UNIT-2: Open Grid Service Architecture
UNIT-2: Open Grid Service Architecture
UNIT-2: Open Grid Service Architecture
1. OPEN GRID SERVICE ARCHITECTURE: As we have discussed, grid computing assumes and/or
requires technologies that include:
• Support for executing programs on a variety of platforms
• A secure infrastructure
• Data movement/replication/federation
• Resource discovery
• Resource management
For each of these areas, there are a variety of technologies available that could be used to address them.
We will look at just a few of the standards (both proposed and adopted) that could be considered when
architecting a grid-based solution.
Open Grid Services Architecture (OGSA) describes a service-oriented architecture for a grid computing
environment for business and scientific use. It was developed within the Open Grid Forum, which was called the
Global Grid Forum (GGF) at the time, around 2002 to 2006.
OGSA is a distributed interaction and computing architecture based around services, assuring interoperability on
heterogeneous systems so that different types of resources can communicate and share information. OGSA is based
on several other Web service technologies, such as the Web Services Description Language (WSDL) and the Simple
Object Access Protocol (SOAP), but it aims to be largely independent of transport-level handling of data. OGSA has
been described as a refinement of a Web services architecture, specifically designed to support grid requirements.
The concept of OGSA is derived from work presented in the 2002 Globus Alliance paper "The Physiology of the
Grid" by Ian Foster, Carl Kesselman, Jeffrey M. Nick, and Steven Tuecke. It was developed by GGF working
groups which resulted in a document, entitled The Open Grid Services Architecture, Version 1.5 in 2006. The GGF
published some use case scenarios.
According to the "Defining the Grid: A Roadmap for OGSA Standards v 1.0", OGSA is:
• An architectural process in which the GGF's OGSA Working Group collects requirements and maintains a set
of informational documents that describe the architecture;
• A set of normative specifications and profiles that document the precise requirements for a conforming
hardware or software component;
• Software components that adhere to the OGSA specifications and profiles, enabling deployment of grid
solutions that are interoperable even though they may be based on implementations from multiple sources.
The Open Grid Services Architecture, Version 1.5 described these capabilities:
• Infrastructure services
• Execution Management services
• Data services
• Resource Management services
• Security services
• Self-management services
• Information services
In late 2006 an updated version of OGSA and several associated documents were published, including the first of
several planned normative documents, "Open Grid Services Architecture Glossary of Terms, Version 1.5".
The Open Grid Services Infrastructure (OGSI) is related to OGSA, as it was originally intended to form the basic
“plumbing” layer for OGSA. It was superseded by Web Services Resource Framework (WSRF) and WS-
The Global Grid Forum has published the Open Grid Service Architecture (OGSA). To address the requirements of
grid computing in an open and standard way, requires a framework for distributed systems that support integration,
virtualization, and management. Such a framework requires a core set of interfaces, expected behaviors, resource
models, and bindings. OGSA defines requirements for these core capabilities and thus provides general reference
architecture for grid computing environments. It identifies the components and functions that are useful if not
required for a grid environment. Though it does not go to the level of detail such as defining programmatic
interfaces or other aspects that would guarantee inter operability between implementations, it can be used to
identify the functions that should be included based on the requirements of the specific target environment.
As grid computing has evolved it has become clear that a service-oriented architecture could provide many benefits
in the implementation of a grid infrastructure. The Global Grid Forum extended the concepts defined in OGSA to
define specific interfaces to various services that would implement the functions defined by OGSA.
More specifically, the Open Grid Services Interface (OGSI) defines mechanisms for creating, managing, and
exchanging information among Grid services. A Grid service is a Web service that conforms to a set of interfaces
and behaviors that define how a client interacts with a Grid service. These interfaces and behaviors, along with other
OGSI mechanisms associated with Grid service creation and discovery, provide the basis for a robust grid
environment. OGSI provides the Web Service Definition Language (WSDL) definitions for these key interfaces.
Globus Toolkit 3 included several of its core functions as Grid services conforming to OGSI.
The OGSA-DAI (data access and integration) project is concerned with constructing middleware to assist with
access and integration of data from separate data sources via the grid. The project was conceived by the UK
Database Task Force and is working closely with the Global Grid Forum DAIS-WG and the Globus team.
