My Final Work
My Final Work
My Final Work
According to the Federal Highway Administration of the United States of America, Traffic
Congestion is a condition of road networks that occurs as use increases, and is characterized by
slower speeds, longer trip times, and increased vehicular queuing. Roads are frequently used by
vehicles in a physical way, which is the most common example. Congestion can be caused by the
interaction between vehicles when traffic demand is great enough to slow the speed of the traffic
stream. As demand approaches the capacity of a road (or of the intersections along the road),
extreme traffic congestion sets in. A traffic jam or traffic snarl-up is commonly referred to as a
traffic jam or traffic snarl-up when vehicles are completely halted for a period of time.
Traffic congestion occurs when there is a high volume of traffic or a modal split that requires
more space than the available road capacity; this point is commonly referred to as saturation.
There are a number of specific circumstances which cause or aggravate congestion; most of them
reduce the capacity of a road at a given point or over a certain length, or increase the number of
vehicles required for a given volume of people or goods. About half of the United States of
Americas‟ (U.S.A) traffic congestion is recurring, and is attributed to sheer weight of traffic;
most of the rest is attributed to traffic incidents, road work and weather events (Federal Highway
Administration, USA).
Traffic research is still unable to accurately predict the conditions under which a "traffic jam"
(as opposed to heavy, but smoothly flowing traffic) might suddenly occur. It has been found that
individual incidents (such as accidents or even a single car braking heavily in a previously
smooth flow) may cause ripple effects (a cascading failure) which then spread out and create a
sustained traffic jam when, otherwise, normal flow might have continued for some time longer
(Federal Highway Administration, USA).
The movement of people, goods and services, which is as long-standing as humanity itself, has
experienced difficulties over time. The major contributory factors to the complexities
experienced being the advancement in technology and the increase in personal value of freedom
and a higher degree of mobility. In expressing his concern for vehicular traffic congestion,
especially in the downtown area, the mayor of Toronto, Canada once made a statement to the
effect that - sure, everyone has a right to come to downtown but does not necessarily have the
right to bring a ton of metal with him. His statement reflects the fact that an extensive ownership
and usage of private automobiling may not necessarily be an economical means of transportation
in the urban corridor; this is especially so, when the demands that comes with it in terms of
roads, parks and energy which has to be expended are considered.
Ghana is not exempt from the problem mentioned above, although its magnitude may not be as
significant as that of Toronto. There are a number of major factors that contributes to the
problem of vehicular traffic congestion in Ghana. Firstly, is the Concentrated trip attraction
structure that Ghana has taken - concentrations of employment in the city-centre and the
industrial area. Secondly, is the extensive ownership and usage of Private automobiles. Thirdly,
is the inadequate road network carrying capacity, especially so in the city-centre.. Proper
planning is needed in order to alleviate these transportation problems in Ghana which is the
purpose of this study. There is need to utilize the full range of the transport means available for
movement, especially those that are considered both appropriate and economical for Ghana. The
study examines the transportation demands in Ghana versus the available means of travel and the
available resources in order to suggest and recommend the appropriate means of travel that will
improve ease of access rather than mobility.
Local experts from around the world ranked congested roads as the most important among nine
common infrastructural deficiencies-congested roads, poor pedestrian facilities, power
outages, flooding, slow/unaffordable internet facilities, leaking sewers, lack of potable water,
lack of cooking energy and unreliable telephone service (H. Jones, 2014).
Traffic congestion as a global phenomenon is predicted to get worse in the future (Kiunsi, 2013;
K. Jain, 2010). For instance, traffic congestion in the US has increased substantially over the last
25 years ((TTI), 2011). The Brazilian city of Sao Paulo is known to have experienced the world’s
worst traffic jams, where people are stuck for two to three hours every day in traffic jams
(Mahendra, 2009). In August 2010, Habee, one of the provinces in China experienced what is
considered the world worst traffic jam ever, as traffic congestion stretched more than 100 km
from August 14th to 26th (R. Hickman, 2010).
Such a situation has obvious implications on productivity and socioeconomic development at
large, resulting in delays, fuel wastage, and money loss (Baffour, 2010; (TTI), 2011). Ghanaian
cities such as Accra, Cape Coast, Suame-Buohu, Takoradi and Tamale are not immune to the
fundamental challenges of traffic congestion and this has attracted the attention of the academia
and transport managers/professionals (Abena, 1993; F.A. Armah, 2010; Andoh, 2014).
Across spatial-temporal scales, Ghana has undergone a number of institutional reforms that have
shaped its current transportation system (F.A. Armah, 2010).These reforms date back to the early
1970s. The Ghana Highways Authority (GHA) under the Ministry of Works and Housing was
established through Decree 298(1974) to improve the construction and maintenance of roads.
The administration, development, and maintenance of all highways in Ghana was the
responsibility of GHA (F.A. Armah, 2010). City and municipal councils managed urban roads.
The Structural Adjustment Policies (SAPs) including liberalization of the economy in the early
1980s led to an improved transport system and resulted in the importation of fleet of new and
slightly used vehicles (Addo, 2002). In 1982, a new Ministry of Roads and Highways (MR&H)
was formed from the Public Works Department (PWD). Thus GHA was placed under this
ministry. In 1988, the Department of Urban Roads (DUR) instead of the city or municipal
councils assumed the responsibility of maintaining urban roads. DUR still manages all urban
roads till date. The Ghana Roads Funds established in 1985 and upgraded by the 1996 GHA Act
is to finance periodic and routine maintenance of roads. The Act also provides financial
assistance to the metropolitan, municipal and districts assemblies in maintaining road (F.A.
Armah, 2010).
A common feature across road networks in many Ghanaian cities is the presence of critical
congestion corridor (K. Jain, 2010). This has been in existence for some time now and it is more
severe at/around market centers that act as well as central business districts (F.A. Armah, 2010).
Roads into/out of market corridor attract a large volume of both human and vehicular traffic to
traverse the common congestion area.
Traffic congestion occurs at roads as a result of a conflict of space by users such as drivers,
traders, shoppers, and pedestrians. Market centres as major critical congestion corridor have
poor traffic management systems (K. Jain, 2010). The resultant effects of poor traffic
management systems in Ghanaian metropolitan cities has attracted a lot of attention but less
research has been conducted to assess the causes and effects of traffic congestion in roads and
how to manage it (F.A. Armah, 2010; P.K. Essandoh, 2011; Andoh, 2014).
Since the earliest large human settlements, cities and traffic have evolved together. The same
forces that attract residents to cluster in large urban corridor also lead to sometimes intolerable
levels of traffic congestion in urban streets. Cities are the driving forces behind economic growth
in any country. According to (Bank, 2023), around eighty percent of Gross Domestic Product
(GDP) growth in developing countries is expected to come from cities. For the purpose of
economic activities, it is imperative to facilitate movements. The transportation system is
responsible for providing a means of transportation and reaching destinations. The inadequacy of
the transport system hinders economic activities and creates obstacles to development. In most of
the developing countries which are overburdened by rising population and extreme poverty,
increasing economic activities and opportunities in the cities result in rapid increase in urban
population and consequent need for transportation facilities. Authorities in these countries often
fail to cope with the pressure of increasing population growth and economic activities in the
cities, causing uncontrolled expansion of the cities, urban sprawl, traffic congestion and
environmental degradation.
The urban transportation network is the foundation of urban activities. The transportation system
of an urban area is typically constructed to accommodate the transportation needs of urban
residents. The transportation system needs to be updated or readjusted due to a growing
population and diversified land-use activities. Any mismatch between growth in transport
demand and network capacity results in traffic congestion, resulting in economic losses and
degradation of the environment.
The main reasons for this urban deterioration are the inability to understand the factors at the root
of the problem and the lack of appropriate planning to improve the situation. In order to handle
the situation, it is important to make sure that available facilities are used properly and
infrastructure is developed by maximizing resources. It is especially true for developing
countries like Ghana that because of resource scarcity, planning allows for optimal use of
facilities and available resources. For planning purposes, it is necessary to obtain quantitative
insight into the consequences of planning and development policies in order to compare them
between alternative options. Computer-based models make it easier to visualize and evaluate the
future consequences of planning options. Even though computer applications have some general
structures, the models need to be strategic and developed specifically for the area of interest.
Vehicular traffic congestion is a problem that not only wastes the energy that has to be expanded
but also frustrates the traveller in terms of delays incurred, especially when one is in a hurry. It
can also excite nervousness which may lead into accidents in some cases; nervousness may
result from one being afraid of either being hit or hitting another vehicle. There are three stages
of congestion that are normally experienced, each succeeding the other. In an attempt to define
congestion these stages will be indicated with the experiences involved in each stage; they are as
i. the initial stage of congestion. This is the time when the driver cannot maintain speed at or near
the maximum specified due to the volume of traffic on the road.
ii. the second stage is when the brakes have to be applied constantly due to the nature of the traffic
flow. It is therefore a very costly stage of congestion in terms of energy that has to be expended.
It is also a stage when one starts to get frustrated due to the attitudes of other road users who may
be pulling in and out of lanes in an attempt to get through congestion faster. This in turn makes
one to concentrate more on the road out of nervousness.
iii. the third stage is that of maximum congestion or the peak point of congestion, at which time the
traffic flow comes to a complete stop. It is also a very costly stage of congestion in terms of
energy wastage due to the idling of engines.
The overall output of individuals is slashed and the overall development of the country is slashed
due to unnecessary delays and frustrations caused by vehicular traffic congestion. The problem
of vehicular traffic congestion may be attributed to the breakdown and/or the inadequacy of the
management machinery, the break-down of the vehicles themselves, careless driving, and
inadequate road carrying capacity. The latter is of particular interest because in some cases, the
road cannot be expanded. For example, in Suame-Buohu, where costs are at their highest.
Barbara Ward in her book "Home of Man', points out that a consideration of the use and misuse
of the private automobile is central to a saner use of space and resources (Ward). It is true that if
all the movements within the city favor private automobiling, some acute problems will be
encountered in terms of space and resources. Certain cities like Dallas and Los Angeles are good
examples. Already, more than half of the land in both cities has been washed away by roads and
parks. When it comes to energy, Barbara says that in such cities 94 percent of every gallon of
gasoline is lost in idling engines and emitting pollution. This wastage of energy is mostly due to
vehicular traffic congestion and the search for parking. It is just a matter of time before the
Suame-Buohu becomes a victim of the same situation as that of Dallas and Los Angeles unless
something is done to prevent it from happening. If this situation is to be avoided, then there is
need to employ the use of a "transportation system which will move the public to their various
destinations without too much disruption. Currently in Suame-Buohu there are three major
means of transportations used namely, the private car, Taxes and the 'trotro'; the latter two being
the two types of public transportation. At the moment, the two public transportation modes are
more of a hassle than a convenience and neither can meet the needs of public transportation. The
lack of travel comfort (too congested) and the delays caused when waiting for one are indicative
of this. They are also in competition with one another very stiff, and in most cases this leads to
dangerous driving that can cause accidents. The private car on the other hand, while promising a
higher degree of freedom and mobility to the user, has a point in time when it reaches its peak, a
time when the degree of freedom and mobility is drastically reduced due to its extensive
ownership and usage. An extensive ownership and usage of private automobiles without a
corresponding expansion of road carrying capacities or construction of more roads results in a
large number of vehicles demanding to be committed to a transportation network that cannot
cope with the demand; the result of this is nothing but vehicular traffic congestion and the
already highlighted problems that comes with it. It can be argued that the peak point of private
automobile has already been reached in Nairobi; this is especially so when the country's level of
development is taken into consideration. The overwhelming traffic congestion and energy loss
caused by idling engines and pollution emissions is a reflection of this. Nor are the consequences
of the commuting any less dubious for the drivers. Leaving the house can still be a question of
freedom of choice. The owners of the vehicle are estimated to receive only 6% useful work out
of each gallon of gasoline once it joins the solid commuting convoy. The rest is lost to the idling
of engines and pollution emissions.
The disamenities of the two types of public transportation in suame-Buohu can be argued to have
promoted the would be users to resort to other means for transportation such as walking, cycling,
motorcycling and private automobiling whenever costs can be accommodated. Each of these,
combined with different capacities, ineffective management and misuse of roads, contributes to
the acute problem of congestion. It should be noted that a significant number of the more skilled
individuals opt for private transportation, thereby increasing the problem of vehicular traffic
congestion and management. An increase on private automobile ownership and usage demand
both the expansion of the existing roads and the construction of new ones consequences of which
will be too costly in terms of capital, space, energy and management. The crucial question to ask
in this regard is whether to let the current transportation system -continue unchecked and provide
for its demands, for example, construction of more roads, provision of energy and provision of
efficient and effective management machinery or to invest on some strategic measures that will
facilitate effecient and effective means of transportation with an improvement of the
management machinery. An appropriate cost-benefit analysis is necessary to understand the
difference between freedom and mobility and accessibility.
Despite their inability to meet public transportation demands, both types of public transportation
in Suame-Buohu seem to be competing hard. To a greater extent, this could indicate the
motivations behind the provision of these tools - a profit-generating endeavor. The problem of
vehicular traffic congestion is increased due to stiff competition, which involves overspeeding
and dangerous driving, especially during rush-hour periods. The passengers are at risk because
they are usually rushed when boarding or getting off. In certain instances, the taxes or 'trotro'
moves before the passenger has fully alighted or boarded, leading to fatal accidents. In term of
comfort, the vocabulary ’comfort’ does not seem to exist where the two types of public
transportation are concerned, the famous statement, 'there is always room for one more' says it
all. This means that the public transport users are not only frustrated with the congestion inside
the public transport means, but are also nervous of being involved in an accident due to careless
driving and high speed. In this case if a companion was to be made between the public transport
user and private automobile user in terms of frustration and nervousness the two would have
about the same experiences. Their travel costs would be the sole difference between them, with
the private automobile user being the 'big-spender' when it comes to energy and space. It should
be noted that these problems are encountered especially during peak periods, for example, during
the convoy to work in the morning and the convoy back home in the evening. Two interesting
situations should be noted here, both of which contribute to the multiplication of the already felt
problem of traffic congestion. Firstly, is that the private car owner's claims that he values the
freedom and mobility that the private car promises and would also want to retain the pride of
owning an automobile for he can afford to run and maintain one. Secondly, is that the ,public
transport user, while resorting to other means of transportation, when it can be afforded, claims
that he has been pushed around and squeezed enough in the public transport means hence has to
leave room for someone who cannot afford private means. The consequence of these is that there
are too many vehicles or a large convoy of traffic that demand commitment to the road network.
