IOM-0000-CVT: Installation, Operation & Maintenance Manual For Series CVT, CAF & CMF Vertical Turbine Pumps
IOM-0000-CVT: Installation, Operation & Maintenance Manual For Series CVT, CAF & CMF Vertical Turbine Pumps
IOM-0000-CVT: Installation, Operation & Maintenance Manual For Series CVT, CAF & CMF Vertical Turbine Pumps
Maintenance Manual
Series CVT, CAF & CMF
Vertical Turbine Pumps
The pumps covered in this manual, when installed correctly, will If in a climate where the fluid in the system could freeze, never
last for many years in service. In order to gain the most from leave liquid in the pump. Drain the system completely. Dur-
this equipment, this manual should be read thoroughly and fol- ing winter months and cold weather, the liquid could freeze and
lowed during all stages of installation and operation. damage the system components. Always remember to drain the
casing assemblies complete.
SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS Do not run the equipment dry or start the pump without the
The CPS-Pumps CVT vertical turbine pumps have been de- proper prime (flooded system). Significant damage can occur to
signed and manufactured for safe operation. In order to ensure the unit if even run for a short time period without a fully filled
safe operation, it is very important that this manual be read in casing assembly.
its entirety prior to installing or operating the system. CPS-
Pumps shall not be liable for physical injury, damage or delays Never operate the pump(s) for more than a short interval with
caused by a failure to observe the instructions for installation, the discharge valve closed. The length of the interval depends
operation and maintenance contained in this manual. on several factors including the nature of the fluid pumped and
it’s temperature. Contact CPS-Pumps Engineering for addi-
Remember that every pump has the potential to be dangerous tional support if required.
because of the following factors:
Excessive pump noise or vibration may indicate a dangerous op-
• Parts are rotating at high speeds erating condition. The pump(s) must be shutdown immediately.
• High pressures may be present
• High temperatures may be present Do not operate the pump and/or the system for an extended
• Highly corrosive and/or toxic chemicals may be present period of time below the recommended minimum flow.
Paying constant attention to safety is always extremely impor- It is absolutely essential that the rotation of the motor be
tant. However, there are often situations that require special checked before starting any pump in the system. Incorrect
attention. These situations are indicated throughout this book rotation of the pump for even a short period of time can cause
by the following symbols: severe damage to the pumping assembly.
Never operate the pump without the coupling guard (if sup-
plied) and all other safety devices correctly installed.
Prepared: January 01, 2018 Edition: 01 Replacement of parts or of the pump itself can only be carried
Revision: Date of Revision: out after careful examination of the pump by qualified person-
All pumps are identified by serial number, model number and
size. This information is stamped on a stainless steel identifica- The warranty is not valid if third parties have tampered with the
tion plate which is permanently attached to the pump. Do not pump. If the warranty security seal (which is uniquely bar-
remove this plate as it will be impossible to identify the pump coded) has been removed without PRIOR consent, warranty
without it. Refer to the pump information in this manual for consideration may be denied by CPS-Pumps.
specific information.
This warranty does not cover parts subject to deterioration or
wear and tear (mechanical seals, pressure and vacuum gauges,
NAMEPLATE INFORMATION rubber or plastic items, bearings, etc.) or damage caused by
misuse or improper handling of the pump by the end user.
The pump must be transported in the horizontal position Check all parts against the packing list to make sure nothing
is missing. It is much better to find out now than during the
INSTALLATION installation. Report any discrepancies immediately to CPS-
During installation and maintenance, all components must
be handled and transported securely by using suitable slings. STORAGE
Handling must be carried out by specialized personnel to avoid
damage to the pump and persons. The lifting rings attached to
various components should be used exclusively to lift the com- SHORT-TERM STORAGE
ponents for which they have been supplied.
Normal packaging is designed to protect the pump during ship-
ment and for dry, indoor storage for up to two months or less.
If the pump is not to be installed or operated soon after deliv-
ery, store the unit in a clean, dry place, having slow changes in
environmental conditions. Steps should be taken to protect the 6 IOM Manual: IOM-0000-CVT
Series CVT: Vertical Turbine
01/01/2018 - Edition 1A
pump against moisture, dirt and foreign particulate intrusion. 3. Ensure that the suction and discharge flanges are
The procedure followed for this short-term storage is summa- covered and secured with cardboard, plastic or wood to
rized below: prevent foreign objects from entering the pump.
If facilities are not available for lifting the materials off the car-
rier’s vehicle, use skids for unloading rather than allowing the
parts to drop to the ground. Even though a pump is made up
of heavy steel parts, it is a piece of machinery and it is essential
that its parts be handled with care. It is extremely easy to dam-
age shafting, threaded parts and mating surfaces of parts which
must fit together. Even a minor bend in one piece of shafting
can cause a pump to vibrate excessively thus shortening the life
of the pump drastically.
Also check that the parts received are all of the parts required
for the installation. Report any shortages or errors to CPS-
Pumps or your local factory representative immediately.