➢ GridFTP
GridFTP is a secure and reliable data transfer protocol providing high performance and optimized for wide-area
networks that have high bandwidth. As one might guess from its name, it is based upon the Internet FTP protocol
and includes extensions that make it a desirable tool in a grid environment. The GridFTP protocol specification is a
proposed recommendation document in the Global Grid Forum (GFD-R-P.020). GridFTP uses basic Grid security
on both control (command) and data channels. Features include multiple data channels for parallel transfers, partial
file transfers, third-party transfers, and more. GridFTP can be used to move files (especially large files) across a
network efficiently and reliably. These files may include the executables required for an application or data to be
consumed or returned by an application. Higher level services, such as data replication services, could be built on
top of GridFTP.
WSRF is being promoted and developed through work from a variety of companies, including IBM, and has been
submitted to OASIS technical committees. Basically, WSRF defines a set of specifications for defining the
relationship between Web services (that are normally stateless) and stateful resources. WSRF is a general term that
encompasses several related proposed standards that cover:
• Resources
• Resource lifetime
• Resource properties
• Service groups (collections of resources)
• Faults
• Notifications
• Topics
As the concept of Grid services evolves, the WSRF suite of evolving standards holds great promise for the merging
of Web services standards with the stateful resource management requirements of grid computing.
➢ Web services related standards
Because Grid services are so closely related to Web services, the plethora of standards associated with Web services
also apply to Grid services. We do not describe all of these standards in this document, but rather recommend that
the reader become familiar with standards commonly associate with Web services, such as:
In addition, there are many evolving standards related to Web Services Interoperability (WS-I) that also can be
applied to and bring value to grid environments, standards, and proposed standards.
In a distributed application, partial results or data dependencies may be met by communicating among subjobs. That
is, one job may compute some intermediate result and then transmit it to another job in the grid. If possible, one
should consider whether it might be more efficient to simply recompute the intermediate result at the point where it
is needed rather than waiting for it from another job. One should also consider the transfer time from another job,
versus retrieving it from a database of prior computations.
➢ Data considerations
When considering applications that may be split into multiple parts for execution on a grid, it is important to
consider the amounts of data that are needed to be sent to the node performing a calculation and the time required to
send it. If the application can be split into small work units requiring little input data and producing small amounts
of output data, that would be most ideal. The data in this kind of case is said to be staged to the node doing the work.
Sending this data along with the executable file to the grid node doing the work is part of the function of most grid
systems. However, in many applications, larger amounts of input and/or output data are involved, and this can cause
complications and inefficiencies.
When the grid application is split into subjobs, often the input data is a large fixed set of data. This offers the
opportunity to share this data rather than staging the entire set with each subjob. However, one must consider that
even with a shared mountable file system, the data is being sent over the network. The goal is to locate the shared
data closer to the jobs that need the data. If the data is going to be used more than once, it could be replicated to the
degree that space permits. If more than one copy of the data is stored in the grid, it is important to arrange for the
subjobs to access the nearest copy per the configuration of the network.
This highlights the need for an information service within the grid to track this form of data awareness. Furthermore,
one must be careful that the network does not become the bottleneck for such a grid application. If each subjob
processes the data very quickly and is always waiting for more data to arrive, then sharing may not be the best
model if the network data transfer speed to each subjob does not at least match disk speeds. Shared data may be
fixed or changing.
In some applications, various database records may need to be updated atomically or in concert with others. Locking
or synchronization primitives are used to lock all of the related database entries, whether they are in the same
database or not, and then are updated while the synchronization primitives keep other subjobs waiting until the
update is finished. One should look for ways to minimize the number of records being updated simultaneously to
reduce the contention created by the synchronization mechanism. One should exercise caution not to create
situations that might cause a synchronization deadlock with two subjobs waiting for each other to unlock a resource
the other needs. There are three ways that are usually used to prevent this problem:
• The first is the easiest, but can be the most wasteful. This is to have all waits for resources to include time-
outs. If the time-out is reached, then the operation must be undone and started over in an attempt to have
better luck at completing the transaction.
• The second is to lock all of the resources in a predefined order ahead of the operation. If all of the locks
cannot be obtained, then any locks acquired should be released, and then, after an optional time period,
another attempt should be made.