In other words, on the individual level, no one cares about the actual wastage of energy or the
spatial demand resulting from the extensive ownership and usage of the private automobiles. An
observation of the various transportation means in Suame-Buohu reflects the fact that a larger
majority of the public favours private automobiling to public transport; and it may as well be true
that private automobiling would be an ideal means of transport to employ. Despite our efforts,
we are unable to accommodate this mode of transportation due to lack of resources or space.
Ghana, for instance, is one of the Third World countries that import automobiles and is using a
high import duty that sometimes exceeds the vehicle's market value. This implies that policy
makers in Ghana have already become aware of the pressures and extent of the widespread
ownership and use of private automobiles. However, whether this imposition of stiff import duty
really serves the purpose of deterring an extensive ownership and usage of private automobiles is
a question that needs to be examined more closely. It would seem that this imposition does not
have much impact on the high and upper-middle income groups as they can easily tolerate the
pinch of the imposition. In other words, it can be argued that the imposition is geared towards
specific groups in society, such as those from the lower-middle income groups and down. Taking
this assumption to be true, this policy alone cannot effectively deter the extensive ownership and
usage of private automobiles, hence is not, alone, an effective means of checking the problem of
vehicular traffic congestion. Those who can accept the pinch of the stiff import duty can easily
justify it by acknowledging that the prices of cars have just gone up.
Space and resources are closely linked in that the greater the commuting distance, the greater the
quantities of energy that must be expended. It is also of significant importance to note that the
use of resources is largely determined by the means of transportation used. Nairobi like most
other urban corridor, is faced with the problem of vehicular traffic congestion due to the
relatively high level of ownership and’ usage of private automobiles, coupled with the already
mentioned factors that contribute towards the problem. Traffic Management in Suame-Buohu is
also a problem area in terms of control and routing of traffic; in some cases three different types
of control are used at one point to supplement each other, for example, the traffic lights, round
abouts, and the police officers. The nature of two transportation problems (congestion and
management) that have already been experienced is further complicated by the increase in
various means of transportation, particularly private automobiles. Three important factors must
be taken into account as regards transport problems. They are as follows:
i. Man himself as the initiator of the necessity to get from one place to the other. The question to
ask is whether man is just interested in a means to get him from one place to the v other within a
reasonable time or this, coupled with selfish transportation drives in terms of higher degree of
mobility and pride.
ii. A consideration of the environment itself, how much of it can be changed to meet man's selfish
transportation drives.
iii. A consideration of energy' resources; how long can man literally waste energy for the sake of
higher degree of mobility and pride by use of private transportation. This is especially so
considering the fact that there are only limited energy resources.
With respect to the above stated problems, there is a need to establish a strategy which will
facilitate a sound management machinery that will not only control and route traffic but also
ensure the complementarity of all the transportation means used. Not only one policy can
facilitate this, but a whole array of tactics can support each other, moving the public without too
much disruption.
The main objective of this research is to study the Vehicular Traffic Congestion in urban corridor
Suame-Buohu help alleviate traffic congestion.
Based on the objectives set for the study, the following research questions were formulated
to guide the study:
i. What are the primary factors contributing to vehicular congestion on the Suame-Buoho road?
ii. During which specific time periods do the peak traffic hour occur on the Suame-Buoho road?
iii. What are the strategies and measures that can be implemented to effectively plan and manage
traffic congestion on the Suame-Buoho road?
The main thrust of this research was to study the vehicular traffic congestion on the
Suame-Buoho road. Traffic congestion has a negative impact on time spent traveling or doing
other activities, and it is crucial when an individual is choosing a residence and work location.
Traffic flow also affects individuals or communities' access to public transportation, as well as
the operations of the housing market and the value of land. The volume of vehicle flow is greatly
influenced by the quality of the travel way. The outcome of this study would bring to light the
major causes of traffic congestion in the Suame-Buoho road. The study's outcome can give a
clear picture of the effectiveness of the measures put in place by stakeholders to manage
congestion in the communities.
1.6 Delimitations
The study's content covered traffic congestion causes, effects, and effectiveness of
measures put in place to control traffic congestion. In terms of scope, the study was restricted to
Suame-Buoho, specifically the major roads that connect the Central Business District (CBD).
The main purpose of delimiting this study to Suame-Buoho was to provide the researcher with a
comprehensive analysis of the issue being considered. Moreover, a few previous studies have
been conducted at Suame-Sofoline and Suame-Tech campuses, which are also significant
corridor in Ashanti Region. In that regard, it has become necessary to consider the Suame-
Buoho area. With respect to population, the study was delineated to motor operators (drivers
and motor-cycle riders), traders, and MTTD officers of the Ghana Police Service in the
1.7 Limitations
Although this study has its strengths in certain corridor in terms of methodology, it is
also plagued with a number of limitations. In the first place, given the fact that the study was
undertaken in the Suame-Buoho with drivers and motor-cycle riders as respondents, getting the
drivers and motorcycle riders to answer the questionnaires was a major challenge and this has
affected the data collection time. The study faced a basic problem in determining how to sample
from the population. There was no record on the number of riders and motorcyclists in the
metropolitan area. This made it difficult to obtain a representative sample given that the
population is not known with certainty. However, the choice of sampling methods used did not
invalidate the findings of the study.
The study was divided into five chapters which discussed all the aspect of the research study.
The first chapter, Chapter One covered the background to the study, statement of the problem,
purpose of the study, research questions, significance of the study, delimitations, limitations,
operational definition of terms and ended with the organization of the study. Chapter Two
presents a review of literature that is relevant to the study. It looks at the theoretical, conceptual
and the empirical studies related to the study. The methods used for collecting and analyzing
data are discussed in Chapter Three. In this chapter, research design, population, sample, and
sampling technique are described, along with the instruments used, as well as data collection and
analysis procedures. Chapter Four focuses on the results and discussion of the findings. Finally,
Chapter Five gives the summary and draws conclusions on the major findings of the study.
Chapter Five also outlines recommendations from the study and also gives suggestions for
further research
2.0 Introduction
The review of existing literature related to the study is presented in this chapter. The chapter is
divided into three main sections: theoretical, conceptual and empirical review. The theoretical
review exams the Burges Model of Land use. The conceptual review dealt with the concept of
traffic congestion while the empirical review was carried out according to the research
objectives formulated for the study.
This study was underpinned by Burgess Model of Land Use as shown in Figure 1
It is also conceptualized that most trips made to the CBD are for services since most of
the businesses are concentrated in the central regions of the city. Therefore, all business owners
and traders who reside in the periphery move to the CBD to transact business especially in the
rush hours of the mornings and all of them move back to their destinations in the evening at the
same time. This situation tends to build up traffic congestion, which is eventually disintegrated
on radial and concentric roads around the CBD.
Andoh (Andoh K. A., 2014) defined traffic congestion as a situation of having more vehicles on
the road than it was designed to accommodate in a given time. He added that, if, a section of
road was designed to carry 2000 vehicles per hour but that section is now carrying 3000 vehicles
per hour, then it can be said that the road has exceeded its capacity and therefore congested.
Fadairo (Fadairo, 2013) definition of congestion was geared towards road condition by
defining traffic congestion as a condition on road networks that occur as use increases, and is
characterized by slower speeds, longer trip times, and increased vehicular queuing.
Congestion within a geographical location varies from one area to the other depending
on the causative condition. Thus, the way or manner the congestion happens defines its type.
The European Conference of Transport
Ministers (Ministers, 2007), identifies congestion of two types: structural congestion (recurrent
congestion) and incidental congestion (non-recurrent congestion). Structural congestion occurs
when traffic demand is higher than capacity, while incidental congestion is the result of
occasional conditions such as a crash, bad weather or road works which alter the traffic flow.
Drivers are able to anticipate the occurrence of structural congestion more easily because it takes
place at about the same locations at about the same time of the day. Incidental congestion, on the
other hand, might surprise drivers and lead to more unexpected behaviour. The extent to which
congestion surprises drivers also depends on other factors, such as the distance from which the
queue is visible. Drivers therefore violate road traffic laws during this type of congestion.
This section examines previous studies that have been done in the area of traffic. The review
was done in line with the research objectives formulated for the study.
Traffic flow on many urban roads are expected to be smooth without any interference but due to
factors such as violations in traffic rules, wrong parking, picking and dropping of passengers in
traffic flow, among others causes traffic congestion. Congestion in most urban corridor across
the globe occurs as a result of several generic conditions. Drivers’ Behaviour
Attitude is often defined as the tendency to evaluate an object with some degree of favor or
disfavour, expressed in affective, cognitive, or behavioural responses (Eagly, 1993). (Stanton,
2009)added that violations consist of a complex category of errors and are categorized as
behaviours (either deliberate or unintentional) that deviate from accepted procedures, standards,
and rules. The various attitudes of some drivers on the road slow the movement of traffic flow at
any point on the road especially at intersections and points close to bus stops. Some of these
behaviours are loading and discharging of passengers and goods at unapproved corridor, on-
street parking and the use of road shoulders during traffic jams by some drivers, and then
attempting to join the traffic (Ian, 2002). Also a delay in taking off from bus stops for other
vehicles to use the facility (bus stop) is another cause of congestion on the road. This occurs as a
result of a driver loosing attention behind the wheel or subservient vehicle that fails to catch the
flow of traffic. This creates sluggish take-off of vehicles when the traffic lights turn green at
major intersections resulting in less number of vehicles crossing than the designed capacity. It is
believed that drivers of the public buses and trucks do not observe certain road traffic
regulations given the nature of their vehicles. The drivers’ attitudes discussed above ultimately
lead to traffic-rule violations. A survey by (Khaled, 2012) show that, congestion in the Central
Business District (CBD) of a city is usually caused by drivers violating road traffic Acts and
cited that traffic rule violation contributes about 25% of traffic congestion. They also stated the
presence of rickshaw, reckless driving among others. Poor discipline and lack of law
implementation, drivers and other road users often are not trained sufficiently to follow lane
discipline. The effects of poor lane discipline, especially at traffic junctions, deteriorate the
already overcrowded junction situation. According to (Agyapong, 2018), drivers often are not
trained enough to follow lane markings in most developing countries across the globe. They
added that, the impacts of poor lane discipline on the part of drivers at traffic intersections
causes traffic congestions.
Illegal parking is one of the major causes of road traffic congestion in most urban corridor in the
world. Drivers in most developing countries park at unlawful and unaccepted corridor in most
urban corridor. Also in some corridor, vehicles are illegally parked on the roadside by shop
owners and customers due to the absence of designated parking lots in the city (Chidambaram,
2012). For instance, illegal parking on the road has been creating congestion every day from
petrol pump to Indrayani College, a distance of around one kilometre. On-street parking of
vehicles is one of the main reasons behind serious traffic congestion on different parts of the
Talegaon city (Shamsher, 2015).
Parking facilities are essentially provided in relation to satisfying vehicle population demand in
most urban corridor (Afriyie-Darkwa, 2017). Specifically, in the central business districts, a lot
of activities occur, however, the available parking spaces are mostly not adequate to contain the
volume of vehicles that travel to the city centres on daily basis. Moreover, the inadequate
parking space could also be due to lack of proper assessment of the entire parking needs before
implementation. Congestion in most urban corridor happen when drivers compete for few
parking lots available (Afriyie-Darkwa, 2017). The unavailability of parking facilities influences
drivers to spend longer periods cruising through town in the bid to find parking spot these
compound the existing traffic problems thereby leading to more congestion or parking on
unapproved spaces.
The several checkpoints erected by Police Officers and the DVLA at various traffic lights,
round-about and intersections and check points on many major roads in the country also account
for serious traffic congestion which further restrict the flow of traffic on our roads. The security
challenges facing many countries presently have necessitated the need to tighten security
network. This has called for security check points on the major roads in the country including
the cities. One of such measures is the stationing of police and military check points on major
corridors and at the entrances and exits of most major cities in the country. These check points
have caused the roads to be blocked for vehicles to be inspected and have greatly slowed down
traffic flow to a bottle neck situation. Some roads have been closed while traffic on other roads
have been re-routed for security reasons. Road Constructional Works
Congestion can happen due to various conditions such as road work and accidents (Chin, 2004).
Road construction activities which could lead to blockage of the carriage way or part of it or
diversion of traffic will result in forcing the traffic to slow down, hence, traffic congestion. A
pot hole caused by environmental forces such as rainfall, wind and temperature slows the
movement of traffic. This situation calls for patching of these holes on most major road
corridors. The attempt to rehabilitate the road renders sections of the roads blocked. Drivers are
forced to divert their routes to use alternative routes. This attempt causes congestion on the few
routes since more vehicles will use that corridor of road hence causing congestion.
In most cities of developing countries, pavements of major roads designed as walkways and
overhead foot bridges are occupied by hawkers, traders and events. For instance, hawkers and
traders occupy about 80% of the Kaneshie and Circle Market foot bridges each day and this
activity compels pedestrians to divert to the main road as a walkway which obstruct the flow of
traffic (Abena, 1993); (Agyapong, 2018), In cases where there are no footpaths, cycle-lane and
walkways along the road, pedestrians and cyclists tend to share the roads with vehicles.
(Agyapong, 2018) noted that, the missing crosswalk sometimes causes pedestrians to cross the
road at many different parts obstructing traffic flow as drivers take extra caution to save
pedestrians; traffic flow slows down thereby causing traffic congestion.
