Iisem Mba
Iisem Mba
Iisem Mba
1. TO understand various concepts related to FM
2 .To study in detail various tools & techniques in the area of FM
3. To develop the analytical skills which would Facilitate the decision making in business situation
The Finance function: Nature and Scope. Evolution of finance function The new role in the contemporary scenario - Goals
of finance function Firms mission and objectives. maximizing vs. satisfying (School); Profit vs. Wealth Vs. Welfare: the
agency relationship and costs The new debate on maximizing vs.- satisfying. Major decision of financial manager. Riskreturn trade off.
Financing Decision: Sources of finance - a brief survey of financial instruments. Concept and financial effects of leverage.
The capital structure decision in practice: EBIT EPS analysis. Cost of Capital: The concept Average vs. Marginal Cost of
Capital. Measurement of Cost of Capital Component Costs and weighted Average Cost.
The Investment Decision: Investment decision process- Concept of time value of money. Techniques of time value of money.
Developing Cash Flow Data. Using Evaluation Techniques-Traditional and DCF methods. The NPV vs. IRR Debate. Approaches
for reconciliation. Capital budgeting decision under conditions of risk and uncertainty: Measurement of Risk Risk adjusted
Discount Rate, Certainty Equivalents and Beta coefficients, Probability tree approach Sensitivity analysis (a brief
discussion of concepts and their numerical applications only).
Dividend Decision: Major forms of dividends- Cash and Bonus shares. The theoretical backdrop-Dividends and valuation: Major
theories centered on the works of Gordon Walter and Linter Dividend policies of Indian Corporate.
Working Capital Management: Concepts and characteristics of working capital. Factors determining the working capital.
Estimating working capital requirements. Working capital policy. Management of current assets Cash, Receivables and Inventory.
Mergers and acquisitions: Merger vs. acquisition, types of mergers, mergers and acquisition trends in India. Tender offer and
hostile takeover. Leveraged buy-outs. Financial management in Government companies: Scope of finance function in PSU.
Social responsibility of PSUs, Performance and zero base budgeting in PSUs.
Relevant cases have to be discussed in each unit and in examination case is compulsory from any unit.
Outcomes: at the end of this course students will be able to
1.P.Vijaya Kumar, P.S.Ravindra, V. Kirankumar Financial Management, Himalaya Publishing House, New
2.Rajiv Srivastava, Anil Misra: Financial Management, Oxford University Press, New Delhi,2012
3.Brigham,E.F: Financial Management Theory and Practice, Cengae Learning, New Delhi, 2013
4.Prasanna Chandra: Financial Management Theory and Practice, Tata McGrawHill 2011.
5.I.M. Pandey: Financial Management, Vikas Publishers, New Delhi, 2013.
6.RM Srivastava, Financial Management, Himalaya Publishing house, 4th edition.
7.Khan and Jain: Financial Management, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi,
8.Pradip Kumar Sinha: Financial Management, Excel Books, New Delhi, 2009.
9.A.P.Rao: Fundamentals of Financial Management. Everest Publishing House, New Delhi.
10.Vyuptakesh Sharan: Fundamentals Financial Management, Pearson, New Delhi, 2012.
11.Shashi K.Gupta: Financial Services, Kalyani Publishers, New Delhi, 2012.
The objective of the course is to teach the basic principles of human resource managementhow an organization acquires, rewards, motivates, uses, and
generally manages its people effectively. In addition to providing a basic legal and conceptual framework for managers, the course will introduce the manager
to practices and techniques for evaluating performance, , and performing the wide range of other people related duties of a manager in todays increasingly
complex workplace.
HRM: Significance - Definition and Functions evolution of HRM- Principles- Ethical Aspects of HRM- - HR policies,
Strategies to increase firm performance - Role and position of HR department aligning HR strategy with organisational
strategy - HRM at global perspective- challenges cross-cultural problems emerging trends in HRM.
