Work Shoppractice Laboratory Manual I/II Semester (WSL16/26)
Work Shoppractice Laboratory Manual I/II Semester (WSL16/26)
Work Shoppractice Laboratory Manual I/II Semester (WSL16/26)
Semester /Section :
Batch :
Semester /Section :
Batch :
Course objectives:
It is essential for students of 1st year to undergo basic workshop practical training. The topics
practical works in welding and sheet metal shop and demonstration of various aspects:
1. Workshop Practice helps the student to know how the work on shop floor is carried out.
2. To impart knowledge and skill to use tools, machines, equipment, and
measuring instruments.
Educate students of Safe handling of machines and tools.
3 Hours
1.Introduction: per
Demonstration on use of hand Tools used in fitting: V-block, Marking Gauge, files week
,Hacksaw, drill taps , use of surface plate .
2.Welding: Study of electric arc welding tools & equipment. instruction
Models: Butt Joint, Lap joint and T- joint. and 2
3.sheet metal & soldering work: hours
Development & soldering of the models: Frustum of cone, prism (hexagon practice)
&pentagon),Truncated square prism. Funnel and tray.
4. study and demonstration of power tools in Mechanical Engineering.
Note :
No mini Drafters and drawing boards required .Drawings (Developments) can be done on sketch sheets
using scale , pencil and geometrical Instruments.
Reference Books
S k Hajra Choudhry, A K Hajra choudry , “ Elements of Workshop Technology:
Vol I : Manufacturing Processes “, Media promoters & publishers Pvt Ltd.,Mumbai. 15th Edition
reprinted 2013
Note :
1. Students should maintain their observation notebook and record the reading neatly
2. Given Models to be prepared on the day has to be written in the observation notebook and
submitted to the faculty for the correction and initials on the same day.
3. Students should submit the record of the previous experiments(models prepared ) when they
come for the next practical classes
4. All the suggestions given or defects by the faculty should be attended to when the records
are taken back
5. All measurements, results etc, must be expressed in S.I. Units only.
Students must always wear uniform and shoes before entering the lab.
Proper code of conduct and ethics must be followed in the lab.
Windows and doors to be kept open for proper ventilation and air circulation.
Note down the specifications/drawings before working on the preparation of models .
Receive the tools and materials required for preparation of models with signing in
Properly fix hacksaw blade in frame with help of instructor.
Use of safety goggles/ face shield during welding .
Do the models under the supervision/guidance of a lecturer/lab
instructor only.
Keep the sufficient distance from other students while preparing models.
In case of fire use fire extinguisher/throw the sand provided in the lab.
In case of any physical injuries or emergencies use first aid box provided.
Any unsafe conditions prevailing in the lab can be brought to the notice of the lab
Do not touch electrical circuits of welding machine.
Be cautious while fixing hacksaw blade in frame , that may cause injuries to hand.
Don’t touch /operate power tools without aid from instructors.
Don’t gather while preparing models, that may hurt other with tools.
Don’t unlock snip/sheet metal cutter lock, without use.
Marking out:
Marking out consists of marking out on the job a series of definite lines or
positions. All marking should be done with reference to true edge or surfaces,
preferably low at right angles or with reference to certain datum lines. These
edges or positions of datum line can be determined from the drawing which is
necessary for each job.
The surfaces of work to be marked out are usually treated with chalk, or
with Copper sulphate solution, which leaves a thin film of copper on iron or steel.
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After the solution is dried then it is ready for marking out. It is either placed in 'V'
block if it is round, or laid on a surface plate if it is flat job or work piece.
Horizontal or vertical lines are scribed by Try-Square, provided a true
surface on the edge of the job to be marked is available. The required dimensions
of the job based on design is marked using a steel rule or spring calipers,
hermaphrodite calipers, divider etc. Boundary marks, which later are to be cut
away, are made permanent by light dot punching along the part out wards to
which the part has to be removed. Leading to the scribed line as a reference of
comparison after the job is finished.
Measuring Instruments:
There are difference types of measuring instruments but for workshop
purpose these different types of tools are used.
Steel rule:
It is one of the most useful tools in the workshop for taking linear
measurements of blanks and articles to an accuracy of from 1.0 to 0.5 mm.
Calipers are used to transfer and compare a dimension from one object to
another or from a part to a scale or micrometer, where the measurement cannot
be made directly.