Poor weather conditions diminish the demand for traffic and the capacity of the highway
(Goodwin 2002). Transport is negatively affected by bad weather (heavy rain, snowfall, strong
winds, extreme heat and cold), and reduced visibility, which can cause injury, damage and
economic loss (Jaroszweski D., 2010); (Vajda, 2011). It is postulated that, if the decrease rate of
the freeway capacity is faster than the decrease of the traffic demand, traffic congestion is bound
to occur (Stopher, 2004). Systematic Cambridge (2005) opines that, 15% of the congestion
occurs due to bad weather conditions. (Hooper, 2013) also found that reduced visibility and
friction are the most common impacts and are known to cause reductions in traffic speed. For
example, (Maze, 2006), discovered that when visibility was less than 0.25 miles, a 12 per cent
reduction in speed occurred in the Minneapolis / St. Paul area in the United States over a four
year study period. During heavy precipitation events, visibility on the roads is severely restricted
both as a result of the view through the windscreen being obscured and due to increased spray
and splash from other vehicles on the road (Edwards, 2002).
Precipitation has several impacts on the road network, including reduced visibility and friction,
as well as increasing flooding where drainage is an issue (Walsh C. L., 2007).
Due to inadequate cargo discharge facilities in most developing cities across Africa,
loading and unloading tends to be carried out on roads. Cars and goods loading trucks of some
supermarkets and shops park along the road to discharge their goods and sometimes load their
goods. In the CBDs where onstreet parking is common and where loading/unloading facilities
exist, they are used by other vehicle drivers as parking facility, resulting in loading and
unloading often being carried out from vehicles that are double parked. This leads to traffic
congestion, and vehicles changing lanes to avoid double-parked vehicles increases the risk of
Vehicles are illegally parked on the roadside by shop-owners and customers due to the absence
of designated parking lots in the city. Lack of pull-outs from designated stopping points of these
shopping malls and churches after service results in numerous interruptions to the flow of
vehicles. Private Car Ownership and Increased Vehicle Population
Car ownership is, and will remain, a vital form of transport; and car ownership will extend yet
further through society as the economy grows (Whelan, 2007). The increase in car ownership
means also an increase in the number of trips per person per day. (Vuchic, 2005)says the huge
increase in car ownership also results in increase in traffic problems affecting both the developed
and the developing countries as the traffic infrastructure is failing to cope up with the ever-
increasing demand. In Bangladesh, population and traffic growth rate is approximately 1.5 and 7
per cent respectively. But road expansion rate is not at all unmentionable with respect to higher
traffic growth. As per BRTA (Shamsher, Traffic congestion in Bangladesh - causes and
solutions: A study of Chittagong Metropolitan City, 2015) at present the total number of
approved vehicle in Chittagong city is 84391. Among these are, Bus -2816, Autoricksha (Taxi)-
20847, Tempo-4666, Motorcycle-13470, Jeep-1951, Car-15961, Pickup-3656, Tank lorry-386,
Tractor trailer-503, Truck14065 and Micro-5998. So city roads are not capable to carry the
traffic especially in the peak hours. In Nigeria, for example, poor planning of transportation
system has led to over dependence on motor vehicles resulting in too many vehicles with its
accompanied problems including traffic congestion on the roads (Momoh, 2011). The massive
use of cars does not only have an impact on traffic congestion but also leads to decline in public
transit efficiency, thereby creating commuting difficulties in cities (Fungai, 2013).
Central Business Districts in most developed and developing economies have most of
their business activities concentrated in few corridor within the nation’s capital with the arterial
roads migrating to the centre in the mornings and originating from it in the evenings. This means
that a lot of city services and institutions are located at one major point. This has led to traffic
flow predominantly from residential corridor to the CBD in the mornings and vice versa in the
evenings. According to (Kiunsi, 2013); (Lupala, 2011), the one directional flow of traffic
contributes to congestion in the mornings and evenings along the main roads and intersections.
He added that since most of the ministries and government agencies, shops and schools are
concentrated in the central business district of the city, individuals and school children who are
supposed to go to work and school in the morning and return home in the evening create
congestion. This causes traffic congestion and high fuel usage.
Timing of traffic lights and faulty traffic signalling systems at traffic intersections also
induce high rate of congestion in most developing countries across the globe. This calls for the
on-duty traffic policemen who resort to the manual control of vehicular movement on the plea
that the system is ineffective during rush hours. This could be mainly due to the absence of a
synchronized operation of the entire electronic traffic signalling system (Khaled, Possible
Causes & Solutions of Traffic Jam and Their Impact on the Economy of Dhaka City, 2012). The
basic problem of the city's traffic system is that the existing road network is incapable of holding
the everincreasing number of motor vehicles coupled with malfunctioning traffic lights which is
due to unstable power supply in the country is one of the major causes of traffic congestion.
Thus, poor installation of electronic signals at the major intersections and few number of traffic
police on the road are not able to control the traffic situation. (Andoh K. A., 2014) added that,
insufficient timing at pedestrian crossings on double lane roads gets pedestrians caught midway
on the road. He further stated that the volume of pedestrians ready to cross to the other side of a
road is more than the signal capacity and all of pedestrians want to cross the road at that
instance. The effective use of this system of traffic management might provide some temporary
relief but not a permanent solution.
Efficient public transport is considered the major potential solution to the problem of
urban road traffic congestion (Rwakarehe, 2012). Thus, public transportation system is an
essential factor that ensures effective transportation system especially in the urban corridor
(Shapiro, 2002). They contend that public transportation system (mass transit) offers one of the
best strategies to reducing traffic congestion and improving energy efficiency due to their high
passenger occupancy rate and fuel saving potentials. To ensure effective public transportation
system, buses which are the commonest form of public transportation in developing countries
should be available and adequate, improved transport infrastructure, mass transit and traffic
management system together contribute to effective transportation system. According to
(Shapiro, 2002), these result in speedier travels, improve freight and logistics system, lowers
inventory and distribution and ultimately improves the socio-economic activities and Gross
Domestic Products (GDP). With all the benefits of public transport, (R., 1998) argues that,
improving public transport is not enough to combat traffic congestion since the buses are not
enough and reliable. The problem is more common in developing countries that are
characterized by inadequate public transport infrastructure financing capacity (Briceño-
Garmendia, 2004). This condition encourages the use of too many private cars on the road which
induce congestion.
This section of the review examines whether the measures that were put in place to
control traffic congestion were effective or not. It carefully considers what earlier scholars have
found. According to the Oxfordshire Local Transport Plan (2000) traffic congestion can be
tackled by either increasing the capacity of the network or reducing the demand. This implies
that substantial investment must be made in transport infrastructure such as roads, railway,
bridges, tunnels, ports, airports, urban transport infrastructure and inland container depot
(intermodal infrastructure) as well as public transport services, road network, signage and traffic
management systems, parking lots, bus stops, vehicles and transport terminals (Rodrique, 2009;
(ESCAP), 2005; Arasan, 2012). These substantial investments are employed in order to ensure
efficient logistics system and effective traffic flows on roads (Eddington, 2006; Muñuzuri,
The remaining section of this review examined the various measures that were put in place to
curb traffic congestion. Emphasis was also placed on finding out whether those measures were
effective or not. Some of the measures discussed were, expanding roadway capacities,
availability of parking facility among others.
Expanding roadway capacity is often the default action for dealing with traffic congestion by
transportation agencies, politicians, and other decision makers. Advocates of this strategy hold
the view that, increasing the capacity of roadways is the only effective solution for mitigating
traffic congestion (Staley, 2006) Similarly, (Shamsher, Traffic congestion in Bangladesh -
causes and solutions: A study of Chittagong Metropolitan City, 2015) indicate that, road
widening provides reductions in urban traffic congestion. Additional road capacity gained by
expanding infrastructure can meet the growing travel demand and can dissolve traffic loads.
Indeed, increasing road capacity leads to a short-term reduction in the severity of traffic
congestion. For instance, (Sahni, 2016; Cabanatuan, 2011) reported that average annual travel
delay for San Francisco Bay Area commuters fell 32% between 2006 and 2009 as freeway
capacity in the region increased during this period. (Cervero, 2001) explained that the relative
ineffectiveness of reducing traffic congestion through roadway expansion is a consequence of
induced demand. He added that, increasing roadway capacity in a congested road corridor in
cities decreases travel times and increases travel speeds along that roadway during peak periods.
Hence, expanding roadway capacity is the landmark in the field of transportation studies. There
are many approaches that can squeeze additional capacity out of existing infrastructure. These
include adding lanes, re-allocating road space, modifying intersections, modifying the geometric
design of roads or creating one-way streets. This approach would be beneficial to car users and
also public transport ((ECTM), 2007). Though, the cost involved in road expansion is very high,
it has invited much criticism that it is not a long term solution (Hon, Evaluation of traffic
congestion relieving options with using cost benefit analysis: Case study of Central Wan Chai,
When cities are trying to reduce urban traffic congestion, the first idea is often building more
roads, to allow increasing traffic volumes. The more capacity of road networks, the more traffic
flows in each period. Supplying more roads capacity or improving the old road networks seems
feasible and necessary in the corridor of rapid growing of population or vehicles. However, if
the increasing of road capacity does not catch up with the growing rate of population and
vehicles, traffic flow would even go worse than before. This is because rapid growing
population and number of vehicles could easily
increase traffic loads, particularly in cities of developing countries. Also triple convergence
could put much more pressure on expanded road networks. When most drivers realize new roads
can save much time, they will switch their travelling time, travelling routes, and even travelling
modes to this improved road, thus the intensity of traffic congestion will come back to the level
as before in the near future.
Moreover, expanded roads induce more people to settle near those new roads in the long term. It
is difficult therefore to measure the benefits of expanding road networks vis-á-vis the added
demands it induces in the long run (Downs, 2003). As mentioned before, when the whole
capacity of the traffic system is enlarged, more travellers could travel during the peak hours. The
total traffic flows in this area improve, since more vehicles can drive on the enlarged roads per
time. So enlarging the capacity will bring benefits to urban transport since it will reduce traffic
congestion. Thus, construction of additional road capacity was generally accepted as the most
effective solution to movement problems (Danquah, 2008). Expanding transit capacities in most
cities tends to reduce road traffic congestion. Availability of Parking Facility
Parking controls and pricing are tools commonly applied in traffic demand management in both
industrialized and developing countries (Gwilliam, 2002). The availability and cost of parking
are among the most significant factors influencing a person’s decision to drive to a given
destination. Providing generous amounts of free or low-cost parking encourages people to
choose driving over mass transit or other more socially and environmentally beneficial modes of
travel. Furthermore, requiring new development to provide large amounts of parking pushes new
growth out to the edges of the city. Managing parking for smart growth represents a paradigm
shift in which motorists’ interests are no longer the highest priority.
Parking should be properly priced for more efficient use, and where land resources are scarce,
the availability of parking spaces should be limited so as to encourage walking, bicycling, and
using public transit. For instance, in the work of (Yang, 2004), it was indicated that some
Chinese cities, such as Guangzhou and Beijing, are using parking fees to manage car use.
Beijing plans to restrict the availability of parking spaces and charge higher parking fees. This
discouraged most drivers from driving to some corridor of the cities. Furthermore, Beijing has
also constructed large parking facilities in key corridor where drivers can transfer easily to
public transportation. The cost involved in joining the public transit bus is relatively lower than
driving a private car to the region. This strategy reduces the amount of traffic flow on a mode to
a given flow level. Similar strategies could be adopted in the country to reduce a tremendous
amount of traffic on our major roads especially in the Central Business District. There are
various types of parking policies, which focus on different factors such as parking location,
parking supply, and parking price. Thus the results of those policies usually vary between each
Parking policy control and management can also influence on trip generation, trip distribution,
travel modes and travel time. Thus parking could play an ―active‖ role in the transportation
system. (Litman, 2006) has the notion that more focus on parking management could increase
the utilization of land and transport in urban corridor. It can be used as a price instrument to
influence transportation. Many parking policies are designed to control and reduce parking space
in city’s downtown corridor. In general, employers supply a large share of the parking space to
employees. With free parking space, employees are encouraged by companies to go to work by
private vehicles, especially when the price for parking spaces is high in downtown area.
There are some differences between charging on roads and charging on parking. With the help
of electronic smart cards, implement technique of roads pricing has improved a lot and is easier
than that of parking pricing. Furthermore, parking pricing cannot charge long-distance lorry and
vehicles driving through cordon area. There are many advantages with market-based
instruments. The most important one is that it offers different choice to drivers. Drivers can
choose one route or a means of travelling that they prefer, which could save money or save
travelling time. There will be equilibrium between marginal prices of behaviours and their
marginal social costs. Travellers may feel some kind of freedom when compared with regulatory
instruments, which usually give no choice to travellers. They will have much less resent when
they drive on HOT lane or other choice, since it is their own’ decision to choose which lane to
Parking is an important aspect of any transport system as a vehicle at the end of an auto based
travel requires a space to park. Parking plays a significant role in reducing traffic congestion in
any transport system. Therefore, providing adequate parking space to meet the demand for
parking has become a huge challenge in most urban centres. Parking can be grouped into two
main types; on-street and off-street parking. On street parking facility is the type of parking
which uses road way space and are found in both residential and business centres because of the
convenience it provides to commuters (Guo, 2013). On street parking corridor include useful
resources in business district or an adjacent street in residential corridor where we have an
adequate amount of parking space present (Sharma, 2013). According to them, on- street parking
are of different types and each of them has its effects on congestion. Their assertions on their
modes of parking are based on the positioning of the vehicle in the space – Parallel Parking,
Perpendicular Parking and Angular Parking.
Parallel parking is a method of parking a vehicle parallel to the road in line with other parked
vehicles. Parallel Parking is very difficult to access space in parallel mode of parking. In this,
vehicles are arranged in a line with the front of one vehicle facing the rear side of the other
vehicle. Dimensions of parallel parking are 2.4 x 6.1m. Total area in square metres is 14.85
metres square. This space quoted is required only for one car.
