Inicet Nov 23 - QP
Inicet Nov 23 - QP
Inicet Nov 23 - QP
1) 31st May
2) 20th December
3) 7th April
4) June 6th
1) Standard deviation
2) Range
3) Interquartile range
4) Mean
4. A 24-year-old woman presents to the clinic with painful ulcers which rapidly progressed. Histopathology reveals
ballooning degeneration of epithelial cells and Lipschutz bodies. What is the diagnosis?
1) Herpes
2) Herpangina
3) Condyloma accumulatum
4) Infectious mononucleosis
5. A 3-year-old girl having delayed milestones, playing with herself, difficulty in learning is likely to be suffering from?
1) Autism
3) Mental retardation
4) Specific learning disorder
1) 12 days
2) 100-110 days
3) 1 year
4) 6 days
2) Viaspan
3) Saline
4) Milk
1) Ivy eyelet
2) Gilmer
3) Risdon’s
4) Kazanjian button
1) Diagnodent ANSWERS & DISCUSSIONS on BDS-2-MDS App
INI-CET Nov’23 – QP
(Authentic MCQs by Team: BDS-2-MDS)
2) EPT
3) Apex locator
4) Quantitative Laser Fluorescence
10. Scammon's curves for growth of the four major tissue systems of the body. Which is the tissue the arrow
1) Neural
2) General
3) Lymphatic
4) Genital
1) Health promotion
2) Disability limitation
3) Specific protection
4) Rehabilitation
12. A 20-year-old woman presents to the clinic with a 6-month history of pain over the TMJ and reduced mouth
opening. On examination tenderness of TMJ is seen. Radiographic image shows resorptive changes in the condyle.
Identify the condition:
1) Multiple myeloma
2) Paget’s disease
3) Craniofacial dysostosis
4) Mutational dysostosis
1) Paget’s disease
2) Polyostotic fibrous dysplasia
3) Cherubism
4) Giant cell granuloma
15. For extraction of mandibular third molar, LA was injected in a known diabetic patient. After the injection of LA he
complains of double vision. What can be the cause?
1) Hyperglycaemia
2) Hypoglycemia
3) Syncope
4) Inadvertent injection into infraorbital foramen
1) Hemangioma
2) Lymphangioma
3) Kaposi sarcoma
4) Angiosarcoma
17. A patient in dental chair suddenly becomes unconscious but he is breathing. What should be the next step?
1) Finishing
2) Polishing
3) Grinding
4) Contouring
1) Nasal
2) Mandible
3) Maxilla
4) Zygoma
1) Class 2 lever
2) Wheel and axle
3) Wedge
4) Class 3 lever
1) Ni-Ti expander
2) Ni-Cr expander
3) Quad Helix
4) Hyrax
24. A young patient has subluxation injury. What is the best treatment in such scenario?
1) Proclination of incisors
2) Cerebral palsy
3) Poor oral hygiene
4) Improper sanitation
26. Which is the ideal finish line for all ceramic crown preparations?
1) Chamfer
2) Shoulder
3) Radial shoulder
4) Feather edge
1) Medial
2) Lateral
3) Roof
4) Floor
28. In relative analgesia, minimum concentration of oxygen supplied with nitrous oxide is?
1) 30%
2) 40%
3) 20%
4) 10%
29. Oxygen supply is needed for a patient admitted in ICU. According to color coding, how will one identify the
oxygen cylinder?
