more than 25

mm in diameter.

Not more than 100 mm from inlet plane to exit plane.

The particulate sample shall exit on the centre-line of the dilution tunnel
and point downstream.

SC- (For ISP Only) A pressure control system is necessary for isokinetic
exhaust splitting by maintaining a differential pressure of zero between
EP and ISP. Under these conditions, exhaust gas velocities in EP and
ISP are identical, and mass flow though ISP is a constant fraction of the
total exhaust gas flow. The adjustment is done by controlling the speed
of the suction blower (SB) and keeping the speed of the pressure
blower (SP) constant during each mode. The remaining error in the
pressure control loop shall not exceed + 0.5% of the measuring range of
the pressure transducer (DPT). The pressure oscillations in the dilution
tunnel shall not exceed + 250 Pa on average.

DPT- DPT - (for ISP only) the differential pressure transducer shall have a
maximum range of + 500 Pa.

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FCI- A flow controller (dilution air) is necessary to control the dilution air
mass flow. It may be connected to the exhaust flow or fuel flow and /or
CO2 differential signal.

When using pressurised air supply, FCI directly controls the air flow.

GF 1- The gas meter or flow instrumentation (particulate sample flow) shall be

located so that the inlet gas temperature remains at 298 K(25o C) + 5K.

SB – (For Fractional sampling type only)

PB – To control the dilution air mass flow rate, PB shall be connected to FCI.
Exhaust flow or fuel flow and /or CO2 differential signals may be used
as command signals. PB is not required when using pressurised air

DAF- The dilution air may be filtered at the dilution air inlet, shall have a
temperature of 298 (25 oC) + 5K and may be sampled to determine
background particulate levels, which can then be subtracted from the
values measured in the diluted exhaust.

DT- The dilution tunnel shall be :

Small enough in diameter to cause turbulent flow (Reynolds Number

>4000) and of sufficient length to cause complete mixing of the exhaust
and dilution air.

At least 25 mm in diameter for the total sampling type.

At least 25 mm in diameter for the fractional sampling type.

The engine exhaust shall be directed downstream at the point where it

is introduced into the dilution tunnel. And thoroughly mixed with in the
dilution air means of mixing orifice. For the fractional sampling type,
the mixing quality shall be checked after introduction into service by
means of a CO2 profile the tunnel with the engine running (at least six
equally spaced measuring points.)

PSS- The particulate sampling system shall be configured so as to collect a

sample from the dilution tunnel and to pass this sample through the
sampling filters (fractional sampling type) or to pass all of the diluted
exhaust through the sampling filters (total sampling type). In order to
avoid any impact on the control loops, it is recommended that the
sample pump be running through out the complete test procedure . A
bypass system with a ball valve between the sample probe and filter
holder shall be used for passing the sample through the sampling filters

MoRTH / CMVR / TAP-115/116 (Issue 4)  Page 446 

at the desired times. Interference of the switching procedure on the
control loops shall be corrected within less than three seconds.

PSP- The particulate sample probe shall be:

Installed facing upstream at point where the dilution air and exhaust gas
are well mixed (i.e on the dilution tunnel centre-line, approximately 10
tunnel diameter downstrem of the point where the exhaust enters the
dilution tunnel ). Have inside diameter of at least 12 mm.

PTT- The particulate transfer tube shall not be heated and shall not exceed
1020 mm in length :

For fractional sampling type from the probe tip to the filter holder.

For the total sampling type from the end of the dilution tunnel to the
filter holder.

FH- For primary and back–up filters one filter housings may be used. The
requirements of paragraph 2.1.3 of this chapter shall be met. The filter
holders shall not be heated.

SP- The particulate sample pump shall be located sufficiently distant from
the tunnel so that the inlet gas temperature is maintained constant
(+ 3K), if flow computation is not used.

FC2 – A flow controller (particulate sample flow, optional) may be used, in

order to improve accuracy of the particulate sample flow rate.

GF2- The gas meter or flow instrumentation (particulate sample flow) shall be
located sufficiently distant from the tunnel so that the inlet gas
temperature remains constant (+ 3K), if flow computation is not used.

BV- The ball value shall have a diameter no less than the sampling tube and
a switching time less than 0.5 seconds.

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