Tube faces should be inspected to see that they are free from
burrs or nicks and, in the process, should be wiped clean. Sec-
tions that have been assembled at the factory should be checked
for tightness by your installer to insure none have loosened
during transit. You should also check each joint for straightness
FIGURE 3 – Properly Supported Pipe as a bent tube cannot be used. Keep ends covered until each is
ready for installation.
Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for handling and stor-
ing the driver and any other special equipment supplied on the
The well capacity should equal or exceed the pump capacity. If TOP OF FOUNDATION LEFT
the pump removes water at a higher rate than the well produces, ROUGH - CLEAN AND WET DOWN
the draw down will be excessive and the pump will cavitate or
“starve” resulting in damage to the pump and motor. FIGURE 7 – Anchor Bolt Installation
The well must be deep enough so that the pump suction is at 2. Level the pump base plate assembly. If the base
least 10 feet below the expected draw down level. The lower end plate has machined coplanar mounting surfaces, these
of the pump should be at least 10 feet from the bottom of the machined surfaces are to be referenced when leveling
well. the base plate. This may require that the pump and
motor be removed from the base plate in order to refer-
The inside diameter of the well casing must be large enough to ence the machined faces. If the base plate is without
allow lowering the unit into the well without damaging the drop machined coplanar mounting surfaces, the pump and
cable, the splice between the drop cable and the motor leads. A motor are to be left on the base plate. The proper
slightly enlarged area may be required immediately underneath surfaces to reference when leveling the pump base plate
the discharge head to prevent pinching the cable against the assembly are the pump suction and discharge flanges.
well casing. DO NOT stress the base plate. DO NOT bolt the dis-
charge flanges of the pump to the piping until the base
RECOMMENDED PROCEDURE plate foundation is completely installed. If equipped,
use leveling jackscrews to level the base plate. If
FOR BASEPLATE INSTALLATION jackscrews are not provided, shims and wedges should
be used. Check for levelness in both the longitudinal
NEW GROUTED BASE PLATES and lateral directions. Shims should be placed at all
base anchor bolt locations, and in the middle edge of
1. There should be adequate space for workers to the base if the base is more than five feet long. Do not
install, operate, and maintain the pump. The founda- rely on the bottom of the base plate to be flat. Standard
tion should be sufficient to absorb any vibration and base plate bottoms are not machined and it is not likely
should provide a rigid support for the pump and motor. that the field mounting surface is flat.
Recommended mass of a concrete foundation should
be three times that of the pump, motor and base. Note 3. After leveling the base plate, tighten the anchor
that foundation bolts are imbedded in the concrete bolts. If shims were used, make sure that the base plate
inside a sleeve to allow some movement of the bolt. was shimmed near each anchor bolt before tightening.
IOM Manual: IOM-0000-CVT
Series CVT: Vertical Turbine
01/01/2018 - Edition 1A
Failure to do this may result in a twist of the base plate, Keep the well opening covered whenever possible to prevent
which could make it impossible to obtain final align- dropping small parts, tools, or any other foreign material into
ment. Check the level of the base plate to make sure the well.
that tightening the anchor bolts did not disturb the
level of the base plate. If the anchor bolts did change
the level, adjust the jackscrews or shims as needed to
level the base plate. Continue adjusting the jackscrews
or shims and tightening the anchor bolts until the base
plate is level.
1. Mount the pump on the existing base plate. Lift and handle the unit carefully to prevent damage caused by
2. Level the pump by putting a level on the discharge excessive strain being imposed on any part.
flange. If not level, add or delete shims between the
Do not allow pipe compound, solvent or any petroleum prod-
foot piece and the bearing housing.
ucts to come in contact with rubber bearings.
3. Run piping to the discharge flange of the pump.
(Step 5 above)
All piping must be independently supported, accurately aligned
compound on stainless steel shaft and coupling threads.)
and preferably connected to the pump by a short length of flex-
ible piping. The pump should not have to support the weight of
Always use anti-seize compound to prevent galling of the
the pipe or compensate for misalignment. It should be possible
threads on steel column joints, stainless steel fasteners and
to install suction and discharge bolts through mating flanges
stainless steel shaft couplings.
without pulling or prying either of the flanges. All piping must
be tight. Pumps may vapor-lock if air is allowed to leak into the Never use gaskets between flanges, column joints, flange-to-
piping. If the pump flange(s) have tapped holes, select flange bowl connections or head connections.
fasteners with thread engagement at least equal to the fastener
diameter but that do not bottom out in the tapped holes before Special care must be taken to prevent damage to the threads and
the joint is tight. end faces of shafting, column pipe and tubing.
GENERAL PRECAUTIONS Exercise special care when handling parts which have special
coatings. If the coating is damaged (nicks, scrapes, wrench
Cleanliness is essential for a good installation. Threads and marks, etc.), the damaged spots should be repaired before the
other mating surfaces will not function as required if they are installation is completed.
not clean when assembled.
If during installation the pump is observed to bind or will not
Make certain that no rags, wood scraps or other foreign mate- rotate freely on the hook swivel, then either there is an obstruc-
rial is lodged in any exposed openings. tion in the well or the well is crooked. In either case, the well is 12 IOM Manual: IOM-0000-CVT
Series CVT: Vertical Turbine
01/01/2018 - Edition 1A
not acceptable for a proper pump installation and continuing components.
with the installation will void the warranty.