1) Hyoid bone
2) Cricoid cartilage
3) 2nd tracheal ring
4) Thyroid cartilage
i. Odontogenic myxoma
ii. Odontoameloblastoma
iii. Cementoblastoma
iv. Adenomatoid odontogenic tumour
1) i&ii
2) ii&iii
3) ii&iv
4) i&iii
1) Taurodont
2) Peg lateral
3) Hutchinson’s tooth
4) Mulberry tooth
1) Resistance to abrasion
2) Resistance to elastic deformation
3) Resistance to fracture
4) Resistance to plastic deformation
40. Most common measure of variance when measuring the prevalence of malocclusion is:
1) Standard deviation
2) Range
3) Coefficient
4) Mean
1) 16.2
2) 0.16
3) 0.85
4) 1.6
43. Lymphatic drainage of tongue does not drain into which of the following?
1) Central
2) Marginal
3) Posterior
4) Ventral
44. Which of the mixed dentition analysis does not use mandibular incisors?
1) Cotton roll
2) Rubber dam
3) Salivary ejector
4) Sialogogues
1) 20,000
2) 1,00,000
3) 30,000
4) 50,000
47. Which among the following is the best method to prevent ventilator associated pneumonia in critically ill
1) Teratoid cyst
2) Hamartoma
3) Dermoid cyst
4) Sebaceous cyst
1) Dilaceration
2) Gemination
3) Dental fusion
4) Supernumerary tooth
1) Acute
2) Obtuse
3) Normal
4) Ideal
1) 14
2) 9
3) 4
4) 30
1) Class II div 2
2) Class III
3) Class II div 1
4) Bimaxillary protrusion
1) Antagonism
2) Cumulative action
3) Partial antagonism
4) Synergism
1) Diaphragm
2) Stomach
3) Oesophagus
4) Ileum
1) Strenuous breathing
2) Slow pounding pulse
60. Some of the bacteria contains capsule. Purpose of capsule in bacteria is:
1) Spore formation
2) Decreased virulence
3) To prevent them from phagocytosis
4) Protection against immune system
1) 6 months
2) 9 months
3) 18 months
4) 12 months
62. Which will be the ideal pontic design for the case given below
1) Conical
2) Modified ridge lap
3) Sanitary
4) Ovate
1) Gingival recession
2) Bone loss
3) Tooth loss
4) Pocket
65. 100 chest X-rays were given to two physicians for evaluating kappa statistics. The value obtained is 0.71. The
resulting association can be interpreted as:
1) Perfect agreement
2) Disagreement
3) Good agreement
4) Moderate agreement
1) Activator
2) Bionator
3) Functional regulator
4) Twin block
1) Herbst
2) Jasper jumper
3) Forces appliance
68. Streptococcus mutans are able to attach to the tooth surface and contribute to plaque formation by:
1) Fermnention of carbohydratres
2) Producing acids
3) Producing extracellular polysaccharides
4) Resistant to penicillinase
1) Monolabial
2) Bilabial
3) Nasal
4) Hypernasal
1) Hydroquinone
2) Benzoyl peroxide
3) Metal oxides
4) Dibutyl phthalate
74. Posterior triangle of neck is subdivided into two parts by which muscle?
1) Sternocleidomastoid
2) Superior belly of omohyoid
3) Inferior belly of omohyoid
4) Pulley of trapezius
75. What is the given appliance, and for which purpose it is given?
1) Bilirubin
2) Iron
3) Creatinine
4) Mercaptopurine
1) Buccal
2) Lingual
3) Interproximal
4) Occlusal
79. Orthodontic wires are bend at room temperature. This procedure denotes:
1) Strain hardening
2) Ductility
3) Annealing
4) Tempering
1) Lingual tonsils
2) Pharyngeal tonsils
3) Submandibuar nodes
4) Palatine tonsils
1) Range
2) Coefficient of variance
3) Standard error
4) Proportion
i. Odontogenic keratocysts
ii. Calcified falx cerebri
iii. Short metacarpals
iv. Enlarged head circumference
Which of the features given above are seen in Nevoid basal cell carcinoma?
1) i&ii
2) ii&iii
1) 54
2) 45
3) 16
4) 42
84. A 10-year-old boy came to the dentist with complicated crown fracture of 11&12. Immature open apex is seen in
12 with abscess formation. Vitality testing of 11,12 proves negative. What will be the treatment plan for this child?