• The third is to use deadlock detection software. A transitive closure of all of the waiters is computed before
placing the requesting task into a wait for the resource. If it would cause a deadlock, the task is not put into
a wait. The task should release its locks and try again later. If it would not cause a deadlock, the task is set
to automatically wait for the desired resource.
It may be necessary to run an application redundantly for reliability reasons, for example. The application may be
run simultaneously on geographically distinct parts of the grid to reduce the chances that a failure would prevent the
application from completing its work or prevent it from providing a reliable service. If the application updates
databases or has other data communications, it would need to be designed to tolerate redundant data activity caused
by running multiple copies of the application. Otherwise, computed results may be in error.
Computer Security and Access Control Models
Computer security is about protection of assets. The protection measures include prevention (taking measures to
prevent assets from being damaged), detection (taking measures that allow one to detect when an asset has been
damaged) and reaction (taking measures that allow one to recover assets from damage). The notion of computer
security revolves around three core aspects namely confidentiality, integrity and availability. Confidentiality is
prevention of unauthorized disclosure of information. Integrity is about preventing unauthorized modification of
information where as availability deals with prevention of unauthorized withholding of information or resources.
The three other aspects which are equally important for computer security are accountability, non-repudiation and
reliability. Accountability refers to the audit information that must be maintained and protected so that actions
affecting security can be traced to the responsible party. Non-repudiation services provide unforgeable evidence that
a specific action has occurred. Reliability relates to accidental failures and safety relates to impact of system failures
on their environment. Dependability can be stated as a concept unifying security, reliability, integrity and
availability. It is the property of a computer system such that reliance can justifiably be placed on the service it
delivers. We can say that dependability summarizes all the aspects of computer security.
1 Security Models
Implementing security for an organization needs well-framed security policies. A security policy is a statement of
intent to protect an identified resource from unauthorized use. Organizational security policy is a set of laws, rules
and practices that regulate how an organization manages, protects and distributes resources to achieve specified
security policy objectives. There are also automated security policies which address issues like the definition of
access control lists or firewall settings, decisions on the services that may run on devices and the security protocols
used to protect network traffic. To formulate a security policy, we have to describe the entities governed by the
policy and we have to state the rules that constitute our policy. Security models play an important role in the design
and evaluation of high assurance security systems. The design process of such systems starts from a formal
specification of the policy which the system should enforce (security model) and a high level specification of the
system itself. By adding more details to this high level specification, we can arrive at a series of low level
specifications. We need to show that the high level specification implements the desired policy. For high assurance,
a proof is required. A security model is a mathematical or logical expression of a set of security policies. A system
can be secure only if its security model is based on logically sound premises as the security features are built into
such components of a computer system like the operating systems, database systems, applications, etc on the basis
of their security models. Security models are also used in security evaluation, sometimes as proofs of security. There
are several well-known security models, such as the Bell-LaPadula (BLP) model and the Biba model which
represent the concepts for controlling accessibility, integrity, etc. of information systems. All information security
models use the terminologies ’subject’ and ’object’. A ’subject’ is an entity, such as a person, process, or device
which accesses or uses information from the system. An ’object’ is the information, or a piece of a larger body of
information, which is accessed by a ’subject’. An ’object’ may be a ’subject’ in another situation or context and vice
The important types of information security models are
• Access Control models
• Integrity models
• State machine models
• Information flow models
• Non-interference models
Different types of information security models use different philosophies for looking at subjects and objects, for
grouping and classifying them and for controlling their interactions. A specific model, which may be a well-known
model or a model designed for a particular organizational environment, usually has features from different types of
information models. Among the earlier models, BLP is a state machine model which represents the confidentiality
aspect of computer security. Biba model and Clark-Wilson model were designed to represent the integrity aspect of
The Chinese Wall model represents dynamically changing access rights. The Harrison-Ruzzo-Ulman (HRU)
model defines authorization systems that represent policies for changing access rights or for the creation and
deletion of subjects and objects. Information flow models consider any kind of information flow, not only the
direct information flow through access operations but also the indirect flow through covert channels. The following
subsection describes some of the security models perceived as access control models.