Types of calipers
Outside spring calipers
Inside spring caliper
Vernier caliper
Micro meter
Vernier calipers:
It is intended for measuring inside and outside diameters and thickness of
parts etc. to an accuracy of 0.02 mm by a Vernier scale attached to the caliper.
Micrometer can be further classified as external, internal, depth and screw
thread micrometers. An external micrometer is used for measuring external
diameters and thickness of parts up to an accuracy of 0.01 mm.
Marking tools:
Marking tools are used for lay outing the work or marking for further
processing or the job. Some of the marking tools are:
1. Surface plate 4. ‘V’ block
2. Scriber 5. Angle plate
3. Punch 6. Try – square
1. Surface plate:
It is square or rectangular in shape, made of grey cast iron of solid design. It
is used for testing the flatness of work or for measuring or layout the work. The
surface is ground and scraped to very high accuracy.
Surface gauge:
It has ground flat base carrying scriber arm,
which is fitted with an adjustable scribble point, so
that lines can be inscribed on the work at a
predetermined distance from the surface plate.
It is used for drawing lines in the metal parts to layout the job. It is made of
hardened steel.
It is used for making punch marks on the layout of parts for further
processing. It is made of hardened steel rod.
Twist Drill
Twist drills are used for making holes. These are made of High speed steel. Both
straight and taper shank twist drills are used. The parallel shank twist drill can be
held in an ordinary self – centering drill check. The tapper shank twist drill fits into
a corresponding tapered bore provided in the drilling machine spindle.
Twist drills
Each set consists of a tapper tap, intermediate tap and plug or bottoming tap.
Taps are made of high carbon steel or high speed steel.
V block:
V blocks are made of mild steel with v shaped grooves. When circular bar
needs lay outing or for drilling, V-block can be used.
V‐block is rectangular or square block with a V‐groove on one or both sides
opposite to each other. The angle of the ‘V’ is usually 900. V‐block with a clamp is
Try square:
It is a woodworking or a metal working tool used for marking and measuring a
piece of wood The square refers to the tool's primary use of measuring the
accuracy of a right angle (90 degrees); to try a surface is to check its straightness
or correspondence to an adjoining surface. A piece of wood that is rectangular
flat, and has all edges (faces, sides, and ends) 90 degrees is called four square. A
traditional try square has a broad blade made of steel that is riveted to a wooden
handle or 'stock'. The inside of the wooden stock usually has a brass strip fixed to
it to reduce wear. Some blades also have graduations for measurement. Modern
try squares may be all-metal, with stocks that are either die-cast or extruded
Angle plate:
It is made of grey cast iron. It has two planed and ground surface at right
angles to each other. It is used along with surface plate to hold the vertically for
Hack sawing is the quickest method of serving, shaping and slotting cold mild
steel. The work to be sawn should be held tightly in the vice. As a rule, the work
piece must hold in such a way that the marking line is situated few millimeters to
the left of the jaws as shown in figure. The saw blade is fixed with the teeth facing
forward for work to be done on forward stroke or push. During normal saw
operation it should be made almost all the blade do the cutting operations
around 50 strokes/ m
Hacksaw Frame:
It is used for sawing all metal except hardened steel. A hacksaw consists of
frame, handle, and prongs, tightening screws and nut with blade attached to
Hack Saw
The Hack Saw is used for cutting metal by hand. It consists of a frame, which holds
a thin blade, firmly in position. Hacksaw blade is specified by the number of teeth
for centimeter. Hacksaw blades have a number of teeth ranging from 5 to 15 per
centimeter (cm). Blades having lesser number of teeth per cm are used for cutting
soft materials like aluminum, brass and bronze. Blades having larger number of
teeth per centimeter are used for cutting hard materials like steel and cast Iron.
Hacksaw blades are classified as (i) All hard and (ii) flexible type. The all hard
blades are made of H.S.S, hardened and tempered throughout to retain their
cutting edges longer. These are used to cut hard metals. These blades are hard
and brittle and can break easily by twisting and forcing them into the work while
sawing. Flexible blades are made of H.S.S or low alloy steel but only the teeth are
hardened and the rest of the blade is soft and flexible. These are suitable for use
by un‐skilled or semi‐skilled persons.