1) Figure of 8
2) Simple loop
3) Periosteal suture
4) None of the above
1) Vesicular lesion
2) Missing teeth
3) Retained primary teeth
4) Natal teeth
87. Which nerve is tested with anterior 2/3rd of the tongue protruded by placing salt on its tip?
1) Facial
2) Trigeminal
3) Lingual
4) Vagus
1) Dens in dente
2) Turner’s tooth
3) Supernumerary tooth
4) Taurodontism
90. Which of the following premalignant conditions has the highest potential to become malignant?
91. Guide planes which are used in fabrication of RPDs serve the purpose of:
1) Odds ratio
2) Relative risk
3) Risk ratio
4) Odds
93. At what time during the intrauterine life, does the palatal shelves begin to fuse?
1) 6 weeks
2) 8 weeks
3) 10 weeks
4) 12 weeks
1) Tegman tympani
2) Frontal bone
3) Cribriform plate
4) Inferior meatus
1) Anteroposterior curve
2) Helps in posterior teeth arrangement
3) Determines posterior occlusion
4) Curve touching tips of all the teeth towards the anterior border of ramus
1) 2.25
2) 1.2
3) 1
4) 0.44
1) 0.33
2) 1.78
3) 0.16
4) 2.25
98. The most effective, scientifically proven and cost-efficient caries prevention program in children is
99. An avulsed tooth which is replanted 1 year back shows loss of lamina dura radiographically, high metallic sound
on percussion. The type of resorption is:
1) Replacement resorption
2) Inflammatory resorption
3) External resorption
100. Medial displacement of condylar head during subcondylar fracture is due to the action of which muscle?
1) Medial pterygoid
2) Lateral pterygoid
3) Buccinator
4) Masseter
101. Which of the orthodontic wires can be bent multiple times without fracture?
1) Stainless steel
2) Co-Cr-Ni
3) Ni-Ti
4) Beta Titanium
102. An examiner wants to study the efficiency of oral hypoglycaemic drugs in a community. The blood glucose levels
of test and control groups are recorded before and after the drug intake. Which test should be used?
103. Moderately built athlete with a habit of chewing gums reported to the clinic with complaint of asymptomatic
right mandible swelling. On palpation, the swelling is bony hard in consistency. What could be the diagnosis?
1) Pregabalin
2) Carbamazepine
3) Phenytoin
4) Amitryptyline
106. Assess the condition of the patient with the given laboratory findings:
107. Which of the following doesn’t corrode metal surfaces in oral cavity?
1) Chlorides
2) Carbides
3) Oxides
4) Sulphides
1) DNA methylation
2) RNA transcription
3) Identification of genes
4) Used with interphase nucleus
110. Injection into which of the following give rise to Bell’s palsy?
1) Buccinator
2) Parotid gland
3) Maxillary sinus
4) Pterygomandibular space
111. After gap arthroplasty to a patient, which of the steps will be necessary for functional rehabilitation of the
1) Physiotherapy
2) Inter-positional fat fascia
3) Costochondral graft
4) Reconstruction plate
1) 2%
2) 5%
3) 10%
4) 20%
113. Old CD wearer has the habit of chewing with front teeth. What will be the effect?
114. Low grade salivary gland malignancy among the following tumors:
1) Pleomorphic adenoma
115. Which of the following is not a physiological method of heat loss from the body?
1) Posture
2) Sweating
3) Peripheral vasoconstriction
4) Vasodilation
116. Edentulous patient arrived at the dental clinic for complete denture. Which of the following is not affected by
the period of edentulousness?
1) Thoma
1) Buccal reduction
2) Lingual reduction
3) Intermaxillary fixation
4) Compression plates
120. Patient with a disorder characterised by the presence of Philadelphia chromosome and gingival lesions is:
1) Hairy leukoplakia
2) ALL
3) CML
4) AML
121. A 76-year-old female reported to intern in a crowded OPD, complaining of difficulty in breathing , irritable
bowel movements. She had previous history of fall one year back with confusion and was hospitalized. Intern
decided to do further geriatric examination. What are the three red flags that the intern should be aware of?