Access means entry, approach, or privilege to a resource. Access control is a mechanism to secure resources from
unauthorized use. It constrains what a user can do directly as well as what the programs executing on the user’s
behalf are allowed to do. Access control models use sets of rules, which permit or deny access for a subject to an
object. This ensures that information does not fall into wrong hands. The process involves a subject requesting for
an object. The permission or denial of access to the object depends upon the ’right’ that the subject possesses. The
early years (1975 - 1985) saw the evolution of three major categories of access control models namely
• DAC (Discretionary Access Control ) Model
• MAC (Mandatory Access Control) Model
• HRU (Harrison Ruzzo and Ullman) Model
The DAC Model consists of a set of Objects (O) , a set of Subjects (S) and an Access Matrix (A). Any element
A[i,j] specifies the access which the subject i has to the object j . When the matrix is stored by columns it is called
an Access Control List (ACL). When the matrix is stored by rows it is called a Capability List (CL). The DAC
model had its own drawbacks. It does not provide real assurance on the flow of information in a system. Also it does
not impose any restriction on the usage of information by a user once the user has received it. Objects depend on
their owners to permit access to them for other users. Information can be copied from one object to another, so
access to a copy is possible even if the owner of the original does not provide access to it.
As per the MAC Model, subjects and objects in a system have a certain classification. The read-up operation means
a subject’s integrity level must be dominated by the object being read whereas in write-down operation, a subject’s
integrity level must dominate the integrity level of the object being written. The MAC Model has its own
drawbacks. The information flow can pass through covert channels in prohibited ways. There is no solution to the
inference problem where the high level information is deduced by assembling and intelligently combining the
low level information.
In the HRU Model, the protection system consists of a finite set of generic rights (R) and a finite set of commands
(C). This model uses the DAC access matrix and has six primitive commands namely, enter R into (S,O), delete R
from (S,O) , create subject S’, create object O’, delete subject S’ delete object O’.
Originator Controlled Access Control (ORCON) is advancement over Mandatory and Discretionary Access Controls
models, as both these models cannot handle environments in which the originators of documents retain control over
them even after those documents are disseminated. In ORCON, a subject can give another subject rights to an object
only with the approval of the creator of that object. Organizations that use categories grant access to individuals on
a” need to know” basis. There is a formal, written policy determining who needs the access based on common
characteristics and restrictions. The main features of ORCON are as follows.
• The owner of an object cannot change the access controls of the object
• When an object is copied, the access control restrictions of that source are copied and bound to the target of
the copy
• The creator (originator) can alter the access control restrictions on a per-subject and per-object basis.
In ORCON, the access control associated with the object is under the control of the originator and not the owner of
the object. Possession equates to only some control. The owner of the object may determine to whom he or she gives
access, but only if the originator allows the access. The owner may not override the originator.
Alternative Models
The decade 1985 - 1995 is called the period of alternative models which are categorized as
• ChineseWall Model (CW)
• Task Based Authorization (TBA)
• Role Based Access Control Model (RBAC)
The Chinese Wall Model
Deriving its name from the Great Wall of China, this model deals with devising a set of rules such that no person
(subject) can ever access data (objects) on the wrong side of the wall. The basis of the ChineseWall policy is that
people are only allowed access to information which is not held to conflict with any other information that they
already possess.
The access rule states that a subject s can access an object o only if o is in the same company data set as some object
previously read by s. o belongs to a COI (Conflict of Interest) class within which s has not read any object. The
information flow which causes COI should be prevented. The conflict of interest classes are A,B and C where as the
company data sets are f,g,h.
Task Based Authorization
The Task Based Authorization deals with authorization of tasks rather than subject and objects. These tasks may
involve other tasks. The authorization is transient and it models the organizational structure.
Role Based Access Control
The standard discretionary access control and mandatory access control approaches cannot cater to an enterprise’s
access control requirements as the former is a user discretion mechanism and the later an approach more suitable for
Operating System security. The needs to evolve a new model for enterprise-wide security lead to the development of
Role Based Access Control Model or the RBAC.
The Role Based Access Control Model is a technical means for controlling access to computer resources. With role-
based access control, access decisions are based on the roles that individual users have as part of an organization. A
role is the standard unit of access control in RBAC and reflects the responsibilities of a user in an organization.