With a sling around the lifting trunnions on the discharge
head, raise the entire unit as shipped to a vertical position over
its mounting base. Take care to avoid putting any strain on the
column or any exposed shafting. Also be careful not to damage
the strainer during the lifting operation. Clean the bottom of
the pump base and lower the assembly gently into place in its
operating position with full contact, base to mounting surface.
Assemble base or flange mounting bolts and/or nuts.
Examine the position of the pump. The suction bell must hang
the proper distance from the bottom and be unobstructed in any
direction. Piping connections must be in the right orientation
with respect to job site plumbing.
Clean all shafting and couplings using a rag soaked with sol-
Make certain that all bearings are clean (do not use solvent on
FIGURE 9 – Deep Set Installation
Remove rust preventative from all flange faces with solvent and
INSTALLING THE PUMP if necessary, smooth the flange face with a flat file.
You are now ready to start the actual installation. Clear the If tubing is furnished, check the tube ends for nicks, burrs, etc.
work area at and around the mounting position so installers can Sections of tubing which were assembled at the factory should
move freely and with maximum safety. This will also decrease be checked for tightness.
the chances for foreign material or objects to enter the pump as
it is lowered into position and secured. If this is a suction vessel Check the shaft ends for nicks, burrs, etc. The shaft ends at
unit, clean the top flange of the suction vessel and install the each coupling must butt squarely against each other in order for
gasket or O-ring provided. Examine the vessel and be sure it the shaft to be aligned properly. Check all loose shafting for
has been completely cleared of all trash and debris. straightness using “V” blocks and a dial indicator, as follows:
During the course of the work, you must never lose sight of Do not attempt to check shaft straightness in direct sunlight.
the fact that you are handling precision components no matter Place the shaft in “V” blocks. Rotate the shaft and observe
how awkward they may be to manipulate. All threads should the dial indicator. The dial indicator should not vary more
be engaged by hand and checked before tightening. Damage than 0.001” times the number of feet to the nearest “V” block.
resulting from cross threading or dirt must be repaired with a Checks should be made at approximately 2 ft. intervals along
file before applying force. If not repairable, the part must be the shaft. If necessary, the shaft can be straightened by applying
replaced so it’s clearly worth your while to use the utmost care. a load on the high side of the shaft at the point on the shaft hav-
ing the greatest deviation from the allowable values. The shaft
If your pump was shipped unassembled due to its length or must meet the above conditions after all straightening has been
space limitations, proceed to the section on assembly of pump
IOM Manual: IOM-0000-CVT
Series CVT: Vertical Turbine
01/01/2018 - Edition 1A
performed. Therefore, if straightening is required, the positions reinstalled. If the strainer, bowl assembly and column
checked prior to the straightening operation must be rechecked. will pass through the base plate, then the base plate
(and therefore the alignment) need not be disturbed
Check the run-out of the impeller shaft extension by placing a when the pump is pulled.
dial indicator toward the outer end of the shaft and turning the
shaft slowly making certain that it stays to one side of the up- Place the two setting beams on the base plate. Use plywood un-
permost bowl bearing. The indicator reading should not vary by der the beams to protect the machined surface of the base plate.
more than 0.002” as the shaft is turned (.002 TIR).
If the base plate is to be installed as an integral part of the head,
Measure and record the pump lateral (shaft end play). This proceed as follows:
information will be required when making lateral adjustments
outlined later. Same as step above.
Remove the stuffing box from the pump head. Check that the Place the setting beams directly on the foundation in an ap-
base plate fits the foundation properly. proximately level position.
FIGURE 12 – Slinging With Eye Nuts Attach a sling to the clamp ears. See FIGURE 13. Screw a
shaft coupling onto the lower end of the shaft to protect the
LARGE BOWL ASSEMBLIES shaft face and threads in case the shaft slips during handling.
Place the two setting beams on the foundation (or base plate)
opening. If a base plate is used, place cardboard or thin plywood
beneath the beams to protect the machined surface.
Attach the three spacers and three eye nuts to three studs about
120 degrees apart. Attach 3 legs of the 4 leg sling to eye nuts.
See FIGURE 12.
SHAFT THREADS Repeat the above outlined procedure for each additional section
ARE LEFT HAND! of column until all of the column has been assembled. Two
welded lugs are provided on the O.D. of the top section of col-
TUBING THREADS umn pipe. The friction clamp should be installed immediately
under these lugs. Clean the top column flange face (or end of
pipe if head connection is threaded) and the shaft projection
thoroughly. Do not assemble the shaft coupling to the top piece
of shaft.
Assemble enclosed line shaft column as follows.