Perpendicular Parking: In this kind of parking, vehicles are parked alongside each other which
are perpendicular to the curb or a wall. Generally, vehicles are parked in this way that they are
facing towards the shops and buildings that provide enough space for it. Dimensions of
perpendicular parking are 5.5 x 2.7m. Total area in square meters is 15.125 meters square which
is the require space for a single car.
Angular parking is a type of parking which is generally used in a common parking lot. The
reason behind using this mode of parking is that it takes up low space than the other modes and
it is easier to access. In this, cars are parked alongside as in perpendicular parking but at an
angle-normally of 60 to the curb. It is used in hotels, stadiums etc. It can also be used on streets
where space is adequate. Dimensions of angular parking are 4.9 x 2.4m. Total area in square
meters is 11.76 metres square.
From their study they concluded that, angular parking is the best suitable mode for parking
because it requires least space and it can be used at most of the places where there is not enough
space for parking. Furthermore, they suggested angular parking management because it
compresses less space for parking a vehicle or it can increase the overall supply of on-street
parking if street is wide enough. In view of all these, it can be concluded that on-street parking
of vehicles is one of the main reasons behind serious traffic congestion in different parts of the
port city including GEC, Muradpur, CDA Avenue, OR Nizam Road, Zakir Hossain Road,
Station Road, Dhaka Trunk Road, Madarbari, Shuvapur Bus Stand, EPZ intersection and
Olankar (Shamsher, Traffic congestion in Bangladesh - causes and solutions: A study of
Chittagong Metropolitan City, 2015). On-street parking according to (Garrick, 2009) plays
crucial role in benefitting activity centres.
Off-street parking on the other hand is the type of parking which are not provided on the street
or road. This type of parking can be located in both residential and business centres. It normally
uses large land space compared to on-street parking. This system of parking includes private
parking lots, garages and driveways, basement parking and multi-storey parking. In Ghana, off
street parking is owned by the municipal authority, the highways department or completely
owned by the private commercial establishment. A good city design should relate compact
building corridor to open parking corridor, so that the end result does not resemble a war.
Parking problems and traffic congestion are obvious in commercial corridor (Osoba, 2012). In
most cases, the parking space attracts a charge, and the vehicle owner is required to pay for the
parking space. The rates for these charges are highly varied to discourage all-day parking in
commercial corridor where the facility and space is limited. Therefore, the availability of a
parking lot in commercial and business centres influences congestion in a given locality.
(Aderamo, 2013) discovered in their research in Ilorin city, Nigeria to examine the pattern and
problem of on-street and off-street parking, realised that, the absence of designated parking lots
led to congestion and delay problems. This attests to the fact that lack of adequate space for
parking is essentially a contributing factor to congestion in the urban district. Contrary, the
availability of parking facilities in most urban cities in the world reduces traffic congestion
The presence of police personnel at a given intersection could account for traffic
congestion on the road in a given area. As the city is running with inadequacy of traffic police
than required, so it requires the authority to increase the number of traffic police on the road.
This step will create some scope for employment as well. The only problem is that recruitment
is not enough. Police personnel’s who are recruited should be trained for the betterment of the
traffic management especially with the MTTD of the Ghana Police Service. In Ghana traffic
congestion at most intersections are as a result of malfunctioning traffic lights and absence of
traffic police to manually direct the flow of traffic. This condition on the road builds up traffic at
that given period because of the impatience of most drivers. Increasing more traffic police
personnel at the major intersections and roundabout to direct traffic flow will help reduce
congestion in most urban district of most cities in the country. The findings concord with the
work of (Agyekum, 2008) who asserted that in order to manage traffic congestion, deployment
of the police on the roads is an effective means of reducing congestions in cities and other urban
Carpool lanes
Park-and-ride facilities
Service improvements
The demand strategies focus on influencing demand for capacity such as increasing residential
densities, using toll ways, and using ramp metering, traffic lights. These strategies address
traveller demand on the transportation system. More specifically, these strategies are designed to
reduce vehicle demand on the road network by increasing vehicle occupancy, increasing the use
of public transport, reducing the need to travel during a specified peaktime period, and reducing
the need to travel to a specified location of the city.
Notable among the demand strategies are: Land use and zoning, communications substitutes,
traveler information services, economic and administrative measures. Table 2 provides a
summary on the demand strategies for curbing road congestion.
Tele shopping
Parking pricing
Transportation allowances
Transit and rideshare financial
In addition to the earlier discussed measures, this aspect considered some additional measures
employed to curb traffic congestion.
Mobility Management
Mobility management appears more feasible in West Africa and for that matter, Ghana
since funding for road improvements and construction is difficult in our part of the world. It is
therefore the concern of the government, planners and stakeholders to design roads such that
alteration could be made. There are instances where increasing road space through new roads or
road widening schemes can be limited by physical or environmental constraints. It is therefore
rational to make the most efficient use of current road space through ensuring that roads and
junctions are operating at their maximum design capacities. The capacity of the road network
can often be increased without major new construction through localized minor changes such as
flaring, lining changes or the use of intelligent equipment at signalized junctions. This action
would help alleviate congestion to a degree.
Financial Penalty to the Traffic Law Breakers
Government can take such strict steps like imposing financial penalty on law disobeying
drivers. When this trend was introduced in Dhaka in Bangladesh it really reduced congestion
drastically (Remi, 2009). According to (Remi, 2009) policies should be made to dissuade the
drivers from certain congestion-causing habit such as wrong overtaking, one way driving,
disobey of traffic signals. Mobile court should be introduced to fine drivers for disobeying
traffic law and driving vehicles that are not road worthy or insured. This strategy of enforcing
the law can mitigate traffic congestion in the short run, but in the long run all the stakeholders
should be involved to create awareness on the repercussions of traffic congestion on the society
as a whole. The introduction of financial penalty to the traffic law breakers will prevent most
drivers who violate the road traffic acts to be on the alert since high penalty will be charged on
those disobeying these acts. This system of checking on driver’s attitudes will reduce traffic
congestion in most urban corridor.
Smart Parking
Smart parking is a facility and a strategy employed on road networks to regulate congestion in a
given area. In the city, traffic flow can be impacted by a wide number of variables from signal
alignment, to lane design, to overall volume of traffic. While perhaps understated, parking, too,
can significantly impede the progress of drivers. Smart parking is a dynamic and systematic way
of pricing so that drivers were able to find parking more easily on both city streets and public
garages managed by the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (Latinopoulos, 2017).
This strategy is to deter drivers from parking at some parts of the city centre. For instance, the
San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA) raised the cost of parking in corridor
with few parking spots and higher traffic, and lowered the cost in corridor where parking is more
available. As per the San Francisco (SF) Park website, rates varied by block, time of day, and
day of week, and the rates themselves were adjusted by no more than 50 cents per hour down to
25 cents per hour up, and no more often than once per month. Through the use of the SF Park
app via smartphones, drivers were able to identify the availability and cost of certain parking
spaces within the SF Park network.
In connection with the sensors and meters, users were able to consult this data using
their smartphones and the SF Park app. In practice, drivers were therefore able to identify which
corridor were available to them, and for what cost, when planning their trips. This in turn
allowed them to limit the time that they circled city blocks while looking for parking spaces that
were available and those that met their willingness to pay. A survey conducted by the San
Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA) indicated that close to a third of city
traffic congestion is caused by drivers circling while looking for a space. Also drivers who look
for a parking space often circle city blocks until they come across one suitable for them. When
there is sufficient supply for parking spaces and enough demand from those looking for parking,
there are very few delays or inefficiencies. In reality, however, parking is very unevenly
distributed. Different corridor have higher demand than others, and within those corridor, certain
streets are more desirable to park on than others. In addition to increasing traffic congestion,
parking inefficiencies can cause delays, increased traffic volume, increased risk of accidents
with pedestrians and cyclists, and cause an unnecessary amount of excess fuel use and
Rapid transit can be defined as a type of high-capacity public transport system generally found
in a metropolitan area. For expanding cities such as London, Paris, New York and Istanbul, a
rapid transit system is increasingly seen as integral instrument in minimizing traffic congestion,
air and noise pollution (Wright, 2010). Prioritization of public transport is another useful
strategy in traffic management and this system has been adopted in the developed countries
(Detr, 1998). According to (Shoup, 2006), public transport is the major transport system in the
major cities and towns of developing countries that can accommodate more passengers. The
increase in population means an increase in the demand of transport hence the introduction of
public transport which is inadequate in the third world cities to cater for the huge volume of
travellers. Many cities across the globe such as in Germany, the United States of America and
China have been investing heavily in public transit. The situation in most African countries is
different (Ian, Urban traffic congestion: Its economic and social causes and consequences,
2002). There is the need to improve the efficiency of movement of people through a shift from
low capacity public transport vehicles to large and double-decker or articulated buses with the
potential to carry over 100 passengers. The overall quality of public transport is poor, most
vehicles are old, and maintenance standards are extremely low.
According to (Laporte, 2015), the most important feature of the rapid transit system is that it
does not interfere with other road lanes or pedestrian traffic. Rapid transit system is seen as the
best public transport option for cities facing the challenge of traffic congestion. Studies indicate
that the quality of public transit service affects travel speeds and congestion delays on parallel
highways (Vuchic, Urban transportation policies: United States and peer countries. countries. ,
1999). The system that will provide convenient, safe, regular and reliable public transport is an
essential requirement for any urban area (Hoogendoorn S. P., 2001). This statement is supported
by (Zhang, 2009) who said that a system of bus service which is convenient, accessible,
comfortable, reliable and operating within acceptable levels of noise, vibration and pollution
would be such welcoming news to the majority of the people. In view of this, public
transportation which is fast and reliable and of standards will absorb commuters from the other
modes of transport.
Moreover, there are different priorities of public transportation in different cities around the
globe. Public transportation has a great effect on reducing urban traffic congestion when
compared with other modes of transports. Theoretically its huge capacity and high rate of using
road resources make it the most efficient way to cut down traffic problems. Also, low ticket
fares will make it more affordable for almost everyone especially in developing countries’ cities.
If people choose public buses for commuting, traffic congestion will reduce drastically. Thus, a
world without a public transportation would be a disaster. For example, if the American present
mobility status was replicated in any part of the world, it will expand the world fleet of vehicle
to 4.52 billion (Bunting, 2004). Public transport has been a panacea in many cities across the
globe reducing the use of private cars to considerable low levels. Therefore, building more or
improving existing public transits and facilities could be a useful way to reduce traffic
But the development of public transport does not run smoothly in most cities. One important
reason is that most people prefer private cars to public transits, because of the flexibility and the
accessibility of private cars. For example, drivers of private cars have the advantage of saving
time compared to people in public buses on the same route. People who choose to travel with
public buses have to go to the bus station, wait for the bus, and the trip takes comparatively
longer time because the bus would stop at many stops before the destinations is reached, while
drivers of private cars could save such time.
Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) system may remove these disadvantages of private and commercial
vehicles, since buses are given the right of way from the demarcated lanes. Through the
designated bus lanes, buses could not be blocked on the normal routes since private cars,
pedestrians and other forms of motor-cycle do not use same lanes. This situation will encourage
more people to choose BRT instead of private cars. In this case, the design of bus only right-of-
ways is more closely related to regulatory instruments rather than physical instrument. In
concluding, with the many positive benefits of the Rapid Bus Transport System such as the use
of high occupancy vehicles (large buses) to move people en masse, a lot of vehicles would have
been taken from the roads than if all of these passengers had driven their own cars, and
therefore, the Rapid Bus Transport System indeed tackle traffic congestion in a very significant
manner (Agyemang, 2009).
The purpose of traffic law enforcement is to encourage road users to comply with
establishment of traffic laws. Traffic enforcement team (The Ghana Police Service in
collaboration with city and town guards) could be in the position to reduce traffic congestions in
the country. High visibility enforcement is very effective in reducing congestion. The effective
management of parking arrangements and other traffic regulation orders ensure that the highway
network is not abused and that traffic continues to flow in the right channels. Also the team
identifies the key diversions and communication strategies to deal with incidents that block or
severely affect a lane of the highway. Therefore, effective management of traffic requires the
planning of a quick response necessary following incidents on the highway. This strategy should
be applied to all main roads in the three mega cities in the country.
In Ghana, the police bear the main responsibilities for traffic control, although in some
large urban corridor civilians are employed by the stakeholders and local council to control
traffic and supervise metered and unmetered parking zones (Atuguba, 2007). The presence of
police personnel at post at various intersection and traffic spots induce driver behaviour and
make them comply with traffic rules and regulations. This situation ensures the flow of traffic
within towns and cities across the globe.
Improving Traffic Operations
This is one of the proactive traffic operations management and has much potential on road
traffic congestion. These include road traffic information systems, pre-trip guidance, coordinated
traffic signal systems and the implementation of dynamic speed and incident management
policies. These measures have often proven to be cost-effective ways to deliver better travel
conditions, allowing users to reschedule their trips away from the usual traffic peaks and/or
select other travel modes ((ECTM), 2007). Singapore, for example, successfully implemented
various demand management strategies to control traffic demands and even the level of
congestion to some extent (Tanaboriboon, 1992). These strategies all allow road managers to get
more out of roads. Traffic management system in most cities in Ghana is not well automated and
well-equipped. Most of the intersections are not facilitated with signal lights to reduce
congestion. Where there are signal lights, most often they are out of order. Moreover, uneven
flow of vehicles from different directions reduces the effectiveness of traffic signals. Modern
signalling system should be introduced. (Shuichi, 2003)have shown in their study that improving
traffic signalling strategies can improve the traffic situation of the street cars. According to them,
their proposed signalling strategy improves the traffic situation of street cars.
Congestion Pricing
Traffic congestion is a negative externality created in urban corridor especially during rush
hours. Congestion pricing is basically applied in two forms: road pricing and parking pricing.
