Electric Motor Starter
Electric Motor Starter
Electric Motor Starter
Motor starter purpose
¾ LIEBHERR standard
¾ Reliable & safe
¾ Designed for the most severe maritime &
industrial environments
¾ Ambient temp.-40°C to +45°C (Standard)
-50°C to +55°C (optional)
Min. required
starting torque
for safe start
Starting current:
With an electronic soft starter, the starting torque is reduced over-proportionally
by a square factor. Therefore the minimum starting current of a soft starter cannot
be reduced to less than typically 2,5*Inom in order to maintain sufficient starting
This means, that the starting current with softstarter could be even higher than
with star-delta starter!
Considering the severe environment where a crane is working, a conventional
soft-starter is far more reliable than an electronic softstarter. Star-delta starters
are not affected by low or high ambient temperatures, whereas electronic soft
starters have a higher risk to fail.
A soft starter is far more expensive than a Star-Delta starter.