PSO 6: Develop the skills of analysis and capability of making business decisions.
Subject Name: Advanced Corporate Accounting and Accounting Standards Year : I
Subject Code: KDA1E Semester : I
Unit 1: Advanced problems in share capital and debenture transactions including underwriter-
valuation of goodwill and shares.
Unit 3: Consolidated final statement of holding companies and subsidiary companies- inter-
company holdings and Owings – treatment of dividends.
Unit 5: Basic postulates of accounting theory and generally accepted accounting principles and
practices recommended by the ICAI- mandatory accounting standards (AS) issued by the
ministry of corporate affairs (MCA)
Reference Books:
1. Gupta, R.L. & Radhaswamy , M, Advanced Accounting, Sultan Chand &Sons, New
2. Jain, S.P & Narang, K.L., Advanced Accounting, Kalyani Publishers, New Delhi.
3. Reddy, T.S & Murthy A, Corporate Accounting, Margham Publications, Chennai.
4. Shukla, M.C. & Grewal, J.S, Advanced Accounting, S. Chand & Co., New Delhi.
Subject Name: Financial Management Year :I
Subject Code: KDA1B Semester : I
Unit 1 : Functions Of Manager- Methods And Sources Of Raising Finance- Sources Of Short
Term And Long Term Finance- Critical Appraisal Of Different Securities And Bonds As
Sources Of Finance- Equity Shares – Convertible And Non-Convertible Debentures- Preferred
Stock- Objectives/Goals Of Finance Function – Financial Decisions-Investment Decision-
Importance Of Financial Planning- Problems In Financial forecasting.
Unit 3: Cost of Capital Measurement WACC – MCC and Value of the Firm Influencing
Dividend Policies If Firm- Dividend Relevancy – Company Law Provisions On Dividend
Unit 4: Investment decision- risk- required rate of return- estimating cash flows- present value of
cash flows- evaluation of alternative investment proposal- sensitivity analysis-stimulation-
decision making under condition of risk and uncertainty- inflation and investment decision.
Unit 5: Working capital management- working capital cycle- forecasting of working capital
requirements- factors influencing working capital- different components- inventory- cash-
receivables- credit policies- collection polices.
Reference Books:
CO1: Understand concepts of Financial Management
CO2: Enumerate the Capital Structure
CO3: Analyse Cost of Capital measurement
CO4: Evaluate Investment decisions process
CO5: Analyse Working capital management
Subject Name: Organizational Behavior Year :I
Subject Code: KDA1C Semester : I
Reference Books:
CO1: Identify the Approaches and models of Organizational behavior
CO2: Compare the Individual and group behavior in work place
CO3: Evaluate Organizational Communication effectiveness
CO4: Enumerate Organizational Dynamics and Climate
CO5: Analyse Organizational Change
Subject Name: Managerial Economics Year : I
Subject Code: KDA1G Semester : I
Unit 1: The scope and methods of managerial economics-risk- uncertainty and probability
analysis- approaches to managerial decision making and theory of firm
Unit 2: Demand analysis, basic concepts and tools of analysis for demand forecasting, use of
business indicators; demand forecasting for consumer goods, consumer durable and capital
Unit 3 : Concepts in resource allocation, cost analysis; breakeven analysis, short run and long
run cost functions ;production functions; cost- price-output relations-capital investment analysis-
economics of size and capacity utilization input-output-analysis.
Unit 4: Market structure, pricing and output, general equilibrium. Product policy, rates,
promotion and market strategy-adverting rates model-advertisement budgeting.
Reference Books:
CO1: Analyse Scope and methods of Managerial Economics
CO2: Apply Concept and tools of demand analysis
CO3: Enumerate Concepts in resource allocation
CO4: Evaluate Market Structure and Advertisement budgeting
CO5: Apply Pricing methods and approaches
Subject Name: Industrial Relations and Labour Welfare Year : I
Subject Code: KDABB Semester : I
Unit 1: Concepts- importance- industrial relation problems in the public sector- growth of trade
unions- code of conduct.
Unit 4: Causes of accidents – prevention – safety – provisions- industrial health and hygiene-
importance- problems- occupational hazards- diseases- psychological problems-counseling-
statutory provisions.