Road pricing involves cordoning off a section of the city centre and imposing a fee on all
vehicles that enter it and parking pricing includes the costs of on-street and perhaps off-street
parking of vehicles (Larson, 2010). (Larson, 2010) further asserted that road pricing was adopted
in countries like United Kingdom, Singapore and Sweden and parking pricing was adopted in
Tokyo. They suggested that congestion will be noticeably reduced by charging the people for
creating the problem. Similarly, (Ye, 2012) in his research identified that congestion pricing in
Singapore helped reduce congestion on most roads in the country.
2.5 Conventional Analysis and Quick Response models
Before the 1970s, Origin-Destination (O-D) trip tables were obtained via statistical surveys, such
as home interviews, license plate surveys and roadside surveys. The methods that use such
survey data to determine real trip distributions are now called conventional analysis. The first
large-scale chord count (Table O-D) was carried out in Chicago in 1916 (Easa 1993a).
Information about urban traffic distribution was obtained through roadside interviews before
World War II. Since surveys were conducted through sampling, it is impossible to determine the
real trip information. Furthermore, with the evolution of society and the rapid evolution of
transportation demand, these surveys have become more difficult to conduct and costly in terms
of time, labour, money and effort. The data in conventional analysis become out-dated as land-
use changes, which is another drawback. Moreover, it is not possible to reproduce observed
flows by assigning this matrix to the network in most cases. Three main types of models are
considered in the conventional analysis: Fratar models, opportunity models and gravity models.
These were evaluated by Easa (1993a). Small urban corridor needed to be studied in detail due to
the emphasis on transportation system management in the early 1970s. Some cheaper and
quicker theories and methods to synthesize travel tables from more readily available information
have since been developed. According to the purpose of these models, they can be classified into
the following subgroups: National Co-operative Highway Research Program (NCHRP)
Simplified Techniques, Traffic Count-Based Models, Self-Calibrating Gravity Models, Partial
Matrix Techniques, models using GIS data, Heuristic Methods and Facility Forecasting
Techniques. There are also some special application models, for example, freeway trip
distribution, pedestrian trip distribution and special purpose trip-distribution models. Examples
of special purpose tripdistribution models include choice models (employing individual travelers
instead of the zones as the unit of observation), continuous models (that ignore the zones
altogether when the changes in land-use patterns are small), simultaneous models (that
simultaneously analyse trip distributions and other planning steps).
2.6 Traffic Volume Studies
Traffic volume studies are conducted to determine the number, movements, and classifications of
roadway vehicles at a given location. These data can help identify critical flow time periods,
determine the influence of large vehicles or pedestrians on vehicular traffic flow, or document
traffic volume trends. The traffic engineer must acquire general knowledge of traffic volume
characteristics in order to measure and understand the magnitude, composition and time and
route distribution of volume for each area under his jurisdiction.
The present study is essentially about the importance of traffic volume in traffic engineering of
urban and suburban road links, in particular the literature on effect of traffic volume, speedflow
relationships, passenger car equivalents, peak hour factor, flow variations and traffic capacity
and level of serviceability (LOS). But there are lot of studies which help to develop and modify
the present study. Some of those are mentioned below in brief:
(Satyanarayana PVH, 2012) studied the effect of traffic volume, its composition and stream speed
on passenger car equivalents . Method proposed by Chandra is used for developing the PCU
factors and found that For two axle trucks PCU values are found to increase with an increase in
compositional share of respective vehicle types in the traffic stream. The PCU of two wheelers
practically remains unaffected by its compositional share in the traffic stream. Compositional
share of 2W at different locations were observed in the range of 31.69% to 34.23% whereas
increase in PCU values are 1.1% only and it may be attributed due to high maneuverability. In
slow moving traffic PCU values of bullock carts are increasing with the decreasing in the
compositional share in the stream.
(Arkatkar, 2011) studied the effect of variation of traffic volume, road width, magnitude of
upgrade and its length on PCU value; by using traffic-flow simulation model HETEROSIM.
Field data collected on traffic flow characteristics are used in calibration and validation of the
simulation model. The validated simulation model is then used to derive PCU values for
different types of vehicles and it indicate that the model is capable of replicating the
heterogeneous traffic flow on mid-block sections of intercity roads, for different roadway
conditions, to a satisfactory extent
(Basu, 2006) studied the effect of traffic volume and its composition on Passenger Car
Equivalency (PCE). Taking the stream speed as Measure of Equivalence (MOE), 5 a
methodology is demonstrated for the estimation of PCE. The reduction in stream speed caused
by marginal increment in traffic volume by a vehicle type is compared with that of caused by an
old technology car, which is taken as the reference vehicle for the estimation of PCE. The study
reveals that PCE is affected by traffic volume and its composition. For all vehicle types, PCE
values are found to increase with an increase in traffic volume, but the effect is predominant for
heavy vehicles. The PCE of two wheelers practically remains unaffected by its compositional
share in the traffic stream.
2.3 Definition:
Volume/flow: The total number of vehicles that pass over a given point or section of a
lane or roadway during a given time interval is called volume. It is the actual number of
vehicle observed or predicted to passing a point during a given interval.
Rate of flow: The equivalent hourly rate at which vehicles pass over a given point or
section of a lane or roadway during a time interval less than 1hr. usually 15 min.
Average Daily Traffic (ADT): The volume during a given time period divided by the
number of days in that time period and expressed in terms of vpd.
Average Annual Daily Traffic (AADT): It is the total yearly volume divided by the
number of days in a year and expressed in terms of vpd.
Average Weekly Traffic (AWT): Average 24-hour traffic volume occurring on
weekdays for some period less than one year.
Annual Weekday Traffic (AAWT): AAWT is the average 24-hour traffic volume
occurring on weekdays over a full year, AAWT is computed by dividing the total
weekday volume for the whole year by 260.
The relationship between AAWT and AWT is analogous to that between AADT and ADT. It
should be mentioned here that these four volumes are often used in transportation planning and
shown in social or economic statistics.
Design Hourly Volume: It is the economic It is the economic hourly flow of future year,
which is used for designing geometric features roadway. It is chosen in such a way that
during the design period it should not be exceeded too often or too much.
Peak hour factor : Traffic engineers focus on the peak-hour traffic volume in evaluating
capacity and other 6 parameters because it represents the most critical time period. And,
as any motorist who travels during the morning or evening rush hours knows, it’s the
period during which traffic volume is at its highest. The analysis of level of service is
based on peak rates of flow occurring within the peak hour because substantial short-term
fluctuations typically occur during an hour. Common practice is to use a peak 15-minute
rate of flow. Flow rates are usually expressed in vehicles per hour, not vehicles per 15
Daily variation factor (DF) : It is defined as ratio of AADT over yearly average volume
for particular day of week (Monday, Tuesday etc.)
Monthly variation factor (MF): It is defined as ratio of AADT over ADT for particular
month of the year.
PCU (or PCE) : Passenger Car Unit (Passenger Car Equivalent) is defined as the number
of passenger cars displaced by one truck, bus, or RV (recreational vehicle) in a given
traffic stream. In order to reflect the different impact or intensity on the roadway due to
the different vehicles in terms of size, operating characteristics, passenger car unit
(passenger car equivalent) is applied in the estimation of traffic volume.
This chapter dealt with the review of literature relevant to the study. It was organized
into three main sections – the theoretical, conceptual and empirical review. The theoretical
review captured the Burgess model of Land use. The main concept that underpins the study is
that of traffic Congestion. From the review, it came to light that the concept of Traffic
Congestion defies a single definition. Many researchers have expressed their view about the
definition. The definition that guides this study is that of (Andoh K. A., 2014) who defined
traffic congestion as having more vehicles on the road than it was designed to accommodate in a
given time. The empirical review examined three major issues. These issues are causes, effects
and effectiveness of measures put in place to control congestion. Major causes of road traffic
include breakdown of vehicles, road construction activities, accident, on-road loading/unloading
and most of all drivers’ negative attitude. Moreover, high rate of urbanisation, industrialisation
and increase in car ownership have increased the demand for transportation in urban corridor
and low supply and inadequate road infrastructure to match the increasing demand has resulted
in traffic congestion which, from the literature, is one of the major urban challenges globally.
Traffic congestion in most urban cities across the world has resulted in delays in transporting
goods and freights from one geographic region to another. In addition, congestion does not only
cause problems to urban transportation activities but also causes degradation to natural
environment by increasing the magnitude and intensity of air pollution. All these were reviewed
to provide an insight into what already existed concerning the specific issues of interest to this
study and identified gaps that will be filled by the current study.
3.1 Introduction
Seen as ‘the process of enquiry and discovery’ (Kitchin, 2000), research has also been defined as
‘knowledge production, seeking answers to questions through inquiry’ (Mikkelsen, 2005).
Usually, research proceeds along a methodology, which in the words of (Kitchin, 2000), may be
described as ‘a coherent set of rules and procedures which can be used to investigate a
phenomenon or situation (within the framework dictated by epistemological and ontological
Thus, research methodology may be described as including all the scientific procedures a
researcher adopt to generate, analyse, interpret and present data. The adoption and rationale of a
particular methodological approach is usually a function of the research’s theoretical framework
or construct. In the words of (Warf B., 2006), methodology is ‘a meso-level theoretical construct
that allows researchers to translate their epistemological and ontological assumptions into data’.
This chapter involves discussions on the research methodological approach used in this
study. Sub-topics that will be discussed include: sources of primary and secondary data, research
instruments used, strengths and weaknesses of the methodological approaches employed,
challenges faced in this study, reliability and validity of the data as well as the techniques of data
analysis and presentation.
The area selected for this study is the Kumasi-Kwabre Metropolis. Kumasi-Kwabre metropolis
is a city comprising of twin cities (Kumasi and Kwabre). Kumasi-Kwabre Metropolitan area is
in the central part of the Ashanti Region of Ghana.
The area selected for this study comprises Eleven (11) square kilometres of central urban portion
of Kuamsi-Kwabre Metropolis. The main commercial and economic hub of the Metropolis is the
Suame Market Circle. It covers an area of less than one kilometer. It is Ghana's best planned
market. The market got its name due to the big circle in which it is situated. The stores of the
market where built to form the shape. Inside the circle are buildings that house the market's
administrative staff. This part of the Metropolis contains almost all major government and
private commercial activities.
The Kumasi-Kwabre metropolis is bounderd by Bosumtwe metropolis in the south, Sekyere and
Ejura to the north, Offinso municipal to the west, Atwima and Kwabre East to the east.The
location of the municipal in the central part of Ghana and also, along the highway which runs
from the south to the north makes it easily accessible.
Figure 3: A Map of Study Area
3.2.2 Population
The target population of the study were drivers (15,109), motor-cycle riders (1,215) and
stakeholders involved in road traffic management in the Suame - Buoho corridor. Among the
drivers were 10,275 commercial drivers and 4,834 private vehicle drivers. The stakeholders
involved were officers from the Motor Traffic and Transport Department (MTTD) of the Ghana
Police Service, Department of Urban Roads and Ghana Private Road Transport Union
3.3 Sources of Primary Data
In the generation of primary data for this study, which took place during the months of August of
2023, qualitative methods were employed.
Qualitative methods ‘are concerned with how the world is viewed, experienced and constructed
by social actors. They provide access to the motives, aspirations and power relationships that
account for how places, people and events are made and Primary data was solicited from drivers,
motor-cycle riders and stakeholders involved in road traffic management in the Suame-Buoho
corridor. The type of instrument that was used for soliciting primary data from the respondents
was the questionnaire and in-depth interviews guide. The questionnaire was selfconstructed in
light of the empirical review. A questionnaire was selected for this kind of study because it is a
self-report measure which guarantees confidentiality and therefore more likely to elicit more
truthfulness in response, with regard to the kind of information required from the respondents.
The self-administered questionnaires was adopted as a method of data collection because, it
guarantees respondents privacy, which may encourage them to objectively disclose their true
feelings and perceptions (Yin, 2014) and because of its associated cost-effectiveness (Bryman,
2011). The survey questionnaire consisted of both open ended questions as well as closed-ended
questions. All items on the closed ended questions was measured on a five-point Likert scale
statements, ranging from 1 = strongly disagree to 5 = strongly agree. In addition, other Likert
scales such as very effective (VE) = 5, moderately effective (E) = 4, uncertain (U) = 3, less
effective (LS) =2, not effective (NE) =1) were also employed.
The questionnaire was structured into four main sections, namely, sections A, B, C, and
D. Section A is made of questions that sought the demographic details of respondents. This
information would help the research to have vivid picture of the dynamics in the population
under study. Section B of the questionnaire contains questions that seek to examine the causes of
traffic congestion in the metropolis. Section C of the questionnaire focuses on examining the
effects of traffic congestion whiles the last Section D captured the effectiveness of the measures
put in place by stakeholders to curb congestion in the Metropolis.
In addition to the questionnaire, interview guides was also designed. The type of interview guide
employed was a semi-structured format which was in line with (Hockey, 2005), assertion that
semistructured interviews are flexible, and they allow for the exploration of emerging themes and
ideas. Interviews were conducted with four key informants.
Qualitative data, are ‘generally unstructured and consists of words, pictures and sounds’
(Kitchin, 2000). It has been argued that the qualitative methods have the advantages of being
able to effectively construct social reality or cultural meaning and focuses on interactive process
or event. Also, authenticity is their hallmark and values are present and explicit. They are
situationally constrained and their main focus is on thematic analyses. However, in contrast with
quantitative data, the qualitative tradition usually deals with few cases or subjects and the
researcher is involved (Mikkelsen, Methods for Development Work and Research: A New Guide
for Practitioners. 2nd Edition, 2005; Neuman, 2003).
In order to identify the cause of vehicular traffic congestion, in-depth interviews with key
informants; focus group discussion and participatory observation were the used as research tools
for the generation of qualitative primary data.
As part of the methods for generating qualitative data for this study, in-depth interviews were
conducted on operators of the former pilot GPRTU and policy makers in charge of public
transportation in Kumasi, in addition to a transportation expert at the Assemblies of God Institute
of Higher Learning.