1) India
2) Brazil
3) Bangladesh
4) Turkey
1) Lip
2) Palate
3) Gingiva
4) Buccal mucosa
1) Opium
2) Magic mushroom
3) Marijuana
4) Tobacco
126. Which of the following is not included in national immunization schedule in India
1) BCG
2) Human papilloma virus (HPV)
3) Measles
4) DPT
127. A 35-year-old female patient presents with a complaint of a persistent burning sensation in her mouth, which
intensifies when eating spicy foods. On examination, there are irregular, red, smooth, and depapillated patches on
the dorsal surface of the tongue. These patches display a serpiginous, map-like pattern with a white border. There
are no signs of infection or systemic disease. What is your diagnosis?
1) Class 2
2) Class 3
3) End-on
4) Mesial step
130. A patient complaints of inability to open mouth and has sensitivity to spicy food has h/o chronic tobacco
chewing also; no known medical history. On examination, palpable fibrotic bands are observed from retromolar area
to the angle of mouth. The best diagnosis would be:
1) Dentigerous cyst
2) Globulomaxillary cyst
3) Lateral periodontal cyst
4) Radicular cyst
1) Alginate
2) Agar agar
3) Zinc oxide eugenol impression paste
4) Polyether
1) GIC
2) Compomer
3) Zinc oxide eugenol
4) Any material of choice based on clinician’s opinion
135. Patient has undergone radiation therapy for carcinoma in Head & Neck region 2 years back. His oral mucosa
looks friable. What is the material of choice for impression making in such scenario?
1) ZOE
2) Reversible hydrocolloid
3) Alginate
4) Polysulphide
136. Caries is involving both the mesiobuccal and distobuccal cusps of mandibular molars, what is the material of
choice for treatment?
1) GIC
2) Full crown
3) Onlay
4) Intermediate restoration
1) Lichen planus
2) Papilloma
3) Erythema multiformae
4) Bullous pemphigoid
1) Speech difficulties
2) Esthetics
139. Dentinogenesis imperfecta is an autosomal dominant disorder. Which of the following chromosome is related
to it?
1) 21
2) 6
3) 4
4) 9
141. Identify the procedure done in the given image, with the history of fall 1 year back in which the intracanal
medicament is placed (metapex):
1) Apexification
2) Apexogenesis
3) Revascularization
4) Vital bleaching
1) Penicillin
2) Daptomycin
3) Rifampicin
4) Gentamycin
1) Observations recorded
2) Group of samples collected
3) Representative of the group
4) Arithmetic unit expressed in kg/l/m
144. When preparing a partial veneer crown on a maxillary premolar, proximal grooves should be:
1) EWSR-1
2) BCL fusion X
3) GNAS1
4) SH3PB2
a. Pre-contemplation – patient who made attempts to quit smoking last year is planning to quit smoking
b. Contemplation – patient is thinking about benefits of quitting smoking
c. Action – patient has quit the habit and thinks about the importance of physical activity, now walking for
30 minutes a day
d. Maintenance – obesity runs in my family, and I can’t do anything about it
1) a&b
2) b&c
3) a&c
4) b&d
1) DNA aneuploidy
2) Male
3) Leukoplakia in non-smokers
150. Virus that requires reverse transcriptase reaction before polymerase chain reaction:
1) Ebola
2) Rabies
3) Chicken pox
4) Adeno virus
151. Disease contained in a region with very less frequency which is not related to time & place can be defined as:
1) Sporadic
2) Mesoendemic
3) Lower endemic
4) Holoendemic
152. In recent years, swine flu infection was popular for its contamination. This disease is a classic example of:
1) Endemic
2) Epidemic
3) Pandemic
4) Seasonal variation
153. A 3-year-old child with a complaint of intruded upper left incisor visits the clinic after an injury. X-ray
examination reveals no fracture to the alveolar bone. What will the treatment plan?
