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WAP UNIT I - Merged-1

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Unit I
Overview of WAP: WAP and the wireless world – WAP application architecture – WAP
internal structure – WAP versus the Web – WAP 1.2 – WTA and push features. Setting up
WAP: Available software products – WAP resources – The Development Toolkits.
Unit II
WAP gateways: Definition – Functionality of a WAP gateway – The Web model versus
the WAP model – Positioning of a WAP gateway in the network – Selecting a WAP gateway
Basic WML: Extensible markup language – WML structure – A basic WML card – Text
formatting – navigation – Advanced display features.
Unit III
Interacting with the user: Making a selection – Events – Variables – Input and parameter
passing. WML Script: Need for WML script – Lexical Structure – Variables and literals –
Operators – Automatic data type conversion – Control Constructs Functions – Using the standard
libraries – programs – Dealing with Errors.
Unit IV
XML: Introduction XML: An Eagle’s Eye view of XML – XML Definition – List of an
XML Document – Related Technologies – An introduction to XML Applications – XML
Applications – XML for XML – First XML Documents and Structuring Data: Examining the
Data XMLizing the data – The advantages of the XML format – Preparing a style sheet for
Document Display.
Unit V
Attributes, Empty Tags and XSL: Attributes – Attributes Versus Elements – Empty Tags
– XSL – Well formed XML documents – Foreign Languages and Non Roman Text – Non
Roman Scripts on the Web Scripts, Character sets, Fonts and Glyphs – Legacy character sets–
The Unicode Character set – Procedure to Write XML Unicode.
Text Books:
1) For Unit I, II, III Charles Arehart and Others. ”Professional WAP with WML, WML script,
ASP, JSP, XML, XSLT, WTA Push and Voice XML” Shroff Publishers and Distributers Pvt.
Ltd 2000.
2) For Unit IV & V Eliotte Rusty Harlod “XML TM Bible”, Books India (P) Ltd, 2000


The WAP standard consists of a variety of components, including network transport

protocols, security capabilities, and an application environment integrating a browser markup
language, scripting and telephony.


The WAP standard represents the first successful attempt to establish a broadly accepted
environment for delivering information, data and services to both enterprise and consumer users
over wireless networks.
Over the years, several companies have attempted to establish standards that would drive
widespread commercial adoption of wireless data.
Several attempts have been made to enhance the data capabilities of these networks.

Wireless Middleware Solutions:

Several companies have deployed wireless middleware solutions that extend the transport
protocols in an effort to improve throughput, reliability, or user experience. Middleware
solutions include the following offerings:
 Secureway Wireless Gateway from IBM - Software on the client and the server
transparently manages the use of the air link beneath any standard TCP/IP
applications. Optimizations include compression data, encrypting the packets,
faster reconnection shutting down the link and delayed acknowledgement.
 ExpressQ from NetTech Systems (now BroadBeam) – It provides
asynchronous messaging, push, encryption and roaming capabilities on a variety
of networks and devices.
 Handheld Device Markup Language (HDML) and Handheld Device
Transport Protocol (HDTP) from Unwired Planet (now Phone.com) This
technology includes a micro-browser and optimized protocol stack for supporting
web access from mobile phones.
 AirMobile from Motorola – provides optimized access to Lotus Notes and CC:
mail over wireless networks.
 Narrowband Sockets(NBS) from Nokia and Intel – provides optimized data
transport services for using UDP over circuit-switched data and GSM Short
Message Service (SMS).

Data-Optimized Networks

Several Wireless Networks have been deployed to specifically support wireless data:
 Cellular Digital Packet Data (CPPD) – transmits digital data within an analog
voice network. It offers raw 19.2 kbps throughput with one second latencies.
 ARDIS – Developed by Motorola and IBM- offers effective throughputs of
approximately 2.4 kbps with four to ten seconds latencies.
 RAM Mobile Data - Developed by RAMs offer throughput of 4 kbps with four to
eight second latencies.
 Ricochet offers 128 kbps throughput with one-second latencies.

The Need for a Mobile Internet Standard

Previous efforts to establish mobile Internet standards was failed. Reasons:

 Application developer - Did not have a sufficiently large customer market.
 Handset Manufacturers – no sufficient number of network operators and service
 Software and Hardware providers and tools vendors were unwilling – no one
could generate sufficient sales.
 Network and service providers – unwilling to invest in infrastructure unless a
sufficiently rich set of services and quality handsets were available.
A single standard for the mobile Internet was clearly needed to help the market. A standard
would benefit all players:
 Content and application developers would be able to create content and services
in a single format that could be delivered over all networks and to all phones.
 Software and hardware providers and tools vendors would be able to develop
technologies to support that standard and be assured that their products would be
useful to the audience of network operators and handset manufacturers.
 Handset manufacturers would be able to rationalize their product lines.
 Network operators would be assured of an open, competitive market for handsets,
infrastructure, and applications and services.

Initiation of the WAP standard

- AT&T wireless services (AWS) sought to roll out wireless data services in time for
Christmas 1997.
- In June 1997, AWS hosted a meeting in Seattle, Washington, that brought together
representatives of Ericsson, Motorola, Nokia and Un-wired Planet – to reach
agreement on a single wireless data infrastructure standard.
- The resulting effort to develop a standard, known as the Wireless Application
Protocol (WAP), was announced on June 26, 1997.
- At June 1997, the WAP standard would incorporate three existing technologies:
o HDML, developed by Unwired Planet, would become common markup
o NBS developed by Nokia, as part of its Smart Messaging Technology, would
become the optimized transport protocol and HDTP would become optimized
session protocol.
o Intelligent-Terminal Transfer Protocol (ITTP), developed by Ericson, would
provide the foundation for the telephony application services.
- The layering issues were resolved in two stages. During the fall of 1997, HDTP (now
the wireless session protocol [WSP]), the security layer (now Wireless Transport
Layer Security [WTLS]), and NBS (now the Wireless Transport Protocol [WTP]),
were redesigned.
SECURITY =fall 1997=> WTLS =Spring1998=> WTP/D, WTP/T

Evolution of the WAP Protocol Stack from core technologies to version 1.0
Evolution of the WAP standard

 By late 1998 – Version 1.0 WAP standard had revealed several errors and
ambiguities in it.
 In May 1999, Version 1.1 would be adopted for use in all initial commercial
 Version 1.2 of the standard was formally adopted in December 1999, and a
maintenance release was adopted in June 2000 to improve interoperability.


 Wireless (cellular) telecommunications industry has experienced a tremendous

growth in the past decade.
 This overlap, along with an ever-growing need for mobility in business
environments, has a natural demand for convergence between the wireless and
online information industries.

 This convergence (union) between the wireless and wired worlds leads to the
notion of mobile internet services, which would empower the user to access the
same suite of rich value-added applications at work, at home, and on the road.
 It offers: access to services at any moment in time, from any device, at any place,
instantly, and over any network.
 In the context of mobile devices and the classic web, convergence encompasses
the seamless integration of heterogeneous networks, terminals, applications, and
content. Capable to access the internet over a variety of networks.
 The browsers and applications running on mobile devices need to be easier to use
than those on the desktop.
 Mobile devices have limited display sizes, keypads, and battery power.


 The mobile internet continues to improve business’s bottom line and enhance
people’s lifestyles.
 The first people to accept the new gadgets were high-end business users known as
Early Adopters. These users were willing to pay more and explore untested
technology to realize significant improvements in their productivity or achieve a
sizable competitive advantage.

Key drivers that will allow this market to thrive:

 Technology Drivers

o Focuses on the convergence and standardization of the wireless data

network infrastructure, application development, and rendering
o The Wireless Application Protocol (WAP) - suite of specifications enables
the delivery and rendering of web-based content to mobile devices.
o WAP – provides a set of data protocols that are simultaneously optimized
for the restricted wireless network environment and independent of the
underlying type of wireless network. It works with Internet Protocol as
o A second key enabler – is a set of technological advances that provide
network ubiquity and offer efficient network architecture for connecting
devices to applications.
o Browser on the phones even support graphics, and perform complex tasks.
o Another motivation is the evolution and applications of smartcard
technology for e-commerce and security purposes.
o Over-the-air(OTA) programming of end-user terminals enhances the
mobile internet by providing automatic updates to the software and
settings without any user intervention.

 Usage Drivers

o Messaging, e-mail, real-time information retrieval, electronic commerce,

location based and communications management services.
o Directions, digital cameras to take photos and send pictures.

 Business Drivers

o New markets and revenue opportunities, new channels of distribution, new

partners and management teams and new business models.

 The mobile Internet enabled by the Wireless Application Protocol(WAP).

 Allows the user to access services over high-latency, low-bandwidth cellular
networks from thin-client terminals such as mobile phones and personal digital
assistants (PDAs).

Productivity Applications

 Enable user to manage information and enhance their day-to-day communications

with friends and colleagues.
 Eg: E-mail, text messaging, instant messaging, etc.
 Personal Information Management – is one of the application suite includes tools
such as calendar, scheduling, contact lists or address books and to-do lists.
 Unified Messaging and Universal Mailbox – The Unified Messaging Consortium
(UMC) defines unified messaging as the ability of users to respond to multimedia
messages without concern for the sender’s message format. Enables the
integration of voice, email and fax into a single inbox.
 Instant Messaging – permits two or more people to carry on a private
conversation online.

Information and Transactional Services

 The mobile Internet gives users immediate access to relevant information and
allows them to subsequently take actions on that information.
 Kiosk to content – News, Stock quotes, weather, traffic updates, sport scores,
directions to restaurants and ATMs, and train schedules, and other information.
Also includes searching for directory information such as that found in the white
or yellow pages.
 Electronic commerce – Electronic commerce is the concept of carrying out trade
over the Internet. B2C – Business to Consumer commerce. Banking, purchase of
goods and services, day trading, bill payment and so on.
 Motivation for Mobile E-Commerce:
o Generate more revenue through wider sales and distribution channel.
o Customer acquisition and retention are enhanced through repeated visit by
loyal customers.
o Brand recognition unlike any seen before.
o Reductions in the infrastructure and transactional costs.
o Improve customer access.
 Mobile Commerce Applications
o Electronic banking - Mobile banking.
o Bill payment – online bill payment.
o Online trading
o Electronic purchases of goods and services
o Contracts – insurance policies, agreeing to corporate papers, etc.

Life – Enhancing Applications

 Enable user to be more informed, safe, productive, or entertained in performing

everyday tasks.
 Telematics – convergence of telecommunications data and information
 Wireless communication in automobiles – In-Vehicle Information System (IVIS)
and automotive PCs, telematics devices - support in-car systems management and
monitoring, emergency signaling to the police and medical authorities, access to
Internet Information, etc.
 User will access services such as:
o Up-to-the-minute travel news (traffic updates, directions, maps, alternative
routes, parking, and airline status)
o Location-based services (nearest gas station, hotel or ATM).
o Information (sports, weather, stock market updates)
o Toll payments via smart cards.
o Entertainment
o Automotive amenities (roadside assistance, stolen vehicle tracking etc)
 Entertainment Services
o Game, puzzles, ring tones, image downloads, betting services, and recipes.
 Multimedia services – refers to content that incorporates voice or audio, images
and graphics, text data and video.
o Video mail and electronic postcards
o Surveillance and videoconferences
o Multimedia entertainment, streaming, and broadcast.
o Online games
o Multimedia catalogs for online shopping.
Other Services

 Telephony account and subscription management – Mobile Internet enables

network operators to provide improved telephony services and enhance the
customer service relationship.
 E-care – is the ability to provide customer care and support to subscribers and
users over the WWW. IVR System – Interactive voice Response Systems.
 Enhanced Telephony Applications – convergence of voice and data
 Mobile Visual Mailbox – ability to visually access a network-based unified
mailbox for retrieving multimedia messages.
 Incoming call treatment – time of the call, who is calling, call forward, voice mail
 Saving caller ID information to the contact list
 Multiway conference setup.
 Voice recognition.
Vertical services for the Enterprise
 To improve the productivity of the employees - Car registrations or license plates,
driving license records etc.
 Fleet Management and dispatch service – ability to receive and view information
about schedules, location of pickups and drop-offs, and so on.
 Sales force automation – Access to corporate intranet information such as a
database of information regarding customer orders, product pricing, and so on.


The WAP standard is a suite of standards that together define how wireless data handsets
communicate over the wireless network and how content and services are delivered and executed
to those same handsets.
Using these standards, the handset can establish a connection to a WAP-compliant
wireless data infrastructure, request content and services from that infrastructure, and present the
retrieved content and services to the user.
The standard affects the implementation of the handsets and the server side infrastructure
that may be present in the network operator, service provider or content provider.
The WAP standard define both handset behavior and network infrastructure behavior.
Application Layer
Wireless Application Environment (WAE). This layer is of most interest to content
developers because it contains among other things, device specifications, and the content
development programming languages, WML, and WMLScript.
Session Layer

Wireless Session Protocol (WSP)

Unlike HTTP, WSP has been designed by the WAP Forum to provide fast connection
suspension and reconnection.

Transaction Layer
Wireless Transaction Protocol (WTP). The WTP runs on top of a datagram service, such
as User Datagram Protocol (UDP) and is part of the standard suite of TCP/IP protocols used to
provide a simplified protocol suitable for low bandwidth wireless stations.

Security Layer
Wireless Transport Layer Security (WTLS). WTLS incorporates security features that are
based upon the established Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol standard. It includes data
integrity checks, privacy, service denial, and authentication services.

Transport Layer
Wireless Datagram Protocol (WDP). The WDP allows WAP to be bearer-independent by
adapting the transport layer of the underlying bearer. The WDP presents a consistent data format
to the higher layers of the WAP protocol stack, thereby offering the advantage of bearer
independence to application developers.

Each of these layers provides a well-defined interface to the layer above it. This means
that the internal workings of any layer are transparent or invisible to the layers above it. The
layered architecture allows other applications and services to utilize the features provided by the
WAP-stack as well. This makes it possible to use the WAP-stack for services and applications
that currently are not specified by WAP.
Advantages of WAP architecture
1. Layering allows the design of each protocol to evolve independently of other
2. Layering allows subsets of the standard to be implemented.
3. Layering permits effective bridging to the Internet.
4. Layering support the principal of Separability.
5. Layering potentially allows the implementation of each layer to change independently
of the other implementation.
Disadvantage of Layering
1. Layered protocol implementations are more difficult to optimize and, once optimized,
more difficult to maintain.
2. Layered protocols tend to be less efficient.

WAP - The Model

Before we describe WAP model, first we would like you to understand how Standard Internet

The Internet Model

The Internet model makes it possible for a client to reach services on a large number of origin
servers, each addressed by a unique Uniform Resource Locator (URL).

The content stored on the servers is of various formats, but HTML is the predominant. HTML
provides the content developer with a means to describe the appearance of a service in a flat
document structure. If more advanced features like procedural logic are needed, then scripting
languages such as JavaScript or VB Script may be utilised.

The figure below shows how a WWW client request a resource stored on a web server. On the
Internet standard communication protocols, like HTTP and Transmission Control
Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) are used.
The content available at the web server may be static or dynamic. Static content is
produced once and not changed or updated very often; for example, a company
presentation. Dynamic content is needed when the information provided by the
service changes more often; for example, timetables, news, stock quotes, and
account information. Technologies such as Active Server Pages (ASP), Common
Gateway Interface (CGI), and Servlets allow content to be generated dynamically.

The WAP Model

The figure below shows the WAP programming model. Note, the similarities with
the Internet model. Without the WAP Gateway/Proxy, the two models would have
been practically identical.
WAP Gateway/Proxy is the entity that connects the wireless domain with the Internet. You
should make a note that the request that is sent from the wireless client to the WAP
Gateway/Proxy uses the Wireless Session Protocol (WSP). In its essence, WSP is a binary
version of HTTP.

A markup language − the Wireless Markup Language (WML) has been adapted to develop
optimized WAP applications. In order to save valuable bandwidth in the wireless network, WML
can be encoded into a compact binary format. Encoding WML is one of the tasks performed by
the WAP Gateway/Proxy.

How WAP Model Works?

When it comes to actual use, WAP works as follows −

 The user selects an option on their mobile device that has a URL with Wireless Markup

language (WML) content assigned to it.

 The phone sends the URL request via the phone network to a WAP gateway using the

binary encoded WAP protocol.

 The gateway translates this WAP request into a conventional HTTP request for the

specified URL and sends it on to the Internet.

 The appropriate Web server picks up the HTTP request.

 The server processes the request just as it would any other request. If the URL refers to a

static WML file, the server delivers it. If a CGI script is requested, it is processed and the
content returned as usual.
 The Web server adds the HTTP header to the WML content and returns it to the gateway.

 The WAP gateway compiles the WML into binary form.

 The gateway then sends the WML response back to the phone.

 The phone receives the WML via the WAP protocol.