In the words of (Kvale, 1996), interviews are ‘conversations where the outcome is a co-
production of the interviewer and the subject’. Indeed, it is ‘an inter view, an inter change of
views between two persons conversing about a theme of mutual interest’.
In order to obtain special knowledge about the operations of the Ghana Private Road Transport
Union, in general, and specifically on the pilot GPRTU, the General Manager of the institution
was interviewed for a little above one hour, due to intermittent distractions from telephone calls
and workers who needed one form of assistance or the other from him. The interview was done
with the use of a flexible checklist or guide. This interview guide outlined the topics and issues to
be covered. However, the sequential arrangement of the questions was occasionally ignored in
order to follow the responses I received from the informant. According to Patton (2002), by
adopting such an approach, the comprehensiveness of the data is increased. Also, the data
collection is made somewhat systematic for each respondent and logical gaps in data can be
anticipated and closed. Lastly, the interviews remain fairly conversational and situational.
However, this approach is limited in that important and salient topics may be inadvertently
omitted. Also, interviewer flexibility in sequencing and wording questions can result in
substantially different responses from different perspectives, thus reducing the comparability of
The Deputy Managing Director of the institution was also interviewed via telephone due
to time constraints. This approach was necessitated by the fact that even though the responses
from the first key informant was generally helpful, he was ignorant about some specific facts
about the pilot GPRTU since he had not assumed office by then. The interview with the Deputy
went smoothly and most salient points were clarified for the study, even though a face-to-face
encounter, rather than a phone conversation, would have been ideal. Owing to the huge financial
costs involved in making telephone calls, this was the only telephone interview I could arrange
and it lasted for less than thirty minutes. Consequently, the telephone interview was not as in-
depth as I had wanted it to be.
On the other side of the coin, three GPRTU drivers who have been working on the Suame
to Bouho corridor before, during and after the pilot GPRTU were accosted and interviewed as
well. The selection of these interviewees was based on the discretion of the author, on the basis
of the criteria mentioned above and with the use of the judgemental or purposive sampling
technique. While admitting that this sampling approach is seriously flawed in that it is subjective
and that ‘individuals may be selected on the basis of the sort of responses they are likely to give,
and the responses the interviewer is looking for’ (Kitchin, 2000), this exercise was meant to
solicit information from the drivers who were actually on the ground and implemented the
service. The interviews were done in the GPRTU buses as they waited at the main bus stations to
be filled to capacity with passengers before taking off. Even though this approach to data
generation proved quite helpful, the comprehensiveness or otherwise of each interview was a
function of the time it took for the buses to be full, an average of fifteen minutes.
In order to present the views of the end users of the now defunct pilot GPRTU, three
passengers –a man and two women –who were on-board the GPRTU buses plying the Suame to
Bouho corridor and who had been using the bus service since 2005 when the pilot GPRTU was
introduced were accosted and engaged in a focus group discussion with the question guide as
above. These passengers were among the first to board the buses and also met the above
criterion. They were interviewed until the buses were full to capacity and was about to depart, a
procedure which lasted for an average of fifteen minutes. The sampling technique for selecting
the participants and the associated weaknesses are the same as noted above.
For the purpose of this study, key players in charge of making and implementing
government transportation policies in Ghana were interviewed as well. These key informants
include: the Deputy Director (Planning and Development) at the Department of Urban Roads,
and a senior team member at the Urban Transport Project office, all of the Ministry of
Transportation (Roads). These informants provided useful and insightful details for the study.
Participant observation was done simultaneously with the traffic congestion data collection
exercise. Also referred to as ethnography and field studies, participant observation involves ‘the
researcher participating directly in the setting, if not also the activities, in order to collect data in
a systematic manner’ (Brewer, 2000) cited in (Silverman, 2006a).
Providing a justification for this method of data generation, it is said that ‘all social
research is a form of participant observation, because we cannot study the social world without
being part of it’.
With the use of a field notebook, pens, pencils and a photo camera, I acted as a passenger
on-board the Suame-Buoho bound GPRTU buses to observe at first hand, the nature of service
provided on this corridor. This method of data generation was meant to identify where, when and
why traffic congestion occurs on the said corridor and how it negatively conspired, with other
potential factors, to collapse the express transit system. This also afforded me the opportunity to
verify the data obtained from the key informants.
Secondary sources of data can be seen as already existing data. According to (Johnston, 2000),
this sort of data set is used for research projects other than that for which it was originally
collected. Data set such as censuses may be stored in computer data bases, on the internet or
housed in archives from where they are made available to other researchers. This further use of
the data, it is argued, ‘allows for both efficiency in data collection and the conduct of
comparative studies (across space and time) that otherwise will be impossible’. The added
advantage is that it enables the researcher to have a basis for corroborating upon or filling in the
gaps in existing knowledge. However, it may be difficult for a researcher to adopt and adapt to
some secondary data since they might either be irrelevant or unsuitable to a particular topic of
research interest.
Secondary sources of data for this study were obtained from books and journals, in the
libraries and on the internet, especially the Transportation Research Part C; official reports such
as census data from the Ghana Statistical Service data base and newsletters of the Ghana Private
Road Transport Union.
3.7 Data Collection Instrument
This study collected both primary and secondary data. Primary data was solicited from
drivers, motor-cycle riders and stakeholders involved in road traffic management in the Suame -
Buoho corridor. The type of instrument that was used for soliciting primary data from the
respondents was the questionnaire and in-depth interviews guide. The questionnaire was
selfconstructed in light of the empirical review. A questionnaire was selected for this kind of
study because it is a self-report measure which guarantees confidentiality and therefore more
likely to elicit more truthfulness in response, with regard to the kind of information required
from the respondents. The self-administered questionnaires was adopted as a method of data
collection because, it guarantees respondents privacy, which may encourage them to objectively
disclose their true feelings and perceptions (Yin, 2014) and because of its associated cost-
effectiveness (Bryman, Ethics in business research, 2011). The survey questionnaire consisted of
both open ended questions as well as closed-ended questions. All items on the closed ended
questions was measured on a five-point Likert scale statements, ranging from 1 = strongly
disagree to 5 = strongly agree. In addition, other Likert scales such as very effective (VE) = 5,
moderately effective (E) = 4, uncertain (U) = 3, less effective (LS) =2, not effective (NE) =1)
were also employed.
The questionnaire was structured into four main sections, namely, sections A, B, C, and
D. Section A is made of questions that sought the demographic details of respondents. This
information would help the research to have vivid picture of the dynamics in the population
under study. Section B of the questionnaire contains questions that seek to examine the causes of
traffic congestion in the metropolis. Section C of the questionnaire focuses on examining the
effects of traffic congestion whiles the last Section D captured the effectiveness of the measures
put in place by stakeholders to curb congestion in the Metropolis.
In addition to the questionnaire, interview guides was also designed. The type of
interview guide employed was a semi-structured format which was in line with (Hockey, 2005),
assertion that semistructured interviews are flexible, and they allow for the exploration of
emerging themes and ideas. Interviews were conducted with four key informants. The secondary
data emanated from previous published studies such as journal, theses, conference proceedings,
and working papers that are relevant to the phenomena under investigation.
3.7.1 Validity of Research Instruments
The instruments were subjected to a validity and reliability test. The validity of a test
instrument is the extent to which instrument (i.e., questionnaires in this study) measures the
variables under study (Mugenda, 1999).The instruments for the study were carefully vetted
before their final approval by experts in the field of research to establish their validity.
Specifically, the instrument was given to my supervisor who meticulously inspected them and
ascertained that they met both face and content validity. The suggestions as given by the
supervisors with regard to the improper constructions of some items in the questionnaire were
used to effect the necessary changes to improve upon the instruments. One benefit of
ascertaining content validity is that, if the respondents know what information the researcher is
looking for, they can use that ―context‖ to help interpret the questions and provide more useful,
accurate answers (Saldana, 2016).
(Padgett, 2011) define ethics as a system of moral values concerned with the degree to
which research procedures adhere to professional, legal and social obligations concerns of the
participants. During and throughout the entire research process of this study, several ethical
aspects were taken into consideration. In doing that, respondents were approached and were
requested to participate in this study voluntarily. Again, the aims and significance of the study
was explained to respondents orally and in a written form attached to the questionnaire. They
were assured that information obtained would be confidential and their participation would not
affect their dealings with the company. Approval of the study was obtained from the Assemblies
of God Institute of Higher Learning. For the sake of confidentiality and anonymity, no
respondent was required to disclose his or her identity or disclose any personal information that
could make it possible to trace the completed questionnaires to them.
There are various technique and methods used in traffic survey (traffic counting) but for the
purpose of this research work, manual counting was adopted. Preliminary investigation has
incited researchers and thus carried out traffic counting at general gas. Prior to the actual work,
preliminary investigation was carried out along the case study road to determine the best
approach to be used in dealing with the research problems. The whole road was surveyed by
three men and it was observed that noticeable congestions was within the RoundAbout in Suame
to Buoho in Afigya Kwabre South. Researcher then restricted investigation to the area described
above, which consists of four noticeable junctions (Suame Market, Magazine, Kronum and
Buoho)- all covers 11km. Based on the nature of the research work, the researcher employed
scope that consists an experimental investigation and theoretical study. The experimental
investigation involved traffic counting and delay surveying. In this section, researcher examined
visible causes of congestion on the case road, studying traffic stream which involved traffic
direction peak period and other factors that are physically affecting the easy flow of traffic along
the study area. Theoretical aspect of the research work was primarily based on the analysis of the
data gathered through traffic counting and delay survey and translation of the data in relation to
the level of service.
3.8.1 Manual Counting
in this case, an observer will be assigned to a particular station (General gas) along the case road,
record on a sensor sheet the easy passage of traffic according to the classification. The counting
(number of vehicles) was based assessed per hour, all heavy duty vehicles were converted to
passenger car by multiplying them with factor of three (3). Data sought out at the end of the
counting were analyzed using appropriate tools. Manual counting is usually carried out for a day
or week because it is impossible to manually carry out the counting for a longer period. For the
purpose of this research work, counting was carried out for a week between 7am to 8am daily.
Traffic density:
This is the number of vehicle in a given length of road at an instantaneous time. It is measured in
vehicles per kilometers.
Traffic flow:
This is the quantity of vehicles in space measured in an interval of time. Measured in vehicle per
This is the distance travelled by vehicle during a unit time. i.e. rate of movement of traffic. It is
measured in kilometer per hour or mile per hour. Speed was determined by sampling a set of
vehicles, noting their travel time (with the use of stop watch) on a predetermined length of road
along the case road.
Delay reduces the running speed below what might be considered an acceptable speed. In
carrying out of delay study, registration number method was used whereby the Registration
Number of vehicles passing the surveys were noted by observers. Intermediate observers were
used to trace the path of vehicles within the surveys area. Journey times were obtained by
recording the time at which the vehicles pass the survey system (scene). Base on the result of the
preliminary investigation and traffic counting data obtained, delay surveys were carried out in the
morning and in the afternoon. Three scenes were formed along the case road; one between New
Suame to Mathias Junction (2.1km), second is between Tarkwa-Maakro to Kronum Main Markrt
(3.7km) and the third is between Afrancho to Buoho (2.27km).
Using the appropriate analytic technique, the field data was analyzed qualitatively.
With regards to the qualitative data, the information generated from the in-depth
interviews, the focus group discussion and from my own observations is presented by the use of
quotations and transcriptions. As noted earlier on, the qualitative data is meant to assist me
provide an interpretation and meaning of the data.
Chapter Summary
This chapter has given a detailed justification for the research methodology used in the study, as
well as a step by step explanation of the procedures employed for data collection and analysis.
The researcher first took a critical look at method study design which was employed for this
study. Other relevant issues that have been given careful consideration include population, key
informant interview techniques, research instruments, validity and reliability of research
instruments, ethical considerations, traffic volume counting, manual counting, delay survey, as
well as method of data analysis. Ethical issues were also dealt with.
This chapter presents the results obtained from fieldwork with regards to road traffic
congestion. The results presented were in two folds. The first was on the socio-demographic
characteristics of the respondents. The second covered the presentation of results based on the
objectives of the research which was discussed in relation to the literature reviewed.
Male 72 73.5
Female 26 26.5
Tertiary 16 16.3
Driver Category
License Category
A 9 9.2
B 42 42.9
C 26 26.5
D 10 10.2
E 10 10.2
F 1 1.0
Source: Fieldwork, 2023.
It can be observed that out of a total of 98 respondents, 73.5% were males (Table 3).
The World Health Organisation's (2002) report that male drivers dominate in Africa is
confirmed by this clear evidence that male drivers outnumber female drivers. Most of the
drivers were within the age range of 20 and 49 years which constitute 82.66% of the
respondents signifying a
According to the results, 39.6% of the respondents had basic school education while
27.6% had no formal education. The data further showed that only 18.4% and 16.3% of the
respondents had attained secondary and tertiary (college, polytechnic and university) education
The respondents were mainly commercial drivers (66.3%), private car drivers (22.4%)
while 11.2% were motor-cycle riders. This implies that a greater percentage of the respondents
were commercial drivers.
The low frequency of motor-cycle riders in the corridor was opposite to what
Kudebong, Wurapa, Nonvignon, Norman, AwoonorWilliams & Aikins (2011) found in their
study conducted in Northern Ghana where motor bikes were the most common means of
transport. The situation in southern Ghana is however different where motor bikes are shunned
by most people. Due to the increase in traffic congestion, patronage in urban areas has
increased in recent times.
In terms of level of experience, 41.8% of the respondents have been driving for about 9
years, 30.6 % between 10-19 years with 7.1% having higher experience of 30 years and above.
According to Lesch, & Hancock
(2004), a period of 9 years of driving is usually considered long enough to gain much
experience on the road. Based on this study, it can be concluded that the respondents had
sufficient experience in driving within the study area.