Chipping tools
1. Hammer
2. Chisel
Hammers are used to strike a
job or a tool. They are made of
forged steel of various sizes (weights) and shapes to suit various purposes. For
light work suitable range would be from 0.11 to 0.33 kg for clinching small rivets
and dot punching. For chiseling 0.45 kg, for heavier work like chipping 0.91 kg for
bench work around 0.33 and 0.45 kg is used.
Chisels are used for cutting and chipping away pieces of metal and are
made of carbon steel usually rectangular, hexagonal or octagonal cross section.
They are forged to shape, roughly ground then hardened and tempered. After this
process it is then ground sharp to required correct cutting edge.
Filing is an important operation. It is carried out as an after treatment and
done after chipping. It serves to remove the burr from the cut and clean the face
of the cuts, and to finish the final shape of a work piece. Files can be classified,
according to size, cut of teeth, sectional shape.
Flat file:
It is used commonly for general work; it is double cut on face and single cut
on sides.
Flat File
Hand file:
It is used for finishing flat surfaces.
Hand File
Square file:
It is used for filling square corners, square and rectangular openings splines
and keyways.
Square File
Pillar file:
It is used for narrow works such as slots and grooves.
Pillar File
Round file:
It is used for filing curved surfaces and enlarging holes of circular cross section.
Round File
Triangular file:
It is triangular in cross section, double cut and tapers towards the point,
used for filing corners, which have less than 90°.
Triangular File
Vice is the most common tool for holding the work. Different types of vices are
used to various purposes. They include bench wise leg vice, pipe vice, hand vice, pin
vice, and toolmaker’s vice.
Bench vice:
Bench vice also called as fitter’s vice, essentially consists of a cast iron body, a
fixed jaw and a movable jaw, a handle, a square thread screw and a nut made of mild
steel. Separate cast steel plates known as jaw plates are fixed to the jaws by means of
set screws And they can be replaced when worm out. The movement of the movable
jaw is caused by rotating the screw with handle through the nut fixed under the
movable jaw. The size of a vice is specified by the width of its jaws, which ranges from
60 to 140 mm.
Leg vice:
Leg vice is most suitable for heavy hammering,
chipping, and cutting in fitter’s work. It is secured to top
of the bench and the long leg is fastened to the bench leg
with staples. This construction of the vice makes it
suitable for heavy work. The main disadvantage of leg
vice is that it does not provide a firm grip as in bench
wise. Other vices (pipe vice, toolmakers vice, Hand vice,
pin vice etc) are used in workshop and tool room
The weldability is defined as the capacity of being welded into inseparable joints
having specified properties. If the chemical, physical, thermal and metallurgical
properties are undesirable in welded joints then they can be corrected by using
proper shielding atmosphere, fluxing material, proper filler material, proper
welding procedure and heat treatment before and after welding. The following
metals have good weldability in descending order. Iron, carbon steels, cast steels,
cast iron, low alloy steels, and stainless steel.
Welding processes can be broadly classified under two broad sub classes.
Plastic welding / pressure welding
Fusion welding / non pressure welding
Welding Process
Heat supplied by
1. Metal arc
2. Carbon arc
3. Tungsten arc
4. Argon arc
5. Submerged arc
Heat supplied by
The most commonly used power source for welding is AC supply. The
equipment used is a Transformer, which changes high voltage, low amperage
power to low voltage, high amperage welding power. The transformer used can
be connected to single, two and three phase connection. They are either air-
cooled or oil cooled depending upon their ampere rating. Generally current is in
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the range of 150 – 400 Amps with open circuit voltage varying from 30 to 100
Advantages of AC Arc welding
1. Fewer moving parts .no wear and tear
2. Little maintenance
3. The welding transformer and its controller are very much cheaper than the
d.c. set of the same capacity
4. Suitable for ferrous metals, especially heavy steel sections.
1. covered electrode must be used The a.c arc cannot be used
satisfactorily for bare wire or light rods as with the d.c .arc
2. AC. uses higher voltage than d.c. shock risk is greater with AC
3. welding of cast iron ,bronze, and aluminum cannot be done as
successfully as with d.c
Current requirements
20-200 amperes for thin materials
20-300 amperes for general work
Up to 600 amperes for heavy work.
Welding Electrodes
The types of electrodes that are generally used for welding are
Consumable Electrode – it melts and supplies filler metal to the weld
Non – Consumable Electrode - it does not melt but separate filler metal is
to be added to the weld.