FIGURE 14 – Tightening Line Shaft Determine the correct sequence of installation of the column
sections. The top section of column has welded lugs approxi-
If the bowl to column connection is flanged, spread a thin even mately two feet from the top end. The top special tubing is
film of thread compound on the bowl discharge flange. Lower tagged for identification by the factory. If this tag is lost, the
the pipe, align the studs in the bowl with the holes in flanges, top special tubing can still be identified by the smooth O.D. and
seat the column flange against the bowl flange and then install chamfer on one end. This end also has longer threads inside the
and tighten the hex nuts evenly. If a lubrication line is being in- tube.
stalled, secure the line to the column pipe just above the column
pipe joint. Secure a friction clamp immediately beneath the coupling
on the first section of column to be installed. If the column
Hoist the unit slightly, remove the bowl clamp and slide the set- is flanged, secure the clamp about 6” below the bottom of the
ting beams out enough to allow passage of the unit. flange. See FIGURE 15.
If the bowl and column are coated with any special application, If the protective rubber cap has been removed from the end of
any required touch up work should be done before lowering the the tubing to be inserted in the pipe, reinstall it. Slide the tub-
unit. ing and shaft assembly into the lower end of the pipe, allowing
the tubing to protrude about 15” past the lower end of the col-
Lower the unit, slide the setting beams in close to the column umn pipe and allowing the shaft to protrude about 9” past the
and continue lowering the unit until the clamp ears rest on the end of the tubing. See FIGURE 16. If the tubing is 5” or larger,
IOM Manual: IOM-0000-CVT
Series CVT: Vertical Turbine
01/01/2018 - Edition 1A
ensure that the end with the machined section goes toward the After each piece of column has been lowered and is resting on
top. Tie a series of half hitches to the pipe tubing and shaft the setting beams, remove the exposed line shaft bearing, pour
with a 3/4” rope so as to prevent the shaft and tubing from slid- oil into the tubing and reinstall the bearing. This is not neces-
ing out of the pipe when the assembly is hoisted to the vertical sary if the unit is to be force water lubricated. The amount of oil
position. Attach a sling to the clamp ears. See FIGURE 16. to be poured is given in the table below.
Make up the shaft joint as described in COLUMN on page 16. • Before centering the column assembly over the
installation opening, clean, inspect and repair any dam-
Lower the assembly until the tubing contacts the main bear- aged threads.
ing box (line shaft bearing on subsequent sections) and then
remove the rope. Apply a small amount of thread compound to • Recheck pipe threads for cleanliness or damage after
the outside diameter of the exposed bearing threads. Place one pipe is hoisted to vertical position and then apply a
pipe wrench on the main bearing box shoulder (place wrench liberal coat of anti-seize compound to the threads.
on lower piece of tubing on succeeding column joints) and the
• When lowering the pipe into the coupling, do not
second wrench on the tubing and tighten firmly. If the tubing
back thread the pipe.
is coated with any special application, any touch up required
resulting from using the pipe wrench should be done now.
• Align the coupling and pipe threads using a straight 18 IOM Manual: IOM-0000-CVT
Series CVT: Vertical Turbine
01/01/2018 - Edition 1A
edge about 3 to 4 feet long. Lay the straight edge verti- female register.
cally against the coupling O.D. Align the pipe so that • Clean the mating surfaces of the head and the lifting
the distance between the pipe and the straight edge is plate and install the O-ring.
equal along the full length of the straight edge in two • Place the discharge head on the lifting plate. Orient
positions 90° apart (i.e. until the pipe is parallel to the the head to the desired position, making sure that the
straight edge). auxiliary holes in the head line up with the auxiliary
holes in the plate.
• Carefully screw the pipe into the coupling as far as • Install the socket head cap screws provided to secure
possible by hand. Do not use a power driven mecha- the plate to the head.
nism to spin the connection together. If at any time
the threads are suspected of galling, unscrew the pipe If a top column flange is to be used and it is not already in-
and inspect, clean and repair as necessary the pipe stalled, install it on the top section of column pipe as follows:
and coupling threads. Apply a fresh coat of anti-seize
compound and repeat the above assembly procedure
exercising special care in aligning the pipe with the
coupling. • Clean the pipe and flange threads and butt surfaces
and apply a thin coat of thread compound.
Screw the flange onto the pipe and tighten securely.
If a steel lifting plate is provided for use under the discharge
head and this plate is not already attached to the head, attached ADJUSTABLE TYPE FLANGE
the plate as described below.
• Clean the threads on the column pipe, the flange and
the packing ring.
• Screw the packing ring onto the pipe. Make sure that
• Clean the mating surfaces of the head and the lift plate. the chamfer is on top.
• Screw the flange onto the pipe.
• Place the head on the plate. Orient the head so that the holes
(including any auxiliary holes) in the head line up with the holes Attach slings to the head for lifting as shown in FIGURE 17
in the plate. which ever is applicable.
• Bolt the head to the plate by installing two bolts in diagonally Lift the head (and lifting plate if used), remove the hex nuts
opposite holes in the base of the head. from the studs (if studs are used) and clean the mating surfaces
on the bottom of the head (or lifting plate) and on the column
pipe. Apply a thin coat of thread compound to all of the head-
to-column mating surfaces.