 The micro-browser processes the WML and displays the content on the screen.
3.WAP versus The Web
WAP 1.0 WAP 2.0 Conventional Web
Assumes black-and- Limited screen Web browsers capable of
Display white, limited screen display with rendering HTML in full
display limited color color.
using a
WML using a card- combination of HTML based on web
and-deck metaphor. card-and-deck pages.
metaphor and web
WAP server or
Server WAP server Web Server with a Web server
WAP Proxy
WAP Protocols
including WSP WAP Protocols or
(Wireless Session WP-HTTP
Protocol), WTP (Wireless Profiled
(Wireless Transaction HTTP), TLS
Protocols HTTP over TCP/IP
Protocol), WTLS (Transport Layer
(Wireless Transport Security), and WP-
Layer Security), and TCP (Wireless
WDP (Wireless Profiled TCP)
Datagram Protocol)
WAP gateway WAP gateway
Web servers connected to
Architecture connecting devices to connecting devices
web servers. to web servers.
WMLScript WMLScript JavaScript/ECMAScript

Browsing the web using the WML browser is only one application for a
handheld device user. Say a user still wants to make phone calls and access all the
features of the mobile phone network as with a traditional mobile phone. This is
where the wireless telephony application (WTA), the WTA user agent (as shown in
Figure), and the wireless telephony application interface WTAI come in. WTA is a
collection of telephony specific extensions for call and feature control mechanisms,
merging data networks and voice networks.

The WTA framework integrates advanced telephony services using a

consistent user interface (e.g., the WML browser) and allows network operators to
increase accessibility for various special services in their network. A network
operator can reach more end-devices using WTA because this is integrated in the
wireless application environment (WAE) which handles device-specific
characteristics and environments. WTA should enable third-party developers as
well as network operators to create network-independent content that accesses the
basic features of the bearer network. However, most of the WTA functionality is
reserved for the network operators for security and stability reasons.

WTA extends the basic WAE application model in several ways:

● Content push: A WTA origin server can push content, i.e., WML decks or
WMLScript, to the client. A push can take place without prior client request. The
content can enable, e.g., the client to handle new network events that were
unknown before.

● Access to telephony functions: The wireless telephony application

interface (WTAI, WAP Forum, 2000m) provides many functions to handle
telephony events (call accept, call setup, change of phone book entries etc.).

● Repository for event handlers: The repository represents a persistent storage on

the client for content required to offer WTA services. Content are either channels
or resources. Examples for resources are WML decks, WMLScript objects, or
WBMP pictures. Resources are loaded using WSP or are pre-installed. A channel
comprises references to resources and is associated with a lifetime. Within this
lifetime, it is guaranteed that all resources the channel points to are locally
available in the repository. The motivation behind the repository is the necessity to
react very quickly for time-critical events (e.g., call accept). It would take too long
to load content from a server for this purpose.

● Security model: Mandatory for WTA is a security model as many frauds happen
with wrong phone numbers or faked services. WTA allows the client to only
connect to trustworthy gateways, which then have to check if the servers providing
content are authorized to send this content to the client. Obviously, it is not easy to
define trustworthy in this context. In the beginning, the network operator‟s
gateway may be the only trusted gateway and the network operator may decide
which servers are allowed to provide content. Figure 10.30 gives an overview of
the WTA logical architecture.

The components shown are not all mandatory in this architecture; however,
firewalls or other origin servers may be useful. A minimal configuration could be a
single server from the network operator serving all clients. The client is connected
via a mobile network with a WTA server, other telephone networks (e.g., fixed
PSTN), and a WAP gateway. A WML user agent running on the client or on other
user agents is not shown here.

The client may have voice and data connections over the mobile network. Other
origin servers within the trusted domain may be connected via the WAP gateway.
A firewall is useful to connect third-party origin servers outside the trusted domain.
One difference between WTA servers and other servers besides security is the
tighter control of QoS. A network operator knows (more or less precisely) the
latency, reliability, and capacity of its mobile network and can have more control
over the behavior of the services. Other servers, probably located in the internet,
may not be able to give as good QoS guarantees as the network operator.
Similarly, the WTA user agent has a very rigid and real-time context
management for browsing the web compared to the standard WML user agent.
Figure shows an exemplary interaction between a WTA client, a WTA gateway, a
WTA server, the mobile network (with probably many more servers) and a voice
box server. Someone might leave a message on a voice box server as indicated.
Without WAP, the network operator then typically generates an SMS indicating
the new message on the voice box via a little symbol on the mobile phone.
However, it is typically not indicated who left a message, what messages are stored
etc. Users have to call the voice box to check and cannot choose a particular
message. In a WAP scenario, the voice box can induce the WTA server to generate
new content for pushing to the client. An example could be a WML deck
containing a list of callers plus length and priority of the calls. The server does not
push this deck immediately to the client, but sends a push message containing a

URL to the client. A short note, e.g., ―5 new calls are stored", could accompany
the push message. The WTA gateway translates the push URL into a service
indication and codes it into a more compact binary format. The WTA user agent
then indicates that new messages are stored. If the user wants to listen to the stored
messages, he or she can request a list of the messages.

This is done with the help of the URL. A WSP get requests the content the URL
points to. The gateway translates this WSP get into an HTTP get and the server
responds with the prepared list of callers.

After displaying the content, the user can select a voice message from the list. Each
voice message in this example has an associated URL, which can request a certain
WML card from the server. The purpose of this card is to prepare the client for an
incoming call. As soon as the client receives the card, it waits for the incoming
call. The call is then automatically accepted. The WTA server also signals the
voice box system to set up a (traditional) voice connection to play the selected
voice message. Setting up the call and accepting the call is shown using dashed
lines, as these are standard interactions from the mobile phone network, which are
not controlled by WAP.

Wireless Telephony Application (WTA) Architecture:

WTA is a collection of telephony specific extensions for call and feature control mechanisms,
merging data networks and voice networks.

It is an Extension of basic WAE application model with following features

–network model for interaction

client requests to server

event signaling: server can push content to the client

– event handling

table indicating how to react on certain events from the network

client may now be able to handle unknown events

–telephony functions

some application on the client may access telephony functions

WTAI (Wireless Telephony Application Interface) includes:

–Call control

–Network text messaging

–Phone book interface

–Event processing
Security model: segregation

–Separate WTA browser

–Separate WTA port

The client is connected via a mobile network with a WTA server, other telephone networks and
a WAP gateway.

A WML user agent running on the client is not shown here.

The client may have voice and data connections over the network.

Other origin servers can be connected via the WAP gateway.



MobileDev - Wireless Application Development

MobileDev is the first Wireless Development Environment (WDE) specifically for WAP Internet
applications. Its innovative open-ended development model integrates a graphical application
mapper with a wizard interface and a rich tool set. MobileDev supports WAP technologies like
WML, HDML, Microsoft Active Server Pages (ASP), Perl and Java Server Pages (JSP).

Using the GUI application mapper to show the relationships between objects, developers can
quickly outline the components of a WAP application. Then they can take advantage of wizards
that generate Decks and Cards in both WML and HDML, and use MobileDev's code builder to
write WML/HDML syntax that complements the wizard-generated code. The integration of the
application mapper with wizards and the code builder provides a seamless WDE that delivers
results fast.

MobileDev comes complete with its own powerful integrated runtime engine, MobileDev Server
Script. Server Script can quickly create prototypes or build full-blown business WAP
applications that can be natively connected to an RDBMS. MobileDev WDE is also designed to
support development in ASP, JSP, Perl or other template-based server technologies.


designer, push initiator. The browser simulates a device equipped with WAP software from
Ericsson. With the use of the browser WML decks and cards can be accessed. The browser has a
facility of tracing different types of system events. This information can be observed in the
browser trace view. The application designer is the main part of the WapIDE toolkit. The
WapIDE application designer is a WML and WMLScript [7] editor to design and test WAP
applications. WML and WMLScript files are managed in WapIDE projects.
The design area of the WapIDE consists of several sections and scrollable panes. The major
panes are the project and the source panes. The project pane presents the view of the current
project with the help of a special generated tree view. It shows the files in the project and the
structure of the WML files. The attribute pane shows the attributes of the current project, file or
WML element in a file. The message pane indicates messages from compilation time. The push
initiator is another part of the WapIDE that is responsible for sending push messages to the
browser or to a real terminal. The Ericsson WapIDE has some shortcomings. Unfortunately the
attribute pane indicates attributes of the currently selected WML element in the project tree view
only, but it does not show the attributes of the currently edited element in the source pane. The
toolkit provides a number of wizards. Those wizards sometimes do not enforce that the syntax is
correct. As an immediate consequence of incomplete syntax the source code cannot be compiled
successfully. Another weakness regarding testing is that the toolkit does not support any
debugging mechanisms like tracing variables, dynamic assignment or even displaying variables.
The WMLScript editor does not distinguish keywords from other text, e.g. by using colors. Apart
from these small shortcomings, the Ericsson WapIDE provides some useful features. One of
these features is storing mobile applications in projects.

Nokia Mobile Internet Toolkit 3.0 This toolkit provides a set of tools for preparing mobile
Internet services and includes many features and components such as: device simulators; WML
and WMLScript encoders,; WML, WMLScript, WBMP [7], push, multipart content, XHTML
[10], and CSS editors; WAP protocol stack, HTTP and file access modules; debugging views;
WAP server simulator, a WAP gateway for local toolkit use only; Wireless Telephony
Application Interface (WTAI) [8] features; Nokia SoftID [8], a Wireless Identity Module (WIM)
[8] card simulation; basic WML and XHTML sample applications and source code. Content that
users create is encoded if necessary and usually immediately displayed. Compilation status
messages are displayed at the bottom of the editing window.

The toolkit is also designed to assist developers during the process of developing a push
application. A push message has both a binary (encoded) and a text (source) form. There are
facilities for helping the developer observe and debug the effects of various pushed content on
the client system: displaying a push message on the simulator, effects on the cache, when URLs
get loaded, and so on. The NMIT provides also a mechanism for simulation of phone calls. That
mechanism is based on WTAI. The Nokia Mobile Internet Toolkit offers a wide range of
configuration and customization functions, which are easily accessible through numerous
intuitive menus. These features allow customizing device settings, connections, toolkit
preferences, etc.

Openwave SDK WAP Edition 5.01. The user interface is very intuitive, typical for programs
running under Windows operating systems. The various windows displayed within the IDE can
be moved and docked, or can be displayed outside the IDE window.

Figure 1. Openwave SDK WAP Edition 5.0 – Main Window The two main windows are the
editor window and the browser simulator window. There is also group of debugging windows:
variables; cookies; history; HTTP response; browser output. Together with the Openwave SDK
program files basic documentation (Getting started guide, WML/WMLScript guides and
references) can be installed. The information included is Figure sufficient even for absolute
beginners in this area. Experienced users can explore the Openwave Developer site. The
Openwave Software Development Kit WAP Edition 5.0 is a user-friendly application, easy to
learn for beginners. The program itself is stable; it has no extraordinary hardware requirements
and offers a huge range of customization possibilities. All three toolkits can be downloaded for
free. There are dedicated websites for network operators, developers, content providers,
technology suppliers and others interested in mobile Internet services and applications,
innovative mobility projects, etc. [1], [2], [3].

WAP Developement Toolkit

The WAP Developer Toolkit from Dynamical Systems Research (DSR) is a developer software
product for mobile phones and devices that includes a WAR (Wireless Application Reader)
browser that supports the Wireless Markup Language (WML) as well as WMLScript, including
all the WMLScript Standard Libraries.

Embedded in the WAR browser is a WMLScript bytecode Virtual Machine that runs compiled
WMLScript applications. The WAP Developer Toolkit also features a WML Encoder/Decoder
for converting WML elements into bytecoded format so as to achieve optimal use of low-
bandwidth wireless communication channels.

The conversion is performed off-line and the encoded WML modules can then be made available
for downloading by WML browsers. Included is a WMLScript compiler and assembler for
converting WMLScript source code into the compressed bytecode format that is run by WAP
client devices.

Developers can use WMLScript Debug Library for debugging of their WAP applications during

The Wireless Application Protocol (WAP) gateway is part of a protocol for protected use
of the Internet. In WAP, requests to access a website are sent through a WAP gateway for
security purposes.

WAP GOALS:Gateway is a device for converting the TCP/IP protocols to the different
WAP protocols and vice versa. It is able to translate HTML to WML. The WAP Gateway is
often a proxy server, meaning that it acts both as server and client for the purpose of making
requests on behalf of other clients.

Example of WAP:Wireless application protocol which is a process in cell networks that

is used to transfer the text, graphics and audio from web pages to hand-held wireless devices. An
example of a wap is the way Yahoo is transferred to a cell phone.

Wireless Application Protocol gateway Software that decodes and encodes requests and
responses between the smartphone microbrowsers and the Internet. It decodes the encoded WAP
requests from the microbrowser and sends the HTTP requests to the Internet or to a local
application server. It encodes WML and HDML data returning from the Web for transmission to
the microbrowser in the handset.
This diagram depicts Openwave's Mobile Access Gateway which combines the WAP
gateway with an application server that hosts WAP pages and provides numerous services (push,
fax, etc.) along with encoding and decoding


A WAP gateway sits between mobile devices using the Wireless Application Protocol
(WAP) and the World Wide Web, passing pages from one to the other much like a proxy. This
translates pages into a form suitable for the mobiles, for instance using the Wireless Markup
Language (WML).

Layers of WAP Protocol

 Session Layer. Wireless Session Protocol (WSP). ...

 Transaction Layer. Wireless Transaction Protocol (WTP). ...

 Security Layer. Wireless Transport Layer Security (WTLS). ...

 Transport Layer. Wireless Datagram Protocol (WDP).


The WAP model closely resembles the Internet model of working. In Internet a
WWW client requests a resource stored on a web server by identifying it using a unique URL,
that is, a text string constituting an address to that resource. Standard communication protocols,
like HTTP and Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) manage these requests
and transfer of data between the two ends. The content that is transferred can either be static like
html pages or dynamic like Active Server Pages (ASP), Common Gateway Interface (CGI), and

The following figure helps draw a parallel to the Internet protocols. You can see
how WAP extends or reuses Internet protocols to achieve mobile Internet access.

The strength of WAP (some call it the problem with WAP) lies on the fact that it very
closely resembles the Internet model. In order to accommodate wireless access to the
information space offered by the WWW, WAP is based on well-known Internet technology that
has been optimized to meet the constraints of a wireless environment. Corresponding to HTML,
WAP specifies a markup language adapted to the constraints of low bandwidth available with the
usual mobile data bearers and the limited display capabilities of mobile devices - the Wireless
Markup Language (WML). WML offers a navigation model designed for devices with small
displays and limited input facilities (no mouse and limited keyboard). WAP also provides a
means for supporting more advanced tasks, comparable to those solved by using
for example JavaScript in HTML. The solution in WAP is called WML Script.

Positioning Of WAP Gateway in the Network

A WAP gateway sits between mobile devices using the Wireless Application
Protocol (WAP) and the World Wide Web, passing pages from one to the other much like a
proxy. This translates pages into a form suitable for the mobiles, for instance using the Wireless
Markup Language (WML).

This process is hidden from the phone, so it may access the page in the same way as a
browser accesses HTML, using a URL (for example, http://example.com/foo.wml), provided the
mobile phone operator has not specifically prevented this.

WAP gateway software that encodes and decodes request and response between the
smartphones, microbrowser and internet. It decodes the encoded WAP requests from the
microbrowser and send the HTTP requests to the internet or to a local application server. It also
encodes the WML and HDML data returning from the web for transmission to the microbrowser
in the handset.

The position of a mobile phone can be located using information from the radio network
it uses. This paper presents two applications that make use of Wireless Application Protocol
(WAP) and mobile positioning technology to provide location-based information to the user in
real time.

The applications use the user's position to generate dynamic information. Besides, both
applications also have a web interface to perform administering tasks. The first application
allows the user to locate the nearest resource (pizza restaurant, theater, gas station, and so on) to
his/her position.

The second application is a data acquisition system and it demonstrates how the user can
directly introduce data into Geographical Information Systems (GIS) from a WAP phone. Our
proposal uses existing radio network and does not need the use of Global Positioning System

WML is the markup language defined inthe WAP specification. WAP sites are written
in WML, while web sites are written in HTML. WML is very similar to HTML.


Extensible Markup Language is a markup language and file format for storing,
transmitting, and reconstructing arbitrary data. It defines a set of rules for encoding documents in
a format that is both human-readable and machine-readable. Wikipedia

Editors: Tim Bray, Jean Paoli, Michael Sperberg-McQueen, Eve Maler, François Yergeau, John
W. Cowan

Status: Published, W3C recommendation

Abbreviation: XML
Organization: World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)

Latest version: 1.1 (2nd ed.); September 29, 2006; 15 years ago

Domain: Serialization

First published: February 10, 1998; 24 years ago.

XML (Extensible Markup Language)

XML (Extensible Markup Language) is used to describe data. The XML standard is a
flexible way to create information formats and electronically share structured data via the public
internet, as well as via corporate networks.

XML is a markup language based on Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML)

used for defining markup languages.

XML's primary function is to create formats for data that is used to encode information
for documentation, database records, transactions and many other types of data. XML data may
be used for creating different content types that are generated by building dissimilar types of
content -- including web, print and mobile content -- that are based on the XML data.

Like Hypertext Markup Language (HTML), which is also based on the SGML standard,
XML documents are stored as American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII)
files and can be edited using any text editor.

What is XML used for?

XML's primary function is to provide a "simple text-based format for representing structured
information," according to the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), the standards body for the
web, including for the following:

 underlying data formats for applications such as those in Microsoft Office;

 technical documentation;

 configuration options for application software;

 books;

 transactions; and
 invoices.

XML enables sharing of structured information among and between the following:

 programs and programs;

 programs and people; and

 locally and across networks.

