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Enabling Mobile WAP Gateways Using Mobile IP: Bstract

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Enabling Mobile WAP Gateways using Mobile IP

Stefan Aust, Nikolaus A. Fikouras and Carmelita Görg

Department of Communication Networks (ComNets)

Center for Information and Communication Technology (IKOM)
University of Bremen, Kufsteiner Straße NW1, 28359 Bremen, Germany
Ph.: + 49 421 218 3339, Fax: + 49 421 218 3601,
email: {aust|niko|cg}@comnets.uni-bremen.de, http://www.mobileip.org

ABSTRACT translation when the WAP Client is accessing an

The Wireless Application Protocol (WAP) is a protocol external WAP Server.
stack with a focus on wireless environments designed to In spite of the incompatibilities between the WAP
work optimally with all wireless bearers. However, and IP stacks, WAP relies on IP for packetisation and
WAP does not provide any considerations for any of its routing when the underlying bearer is IP capable. As
architectural components (Client, Server or Gateway) such, if IP can be brought to provide mobility
to be roaming between network operators and Internet management then WAP could directly and seamlessly
administrative domains. In this study it is benefit from this. A solution to this problem can be
experimentally shown that mobile WAP Gateway can be provided with the Mobile IP.
realised with the help of Mobile IP. The Mobile IP is an extension of the basic Internet
protocol design for Internet mobility management [6],
1. INTRODUCTION [7]. Providing a functionality that resembles the post-
The recent years have brought a proliferation of Internet office forwarding service Mobile IP enables Internet
services and mobile communications. Their integration mobile nodes to roam without compromising their
has been identified as a very important milestone in the permanent IP address and without loosing connectivity.
history of communication systems. There have been Mobile IP was designed with the fundamental
different approaches to this problem with the Wireless requirement of transparency to higher and lower layers
Application Protocol (WAP) receiving the most support [8]. In this manner and by taking advantage of WAP’s
from the manufacturer community. dependence on IP for packetisation and routing it has
As mobility is becoming the watchword of modern been shown that roaming services between providers
civilisation it is becoming increasingly important for and heterogeneous bearers can be transparently
everyone and everything to be mobile [1]. Traditionally, provided to WAP Clients with the help of Mobile IP
communication infrastructure components such as [9]. This study goes one step further and experimentally
routers, servers and WAP Gateways were considered shows that through Mobile IP even parts of the WAP
strictly stationary. Now, this tradition too is being infrastructure such as the WAP Gateway can be made
challenged. mobile. That is, it will be experimentally shown that
It is envisioned that in the future, mobile with the help of Mobile IP, ordinary WAP Gateways
individuals might wish to host their own WAP Gateway such as the “Kannel” WAP Gateway [10] can perform
in order to provide WAP services to themselves or Internet roaming beyond the boundaries of a provider’s
those around them. Given the mobile property those network while providing WAP services to WAP Clients
individuals will roam between providers even across without any further modification on the clients
bearers while not interrupting active communications. themselves.
Such functionality has not been foreseen in the Realising mobile WAP Gateways opens the
standardisation of WAP. possibility for mobile terminals to host their own WAP
WAP has risen as a response to the inability of the Gateway. Apart from enabling private users to provide
Internet protocol (IP) [2] to dominate in wireless WAP services to those around them this development
environments as it has in wireline environments. This can have a significant impact on the security of mobile
was due to its lack of considerations for low bandwidth transactions. Currently, the security model supported by
and high latency (thin) networks [3] as well as disregard WAP for wireless data transmission, called Wireless
for mobility management. Transport Layer Security (WTLS), requires that a WAP
WAP introduces a new protocol stack focused on Gateway is involved between the client/server peers
wireless environments [4]. In order to best address the seeking a secure communication. Bypassing any third
needs of the widest possible population of users WAP person may lead to a more efficient end-to-end security
considers a range of current and future air interfaces scheme.
(bearers). However, roaming between these bearers has
The WAP architecture extends the client/server The Wireless Application Protocol (WAP) is a protocol
architecture by placing an additional entity called the stack with a focus on wireless environments developed
WAP Gateway between the client and server [5]. The by the WAP Forum. Through wide manufacturer
WAP Gateway is required to provide operator specific commitment representing more than 90% of the world
services as well as perform content and protocol market, WAP is considered the de facto standard for the
Internet model WAP layer model The existence of two different communications has
HTML / JavaScript (Application Layer, WAE)
been experimentally observed in this study and is
Other applications
presented in detail in later sections.
(Session Layer, WSP)
HTTP In order to better comprehend the role of a WAP
(Transaction Layer, WTP)
Gateway one needs to observe the protocol profile of a
TLS - SSL (Security Layer, WTLS)
WAP communication illustrated in Figure 2. The
TCP/IP (Transport Layer, WDP) presented scenario assumes a GSM WAP Client as
UDP/IP Current and future mobile networks, e.g. GSM is the most popular WAP bearer. Dial-in access
facilities are provided through a modem attached to the
Remote Access Server (RAS). For link connectivity
Figure 1: Comparison between the Internet and WAP over GSM Circuit Switched Data (GSM-CSD) PPP
protocol stacks (Point-to-Point Protocol) is required to establish,
configure and test the data link connection. The
presentation and delivery of wireless data on mobile Interworking Function (IWF) provides the modem
phones [4]. functionality along with access to the Public Switched
Figure 1 shows the comparison between the Internet Telephone Network (PSTN) [11]. The WAP Gateway
and WAP protocol stacks. The WAP protocol stack and the RAS server may be located within the intranet
consists of five different layers optimised for low of the same network operator. However, it is possible
bandwidth communication links via mobile network for a WAP Client to select a WAP Gateway outside its
systems [5]. In addition, WAP defines the Wireless operator’s network. In any case, communication
Markup Language (WML) and WMLScript for mobile between the entities presented in Figure 2 is based on
applications that address the limitations of small Internet infrastructure. This can be derived by the
displays in mobile clients. WAP takes into presence of an IP layer in every protocol stack.
consideration a range of current and future air interfaces Consequently, if mobility management can be provided
(bearers) such as GSM (Global System for Mobile transparently at the Internet layer then WAP can
communications), GPRS (General Packet Radio seamlessly and directly benefit from this. This can be
Service), TETRA (Terrestrial Trunked Radio) and managed through Mobile IP that is described in the
UMTS (Universal Mobile Telecommunications following sections.
System). However, roaming considerations between WAE / App.

