Simulation of Sediment Yield Over Un-Gauged Stations Using MUSLE and Fuzzy Model
Simulation of Sediment Yield Over Un-Gauged Stations Using MUSLE and Fuzzy Model
Simulation of Sediment Yield Over Un-Gauged Stations Using MUSLE and Fuzzy Model
Aquatic Procedia 4 (2015) 1291 – 1298
Land and water are two most vital natural resources of the world and hence these resources must be conserved carefully to
protect environment to maintain ecological balance. Estimation of runoff and sediment yield is one of the prerequisites for
conservation and management of water resources and also for many hydrological applications. The present study has been taken
up to predict runoff and sediment yield for a reservoir basin viz. Megadrigedda Reservoir situated in Visakhapatnam District,
Andhra Pradesh, India which is having a drainage area of 363 Modified Universal Soil Loss Equation (MUSLE) has been
used to estimate the sediment yield. The runoff factors of MUSLE were computed by the measured values of runoff and peak
rate of runoff at outlet of the reservoir. Topographic factor (LS) and crop management factor(C) were determined using
geographic information system (GIS) and field-based survey of land use/land cover. The conservation practice factor (P) is
obtained from the literature. Sediment yield at the outlet of the study reservoir has been simulated for fifteen storm events spread
over the period of 2010-2013 and is validated with that of measured values. The resulted coefficient of determination value has
been obtained as 0.84 for the study area which indicates that MUSLE model is working satisfactory for the selected basin. Fuzzy
logic based model has also been developed to estimate sediment yield. The resulted correlation obtained between Fuzzy
logic model and MUSLE model is 0.97 and with that of measured value it is 0.937.
© 2015The
© 2015 TheAuthors.
Publishedby by Elsevier
Elsevier B.V.B.V.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Peer-review under responsibility of organizing committee of ICWRCOE 2015.
Peer-review under responsibility of organizing committee of ICWRCOE 2015
Keywords: SCS-CN, Land use/land cover, MUSLE, Fuzzy model, Soil erosion, Sediment yield, Storm event.
Corresponding author. Tel.: +91-995933984; fax: 08645-247249.
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2214-241X © 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Peer-review under responsibility of organizing committee of ICWRCOE 2015
1292 P. Sundara Kumar et al. / Aquatic Procedia 4 (2015) 1291 – 1298
1. Introduction
Soil erosion is an important item for consideration in the planning of watershed development works. It reduces
not only the storage capacity of the downstream reservoirs but also deteriorates the productivity of the watershed.
Erosion involves the detachment, transport and deposition of soil particles and aggregates. Sediment yield is
defined as the total amount of eroded material to be delivered from its source to a downstream control point
(Gottschalk, 1964). Thus, sediment yield rates are directly dependent upon both soil loss rates and the transport
phenomenon of surface runoff and channel flow. Accurate estimation of sediment-transport rates, in general,
depends on an accurate prior estimation of overland flows. Thus, any errors in the estimation of overland flows
would be magnified through grossly inaccurate erosion estimations. Sediment yield is a complex phenomenon and
the variables involved in erosion modelling makes it difficult to measure and also to predict the sediment yield in a
precise manner. Among available soil erosion and sediment yield models, the universal soil loss equation (USLE),
the revised version, Revised universal soil loss equation (RUSLE), and its modified version (MUSLE) are widely
used in hydrology and environmental engineering for computing the potential soil erosion and sediment yield. The
USLE (Wischmeier and Smith 1978) was developed for estimation of the annual soil loss from small plots with an
average length of 22 m and its application for individual storm events and large areas leads to large errors. It is
reported that its accuracy increases if it is coupled with a hydrological rainfall excess model. In the USLE model,
there is no direct consideration of runoff, although erosion depends on sediment that is being discharged with flow
and varies with runoff and sediment concentration (Kinnell 2005). It has been observed that delivery ratios to
determine sediment yield from soil loss equation can be predicted accurately with considerable variation. The reason
for variation may be due to the change in rainfall distribution over time from year to year. Williams and Berndt
(1977) proposed MUSLE with the replacement of the rainfall factor with a runoff factor to consider variability of
delivery ratio.
