Unit 5 - Till Communication
Unit 5 - Till Communication
Unit 5 - Till Communication
In the short existence of the Internet, a wireless aspect has spun off to provide another medium with which to
surf the World Wide Web (WWW). Although still limited in its capability, one can no longer discuss the
Internet without differentiating between wireline and wireless, which is a relatively new medium. This chapter
presents electronic commerce (e−commerce) and mobile commerce (m−commerce) in relation to the Internet.
• Microbrowser on client device. The microbrowser makes a request in WML. The request is passed
to the WAP gateway (retrieves information from the Internet server) either in standard hypertext
markup language (HTML) or WML. If the content is in HTML, a filter in the WAP gateway may try
to translate it into WML. Requested information is then sent from the WAP gateway to the WAP
client using available and appropriate mobile network bearer services. WAP corresponds to HTML
(handheld device markup language [HDML] is proprietary to Phone.com).
• WAP gateway/server. The WAP gateway/server translates requests from WAP protocol to a WWW
protocol stack.
• HTTP and transmission control protocol/Internet protocol (TCP/IP). Content encoders translate
Web content into a reusable format.
• WAP software tool kits
• WAP simulators
Wireless Applications
Wireless Applications
Wireless technology is emerging, but because of issues such as slow connection speeds and limited user
mobility, the value is limited. However, a wireless application can still be a valuable tool that complements a
wireline application. For wireless applications, each transaction triggers a phone charge; thus a charge accrues
each time an individual transmits or receives data. Given the limitation of keyboards with wireless devices, a
highly interactive application can be expensive and difficult to use. However, opportunities exist in customer
personalization at multiple levels by profiling (e.g., e−mail), personalized business data, personalized
shopping, reservations, and ticket purchases. Another advantage of wireless applications is the sending of
personalized messages, such as an airlines flight status (e.g., gate change or change of arrival and departure
times), to customers on a mobile device. The goal is to require minimum data entry.
Current applications in the areas of wireless banking, stock trading, order entry, and shopping are focused at
specific target audiences, are available through a few vendors, and are increasing. Other markets that are
applying wireless technologies are mobile enterprises, field services, transportation, financial services,
banking, retail, utilities, telemetry, health care, insurance, travel, location−based services, ticketing, auctions,
entertainment, and real estate.
Wireless mobile enterprises include a mobile sales force; sales force automation; account, contact, and client
database information; access to product inventories; real−time ordering of products and services; checking on
previously ordered products; transmission of expense forms; and access to client databases.
Extending the office desktop provides access to corporate databases and a constantly connected work force.
Mobile workers need access to the corporate database, e−mail, address and phone books, calendars and
GroupWare, and mobile devices in the corporation.
Potentials exist for wireless business opportunities given the growth rate of wireless technology:
Wireless Communication
users experience is largely based on content. This is a potentially difficult paradigm shift from a Web
page that allows a company to use logos and photos to market its brand.
Wireless Communication
Wireless communication is the marriage of voice, video, and data traffic on a single network with high speed.
A project manager may exceed the estimated budget if a customer who wants to leverage wireless capabilities
into a wireline e−commerce project decides to treat them as completely separate projects. Even though the
client devices and mode of communication are different, the backend technologies can overlap in the areas of
Web server, content provider, mail server, etc. For example, the same news supplier can be a partner to both
wireline and wireless systems. If the news supplier provides extensible markup language (XML) content
feeds, then the wireless system can take clippings (a summary of the whole information) while the entire feed
can go to a PC.
If a project requirement is to employ an open architecture to make the system open for either third−party
servers or other internal servers, then a common language becomes useful. The language to pass objects and
aggregate content information has also evolved from corporations using proprietary application program
interfaces (APIs) to using standards based on purposes, such as the ability to communicate with systems
outside their domain. One language that is emerging is XML. This markup language uses document type
definitions (DTD) and schemas to allow the receiver of a message to understand the context of what the
sender is conveying. XML is a descriptive way to share concepts in a formalized fashion. If one thinks of
XML as a language, then one can also consider that XML has many dialects.
IT managers should understand and prepare for the influence of the wireless information revolution by
addressing the following issues:
• Which standards in communication protocols or devices are the most cost−effective while allowing
the flexibility that users demand?
• What relationships should be fostered with key players in the wireless information value chain?
• How will support and security issues be treated?
Wireless services allow customers to select any local provider and deliver always−on high−speed Internet
access (12 times faster than traditional dial−up modems) and competitive long−distance rates. Wireless
service is an uncomplicated all−in−one package. The customer puts an antenna on his or her home, and all
data and voice requirements are carried through one wireless connection. No new line, excavation or
construction, or city or country permits are required. The result is high−speed Internet access with voice
service via wireless communication at an unlimited distance (The Sunday Oklahoman, April 23, 2000, p. 2−c).