Consumable Electrodes
Bare electrodes: which consist of metal or alloy wire without any flux
Flux covered (coated) electrodes: which have flux covering the metal or
alloy. The flux acts as a shield to protect the arc and also to protect the
weld pool.
Specification of electrode:
The coated electrodes are further classified in to light coated and heavy
coated. Heavy coated has layer of 1mm to 3 mm of coating, Heavy coatings are
composed of ionizing (chalk), deoxidizing (aluminum, Ferro magnetic et.), gas
generating (starch), slag forming (kaolin), alloying and binding material. For hand
arc welding the electrodes has diameter up to 12 mm and 450 mm long are used.
Chipping hammer:
Chipping hammer is used for chipping the slag coating on weld surface. It
consists of a long handle with head made of cast steel.
It is known as face shield or helmet. It is used to protect the eyes of the
welders from the light sparks produced during welding. It is normally held in
Safety goggles:
Goggles with glasses are used to protect the eyes of the welder from the
light sparks produced during welding.
Flat tongs:
When welding smaller pieces together, for moving the pieces to different
welding angles and shifting of pieces for chipping. It is advisable to use a flat
It is a solid casting of mild steel. Used for supporting the work for
hammering, punch marking, chipping of welded parts etc.
Incomplete penetration
Porosity and Blow holes
Poor fusion
Under cutting
Gas Welding
Oldest methods of fusion welding process
Most widely used method of metal melting
The equipment is relatively simple and cheap
Heat is generated by the combustion of combustible gas with oxygen
Combustion takes place at the nozzle or the outlet of the torch
This process of welding is generally known as Oxygen – Fuel Gas welding
Commercial gases used for gas welding: acetylene, hydrogen, propane,
butane and commercial LPG.
Oxy – Acetylene Gas welding
Common gas welding process.
Acetylene is the fuel gas used, produces high heat content in the range of
Acetylene gas has more available carbon (92.3%) and hydrogen (7.7%) by
Heat is released when the carbon breaks away from hydrogen to combine
with O2 and burn.
C2H2+O2 = 2CO+H2+Heat
1. Acetylene is explosive.
2. Gas welding is slower than electric arc welding.
3. Heated areas are larger and cause more distortions.
4. The process is not satisfactory for heavy section.
Experimental Models
Model 1: Lap joint
Aim: To join two given metal plates to obtain a Lap joint by arc welding process
Tools Required: Welding transformer, welding electrodes, safety gloves, hand
shield, chipping hammer, wire brush etc.
Result: The two metal plates are welded to form a lap joint.
Result: Thus the two metal plates are welded to form a double V butt joint.
Result: Thus the two metal plates are welded to form a ‘T’ joint.
Result: Thus the two metal plates are welded to form an ‘L’ joint.
4) Notching: this is process of removal metal to the desired shape from the
side or edge of sheet or strip to prevent overlapping and bulging of seams,
hems and edges.
5) Flattering: It is the operation in which the sheet is made flqt by heating the
metal down where it stands up from the sheet.
Gauge: gauge is only a number to know the thickness of sheet and diameter of
GAUGE number Thickness or diameter
10 G 3.25mm
12G 2.64mm
14 G 2.03mm
16 G 1.63mm
18 G 1.22mm
20 G .91mm
22 G .71mm
24 G .56mm
26 G .46mm
28 G .38mm
30 G .30mm
Straight edge
Steel rule
Trammel etc.
Some of these are mentioned in fitting section.
Trammel point:
It is used to draw large circles and arcs. The trammel has two removable
pointed legs and mounted on a separate holder.
Cutting tools:
Snips are used to shear or cut the metal sheets to the sheets to the
required size and shape. Snips are used to cut thin sheet metal. The following
snips metals are used in sheet metal work.
Straight snip:
It is used to cut or trim along a straight line. The blades in this snip are straight.
Bend snip:
It is used to trim or cut along inside curves. The blades in this snip are
curved back from the cutting edge, which permits the sheet to slide over the top
blades while cutting.
Prick punch:
It is sharply pointed tool. The tapered point of the punch has an angle of
40˚. It is used to make small punch marks on layout lines in order to make them
last longer.
Center punch:
Looks like a prick punch. Its point has an angle more obtuse than that of
prick punch. The angle is around 60˚.
The stakes are the supporting tools in sheet metal work to form a shape.