Reference Books:
1. Mamoria C.B. and Sathish Mamoria, ‗Dynamics of Industrial Relations‘, Himalaya
Publishing House, New Delhi 1998.
2. Dwivedi, R.S. ‗Human Relations & Organizational Behavior‘, Macmillan India Ltd.,
New Delhi, 1997.
3. Ratna Sen, ‗Industrial Relations in India‘, Shifting Paradigms, Macmillan India Ltd.,
New Delhi, 2003.
4. Srivastava, ‗Industrial Relations and Labour laws‘, Vikas 4th edition, 2000.
5. Venkata Ratnam C S, ‗Globalisation and Labour Management Relations‘, Response
Books, 2001.
CO1: Enumerate Problems of Industrial Relations and Growth of Trade Union
CO2: Understand and solve Disputes
CO3: Evaluate Labour Welfare Measures
CO4: Analyse Industrial Accidents and Safety measures
CO5: Analyse Types of Labour
Subject Name: Advanced Cost and Management Accounting Year :I
Subject Code: KDA2A Semester : II
Unit 1:Installation Of Costing System – Records required to be maintained under the companies
act – management control and information system – cost reduction and cost control techniques –
control over wastages, scrap, spoilage and defectives
Unit 2: Costing methods – product costing – process costing – treatment of equivalent units-
inter-process profit – JIT costing – Activity based costing
Unit 3: Budgets and budgeting control – Flexible budgets, Zero Based Budgets
Unit 4: Cost Volume Profit Analysis – Decision making – make or buy, own or lease, repair or
renovate, changes vs. Status quo, sell or scrap, export vs. local sales, shutdown or continue.
Responsibility accounting and Transfer Pricing – Measurement of Segment Performance
Reference Books:
1. Murthy and Gurusamy, Cost Accounting, Vijay Nicole Imprints and Tata McGraw Hill
2. Murthy and Gurusamy, Management Accounting, Vijay Nicole Imprints and Tata
McGraw Hill
3. Horngren C.T. Cost Accounting – A Managerial Emphasis, New Delhi, Pearson
4. Kalpan, Advanced Management Accounting, 3rd Ed. Pearson Education, New Delhi
5. Polimeni te. At. Cost Accounting : Concepts and Applications for Managerial Decision
Making, New York, McGrawHill Choudhary Anu Prasad Roy & Amitava Bhattac.
Harya, Cost and Management Accountancy: Methods and Techniques, Calcutta, New
Central Book Agency
6. Reddy T S and Y.H Reddy, Cost and Management Accounting, Margam Publications,
CO1: Analyse Cost Control and Reduction
CO2: Understand Costing Methods
CO3: Determine the Budgeting Control methods
CO4: Apply Cost Volume Profit analysis
CO5: Analyse Financial Statement analysis
Subject Name: Quantitative Techniques for Business Decisions Year :I
Subject Code: KDA2B Semester : II
Unit 2: Sampling – Meaning of random sample – sampling methods – sampling error and
standards error relationship between sample size and standard error Sampling distribution –
characteristics – central limit theorem – estimating population parameters – point and interval
estimates – estimating proportion, percentage and mean of population from large sample and
small sample
Unit 3:Testing hypothesis – testing of proportions and means – large sample – small samples –
one tailed and two tailed tests – testing differences between mean and proportions – errors in
hypothesis testing – chi square distribution – characteristics – applications – test of independence
and test of goodness of fit – inferences – F distribution – testing of population variance –
analysis of variance – one way and two way.
Unit 4:Correlation and regression – Simple, partial and multiple correlation – simple, partial and
multiple regressions – estimation using regression line – standard error of estimate – testing
significance of correlation and regression coefficients – interpreting correlation – explained
variation and unexplained .variation – coefficient of determination – multivariate analysis –
factor, cluster and discriminant analysis.
Unit 5: Linear programming graphic and simplex models – maximization and minimization –
transportation – Assignment.