W3C defines the XML standard and recommends its use for web content. While XML and
HTML are both based on the SGML platform, W3C has also defined the XHTML and XHTLM5
document formats that mirror, respectively, the HTML and HTML5 standards for web content.

How does XML work?

XML works by providing a predictable data format. XML is strict on formatting; if the
formatting is off, programs that process or display the encoded data will return an error.

For an XML document to be considered well-formed -- that is, conforming to

XML syntax and able to be read and understood by an XML parser -- it must be valid XML
code. All XML documents consist of elements; an element acts as a container for data. The
beginning and end of an element are identified by opening and closing tags, with other elements
or plain data within.
XML works by providing properly formatted data that can be reliably processed by
programs designed to handle XML inputs. For example, technical documentation may include
a <warning> element similar to that shown in the following snippet of XML code:

<emphasis type="bold">May cause serious injury</emphasis>
Exercise extreme caution as this procedure could result in serious injury or death if
precautions are not taken.

In this example, this data is interpreted and displayed in different ways, depending on the
form factor of the technical documentation. On a webpage, this element could be displayed in the
following way:

The same XML code is rendered differently on an appliance user interface (UI) or in
print. This element could be interpreted to display the text tagged as emphasis differently, such
as having it appear in red and with flashing highlights. In printed form, the content might be
provided in a different font and format.

XML documents do not define presentation, and there are no default XML tags. Most
XML applications use predefined sets of tags that differ, depending on the XML format. Most
users rely on predefined XML formats to compose their documents, but users may also define
additional XML elements as needed.

WML Structure

The topmost layer in the WAP (Wireless Application Protocol) architecture is made up of
WAE (Wireless Application Environment), which consists of WML and WML scripting

 WML stands for Wireless Markup Language

 WML is an application of XML, which is defined in a document-type definition.

 WML is based on HDML and is modified so that it can be compared with HTML.

 WML takes care of the small screen and the low bandwidth of transmission.

 WML is the markup language defined in the WAP specification.

 WAP sites are written in WML, while web sites are written in HTML.

 WML is very similar to HTML. Both of them use tags and are written in plain text

 WML files have the extension ".wml". The MIME type of WML is "text/vnd.wap.wml".

 WML supports client-side scripting. The scripting language supported is called

WML Versions:

WAP Forum has released a latest version WAP 2.0. The markup language defined in
WAP 2.0 is XHTML Mobile Profile (MP). The WML MP is a subset of the XHTML. A style
sheet called WCSS (WAP CSS) has been introduced alongwith XHTML MP. The WCSS is a
subset of the CSS2.

Most of the new mobile phone models released are WAP 2.0-enabled. Because WAP 2.0
is backward compatible to WAP 1.x, WAP 2.0-enabled mobile devices can display both
XHTML MP and WML documents.

WML 1.x is an earlier technology. However, that does not mean it is of no use, since a lot
of wireless devices that only supports WML 1.x are still being used. Latest version of WML is
2.0 and it is created for backward compatibility purposes. So WAP site developers need not to
worry about WML 2.0.

WML Decks and Cards:

A main difference between HTML and WML is that the basic unit of navigation in
HTML is a page, while that in WML is a card. A WML file can contain multiple cards and they
form a deck.

When a WML page is accessed from a mobile phone, all the cards in the page are
downloaded from the WAP server. So if the user goes to another card of the same deck, the
mobile browser does not have to send any requests to the server since the file that contains the
deck is already stored in the wireless device.

You can put links, text, images, input fields, option boxes and many other elements in a

WML Program Structure:

Following is the basic structure of a WML program:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<card id="one" title="First Card">
This is the first card in the deck
<card id="two" title="Second Card">
Ths is the second card in the deck

The first line of this text says that this is an XML document and the version is 1.0. The
second line selects the document type and gives the URL of the document type definition (DTD).

One WML deck (i.e. page ) can have one or more cards as shown above. We will see
complete details on WML document structure in subsequent chapter.

Unlike HTML 4.01 Transitional, text cannot be enclosed directly in the <card>...</card>
tag pair. So you need to put a content inside <p>...</p> as shown above.

WAP Site Design Considerations:

Wireless devices are limited by the size of their displays and keypads. It's therefore very
important to take this into account when designing a WAP Site.

While designing a WAP site you must ensure that you keep things simple and easy to
use. You should always keep in mind that there are no standard microbrowser behaviors and that
the data link may be relatively slow, at around 10Kbps. However, with GPRS, EDGE, and
UMTS, this may not be the case for long, depending on where you are located.

The following are general design tips that you should keep in mind when designing a

 Keep the WML decks and images to less than 1.5KB.

 Keep text brief and meaningful, and as far as possible try to precode options to minimize

the rather painful experience of user data entry.

 Keep URLs brief and easy to recall.
 Minimize menu levels to prevent users from getting lost and the system from slowing

 Use standard layout tags such as <big> and <b>, and logically structure your information.

 Don't go overboard with the use of graphics, as many target devices may not support



Line Break:

The <br /> element defines a line break and almost all WAP browsers supports a line
break tag.

The <br /> element supports the following attributes:

Attribute Value Description

xml:lang language_code Sets the language used in the element

class class data Sets a class name for the element.

id element ID A unique ID for the element.

Following is the example showing usage of <br /> element.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<card title="Line Break Example">
<p align="center">
This is a <br /> paragraph with a line break.
This will produce the following result:

Text Paragraphs:

The <p> element defines a paragraph of text and WAP browsers always render a
paragraph in a new line.

A <p> element is required to define any text, image or a table in WML.

The <p> element supports the following attributes:

Attribute Value Description

align  left This is used to change the horizontal alignment of a paragraph.

 right

 center

mode  wrap Sets whether a paragraph should wrap lines or not.

 nowrap

xml:lang language_code Sets the language used in the element

class class data Sets a class name for the element.

id element ID A unique ID for the element.

Following is the example showing usage of <p> element.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<card title="Paragraph Example">
<p align="center">
This is first paragraph
<p align="right">
This is second paragraph

This will produce the following result:

WML Tables:

The <table> element along with <tr> and <td> is used to create a table in WML. WML
does not allow the nesting of tables

A <table> element should be put with-in <p>...</p> elements.

The <table /> element supports the following attributes:

Attribute Value Description

columns number Sets the number of columns in the table

align  L To specify the horizontal text alignment of the columns, you need to
 C assign three letters to the align attribute. Each letter represents the
 R horizontal text alignment of a column. The letter can be L, C, or R.
For example, if you want the following settings to be applied to your

 First table column -- Left-aligned

 Second table column -- Center-aligned

 Third table column -- Right-aligned

Then you should set the value of the align attribute to LCR.

xml:lang language_code Sets the language used in the element

class class data Sets a class name for the element.

id element ID A unique ID for the element.

Following is the example showing usage of <table> element.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<card title="WML Tables">
<table columns="3" align="LCR">
<td>Col 1</td>
<td>Col 2</td>
<td>Col 3</td>
Preformatted Text:

The <pre> element is used to specify preformatted text in WML. Preformatted text is text
of which the format follows the way it is typed in the WML document.

This tag preserves all the white spaces enclosed inside this tag. Make sure you are not
putting this tag inside <p>...</p>
The <pre> element supports following attributes:

Attribute Value Description

xml:lang language_code Sets the language used in the element

class class data Sets a class name for the element.

id element ID A unique ID for the element.

Following is the example showing usage of <pre> element.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<card title="Preformatted Text">
This is preformatted
text and will appear
as it it.

This will produce the following result:


WML <anchor> Element:

The <anchor>...</anchor> tag pair is used to create an anchor link. It is used

together with other WML elements called <go/>, <refresh> or <prev/>. These
elements are called task elements and tell WAP browsers what to do when a user
selects the anchor link

You can enclose Text or image along with a task tag inside
<anchor>...</anchor> tag pair.

The <anchor> element supports the following attributes:

Attribute Value Description

title cdata Defines a text identifying the link

xml:lang language_code Sets the language used in the element

class class data Sets a class name for the element.

id element ID A unique ID for the element.

Following is the example showing usage of <anchor> element.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<card title="Anchor Element">
<go href="nextpage.wml"/>

This will produce the following result:

WML <a> Element:

The <a>...</a> tag pair can also be used to create an anchor link and always a preferred
way of creating links.

You can enclose Text or image inside <a>...</a> tags.

The <a> element supports the following attributes:

Attribute Value Description

href URL Defines URL of the liked page

title cdata Defines a text identifying the link

xml:lang language_code Sets the language used in the element

class class data Sets a class name for the element.

id element ID A unique ID for the element.

Following is the example showing usage of <a> element.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<card title="A Element">
<p> Link to Next Page:
<a href="nextpage.wml">Next Page</a>

This will produce the following result:


WML Program to Display Template


/*WML Program to Display Template*/

<?xml version=”1.0″?>
<do name=”main_menu” type=”accept” label=”chapters”>
<go href=”#chapters”/>
<do name=”menu_1″ type=”accept” label=”chapter1″>
<go href=”#chapter1″/>
<do name=”menu_2″ type=”accept” label=”chapter2″>
<go href=”#chapter2″/>
<card id=”chapters” title=”WML Tutorial”?
select one chapter:<br />
<go href=”#chapter1″/>
chapter1: WML Overview
</anchor><br />
<go href=”#chapter2″/>
chapter2: WML Environment
</anchor><br />
<card id=”chapter1″ title=”WML Tutorial ch1″>
<em>Chapter 1: WML Introduction</em><br />
<card id=”chapter2″ title=”WML Environment ch2″>
<em>Chapter 2: WML Environment</em><br />

Sample Output

The <select>...</select> WML elements are used to define a selection list and the
<option>...</option> tags are used to define an item in a selection list. Items are presented as
radio buttons in some WAP browsers. The <option>...</option> tag pair should be enclosed
within the <select>...</select> tags.


This element supports the following attributes:

Attribute Value Description

iname text Names the variable that is set with the index result of the selection

ivalue text Sets the pre-selected option element

multiple o true Sets whether multiple items can be selected. Default is "false"
o false

name text Names the variable that is set with the result of the selection

tabindex number Sets the tabbing position for the select element

title text Sets a title for the list

value text Sets the default value of the variable in the "name" attribute

xml:lang language_code Sets the language used in the element

class class data Sets a class name for the element.

id element ID A unique ID for the element.


Following is the example showing usage of this element.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<card title="Selectable List">
<p> Select a Tutorial :
<option value="htm">HTML Tutorial</option>
<option value="xml">XML Tutorial</option>
<option value="wap">WAP Tutorial</option>

When you will load this program, it will show you the following screen:

Once you highlight and enter on the options, it will display the following screen:
You want to provide option to select multiple options, then set multiple attribute to true as

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<card title="Selectable List">
<p> Select a Tutorial :
<select multiple="true">
<option value="htm">HTML Tutorial</option>
<option value="xml">XML Tutorial</option>
<option value="wap">WAP Tutorial</option>

This will give you a screen to select multiple options as follows:


WML language also supports events and you can specify an action to be taken whenever an
event occurs. This action could be in terms of WMLScript or simply in terms of WML.
WML supports following four event types:

 onenterbackward: This event occurs when the user hits a card by normal backward
navigational means. That is, user presses the Back key on a later card and arrives back at
this card in the history stack.
 onenterforward: This event occurs when the user hits a card by normal forward
navigational means.
 onpick: This is more like an attribute but it is being used like an event. This event occurs
when an item of a selection list is selected or deselected.
 ontimer: This event is used to trigger an event after a given time period.

These event names are case sensitive and they must be lowercase.

WML <onevent> Element:

The <onevent>...</onevent> tags are used to create event handlers. Its usage takes the following

<onevent type="event_type">
A task to be performed.

You can use either go, prev or refresh task inside <onevent>...</onevent> tags against an event.

The <onevent> element supports the following attributes:

Attribute Value Description

type  onenterbackward Defines a type of event occured.

 onenterforward
 onpick
 ontimer

class class data Sets a class name for the element.

id element ID A unique ID for the element.

Following is the example showing usage of <onevent> element. In this example, whenever you
try to go back from second card to first card then onenterbackward occurs which moves you to
card number three. Copy and paste this program and try to play with it.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<onevent type="onenterbackward">
<go href="#card3"/>
<card id="card1" title="Card 1">
<go href="#card2"/>
Go to card 2
<card id="card2" title="Card 2">
Going backwards
<card id="card3" title="Card 3">
Hello World!
A variable is used to store some data. You can modify or read the value of a variable during
execution. The var keyword is used to declare WMLScript variables. It should be used in the
following form (the part enclosed within brackets [] is optional):

var variable_name [= value_to_be_initialized];

Below is an example. The following line of code declares a variable

called wmlscript_variable and initializes its value to "Welcome to our WMLScript tutorial".

var wmlscript_variable = "Welcome to our WMLScript tutorial";

Variable initialization is optional. If you do not initialize a variable, the WMLScript interpreter
will assign an empty string to it automatically, i.e. the following line of script:

var wmlscript_variable;

is equivalent to:

var wmlscript_variable = "";

Re-declaration of a variable is not allowed in WMLScript. It will result in error.

You can use the var keyword once, but declare more than one variable. For example, the
following WMLScript code:

var wmlscript_variable1;
var wmlscript_variable2;
var wmlscript_variable3;

is equivalent to:
var wmlscript_variable1, wmlscript_variable2, wmlscript_variable3;

Note that in WMLScript, you must use the var keyword to declare a variable before it can be
used. This is different from JavaScript in which automatic declaration of variables is supported.
For example, the following function is NOT valid in WMLScript since
the wmlscript_variable variable has not been declared:

function wmlscript_func()
wmlscript_variable = "Welcome to our WMLScript tutorial";

WMLScript does not support global variables. Global variables are variables that can be
accessed from any functions. This is different from JavaScript in which global variables are
supported. For example, the following script is valid in JavaScript but not in WMLScript:

var wmlscript_variable;
function wmlscript_func1()
wmlscript_variable = "Hello";
function wmlscript_func2()
wmlscript_variable = "Welcome to our WMLScript tutorial";


In WMLScript, arguments are passed to functions by value, which means if you specify a
variable as the argument of a function, the value of this variable will not be affected by any
operation inside the function. This is because when an argument is passed by value, a copy of the
variable is passed to the function instead of the original variable.

Passing arguments by reference means a reference to the variable is passed to the function
instead of a copy of the variable. The value of the variable in the calling function can be changed
by operations inside the called function.
WMLScript does not support passing arguments by reference. This creates a problem for us
since arguments have to be passed by reference in some situations. One situation is when we
want to return multiple values back to the calling function. (Remember that the return statement
can only be used to return one value. So, it cannot help us in this situation.) To solve the
problem, we can make use of the "passing arguments by reference" way: return values are
assigned to the argument variables, whose values can be read in the calling function.

Although WMLScript does not support "pass by reference", we can use

the setVar() and getVar() functions and WML variables to simulate it.

The following example demonstrates how to do this. We will take a date in the MM-DD-YYYY
format (e.g. 08-30-2005) from the user and change it to a different format DD/MM/YYYY (e.g.
30/08/2005). Below is the WML document of the example:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<card id="card1" title="WMLScript Tutorial">
Please enter a date in the MM-DD-YYYY format:<br/>
<input name="datef1"/><br/>
<a href="passByRefEg1.wmls#changeDateFormat('$(datef1)')">Run

If you view the above WML document in a mobile phone browser, you will see something
similar to this:
Sony Ericsson T68i Nokia Mobile Browser 4.0

Enter 08-30-2005 in the input field:

Sony Ericsson T68i Nokia Mobile Browser 4.0

Select the "Run WMLScript" anchor link and the changeDateFormat() function of
the passByRefEg1.wmls file will be executed. Here shows the code of the function:

extern function changeDateFormat(date)

WMLBrowser.setVar("datef2", date);
parseDate("datef2", "day", "month", "year");
var datef2 = WMLBrowser.getVar("datef2");
var day = WMLBrowser.getVar("day");
var month = WMLBrowser.getVar("month");
var year = WMLBrowser.getVar("year");
WMLBrowser.setVar("result", "Day: " + day + "\nMonth: " + month + "\nYear: " + year +
"\nDate after conversion: " + datef2);
Inside the changeDateFormat() function, we call another WMLScript function parseDate().
Notice that we simulate "pass by reference" here. The parseDate() function takes four WML
variable names as arguments. Before parseDate() is called, the first WML variable contains the
date in the MM-DD-YYYY format. When parseDate() returns, the first WML variable contains
the date in the DD/MM/YYYY format and the next three WML variables contain the day value,
month value and year value respectively. We will then retrieve the value of these four WML
variables and print them out.

Here shows the WMLScript code of the parseDate() function:

function parseDate(dateWMLVar, dayWMLVar, monthWMLVar, yearWMLVar)

var date = WMLBrowser.getVar(dateWMLVar);
var month = String.elementAt(date, 0, "-");
var day = String.elementAt(date, 1, "-");
var year = String.elementAt(date, 2, "-");
date = day + "/" + month + "/" + year;
WMLBrowser.setVar(dateWMLVar, date);
WMLBrowser.setVar(dayWMLVar, day);
WMLBrowser.setVar(monthWMLVar, month);
WMLBrowser.setVar(yearWMLVar, year);

As you can see above, we make use of the String standard library's elementAt() function
in parseDate(). It helps us break down a string using the specified delimiter. Details about it will
be mentioned in the "Getting the Element at a Certain Index in a String: elementAt() Function"
section of this tutorial. Now all you need to know is that it breaks down a date, say "08-30-
2005", into "08", "30" and "2005".