The shaft can be turned on shallow settings by temporarily installing ENCLOSED LINE SHAF T
the stuffing box (without packing rings, etc.) connecting a dummy
Complete assembly of the stuffing box per the “Stuffing Box
shaft (not necessary if line shaft to head shaft connection is below
Assembly” instructions (furnished with your Owner’s Manual
the stuffing box) and turning the shaft with a wrench. Remove the
stuffing box prior to doing any alignment checks.
On deeper settings it will be necessary to connect a lifting de- DRIVER AND DRIVE COUPLING
vice such as shown in FIGURE 5 to the upper end of the shaft
and then carefully raise the shaft and impellers using the hoist Uncrate the driver but leave it attached to the bottom skid on
on the derrick. A wrench can then be used to turn the shaft. which it arrived. Move it to a convenient location beside the
Lower the hoist and remove the lifting device prior to doing any pump head, keeping it vertical at all times. Set down on firm
alignment checks. and level footing. 20 IOM Manual: IOM-0000-CVT
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01/01/2018 - Edition 1A
When ready for installation, raise the driver off its skid to a
comfortable working height, lifting it with the lugs provided on
the frame. Remove the driver cover cap screws and the canopy itself, as in
FIGURE 19. Remove the drive coupling and any other parts
packed in the top for shipment. Place them in a clean, safe place
for later use. Cover all openings in the top to prevent anything
from dropping into the driver. If this should happen, the object
must be retrieved before proceeding.
Stand beside the load as it hangs in the sling, never under it. Inspect Lower the driver slowly to the head until the register fit is
and clean the mounting flange and register. If you find any burrs or engaged, but with the weight still on the hoist. In the case of
nicks, set the driver on two beam supports and repair with a file. an electric motor, swing it around so the junction box is in the
desired orientation. If you have a gear drive, as depicted in
Don’t work under the load while it’s hanging from the hoist. Clean FIGURE 20, your positioning criterion is the horizontal input
the top of the pump head and inspect it also, making any necessary shaft. Align the mounting holes and start the attaching cap
repairs. screws in by hand. Transfer the weight gently from hoist to
head and secure the cap screws, tightening them uniformly.
If your pump is equipped with a vertical hollow shaft driver,
illustrated in FIGURE 21, continue right on here with subsec- Please note that the lifting lugs on the driver are for handling
tion Vertical Hollow Shaft. If you have a solid shaft driver as the driver only. Never attempt to use these lugs to hoist the
in FIGURE 22, skip this portion and be guided by subsection pump. The pump must be handled with its own lifting trun-
Vertical Solid Shaft. nions.
Otherwise, you may now energize the starter panel and bump When all is well, replace the packing box or tension nut flange
start the motor by switching it very quickly on and off, observ- capscrews, tightening them uniformly and securely. Retrieve
ing for direction of rotation and watching to see that it spins the drive coupling and other parts you set aside, together with
freely and is in apparent balance. Driver shaft must turn coun- the pump parts.
terclockwise when viewed from the top. If rotation is clockwise,
kill the power to the starter panel and interchange any two leads
on three phase motors. With single phase machines, follow
manufacturer’s instructions.
Check for shaft alignment at the outer edges of all the flanges.
They must meet evenly both at the faces and at the outer cir-
cumferences. True alignment can be further verified by using
dial indicators on both the driver and the pump shafts. If you
cannot obtain an alignment within 0.003 inches T.I.R., call your
local factory representative.
FIGURE 22 – Right Angle Gear Drive Now replace the packing box or tension nut flange cap- screws.
Tighten them uniformly and securely.
If your coupling is furnished with a spacer spool, assemble the
spacer to the driver coupling half. If parts are match marked, MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT
install them accordingly. Use only the nuts and bolts shipped
with the pump as some couplings are balanced as assemblies. LUBRICATING DEVICES
Tighten all flange bolts securely and uniformly throughout the
coupling. Oil Lubricated Pumps
Inspect and clean the pump shaft threads, painting lightly Install the lubricator and bracket to the discharge head. Refer to
with a good thread lubricant. After trying keys and parts as the lubricator assembly drawing.
described above, insert key in the pump shaft keyway and slip
the pump shaft coupling half well down over shaft, flange face Connect the 1/4” copper line from the lubricator to the stuffing
up, leaving shaft threads projecting above coupling. Screw box inlet port.
adjusting nut onto pump shaft with the rimmed end up, turning
counterclockwise until pump shaft protrudes through threaded Water Lube Pumps.
portion of nut by at least two threads. Remove the cap screws
Connect the line from the pre-lube system to the pre-lube
securing the packing box or tension nut flange.
connections on the stuffing box. (Some heads have a pre-lube
Raise the driver just enough to remove the blocks, then lower it connection at the back of the head.) The following items should
slowly to the head until the register fit is engaged but keeping be taken in consideration for the pre-lube system.
the weight on the hoist. In the case of an electric motor, swing
Do not use pipe that is smaller than the pre-lube connection
it around so that the junction box is in the desired orienta-
furnished in the stuffing box.