Reference Books:
1. Richard I. Levin and David S Rubin, Statistics for Management, 7th Ed. Pearson
Education New Delhi
2. Gupta, Statistical Methods, Sultan Chand
3. Johnson, Applied Multivariate Statistical Analysis 5th Ed, Pearson Education
CO1: Understand Probability Theory
CO2: Analyse Sampling Techniques
CO3: Apply Testing Hypothesis, Chi-square, f-test
CO4: Comprehend Correlation and Regression
CO5: Apply linear programming
Subject Name: Marketing of Services Year :I
Subject Code: KDA2C Semester : II
Unit 1: Nature and classification of services – Characteristics of services and their marketing
Unit 2: Marketing strategies for service firms – with special reference to information,
communication, consultancy, advertising, professional services, after- sales service, recruitment,
training and tourism
Unit 4: Marketing of financial services – nature – types – marketing of insurance – mutual fund
– marketing for non-profits firms
Reference Books:
1. Christopher Lovelock, Services Marketing, 4th Ed, Pearson Education
2. EG Bateson, Mal1agil1g Services Marketing – Text and Readings, Dryden Press,
Hinsdale III
3. Philip Kotler and Paul N Bloom, Marketing Professional Services, Prentice Hall, New
4. Payne, The Essencl‘ of Services Marketing, New Delhi, Prentice Hall
5. Helen Wodd Ruffe, Services Marketing, Macmillan India, New Delhi
6. Mary Anrn Pezzallo, Marketing Financial Services, Macrnillan
CO1: Understand Classification of services and implications
CO2:Identify Marketing strategies for service firms
CO3: Understand Pricing of services
CO4: Understand Marketing of financial services
CO5: Identify Customer Relationship Marketing
Subject Name: Consumer Behavior Year :I
Subject Code: KDACB Semester : II
Unit 1 : The consumer behavior – Meeting changes and challenges perspectives towards the
study of consumer behavior - Understanding about the dark side of the consumer – various
consumer behavior models – consumer behavior and marketing strategy.
Unit 2 : Internal influences on consumer behavior – personality – self image and life style –
consumer motivation – consumer involvement – consumer perception – consumer learning and
knowledge – consumer attitude and change
Unit 4: The consumer decision process, prospect theory, heuristics, persuasion – consumer
decision making processes – need recognition information search- consumer evaluation process
– purchase decision – post purchase decision – Marketing strategies involved in each stage of the
Unit 5 : Family and household decision making – The role of reference group in purchase
decisions – word of mouth (WOM) – Demographics and psychographics in consumer purchase
decision of the consumer – global consumer and diffusion and innovations – consumer behavior
and social marketing – consumer and public policy
Reference Books:
1. Leon G.Schiffman, Leslie Lazar Kanuk, ― Consumer Behaviour‖, Pearson Education,
New Delhi.
2. David L.Loudon, Albert J Della Bitta, ―Consumer Behaviour‖, McGraw Hill, New Delhi.
3. Jay D.Lindquist and M.Joseph Sirgy, ―Shopper, buyer & Consumer Behaviour, Theory
and Marketing application‖, Biztantra Publication, New Delhi.
4. Sheth Mittal, ―Consumer Behaviour A Manbagerial Perspective‖, Thomson Asia (P) Ltd.,
CO1: Identify Consumer Behavior models
CO2: Understand Internal Influences on consumer behavior
CO3: Describe External Influences on consumer behavior
CO4: Understand Consumer decision processes
CO5: Comprehend Family and household decision making.
Subject Name: Total Quality Management Year :I
Subject Code: KDAXA Semester : II
Unit 1: Introduction to Quality Control – Quality and Cost Considerations – Statistics and its
Applications in Quality Control
Unit 4: Quality Improvement: Recent Technique for Quality Improvement – Zero Defect –
Quality Motivation Techniques – Quality Management System and Total Quality Control
Reference Books:
1. Srinivasa Gupta and Valarmathy, Vijay Nicole Imprints.
2. Dahlgaard Jens J., Kristensen K., Kanji Gopal K, ―Fundamentals of Total Quality
Management‖, Bross Chapman & Hall, London.
3. George, Stephen and Weimerskirch, Arnold, ―Total Quality Management – Strategies
and Techniques Proven‖, Mohit Publications.
4. Hakes, Chris (editor), ―Total Quality Management: The Key to Business Success‖, NY:
Chapman and Hall.
