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Storage and blending bed technology.


A company of

Storage and blending bed technology.

Universal – economical – robust.

Different stockpile systems:

for instance: in-line stockpiles
and circular stockpiles.

For decades now, Polysius systems Whether for installation in the quarry Polysius stockpile applications
for the economical and energy-sav- or in the plant itself, the broad range include bauxite, ores, gypsum,
ing storage and blending of crushed of blending bed systems from Poly- limestone, coal, coke, petroleum
and heapable bulk materials in open- sius satisfies all requirements for the coke, clinker, slate, wood chips,
air and roofed stores have proven efficient storage and blending of raw clay, quartz and quartzitic rock.
themselves admirably. materials prior to further processing.

Harmonised stacking and reclaiming Controlled stockpile stacking is

processes are essential for effective ensured by the POLAB® CNA from
blending bed systems. Polysius, a continuous raw material
analyser whose results permit early
quality control of the input materials.

For the on-line chemical analysis of

raw materials, POLAB® CNA uses an
electronically regulated neutron tube that
can be simply switched on and off.
POLAB® CNA determines the process-
relevant oxide concentrations in the
entire stream of material passing
the analyser, without requiring any
preparation of the material.

Longitudinal storage and blending bed systems.

For any quantity of bulk material.

A longitudinal blending
bed built up by the Chevron
stacking method with a belt stacker. The
Polysius range of equipment includes stackers with
boom lengths of up to 35 m and stacking capacities of
up to 3,000 tph.

Polysius portal scrapers have span

widths of up to 60 m and reclaiming
capacities of up to 1,500 tph.

The stockpile stacking control

system from Polysius builds up
stepped end faces, minimising
problems with the end cones.

Polysius supplies suitable stacking and reclaim- degree of blending is required, the side face
ing machines for storage and for blending large of the stockpile can be reclaimed, using semi-
quantities of bulk materials. portal, portal or side scrapers.

Automatically controlled belt stackers build The Chevron stacking method is used for longi-
up the stockpiles, which are generally arranged tudinal blending bed stockpiles.
The machines' wear-resistance and low main-
The highest mixing and blending effects are tenance requirement assure high availability,
achieved by using bridge scrapers reclaiming even when operating under rough application
from the end face of the stockpile. If only a low conditions.

Polysius bridge scrapers have span

Side scraper at a widths of up to 55 m and reclaiming
limestone stockpile. capacities of up to 1,500 tph.

Circular stockpiles and circular blending beds.

For compact and cost-saving storage.

Material discharge Typical Chevcon

via the central column. stacking in a limestone
blending bed.

In the cement manufacturing process, Compared to the longitudinal blend- vide the same high availability and
it has become standard practice to ing bed arrangement, the circular proven design features as the equip-
store lumpy raw materials in single version offers lower costs for the civil ment used for longitudinal stockpiles
or multi-component blending beds. construction work, shorter conveyors and longitudinal blending beds.
Polysius provides the engineering and smaller capital expenditure for
and the mechanical equipment, the machines and electrical equip- The continuous Chevcon stacking
including respective process schemes, ment. The cost advantage of the method assures the highest possible
for individual machines and systems circular stockpile becomes still more blending effect. However, if storage
and for complete cement plants. substantial if it is accommodated in with only a small blending effect is
a roofed building. required, the cone-shell stacking
Circular stockpiles and circular blend- method can be used.
ing beds provide a high storage The machines used for circular stock-
capacity in relation to the floorspace. piles and circular blending beds pro-

Coal stockpile
with cone-shell stacking
method. The smallest
stockpile so far installed:
diameter only 25 m.

Cirular blending bed with Chevcon

staking method for limestone:
Storage capacity: 60,000 t
Stockpile diameter: 91 m
Stacking capacity: 2,640 t/h
Reclaiming capacity: 650 t/h

Roofed circular
blending bed for

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