The proposed model was intended to estimate the sediment yield on a single storm basis for the outlet of the
watershed based on runoff characteristics. It is reported that it is the best indicator for sediment yield prediction
(ASCE 1970; Williams 1975a, b; Hrissanthou 2005). MUSLE increases sediment yield prediction accuracy and as
well as it eliminates the need for delivery ratios. The MUSLE equation has been used previously by many
researchers (Tripathi et al. 2001;) and, in some cases, the equation was subjected to different modifications. The
sediment yield model like MUSLE is easier to apply because the output data for this model can be determined at the
watershed outlet (Pandey et al. 2009). Hikaru et al. (2000) demonstrated by successful application of USLE to
mountainous forests in Japan. Tripathi et al. (2001) estimated sediment yield from a small watershed of India using
MUSLE and GIS, and the estimated values were very close to the observed values. Based on the reported
advantages and applicability of method, the present investigation has been taken up to assess the applicability of the
MUSLE for the Meghadrigedda watershed of Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh, India; where there is difficulty in
identifying suitable models for estimation of soil erosion and sediment yield at the watershed. The basin also has
problems of irregular and discontinuous runoff and sediment data availability.
Fuzzy set theory was originally introduced by Zadeh (1965) and later it became popular in control engineering
problems. Many researchers concluded that fuzzy logic is very effective in handling uncertain data and when data
also associated with certain vagueness in nature. Despic and Simminivic (2000) presented a general methodology
for numerical evaluation of complex qualitative criteria based on the theory of fuzzy set. Mimicking the reservoir
operator has been used for modelling the reservoir operation by some researchers. Ross thimothy. (1997) used
Fuzzy Model for real time operation. Anjaneya Prasad and Mohan (2006) adopted fuzzy Logic based model for
Multi-Purpose Reservoir operation.
2. Objectives
To develop a model, to predict the sediment yield with greater reliability in watersheds with particularly when
deficiency of record in sediment data. To validate sediment yield model by comparing predicted values and
observed values. To develop a fuzzy logic based model and to compare the results obtained with MUSLE and also
recorded sediment data.
P. Sundara Kumar et al. / Aquatic Procedia 4 (2015) 1291 – 1298 1293
3. Study Area
The geographic location of the Meghadrigedda reservoir catchment is located in the north eastern part of
Visakhapatnam district of Andhra Pradesh State and lies between latitudes of 17.43’N-17.57’N and longitudes
83.02’E-83.17’E. The geographical area of the Meghadrigedda reservoir catchment has 363 Sq. Km. The Reservoir
is spread about 6.9 Major streams/rivers feeding the reservoir are Meghadrigedda, NarvaGedda and
Borramma gedda. Meghdrigedda is flowing from north-west to south-east direction about 17 km , Borrammagedda
is flowing from west to east for about 7 km and Narvagedda is flowing from south west to north east for about
6.5 km. Physiographic characteristics of the catchment: Catchment area is consists of Hilly area , undulating terrain
and plains. Hill portion is located in the north west and north east and south-west, undulating areas is located at the
foot hill portions and plain areas are located in north and central portions. Major portion of the catchment area is
covered by agriculture land which consists of nearly about 51% of the total area, Hill area is covering about 17%
and water bodies are consists of 11% in the total area presented in the Table 1.
Table 1. Land use/Land cover statistics are presented in the table below
Agriculture Land 186.13 51.28
2 Built-up Land 13.32 3.67
3 Hill 61.65 16.98
4 Plantation 30.28 8.34
5 Waste Land 31.32 8.63
6 Water Bodies 40.30 11.10
Total 363.00 100.00
In the present study, MUSLE equation is used to estimate sediment yield for the Meghadrigedda watershed.
Runoff factor is a major input into the MUSLE model. It is computed using the runoff and peak runoff rates
measured at the outlet of the study area using SCS-CN method. The sediment yields estimated by MUSLE for
different events during the years 2010-2013 are compared with the observed sediment yield data collected from the
stream ungauged station located at the outlet of the watershed. The model performance is evaluated on the basis of
test criteria recommended by the ASCE Task Committee (1993) and graphical performances criteria as suggested by
Haan et al. (1982).
SCS-CN method developed by Soil Conservation Services (SCS) of USA in 1969 is a simple, predictable and
stable conceptual method for estimation of direct runoff depth based on storm rainfall depth. It relies on only one
parameter, CN. Currently it is a well-established method and widely accepted in USA and many other countries.
Direct Runoff Q
P 0.2S 2 (1)
P 0. 8 S
Where, P is the total rainfall, Q is the direct runoff, S the potential maximum retention potential maximum
retention S of watershed is related to a CN, which is a function of land use, land treatments, soil type and antecedent
moisture condition of watershed. The CN is dimensionless and its value varies from 0 to 100. The Q-value in mm
can be obtained from CN by using the relationship of equation (1).