Investment perspectives of HRM: HR Planning demand and supply forecasting - Recruitment and Selection- sources of
recruitment - Tests and Interview Techniques - Training and Development methods and techniques training
evaluation - retention - Job Analysis job description and specifications. Management development - HRD concepts
mechanisms -career planning and counseling.
Performance Evaluation: importance methods traditional and modern methods Latest trends in performance appraisal Career Development and Counseling- Compensation, Concepts and Principles- Influencing Factors- Current Trends in
Compensation- Methods of Payments - compensation mechanisms at international level.
Wage and Salary Administration: Concept- Wage Structure- Wage and Salary Policies- Legal Frame Work- Determinants of
Payment of Wages- Wage Differentials - Job design and Evaluation- - Incentive Payment Systems. Welfare management:
Nature and concepts statutory and non-statutory welfare measures incentive mechanisms
Managing Industrial Relations- Trade Unions-Employee Participation Schemes-Collective BargainingGrievances and
disputes resolutionmechanisms. Safety at work nature and importance work hazards safety mechanisms - Managing
work place stress. HR accounting and auditing: Nature and significance problems HR audit - process HRIS - methods.
Relevant cases have to be discussed in each unit and in examination case is compulsory from any unit.
Outcomes: by the end of this course, student should be able to
Describe the relationship between hrm and organizational performance and be able to critically evaluate the empirical
Critically evaluate alternative perspectives on hr practices.
Analyze the relationship between hr practices and their outcomes for the individual and organizational.
Evaluate the effectiveness of hr practices.
1.K Aswathappa: Human Resource and Personnel Management, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2013
2.N.Sambasiva Rao and Dr. Nirmal Kumar: Human Resource Management and Industrial Relations, Himalaya Publishing
House, Mumbai
3.Mathis, Jackson,Tripathy:Human Resource Management: Asouth-Asin Perspective, Cengage Learning, New Delhi, 2013
4.Subba Rao P: Personnel and Human Resource Management- Text and Cases, Himalaya Publications, Mumbai, 2013.
5.Madhurima Lall, Sakina Qasim Zasidi: Human Resource Management, Excel Books, New Delhi, 2010
6.Muller_Camen. Croucher and Leigh: Human Resource Management- A Case Study Approach, JAICO Publishing,
7.S.Seetharaman, B.Venkateswara Prased: Human Resource Management, SCITECH Publication (India) Limited,
Hyderabad, 2009.
8.Gary Dessler, BijuVrkkey: Human Resource Management, Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2011
9.Uday Kumar Haldar: Human Resource Development, Oxford University Press,New Delhi, 2012.
10.Narendar Singh:Human Resource Management, Universities Press (India) Private Limited, Hyderabad, 2011.
11.B.B.Mahapatro:Human Resource Management, New Age International Publishers, New Delhi, 2011
12.R.S.Dwivedi: Human Relations and Organisational Behaviour,
MacMillan Business Books, New Delhi, 2013.
The overall objective of this course is to introduce the fundamental principles and concepts of marketing and to promote a
structure for applying marketing in decision making framework.
The objectives of this course are:
Make student have an understanding of the concepts of marketing and marketing system.
Relevant cases have to be discussed in each unit and in examination case is compulsory from any unit.
At the end of this course students should be able to
1. Define and differentiate various elements in the various stages of the marketing evolution.
2. Know the functions performed by marketing in the economy.
3. Know marketing strategies to receive profitability.
4. Know the control marketing invariables in the achievement of organizational goals.
1.Lamb, Hair, Sharma: MKTG Cengage Learning , New Delhi, 2013
2.Phillip Kotler: Marketing Management , Pearson Publishers, New Delhi, 2013.
3.Rajan Sexena: Marketing Management, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2012.
4.R.Srinivasan: Case Studies in Marketing, PHI Learning, New Delhi, 2012
5.Tapan K Pand: Marketing Management, Excel Books, New Delhi, 2012
6.Paul Baines, Chris Fill, Kelly Page Adapted by Sinha K: Marketing, Oxford University Press, Chenni, 2013.