And it is used when the sheet metal bending, riveting, punching etc.
Hand stake:
It is used for pressing the inner sides of straight joint in the sheet. It has a
flat surface with two straight edges, a concave and a convex edge.
Mallets are soft hammers and are made of raw hide, hard rubber, copper,
brass, Lead, or wood. It is mostly used to strike soft metal and give light blow on
sheet metal.
A joining process wherein coalescence is produced by heating to a suitable
temperature and by using a filler metal having a melting point not
exceeding 4270C and below the solidification temperature of the base
The filler metal fills in the gap of the joint by capillary action.
Soldering uses fusible alloys to join metals know as solder
Ordinary gas flames or electric soldering iron is used to supply the heat to
melt the solder.
Fluxes are used with solder in soldering process.
Fluxes are defined as any solid, liquid or gaseous material when heated
accelerates the wetting of metal with the solder
Due to wetting molten solder flow into the joint and fills the space
between the two pieces to be soldered
At elevated temperature flux is highly reducing in nature preventing the
formation of metal oxides
Fluxes that are generally used in soldering are Rosin, Zinc Chloride and
Aluminum Chloride
Soldering iron:
Soldering iron is used for soldering work and it consists of a copper bit held
by a steel rod and wooden handle. They are many types of soldering iron like
copper bit, hatchet adjustable and soldering iron.
Composition of solder:
Usually tin 60% and lead 40% used for electrical work.
Tin 50% and lead 50% used machine soldering.
Tin 30% and lead –70% used for plumber solder.
Brazing is a joining process, which produces coalescence of materials by
heating to a suitable temperature and using a filler metal having a melting
temperature above 427°C and below the solidification temperature of the base
metals being joined. The filler metal is distributed between the closely fitted
surfaces of the joint by capillary attraction. Brazing is distinguished from soldering
in that soldering employs a filler metal having a melting point below 427°C.
Isometric View
Isometric View
360 𝑥 𝑟
3. Find 𝜃=
r= radius of base circle of cone
R= Length of slant generator of cone
𝜃 = Angle subtended to cut arc.
4. Set an angle at point of vertex it cut arc at the points EFGH .set off 5 and
5+5 mm extra for seam joint
5. Trace the development part on given G.P. sheet. Mark all necessary lines.
6. Cut the sheet along line according to shape of development.
7Fold extra allowances in clockwise and anticlockwise directions by keeping
hacksaw blade thickness and pressed
8. Remove hacksaw blade, and bend main body using cone stake and lock end
joint and lock
Model No 5: CYLINDER
Model 6: Funnel
Part -A
1. Draw the front view of right circular cone OAB of base dia .is 50mm.A section
plane cuts perpendicular to the axis of cone at 50mm height
2. With “O” as center radius equal to slant generator length (OA or OB) draw an
arc. With same center “O” radius equal to (OC or OD) draw another arc.
360 𝑥 𝑟
3. Find 𝜃= Where
r= radius of base circle of cone
R= Length of slant generator of cone
𝜃 = Angle subtended to cut arc.
4. Set an angle at point of vertex it cut arc at the points EFGH .set off 5 and
5+5 mm extra for seam joint
Part -B
1. Draw the full scale cylinder as its stand perpendicular
2. The length of cylinder development equal to circumference of cylinder i.e.
𝜋D in millimeter +allowance is equal to 5mm
3. Trace the development part A and B on given G.P. sheet. Mark all necessary
4. Cut the sheet along line according to shape of development.
5. Fold extra allowances in clockwise and anticlockwise directions by keeping
hacksaw blade thickness and pressed
6. Remove hack blade ,and bend main body using cone stake and lock end
joint and lock
7. Repeat same for part B .solder the two parts with electric soldering
Model no 7: Tray
A power tool is a tool that is actuated by an additional power source and
mechanism other than the solely manual labor used with hand tools.
The most common types of power tools use electric motors. Internal
combustion engines and compressed air are also commonly used. Other power
sources include steam engines, direct burning of fuels and propellants or even
natural power sources like wind or moving water. Tools directly driven by animal
power are not generally considered power tools.
Power tools are used in industry, in construction, and around the house for
purposes of driving (fasteners), drilling, cutting, shaping, sanding, grinding,
routing, polishing, painting, heating and more.