154. When soft tissue liners are used, the pressure threshold of the underlying ridge:
1) Increases
2) Decreases
3) Depends on the resiliency of the basal tissues
4) Remains the same
157. The type of strain developed when force is applied perpendicular to the surface is called:
1) Tensile strain
2) Torsional strain
3) Compressive strain
4) Tensile stress
1) Ecological fallacy
2) Atomistic fallacy
3) Both ecological & atomistic
4) None of the above
1) Content validity
2) Construct validity
3) Criterion validity
4) Convergent validity
164. The patient has brownish discolouration of teeth since childhood. Radiographic feature involves obliteration of
pulp with decalcified enamel and dentin. Identify the gene associated with this disease:
2) APC
3) Enamelin 1
4) COL1A1
1) Acromegaly
2) Gigantism
3) Addison’s disease
4) Cushing’s disease
165. A 50-year-old female reported to clinic with multiple painful vesicles (erythematous condition) in her skin.
Histopathological smear shows acantholysis in the basal layer. Auto-anbodies are directed against the protein
desmoglein. Identify the condition:
1) Bullous pemphigoid
2) Pemphigus vulgaris
3) Cicatricial pemphigoid
4) Erythema multiforme
1) Mild
2) Very mild
3) Moderate
4) Severe
1) Thrombophlebitis
2) Lymphangitis
3) Oesophageal varices
4) Deep vein thrombosis
170. A 9-year-old child reported to the dentist with Elli’s class 3 fracture of 11 within 24 hours of injury. What is the
best line of treatment?
1) Pulpectomy
2) Cvek’s pulpotomy
3) Composite restoration
4) Indirect pulp capping
1) 4th rib
2) 6th rib
3) 8th rib
173. Marginal bone loss after implant placement occurs due to (all except)?
1) Distraction osteogenesis
2) Osteotomy
3) Cranial fracture fixation
4) Mandibular fracture fixation
176. A young girl comes with juxta articular bone formation complaints of reduced mouth opening. Height of the
ramus has to be preserved for this patient. What will be the best treatment option?
1) Gap arthroplasty
2) Lateral arthroplasty
3) Costochondral graft
4) Interpositional arthroplasty
1) Overgrowth of graft
2) VII nerve palsy
3) Chin deviation
4) Reduced mouth opening
179. A patient with severely extruded molar reported to the dentist. On removal, this will become distal extension.
What could be the treatment plan?
180. A 3 weeks old child patient with a tooth like structure seen over the gums (only crown). X-ray shows rootless
structure. What should be the treatment?
182. A 26-year-old female presents with a gradually enlarging, painless, bony hard swelling in the anterior mandible,
extending from the area of tooth number 23 to 26. Radiographic examination reveals a well-demarcated, radiopaque
lesion with a mixed radiolucent-radiopaque appearance, suggestive of intraosseous growth. The swelling is firm,
fixed to the underlying bone, and has caused displacement of adjacent teeth. What is the diagnosis of this lesion?
1) Rudimentary mesiodens
2) Compound odontomes
3) Impacted lateral incisors
4) Developing/Erupting canines
1) Ductal ameloblastoma
2) Metastatic ameloblastoma
3) Squamous odontogenic tumor
4) Psammomatoid ossifying fibroma
1) RPI
2) Combination clasp
3) Reverse circlet clasp
4) Embrassure clasp
186. After TMJ surgery for a patient who had TMJ ankylosis, he was asked to close the eyes. Following image shows
the observation. Which nerve will be affected in this scenario?
1) Zygomatic
2) Frontal
3) Buccal
4) Trigeminal
187. An edentulous patient with bilateral bony exostoses in the tuberosity region visited the dentist for denture.
Exostoses is 2cm in size. What is advised?