People who lack a valid professional, private, or learner's driver's license are not
permitted to drive according to Road Traffic Acts 683 and Road Traffic Regulation 2180. In
this study, about 9.2% of respondents had License A while 42.9% possessed License B.
Moreover, License C, D, and E were possessed by 26.5%, 10.2%, and 10.2%, respectively,
while License F was only possessed by 1.0%. A greater proportion of the respondents were
qualified to be on the road. Judging from the high level of experience of drivers in Suame-
Buoho corridor coupled with their level of driving qualification it is expected to reflect in their
behaviour towards the causes of congestion but the opposite rather exists.
It is easy for respondents to anticipate the pattern of structural congestion since it occurs
at the same location and at the same time of day. The finding of this study confirms the Burgess
model of Land Use which depicts that of the concentric pattern of the growth of cities, where
the central point of the city is accessible from all directions. The city centre is where most
economic activities in the urban area take place, with the residential area on the periphery.
Therefore, all business owners and traders who reside in the periphery move to the CBD to
transact business especially in the rush hours of the mornings and all of them move back to
their respective abodes in the evening.
The increase in the number of persons using vehicles as the major means of transport
builds the traffic in the corridor just as depicted in Burgess Model of land use in which the
movement of persons to the city centre occurs almost at the same time in the day. This
situational movement happens in the CBD of most cities in some developed and developing
countries. ECMT (2007) also claims that structural congestion is because of high demand for
road space by vehicles. Table 4 gives a detail account of the views obtained from the
Table 4: Causes of Traffic Congestion on Years of Experience of Road User
1-9 yrs 10-29 yrs 30-39yrs 40-49 yrs
*Multiple responses
In order to ascertain a clearer picture on the causes, the researcher cross tabulated the
results in terms of years of driving and their perceptions on the causes of congestion.
The cause of traffic congestion was attributed to inadequate parking lots by 60 (64%)
drivers with 1-9 years of driving experience (Table 4). However, only 10(11%) of respondents
with long years (30 – 39) of driving experience regards the same inadequate parking lots as a
cause of traffic congestion. Table 4 indicates that picking and dropping passengers is another
significant reason for traffic congestion in the corridor. It was common to find drivers picking
passengers on unapproved locations on the road as depicted in plate 1.
To illustrate further, a 28-year-old commercial driver attested to the fact that, the
activity of picking and dropping of passengers on any part of the road was one of the main
causes of congestion in the corridor;
The dangers and effects on other road users are not taken into account by the
commercial transport operators (Taxi and Trolo drivers) who pick up
passengers anywhere on the road. We spend considerable length of time at the
stop point… the intention is to outsmart other drivers in getting more
passengers. This behaviour delays the flow of traffic and causes congestion on
the road”.
Still on the causes of traffic congestion, results from Table 4 depicts that too many
vehicles on limited roads in the corridor also accounted for road traffic congestion as attested
by 60(43%) of the respondents whose years of driving were within 1-9 years (Table 4). It was
worth adding that these many vehicles were mostly individual private and commercial cars. The
picture in plate 2 gives a clearer view of the situation in the corridor.
Again, it can be seen that the greater majority 59(60%) of drivers within the range of 1-
9 years of driving experience attribute the cause of traffic congestion to cars breakdown in
traffic (Table 4). Similar views were also shared by drivers who had 10-29 years of driving
experience. Respondents added that this type of congestion cannot be anticipated. They only
become noticeable as you approach the scene hence drivers are usually not aware of its
development. Moving further, it could also be deduced from Table 4 that a little above half
48(56%) of the drivers with 1-9 years of driving experience considered picking and dropping of
passengers as another cause of traffic congestion on the road (Table 4).
Furthermore, results from Table 4 reveal that inadequate parking lots in the corridor
were among the causes of traffic congestion. This was pin pointed by more than half 60(64%)
of the drivers with 1-9 years of driving experience. Other respondents also attributed the cause
to inadequate routes and attitude of drivers. The least cause of traffic congestion was assigned
to inadequate traffic lights in the corridor. From the results gathered, it can be concluded from
the perception of respondents that drivers who are more experienced are least to cause traffic
It's worth noting that this situation was not restricted to just the Suame-Buoho Corridor.
(Abena, 1993) identified similar behaviour among drivers in Accra, especially within the CBD.
Abane (1993) further noted that, this behaviour of commercial drivers is to earn more money as
possible from a day’s trip. Also, in Cape Coast, (Andoh K. A., 2014) attributed traffic
congestion in the corridor to this same commercial drivers behaviour in traffic flow in the Cape
Coast corridor. Similar results were identified by researchers in other parts of Africa. A study
conducted by (Onyelowe, 2015) in Umuahia Corridor in Nigeria identified picking and
dropping of passengers as the major cause of traffic congestion. (Rukunga D. N, 2002) claimed
that Kencom bus stop and Latema road terminus were some of the most congested areas in
Nairobi as a result of picking and dropping of passengers at unauthorized points of traffic flow.
The situation was also persistent in India, as (Rao, 2012) labelled picking and dropping
passengers on any part of the road as the cause of traffic in most Indian cities.
Insufficient parking space was a contributing factor to traffic congestion in the Suame-
Buoho Corridor. This challenge can be attributed to the growing economic importance of the
corridor since the discovery of offshore oil and gas in the region. This has resulted in increase
in the numbers of residential apartments, commercial activities, education structures,
entertainment centres, government offices, financial institutions and medical centres and
Growth of the corridor has also attracted migrants from both far and near and this has resulted
in the increase of private cars and high demand of commercial cars all fuelling traffic
congestion. The road network in the corridor is also limited and of bad state which contributes
to the traffic congestion as drivers try to manoeuvre around potholes as displayed in plate 3. A
Ghana Highways Authority (GHA) official threw more light on the types and conditions of the
road network in the corridor: `
The corridor's road network is 688.43 kilometres long but it is fairly inadequate
and has larger proportions full of surface dressing. The proportion of the road
that is made of asphalt is 68.45km, surface dressing constituted 312km, and gravel
consisted of 266.86km. The rest of the road network in the corridor is made up of
earth 40.27km and 0.47km constructed with concrete. About 50 per cent of the
road network in the corridor is in good condition and the rest are fair and poor.
Therefore drivers have no option than to compete for the 50 per cent of the good
roods in the corridor causing congestion. - Official (GHA).
Downs (2003) attribution of traffic congestion to limited parking spaces for cars was
true for Suame-Buoho Corridor. This is because drivers are left with no option than to park on
the shoulders of the road which reduces the road space for free flow of traffic. It also delays
drivers time as they have to be cautious not to damage parked cars which can generate huge
conflict and fights on the road between car owners. An MTTD official in Suame-Buoho
Corridor supported the limited parking spaces in the corridor by explaining;
The expansion of businesses and the emergence of new banks in the corridor call
for larger parking facilities especially in the central business district. As at now,
there is limited parking lot for drivers in the corridor for both private and
commercial vehicles. Private drivers who visit the bank and other shops have to
rely on parking on the streets since the car park for them is limited. Commercial
vehicle terminals/stations are also very limited as drivers in various stations
have had to run a shift system which is even based on merit- Official (MTTD).
Also some of the drivers attested to the fact that parking space in the corridor is very
difficult to come by especially in the business areas and around the major transport station since
there is no place demarcated for parking as displayed in plate 4. A 43-year-old private driver
“Hmmm, we do not have parking facility in this city. We are left to park on the
shoulders of the narrow road which is even dangerous but we have no option.
Cases of cars being scratched by others whilst parked along the road are
commonly reported. In some extremes, the side mirrors of the car are broken
due to the lack of parking spaces since vehicles are not properly parked. Wrong
parking on the shoulders of the road causes congestion and sometimes
Still on the causes of road traffic congestion in the corridor, only
27(60%) of the respondents’ established that traffic congestion is caused by bad attitude of
drivers. From observation, attitude of drivers such as fighting on the road, jumping of red
traffic lights, and gross disregard for road traffic regulations were cited. According to Ian and
Bull (2002) studies, drivers' behaviors, such as jumping traffic signals, are responsible for
congestion. This is also in congruence with the survey conducted by Khaled et al (2012) which
claimed that violating road traffic light was one of the causes of traffic congestion in Dhaka,
Furthermore, by observation, hawking has also contributed to the traffic situation in the
corridor. Traders and hawkers in their attempt to make better sales, display their merchandise
on the pedestrian walkway and some portions of the road. This situation buttresses (Singh,
2005)’s claim that encroachments on the side of the roads such as street vendors and pavement
dwellers additionally narrow down the available road space and affect the smooth flow of
traffic. Most of these trade activities are found almost on every major road in the corridor
especially at the Market Circle. Trading on sidewalks and on the street disrupts the normal flow
of traffic which is usually by physical impedance in the travel lanes on a road network as
suggested by (Agyapong, 2018). Traffic congestion in the corridor was also caused by the
ongoing construction of a new market and a lorry station at Kojokrom, as noted.
From the results, few respondents identified uncontrolled multi-modal use of roads as a
contributor to the problem of traffic congestion. As in many corridors throughout the country,
both motorized vehicles and motor-cycle riders are intermixed in the Suame-Buoho corridor
due to the absence of lane segregation.
The use of motor-cycles popularly called ―aboboya‖ which is an alternative to transporting
goods within the market areas and business centres induces congestion. This is further
supported by (Turton, Urban transport for a vital and sustainable future., 1998) and (Springael,
2002) who noted that these tri-cycles often drive at a slow pace when they carry heavy loads
and as a result creates slow movement of traffic causing congestion for cars that are behind
them when those cars behind them cannot overtake them. Additionally, the absence of
pedestrian’s walkways in some areas of the corridor forces pedestrians to share the roads with
motorised vehicles and this brings about competition for available space on the road by both
vehicles and pedestrians thereby leading to traffic congestion.
Social activities could be responsible for the congestion in the corridor, as indicated by
some respondents. The respondents identified social activities like picnics, demonstrations,
route marches, rallies, funerals, and church services as direct causes of traffic congestion in the
It was discovered through personal observation that a lot of traders who sell in traffic
jams slow down the flow of traffic. This is due to the fact that drivers have to slow down for
passengers to buy from the traders while traders in some instances will have to find change for
the passengers. This exchange between the passengers and the traders further compounds the
Table 5: Establishing peak hour
From the table the highest hourly volume is 881 and it occur during the period 6:00 – 7:00 and
908 which also occur during the period 18:00 – 19:00. Therefore 6:00 – 7:00 is the morning
peak hour and 18:00 – 19:00 is the evening peak hour.
881 908
PHF= = 0.970, PHF= =1
4 × 227 4 × 227
=1). For the sake of this discussion, responses that are between the mean of 0-2.9 are not
effective, while responses between 3.0-5.0 are concluded as very effective. Again, a standard
deviation which is below 1 indicates homogeneous responses whereas a standard deviation
which is above 1 implies a heterogeneous response. The results from the responses are
presented in Table 6.
Enforcement of traffic orders 39.4 30.2 11.6 10.6 8.2 3.46 1.25
Improving traffic operations 37.4 22.8 10.1 18.9 10.8 3.42 1.34
Providing parking facility 27.8 27.3 13.4 23.7 7.7 3.08 1.20
Expanding roadway capacity 21.6 19.6 11.3 38.7 8.8 3.05 1.17
Street park pricing 20.6 15.5 11.3 29.4 23.2 2.42 1.35
Investing in public Transit 14.9 10.3 23.2 30.4 21.1 2.32 1.31
The researcher looked into the effectiveness of measures put in place to control traffic in
the corridor to accomplish the study's purpose. The results from the study gave a strong
indication that generally, some measures are effective to control traffic in the corridor whilst
others are not effective. The computed mean which is greater than the criterion value of 3.0
give evidence to that effect (M=3.05, SD=1.17, M>2.90, n=98)
(Table 6).
The results however, indicated that some of the measures were more effective than
others. It is seen from (Table 6) that police visibility ranks first in reducing traffic congestion
on the roads in the corridor. For instance, the respondents confirmed that the presence of police
on the road has reduced congestion in the corridor (M=3.53, SD=1.362, M>3.00, n=98) as
indicated by the percentage value of 39.5% and 28.8% representing very effective and effective
respectively (Table 6). It's possible that traffic laws are enforced and drivers operate according
to them when police personnel are deployed at various intersections in the corridor. Controlling
road user behavior has been aided by police visibility, making it an effective approach.
This was also confirmed during an interview with one of the respondents when he said:
Ensured compliance with road traffic regulations in the corridor is greatly enhanced
by the presence of police on the road. A lot of drivers use the shoulder of the road which
is illegal. The shoulders of the road are not to be used but commercial drivers in their
bid to beat traffic often resort to the use of the shoulders of the road. The situation is
attributed to the absence of police personnel at these hotspot areas. Drivers follow the
flow of traffic when police are on the road (28-year-old driver).
During the study, it was observed that traffic congestion was minimal at intersections
with police presence and flows accordingly. This finding agrees with the work of Agyekum
(2008) who averred that in order to manage traffic congestion, deployment of the police on the
roads is an effective means of reducing congestions in cities and other urban settlements.
Enforcement of traffic order was recounted by the respondents as the second significant
measure which has controlled traffic congestion in the corridor (M=3.46, SD=1.25, M>3.00,
n=98) representing more than half of the respondents (69.2%) as presented in Table 6. In other
words, respondents have regarded enforcement of traffic orders as an effective measure to
control traffic in the corridor. This outcome is in direct support of the findings from (Watling,
2012) who indicated that the presence of police personnel at post at various intersection and
traffic spots induce driver behaviour and made them comply with traffic rules and regulations
(Watling, 2012). That notwithstanding, the result from this study provides a contradictory
outcome to the study conducted by (Shamsher R. &., 2017) in Bangladesh. The Bangladeshi
study found that rickshaws and auto rickshaws tend to disregard red lights, even though traffic
rules and traffic police are responsible for controlling the traffic system. Moreover, signal lights
at most of the busy intersections remained out of order for a long time.