heterogeneous bearers and network providers have not WTP

UDP Application

been addressed by WAP [9]. IP IP IP IP

User interaction with the WAP Client is initiated PPP PPP

subnet subnet subnet
through the WAP browser. All user requests are then GSM

relayed from the WAP Client to the WAP Gateway.

The role of the WAP Gateway is presented in the GSM PSTN RAS ISP WAP
Internet WAP
following section. WAP Interworking Remote Access WAP Gateway WAP
Client Function Server Server


The WAP architecture introduces the WAP Gateway to

the Internet client/server architecture [5]. The purpose Figure 2: WAP communication protocol profile
of a WAP Gateway is to provide operator specific
services or content and protocol translation between For the issue of switching between bearers while
TCP/IP (Transport Control Protocol/Internet Protocol) communicating, Mobile IP could be used in order to
and WAP. Figure 3 illustrates the WAP communication maintain a single point of attachment to the Internet
model. It is shown that the WAP Gateway receives all after a switch between bearer systems or domain
WAP Client requests while terminating the WAP networks has been undertaken. That is, transferring a
communication. All requests are then relayed to the WAP communication between different bearer systems
WAP Server through a separate TCP/IP communication or domains, as the WAP Gateway is changing the
between the WAP Gateway and the Server. The same network access, might require the mobility support by
model is also observed in the return path where the Mobile IP for IP based network systems.
response is returned to the Client. The WAP Gateway is In the Internet suite each communication is
also required to perform binary compilation to the data identified by a 5-tuple that consists of the protocol type
received from the WAP Server in order to match the along with the respective sender and receiver Internet
bandwidth limitations that are typical of mobile phone addresses and contain the port numbers. Should any of
Request Request this information change during the course of a
WAP WAP TCP/IP WAP communication, then it would be unable to proceed. A
GW Server change to this information might be imposed when a
Response Response
WAP WAP Application WAP Gateway roams between Internet administrative
Client Mobile
Gateway Internet Server domains or when a WAP Gateway decides to switch
between different bearer networks while
Figure 3: WAP communication model communicating.
Moreover, the communication 5-tuple does not IP Security (IPSec) become applicable and acquire
specify any requirements as far as the air interface is particular importance.
concerned. As such, a WAP Gateway that maintains The investigation of new security schemes for
different access interfaces such as GSM or WLAN has mobile WAP Gateways as well as the impact of mobile
no power over which interfaces will be utilized for a WAP Gateways to the WAP security model is reserved
given communication. However, each access interface as the subject of future research.
may maintain QoS (Quality of Service) such as In the following sections the investigated scenario
bandwidth, cost and jitter could be considered by along with the experimental tests undertaken is
determine the access interface for the WAP Gateway presented, followed by a presentation of the acquired
based on mobile user requirements. results.