The following screenshots show the result of the above example in some mobile phone browsers:
Sony Ericsson T68i Nokia Mobile Browser 4.0

WML Script

WMLScript (Wireless Markup Language Script) is the client-side scripting language of WML
(Wireless Markup Language). A scripting language is similar to a programming language, but is
of lighter weight. With WMLScript, the wireless device can do some of the processing and
computation. This reduces the number of requests and responses to/from the server.

This chapter will give brief description of all the important WML Script components.

WML Script Components:

WML Script is very similar to Java Script. WML Script components have almost similar
meaning as they have in Java Script. The WML Script program components are summarized

WML Script Operators

WML Script supports following type of operators.

 Arithmetic Operators
 Comparison Operators
 Logical (or Relational) Operators
 Assignment Operators
 Conditional (or ternary) Operators

Check for complete detail of The WML Operators.

WML Script Control Statements

Control statements are used for controlling the sequence and iterations in a program.

Statement Description

if-else Conditional branching

for Making self-incremented fixed iteration loop

while Making variable iteration loop

break Terminates a loop

continue Quit the current iteration of a loop

Check for complete detail of WML Script Control Statements.

WML Script Functions

The user-defined functions are declared in a separate file having the extension .wmls. Functions
are declared as follows −

function name (parameters) {

control statements;
return var;

The functions used are stored in a separate file with the extension .wmls. The functions are called
as the filename followed by a hash, followed by the function name −


WML Scripts Standard Libraries

The are six standard libraries totally. Here is an overview of them −

 Lang − The Lang library provides functions related to the WMLScript language core.
Example Function − abs(),abort(), characterSet(),float(), isFloat(), isInt(), max(),
isMax(), min(), minInt(), maxInt(), parseFloat(), parseInt(), random(), seed()
 Float − The Float library contains functions that help us perform floating-point arithmetic
Example Function − sqrt(), round(), pow(), ceil(), floor(), int(), maxFloat(), minFloat()
 String − The String library provides a number of functions that help us manipulate
Example Function − length(), charAt(), find(), replace(), trim(), compare(), format(),
isEmpty(), squeeze(), toString(), elementAt(), elements(), insertAt(), removeAt(),
 URL − The URL library contains functions that help us manipulate URLs.
Example Function − getPath(), getReferer(), getHost(), getBase(), escapeString(),
isValid(), loadString(), resolve(), unescapeString(), getFragment()
 WMLBrowser − The WMLBrowser library provides a group of functions to control the
WML browser or to get information from it.
Example Function − go(), prev(), next(), getCurrentCard(), refresh(), getVar(), setVar()
 Dialogs − The Dialogs library Contains the user interface functions.
Example Function − prompt(), confirm(), alert()

WML Scripts Comments

There are two types of comments in WMLScript −

 Single-line comment − To add a single-line comment, begin a line of text with the //
 Multi-line comment − To add a multi-line comment, enclose the text within /* and */.

These rules are the same in WMLScript, JavaScript, Java, and C++. The WMLScript engine will
ignore all comments. The following WMLScript example demonstrates the use of comments −

// This is a single-line comment.

/* This is a multi-line comment. */
/* A multi-line comment can be placed on a single line. */
WML Script Case Sensitivity

The WMLScript language is case-sensitive. For example, a WMLScript function with the name
WMLScript Function is different from wmlscript function. So, be careful of the capitalization
when defining or referring to a function or a variable in WMLScript.

WML lexical Structure:

The following elements in the Structure Module are used to specify the structure of a WML2

 body
 html
 wml:card
 head
 title
The body Element:

The wml:newcontext attribute specifies whether the browser context is initialised to a well-
defined state when the document is loaded. If the wml:newcontext attribute value is "true", the
browser MUST reinitialise the browser context upon navigation to this card.

The html Element:

The xmlns:wml attribute refers to the WML namespace for example :


The wml:use-xml-fragments attribute is used to specify how a fragment identifier is interpreted

by the user agent. For details of use of wml:use-xml-fragments in the go task and the prev task.

The wml:card Element:

The wml:card element specifies a fragment of the document body. Multiple wml:card elements
may appear in a single document. Each wml:card element represents an individual presentation
and/or interaction with the user.
If the wml:card element's newcontext attribute value is "true", the browser MUST reinitialise the
browser context upon navigation to this card.

The head Element:

This element keeps header information of the document like meta element and style sheet etc.

The title Element:

This element is used to put a document title

WML - Variables

Because multiple cards can be contained within one deck, some mechanism needs to be in place
to hold data as the user traverses from card to card. This mechanism is provided via WML

WML is case sensitive. No case folding is performed when parsing a WML deck. All
enumerated attribute values are case sensitive. For example, the following attribute values are all
different: id="Card1", id="card1", and id="CARD1".

Variables can be created and set using several different methods. Following are two examples:

The <setvar> element:

The <setvar> element is used as a result of the user executing some task. The >setvar> element
can be used to set a variable's state within the following elements: <go>, <prev>, and <refresh>.

This element supports the following attributes:

Attribute Value Description

name string Sets the name of the variable

value string Sets the value of the variable

class class data Sets a class name for the element.

id element ID A unique ID for the element.

The following element would create a variable named a with a value of 1000:
<setvar name="a" value="1000"/>
The input elements:
Variables are also set through any input element like input,select, option, etc. A variable is
automatically created that corresponds with the named attribute of an input element.
For example, the following element would create a variable named b:
<select name="b">
<option value="value1">Option 1</option>
<option value="value2">Option 2</option>
Using Variables:
Variable expansion occurs at runtime, in the microbrowser or emulator. This means it can be
concatenated with or embedded in other text.
Variables are referenced with a preceding dollar sign, and any single dollar sign in your WML
deck is interpreted as a variable reference.
<p> Selected option value is $(b) </p>

Operators :

Arithmatic Operators

There are following arithmatic operators supported by WML Script language −

Assume variable A holds 10 and variable holds 20 then –

Operator Description Example

+ Adds two operands A + B will give 30

- Subtracts second operand from the first A - B will give -10

* Multiply both operands A * B will give 200

/ Divide numerator by denumerator B / A will give 2

% Modulus Operator and remainder of B % A will give 0

after an integer division

++ Increment operator, increases integer A++ will give 11

value by one

-- Decrement operator, decreases integer A-- will give 9

value by one

Comparison Operators

Following are the comparison operators supported by the WML Script language −

Assume variable A holds 10 and variable holds 20 then −

Operator Description Example

== Checks if the value of two operands is (A == B) is not true.

equal or not, if yes then condition
becomes true.

!= Checks if the value of two operands is (A != B) is true.

equal or not, if values are not equal then
condition becomes true.

> Checks if the value of left operand is (A > B) is not true.

greater than the value of right operand, if
yes then condition becomes true.

< Checks if the value of left operand is less (A < B) is true.

than the value of right operand, if yes
then condition becomes true.
>= Checks if the value of left operand is (A >= B) is not true.
greater than or equal to the value of right
operand, if yes then condition becomes

<= Checks if the value of left operand is less (A <= B) is true.

than or equal to the value of right
operand, if yes then condition becomes

Logical Operators

Following are the logical operators supported by the WML Script language −

Assume variable A holds 10 and variable holds 20 then −

Operator Description Example

and Called Logical AND operator. If both (A and B) is true.

the operands are true then condition
becomes true.

or Called Logical OR Operator. If any of (A or B) is true.

the two operands is non zero then
condition becomes true.

&& Called Logical AND operator. If both (A && B) is true.

the operands are non zero then condition
becomes true.

|| Called Logical OR Operator. If any of (A || B) is true.

the two operands is non zero then
condition becomes true.
! Called Logical NOT Operator. Use to !(A && B) is false.
reverses the logical state of its operand.
If a condition is true then Logical NOT
operator will make false.

Assignment Operators

Following are assignment operators supported by the WML Script language −

Operator Description Example

= Simple assignment operator, C = A + B will assigne value of A + B into C

Assigns values from right side
operands to left side operand

+= AND assignment operator, It adds C += A is equivalent to C = C + A

right operand to the left operand
and assign the result to left operand

-= Subtract AND assignment operator, C -= A is equivalent to C = C - A

It subtracts right operand from the
left operand and assign the result to
left operand

*= Multiply AND assignment operator, C *= A is equivalent to C = C * A

It multiplies right operand with the
left operand and assign the result to
left operand

/= Divide AND assignment operator, C /= A is equivalent to C = C / A

It divides left operand with the right
operand and assign the result to left
%= Modulus AND assignment C %= A is equivalent to C = C % A
operator, It takes modulus using
two operands and assign the result
to left operand

Conditional Operator

There is one more oprator called conditional operator. This first evaluates an expression for a
true or false value and then execute one of the two given statements depending upon the result of
the evaluation. The conditioanl operator has this syntax −

Operator Description Example

?: Conditional Expression If Condition is true ? Then value X :

Otherwise value Y

Operators Categories

All the operators we have discussed above can be categorised into following categories −

 Unary prefix operators, which precede a single operand.

 Binary operators, which take two operands and perform a variety of arithmetic and logical
 The conditional operator (a ternary operator), which takes three operands and evaluates
either the second or third expression, depending on the evaluation of the first expression.
 Assignment operators, which assign a value to a variable.

Precedence of WML Script Operators

Operator precedence determines the grouping of terms in an expression. This affects how an
expression is evaluated. Certain operators have higher precedence than others; for example, the
multiplication operator has higher precedence than the addition operator −
For example, x = 7 + 3 * 2; Here x is assigned 13, not 20 because operator * has higher
precedenace than + so it first get multiplied with 3*2 and then adds into 7.

Here operators with the highest precedence appear at the top of the table, those with the lowest
appear at the bottom. Within an expression, higher precedenace operators will be evaluated first.

Category Operator Associativity

Unary ! ++ -- Right to left

Multiplicative */% Left to right

Additive +- Left to right

Relational < <= > >= Left to right

Equality == != Left to right

Logical AND && Left to right

Logical OR || Left to right

Conditional ?: Right to left

Assignment = += -= *= /= %= Right to left

WMLScript Datatypes Conversions

WMLScript is a weakly typed language. This means you never specify the datatype of a variable
or the return type of a function. All expressions have a type internally, but WMLScript itself
converts values back and forth between the different types as required, so that you don’t have to.

For example, the value 1234 is an integer, but if you pass it to the String.length( ) library
function, which expects a string, it’s implicitly converted to the string "1234", the length of
which is 4.
Similarly, if you try to evaluate the expression:

"1234" * "2"

both values are converted to integers before use, and the result is the integer 2468. This is what is
meant by weak typing.


WMLScript has five datatypes: string, integer, floating-point number, Boolean, and the special
type invalid. Every value in WMLScript belongs to one of these types, although most can be
converted to others. The format of a literal value determines its type. (A literal is a constant
included explicitly in the code.)

WMLScript has only one type of variable, which is var. However, WMLScript variables are
actually handled as five primitive data types internally. A variable can be used to store a value of
any of the five primitive data types. The data types supported in WMLScript are:
1. Boolean.
A Boolean value can be true or false.
var variable1 = true;
var variable2 = false;

2. Integer.
WMLScript uses 32-bit integers with two's complement. This means an integer value can be in
the range from -232/2 to 232/2-1, i.e. -2147483648 to 2147483647.
var variable1 = 10000;
var variable2 = -10000;
3. Float.
WMLScript uses 32-bit single precision format to represent floating-point numbers. The
maximum value supported is 3.40282347E+38. The smallest positive nonzero value supported is
1.17549435E-38. Note that some mobile devices do not support floating-point numbers.
The float() function of WMLScript's Lang standard library can be used to check whether a
mobile device supports floating-point numbers.
var variable1 = 11.11;
var variable2 = -11.11;

4. String.
A string contains some characters.
var variable = "WMLScript Tutorial";

5. Invalid.
This is used to indicate that a variable is invalid.
var variable = invalid;
Sometimes the result of an operation is of the invalid type. This means errors have occurred
during the operation. One example is the divide-by-zero error:
var variable = 100 / 0;

After the execution of the above script, variable contains the invalid value. You can use
the isvalid operator to find out whether a variable is of the invalid data type. It will be covered
shortly in this WMLScript tutorial.
The data types of operands determine the action of an operator. For example, + is both the
addition operator and the string concatenation operator. If the operands of the + operator are
numeric values, the addition operation will be done. For example, the result of 10+15 is 25. If
any operands of the + operator are of the string data type, the string concatenation operation will
be done. For example, the result of "10"+"15" is "1015". The WMLScript interpreter will carry
out a data type conversion automatically if necessary. For example, if the WMLScript interpreter
encounters the operation 10+"15", the numeric value 10 will first be converted to the string data
type. After that the string concatenation operation will be performed. The result will be "1015".

Control construct function

WML Script if...else Statement

WMLScript's if…else statement uses the following syntax. The part inside brackets [] is
optional. The syntax is the same as that of C++, Java, and JavaScript.
if (condition) {
WMLScript statement(s)
}[else {
WMLScript statement(s)
If condition is the Boolean value true, the statement(s) enclosed in the first curly brackets {} will
be executed; if condition is false or invalid, the statement(s) enclosed in the second curly
brackets {} will be executed.

WML Script while Statement

WMLScript's while statement is used to repeat the execution of a block of statements while a
condition is true. It has the following syntax −
while (condition) {
WMLScript statement(s)
The statement(s) enclosed in the curly brackets {} will be executed again and again as long as
condition is true. The loop stops when condition evaluates to false or invalid.

WML Script for Statement

Like a while loop, a for loop is executed repeatedly as long as a condition is satisfied. If the
number of times to be repeated is certain, using the for statement will be more convenient than
using the while statement. The for statement has the following syntax in WMLScript. The parts
enclosed in brackets [] are optional.
for ([expression1]; [expression2]; [expression3]) {
WMLScript statement(s)
expression1 is the initialization expression. It is executed before any WMLScript statements in
the for loop are executed. expression1 is executed once only in the lifetime of the for statement.
expression2 is the conditional expression that determines whether the for loop should continue or
stop. expression3 is executed after each iteration.

WML Script break Statement

The break statement is used to quit a loop. It must be put inside while loops or for loops. The
following WMLScript example demonstrates how to use the break statement −
var result = 0;
for (var counter=0; counter<10; counter++) {
result += 5;
After the execution the above WMLScript code, the value of result is 0. This is because the break
statement exits the for loop. The statement "result += 5;" is never executed.

WML Script continue Statement

The continue statement is used to quit the current iteration of a loop in WMLScript. The next
iteration will be started if the loop's conditional expression evaluates to true. The continue
statement must be put inside while loops or for loops. The following script demonstrates how to
use the continue statement −
var result1 = 0;
var result2 = 0;
for (var counter=0; counter<10; counter++) {
result1 += 5;
result2 += 5;
After the execution of the above WMLScript code, the value of result1 is 20 and that of result2 is
0. This is because when the WMLScript interpreter encounters the continue statement, it will end
the current iteration. Hence, the statement "result2 += 5;" is never executed.

Using the Standard Libraries:

WMLScript is based on ECMAScript, which is the standardized version of JavaScript. However,

some functionality of ECMAScript has been taken away in order to increase the efficiency of
WMLScript. To keep WMLScript sufficiently powerful, a number of standard libraries are added
to it. Functions in the WMLScript standard libraries can perform tasks that cannot be easily
implemented or are impossible to be implemented by writing your own WMLScript code.

There are six standard libraries totally. Here is an overview of them:

1. WMLBrowser library
The WMLBrowser library provides a group of functions to control the WML browser or to get
information from it.

2. Dialogs library
The Dialogs library contains functions for displaying alert messages, confirmation messages and
input boxes to users.

3. String library
The String library provides a number of functions that help us manipulate strings.

4. Float library
The Float library contains functions that help us perform floating-point arithmetic operations.

5. Lang library
The Lang library provides functions related to the WMLScript language core. It contains
functions for generating random numbers, performing some arithmetic operations and dealing
with data type conversion.

6. URL library
The URL library contains functions that help us manipulate URLs.

The WMLScript standard libraries are included in the WAP specification. Hence, mobile devices
that support WMLScript should also support the WMLScript standard libraries. Note that the
Float library is only available on mobile devices that can perform floating-point calculations.

WMLScript programmers should get familiar with the standard libraries. With such knowledge,
you can know whether a particular task can be done by using the functions in the standard
libraries. If the standard libraries do not have the function you need, that means you have to
implement the function yourself or the task cannot be done with the WMLScript language.

How to Call a Function in the WMLScript Standard Libraries

Calling a function in the WMLScript standard libraries is simple. It is the same as calling your
own function, except that you have to add the library name and a dot character before the
function name. This is the syntax:

library_name.function_name(parameter1, parameter2...);

The following WMLScript example demonstrates how to call the sqrt() function of the Float
standard library to calculate the square root of a number:

function findSquareRoot(number)
return Float.sqrt(number);
WML program :
A WML program is typically divided into two parts: the document prolog and the body.
Consider the following code:

Following is the basic structure of a WML program:

<?xml version="1.0"?>

<card id="one" title="First Card">
This is the first card in the deck
<card id="two" title="Second Card">
Ths is the second card in the deck

WML Document Prolog:

The first line of this text says that this is an XML document and the version is 1.0. The second
line selects the document type and gives the URL of the document type definition (DTD). The
DTD referenced is defined in WAP 1.2, but this header changes with the versions of the WML.
The header must be copied exactly so that the tool kits automatically generate this prolog.