Power tools are classified as either stationary or portable, where portable
means hand-held. Portable power tools have obvious advantages in mobility.
Stationary power tools however often have advantages in speed and accuracy and
some stationary power tools can produce objects that cannot be made in any
other way. Stationary power tools for metalworking are usually called machine
The term machine tool is not usually applied to stationary power tools for
woodworking, although such usage is occasionally heard, and in some cases, such
as drill presses and bench grinders, exactly the same tool is used for both
woodworking and metalworking
For one, they can let you save time because they can instantly hammer nails,
quickly drive screws, and rapidly cut wood and virtually other materials
effortlessly. With traditional tools, you have to do everything manually and more
often than not, your project would not get finished in just a few days. Aside from
reducing project time significantly, the use of portable power tools also allows
you to finish your task with minimal energy. Thus, after doing the job, you still
have strength to do more important projects or to spend quality time with your
You can also save money when using portable power tools because these
gadgets can drive screws and nails flawlessly, drill holes accurately, and cut wood
and metals neatly. This means that you reduce the occurrence of wasted
materials due to inappropriate drilling or cutting as well as doing your projects all
over again because you are not satisfied with how the nails or screws are driven.
Impact Driver:
An impact driver is a tool that delivers a strong, sudden rotational and
downward force. In conjunction with toughened screwdriver bits and socket sets,
they are often used by mechanics to loosen larger screws (bolts) and nuts that are
corrosively "frozen" or over-torque. The direction can also be reversed for
situations where screws have to be tightened with torque greater than a
screwdriver can reasonably provide.
Chain Saw:
A chainsaw (or chain saw) is a portable mechanical saw, powered by
electricity, compressed air, hydraulic power, or most commonly a two-stroke
engine. It is used in activities such as tree felling, limbing, bucking, pruning, by
tree surgeons to fell trees and remove branches and foliage, to fell snags and
assist in cutting firebreaks in wild land fire suppression, and to harvest firewood.
Chainsaws with specially designed bar and chain combinations have been
developed as tools for use in chainsaw art. Specialist chainsaws are used for
cutting concrete.
Angle Grinder:
An angle grinder, also known as a side grinder or disc grinder, is a
handheld power tool used for cutting, grinding and polishing.
Angle grinders can be powered by an electric motor, petrol engine or
compressed air. The motor drives a geared head at a right-angle on which is
mounted an abrasive disc or a thinner cut-off disc, either of which can be replaced
when worn. Angle grinders typically have an adjustable guard and a side-handle
for two-handed operation. Certain angle grinders, depending on their speed
range, can be used as sanders, employing a sanding disc with a backing pad or
disc. The backing system is typically made of hard plastic, phenolic resin, or
medium-hard rubber depending on the amount of flexibility desired.
Angle grinders may be used both for removing excess material from a piece
or simply cutting into a piece. There are many different kinds of discs that are
used for various materials and tasks, such as cut-off discs (diamond blade),
abrasive grinding discs, grinding stones, sanding discs, wire brush wheels and
polishing pads. The angle grinder has large bearings to counter side forces
generated during cutting, unlike a power drill, where the force is axial.
Angle grinders are widely used in metalworking and construction, as well as
in emergency rescues. They are commonly found in workshops, service garages
and auto body repair shops.
Drilling Machine:
A drill is a tool fitted with a cutting tool attachment or driving tool
attachment, usually a drill bit or driver bit, used for drilling holes in various
materials or fastening various materials together with the use of fasteners. The
attachment is gripped by a chuck at one end of the drill and rotated while pressed
against the target material. The tip, and sometimes edges, of the cutting tool does
the work of cutting into the target material. This may be slicing off thin shavings
(twist drills or auger bits), grinding off small particles (oil drilling), crushing and
removing pieces of the work piece, countersinking, counter boring, or other
Drills are commonly used in woodworking, metalworking, construction and do-it-
yourself projects. Specially designed drills are also used in medicine, space
missions and other applications. Drills are available with a wide variety of
performance characteristics, such as power and capacity.
A jigsaw is a tool used for cutting arbitrary curves, such as stenciled designs
or other custom shapes, into a piece of wood, metal, or other material. It can be
used in a more artistic fashion than other saws, which typically cut in straight lines
only. In this way, it is similar to the rasp and the chisel. Although a jigsaw can be
used to cut arbitrary patterns, making a straight cut freehand is difficult even with
a guide.
