Intelligent Parking Lot Application Using Wireless Sensor Networks
Intelligent Parking Lot Application Using Wireless Sensor Networks
Intelligent Parking Lot Application Using Wireless Sensor Networks
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ment solutions. especially temperature and acoustic sensors might be use-
less. Light sensors could work but might malfunction under
In this paper, we propose a hybrid approach for an intel- shadows. Moreover, it is hard to manage a lot of sensor
ligent parking system using a combination of ultrasonic nodes and the overall system could be more expensive.
and magnetic sensors, and demonstrate promising results
through real world experiments performed at our multi- A traffic surveillance system is described in [7], which
storied university parking structure. Because of practical uses magnetometers to detect the presence and estimate
limitations, such as hardware characteristics and localiza- the speed of vehicles near street intersections and parking
tion errors, we show that hybrid solutions using combina- lots. Using magnetic signatures the system could also clas-
tion of sensing technologies are more practical and accu- sify and re-identify vehicles. MIT Intelligent Transporta-
rate. Unlike some of the previous works [20] that propose to tion System [15] and Responsive Roadways [14], [18] are
place a magnetic sensor at each parking space and thereby also examples of transportation applications using wireless
provide occupancy information for each space at the cost of magnetic sensors. However, in all these systems the sensor
expensive infrastructure, our goal is to count the number of nodes need to be glued on the pavement or placed just un-
vehicles only on each floor and provide a cheap but accurate der the road surface where vehicles are to be detected. This
solution. is particularly not suitable for parking lots because vehicles
could move anywhere inside a parking lot unlike roads, and
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, thus could possibly damage sensors.
we discuss related works. In Section 3, we first describe
the devices that are used in our implementation and then In [5], design and implementation issues for a reliable WSN
describe our sensing technique. Section 4 details on the de- system using magnetic sensors are presented, which can
tection algorithms for magnetic and ultrasonic sensors. We track available parking spaces in real time and commu-
present our detailed experimental results in Section 5, and nicate that information to the users. They propose a de-
finally we conclude in Section 6. tection scheme based on magnetometer signature measure-
ments and implement it on Mica2 motes [8]. In [4], and as
2. RELATED WORKS part of the D-Systems Project [3], an implementation of a
car-park management system using a tiered architecture is
In this section we review the existing literature on traffic provided using the DSYS25z [17] magnetic sensor boards
management systems, and in particular, parking lot applica- developed by Tyndall [22]. It highlights several problems
tions using wireless sensor networks. in wireless communications in a parking lot environment
and proposes recommendations such as use of dynamic and
The Parking Space Finder Application that is part of Iris- robust routing, delayed retransmissions, etc., based on ex-
Net [13] proposed a wide-area sensor network architecture, perimental results to overcome those problems.
in which video cameras, microphones, and motion detec-
tors are used to detect occupancy or availability of parking Our work most closely resembles in spirit to the Siemens
spaces. Using web technologies, users can acquire the pro- Sipark PMA [19] solution, in terms of both using ultrasonic
cessed information that is published on the web and gener- sensors to detect vehicles. Sipark PMA is perhaps the most
ated by feeding all these sensor-data. However, as men- prominent parking guidance system for multi-storied park-
tioned earlier, video cameras generate a large amount of ing lots where ultrasonic sensors are connected using a bus-
data that incur high energy expenditure and communication style network to distribute power and transmit sensing re-
bandwidth, both of which are limited in sensor networks. ports. When a car enters a parking lot, the guidance system
directs the driver to a free parking space along the shortest
In [20], an intelligent car parking system using wireless possible route. Our work differs from the existing literature
sensor networks is proposed, where each parking space is and compliments it in the following ways: (1) we propose
equipped with one sensor to detect its occupancy. The pro- a reliable vehicle detection algorithm using ultrasonic sen-
totype implementation is based on remote controlled toy sors, (2) we propose to use a combination of ultrasonic and
cars and uses Crossbow motes [8] that have light, temper- magnetic sensors to increase the accuracy of detection and
ature, and acoustic sensors. However, it is not mentioned minimize environmental effects, and show that other forms
how to detect a car with those sensors. It is argued that the of sensing such as light, temperature, infrared, and acoustic
proposed three layered system architecture will reduce the do not give accurate results, and (3) we conduct real world
cost of manpower and minimize human operations, how- extensive experiments to demonstrate the efficacy of our ap-
ever, as we show in this paper through real world experi- proach using these sensors mounted on inexpensive motes
ments that it is hard to even detect cars with those sensors; running TinyOS 2.x [21].