The prolog components are not WML elements and they should not be closed, i.e. you should
not give them an end tag or finish them with />.
WML Document Body:

The body is enclosed within a <wml> </wml> tag pair. The body of a WML document can
consist of one or more of the following:

 Deck
 Card
 Content to be shown
 Navigation instructions

Unlike HTML 4.01 Transitional, text cannot be enclosed directly in the <card>...</card> tag
pair. So you need to put a content inside <p>...</p> as shown above.

Testing Your Program:

Put above code in a file called test.wml file, and put this WML file locally on your hard disk,
then view it using an emulator.

This is by far the most efficient way of developing and testing WML files. Since your aim is,
however, to develop a service that is going to be available to WAP phone users, you should
upload your WML files onto a server once you have developed them locally and test them over a
real Internet connection. As you start developing more complex WAP services, this is how you
will identify and rectify performance problems, which could, if left alone, lose your site visitors.

In uploading the file test.wml to a server, you will be testing your WML emulator to see how it
looks and behaves, and checking your Web server to see that it is set up correctly. Now start your
emulator and use it to access the URL of test.wml. For example, the URL might look something
like this:

Dealing with Errors:

Error Handling
WMLScript does not provide an exception-handling mechanism like that found in Java and other
heavier-weight languages. You should be careful when testing your WMLScript programs to
exercise all the branches of your scripts during testing. Common coding mistakes that can lead to
errors include these:

 Using invalid variables in calculations

 Dividing by zero

 Using integers where floats are expected, and vice versa

 Nesting functions too deeply (the stack memory is very limited on many handsets)

Predictable errors, such as user errors, should be trapped, and a consistently formatted error
message should be displayed along with a means to cancel or continue as appropriate.

Retrieves the set of error messages from the request object with the default key
of Action.ERROR_KEY or the value specified by attribute name. If ActionErrors are
found then the errors are displayed. This tag also requires the following two message
keys in the application scope MessageResources.

 errors.header - header that is displayed before the error messages list.

 errors.footer - header that is displayed after the error messages list.

Introduction of XML

XML stands for Extensible Markup Language (often written as eXtensibleMarkup

Language to justify the acronym). XML is a set of rules for defining semantic tags that break
a document into parts and identify the different parts of the document. It is a meta-markup
language that defines a syntax used to define other domain-specific, semantic, structured
markup languages.
XML Is a Meta-Markup Language
 XML, is a meta-markup language. It’s a language in which you make up the tags you
need as you go along.
 These tags must be organized according to certain general principles, but they’re quite
flexible in their meaning.
 For instance, if you’re working on genealogy and need to describe people, births,
deaths, burial sites, families, marriages, divorces, and so on, you can create tags for
each of these.
XML defines a meta syntax that domain-specific markup languages like MusicML,
MathML, and CML must follow. If an application understands this meta syntax, it
automatically understands all the languages built from this meta language.
Why Are Developers Excited about XML?
XML makes easy many Web-development tasks
Design of Domain-Specific Markup Languages
 XML allows various professions (e.g., music, chemistry, math) to develop their own
domain-specific markup languages.
 This allows individuals in the field to trade notes, data, and information without
worrying about whether or not the person on the receiving end has the particular
proprietary payware that was used to create the data.
Self-Describing Data
XML is, at a basic level, an incredibly simple data format. It can be written in 100
percent pure ASCII text as well as in a few other well-defined formats. ASCII text is
reasonably resistant to corruption. The removal of bytes or even large sequences of bytes
does not noticeably corrupt the remaining text. This starkly contrasts with many other
formats, such as compressed data or serialized Java objects where the corruption or loss of
even a single byte can render the entire remainder of the file unreadable.
At a higher level, XML is self-describing. Suppose you’re an information
archaeologist in the 23rd century and you encounter this chunk of XML code on an old
floppy disk that has survived the ravages of time:

<PERSON ID=”p1100” SEX=”M”>

<DATE>21 Feb 1834</DATE> </BIRTH>
<DATE>9 Dec 1905</DATE> </DEATH>
XML is very well documented. The W3C’s XML 1.0 specification and numerous
paper books like this one tell you exactly how to read XML data.
Interchange of Data Among Applications
XML is non-proprietary and easy to read and write, it’s an excellent format for the
interchange of data among different applications. One such format under current development
is the Open Financial Exchange Format (OFX). OFX is designed to let personal finance
programs like Microsoft Money and Quicken trade data. The data can be sent back and forth
between programs and exchanged with banks, brokerage houses.
By using XML instead of a proprietary data format, you can use any tool that
understands XML to work with your data. You can even use different tools for different
purposes, one program to view and another to edit for instance. XML keeps you from getting
locked into a particular program simply because that’s what your data is already written in, or
because that program’s proprietary format is all your correspondent can accept.
Structured and Integrated Data
XML is ideal for large and complex documents because the data is structured. It not
only lets you specify a vocabulary that defines the elements in the document; it also lets you
specify the relations between elements.
XML also provides a client-side include mechanism that integrates data from multiple
sources and displays it as a single document. The data can even be rearranged on the fly.

Parts of it can be shown or hidden depending on user actions. This is extremely useful when
you’re working with large information repositories like relational databases.
The list of an XML Document
XML is, at the root, a document format. It is a series of rules about what XML
documents look like. There are two levels of conformity to the XML standard. The first is
well-formedness and the second is validity.
HTML is a document format designed for use on the Internet and inside Web
browsers. XML can certainly be used for that, as this book demonstrates. However, XML is
far more broadly applicable.
As previously discussed, it can be used as a storage format for word processors, as a
data interchange format for different programs, as a means of enforcing conformity with
Intranet templates, and as a way to preserve data in a human-readable fashion.
XML documents are most commonly created with an editor. This may be a basic text
editor like Notepad or vi that doesn’t really understand XML at all. On the other hand, it may
be a completely WYSIWYG editor like Adobe FrameMaker that insulates you almost
completely from the details of the underlying XML format. Or it may be a structured editor
like JUMBO that displays XML documents as trees. For the most part, the fancy editors
aren’t very useful yet, so this book concentrates on writing raw XML by hand in a text editor.
For example, the document may be a record or a field in a database, or it may be a
stream of bytes received from a network.
Parsers and Processors
An XML parser (also known as an XML processor) reads the document and verifies
that the XML it contains is well formed. It may also check that the document is valid, though
this test is not required. The exact details of these tests will be covered in Part II. But
assuming the document passes the tests, the processor converts the document into a tree of
Browsers and Other Tools
Finally the parser passes the tree or individual nodes of the tree to the end application.
This application may be a browser like Mozilla or some other program that understands what
to do with the data. If it’s a browser, the data will be displayed to the user. But other
programs may also receive the data. For instance, the data might be interpreted as input to a
database, a series of musical notes to play, or a Java program that should be launched. XML
is extremely flex-ible and can be used for many different purposes.

The Process Summarized
To summarize, an XML document is created in an editor. The XML parser reads the
document and converts it into a tree of elements. The parser passes the tree to the browser
that displays it. Figure 1 shows this process.

Figure 1: XML Document Life Cycle

HTML is also somewhat independent of the programs that read and write it, but it’s
really only suitable for browsing. Other uses, like database input, are outside its scope. For
example, HTML does not provide a way to force an author to include certain required
content, like requiring that every book have an ISBN number. In XML you can require this.
You can even enforce the order in which particular elements appear (for example, that level-2
headers must always follow level-1 headers).
Related Technologies
XML doesn’t operate in a vacuum. Using XML as more than a data format requires
interaction with a number of related technologies. These technologies include HTML for
backward compatibility with legacy browsers, the CSS and XSL style-sheet languages, URLs
and URIs, the XLL linking language, and the Unicode character set.
Hypertext Markup Language
Mozilla 5.0 and Internet Explorer 5.0 are the first Web browsers to provide some
(albeit incomplete) support for XML, but it takes about two years before most users have
upgraded to a particular release of the software.
HTML is the most common output format of XML, the more familiar you are with
HTML, the easier it will be to create the effects you want.
Cascading Style Sheets
One kind of style sheet you can use is a Cascading Style Sheet (CSS).
CSS, initially designed for HTML, defines formatting properties like font size, font
family, font weight, paragraph indentation, paragraph alignment, and other styles that can be
applied to particular elements. For example, CSS allows HTML documents to specify that all
H1 elements should be formatted in 32 point centered Helvetica bold.

It’s easy to apply CSS rules to XML documents. You simply change the names of the
tags you’re applying the rules to. Mozilla 5.0 directly supports CSS style sheets combined
with XML documents, though at present, it crashes rather too frequently.
Extensible Style Language
The Extensible Style Language (XSL) is a more advanced style-sheet language
specifically designed for use with XML documents. XSL documents are themselves well-
formed XML documents.
XSL documents contain a series of rules that apply to particular patterns of XML
elements. An XSL processor reads an XML document and compares what it sees to the
patterns in a style sheet. When a pattern from the XSL style sheet is recognized in the XML
document, the rule outputs some combination of text. Unlike cascading style sheets, this
output text is somewhat arbitrary and is not limited to the input text plus formatting
CSS can only change the format of a particular element, and it can only do so on an
element-wide basis. XSL style sheets, on the other hand, can rearrange and reorder elements.
CSS has the advantage of broader browser support. However, XSL is far more
flexible and powerful, and better suited to XML documents. Furthermore, XML documents
with XSL style sheets can be easily converted to HTML documents with CSS style sheets.
URLs and URIs
XML documents can live on the Web, just like HTML and other documents. When
they do, they are referred to by Uniform Resource Locators (URLs), just like HTML files.
For example, at the URL http://www.hypermedic.com/style/xml/tempest.xml you’ll find the
complete text of Shakespeare’s Tempest marked up in XML.
Although URLs are well understood and well supported, the XML specification uses
the more general Uniform Resource Identifier (URI). URIs are a more general architecture
for locating resources on the Internet, that focus a little more on the resource and a little less
on the location.
A URI can find the closest copy of a mirrored document or locate a document that has
been moved from one site to another. In practice, URIs are still an area of active research, and
the only kinds of URIs that are actually supported by current software are URLs.
XLinks and XPointers
As long as XML documents are posted on the Internet, you’re going to want to be
able to address them and hot link between them. Standard HTML link tags can be used in

XML documents, and HTML documents can link to XML documents. For example, this
HTML link points to the aforementioned copy of the Tempest rendered in XML:
<a href=”http://www.hypermedic.com/style/xml/tempest.xml”>
The Tempest by Shakespeare
XML lets you go further with XLinks for linking to documents and XPointers for
addressing individual parts of a document.
XLinks enable any element to become a link, not just an A element. Furthermore,
links can be bi-directional, multidirectional, or even point to multiple mirror sites from which
the nearest is selected. XLinks use normal URLs to identify the site they’re linking to.
XPointers enable links to point not just to a particular document at a particular
location, but to a particular part of a particular document. An XPointer can refer to a
particular element of a document, to the first, the second, or the 17th such element, to the first
element that’s a child of a given element, and so on. XPointers provide extremely powerful
connections between documents that do not require the targeted document to contain
additional markup just so its individual pieces can be linked to it.
The Unicode Character Set
The Web is international, yet most of the text you’ll find on it is in English. XML is
starting to change that. XML provides full support for the two-byte Unicode character set, as
well as its more compact representations. This character set supports almost every character
commonly used in every modern script on Earth.
Unfortunately, XML alone is not enough. To read a script you need three things:
1. A character set for the script
2. A font for the character set
3. An operating system and application software that understands the character set
How the Technologies Fit Together
XML defines a grammar for tags you can use to mark up a document. An XML
document is marked up with XML tags. The default encoding for XML documents is

An Introduction to XML Applications
What Is an XML Application?
XML is a meta-markup language for designing domain-specific markup languages.
Each XML-based markup language is called an XML application. This is not an application
that uses XML like the Mozilla Web browser, the Gnumeric spreadsheet, or the XML Pro
editor, but rather an application of XML to a specific domain such as Chemical Markup
Language (CML) for chemistry or GedML for genealogy.
Each XML application has its own syntax and vocabulary. This syntax and
vocabulary adheres to the fundamental rules of XML.
This is much like human languages, which each have their own vocabulary and
grammar, while at the same time adhering to certain fundamental rules imposed by human
anatomy and the structure of the brain.
Chemical Markup Language
Peter Murray-Rust’s Chemical Markup Language (CML) may have been the first
XML application. CML was originally developed as an SGML application, and gradually
transitioned to XML as the XML standard developed. In its most simplistic form, CML is
“HTML plus molecules”, but it has applications far beyond the limited confines of the Web.
Molecular documents often contain thousands of different, very detailed objects. For
example, a single medium-sized organic molecule may contain hundreds of atoms, each with
several bonds.
The water molecule H2O
<?xml version=”1.0”?>
<MOL TITLE=”Water”>
Mathematical Markup Language
The Mathematical Markup Language (MathML) is an XML application for
mathematical equations. MathML is sufficiently expressive to handle pretty much all forms

of math—from grammar-school arithmetic through calculus and differential equations. It can
handle many considerably more advanced topics as well, though there are definite gaps in
some of the more advanced and obscure notations used by certain sub-fields of mathematics.
Channel Definition Format
Microsoft’s Channel Definition Format (CDF) is an XML application for defining
channels. Web sites use channels to upload information to readers who subscribe to the site
rather than waiting for them to come and get it. This is alternately called Webcasting or push.
CDF was first introduced in Internet Explorer 4.0.
A CDF document is an XML file, separate from, but linked to an HTML document on
the site being pushed. The channel defined in the CDF document determines which pages are
sent to the readers, how the pages are transported, and how often the pages are sent. Pages
can either be pushed by sending notifications, or even whole Web sites, to subscribers; or
pulled down by the readers at their convenience.
Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language
The Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language (SMIL, pronounced “smile”) is a
W3C recommended XML application for writing “TV-like” multimedia presentations for the
Web. SMIL documents don’t describe the actual multimedia content (that is the video and
sound that are played) but rather when and where they are played.
<?xml version=”1.0” encoding=”ISO-8859-1”?>
<!DOCTYPE smil PUBLIC “-//W3C//DTD SMIL 1.0//EN”
<seq id=”Kubrick”>
<audio src=”beethoven9.mid”/>
<video src=”corange.mov”/>
<text src=”clockwork.htm”/>
<audio src=”zarathustra.mid”/>
<video src=”2001.mov”/>
<text src=”aclarke.htm”/>

Vector Markup Language
XML application for vector graphics called the Vector Markup Language (VML).
VML is more finished than SVG, and is already supported by Internet Explorer 5.0
and Microsoft Office 2000.
The Connection Factory has created an XML application for sheet music called
MusicML. MusicML includes notes, beats, clefs, staffs, rows, rhythms, rests, beams, rows,
chords and more. Listing 2-8 shows the first bar from Beth Anderson’s Flute Swale in
Motorola’s VoxML (http://www.voxml.com/) is an XML application for the spoken
word. In particular, it’s intended for those annoying voice mail and automated phone
response systems (“If your hair turned green after using our product, please press one. If your
hair turned purple after using our product, please press two. If you found an unidentifiable
insect in the product, please press 3. Otherwise, please stay on the line until your hair grows
back to its natural color.”).
Extensible Forms Description Language
To develop a markup language with the right combination of power and rigor to meet
your needs, and this example is no exception. In particular UWI.COM has proposed an XML
application called the Extensible Forms Description Language (XFDL) for forms with
extremely tight legal requirements that are to be signed with digital signatures. XFDL further
offers the option to do simple mathematics in the form, for instance to automatically fill in
the sales tax and shipping and handling charges and total up the price.
Human Resources Markup Language
HireScape’s Human Resources Markup Language (HRML) is an XML application
that provides a simple vocabulary for describing job openings. It defines elements matching
the parts of a typical classified want ad such as companies, divisions, recruiters, contact
information, terms, experience, and more.
Resource Description Framework
XML adds structure to documents. The Resource Description Framework (RDF) is an
XML application that adds semantics. RDF can be used to specify anything from the author
and abstract of a Web page to the version and dependencies of a software package to the
director, screenwriter, and actors in a movie. What links all of these uses is that what’s being

encoded in RDF is not the data itself (the Web page, the software, the movie) but information
about the data. This data about data is called meta-data, and is RDF’s raison d’être.
XML is an extremely general-purpose format for text data. Some of the things it is
used for are further refinements of XML itself. These include the XSL style-sheet language,
the XLL-linking language, and the Document Content Description for XML.
XSL, the Extensible Style Language, is itself an XML application. XSL has two
major parts. The first part defines a vocabulary for transforming XML documents. This part
of XSL includes XML tags for trees, nodes, patterns, templates, and other elements needed
for matching and transforming XML documents from one markup vocabulary to another (or
even to the same one in a different order).
The second part of XSL defines an XML vocabulary for formatting the transformed
XML document produced by the first part. This includes XML tags for formatting objects
including pagination, blocks, characters, lists, graphics, boxes, fonts, and more.
The Extensible Linking Language, XLL, defines a new, more general kind of link
called an XLink. XLinks accomplish everything possible with HTML’s URL-based
hyperlinks and anchors. However, any element can become a link, not just A elements. For
instance a footnote element can link directly to the text of the note like this:
<footnote xlink:form=”simple” href=”footnote7.xml”>7</footnote>
XML’s facilities for declaring how the contents of an XML element should be
formatted are weak to nonexistent. For example, suppose as part of a date, you set up
MONTH elements like this:
A number of schemes have been proposed to use XML itself to more tightly restrict
what can appear in the contents of any given element. One such proposal is the Document
Content Description, (DCD). For example, here’s a DCD that declares that MONTH
elements may only contain an integer between 1 and 12:
<ElementDef Type=”MONTH” Model=”Data” Datatype=”i1”
Min=”1” Max=”12” />

Behind-the-Scene Uses of XML
Not all XML applications are public, open standards. A lot of software vendors are
moving to XML for their own data simply because it’s a well-understood, generalpurpose
format for structured data that can be manipulated with easily available cheap and free tools.
Microsoft Office 2000 promotes HTML to a coequal file format with its native binary
formats. However, HTML 4.0 doesn’t provide support for all of the features Office requires,
such as revision tracking, footnotes, comments, index and glossary entries, and more.
Additional data that can’t be written as HTML is embedded in the file in small chunks of
XML. Word’s vector graphics will be stored in VML. In this case, embedded XML’s
invisibility in standard browsers is the crucial factor.