By listening to and understanding the users needs, IT managers can take advantage of the wireless revolution
by offering the services that their users want. These wireless services can be access to critical business
information, Internet access, integrated organization directories, or wireless meeting scheduling. The
following are benefits of wireless services:
• Convenience
• Speed of transactions
• Ease of use
• Ability of information specifications
• Fast delivery
• Paperwork reduction
• Cost savings
Extensible Markup Language
XML is a solution for content modeling and creation of standards for content. XML helps IT system
developers design application−specific vocabularies. Its popularity is based in part on human readability and
ease of understanding. XML facilitates the reuse of content by storing information at an element level rather
than a document level. With XML the developer can author the information once and produce it many times
without additional work.
XML is also a tool for database projects. A visual designer thinks of XML in terms of client side issues such
as presentation and style sheets (North, 1999). XML allows a developer to express some concepts
(inheritance) in the schema so that objects can be passed from one system to another with the use of DTDs
and schemas.
In XML, a project can use a DTD and schema to attach with an XML document to allow other systems to
understand the message. Various standards organizations have formed, such as the World Wide Web
Consortium (W3C), to define XML standards to ensure that XML can be used to exchange information with
companies that are interested in the same content. The markup adds information about the quality of the data,
but the different parties must agree on how to interpret the markup. Industry standards bodies, such as the
Open Travel Alliance, have also been established for defining a common standard in which travel−related
industries (e.g., airlines, car rental companies, and hospitalities) can communicate with one another and their
customers. For example, one airline can use the same XML schema as another airline to communicate.
Eventually the same schema can be proposed throughout the industry, possibly becoming a de facto standard.
Given that the entire industry in this context would share the same vocabulary, it can allow some constructlike
subclassing because all of the servers in the airline industry understand it. In XML, a project can use a DTD
and schema to attach with an XML document to allow other systems to understand the message
(www.w3c.org; www.opentravel.org).
Application of object−oriented concepts to XML would impose a definition of rules in DTDs or schemas. All
interested parties should agree to and apply these rules since there is no inherent engine for XML that imposes
rules. Extensible style sheet language (XSL) allows transformation from one vocabulary to another. WML is
similar to HTML and is a derivative of XML. Wireless devices usually come equipped with little memory
relative to a PC. WML is optimized for small devices and for wireless efficiency. The code is compiled at the
gateway into and from binary that decreases latency, decreases usage costs, and increases battery life of the
device. WAP−enabled telephones use a microbrowser to make a request and receive the response in WML.
However, the application server may generate an XML response that is translated in the WAP server into
WML, compiled into a binary format, and sent to a mobile network carrier to transmit to a user.
To illustrate the savings achieved by using WML instead of HTML, the IT manager should consider an
average HTML page that has a request of 39,896 bytes and a response of 80,451 bytes, totaling 120,347 bytes.
The corresponding average WML page has a request of 383 bytes and a response of 111 bytes, totaling 494
XSL specifications define how to translate one XML document into another. Inclusive of this translation is
XML formatting objects that can describe visual display, sidestepping the problems associated with plain
BlueTooth is a key enabler for the mobile handset. It enables numerous devices to communicate wirelessly
and form small ad−hoc wireless networks called Piconets (two to eight devices [slaves] with one master).
BlueTooth has a low−cost transceiver chip (1 Mb) embedded into various devices, which allows
communication via a low−power radio (2.4 GHz). It is supported by more than 1500 companies, including
IBM, Intel, and Motorola, which are BlueTooth Special Interest Group (SIG) members.
BlueTooth technology is built into a 9 X 9 mm microchip. It broadcasts in a 10−meter radius at 720 kbps.
BlueTooth requires little power and is intended for transmitting small amounts of data over short distances.
BlueTooth is designed to work in a noisy radio environment using a fast acknowledgment and frequency
hopping scheme to make secure links. BlueTooth hops to a new frequency after transmitting or receiving a
packet to avoid interference (www.bluetooth.com). BlueTooth requires web sites to be rewritten in WML;
translation of HTML is not as effective because it uses text instead of binary data.
HDML is a proprietary language for coding web sites for wireless applications. The concept is to create a very
thin client that is appropriate for wireless communication. Components that are required are a microbrowser
on client devices and a server/gateway that must be licensed from Phone.com, a software development kit
(SDK), and a simulator.
Information Architecture
Information architecture contains necessary data ranging from a server to a display. The user input influences
this architecture for designing the system. Current Internet call centers deliver interactive customer touch
points to what was originally an anonymous and passive environmentthe Internet. Solutions on the current
market begin to provide the possibilitiesa holistic view of customer interactions, preferences, behavior,
affordability, and ease of use. The business goals differentiate between the service and sales channels by
creating a winning Internet commerce strategy with enough flexibility to evolve in this rapidly changing
marketplace. Some business goals are as follows (Internet Telephony, 76, February 2000):