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Topic:Wap: (Wireless Application Protocol)

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ROLL NO. : 7160
The Wireless Application Protocol (WAP) was designed to make it
easier to create networked applications for handheld devices despite
those drawbacks. WAP is a standardisation effort by the Wireless
Application Protocol Forum, an industry association comprising more
than 200 vendors of wireless devices, services and tools. The goal of
the WAP Forum is to provide a set of specifications that allow
developers to write Internet enabled applications that run on small form
factor, wireless devices. Typically, these devices are smart phones,
pagers and PDAs.
WAP is important because more and more information is going out over
the wireless network. Recent IDC reports predict that sales of smart
phones, just one type of device that supports WAP — will reach 539
million units worldwide in 2003. 

The WAP Forum has a three stage, public- omment process for
including wireless standards specifications in its WAP Specification
Suite, now at Version 1.1.

WAP is a hot topic that has been widely hyped in the mobile
industry and outside of it. It has become imperative for all Information
Technology companies in Nordic countries and beyond to have a WAP
division. Many advertising agencies and "dotcoms" have announced WAP
services. From the user's perspective, using WAP is much like surfing the net
on a personal computer; the mobile device is fitted with a small, or not so
small, display which can be used just like a desktop browser. Information
sources can be selected which are then downloaded and their content is
displayed. Hyper Text links and buttons can then be pressed to move around
from page to page in a very simple way. In this respect, there is very little
difference between WAP browsing and desktop surfing, but, behind the
scenes there are considerable differences because of the medium through
which the information must travel, over radio waves rather than along hard-
wired or telephone lines.
Importance of WAP:
 linking two of the hottest industries anywhere. 

 Its founder members include the major wireless vendors of Nokia,

Ericsson and Motorola, plus a It provides a standardized way of linking
the Internet to mobile phones, thereby newcomer Phone.com.

Compared to the wired networks there are many constraints in this

wireless world.

* Less band width

* More latency

* Less connection stability

* Less predictable availability

.In order to meet the requirements for mobile operations the solutions must

 Inter operable-terminals from different manufacturers are able to

communicate with the services in the mobile networks.
Infrastructure of WAP:




WAP Proxy Server

WML: Wireless Markup Language: A Tag based display language providing

navigational support, data input, hyper links, text and image representation
and forms.

HTML: Hyper Text Markup Language

TeleVAS: Telephony Value Added Service

The Wireless Application Protocol embraces and
extends the previously conceived and developed wireless data protocols.
Phone.com created a version of the standard HTML (Hyper Text Markup
Language) Internet protocols designed specifically for effective and cost-
effective information transfer across mobile networks. Wireless terminals
incorporated a HDML (Handheld Device Markup Language) microbrowser
Phone.com's Handheld Device Transport Protocol (HDTP) then linked the
terminal to the UP. Link Server Suite which connected to the Internet or
intranet where the information being requested resides. The Internet site
content was tagged with HDML. 


WAP has a layered architecture as shown in the diagram below:

Wireless Application Environment (WAE)

Wireless Session Protocol (WSP)
Wireless Transaction Protocol (WTP)
Wireless Transport Layer Security (WTLS)
Wireless Datagram Protocol (WDP)
Bearers eg: Data, SMS, USSD
Beneficants from WAP:

Mobile phones have become dominant tools in communications and at
the same time the internet has become a de facto platform for information.
By adopting a common protocol the end user will be provided with more
value added services which are easy to access and easy to use directly from
mobile phone Telephony oriented services will be made easier to
understand and to use.

The operators can differentiate by launching special services, for
example for banking stock trading, directory services etc. A further
differentiation is that the protocol makes it possible to tailor-make specific
menus with in the mobile phones, facilitating the use of the services. This
customization can be made over the air.

The telecommunication industry will be able to avoid overlapping costs
and investments if there is a common, open platform and tool for wireless
Future directions:
Even if WAP technology is developed recently and the first wireless
terminal device is entering the market WAP is just one step in a direction of
new and better technologies. The WAP services that are offered today
seem to be complex to survive. The future of wireless telephony, 4G or 3G
will be making use of the packet switching network such as GPRS. This will
bring the wireless communication in to another dimension and will give
opportunities for transmission of both pictures and videos.


The WAP technology has a structured architecture designed and is

based on the standards of the original WWW model. Since the technology
has been developed by the WAP Forum, it has become a technology with
an architecture that is scalable, interoperable, efficient, reliable and secure.
In the future we will see the technology a part of the day today life and the
users of the wireless terminals will be able to read news, buy consort
tickets and get access to intra and extranet. However the WAP technology
in the near future will meet the user requirements that it will have
difficulties to deliver. The need for sending pictures and video is increasing
day by day and hence WAP technology may be overtaken by some other
technologies which have the aforementioned capabilities such as GPRS .

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