Your First XML Document

Creating a Simple XML Document
<?xml version=”1.0” standalone=”yes”?>
Hello XML!
That’s not very complicated, but it is a good XML document. To be more precise, it’s
a well-formed XML document. (XML has special terms for documents that it considers
“good” depending on exactly which set of rules they satisfy. “Well-formed” is one of those
terms, but we’ll get to that later in the book.) This document can be typed in any convenient
text editor like Notepad, BBEdit, or emacs.
Saving the XML File
The Windows NT version of Notepad gives you the option to save the file in Unicode.
Surprisingly this will work too, though for now you should stick to basic ASCII. XML files
may be either Unicode or a compressed version of Unicode called UTF-8, which is a strict
superset of ASCII, so pure ASCII files are also valid XML files.
Loading the XML File into a Web Browser
Now that you’ve created your first XML document, you’re going to want to look at it.
The file can be opened directly in a browser that supports XML such as Internet Explorer 5.0.
What you see will vary from browser to browser. In this case it’s a nicely formatted
and syntax colored view of the document’s source code.
Exploring the Simple XML Document
The first line is the XML declaration:

<?xml version=”1.0” standalone=”yes”?>
This is an example of an XML processing instruction. Processing instructions begin
with <? And end with ?>. The first word after the <? is the name of the processing
instruction, which is xml in this example.
The XML declaration has version and standalone attributes. An attribute is a name-
value pair separated by an equals sign. The name is on the left-hand side of the equals sign
and the value is on the right-hand side with its value given between double quote marks.
Every XML document begins with an XML declaration that specifies the version of
XML in use. In the above example, the version attribute says this document conforms to
XML 1.0.
Collectively these three lines form a FOO element. Separately, <FOO> is a start tag;
</FOO> is an end tag; and Hello XML! is the content of the FOO element.
You may be asking what the <FOO> tag means. The short answer is “whatever you
want it to.” Rather than relying on a few hundred predefined tags, XML lets you create the
tags that you need. The <FOO> tag therefore has whatever meaning you assign it. The same
XML document could have been written with different tag names, as shown in Listings 3, 43,
and 5, below:
Listing 3: greeting.xml
<?xml version=”1.0” standalone=”yes”?>
Hello XML!
Listing 4: paragraph.xml
<?xml version=”1.0” standalone=”yes”?>
Hello XML!
Listing 5: document.xml
<?xml version=”1.0” standalone=”yes”?>
Hello XML!

Assigning Meaning to XML Tags

Markup tags can have three kinds of meaning: structure, semantics, and style.
Structure divides documents into a tree of elements. Semantics relates the individual elements
to the real world outside of the document itself. Style specifies how an element is displayed.

Semantic meaning exists outside the document, in the mind of the author or reader or
in some computer program that generates or reads these files.

Structuring Data
It defines the structure of the documents
Examining the Data
In most sports you hear about heart, guts, ability, skill, determination, and more. But
only in baseball do the fans get so worked up about raw numbers. Batting average, earned run
average, slugging average, on base average, fielding percentage, batting average against right
handed pitchers, batting average against left handed pitchers, batting average against right
handed pitchers when batting left-handed, batting average against right handed pitchers.
In the next two sections, for the benefit of the less baseball-obsessed reader, we will
examine the commonly available statistics that describe an individual player’s atting and
We analyzed all possible batting orders for all teams in the 1989 National League.
The results of that paper were mildly interesting. The worst batter on the team, generally the
pitcher, should bat eighth rather than the customary ninth position, at least in the National
League, but what concerns me here is the work that went into producing this paper.
Pitchers are not expected to be home-run hitters or base stealers. Indeed a pitcher who
can reach first on occasion is a surprise bonus for a team.
The number of runs for a pitcher is the number of runs scored by the opposing teams
against this pitcher.
Organization of the XML Data
XML is based on a containment model. Each XML element can contain text or other
XML elements called its children. A few XML elements may contain both text and child
elements, though in general this is bad form and should be avoided wherever possible.
XMLizing the Data
Let’s begin the process of marking up the data for the 1998 Major League season in
XML with tags that you define. Remember that in XML we’re allowed to make up the tags as
we go along.

Teams contain players. Players will have statistics including games played, at bats,
runs, hits, doubles, triples, home runs, runs batted in, walks, and hits by pitch.
XML documents may be recognized by the XML declaration. This is a processing
instruction placed at the start of all XML files that identifies the version in use. The only
version currently understood is 1.0.
<?xml version=”1.0”?>
XMLizing League, Division, and Team Data
Major league baseball is divided into two leagues, the American League and the
National League. Each league has a name. The two names could be encoded like this:
<?xml version=”1.0”?>

XMLizing Player Data

Each team is composed of players. Each player has a first name and a last name. It’s
important to separate the first and last names so that you can sort by either one. The data for
the starting pitchers in the 1998 Yankees lineup can be encoded as follows:


XMLizing Player Statistics

The next step is to provide statistics for each player. Statistics look a little different for
pitchers and batters, especially in the American League in which few pitchers bat. Below are
Joe Girardi’s 1998 statistics. He’s a catcher so we use batting statistics:

The Advantages of the XML Format
There are several benefits. Among them:
✦ The data is self-describing
✦ The data can be manipulated with standard tools
✦ The data can be viewed with standard tools
✦ Different views of the same data are easy to create with style sheets
The first major benefit of the XML format is that the data is self-describing. The
meaning of each number is clearly and unmistakably associated with the number itself. When
reading the document, you know that the 121 in <HITS>121</HITS> refers to hits and not
runs batted in or strikeouts.
The second benefit to providing the data in XML is that it enables the data to be
manipulated in a wide range of XML-enabled tools, from expensive payware like Adobe
FrameMaker to free open-source software like Python and Perl.
Preparing a Style Sheet for Document Display
A CSS style sheet associates particular formatting with each element of the document.
The complete list of elements used in our XML document is:

Linking to a Style Sheet
The style sheet for the XML document 1998shortstats.xml might be called
1998shortstats.css. On the other hand, if the same style sheet is going to be applied to many
documents, then it should probably have a more generic name like baseballstats.css.
To attach a style sheet to the document, you simply add an additional
<?xmlstylesheet?> processing instruction between the XML declaration and the root element,
like this:
<?xml version=”1.0” standalone=”yes”?>
<?xml-stylesheet type=”text/css” href=”baseballstats.css”?>
Assigning Style Rules to the Root Element
The most important style, therefore, is the one for the root element, which is
SEASON in this example. This defines the default for all the other elements on the page.
SEASON {font-size: 14pt; background-color: white;
color: black; display: block}
Place this statement in a text file, save the file with the name baseballstats.css in the
same directory as Listing 4-1, 1998shortstats.xml, and open 1998shortstats.xml in your
Assigning Style Rules to Titles
The YEAR element is more or less the title of the document. Therefore, let’s make it
appropriately large and bold—32 points should be big enough.
YEAR {display: block; font-size: 32pt; font-weight: bold;
text-align: center}
Assigning Style Rules to Player and Statistics Elements
The trickiest formatting this document requires is for the individual players and
statistics. Each team has a couple of dozen players. Each player has statistics. You could
think of a TEAM element as being divided into PLAYER elements, and place each player in
his own block-level section as you did for previous elements.


Attributes, Empty Tags, and XSL

As in HTML, XML elements may have attributes. An attribute is a name-value pair
associated with an element. The name and the value are each strings, and no element may
contain two attributes with the same name.
You’re already familiar with attribute syntax from HTML. For example, consider this
<IMG> tag:
<IMG SRC=cup.gif WIDTH=89 HEIGHT=67 ALT=”Cup of coffee”>
It has four attributes, the SRC attribute whose value is cup.gif, the WIDTH attribute
whose value is 89, the HEIGHT attribute whose value is 67, and the ALT attribute whose
value is Cup of coffee. However, in XML-unlike HTML-attribute values must always be
quoted and start tags must have matching close tags. Thus, the XML equivalent of this tag is:
<IMG SRC=”cup.gif” WIDTH=”89” HEIGHT=”67” ALT=”Cup of coffee”>
You can apply attribute syntax to the baseball example quite easily. This has the
dvantage of making the markup somewhat more concise. For example, instead of containing
a YEAR child element, the SEASON element only needs a YEAR attribute.
<SEASON YEAR=”1998”>
On the other hand, LEAGUE should be a child of the SEASON element rather than an
attribute. For one thing, there are two leagues in a season. Anytime there’s likely to be more
than one of something child elements are called for. Attribute names must be unique within
an element. Thus you should not, for example, write a SEASON element like this:
<SEASON YEAR=”1998” LEAGUE=”National” League=”American”>
The second reason LEAGUE is naturally a child element rather than an attribute is
that it has substructure; it is subdivided into DIVISION elements. Attribute values are flat
text. XML elements can conveniently encode structure-attribute values cannot.
Attributes versus Elements
There are no hard and fast rules about when to use child elements and when to use

With experience, you’ll gain a feel for when attributes are easier than child elements
and vice versa. Until then, one good rule of thumb is that the data itself should be stored in
Information about the data (meta-data) should be stored in attributes. And when in
doubt, put the information in the elements.
These include:
✦ Attributes can’t hold structure well.
✦ Elements allow you to include meta-meta-data (information about the information
about the information).
✦ Not everyone always agrees on what is and isn’t meta-data.
✦ Elements are more extensible in the face of future changes.
Structured Meta-data
One important principal to remember is that elements can have substructure and
attributes can’t. This makes elements far more flexible, and may convince you to encode
meta-data as child elements.
Using elements for meta-data also easily allows for meta-meta-data, or information
about the information about the information. For example, the author of a poem may be
considered to be meta-data about the poem.
<POET LANGUAGE=”English”>Homer</POET>
What’s Your Meta-data Is Someone Else’s Data
“Metaness” is in the mind of the beholder. Who is reading your document and why
they are reading it determines what they consider to be data and what they consider to be
For example, if you’re simply reading an article in a scholarly journal, then the author
of the article is tangential to the information it contains.
Elements Are More Extensible
Attributes are certainly convenient when you only need to convey one or two words
of unstructured information.
In these cases, there may genuinely be no current need for a child element. However,
this doesn’t preclude such a need in the future.

Empty Tags
Empty tags are distinguished from start tags by a closing /> instead of simply a
closing >. For instance, instead of <PLAYER></PLAYER> you would write <PLAYER/>.
Empty tags may contain attributes. For example, here’s an empty tag for Joe Girardi
with several attributes:
GAMES=”78” AT_BATS=”254” RUNS=”31” HITS=”70”
This language is the Extensible Style Language (XSL); and it is also supported by
Internet Explorer 5.0, at least in part. XSL is divided into two sections, transformations and
The transformation part of XSL enables you to replace one tag with another. You can
define rules that replace your XML tags with standard HTML tags, or with HTML tags plus
CSS attributes. You can also do a lot more including reordering the elements in the document
and adding additional content that was never present in the XML document.
The formatting part of XSL defines an extremely powerful view of documents as
pages. XSL formatting enables you to specify the appearance and layout of a page including
multiple columns, text flow around objects, line spacing, assorted font properties, and more.
It’s designed to be powerful enough to handle automated layout tasks for both the Web and
print from the same source document.
XSL Style Sheet Templates
An XSL style sheet contains templates into which data from the XML document is
poured. For example, one template might look something like this:
XSL Instructions to get the title
<H1>XSL Instructions to get the title</H1>

XSL Instructions to get the statistics

The Body of the Document

An XSL style sheet
<?xml version=”1.0”?>
<xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl=”http://www.w3.org/TR/WD-xsl”>
<xsl:template match=”/”>
<HTML xmlns:xsl=”http://www.w3.org/TR/WD-xsl”>
Major League Baseball Statistics
<H1>Major League Baseball Statistics</H1>
Copyright 1999
<A HREF=”http://www.macfaq.com/personal.html”>
Elliotte Rusty Harold
<BR />
<A HREF=”mailto:elharo@metalab.unc.edu”>

CSS and XSL overlap to some extent. XSL is certainly more powerful than CSS.
However XSL’s power is matched by its complexity. This chapter only touched on the basics
of what you can do with XSL. XSL is more complicated, and harder to learn and use than
CSS, which raises the question, “When should you use CSS and when should you use XSL?”
CSS is more broadly supported than XSL. Parts of CSS Level 1 are supported for
HTML elements by Netscape 4 and Internet Explorer 4 (although annoying differences exist).

Well-Formed XML Documents
XML Documents Are Made Of
An XML document contains text that comprises XML markup and character data. It is a
sequential set of bytes of fixed length, which adheres to certain constraints. It may or may not
be a file. For instance, an XML document may:
✦ Be stored in a database
✦ Be created on the fly in memory by a CGI program
✦ Be some combination of several different files, each of which is embedded in another
✦ Never exist in a file of its own
XML documents are made up of storage units called entities. Each entity contains either
text or binary data, never both. Text data is comprised of characters. Binary data is used for
images and applets and the like. To use a concrete example, a raw HTML file that includes
<IMG> tags is an entity but not a document. An HTML file plus all the pictures embedded in
it with <IMG> tags is a complete document.
Such a document normally contains a standalone attribute in its XML declaration with
the value yes, like the one following:
<?xml version=”1.0” standalone=”yes”?>
Markup and Character Data
XML documents are text. Text is made up of characters. A character is a letter, a digit, a
punctuation mark, a space, a tab or something similar. XML uses the Unicode character set,
which not only includes the usual letters and symbols from the English and other Western
European alphabets, but also the Cyrillic, Greek, Hebrew, Arabic, and Devanagari alphabets.
The text of an XML document serves two purposes, character data and markup.
Character data is the basic information of the document. Markup, on the other hand, mostly
describes a document’s logical structure.

XML comments are almost exactly like HTML comments. They begin with <!— and
end with —> . All data between the <!— and —> is ignored by the XML processor. It’s as if
it wasn’t there. Comments can be used to make notes to yourself or to temporarily comment
out sections of the document that aren’t ready. For example,
<?xml version=”1.0” standalone=”yes”?>
<!—This is Listing 3-2 from The XML Bible—>

Hello XML!
<!—Goodbye XML—>

Entity References
Entity references are markup that is replaced with character data when the document
is parsed. Entity references are used in XML documents in place of specific characters that
would otherwise be interpreted as part of markup.
 Most of the time anything inside a pair of angle brackets (<>) is markup and anything
that’s not is character data. However there is one exception. In CDATA sections all text
is pure character data. Anything that looks like a tag or an entity reference is really just
the text of the tag or the entity reference. The XML processor does not try to interpret it
in any way.
 CDATA sections are used when you want all text to be interpreted as pure character data
rather than as markup. This is primarily useful when you have a large block of text that
contains a lot of <, >, &, or “ characters, but no markup. This would be true for much C
and Java source code.
 CDATA sections are also extremely useful if you’re trying to write about XML in XML.
For example, this book contains many small blocks of XML code.
What distinguishes XML files from plain text files is markup. The largest part of the
markup is the tags. While you saw how tags are used in the previous chapter, this section will
define what tags are and provide a broader picture of how they’re used.
In brief, a tag is anything in an XML document that begins with < and ends with >
and is not inside a comment or a CDATA section. Thus, an XML tag has the same form as an
HTML tag. Start or opening tags begin with a < which is followed by the name of the tag.
End or closing tags begin with a </ which is followed by the name of the tag. The first >
encountered closes the tag.
Tag Names
Every tag has a name. Tag names must begin with a letter or an underscore (_).
Subsequent characters in the name may include letters, digits, underscores, hyphens, and
periods. They may not include white space. (The underscore often substitutes for white
space.) The following are some legal XML tags:

The following are not syntactically correct XML tags:
<volume control>
<Mary Smith>
The rules for tag names actually apply to names of many other things as well. The
same rules are used for attribute names, ID attribute values, entity names, and a number of
other constructs you’ll encounter in the next several chapters.
Closing tags have the same name as their opening tag but are prefixed with a / after
the initial angle bracket. For example, if the opening tag is <FOO>, then the closing tag is
</FOO>. These are the end tags for the previous set of legal start tags.
XML names are case sensitive. This is different from HTML where <P> and <p> are
the same tag, and a </p> can close a <P> tag. The following are not end tags for the set of
legal start tags we’ve been discussing.