The Internet Protocol (IP) was originally designed The purpose of this study is to experimentally
without any mobility support [2]. The routing demonstrate that mobile WAP Gateways can be realised
mechanisms of IP assume that a terminal maintains a with the help of Mobile IP. For this, the topology
point of attachment to the Internet, indicated by its IP illustrated in Figure 4 was constructed.
address. Should a mobile terminal change its point of The investigated topology is consisted of a RAS that
attachment and move to a new location incompatible is attached to a V. 90 compliant modem. This allows for
with its IP address, it would be unable to send or a single WAP enabled mobile phone to dial-in and
receive traffic. receive network connectivity through GSM Circuit
A solution to the problem of Internet mobility can Switched Data (GSM-CSD). The WAP Client used for
be provided through the Mobile IP (MIP) [6], an the purposes of this investigation is a Siemens S-35
extension of IP. MIP introduces three new network WAP enabled mobile phone with a standard
entities, namely the Home Agent (HA), Foreign Agent Phone.Com WAP browser version 4.18c. The RAS is in
(FA) and mobile terminal [7]. Alternative MIP turn connected with the WAP Server and WAP
configurations may omit the FAs by distributing their Gateway through an Intranet that has been provided
functionality amongst the mobile terminal and the with Fast Ethernet. On the Intranet are also attached a
network infrastructure. Mobile IP Home Agent (HA) and a Foreign Agent
Every mobile node such as a mobile WAP Gateway (FA), each managing its own IP administrative domain
is permanently allocated an IP address in its home (IP network). Network connectivity in each of those
network where also the HA resides. For the mobile networks is provided through two Siemens I-Gate IEEE
WAP Gateway, the home network is considered the 802.11b compliant access points. The WAP Gateway is
Intranet of its operator. Every time that the mobile WAP a Samsung Pentium III laptop at 600MHz that hosts a
Gateway moves, it is required to register its current
point of attachment to the Internet with its HA.
The most basic functionality of Mobile IP resembles
Mobile PSTN/
the post-office forwarding service [8]. For every WAP Network ISDN Modem RAS
roaming WAP Gateway the HA is required to act as a Client
proxy in the home network, intercept all incoming Intranet/ WAP
AP HA Internet Server
traffic either from a WAP Client or WAP Server and WAP
redirect it to the mobile WAP Gateway’s most recently
registered location. As a result, the WAP Gateway can
change its location while remaining reachable on a
permanently allocated IP address and without having to Figure 4: Experimental Setup
interrupt active communications. When the mobile
WAP Gateway is returning traffic it may bypass the HA Siemens I-Gate PCMCIA IEEE802.11b compliant
ad send packets directly to the WAP Server or Client. interface and is in the position to roam between the
It is noted that the transparent manner by which access points and hence between the IP networks. All
mobility management support is provided to WAP by other machines are AMD Athlon Thunderbird at 800
Mobile IP does not require any further modifications to MHz.
WAP Clients or Servers in order for them to access The operating system on all machines is the Linux
mobile WAP Gateways. Mandrake 7.2 distribution with the Linux Kernel 2.2.17.
An important advantage of realising mobile WAP The Mobile IP functionality has been provided with the
Gateways is that it opens the way for mobile devices to Sun Microsystems Mobile IP implementation [12] while
host their own WAP Gateways. Enabling each the WAP Gateway functionality was provided with
subscriber to maintain her own WAP Gateway not only Kannel WAP Gateway implementation[10]. The WAP