Authorized licensed use limited to: University of Southern California. Downloaded on November 25, 2009 at 15:56 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
(a) (b)
(a) (b)
Figure 1. (a) SBT80 Sensor Board, (b) SBT80 Sensor
Board Mounted on Tmote Sky. Figure 2. (a) Devantech SRF02 Ultrasonic Sensor, (b)
SRF02 Installed on Tmote Sky.
Figure 2(a) shows an SRF02 sensor while Table 2 highlights
In this section, we first describe the devices that are used for its properties. Figure 2(b) shows an SRF02 sensor attached
our experiments, and then describe the sensing technique to a Tmote Sky.
upon which we base our detection algorithms.
Table 2. SRF02 Ultrasonic Sensor Properties
3.1. Device Specifications
Protocol I2C, Serial
We use Tmote Sky manufactured by Moteiv [16] (now Sen-
Range 15cm - 6m
tilla) as the wireless nodes. Tmote Sky’s are IEEE WPAN
Response Time 70ms
standard 802.15.4 [12] compliant devices that are ideal for
Frequency 40kHz
mesh networking, featuring a 250 kbps radio, 10 kB RAM,
48 kB flash, and 1 MB storage. One mote is used as the Voltage 5v
base station and several others are used for measurements. Current 4mA
We equip each mote except for the base station with a multi-
modality sensor board, SBT80 from EasySen [11] that has
six different sensors, e.g., visual light, infrared, tempera-
ture, acoustic, magnetometer, and accelerometer, as illus- 3.2. Sensing Technique
trated in Figure 1(a) and Table 1. Figure 1(b) shows a Tmote Sensing technique is one of the most important concerns in
Sky mounted with an SBT board. order to accomplish an accurate and energy-efficient detec-
tion scheme. The sensing period should be short enough
Table 1. Sensors on SBT80 Board (e.g., 0.1 second) so as to not miss any moving vehicles;
however, too frequent sensing will consume lots of energy.
Sensor Type Manufacturer, Model
Therefore, there is a trade-off between the accuracy of mea-
Visual Light PerkinElmer, VTB9412B
surements and energy consumption. It is thus necessary to
Infrared Advanced Photonix, Inc., PDB-C139F
find an optimal sensing period. We do this by conducting
Acoustic Horn, EM6050
several experiments from analyzing the change in magnetic
Temperature Maxim Integrated Products, wave patterns obtained from a passing vehicle. This optimal
MAX6612MXK period is then fed in the main detection algorithm.
Magnetometer Honeywell, HMC1052
Accelerometer Freescale Semiconductor,
4.1. Modified Min-Max Algorithm For Magne-
For ultrasonic sensing we use the low cost Devantech We use a modified version of the min-max algorithm [10],
SRF02 [9] sensors. These sensors emit ultrasonic waves which is particularly suitable for analyzing the wave-
and perceive the reflected waves from an object to calculate formed raw magnetic and acoustic data. The overall struc-
its distance from the object. Thus, they provide much easier ture of the modified min-max algorithm is illustrated in Fig-
detection method than those based on acoustic, magnetic, or ure 3 through six basic steps. In the first step it obtains raw
visual light which are influenced by environmental factors. data from magnetometer measurements. Then it calculates
Authorized licensed use limited to: University of Southern California. Downloaded on November 25, 2009 at 15:56 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
track of the local minimums and maximums, defined by
Equations (2) and (3). Finally, the machine decides that a
vehicle has passed if it jumps from state hill count down
to f lat and the difference between the local maximum and
minimum is greater than a certain threshold T , determined
empirically as 70000.