Efforts to improve traffic operations were also effective in addressing traffic congestion.
Traffic lights mounted at some major intersections in the corridor has brought about some
degree of congestion control. The respondents strongly have the conviction that traffic lights
introduced has reduced traffic congestion in the corridor (M=3.42, SD=1.35, M>3.00, n=98)
and with a percentage of 37.4% for very effective and 22.8% for effective in improving traffic
operations. However, it was observed that quite a number of the traffic lights had been broken
down and were therefore not functioning as seen in plate 7. It was again noted that there was
traffic congestions in the areas such as Markro and Post Office where traffic lights are broken
and malfunctioning. Other areas where traffic lights are not functioning included: Krunom,
Adonko junction. In order to combat traffic in the corridor, it is likely that more efficient and
programmed traffic lights must be introduced at intersections.
Providing parking did not result in a different outcome. It could be inferred from the
results that adequate provision of parking lots has mitigated traffic in the corridor (M=3.08,
S.D=1.202, M>3.00, n=98). The findings of (Shuichi, 2003) show that improving traffic
signalling strategies can improve the traffic situation on the street, as confirmed by this result.
Still examining the effectiveness of measures to control traffic in the corridor, it was
seen from Table 6 that respondents have rated investing in public transit as the eight measure to
control traffic in the corridor (M=2.32, SD=1.111, M<3.00, n=98). This gives practical
evidence that when public buses were introduced it did not bring much improvement in traffic
control in the corridor. This is as a result of narrow roads in the area which did not enhance the
smooth operation of these buses.
In a different line of thought, (Hardjono, 2011) noted that if the increasing of roads
capacity does not catch up with the growing rate of population and vehicles, traffic flow would
even go worse than before. This is because rapid growing population and number of vehicles
could easily
increase traffic loads, particularly in cities of developing countries. Also triple convergence
could put much more pressure on expanded road network. When most drivers realize new roads
can save much time, they will switch their travelling time, travelling routes, and even travelling
modes to this improved road, thus the intensity of traffic congestion will come back to the level
as before in the near future.
Although the measures discussed were effective in addressing road traffic congestion,
investing in public transit was found to be ineffective. This finding is inconsistent with findings
from other studies such as (Vuchic, Urban transportation policies: United States and peer
countries. countries. , 1999) and (Zhang, 2009) . (Vuchic, Urban transportation policies: United
States and peer countries. countries. , 1999) for instance opined that the rapid transit system is
seen as the best public transport option for cities facing the challenge of traffic congestion since
the quality of public transit service affects travel speeds and congestion delays on parallel
highways. In a similar line of thought, (Hoogendoorn S. P., State-of-the-art of vehicular traffic
flow modelling. , 2001) noted that, the system that will provide convenient, safe, regular and
reliable public transport is an essential requirement for any urban area. This statement is further
supported by Zhang et al., (2009) who maintain that a system of bus service which is
convenient, accessible, comfortable, reliable and operating within acceptable levels of noise,
vibration and pollution would be such welcoming news to the majority of the people. Public
transportation that is fast, reliable, and meets standards will attract commuters from other
modes of transportation due to these factors.
Charges against on smart parking was the least indicated by the respondents as being
effective (M=2.18, S.D=1.317, M<3.00, n=98). This could be that, parking fees for on- street
parking is not high enough to serve as a disincentive to drivers. Drivers therefore spend so
much time parked on the street. An KMA officer in charge of collecting parking fees had this to
say: The KMA charge fees for parking on the streets within the corridor with the sole purpose
of generating revenue. The levy was later increased by the Assembly to increase revenue. The
Assembly however realized a short fall in its revenue as drivers were deterred from using the
parking spaces due to the increased charges. They were therefore forced to rescind the earlier
decision by reducing the charges which also aggravated the congestion problem as drivers
could now afford the new charges. -KMA official.
The idea for charges on street parking is to reduce the length of time drivers’ park on
the street, consequently leading to increase in roads space which will lead to a reduction in road
traffic congestion. This is because, most drivers shy away from paying more fees for parking on
the street. This creates some space for other vehicles to park and also increases the road space
on the street. The findings of this study is contrary to the work of (Yang, 2004), which found
that some Chinese cities, such as Guangzhou and Beijing, are using parking fees to manage car
use by charging higher parking fees. He added that, this strategy discouraged most drivers from
driving to some areas of the cities.
Chapter Summary
The socio-demographic characteristics of respondents and the study's research questions
were both discussed in this chapter. Generally, most respondents were commercial vehicle
drivers with about onethird of them having no formal education but were classified by the study
as very experienced in their vocation due to the number of years they have been engaged in
driving. In identifying the causes of road traffic congestion, respondents pointed out that the
major causes of road traffic congestion in the Sekondi-Takoradi corridor included picking and
dropping of passengers on the road, inadequate parking space, inadequate routes and illegal
parking, bad attitudes of drivers in the corridor, pedestrian attitudes and too many vehicles on
the road. The Suame-Bouho corridor has a negative impact on socioeconomic activities, as
indicated by most of the respondents. The study discovered that, some of the measures put in
place to control traffic congestion have not been effective (Police visibility, improving traffic
operations, enforcement of traffic orders) in curbing traffic congestion in the corridor. Some
measures in controlling traffic congestion on the other hand have not been effective (smart
parking, carpooling, investing in public Transit) in dealing with traffic congestion in the
corridor. It's possible that this is the reason for the persistent traffic congestion in the corridor.
The key findings that emerged from the study are summarized in this chapter. The
chapter also contains the conclusions and recommendations that were made based on the
findings of the study. It again suggested areas for further research.
Summary of Findings
The objective of the research question was to determine the causes of road traffic
congestion in the metropolis. Respondents indicated that the causes included picking and
dropping of passengers on the road, inadequate parking space, inadequate routes and illegal
parking. Others included bad attitudes of drivers in the metropolis, pedestrian attitudes and too
many vehicles on the road. Moreover, the researcher observed that most of the roads in the
metropolis are narrow in nature especially in the Central Business District around the market
circle. Further to this, vehicles were parked on the shoulders of the road due to lack of
designated parking spaces in the CBD.
In terms of traffic congestion and its impact on socio-economic activities in the metropolis, the
majority of the respondents stated that it has a negative impact. According to respondents they
spend more time before reaching their various destinations and increased transportation cost
among others. Businesses in the metropolis become unstable since trips are delayed and leads
to low productivity as a result of congestion. Again on social issues, road traffic congestion
retards church, funerals and wedding activities.
stakeholders to manage traffic congestion in the metropolis had turned out, it was discovered
that traffic police visibility, rehabilitation of roads, and education on road traffic Acts are some
mitigation measures put in place to curb road traffic congestion. This research found out that,
although some of these measures have had their strength in dealing with the traffic situation,
there is still more to be done indicating that some have not been very effective in curbing traffic
congestion in the metropolis. Other measures have not been effective in dealing with traffic
congestion in the metropolis. This may be the reason why traffic congestion still persists.
Hence stakeholders in the transport sector need to improve on measures to bring down traffic
congestion in the metropolis.
The study's findings indicate that there are multiple causes of road traffic congestion in
the Suame - Buoho corridor. Notable among the causes included illegal parking on the road,
inadequate parking spaces, and bad driver attitudes, malfunctioning traffic lights, increasing
number of vehicles plying the roads, poor road designs and bad pedestrian attitudes and narrow
roads among other causes.
Moreover, drivers and road management institutions and other stakeholders in the
Suame - Buoho corridor have negative perceptions about traffic congestion. As a result, many
respondents largely attribute congestion in the metropolis as human induced and a major
challenge that needs to be addressed promptly since it has adverse effect on businesses and
social activities.
From the forgoing discussion, there is a compelling reason to conclude that some of the
measures instituted to curb traffic congestion in the metropolis have not been effective whiles
others are effective in reducing traffic congestion. Those that are effective in managing traffic
congestion in the KMA were: police visibility, rehabilitation of roads, and education on road
traffic, enforcement of traffic orders, providing parking facility and improving traffic
operations. Among the factors that were not effective included: Street park pricing, traffic
lights, investing in public Transit, carpooling and smart parking Drivers and other stakeholders
in the metropolis are not satisfied with the measures implemented by road management
institutions on road regulation.
Based on the findings and conclusions of the study, the following recommendations
were made:
1. The study recommends that, rules governing road traffic Acts in the country should
be enforced by the MTTD of the Ghana Police Service, and the Kumasi
Metropolitan Assembly to ensure discipline on our roads. This can materialize when
the joint forces of the Ghana Police Service and the Kumasi Metropolitan Assembly
ensure that road traffic regulations are enforced and drivers who are found guilty are
punished or fined to serve as a deterrent to other road users. Most significantly,
narrow roads should be widened by the Departments of Urban Roads to enhance the
flow of traffic. Also, the management of the Kumasi Metropolitan Assembly should
ban all forms of trade activities on the roads, pavements and shoulders of the roads
to reduce congestion especially in the major trading areas since congestion in the
metropolis is human induced and often caused by pedestrians, drivers, hawkers and
traders who sell on the roads and road sides. It would be essential for authorities to
remove all forms of floating shops, mobile hawkers, artisans and temporary traders
from roads and roadsides who cause traffic congestion.
2. To minimise the health impact of traffic congestion on the lives of the individuals,
vehicles that produce a lot of fumes thereby polluting the environment which in turn
affect people’s health negatively should not be allowed to ply the road by the DVLA
and the Ghana Police Service.
3. Regarding the effectiveness of the measures put in place by stakeholders to manage
traffic congestion in the metropolis, police visibility which was very effective
measure should be ensured in the core areas of Suame – Buoho specifically the
major intersections so as to ensure good driver behaviour. Also, broken down and
malfunctioning traffic lights should be fixed and equipped with solar units at major
intersections within the metropolis so that the system runs in times of power
outages. In addition, the highways department in consultation with urban roads
should rehabilitate damaged road networks in the metropolis. Finally, public
education on road traffic congestion should be intensified by the collaboration of the
MTTD of the Ghana police service and the officers of KMA and the leaders of the
GPRTU on issues relating to parking in the metropolis to reduce traffic congestion.
Lastly, ultra-modern car packing facility should be constructed around the Central
Business District (CBD) to accommodate high number of vehicles that visit the
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The main objective of the study was to explore strategies intended to manage road traffic
congestion in the Suame-Buoho corridor. This questionnaire is designed to elicit information
regarding this research work. There are no ―correct‖ or ―wrong‖ answers. Information given
will solely be used for this research. You are also assured of full confidentiality, privacy and
anonymity of all the information that will be given by you. You should therefore feel free to
give the right information to ensure the success of this work.
Please make a tick [√ ] in the box against your response and provide answers to the blank
spaces. Thanks for your cooperation.
1. Sex
a. Male [ ]
b. Female [ ]
2. Age................................
3. Marital status
a. Never married [ ]
b. Married [ ]
c. Divorced [ ]
d. Separated [ ]
e. Widowed [ ]
4. Level of education
a. No formal education [ ]
b. Basic/Middle [ ]
c. Secondary/A’ Level [ ]
d. Tertiary [ ]
e. Other [ ]
5. Driver category
a. Commercial Driver [ ]
b. Private Driver [ ]
c. Non-motorised driver [ ]
7. License category……………………………………………………
d. Road works [ ]
e. Breakdowns or accidents [ ]
j. Trade obstruction [ ]
a. Very often [ ]
b. Often [ ]
c. Seldom [ ]
d. Not often [ ]
11. With traffic, how long does it take you to drive within one kilometre stretch in the
a. Less than 15 minutes [ ]
b. 15-30 minutes [ ]
c. 31-45 minutes [ ]
d. 46-60 minutes [ ]
12. Without traffic, how long does it take you to drive within one kilometre stretch in the
a. Less than 15 minutes [ ]
b. 15-30 minutes [ ]
c. 31-45 minutes [ ]
d. 46-60 minutes [ ]
13. In your estimation, which type of vehicles is responsible for traffic congestion in
Suame-Buoho corridor?
a. Commercial vehicles [ ]
b. Private vehicles [ ]
c. Non-motorized transport [ ]
This section examines the possible effects of traffic congestion in Suame-Buoho corridor
Please, indicate by ticking (√) the statements in section B and C, the extent of your agreement
or disagreement on 1 – 5 scale representing the rank of the
Disagree (D) = 1,
Uncertain (U) = 3
Agree (A) = 4,
Evaluate [by ticking (√)] whether the under listed measures of controlling traffic congestion in
the Suame-Buoho corridor has been very effective, effective, somehow effective, uncertain or
not effective. Please make a tick [√] in the box against your response.
Measures put in Place to Very Moderately Uncertain Less Not
31. Improving traffic
32. Street park pricing
The main objective of the study was to explore strategies designed to manage road traffic
congestion in Suame-Buoho Corridor. This interview guide is designed to elicit information
regarding this research work. There are no ―correct‖ or ―wrong‖ answers. Information given
will solely be used for this research. You are also assured of full confidentiality, privacy and
anonymity of all the information that will be given by you. You should therefore feel free to
give the right information to ensure the success of this work.
a. Date of interview:
d. Name of institution:
e. Position/ Status:
g. Level of education
Section B: Issues of traffic congestion
1. Could you share with us your views on road traffic congestion in Suame-Buoho
2. Which areas (road networks) within the Corridor is traffic congestion more serious?
Please explain.
3. In your opinion, what factors account for road traffic congestion?
4. Could you explain some of the negative effects traffic congestion has on people and
5. What is the mandate of your institution in traffic management?
6. What policies and programmes have you put in place to minimise traffic congestion in
the Corridor?
7. In your opinion, have the measure put in place to manage congestion been effective?
8. Could you explain some practical measures your institution have put in place to manage
traffic congestion in the Corridor?
9. Outline some of the challenges your institution face in managing traffic congestion?
10. What is the extent of collaboration between your institution and stakeholders in the road
sector in managing traffic congestion in Suame-Buoho Corridor?