Nuclear Processes Prove Einstein Wrong
Nuclear Processes Prove Einstein Wrong
Nuclear Processes Prove Einstein Wrong
Abstract: This short paper intends to corroborate and compliment my earlier papers, that are listed below in
the acknowledgements, using nuclear fission and fusion processes in nuclear weapons, with rather far reaching
implications of conclusively toppling Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity. As such, this paper is best studied
in concurrence with my earlier papers. It can be considered to be the Nature’s Own final nail, in Einstein’s
General Theory Relativity’s, coffin.
Keywords: Em Wave, Einstein, Fission, Fusion, Nuclear
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Date of Submission: 06-05-2019 Date of acceptance: 20-05-2019
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I. Introduction
Exploring the Fission and Fusion processes in Nuclear Weapons , the idea is to point out the Time /
Gravity flaw in Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity.
II. Description
In the world of Science and Technological Research, it is well known that, everyone prefers succint
analysis, of the processes involved in any device. The devices discussed for the purposes of this paper are
Nuclear Weapons.
According to, Einstein’s Theory of General Relativity, Time Speeds up in lower gravitational field and
vice versa. If this were true, nuclear fission and fusion reactions would not have been possible and neither would
fusion be possible in the Sun and Stars, as this paper will show. Eigenvector of Time would shorten in regions
where time runs faster and Gravity is higher. Such a shortened Eigen vector will accommodate less number of
oscillations of the electromagnetic wave and its frequency will reduce, as a result. At the quantum level, no one
till to date has investigated, the role and effects of, Time and Gravity inside the nuclear weapon’s casings.
Fission Devices: Inside the highly reflective device casing, conventional explosive charge, when set off,
compresses the Fissionable core, which causes the density of fission core to rise. As a result of this compression,
Gravity and Time flow of the core to shoots up, which in turn deaden, the ‘Zitter Bewegungs’ and together with
restitution forces, allow release of neutrons and ingress of released neutrons to enter into the neighbouring
atoms, these atoms become unstable and release more neutrons and setting up a Runaway chain reaction in the
process. An implication flow process can be constructed as follows
Triggering Explosion - > Impact Loading of core - > Density++ of core - > Gravity++ of core - > Time
compression of core (1)
Gravity and time flow in the fissionable core is rising all the time. This proceeds till the casing is ruptured and at
this moment internal Gravity and Time are annihilated causing an implosion releasing enormous amounts of
fission energy to the outside world (This is akin to the Big Bang at the beginning of our universe). Due to
Gravity and Time annihilation(A new concept being introduced for the first time to the scientific community at
large) the yield of the nuclear device ought to be more than envisaged by the mass energy equivalence equation
E = mC^2 (which was proposed by Olinto in 1903, 2 years before Einstein published his General Relativity
Theory). This annihilation, if affecting hyper dimensions external to our 3 spatial dimensions, is as of yet not
understood. Were it not for the Gravity and Time flow to shoot up, the runaway chain reaction’s, would not
have been possible. The function of high Time flow(shortening of the Time vector) in the core is that, inside the
core the neutrons are actually moving very slowly( essen tial for neutron releases and ingress into other atoms)
but in outside world it appears to us that neutrons are moving incredibly fast. So for fission reaction to take
place Time needs to speed up as the Gravity increases, which is opposite to that, hypot hesized by Einstein’s GR.
Fission essentially is an implosion process.
Fusion Devices: Fusion requires enormous pressures and temperatures, for the fusion proces s to be initiated.
Once again, inside the highly reflective device casing, a fission trigger when set off compresses the Fusion core,
which causes the Density / Gravity and Time flow of the fusion core to shoot up. See flow process .. (1)
The fission trigger also releases large amount of Gamma and X ray photons, that reflect back from the
reflective casing and the casing itself generates X rays in the process, which further compress the fusion core
enormously. The photon pressures achieved in fusion devices is of the order of 240,000 atmospheres. The heat
up of the core to fusion temperature happens via the process of conversion of these Gamma and X ray photons
to far infrared photons. This happens because the increased Time flow, causes Time eigenvector to shorten
enabling the frequency of Gamma and X rays to be reduced to far infra red frequencies. Far Infrared is basically
intense heat, to attain fusion temperatures. The temperature’s achieved in fusion devices are higher than at the
center of our Sun. This process continues till the casing of the device is ruptured, whereafter, in addition to Time
and Gravity annihilation, enormous fusion energy is released to the outside world. Here again, the energy yield
ought to be greater than envisaged, by the mass energy equivalence equation E = mC^2. So we see that, for
fusion to be initiated and continued inside the Device or even at the center of our Sun and Stars, increase of
Time flow is required with increase of Gravity, which is once again opposite to that, hypothesized by Einstein’s
GR. Without the fusion in our Sun, Life would not be possible on the Earth. In the Sun again the photon
pressure is generated by X ray photons, which in turn are converted into far infrared photons just like in the
fusion devices. Fusion essentially also is an implosion process and like the fission process, its impact on hyper
dimensions is of yet not understood.
Various, equations, calculations, design parameters and materials etc. pertaining to the devices are not
included here for security reasons
III. Conclusion
Time compresses or speeds up in higher gravity (exactly, what is essential for the nuclear processes
to work), which is exactly opposite, to that postulated by Einstein’s General Relativity. In fact, even the 2
recent astronomical observations made by multiple International Astronomical Observatories, agree with the
above statement. The 2 observations, being (a) Photograph of a Black hole and its Accretion Disc, in the M
87 Galaxy and (b) Observation on nearest Star S2 orbiting the central Black Hole of our Milky Way Galaxy.
An assertion conclusion stemming from (b) is: "gravitational redshift"......
"Gravitational redshift occurs because intense gravity on the star's surface slows the vibration of light
waves, stretching them and making the star appear redder than normal from Earth."Meaning that in higher
gravitational field, the frequency of the EM Wave reduces ”. Similar conclusion applies to observation (a).
Also the black colour of the black hole in (a) implies that, speed of the light there is zero and Em wave cannot
propagate, due to Time running infinitely fast. For the black hole to appear black, time needs to speed up with
increased gravity. As such, these 2 astronomical observations, vindicate my theories.
It would be worthwhile to quote here, the late physicist, Richard Feynman ‘If your theory, no
matter how elegant, does not agree with experiment, it is wrong ‘. Here the theory in question is Einstein’s
GR. Though Einstein being a very humble man, had once reportedly remarked: ‘ I have generated the math for
General Relativity, which I myself do not understand and a single experiment can prove it all wrong ‘. His
prediction seems to have been accurate in light of this paper and all my earlier papers on this subject. Here I
would like to urge, all the universities and research labs worldwide, not to push the General Relativity
bandwagon any longer, lest they continue to do a great disservice to science
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DOI: 10.9790/4861-1103021415 15 | Page
Nuclear Processes Prove Einstein Wrong
IOSR Journal of Applied Physics (IOSR-JAP) is UGC approved Journal with Sl. No. 5010,
Journal no. 49054.
Prabhakar Savargaokar" Nuclear Processes Prove Einstein Wrong.” IOSR Journal of Applied
Physics (IOSR-JAP) , vol. 11, no. 3, 2019, pp. 14-15.