⎪ min{f [n] − localM in[n − 1]},
⎨ if x ∈ {f lat, f lat count down}
localM in[n] = f [n], if x ∈ {hill count down} and
⎪ localM ax[n] − localM in[n] > T
unchanged, otherwise
⎨ max{f [n] − localM ax[n − 1]},
localM ax[n] = if x ∈ {hill count up}
unchanged, otherwise
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Authorized licensed use limited to: University of Southern California. Downloaded on November 25, 2009 at 15:56 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
Authorized licensed use limited to: University of Southern California. Downloaded on November 25, 2009 at 15:56 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
Table 3. Summary of Sensor Characteristics
the graph even shows the shape of the car. 5.4. Car Counting Experiments
Finally, we conducted experiments to count the number of
cars moving in and out at the one of the two entrances of
5.3. Transmission Experiments the university parking lot over a day. Ultrasonic sensors are
installed on the ceiling of the entrance. When a passing
We conducted several experiments inside the parking lot to
car is detected, the motes connected with sensors record the
get estimates about the link qualities between the sensors
time and passing direction into its flash memory. The results
on different floors. A good link quality is essential for the
during one day of the experiment are shown in Figure 12.
sensors to efficiently collaborate their individual measure-
As evident, the number of cars increases from morning 8am
ments and send the consolidated results to a base station.
until 2pm, and then decreases until 11pm. There are rarely
In particular, we measured the packet reception rates (PRR)
moving cars during the night time from 11pm to 6am except
and the received signal strength (RSSI) between two nodes
for periodic patrol cars.
transmitting at maximum power, as shown in Table 4. Our
results, presented in Figure 11 show that the nodes cannot
communicate with each other unless they are on the same 6. CONCLUSIONS
or adjacent floors. Transmission is seriously hindered by
obstacles, such as parked cars and walls, thus, causing rout- In this paper, we have argued the use of both ultrasonic and
ing problems. To overcome this, additional motes, possibly magnetic sensors in accurate and reliable detection of ve-
without sensors that could act as intermediate forwarders, hicles in parking lots. We have also proposed detection al-
are needed. gorithms for both these sensing modalities. Our extensive
experimental results show that the most effective of the sen-
sors are the magnetometers in the SBT80 sensor board, and
Table 4. PRR and RSSI Measurement Results
the ultrasonic sensor, SRF02. In addition, acoustic sensors
Link PRR RSSI could be used as secondary sensors to provide specific char-
acteristics of the vehicle and help a primary sensing method.
A - D (along the roadway) 0.67 -88.35
Each kind of vehicle has its own characteristics, such as
A-B 0.72 -85.64
body shape, magnetic wave pattern, engine sound pattern,
D-E 0.54 -85.01
etc. One could create a database of these characteristics
A-C 0 none
for each vehicle and make the detection algorithm match
D-F 0 none
their patterns, thus, being able to detect and identify spe-
B-E 0 none cific types of vehicles. It is also possible to implement more
C-F 0 none energy efficient sensing techniques by changing the sensing
period dynamically. For instance, in the normal mode an
ultrasonic sensor could have a relatively long sensing pe-
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Authorized licensed use limited to: University of Southern California. Downloaded on November 25, 2009 at 15:56 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
(b) (b)
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[7] Cheung, S.Y., S.C. Ergen, and P. Varaiya, “Traffic Surveil-
lance with Wireless Magnetic Sensors,” Proceedings of the
12th World Congress on Intelligent Transport Systems, San
Francisco, CA, Nov 2005.
[10] Ding, J., S.Y. Cheung, C.W. Tan, and P. Varaiya, “Vehicle
Figure 11. Transmission Experiments
Detection by Sensor Network Nodes,” California Partners
for Advanced Transit and Highways (PATH), Research
riod; however, once it detects that the returned distance is Reports: Paper UCB-ITS-PRR-2004-39.
smaller than a pre-specified threshold, it reduces its sensing
period. After the object passes and the returned distance be- 2004-39
comes more than a threshold the sensor recovers its normal [11] EasySen SBT80,
sensing period.
[12] IEEE 802.15.4 WPAN,
[13] IrisNet: Internet-scale Resource-Intensive Sensor Network
We would like to thank Professor Bhaskar Krishnamachari Service,
of the Autonomous Networks Research Group at USC, and
the anonymous referees for their valuable inputs and feed- [14] Knaian, A.N., “A Wireless Sensor Network for Smart
Roadbeds and Intelligent Transportation Systems,” Master’s
back, which have greatly helped to improve the quality of
Thesis, MIT, Jun 2000.
the paper.
[15] MIT Intelligent Transportation Systems,
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Authorized licensed use limited to: University of Southern California. Downloaded on November 25, 2009 at 15:56 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.