Empty Tags
Many HTML tags that do not contain data do not have closing tags. For example,
there are no </LI>, </IMG>, </HR>, or </BR> tags in HTML. Some page authors do include
</LI> tags after their list items, and some HTML tools also use </LI>. However the HTML
4.0 standard specifically denies that this is required. Like all unrecognized tags in HTML, the
presence of an unnecessary </LI> has no effect on the rendered output.
XML distinguishes between tags that have closing tags and tags that do not, called
empty tags. Empty tags are closed with a slash and a closing angle bracket (/>). For example,
<BR/> or <HR/>.
Current Web browsers deal inconsistently with tags like this. However, if you’re
trying to maintain backwards compatibility, you can use closing tags instead, and just not
include any text in them. For example,

As discussed in the previous chapter, start tags and empty tags may optionally contain
attributes. Attributes are name-value pairs separated by an equals sign (=).
For example,
Hello XML!
<MOVIE SRC=”WavingHand.mov”/>

Attribute Names
Attribute names are strings that follow the same rules as tag names. That is, attribute
names must begin with a letter or an underscore (_). Subsequent letters in the name may
include letters, digits, underscores, hyphens, and periods. They may not include white space.
(The underscore often substitutes for whitespace.)
The same tag may not have two attributes with the same name. For example, the
following is illegal:
<RECTANGLE SIDE=”8cm” SIDE=”10cm”/>

Attribute Values
Attributes values are also strings. Even when the string shows a number, as in the
LENGTH attribute below, that number is the two characters 7 and 2, not the binary number
Unlike attribute names, there are few limits on the content of an attribute value.
Attribute values may contain white space, begin with a number, or contain any punctuation
characters (except, sometimes, single and double quotes).
XML attribute values are delimited by quote marks. Unlike HTML attributes, XML
attributes must be enclosed in quotes. Most of the time double quotes are used. However, if
the attribute value itself contains a double quote, then single quotes may be used. For

Well-Formed XML in Standalone Documents

Although you can make up as many tags as you need, your XML documents do need
to follow certain rules in order to be well-formed. If a document is not well-formed, most
attempts to read or render it will fail.
In order for a document to be well-formed, all markup and character data in an XML
document must adhere to the rules given in the previous sections. Furthermore, there are
several rules regarding how the tags and character data must relate to each other. These rules
are summarized below:
1. The XML declaration must begin the document.
2. Elements that contain data must have both start and end tags.
3. Elements that do not contain data and use only a single tag must end with />.
4. The document must contain exactly one element that completely contains all
other elements.
5. Elements may nest but may not overlap.
6. Attribute values must be quoted.
7. The characters < and & may only be used to start tags and entity references
8. The only entity references which appear are &amp;, &lt;, &gt;, &apos; and &quot;.

1. The XML declaration must begin the document
This is the XML declaration for stand-alone documents in XML 1.0:
<?xml version=”1.0” standalone=”yes”?>
If the declaration is present at all, it must be absolutely the first thing in the file
because XML processors read the first several bytes of the file and compare those bytes
against various encodings of the string <?xml to determine which character set is being used
(UTF-8, big-endian Unicode, or little-endian Unicode).
XML file because of the extra spaces at the front of the line:
<?xml version=”1.0” standalone=”yes”?>
2. Use Both Start and End Tags in Non-Empty Tags
Web browsers are relatively forgiving if you forget to close an HTML tag. For
instance, if a document includes a <B> tag but no corresponding </B> tag, the entire
document after the <B> tag will be made bold. However, the document will still be
3. End Empty Tags with “/>”
Tags that do not contain data, such as HTML’s <BR>, <HR>, and <IMG>, do not
require closing tags. However, empty XML tags must be identified by closing with a /> rather
than just a >. For example, the XML equivalents of <BR>, <HR>, and <IMG> are <BR/>,
<HR/>, and <IMG/>.
4. Let One Element Completely Contain All Other Elements
An XML document has a root element that completely contains all other elements
of the document. This sometimes called the document element instead.
These tags may have, but do not have to have, the name root or DOCUMENT. For
instance, in the following document the root element is GREETING.
<?xml version=”1.0” standalone=”yes”?>
Hello XML!
5. Do Not Overlap Elements
Elements may contain (and indeed often do contain) other elements. However,

elements may not overlap. Practically, this means that if an element contains a start tag for an
element, it must also contain the corresponding end tag.
For example, the following is acceptable XML:
<PRE><CODE>n = n + 1;</CODE></PRE>
6. Enclose Attribute Values in Quotes
XML requires all attribute values to be enclosed in quote marks, whether or not the
attribute value includes spaces. For example:
<A HREF=”http://metalab.unc.edu/xml/”>
7. Only Use < and & to Start Tags and Entities
XML assumes that the opening angle bracket always starts a tag, and that the
ampersand always starts an entity reference. (This is often true of HTML as well, but most
browsers will assume the semicolon if you leave it out.) For example, consider this line,
<H1>A Homage to Ben & Jerry’s
New York Super Fudge Chunk Ice Cream</H1>
8. Only Use the Five Preexisting Entity References
You’re probably familiar with a number of entity references from HTML. For
example &copy; inserts the copyright symbol “. &reg; inserts the registered trademark
symbol “.

Well-Formed HTML
Real-World Web Page Problems
Real-world Web pages are extremely sloppy. Tags aren’t closed. Elements overlap.
Raw less-than signs are included in pages. Semicolons are omitted from the ends of entity
references. Web pages with these problems are formally invalid, but most Web browsers
accept them. Nonetheless, your Web pages will be cleaner, display faster, and be easier to
maintain if you fix these problems.
Some of the common problems that Web pages have include the following:
1. Start tags without matching end tags (unclosed elements)
2. End tags without start tags
3. Overlapping elements
4. Unquoted attributes
5. Unescaped <, >, &, and “ signs
6. No root element
7. End tag case doesn’t match start tag case

There are also some rules that only apply to XML documents, and that may actually
cause problems if you attempt to integrate them into your existing HTML pages. These
1. Begin with an XML declaration
2. Empty tags must be closed with a />
3. The only entity references used are &amp;, &lt;, &gt;, &apos; and &quot;
Close All Start Tags
Any element that contains content, whether text or other child elements, should have a
start tag and an end tag. HTML doesn’t absolutely require this. For instance, <P> , <DT>,
<DD>, and <LI> are often used in isolation.

Foreign Languages and Non-Roman Text

Non-Roman Scripts on the Web
Although the Web is international, much of its text is in English. Because of the
Web’s expansiveness, however, you can still surf through Web pages in French, Spanish,
Chinese, Arabic, Hebrew, Russian, Hindi, and other languages.
Most of the time, though, these pages come out looking less than ideal.
Scripts, Character Sets, Fonts, and Glyphs
Most modern human languages have written forms. The set of characters used to write
a language is called a script.
A script may be a phonetic alphabet, but it doesn’t have to be.
The word script is also often used to refer to programs written in weakly typed,
interpreted languages like JavaScript, Perl, and TCL. In this chapter, the word script always
refers to the characters used to write a language and not to any sort of program.
Some languages can even be written in different scripts. Serbian and Croatian are
virtually identical and are generally referred to as Serbo-Croatian.
XML alone is not enough to read a script. For each script a computer processes, four
things are required:
1. A character set for the script
2. A font for the character set
3. An input method for the character set
4. An operating system and application software that understand the character set

A Character Set for the Script
Computers only understand numbers. Before they can work with text, that text has to
be encoded as numbers in a specified character set. For example, the popular ASCII character
set encodes the capital letter ‘A’ as 65. The capital letter ‘B’ is encoded as 66. ‘C’ is 67, and
so on.
A Font for the Character Set
A font is a collection of glyphs for a character set, generally in a specific size, face,
and style. For example, C, C, and C are all the same character, but they are drawn with
different glyphs. Nonetheless their essential meaning is the same.
Exactly how the glyphs are stored varies from system to system. They may be
bitmaps or vector drawings; they may even consist of hot lead on a printing press. The form
they take doesn’t concern us here. The key idea is that a font tells the computer how to draw
each character in the character set.
An Input Method for the Character Set
An input method enables you to enter text. English speakers don’t think much about
the need for an input method for a script. We just type on our keyboards and everything’s
hunky-dory. The same is true in most of Europe, where all that’s needed is a slightly
modified keyboard with a few extra umlauts, cedillas, or thorns (depending on the country).

Legacy Character Sets

Different computers in different locales use different default character sets. Most
modern computers use a superset of the ASCII character set. ASCII encodes the English
alphabet and the most common punctuation and whitespace characters.
In the United States, Macs use the MacRoman character set, Windows PCs use a
character set called Windows ANSI, and most Unix workstations use ISO Latin-1. These are
all extensions of ASCII that support additional characters like ç and ¿ that are needed for
Western European languages like French and Spanish.
In other locales like Japan, Greece, and Israel, computers use a still more confusing
hodgepodge of character sets that mostly support ASCII plus the local language.
This doesn’t work on the Internet. It’s unlikely that while you’re reading the San Jose
Mercury News you’ll turn the page and be confronted with several columns written in
German or Chinese.

XML addresses this problem by moving beyond small, local character sets to one
large set that’s supposed to encompass all scripts used in all living languages (and a few dead
ones) on planet Earth. This character set is called Unicode.
XML document is divided into text and binary entities. Each text entity has an
encoding. If the encoding is not explicitly specified in the entity’s definition, then the default
is UTF-8—a compressed form of Unicode which leaves pure ASCII text unchanged.
Thus XML files that contain nothing but the common ASCII characters may be edited
with tools that are unaware of the complications of dealing with multi-byte character sets like
The ASCII Character Set
ASCII, the American Standard Code for Information Interchange, is one of the
original character sets, and is by far the most common. It forms a sort of lowest common
denominator for what a character set must support. It defines all the characters needed to
write U.S. English, and essentially nothing else.

The Unicode Character Set

Using different character sets for different scripts and languages works well enough
as long as:
1. You don’t need to work in more than one script at once.
2. You never trade files with anyone using a different character set.
Since Macs and PCs use different character sets, more people fail these criteria than
not. Obviously what is needed is a single character set that everyone agrees on and that
encodes all characters in all the world’s scripts. Creating such a set is difficult. It requires a
detailed understanding of hundreds of languages and their scripts. Getting software
developers to agree to use that set once it’s been created is even harder. Nonetheless work is
ongoing to create exactly such a set called Unicode, and the major vendors (Microsoft,
Apple, IBM, Sun, Be, and many others) are slowly moving toward complying with it. XML
specifies Unicode as its default character set.
Unicode encodes each character as a two-byte unsigned number with a value between
0 and 65,535. Currently a few more than 40,000 different Unicode characters are defined.
The remaining 25,000 spaces are reserved for future extensions. About 20,000 of the
characters are used for the Han ideographs and another 11,000 or so are used for the Korean
Hangul syllables. The remainder of the characters encodes most of the rest of the world’s

languages. Unicode characters 0 through 255 are identical to Latin-1 characters 0 through
Procedure to Write XML Unicode
Unicode is the native character set of XML, and XML browsers will probably do a
pretty good job of displaying it, at least to the limits of the available fonts. Nonetheless, there
simply aren’t many if any text editors that support the full range of Unicode. Consequently,
you’ll probably have to tackle this problem in one of a couple of ways:
1. Write in a localized character set like Latin-3; then convert your file to Unicode.
2. Include Unicode character references in the text that numerically identify particular
The first option is preferable when you’ve got a large amount of text to enter in
essentially one script, or one script plus ASCII. The second works best when you need to mix
small portions of multiple scripts into your document.
Inserting Characters in XML Files with Character References
Every Unicode character is a number between 0 and 65,535. If you do not have a text
editor that can write in Unicode, you can always use a character reference to insert the
character in your XML file instead.
A Unicode character reference consists of the two characters &# followed by the
character code, followed by a semicolon. For instance, the Greek letter π has Unicode value
960 so it may be inserted in an XML file as &#960;. The Cyrillic character has Unicode value
1206 so it can be included in an XML file with the character reference &#1206.
Converting to and from Unicode
Application software that exports XML files, such as Adobe Framemaker, handles the
conversion to Unicode or UTF-8 automatically. Otherwise you’ll need to use a conversion
tool. Sun’s freely available Java Development Kit (JDK) includes a simple command-line
utility called native2ascii that converts between many common and uncommon localized
character sets and Unicode.
For example, the following command converts a text file named myfile.txt from the
platform’s default encoding to Unicode
C:\> native2ascii myfile.txt myfile.uni
You can specify other encodings with the -encoding option:
C:> native2ascii -encoding Big5 chinese.txt chinese.uni
You can also reverse the process to go from Unicode to a local encoding with the reverse

C:> native2ascii -encoding Big5 -reverse chinese.uni chinese.txt
How to Write XML in Other Character Sets
Unless told otherwise, an XML processor assumes that text entity characters are
encoded in UTF-8. Since UTF-8 includes ASCII as a subset, ASCII text is easily parsed by
XML processors as well.
The only character set other than UTF-8 that an XML processor is required to
understand is raw Unicode. If you cannot convert your text into either UTF-8 or raw
Unicode, you can leave the text in its native character set and tell the XML processor which
set that is. This should be a last resort, though, because there’s no guarantee an arbitrary
XML processor can process other encodings. Nonetheless Netscape Navigator and Internet
Explorer both do a pretty good job of interpreting the common character sets.
To warn the XML processor that you’re using a non-Unicode encoding, you include
an encoding attribute in the XML declaration at the start of the file. For example, to specify
that the entire document uses Latin-1 by default (unless overridden by another processing
instruction in a nested entity) you would use this XML declaration:
<?xml version=”1.0” encoding=”ISO-8859-1” ?>
You can also include the encoding declaration as part of a separate processing
instruction after the XML declaration but before any character data appears.
<?xml encoding=”ISO-8859-1”?>

***************** ALL THE BEST ******************


1.WAP is:

Wired Application Protocol

Wireless Application Program

Wireless Application Protocol

Wireless Authorization Protocol

2. The WAP protocol was designed to show internet-contents on

_____ clients.



both 1 and 2

None of these

3. The WAP protocol was mainly designed for:




mobile phones

4. Which language is used to create programs which are supported

by WAP ?




5. The WAP protocol was designed to show _______ contents on

wireless clients, like mobile phones.





6. WAP is an application communication protocol.



not always

None of these

7. WAP is _____ from Internet standards.





8. WAP is a protocol designed for:

internet browsers

web browsers

macro browsers

micro browsers
9. WAP homepages are not too different from the HTML homepages.


Not always


None of these

10. WML is:

case sensitive

case insensitive

not always

None of these

11. WML is mostly about the:





12. In WML which tag is used for line break ?





13. WML pages are often called as:



both 1 and 2
None of these

14. A deck contains a set of:





15. A WML card can be set up to let a user enter information.



Not always true

None of these

1. What is WMLScript ?

programming language

scripting language

system software

operating system

2. WMLScript is used in __________ .

ASP pages

XML pages

WML pages

HTML pages

3. WML pages can be displayed in a ____ browser.




All of these

4. WMLScript is not used to:

generate dialog boxes

validate user input

view error messages

None of these

5. WML is:
Wired Markup Language

Wireless Markup Language

Wherever Markup Language

None of these

6. WML is inherited from:





7. Pages in WML are called _______ .





8. Decks are constructed as a set of ______ .





9. WMLScript is a _____ version of the JavaScript language.




not a version of the JavaScript language

10. WML pages only contains references to script ______ .





11. WMLScript is compiled into ________ on the server before it is

sent to the WAP browser

object code

binary code

byte code

Hexa code

12. WMLScript is a part of the ____ specification.





13. What is the WMLScript supported file extension ?





14. Is this statement a vaild WMLScript <go



Can't say

None of these

15. Which of these are not WMLScript Dialogs Library Functions.





1. What is the function of prompt() ?

Displays a question and waits for an input.

Displays a question and does not wait for an input.

This function is not valid WMLScript function.

None of these

2. The Float library contains a set of _____ functions.

numeric handling




3. What does ceil(x) function do ?

Returns the nearest integer that is smaller than a specified number

Returns the nearest integer that is not greater than a specified number

Returns the nearest integer that is greater than a specified number

Returns the nearest integer that is not smaller than a specified number

4. What does seed() function do ?

Initializes the random number generator with a number, and returns an

empty string

Initializes the random number generator with a number, and returns an

nonempty string

Returns a random integer between 0 and x

None of these

5. What does squeeze() function do ?

Returns a specified part of a string

Converts a value to a string

Reduces all multiple spaces to single spaces in a string

Returns a string without leading and trailing spaces

6. The <prev> task represents the action of going back to the previous:





7. The <refresh> task refreshes some specified card variables.





8. The <noop> task says that _____ should be done.




None of these
9. The <do> tag can be used to activate the task when the user clicks on a
word or phrase on the screen.

Not always



None of these
10. Which fo these are not task elements ?