tion. If you have a gear drive your positioning criterion is the
horizontal input shaft. Align the mounting holes and start the
If the system is to be subjected to low temperatures, adequate
attaching cap screws in by hand. Transfer the weight gently
precautions must be taken to prevent freezing.
from hoist to head and secure the cap screws, tightening them
uniformly. The pre-lube system should supply a flow of water for approxi-
mately 15 seconds plus 15 sec. per 100’ of column above the
Please note the lifting lugs on the driver are for handling the
static water level. Pumps operating at a static water level of
driver only. Never attempt to use these lugs to hoist the pump.
greater than 100 ft. and which are not equipped with a non- 24 IOM Manual: IOM-0000-CVT
Series CVT: Vertical Turbine
01/01/2018 - Edition 1A
reverse mechanism must be post-lubricated during the time that not elongate more than 0.005” when restraining the hydrau-
the pump is spinning backward after it is shut down. The post lic force which tries to separate the joint. This force is equal
lubrication should start immediately when the pump is shut to the discharge pressure in psi times the cross sectional area
down and should continue for as long as the shaft is turning. It of the bore of the pipe in square inches. The tie bolts should
is desirable that the post-lube be initiated automatically, so that be snugged up carefully by applying approximately the same
loss of power to an unattended pump will not result in damage amount of torque to each bolt, otherwise, the purpose of the
due to lack of post lubrication. coupling will be defeated.
If automatic controls are used on the pre-lube system, the AIR RELEASE VALVE
control system should be designed so that it provides maximum
assurance that pre-lube (and post lube if required) is supplied Install the air release valve, piping and manual valve (if fur-
when the pump needs it. Special consideration should be nished), to the pump head or just beyond the head flange on the
given to such situations as loss of electric power to the pre-lube discharge piping. It is recommended that a throttling device be
control system without an accompanying loss of power to the used on the discharge side of the air release valve to restrict the
driver itself. One of the most foolproof systems is a continuous discharge of air ensuring that a cushion of air is available in the
running system taking its supply from a pressurized header or discharge head during start up. Exhausting the air too quickly
a large reservoir. If a tank type pre-lube system is used precau- can cause damage to the head.
tions must be taken to assure that an adequate supply of water is
always available to provide the required lubrication. An air release valve is imperative on water lubricated pumps
with underground outlets. It eliminates trapped air in the
The minimum pre-lube tank capacities are given in Table 2. column above the underground outlet which would cause the
bearings and stuffing box to run dry.
10 Gal. Per 100 feet depth MISCELLANEOUS ACCESSORIES
to static water level
25 Gal. Per 100 feet depth Connect the pressure gauge, and/or gauge cock, if furnished to
4, 5, 6 the tapped hole at the top of the discharge flange on the head.
to static water level
Position the dial face to facilitate reading.
50 Gal. Per 100 feet depth
8, 10, 12, 14
to static water level
All connections to the motor such as main leads, space heater
Use 1-1/2 times the above capacity if post lube is required. leads, thermocouple leads, etc. should be made in accordance
with motor manufacturer’s recommendations and local codes.
Make necessary connections to lubricator solenoid if oil lu-
The head and discharge pipe flange faces should be clean and bricated. Ensure that the solenoid is supplied with the proper
free of nicks and burrs. If a grooved type flange is used, make voltage.
certain that the groove is clean and free of obstructions.
Do not attempt to use a flat gasket on discharge head outlet
flanges, which are not machined. These flanges are grooved to When required, the water level in the well can determined by
accept the square packing furnished with the head. Since these attaching a bicycle tire pump to the air valve and forcing air into
flange faces are not flat, tightening the bolts in an attempt to the air line until the pressure gauge reading is constant. This
seal a flat gasket will usually result in a broken discharge flange. reading (converted to ft. of water) indicates the number feet of
submergence of the end of the air line. The water level in the
The discharge piping should be installed and supported in such well is determined by subtracting the amount of submergence
a manner as to eliminate the possibility of the head being placed from the known length of the air line. (The air line length was
in a strain. The pump head can easily be thrown out of align- recorded during installation.)
ment by “drawing up” the bolts in a discharge flange connection
that is not “fitted up” properly.
If a flexible connection such as a Dresser coupling is to be used,
a joint harness should be installed across this connection. The You will be connecting your pump to your piping of course,
tie bolts for such a harness should be designed so that they do since the pump is there to energize your system. Depending on
IOM Manual: IOM-0000-CVT
Series CVT: Vertical Turbine
01/01/2018 - Edition 1A
details of installation, you will certainly be joining at the dis- can cause serious damage to the pump.
charge flange and there may be a connection at the suction also.
Whatever your particular system is, it must be independently Service the driver as recommended by the manufacturer.
supported. It must not be allowed to impose stresses on the
discharge head due to weight, thermal expansion, misalignment, Open the air release system isolation valve. Adjust the air
or any other condition. release system throttling device so that it is partially open. It
should not be closed or fully open. Not exhausting the air or
When bolting the system flange to the pump head discharge exhausting it too quickly can damage the pump.
flange, determine that the flanges fit face to face and hole to hole
before inserting bolts. Do not draw the flanges together with On oil lubricated units, clean and fill the lubricator tank with
the flange bolts. oil meeting the specifications at the beginning of this manual.