5. Fox, Roy, ―Making Quality Happen. Six steps to Total Quality Management‖, McGraw-
6. Jain, ―Quality Control and Total Quality Management‖, Tata McGraw Hill.
CO1: Identify Quality and Cost considerations
CO2: Evaluate Statistically Quality Control
CO3: Understand Sampling Inspection
CO4: Identify Quality management System and total quality control
CO5: Understand ISO 9000 and environmental management system
Subject Name: Research Methodology Year : II
Subject Code: KDA3A Semester : III
Unit 1: Research-meaning and purpose- type of research- pure and applied, survey, and case
study experimental, exploratory- research design- steps in selection and formulation of research
problem-steps in research- review of literature.
Unit 2: Formulation of hypothesis- types, sources- testing- sampling techniques- sampling error
and sample size.
Unit 4: Processing and analysis of data- editing- coding – transcription- tabulation- outline of
statistical analysis-descriptive statistics-elements of processing through computers- package for
Unit 5: Report writing- target audience- types of reports- content of reports- style and
conventions in reporting- steps in drafting a report
Reference Books:
1. William C Emory, Business Research Methods, Richard D Irwin, NJ.
2. Donald R Cooper, Business Research Methods 7th Ed, McGraw Hill.
3. Krishnaswami OR, Methodology of Research for Social Science, Himalaya, Mumbai.
4. Anderson J. et.al, Thesis and Assignment Writing, Wiley Eastern
CO1: Understand Meaning of Research and research design.
CO2: Create Hypothesis and testing
CO3: Identify Methods of Data collection and pilot study
CO4: Develop Processing and Analysis of data and SPSS packaging
CO5: Apply Report writing and drafting of report
Subject Name: Knowledge Management Year : II
Subject Code: KDA3B Semester : III
Reference Books:
1. Joseph M. Firestone and Mark W. McElroy, Butterworth – Hienemann, Key issues in the
New Knowledge Management, KMCI Press.
2. Daryl Morey & others Knowledge Management – Classic and Contemporary works
(Edited) Universities Press India Limited.
3. Shelda Debowski, Knowledge Management, John Wiley & Sons.
4. Sudhir Warier, Knowledge Management, Vikas Publishing House Private Limited.
5. Stwart Barnes Knowledge Management System Theory and Practice (Edited) Thomson
6. Hol Sapple Springer C W, Handbook on Knowledge Management (Edited)
CO1: Understand Knowledge economy and Knowledge management strategy
CO2: Identify Knowledge Attributes
CO3: Understand Infrastructure of Knowledge Management and Applications
CO4: Develop Knowledge Culture
CO5: Comprehend Knowledge Management tools, techniques and knowledge audit
Subject Name: Fundamentals of information Technology Year : II
Subject Code: KDA31 Semester : III
Reference Books:
CO1: Understand computer system and Boolean function
CO2: Understand the Computer Software: ‗C‘, DBMS, RDBMS
CO3: Create MS Word, Power point
CO4: Use Internet and e-mail
CO5: Design Application software
Subject Name: Change Management Year : II
Subject Code: KDABC Semester : III
Unit 1: Nature, forces, types and models of organizational change –impact of change, transition
Unit 2: Progress and challenges in organization change management- learning organization, role
of politics
Unit 3: Motivating and enabling change, managing complex major changes effective change
leader- mapping change- the culture web- cultural attributes to change- resistance to change
Unit 4: Mapping change- the culture web- cultural attributes to change- resistance to change
Unit 5: Systems approach to change, intervention strategy model, and total project management
Reference Books:
CO1: Understand the Concepts and models of Organizational change
CO2: Identify the Challenges in change management and Learning organization
CO3: Understand the Motivating and Enabling Change
CO4: Determine Mapping change
CO5: Implement Systems approach to change
Subject Name: Managerial Behavior and Effectiveness Year : II
Subject Code: KDABD Semester : III
Unit 2: Identifying managerial talent- selection and recruitment- managerial skills development-
pay and rewards- managerial motivation- effective management criteria- performance appraisal
measures- balanced score board- feedback- career management- current practices
Unit 3: Definition- The person, process, product approaches – Bridging the Gap- Measuring
managerial effectiveness- Current Industrial and Government practices in the Management of
managerial effectiveness- The effective manager as an optimizer
Unit 4: Organizational process- organizational climate- leader- group influences- job challenge-
competition- managerial styles
Reference Books:
Subject Name: Business Ethics, Corporate Governance and Social Responsibility Year : II
Subject Code: KDAXB Semester : III
Unit 1: Concept of ethics- sources- values- code of conduct- what is an ethical issue?- ethical
theory and its applications to business/ morality and ethical theory- ethical management- love
and reference in work and life- strengthening personal and organizational integrity- the spiritual
core of leadership
Unit 4: Corporate governance- meaning and scope- origin- practices- shareholders and
stakeholder‘s approach- board mechanism, role and duties of the directors – chairman-
governance committees
Reference Books:
1. A M A, ―Corporate Governance and Business Ethics‖, Excel Books.
2. Cannon Tom, ―Corporate responsibility. A textbook on business ethics, governance,
environment: role and responsibilities‖, Pitman, London.
3. Hoffman, W.Michael, et, ―Corporate Governance and Institutionalizing Ethics‖,
Lexington Books.
4. Sutton, Brenda, editor, ―The Legitimate Corporation; Essential Readings in Business
Ethics & Corporate Governance‖, Blackwell Publishers.
5. Manual Vela Squez, ―Business Ethics Concepts and Cases‖, Prentice Hall, New Jersey.
6. Kenneth Blanchard and Norman Vincent Peale, ―The Power of Ethical Management‖,
New York, William Morrow & Co.,
7. Sekhar R C, ―Ethical Choices in Business‖, Response Books.
8. Kendall, Nigel, ―Corporate Governance‖, London, Financial Times Pitman Publishing.
CO1: Understand Concept of ethics and ethical management
CO2: Describe the Environmental Responsibility
CO3: Describe Corporate Social Responsibility
CO4: Generate Corporate Governance
CO5: Describe Codes of Governance
Subject Name: Management Information Systems Year : II
Subject Code: KDA4A Semester : IV
Unit 2: Data base management systems – Objectives and Components – Database design –
Creation and Control – Recent trends in database.
Unit 3: Developing information system – Planning, Designing and redesigning – Approaches for
system development – System analysis and Design – System Implementation and Maintenance.
Unit 4: Transaction processing and Support system – Transaction processing system – Office
automation systems – Decision support systems – Executive information systems – Artificial
intelligence and Expert systems.
Unit 5:Functional Information systems – Production, Finance, Human resource and Marketing –
Managing information resources – Information Security – Control & Audit of Information
Reference Books:
1. Azam M, Management Information Systems, Vijay Nicole Imprints.
2. James A O‘ Brain, Management Information Systems‘, Tata Mc Graw Hill.
3. King R William, ‗Management Information Systems‘.
4. Davis, ‗Management Information Systems‘, Mc Graw Hill.
5. Wetherbe, Turban, ‗Information Technology for Management‘, John Willey publisher.
6. Prasad L M, Usha Prasad, ‗Management Information Systems‘, Sultan Chand & Sons.
7. Goyal D P, ‗Management Information Systems – Managerial Perspectives‘, Mac Millan
India Ltd.
8. Sadagopan S, ‗Management Information System‘, Prentice Hall.
9. Eff Oz, ‗Management Information Systems‘, Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.
10. Muneesh Kumar, ‗Business Information Systems‘, Vikas Publishing House Pvt, Ltd.
11. Kenneth C.Loudan & Jane P.Loudan, ―Essentials of MIS‖, Prentice Hall India.
CO1: Understand Concept and components of MIS
CO2: Understand Data Base Management systems
CO3: Discuss Information system
CO4: Indicate Transaction processing and support system
CO5: Describe Functional Information systems
Subject Name: Investment Analysis and Portfolio Theory Year : II
Subject Code: KDA4B Semester : IV
Unit 3: Company analysis components – non financial aspects – financial analysis – financial
statement – analysis of prospectus – ratio analysis – BPS, dividend yield – payout ratio – ROI,
ROCI – risk return – market risk – interest rate risk – purchasing power risk – business risk –
financial risk – measurement of risk.
Unit 4: Portfolio – portfolio management – portfolio theory – meaning and objectives, traditional
and modem portfolio theory. Diversification – Markowitz‘s approach – portfolio management
process – portfolio planning – portfolio analysis – portfolio selection – portfolio evaluation –
portfolio revision – various steps involved in the development of portfolio.