simplifies the WAP communication model by reducing Server is an Apache Web server [13] that hosts a simple
it to plain client/sever but is especially important for WML (Wireless Markup Language) site illustrated in
providing secure communications. Excluding the Figure 5. Network monitoring was performed with the
operator owned WAP Gateway from the ethereal network analyser [14].
communication path renders obsolete the WAP security The purpose of the experiments undertaken in this
model, whereby the subscriber is required to trust the study is to show that the WAP architecture is not
operator. In that case, existing Internet end-to-end violated when WAP is integrated with Mobile IP. For
security schemes such as Secure Socket Layer (SSL) or this, two different scenarios where investigated. One in
which the mobile WAP Gateway is within the home In Figure 6 it can be seen that initially a WSP
network and one in which the WAP Gateway is session is initiated by the WAP Client through the
exchange of WSP/WTP (Wireless Session
Protocol/Wireless Transport Protocol) Connect Request
and Reply messages with the mobile WAP Gateway.
Such messages are transported over the third transaction
service class of the Wireless Transport Protocol (WTP)
that requires for double acknowledgements [15]. As
such, the WSP/WTP Connect Request is followed by a
WSP/WTP Connect Reply which is “piggybacking” a
WTP acknowledgment for the first message. Finally,
the WSP/WTP Connect Reply is succeeded by an
additional WTP acknowledgment which signifies the
successful receipt of the reply by the WAP Client.
Figure 5: Screen shot of the WML test site Following the establishment of the WSP session the
WAP Client issues a WSP/WTP Get message that
roaming and resides in the foreign network. The contains the location of the requested WML site.
sequence of events of a single WAP communication Subsequently, the mobile WAP Gateway initiates a
was monitored as the WAP Client attempted to access a TCP/IP communication with the WAP Server. This is
WML site on the WAP Server in both scenarios. These presented in the graph by the exchange of TCP
are presented in sequence graphs in the next section. synchronisation (SYN) messages. Once the TCP
communication has been established HTTP (Hyper Text
6. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS Transport Protocol) delivers the WML test site from the
For the purposes of this study two different scenarios WAP Server to the Gateway. This transaction
were investigated. In the first scenario the mobile WAP completes with the HTTP 200 OK message which
Gateway was placed in the home network while the contains the requested data as well as notifies the
WAP Client initiated a request to access a WML site mobile WAP Gateway that the request to the WAP
located on the WAP Server. In the second scenario the Server has been serviced. Following that, the mobile
mobile WAP Gateway performs roaming and is located WAP Gateway returns the requested WML site to the
in the foreign network. As in the first scenario the WAP WAP Client with a WSP/WTP Reply message. For this
Client issues a request for the same WML site. transaction the second WTP transaction service class is
The WML site conducted for the purposes of this used that dictates single acknowledgements. As such,
study was kept very simple. A screenshot of how this the WSP/WTP Reply message is followed by a single
site is displayed on the screen of a WAP Client can be WTP acknowledgement.
seen in Figure 5. Its main attributes are that it maintains WAP Home WAP Home WAP
Client RAS Agent Gateway Agent Server
a size significantly smaller than 1400 octets which is the
default Wireless Session Protocol (WSP) Service Data (WTP+
Unit (SDU) size and that it does not contain any further onnect
t Reply
links reducing to a minimum the amount of data that WSP C
+ WSP)
needs to be downloaded to the WAP Client. (W TP