Users take on assigned roles (such as doctor, nurse, teller, manager). The process of defining roles should be based
on a thorough analysis of how an organization operates and should include input from a wide spectrum of users in
an organization. Access rights are grouped by role name, and the use of resources is restricted to individuals
authorized to assume the associated role.
Security requires three fundamental services: Authentication, authorization, and encryption. A grid resource must be
authenticated before any checks can be done as to whether any requested access or operation is allowed within the
grid. Once the user has been authenticated within the grid, the grid user can be granted certain rights to access a grid
resource. This, however, does not prevent data in transit between grid resources from being captured, spoofed, or
The security service to insure that this does not happen is encryption. The world of security has its own set of
terminology. The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) has defined the common security services
found in modern IT systems.
To have a better understanding of security systems and services, some security terms with explanations are listed
Authentication Authentication is the process of verifying the validity of a claimed individual and identifying who
he or she is. Authentication is not limited to human beings; services, applications, and other entities may be required
to authenticate also.
Access control Assurance that each user or computer that uses the service is permitted to do what he or she asks for.
The process of authorization is often used as a synonym for access control, but it also includes granting the access or
rights to perform some actions based on access rights.
Data integrity Data integrity assures that the data is not altered or destroyed in an unauthorized manner.
Data confidentiality Sensitive information must not be revealed to parties that it was not meant for. Data
confidentiality is often also referred to as privacy.
Key management Key management deals with the secure generation, distribution, authentication, and storage of
keys used in cryptography.
The Grid Security Infrastructure (GSI) provided as part of the Globus Toolkit and a Public Key Infrastructure (PKI)
provide the technical framework (including protocols, services, and standards) to support grid computing with five
security capabilities: User authentication, data confidentiality, data integrity, non-repudiation, and key management.
When that procedure has been completed and you have received your signed digital certificate, you will have three
important files on your grid host. They are:
• The CA’s public key
• The grid host’s private key
• The grid host’s digital certificate
In order to provide secure authentication and communication for your grid computer, you should not let others have
access to your private key. An extra layer of security was added to the private key, which includes a secret
passphrase that must be used when using your private key along with your digital certificate. This is to prevent
someone from stealing your digital certificate and private key and being able to automatically use them to access
grid resources. The host key is protected by the local operating system privileges within the grid server.
Authentication and authorization
Imagine a scenario where you need to communicate with another grid computer’s application and you want to
ensure that the data from the host is really from the host. Besides making sure that you can trust the grid host, you
want to make sure the grid host that you want to communicate with trusts your grid computer. In these cases, you
can use the authentication function of GSI. After you have authenticated with the remote grid resource, you then
have the option of having the grid resource give you access to resources on your behalf. In this case, you can use the
authorization function of GSI. Through the steps described below, grid host A (or a user on grid host A) is
authenticated and authorized by grid host B. Almost all steps are for authentication, except the last authorization
1. A user or application on A sends its certificate to the host B.
2. Host B will get the public key for A and will use it to extract the subject from the certificate.
3. Host B creates a random number and sends it to host A.
4. Host A receives the number, encrypts it with its private key, and sends the encrypted number to host B.
5. Host B will decrypt the number and check that the decrypted number is really the one that it sent before. Then
host B authenticates that the certificate is really that from the user on host A, because only that user on host A can
encrypt the number with its private key.
6. The certificate is authenticated by host B, and the subject in the certificate is mapped to a local user name. The
subject is in the form of Distinguished Name (DN) like “O=Grid/O=Globus/OU=itso.grid.com/CN=your name“, and
it is the name that is used by LDAP to distinguish the entries in the directory service. The subject is used to specify
the user identity in a grid environment. The user defined by the Distinguished Name is authorized by host B to act as
a local user on host B.
In grid environments, your host will become a client in some cases, and in other cases, a server. Therefore, your host
might be required to authenticate another host and be authenticated by the host at the same time. In this case, you
can use the mutual authentication function of GSI. This function is almost the same as explained above, and it
proceeds with the authentication steps, and changes the direction of hosts and redoes the procedure. Briefly
speaking, authentication is the process of sharing public keys securely with each other, and authorization is the
process that maps your DN to a local user/group of a remote host.