7.Arun Kumar, Meenakshi N: Marketing Management, Vikas Publishing House, New Delhi, 2012.
8.Sontakki C.N.: Marketing Management. Kalyani Publishers, New Delhi, 2012..
9.Kenneth E, Clow, Donald Baack: Cases in Marketing, SAGE ,New Delhi, 2012.
10.Dilip M, Sarwate: Indian Cases in Marketing Management, Everest Publishing House, New Delhi,
To gain and understanding of production and operation function for manufacturing and service organization
To understand the importance of materials functions in the overall manufacturing environment and learn to use the tools and
techniques of material/production /quality planning and control
Introduction: Overview & Definition of production and operations management. Nature and Scope of Production and
Operations Management- Historical Evolution Role & responsibilities of the production manager. Types of manufacturing
processes and Product Design.
Production Planning and Control: Stages in PPC Gantt PPC in Mass, Batch, and Job Order Manufacturing- Aggregate
planning and Master Scheduling, MRP, CRP. Maintenance management & Industrial Safety. Plant Location & Layout
Planning- Factors influencing location - types of layouts. Capacity Planning Optimal Production Strategies: Scheduling
and Sequencing of Operations. Work Design: Method Study and Work Measurement - Work Sampling
Managing of Work Environment Automation Technology Management- Waste Management. Quality Assurance and Quality
Circles Statistical Quality Control Control Charts for Variables- Average, Range and Control charts for Attributes.
Acceptance Sampling Plans. Purchase functions and Procedure - Inventory control Types of Inventory Safety stock
Inventory Control Systems JIT, VMI.
Basic concepts of quality, dimensions of quality, Jurans quality trilogy, Demings 14 principles, Quality improvement and cost
reduction, ISO 9000- 2000 clauses & coverage. Six Sigma, Productivity factors affecting productivity, measurement &
improvements in productivity - new product development and design - stages & techniques. Total Productive
Maintenance (TPM).
Stores Management: Objectives of Stores Management Requirements for efficient. Management of Stores safety stock
Inventory Control - Different Systems of Inventory Control, Costs & Types of Inventory. ABC, VED and FNSD analyses.
Value Analysis importance in cost reduction concepts and procedures.
Relevant cases have to be discussed in each unit and in examination case is compulsory from any unit.
1. Understand and appreciate the concept of Production and Operations Management.
Recognize the scope of Production and Operations Management and its role in creating
competitive advantage for business organizations.
3. . Understand the concept and contribution of various constituents of production operations
(both manufacturing and service) viz. Product design, Process design, Location planning,
Layout planning, Capacity planning, Work study, Quality management, Purchasing
management and Inventory management towards effective production and operations
4. . Acquaint with Tools viz. TQM, JIT Six Sigma, Value analysis and their contribution towards
production and operations management
1.Panner Selvem: Production and Operation Management, Prentice Hall of India, NewDelhi, 2012.
2.K.Aswathappa, K. Shridhara: Production & Operation Management, Himalaya Publishing House, New Delhi,
3.Ajay K Garg: Production and Operation Management, TMH, New Delhi,2012
4.Deepak Kumar Battacharya: Production & Operation Management, University Press, New Delhi, 2012
5.AlanMuhlemann, JohnOakland,jasti Katyayani: Production and Operation Management, Pearson, New Delhi,2013
6.Gagan Deep & Mandeep : Production and operations Management, Kalyani publishers, New Delhi, 2010
7.Upendra Kachru: Production and Operations Management, Excel Books, New Delhi, 2013.
8.L.C. Jhamb: Production and Operations Management, Everest Publishing House, New Delhi, 2013.
9.Kaushal: Case Studies solutions in Production and Operations Management, MacMillan, New Delhi, 2012.