The results of the investigated scenarios are (WTP+

presented in the form of sequence graphs. The first (WTP+
investigated scenario assumes that the mobile WAP
Gateway is located in the home network. In that case, YN
no intervention to routing is required by the HA which (TCP) S
plainly routes packets to the mobile WAP Gateway. (HTTP
/1.1) G

Figure 6 illustrates the data flow between the WAP et test.w

Client and the WAP Server for the described scenario. (TCP) A
.1) 200
In order to simplify the sequence graph the HA has (HTTP/1

been included twice. The arrows in the sequence graph (TCP) A

represent the traffic exchanged between the WAP eply
Client, RAS, Mobile IP Agents as well as the mobile (WTP+

WAP Gateway and the WAP Server as it was captured (WTP+

with the ethereal network analyser software. WTP A
The sequence graph is divided into two main areas K
covered in the graphs with two different shades of grey. (TCP) A
One of them presents the WAP packets exchanged
between the WAP Client and mobile WAP Gateway Legend: WTP+WSP Traffic (WAP Client / WAP Gateway)
while the other shows the TCP/IP packet exchange TCP Traffic (WAP Gateway / WAP Server)

between the WAP Gateway and the WAP Server. This

signifies that in every WAP transaction there are two
communications that are terminated at the WAP Figure 6: Sequence graph of WAP communication
Gateway where relay as well as translation between the with mobile WAP Gateway in home network
two is performed.
At this point the WSP session is completed, foreseen that if, for any reason, the WAP Gateway can
however the WAP Client does not issue a WSP not issue an immediate respond it has to transmit a WTP
Disconnect Request. For this reason the mobile WAP acknowledgement instead. This prohibits the WAP
Gateway does not disconnect its TCP communication Client from repeating its request. As can be seen shortly
even thought the WAP Server abolishes its part of the after the second WTP acknowledgement the mobile
communication with a TCP FIN message. WAP Gateway issues its WSP/WTP Connect Reply.
Figure 7 illustrates the sequence graph for the In the experimental setup the WAP Gateway has
second investigation scenario. It assumes that the demonstrated both behaviours (immediate or delayed
mobile WAP Gateway is performing roaming and finds responds) an equal number of times and in a random
itself within a foreign network. In that case, according fashion. The exact reason that causes the Kannel WAP
to Mobile IP, the HA is required to intercept all Gateway implementation [10] to stagger and avoid
incoming traffic for the mobile WAP Gateway and issuing an immediate respond is unknown. It is
redirect it to the corresponding FA. In turn, the FA suspected that this effect may be accredited to internal
delivers all traffic to the mobile WAP Gateway. In the processing or access to hard disk information which
return path, the mobile WAP gateway may bypass the tends to be comparatively slow.
HA and send traffic directly to WAP Server or Client. Mobile IP introduces new overheads such as
This behaviour can also be observed in the sequence network layer hand-offs, triangle routing and tunneling
graph. In order to reduce its complexity both Mobile IP that bring new challenges in the provision of quality of
agents (HA and FA) have been included twice. service (QoS), protocol performance as well as security
The first thing that can be observed in Figure 7 is and privacy.
that it illustrates the same sequence of events as Figure To consider QoS requirements there are several
6. The principal difference is that due to Mobile IP all parameters that play an important role for the use of
messages directed to the mobile WAP Gateway have to mobile WAP Gateways. The investigation of QoS
be routed first through the HA and FA. An additional parameters such as delay has been shown that is
difference is that the WSP/WTP Connect Request is not difficult to synchronize the network time with the
succeeded by an immediate WSP/WTP Connect Reply mobile phone which is outside of the network system
rather by a plain WTP acknowledgement. In WTP it is and disallow time synchronization.
WAP Home Foreign WAP Foreign Home
The QoS investigation of the network including the
Client RAS Agent Agent Gateway Agent Agent mobile WAP Gateway has been shown that there is no
SP) W significant latency of data transmission when the mobile
SP C onnec
t WAP gateway is still roaming between network access
TP ACK interfaces. In this case the mobile WAP Gateway
supports WAP requests from the mobile phone and the
response from the WAP Server without service or data
interrupt. No service interrupt while the mobile WAP
SP Co Gateway is roaming is essential for the use of such
Gateways so there is no requirement for restart WAP
services or WAP downloads.
SP Get
However, the mobile WAP Gateway supports the
QoS requirements similar to generic WAP Gateways for
mobile users. The experiment has been shown that
mobile users can also use the mobile WAP Gateway by
entering the Gateway settings into the mobile phone like

SYN IP address, port number and dialing number. The
CK mobile WAP Gateway supports the user requests with

the same QoS and provides Internet content to the
/1.1) G CK
et test
mobile client without any quality loss.
The results presented in this section have
1.1) 20
0 OK demonstrated that mobile WAP Gateways can be made
feasible with the help of Mobile IP. The main attributes
of this approach are that Mobile IP mobility
eply management facilities are provided to the mobile WAP
Gateway in a transparent fashion and no quality loss, so
that no modification is required to the WAP Gateway
software nor the WAP Clients or Servers need to
, AC K
modified in any way.


Legend: WTP+WSP Traffic (WAP Client / WAP Gateway)
TCP Traffic (WAP Gateway / WAP Server)
In this study it has been shown that mobile WAP
Gateways can be realised with the help of Mobile IP. In
spite of the incompatibilities between the WAP and
TCP/IP protocol stacks, WAP relies on IP infrastructure
Figure 7: Sequence graph of WAP communication for packetisation and routing. As such, when Mobile IP
with mobile WAP Gateway in foreign network is used to provide mobility management support to the
Internet layer then WAP can directly and seamlessly
benefit from this. To prove the validity of this
hypothesis an experimental topology was constructed
and two distinct scenarios were investigated. The first
scenario assumed that the mobile WAP Gateway was
stationed in the home network while in the second
scenario the mobile WAP Gateway was performing
roaming and was positioned in a foreign network. It was
determined that without any modifications to the WAP
Client or Server it was possible for the WAP Client to
retrieve through the roaming mobile WAP Gateway
resources located in the WAP Server.

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