Manually open the lubricator valve and allow oil to run into the
Above the floor piping should be installed in such a manner as tube line for at least 20 minutes for each 100 feet of setting prior
to eliminate the possibility of the discharge head being placed in to start-up. Assure that the oil is in fact flowing into the tubing
a strain or being thrown out of alignment. before timing is commenced and that the flow rate is at least as
much as given in Table 2, Page 25. On systems equipped with
Below ground discharge connection should be made in such a solenoid operated lubricator valve that cannot be energized
a manner that no strain or misalignment is imposed on the independently, it will be necessary to remove the valve stem to
column pipe. Alignment between the pump discharge and the allow the oil to flow. Replace the valve stem before starting the
outside should have already been achieved as instructed. pump. The pump should be started shortly after allowing the oil
to flow into the tube . If the start up is delayed, the lubrication
If a flexible joint such as a dresser coupling is to be used, suffi- procedure must be repeated just prior to the actual on startup.
ciently strong tie bolts and lugs should be used to span the flex-
ible joint capable of resisting the force created by the discharge Ensure that the system to which the pump is connected is
pressure at the pump head. None of this force should be im- ready to receive flow from the pump. For most well pumps the
posed on the head. Tension should be taken carefully on these position of the discharge valve at start up is not critical and the
tie bolts so that any amount of forward movement induced to general practice is to start the pump with the valve in a partially
the head will be counteracted during operation so that align- open position. Special consideration must be given to the fol-
ment is maintained during operation. lowing conditions:
On an underground discharge the above procedure can also If the pump is to discharge into a system that is already pressur-
be used. However, it might be more convenient to construct a ized, ensure that the system pressure will not cause reverse flow
simple brace from directly behind the discharge outlet to the pit through the pump during start-up. This can be accomplished
wall to counteract any forces created by discharge pressure. by installing a check valve between the pump and the system,
or by starting the pump with the discharge valve shut and then
Flange faces should be thoroughly clean and free of all nicks opening the valve after all of the air is exhausted and the pump
or burrs and should be in perfect alignment before tightening is developing a discharge pressure equal to or greater than the
bolts. system pressure.
You may have some small pipes or tubes to accommodate if you A pump is designed to run at specific head and flow conditions.
are supplying coolant to the driver, for example. In such cases, Operating at conditions other than design can damage the
it is well to protect the small lines from vibration by using a hose pump.
connection in strategic locations.
Operating at low head and high flow conditions can cause the
STARTING THE PUMP impellers on some pumps to “float”. This can occur if a pump
which is designed to operate at system pressure is used to fill
INITIAL START UP the system without throttling the discharge valve to create head
(back pressure) on the pump.
Ensure that all of the pump installation as described in preced-
ing sections of this manual is complete. Operating some pumps at high head and low flow conditions
will cause the pump shaft to stretch sufficiently to allow the
Ensure that auxiliary equipment has been installed, serviced, impellers to drag on the bowl.
and is ready for operation. Automatic control systems should
have been checked per prior to making the driver-to-drive shaft The water hammer created when starting a shallow setting high
connection. Automatic controls that do not function properly pressure pump can damage the pump. Special consideration
must be given to the rate of releasing the air from these pumps 26 IOM Manual: IOM-0000-CVT
Series CVT: Vertical Turbine
01/01/2018 - Edition 1A
and to the operation of the discharge valve. just the stuffing box packing gland to allow a liberal amount
of leakage past the packing. A small trickle is desirable. On
If the pump is discharging into a pressurized system it may be units where the pressure at the stuffing box is very low, it may be
necessary to install an automatically operated discharge valve necessary to plug the high pressure port on the stuffing box to
that opens at approximately the same time that the pump devel- obtain leakage through the top rings of packing. On high pres-
ops a discharge head equal to that of the system. sure units where leakage through the gland is excessive, it may
be necessary to move the grease cup and install a throttle valve
On open line shaft units equipped with pre-lube systems sup- in the port. The pressure on the gland can then be regulated
plied from a pressurized header, open the supply valve and allow using the throttle valve. Do not reverse the ports if a reverse
the pre-lube water to flow for 15 seconds plus 15 seconds per ported stuffing box was supplied by the factory. During the first
100’ of pump setting. The pre-lube system should be left run- four or five hours of operation, periodically observe the leakage
ning until after the pump has been started (unless the discharge and feel of the gland. If necessary, loosen the gland to restore
pressure of the pump will damage the pre-Iube system). the leakage to the desired rate or to prevent the gland from
overheating. The water leaking past the packing should not be
On open line shaft units equipped with a tank type pre lube allowed to become hot enough to steam. If the packing is al-
system, clean the tank and fill it with clean water. Open the lowed to overheat, it will score the shaft, requiring replacement
valve between the pre-lube tank and the pump and allow ap- of the packing and the shaft. After five or six hours of operation
proximately half of the water in the tank to run into the well. gradually tighten the gland (do not tighten the gland follower
The pump should be started immediately and the pre-lube valve nuts more than 1/6 turn in ten minutes) to reduce the leakage.