Traditional jigsaws are hand saws, consisting of a handle attached to a
small, thin blade. The first jigsaw puzzles were made using this kind of unpowered
saw. More modern jigsaws are power tools, made up of an electric motor and a
reciprocating saw blade.
A jigsaw with a bevel function on the sole plate allows cutting angles of
typically up to 45 degrees relative to the normal vertical stroke for cutting miter
A nail gun, nailgun or nailer is a type of tool used to drive nails into wood
or some other kind of material. It is usually driven by electromagnetism,
compressed air (pneumatic), highly flammable gases such as butane or propane,
or, for powder-actuated tools, a small explosive charge. Nail guns have in many
ways replaced hammers as tools of choice among builders.
An impact wrench (also known as an impactor, air wrench, air gun, rattle
gun, torque gun, windy gun) is a socket wrench power tool designed to deliver
high torque output with minimal exertion by the user, by storing energy in a
rotating mass, then delivering it suddenly to the output shaft.
Compressed air is the most common power source, although electric or
hydraulic power is also used, with cordless electric devices becoming increasingly
popular in recent times.
Impact wrenches are widely used in many industries, such as automotive
repair, heavy equipment maintenance, product assembly (often called "pulse
tools" and designed for precise torque output), major construction projects, and
any other instance where a high torque output is needed.
1. Safety glasses: These prevent dust, debris, wood shavings, shards from
fiberglass, etc from getting into the eyes. Safety glasses are one of the most basic
pieces of safety equipment that must be used when working with power tools.
2. Protection for the ears: Power tools can generate a lot of noise, which may
sound louder in the cloistered environment of a workshop; in order to minimize
damage to the ears, it is advisable to wear earplugs.
3. Knowing the right tools for the job: It is important to know the right tools for
the job in order to avoid injury to oneself and damage to the materials. To this
end, it is advisable to thoroughly read the instruction manuals provided with the
equipment and get familiar with the recommended safety precautions.
4. Correct method of using tools: Tools should not be carried by their cords; tools
that are not in use should be disconnected; and while handling a tool connected
to a power source, fingers should be kept away from the on/off switch.
5. The right clothes: Long hair should be tied and loose clothing should be
avoided. Ideally, clothing that covers the entire body should be worn and heavy
gloves should be used in order to avoid sharp implements and splinters from
hurting the hands. Masks prevent inhalation of harmful minute particles of the
material that is being worked upon. Steel-toed work boots and hard hats can also
be worn.
6. Tool inspection: Power tools should not be employed in wet environments and
should never be dipped in water; they should be checked periodically for exposed
wiring, damaged plugs, and loose plug pins. Nicked cords can be taped but if a cut
appears to be deep, a cord should be replaced. Tools that are damaged or those
that sound and feel different when used should be checked and repaired.
8. Care with particular tools: Miter saws and table saws should be used with a
quick-release clamp and a wood push-through, respectively. Extra care should be
taken while using nail guns and power belt sanders.
9. Keep tools in place: Power tools should be returned to their cabinets after use
to prevent them from being used by an unauthorized and incapable person.
10. Lighting: It is important to use proper lighting while working with power tools,
particularly when working in the basement and garage where lighting may not be
30. Which type of tools is used for cutting external threads on bars or tubes?
31. Mention the types of fitting commonly used?
32. Name the principal parts of a micrometer?
33. What is the use of rule depth gauge?
34. What is the use of bevel protractor?
35. What is meant by drilling?
36. Name the material used in the manufacture of the surface plate?
37. What is use of surface plate?
38. What is angle plate?
39. What is the use of center punch?
40. What is welding?
41. How are welding process classified?
42. What is arc welding?
43. What is an electrode?
44. What is arc length?
45. What is plasma and fusion welding?
46. What are the defects in welding?
47. What are the functions of coated electrodes?
48. What are different types of electrodes?
49. What is flux-coated electrode?
50. What are the different types of welding joints?
51. How are welded joints tested?
52. What is the use of chipping hammer?
53. What is flux?
54. What are the compositions of electrode?
55. What is the temperature of arc welding?
56. What is the thickness of sheets used in sheet metal applications?
57. What is trammel point?
58. What do you mean by snip?
59. Name the some metals in sheet metal work?
60. What are different sheet metal operations?
61. Define development in sheet metal working.