10.P.Ram Murthy: Production and Operations Management, New Age International Publishers, New Delhi, 2009.
The intent of the course is to provide
A systematic understanding of research methods including research designs, data collection and analysis.
Introduction to ERP: Overview of ERP Introduction and Evaluation advanced ERP-SCM and CRM systems and related
technologies - ERP life cycle ERP implementation Life cycle-SDLC and ERP life cycle.
ERP Implementation: reasons for ERP failure . pre implementation Tasks Implementation methodologies Process definition
Dealing with employee resistance Training and Education Project management and monitoring Success and failure factors
of an ERP implementation.
Post ERP implementation: Change Management post implementation review, support, maintenance and security of ERP.
Different business modules of an ERP package. ERP market place and market place dynamics
ERP System Options and Selection Methods: Optimal Means of Developing an ERP,Measurement of Project Impact, IT
Selection and Project Approval, ERP proposal Evaluation, Project Evaluation Techniques, Testing.
ERP present and future: Turbo charge the ERP system- EAI - ERP. Internet and WWW- Future Directions and trends in ERP Future Directions in ERP: New Markets, New Technologies, Faster Implementation Methodologies, New Business Segments, T
Relevant cases have to be discussed in each unit and in examination case is compulsory from any unit.
Upon successful completion of this subject the student will be able to:
Understand the ERP concept and logic and why organizations are adopting ERP as a back-bone information
Identify the significance and benefits of ERP software and systems.
Describe the key modules of ERP.
Understand the concept and importance of data integration.
Become familiar with the SAP R/3 structure and organizational levels.
Demonstrate the ability to apply SAP in functional areas.
Mahadeo Jaiswal, Ganesh Vanapalli: Enterprise Resource Planning, MacMillon, New Delhi, 2013
S.Kesharwani, SBodduluri, M Ashok Kumar: Enterprise Resource Planning, Paramount Publishing House, New
Delhi, 2012
Mini Project shall be submitted in Report form and shall give a seminar before the committee, which shall be evaluated for
100 marks (50marksfor Report and 50 marks for seminar). The Committee consists of the Head of the Department, the
Supervisor of mini project and one faculty member from the department. There shall be no internal marks for Mini project.
The student has to secure minimum 50% marks to be declared successful (at the end of II Semester).
Objective: The objective of this course is to enhance the Numerical ability and Aptitude of the students by acclimatizing them
with the various analytical techniques. By improving Verbal and Non-verbal ability of students, the course will help them in
acquiring the skills to solve Placement papers of Companies, and success In higher studies entrance tests.
The examination for Aptitude Development shall be based as per the detailsmentioned below:
Method of Examination
50 Questions(1 mark each) on Units- I-V of the
The Duration of the test shall be of two hours for combined six units
Unit I: Logical Reasoning-1: Number Series, Letter and Symbol Series, Verbal Classification, Analogies, Artificial Language,
Matching Definitions, Making Judgments, inequalities,
Unit II: Logical Reasoning-II: Verbal Reasoning, Logical Problems, Logical Games, Analyzing Arguments, Statement and
Assumption, Course of Action, Statement and Conclusion, Cause and Effect, Statement and Argument, Logical Deduction
Unit III: Verbal Reasoning-I: Logical Sequence of Words, Blood Relation Test, Syllogism, Series Completion, Cause and
Effect, Dice, Venn Diagrams, Cube and Cuboids,
Unit IV: Verbal Reasoning-II: Analogy, Series Analogy, Seating Arrangement, Character, Puzzles, Direction Sense Test,
Classification, Arithmetic Reasoning, And Verification of Truth.
Unit V: Non Verbal Reasoning :, Classification, Analytical Reasoning, Mirror Images, Water Images, Embedded Images,
Pattern Completion, Figure Matrix, Paper Folding, Paper Cutting, Rule Detection, Grouping of Images, Dot Situation, Shape
Construction, Image Analysis, Cubes and Dice.