1. What does XML stand for?
A. eXtra Modern Link
B. eXtensible Markup Language
C. Example Markup Language
D. X-Markup Language

2. What is the correct syntax of the declaration which defines the XML version?:
A. <xml version="A.0" />
B. <?xml version="A.0"?>
C. <?xml version="A.0" />
D. None of the above

3. Which statement is true?

A. All the statements are true
B. All XML elements must have a closing tag
C. All XML elements must be lower case
D. All XML documents must have a DTD

4. Is it easier to process XML than HTML?

A. Yes
B. No
C. Somtimes
D. Cant say

5. Which of the following programs support XML or XML applications?:

A. Internet Explorer 5.5
B. Netscape D.7
C. RealPlayer.
D. both A and B
6. Kind of Parsers are
A. well-formed
B. well-documented
C. non-validating and validating
D. none of the above

7. Well formed XML document means

A. it contains a root element
B. it contain an element
C. it contains one or more elements
D. must contain one or more elements and root element must contain all other elements

8. Comment in XML document is given by

A. <?-- -->
B. <!-- --!>
C. <!-- -->
D. </-- -- >
Ans: C

9. When processing an output XML, "new line" symbols

A. are copied into output "as is", i.e. "CR+LF" for Windows, CR for Macintosh, LF for Unix.
B. are converted to single LF symbol
C. are converted to single CR symbol
D. are discarded

10. Which of the following strings are a correct XML name?

A. _myElement
B. my Element
C. #myElement
D. None of the above

11. Which of the following strings are a correct XML name?

A. xmlExtension
B. xslNewElement
C. XMLElement#123
D. All

12. Which of the following XML fragments are well-formed?

A. <?xml?>
B. <?xml version="A.0"?>
C. <?xml encoding="JIS"?>
D. <?xml encoding="JIS" version="A.0"?>

13. What are the predefined attributes

A. xml:lang
B. xml:space
C. both
D. none.

14. Kind of Parsers are

A. well-formed
B. validating
C. non-validating
D. Both B & C

15. Valid XML document means (most appropriate)

A. the document has root element
B. the document contains atleast one or more root element
C. the XML document has DTD associated with it & it complies with that DTD
D. Each element must nest inside any enclosing element property

16. XML uses the features of


17. XML document can be viewed in

A. IE C.0
B. IE B.0
C. IE 6.0
D. IE X.0

18. There is a way of describing XML data, how?

A. XML uses a DTD to describe the data
B. XML uses XSL to describe data
C. XML uses a description node to describe data
D. Both A and C

19. What does DTD stand for?

A. Direct Type Definition
B. Document Type Definition
C. Do The Dance
D. Dynamic Type Definition

20. DTD includes the specifications about the markup that can be used within the
document, the specifications consists of all EXCEPT
A. the browser name
B. the size of element name
C. entity declarations
D. element declarations

21. Which of the following XML documents are well-formed?

A. <firstElement>some text goes here
<secondElement>another text goes here</secondElement>
B. <firstElement>some text goes here</firstElement>
<secondElement> another text goes here</secondElement>
C. <firstElement>some text goes here
<secondElement> another text goes here</firstElement>
D. </firstElement>some text goes here
</secondElement>another text goes here

22. Which of the following XML fragments are well-formed?

A. <myElement myAttribute="someValue"/>
B. <myElement myAttribute=someValue/>
C. <myElement myAttribute=’someValue’>
D. <myElement myAttribute="someValue’/>

23. How can we make attributes have multiple values:

A. <myElement myAttribute="value1 value2"/>
B. <myElement myAttribute="value1" myAttribute="value2"/>
C. <myElement myAttribute="value1, value2"/>
D. attributes cannot have multiple values

24. Which of the following XML fragments are well-formed?

A. <myElement myAttribute="value1 <= value2"/>
B. <myElement myAttribute="value1 & value2"/>
C. <myElement myAttribute="value1 > value2"/>
D. None of the above

25. The use of a DTD in XML development is:

A. required when validating XML documents
B. no longer necessary after the XML editor has been customized
C. used to direct conversion using an XSLT processor
D. a good guide to populating a templates to be filled in when generating an XML document

26. Parameter entities can appear in

A. xml file
B. dtd file
C. xsl file
D. Both 1 and 2

27. Attribute standalone="no" should be included in XML declaration if a document:

A. is linked to an external XSL stylesheet
B. has external general references
C. has processing instructions
D. has an external DTD

28. In XML
A. the internal DTD subset is read before the external DTD
B. the external DTD subset is read before the internal DTD
C. there is no external type of DTD
D. there is no internal type of DTD

29. Disadvantages of DTD are

(i)DTDs are not extensible
(ii)DTDs are not in to support for namespaces
(iii)there is no provision for inheritance from one DTDs to another

A. (i) is correct
B. (i),(ii) are correct
C. (ii),(iii) are correct
D. (i),(ii),(iii) are correct
30. To use the external DTD we have the syntax
A. <?xml version=”A.0” standalone=”no”?>
B. <?xml version=”A.0” standalone=”yes”?>
(3 )<?xml version=”A.0” standalone=”no”?>
<! DOCTYPE DOCUMENT “order.dtd”?>
D. <?xml version=”A.0” standalone=”yes”?>

31. To add the attribute named Type to the <customer> tag the syntax will be
A. <customer attribute Type=”exelent”>
B. <customer Type attribute =”exelent”>
C. <customer Type attribute_type=”exelent”>
D. <customer Type=” exelent” >

32. The syntax for parameter entity is


33. You can name the schema using the name attribute like
A. <schema attribute=”schema1”>
B. <schema nameattribute=”schema1”>
C. <schema nameattri=”schema1”>
D. <schema name=”schema1”>
34. The default model for complex type, in XML schemas for element is
A. textOnly
B. elementOnly
C. no default type
D. both 1 & 2

35. Microsoft XML Schema Data types for Hexadecimal digits representating octates

36. A schema describes

(i) grammer
(ii) vocabulary
(iii) structure
(iv) datatype of XML document

A. (i) & (ii) are correct

B. (i),(iii) ,(iv) are correct
C. (i),(ii),(iv) are correct
D. (i),(ii),(iii),(iv) are correct

37. Microsoft XML Schema Data Type “ boolean” has values

A. True ,False
B. True ,False or 1,0
C. 1,0
D. any number other then zero and zero

38. Simple type Built into Schema “ data’ represent a data in


39. In simple Type Built into XML schema Boolean type holds
A. True, False
B. 1,0
C. both A. & B.
D. True/False and any number except 0

40. In simple type built into XML schema type flat has single precision of ________ floating
A. 16 bit
B. 32 bit
C. 8 bit
D. 4 bit

41. The XML DOM object is

A. Entity
B. Entity Reference
C. Comment Reference
D. Comment Data

42.Attribute of the document interface in DOM is/are

which are read only attributes

A. (i) only
B. (ii) only
C. (ii),(iii) only
D. all

43. The default model for complex type, in XML schemas for element is
A. textOnly
B. elementOnly
C. no default type
D. both a & b

44. To create a choise in XML schemas, we use the

A. <xsd:select> element
B. <xsd:multi> element
C. <xsd:choise> element
D. <xsd:single> element

45. The XML DOM object is

A. Entity
B. Entity Reference
C. Comment Reference
D. Comment Data

46. To create a data island we use the _____________HTML element

A. <XML>
B. <dataisland>
C. <Island>
D. <XMLIsland>

47. To Bind the HTML elements with DSO we use _________ attribute

48. To bind the HTML element <INPUT> Type in text with the datasource “ dsoCustomer”
we use
B. <INPUT TYPE=”TEXT” DATASRC=” dsoCustomer”>
C. <INPUT TYPE=”TEXT” DATASRC=” #dsoCustomer” >
D. <INPUT TYPE=”TEXT” DATAFLD=” #dsoCustomer”>

49. XML DSOs has the property for the number of pages of data the recordset contains
A. count
B. number
C. pageCount
D. pageNumber

50. Whats so great about XML?

A. Easy data exchange
B. High speed on network
C. Only B.is correct
D. Both A. & B.

51. For XML document to be valid
A. document need to be well formed also
B. document need not to be well formed
C. document need to be well formed & valid
D. document validity has no relationship with well formedness

52. A textual object is a well formed XML document if

(i) Taken as a whole it matches the production labeled document.
(ii) Each of the parsed entity which is referenced directly or indirectly within the document can
be well formed

A. (i) is correct
B. (ii)is correct
C. both are correct

53. <?xml version=” A.0” standalone=” yes” encoding=”UTF-8” ?>

A. it shows that the version is A.0
B. shows thatit is standalone
C. the standalone is wrong
D. version attribute is not in XML

54. The attribute used to define a new namespace is

B. XmlNameSpace
C. Xmlns
D. XmlNs

55. To match the root node in XMLT transform the syntax will be
A. <xsl:template match=”Document”>
B. <xsl:template match=”Root”>
C. <xsl:template match=”RootNode”>
D. <xsl:template match=” /”>
56. To match the specific XML elements child like of parent element is the syntax will be
A. <xsl:template match=”PLANET_NAME”>
B.<xsl:template match=”PLANET/NAME”>
C. <xsl:template match=”/NAME”>
D. <xsl:template match=”//”>
57. PI in XML specification stands for
A. C.14
B. priceless instruction
C. processing instruction
D. polymorphic inheritance

58. A validating XML application should be used when:

A. the design demands that all elements use both start and end tags
B. missing or out-of-place elements could cause application errors
C. attribute values cannot refer to external entity references
D. High performance is an important architectural constraint

59. A DSO operates like

(a) data simulation object at server side
(b) dynamic source object at client side
(c) data source object at client side
(d) data simulation object at client side

60. The XSL formating object use to format a list is

A. list-block
B. list-item
C. list-item-body
D. list-item-label
61. The attribute used to define a new namespace is
B. XmlNameSpace
C. Xmlns
D. XmlNs

62. Identify the most accurate statement about the application of XML:
A. XML must be used to produce XML and HTML output.
B. XML cannot specify or contain presentation information.
C. XML is used to describe hierarchically organized information.
D. XML performs the conversion of information between different e-business applications.

63. The XSl formatting object which formats the data and caption of a table is
A. table
B. table-content
C. table-text
D. none of the above

64. The XSL formating object which holds the content of the table body
A. table
B. table-body
C. table-content
D. table-footer

65. The XSL formatting object which formats the data in a table
A. table
B. table-body
C. title
D. table-content
66. The XSL formating object use to hold the content of the label of a list item is
A. list-block
B. list item
C. list-item-body
D. list-item-label

67. The XSL formating object use to hold the contents of the body of a list item is
A. list-block
B. list item
C. list-item-body
D. list-item-label

68. XSL has formatting object “ block”

A. is not supported in XSL
B. generates a block level reference area
C. create a display block
D. groups global declarations for a style sheet

69. XSL has “ block container” for formating the document

A. to create a display block to format the titles
B. to create a display block to format the paragraphes
C. to create a display block to format the headlines & figures
D. to create a block level reference area

70. The syntax for writing the minimum occurrence for an element is
A. <xsd:element ref=” note” min=” 0” />
B. <xsd:elements ref=” note” min=” 0” />
C. <xsd:elements ref=” note” minOccur=”0” />
D. <xsd:elements ref=” note” minOccurs=” 0” />

71. The syntax for writing default values for element is

A. <xsd:element name=”max” type=” xsd:integer” value=” 100” />
B. <xsd:element name=”max” type=” xsd:integer” fixValue=” 100” />
C. <xsd:element name=”max” type=” xsd:integer” default=” 100” />
D. <xsd:element name=”max” type=” xsd:integer” defaultval=” 100” />

72. To use XSLT in an XML system:

A. the input and output of the XSLT processor must be unparsed XML documents
B. the input and output of the XSLT processor must be a hierarchical tree representing an
XML document
C. the XSLT processor must be called from a web agent
D. the XSLT processor must be given the DTD as well as the XML document instance

73. What is the role of the XPath language in XSL processing?

A. XPath identifies the order or path of processing to be followed as the XSL language is
B. XPath identifies locations in XML data to be transformed in the source tree and the
locations to be generated in output tree specified in XSL translation prescriptions
C. XPath identifies the path to be followed in the execution of XSL translation prescriptions
D. XPath specifies which XSL transform files are to be used in the translation of XML

74. Which statement correctly describes the capabilities of the XSLT language?

A. XSLT uses the DTD to determine how XML documents will be translated
B. XSLT specifies how a hierarchical trees, representable by an XML document may be
translated into non-hierarchical formats
C. XSLT specifies how a hierarchical tree, representable by an XML document, may be
translated into another hierarchical tree, also representable by an XML document
D. XSLT specifies the formatting style to be used to render an XML document

75. XSLT processors accept as input:

A. an XML conforming document file and an XSLT specification file

B. only an XML document
C. only an XSLT specification
D. either an XML document or an XSLT specification

76. The transformation of XML document in to another type of document by XSLT can be
done by

(i)In the server

(ii)In the client
(iii)With a separate program

A. only(i) & (ii)

B. only (ii) & (iii)
C. all are correct
D. only (i) & (iii)

77: To match the root node in XMLT transform the syntax will be

A. <xsl:template match=”Document”>
B. <xsl:template match=”Root”>
C. <xsl:template match=”RootNode”>
D. <xsl:template match=” /” >

78: To match the specific XML elements in XMLT the syntax for given name “ rootnode”
A. <xsl:template match=” root”>
B. <xsl:template match=” /”>
C. <xsl:template match=” rootnode” >
D. <xsl:template match=” //”>

79. To match the specific XML elements child like of parent element is the syntax will be

A. <xsl:template match=”PLANET_NAME”>
B. <xsl:template match=” PLANET/NAME” >
C. <xsl:template match=” /NAME”>
D. <xsl:template match=” //”>

80. InXSLT style sheet we have syntax to match elements with id as (if id is “ change” )

A. <xsl:template match=” id(‘change’)” >

B. <xsl:template match=” (change)”>
C. <xsl:template match=” change”>
D. <xsl:template match-id=”Change”>

81. To match the text node (in XSLT) the syntax will be
A. <xsl:template match=” text”>
B. <xsl:template match-text=” text”>
C. <xsl:template match=text( )>
D. <xsl:template match=” text( )” >

82. An element declaration specifies

A. a single markup element
B. zmarkup elements
C. markup data
D. the document data

83. Well formed XML document means(most appropriate)

A. it contains a root element
B. it contain an element
C. it contains one or more elements
D. must contain one or more elements and root element must contain all other elements

84: Which of the following specify that the order and content of "membership" is not
A. <!ELEMENT membership NORULE>
B. <!ELEMENT membership EMPTY>
C. <!ELEMENT membership ALL>
D. <!ELEMENT membership ANY>

85: Which of the following is used to specify the attribute list of an element

86: Which of the following instruct the browser which stylesheet to use
A. <xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="cd.xsl">
B. <xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" xsl="cd.xsl">
C. <?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="cd.xsl"?>
D. <?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" xsl="cd.xsl"?>

88: Which of the following XSLT Patterns is used to match any descendant nodes
A. /
B. //
C. .
D. ..

89: Which of the following XSLT Patterns is used to match the parent node
A. /
B. //
C. .
D. ..

90: Which of the following is a valid XSLT iteration command

A. for
B. for-all
C. for-each
D. in-turn

91.What is an advantage of XML compared to HTML?

A. XML works on more platforms.

B. XML is suited to using Web pages as front ends to databases.
C. XML was designed for portable phones.
D. XML is simpler to learn than HTML.

92.The following best describes the development of XML.

A. XML developed from HTML because WEB browsers became more powerful.
B. XML is designed as a replacement because SGML can not be used for document
C. XML builds on HTMLs ability to provide content to virtually any audience by adding
the power of intelligent content.
D. XML is the modern replacement for HTML and SGML, taking the good points from each,
making both of those languages obsolete.

93. The correct priority for implementing XML based IETMs is :

A. Develop DTD, conduct a pilot project, create a modular library, train staff.
B. Train staff, convert legacy documents, develop DTD, create modular library.
C. Conduct pilot program, train staff, create modular library, develop DTD
D. Conduct pilot program, train staff, develop DTD, convert documents, purchace XML tools.

94. Which of the following statements is true:

A. XML is a direct subset of SGML
B. SGML is an application of HTML
C. XML is a kind of dynamic HTML
D. XHTML is XML rewritten in HTML
5. SGML and XML are the same thing

95. What is a qualified name?

A. Any name conforming to the XML Names specification
B. A name having prefix and local name separated by a colon
C. A name applying only to qualified elements and attributes
D. None of the above

96. What is a NCName

A. A Non-Common Name
B. A Non-Conforming Name
C. A Non-Colonized Name
D. None of the above
97. Which of the following statements about XML schemas is incorrect?
A. All XML documents must have a schema
B. Schemas can specify integer values
C. Schemas are defined by XSD tag
D. They offer more flexibility than DTDs
E. Schemas provide data oriented data types

98. What is the default namespace

A. The namespace used by default when no namespace is declared
B. The namespace used when two or more namespaces are referenced
C. A namespace that is referenced with the xmlns attribute, but without a prefix
D. None of the above

99.What is an XML namespace?

A. A set of names applied to specific spaces within an XML document, such as the head and
B. A set of names representing a specific XML vocabulary
C. A set of names for XML documents pertaining to a particular vocabulary
D. None of the above.

100. From what set of names do NCNames derive?

A. Any combination of characters allowable in XML
B. Any names conforming to XML Names, minus the colon
C. Any names for elements and attributes within the DTD to which the namespace refers
D. None of the above.

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