should remain open during the start up. DO NOT COMPLETELY STOP THE LEAKAGE PAST
Upon completion of the above preparations, energize the OVERHEAT. Check periodically to see that the gland is not
starter. If any abnormal noises, jerking or vibration is noted, leaking excessively and that it is not overheating.
stop the pump immediately, determine the cause of the abnor-
malities and correct them. If the unit is equipped with a pre-lube water tank and a manual
valve, close the valve to the tank after the tank has filled with
After the pump has come up to speed, and all of the air has been water.
exhausted, regulate the discharge valve to achieve the desired
discharge pressure. Assure that the driver and auxiliary equipment is operating
satisfactorily by performing the checks recommended by the
If the air release valve is manually operated, close it. manufacturer.
On oil lubricated units adjust the lubricator valve for the flow Check all fittings and joints for leakage
given in Table 3.
Check the pumping level of the well to assure that the pump
“B” ADDI- bowl remains submerged when it is operating.
DROPS/ If no trouble is encountered the pump should be allowed to run
SHAFT SIZE MINUTE PER until the water from the well is clear and free of all solids. Short
EACH 100 ON-OFF cycles at initial startup or at startup on a pump which
FEET has been idle for an extended period can cause “sand-locking”
SETTING of the pump if the pump is not allowed to run long enough to
7/8 – 1-3/16 5 2 obtain clear water.
1-1/2 – 1-11/16 7 3 On open line shaft pumps requiring post-lube, assure that
1-15/16 – 2-7/16 10 4 post-lube is provided when the pump is stopped. (Post lube
is required on open line shaft pumps which operate at a static
TABLE 3 water level of greater than 100 ft. and which are not equipped
with a non-reverse mechanism.)
Total Drops/Min. = “A” + (Setting x “8”) 100
After the pump is shut down for the first time, repeat the
Example: 500 Feet of 11/16” x 2-1/2” impeller adjustment procedure given in VERTICAL HOL-
Total Drops/Min. = 7 +(500 x 3)/100 = 22 on pages 21 or 23. This is necessary because some of the shaft
joints may have tightened during initial start up, thus changing
On open line shaft pumps equipped with a stuffing box, ad- the initial adjustment.
IOM Manual: IOM-0000-CVT
Series CVT: Vertical Turbine
01/01/2018 - Edition 1A
NORMAL OPERATION AND ditions. Note that most of these problems require removal of
MAINTENANCE the pump from the well in order to correct the problem. Con-
tact CPS-Pumps or your representative for this type of service.
Subsequent normal start ups are essentially the same as the
initial start up described above, consisting of:
Apply grease to the stuffing box at the rate of one pump of the
grease gun for each 24 hours of operation. Usually up to two
additional rings of packing can be installed in the stuffing box to
compensate for wear and compression of the packing. However,
if difficulty is encountered in adjusting the packing gland after
the packing ring has been added, then all of the packing should
be removed and the stuffing box completely repacked.
To repack the stuffing box, remove all the old packing, separator
rings and lantern ring. The packing can be removed using pack-
ing hooks which are designed for this purpose. The separator
rings and lantern ring can be removed by forming a small hook
at the end of a piece of small stiff wire and inserting this hook
into the holes provided in the lantern ring and separator rings.
A mirror will be useful for looking into the stuffing box cavity
since the amount of working space is minimal. Also, some soft
wire or string can he used to tie the separator rings and lantern
rings up out of the way. Clean the stuffing box cavity, inspect
the shaft for scoring and install the new packing using the
instructions given on the “Stuffing Box Assembly” sheet origi-
nally supplied with the pump. Adjust the packing gland per the
instructions given above on page 26.
When properly installed and operating in non-abrasive, non-
corrosive water a pump is a relatively long lived piece of machin-
ery, requiring a minimum of attention. However, machinery is
subject to wear. The most common causes of improper opera-
tion are given below.
Excessive vibration
No liquid delivered
Suction lift too high
Discharge head too high
Rotational speed too low
Incorrect direction of rotation
Impeller plugged/impeller partially blocked by debris
Air leak in discharge line
Insufficient Net Positive Suction Pressure Available (NPSHA)
Damaged impeller
Defective packing
Inlet pipe not submerged enough
Impeller diameter too small
Obstruction in water passageways
Entrained air or gas in liquid
Discharge head lower than previously thought
Specific gravity of liquid higher than previously thought
Viscosity of liquid higher than previously thought
Bent or damaged shaft
Bearings worn
Misalignment of pump and driver
Defect in driver
Voltage and/or frequency lower than previously thought
Rotor assembly binding
Rotational speed too high
Foundation not rigid enough
The decision on what spare parts to stock varies greatly depend-
ing on many factors such as the criticality of the application,
the time required to buy and receive new spares, the erosive/
corrosive nature of the application, and the cost of the spare
part. Please refer to the “CPS-Pumps Parts Catalog” for more
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Series CVT: Vertical Turbine
01/01/2018 - Edition 1A
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