The original USLE is based on soil loss by rainfall energy with slope angle and slope length, which are used as
a proxy for the flow detachment process. The MUSLE model (Williams, 1975) improved USLE model (Wischmeier
and Smith, 1965) by adding a runoff factor to the driving force. There is usually no provision for deposition in this
model. Therefore, MUSLE is a sediment yield prediction model, for estimating sediment yield from a specified land
in a specified cropping and management system. The MUSLE equation (3) is applicable to the point where overland
flow enters the streams and all those point are summed up to give the total amount of sediment delivered to the
stream network within watershed. It computes the sediment yield for a given site, as a product of seven major
variables (William 2005). MUSLE can be adopted for computation of sediment yield from a single storm event.
VQ Q p 0.56 .K .LS .C.P (3)
3 3
Where, Sy is sediment yield in tones :A is Area (ha) : VQ is Runoff volume (m ) : QP is Peak flow rate (m /sec) and
K is the soil erodibility factor, which is the erosion rate per unit of erosion index for specified soil in cultivated
continuous fallow, having 9% slope and 22.13 m. C is the cropping management factor defined as the ratio of soil
loss from a field with a specified cropping and management to that from the fallow condition for which the factor K
is evaluated; and finally, P is the erosion control practice factor, which is the ratio of soil loss with contouring, strip
cropping, or terracing to that with straight row farming, up and down slope. The data about K, LS, C, and P are
adopted from the literature (Arekhi and Kaur 2007). The soil erodibility, crop management, and soil erosion control
practice factors, which are more sensitive to temporal variations than other watershed parameters, were assumed to
be constant as study period is short as advised by Kinnell (2005). The average weighted values of 0.09 tonnes per
hectare, Mj−1 mm−1, 3.36, 0.02, and 1 are thus allotted to the watershed factors of K, LS, C, and P, respectively.
Subsequently, all the parameters are substituted in the MUSLE equation in order to derive event-wise sediment
yields. Furthermore, the MUSLE model is validated by comparing the estimated sediment yields with the observed
sediment yield for forty storm events occurring from 2010 to 2013. The results of application of the MUSLE model
for the storms are shown in Table 3.The Modified Universal Soil Loss Equation (MUSLE) has been widely used to
estimate the sediment yield from a single storm event (Williams and Berndt, 1977). MUSLE method has improved
accuracy of soil erosion prediction over USLE and RUSLE (Williams 1975a, b; Williams and Berndt 1977).
Many researchers have adopted fuzzy logic based model for reservoir management problems and also to
address uncertainty and vagueness in variables. In the present study a fuzzy logic based model has been developed
to estimate the sediment yield. In the developed model peak rate of flow, rainfall and runoff volume were considered
as input to model and sediment yield as output from the model. All these variables which are uncertain and also
sometimes vague in nature particularly where measurements are involved were considered as fuzzy variables. The
data from 2010 to 2013 events has been considered to develop during calibration of the model. Membership
functions have been derived based on the input and output variables from the part of data base for calibration of the
model. Various membership forms have been tried for all the input and output variables before arriving to final
membership forms for input and output variables. It was found that combination of Triangular, Trapezoidal and
gumbell form of memberships were found to perform well for peak flood variable and Triangular and Trapezoidal
forms were found to perform well for all other variables. A typical membership form for Peak flow and sediment
yield were shown in Fig 1 and 2.
Runoff Peak Observed
Sediment Estimation
Storm date Volume discharge sediment
Yield error %
(m3) (m3/sec) yield (t/ha)
( t/ha)
Runoff Peak Sediment Observed
Strom date Volume discharge Yield sediment
error %
(m3) (m3/sec) yield (t/ha)
( t/ha)
1296 P. Sundara Kumar et al. / Aquatic Procedia 4 (2015) 1291 – 1298
Fig 4. Graph Showing Sediment Yield from MUSLE model and Fuzzy Logic model”
P. Sundara Kumar et al. / Aquatic Procedia 4 (2015) 1291 – 1298 1297
Fig 5. Graph Showing Measured Sediment Yield and Fuzzy Logic model
6. Conclusions
MUSLE model has been successfully used for the estimation of storm-wise sediment yield in the Meghadrigedda
Basin with good coefficient of determination of 0.84 which indicates accurate simulation of sediment yield from the
MUSLE model. The average error value using MUSLE when compared with measured sediment yield was
estimated to be 7.67%. However, the present results can also be used in erosion-based watershed prioritization in the
study area. To regionalize the results of the study area, greater numbers of storms events as well as case studies are
needed. Hence researchers should consider this aspect. In addition, other simple soil erosion and sediment yield
models must be considered with reasonably accurate estimation of system response at the watershed scales, when
scarce information exists. The fuzzy Logic based model developed is performing well for sediment computation
from the inputs peak flow, rainfall and volume of runoff. The resulted correlation with MUSLE model is 0.97 and
with that of measured value it is 0.937.
1298 P. Sundara Kumar et al. / Aquatic Procedia 4 (2015) 1291 – 1298
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