Unit 5:Capital market theory – assumptions – risk, investors preference – capital asset pricing
model (CAPM) – estimating Betas – significance of betas in portfolio theory – securities market
line arbitrage pricing theory – options pricing model – put and call – valuation of various options
– futures trading- hedging and forward contracts- Indian stock market and the institutional
Reference Books:
CO1: Describe Fundamentals of Investment management
CO2: Understand the Approaches to security analysis
CO3: Understand Company analysis and components
CO4: Understand the Portfolio management
CO5: Comprehend Capital market theory
Subject Name: Merchant Banking and Financial Services Year : II
Subject Code: KDA4C Semester : IV
Unit 2: Public issue management – functions – categories of securities issue – issue manager –
role of issue manager – activities involved I issue management – marketing of new issue – pure
prospectus method – offer for sale method – private placement method – IPO method – rights
issue method – bonus issue method – book building – ESOP – OTCEI – Credit Syndication
Unit 3: Post-issue activities – major activities – steps – factors in public issue proposal – pricing
of issues – law relating to issue management – SEBI regulations – prospectus – information –
abridged prospectus – misstatement in prospectus – golden rule – types of prospectus – red-
herring prospectus – self prospectus – M & A services – Portfolio Management Services.
Unit 4: Underwriting – meaning – types – mechanism – benefits and functions – Indian Scenario
– underwriting agencies – underwriter – underwriting agreement – SEBI guidelines – bought-out
deals – grey market – capital market instruments – types – preference shares – equity shares –
CCPS – company deposits – warrants – debentures and bonds – SEBI guidelines – global debt
instruments – indexed bonds – floating rate Bonds – ECBs.
Unit 5: Depository receipts – meaning and mechanism – benefits – steps in issue of GDR – IDR
– Stock exchange – history - functions – Indian stock exchanges – SEBI regulations – mechanics
of settlement – margin trading – stock trading system - 0 dealer trading system – NSMS – ISE –
INDONEXT – NSC – Financial Services – leasing – hire-purchase finance – bill financing –
factoring – consumer finance – real estate financing – credit cards – credit rating venture capital.
Reference Books:
1. Gurusamy S, Merchant Banking and Financial Services, Vijay Nicole and Tata McGraw
Hill, 4th Edition, 2012, New Delhi.
2. Khan M Y, ―Financial Services‖, Tata McGraw Hill.
3. Sri Ram, ―Handbook of Leasing & Hire Purchases‖, ICFAI Hyderabad.
4. Stewart, Simon (University of Adelaide), ―Financial Services‖, Tex Business
5. Rose, Peter S., and Fraser, Donald R. ―Financial Institutions: Understanding and
Managing Financial Services‖, Tex Business Publications.
6. Kinsella, Ray, ―New Issues in Financial Services‖, Powell‘s Books.
7. Anderton, Brian, Ed, ―Current Issues in Financial Services‖, Macmillan
CO1: Understand Merchant Banking and its functions
CO2: Understand the Public issue management
CO3: Demonstrate Post –Issue activities and portfolio management services
CO4: Describe Underwriting and global debt instruments
CO5: Understand the Depository receipts and stock exchanges
Subject Name: Human Resource Accounting and Audit Year : II
Subject Code: KDABE Semester : IV
Unit 5: HRD audit report – Concept – Purpose – Role of HR managers and auditors – Report
Design – Preparation of report – Use of Human Resource audit report for business
improvement – Case studies
Reference Books:
1. Eric G. Flamholtz, ‗Human Resource Accounting – Advances ion Concepts, Methods and
Applications‖, Third Edition.
2. Pramanik.A.K(1993) M.C.Jain, ―Human Resource Accounting‖ Pointer Publishers,
3. Nigam, M.S.Nigam S (1993) Importance of Human Resource in Organization, Pointer
Publishers, Jaipur.
4. Prakash J, Khanelwal M C, Jain SC (1993), Human Resource Accounting, Pointer
Publishers, Jaipur
CO1: Understand the Concepts and application of Human Resource Accounting
CO2: Understand the Measuring of Human Resource cost
CO3: Describe Human Resource Accounting system
CO4: Understand Human Resource Audit and its importance
CO5: Understand HRD Audit report