Aptitude has been shown to predict a number of important work and career outcomes. These outcomes include career choice,
training performance, job performance, and career advancement.
1. R.S Agarwal, Quantitative Aptitude, S Chand and Company, New Delhi, 2015.
Arun Sharm, How To Prepare For Quantitative Aptitude For The CAT, McGraw Hill Educaiton, New Delhi,
R.S. Agarwal, Verbal & Non-verbal Reasoning, S Chand and Company, New Delhi, 2015.
Wren & Martin, English Grammar, S Chand and Company, New Delhi, 2015.
Prof. Jagdeep Vaishnav, Nishant B. Patel, Biztantra, Cracking the Test of Reasoning & Data Interpretation, Dream
Tech Press, New Delhi, 2015.
Edgar Thorpe, Test of Reasoning, , Tata-McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2014.
The course guides you through the fundamentals of using SPSS, and is structured in a logical way so as to provide effective
training in the four stages of a typical data analysis process data input and definition, data modification, data analysis, and data
Introduction of SPSS: Introduction of the Main Window, Introduction of the Sub Window, Data Editor Window, Data Variable
Window, Output Window. Data Enter Manually and by Importing Data: Entering Data Manually, Importing MS Excel File,
Importing Text File. Preparing Data For Analysis: Define Variable Properties, Copy Data Properties , Sort Cases, Sort Variables,
Transpose Data, Merge Files, Split Files, Select Cases, Weight Case, Compute Cases, Excluding.
Using Chart Builder and Control Editor : Bar Chart, Pie Chart, Histograms, Box Plot, Scatter Plots. Basic Statistical analysis
Using SPSS: Descriptive Statistics Using SPSS. Frequency :Quartiles, Percentiles, Mean, Median, Mode, Sum, SD. Variance,
Range, Maximum, Minimum, Skewness, Kurtosis, Descriptive, Exploring Data : Outliers, P P Plots, and Q- Q Plots. Cross
Tabs: Chi- Square, Correlations, Nominal Data, Phi and Cramers V. Ordinal Data: Kendalls Tau-b, Eta, McNamara Test, Kappa.
Mean Comparison by SPSS : One Sample T Test, Independent Sample T Test, Paired Sample T Test, One way ANOVA: Post Hoc
Tests, Equal Variances Assumed, Turkey Post Hoc Test, Bonferroni Post Hoc Test. Unequal Variances Assumed: Tamhanes T
Post Hoc Test, Games Howell Post Hoc Test. Homogeneity of Variance Test : Brown Forsythe Test, Multivariate Linear Models,
Bivariate Correlations: Pearson, Spearmen, Partial. Regression : Linear, Multiple, Logistic, Curvilinear, Non Parametric Tests,
Binomial Tests. Two Related sample Test : Sign Test, Wilcox on Signed Rank Test, Two Independent Sample test: Mann
Whitney u Test, K Independent Sample T Test, Krukal Walls Test.
Multi Variate Analysis : Missing Values, Multi Regression, Correlated Samples ANOVA/ MANOVA, Discriminant Function
Analysis, Factor Analysis, Path Analysis, Multi Dimensional Contingent Analysis, Item Analysis, Structural Equation Model.
Joseph F. Healey, StatisticsA Tool for Social Research (Belmont, CA: WadswortPublishing,1996
Jane Fielding and Nigel Gilbert, Understanding Social Statistics, (London: Sage Publications, 2000.
Stephen Van Evera, Guide to Methods for Students of Political Research (Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1997.
Zina OLeary, The Essential Guide to Doing Research (London, Thousand Oaks, New Delhi: Sage Publications, 2004.
Laurence F. Jones and Edward C. Olson, Researching the Polity: A Handbook of Scope and Methods (Cincinnati, OH:
Atomic Dog Publishing, 2005.
SPSS Instruction Manual, Department of Statistics and Actuarial Science, University of Waterloo, September 1, 1998.