Chronic Dry Cough in Allergic Respiratory Diseases: Diagnostic and Management Approach
Chronic Dry Cough in Allergic Respiratory Diseases: Diagnostic and Management Approach
Chronic Dry Cough in Allergic Respiratory Diseases: Diagnostic and Management Approach
Cough is considered as a single most common complaint for which patients globally seek medical attention. A multitude of
allergic etiologies contribute to the development of chronic cough in adults, which makes the diagnosis and treatment quite
challenging. Allergic cough is a distinct entity where there is no respiratory obstruction and there is presence of a family history,
past history and/or concomitant allergic conditions. Sensitivity to allergens is readily demonstrable by skin testing. It is also
characterized by a therapeutic response to epinephrine and a periodic nature. The intention of this article is to highlight the
common causes of chronic dry cough associated with allergic diseases, to differentiate allergic cough from various other causes
of chronic cough associated with asthma syndromes (which include related airway disorders like ‘classic’ asthma [cough-variant
asthma], nonasthmatic eosinophilic bronchitis and atopic cough) and to discuss its management strategies.
Keywords: Chronic cough, allergic cough, occupational and environmental causes, mechanisms, management options
Indian Journal of Clinical Practice, Vol. 24, No. 11, April 2014 1085
normal chest radiogram) include upper airway cough Upper Airway Cough Syndrome
syndrome, gastroesophageal reflux disease and asthma Upper airway cough syndrome is a common condition
syndromes. In this review, we will be discussing in that occurs in 20-40% (up to 87%) of patients who
detail about the association of cough with asthma present with cough. This syndrome incorporates many
syndromes and allergic diseases. diagnoses in the upper respiratory tract, including
Asthma syndromes represent a collection of related allergic rhinitis, nonallergic rhinitis, post-infectious
airway disorders including: (post-viral) cough, sinusitis and anatomic abnormalities
ÂÂ ‘Classic’ asthma, the so-called cough-variant of the nose and sinuses. All these conditions are linked
asthma to retention of mucosal secretions that drain into the
posterior pharynx.12
ÂÂ Nonasthmatic eosinophilic bronchitis
ÂÂ Atopic cough.10 Cough-variant Asthma
Both upper and lower respiratory causes of cough such In referral populations of adult nonsmokers, cough-
as allergic rhinitis, asthma, allergic bronchopulmonary variant asthma accounts for about 24-29% of diagnoses
mycoses can be triggered by exposure to allergens such for chronic cough. Chronic and/or recurrent respiratory
as dust mite, animal or cockroach allergens, fungi and symptoms associated with reversible airflow obstruction
pollen at indoor or outdoor environments (see Table 1).9 and airway inflammation are the characteristic features
of asthma. Stimulation of airway sensory nerves by
Cough and Allergic Diseases inflammation is thought to be responsible for the
occurrence of cough in these patients. Heightened
Allergic cough has certain characteristics that are
cough sensitivity has been observed in patients with
common to all allergic diseases such as:11
both asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary
ÂÂ Presence of a family history of allergy disease.12 In contrast, allergic cough is not associated
ÂÂ History of past and/or concomitant allergic with any airflow obstruction.11
conditions (such as urticaria, eczema)
Eosinophilic Bronchitis
ÂÂ Sensitivity to allergens that can be elicited by skin
testing Chronic cough is also an important entity in patients
ÂÂ Therapeutic response to epinephrine with eosinophilic bronchitis and the condition has two
important similarities with asthma:
ÂÂ Periodic nature of the allergic condition.
ÂÂ Presence of an eosinophilic airway infiltrate
Cough is essentially produced on exposure to allergens
and relieved on removing them. The sensitivity can ÂÂ Response to corticosteroids.
be decreased by immunizing with the ‘concerned’ There is no evidence of variable airflow obstruction or
allergen, if the allergen is an inhalant. Important bronchial hyper-reactivity in patients with eosinophilic
characteristic features of common allergic diseases have bronchitis but there is evidence of basement membrane
been described as follows.11 thickening and elevated levels of exhaled nitric oxide
that is reflective of airway eosinophilia. Patients with
eosinophilic bronchitis, by definition, have sputum
Table 1. Occupational and Environmental Causes of eosinophilia >3%.12
Allergic Cough
Atopic Cough
Occupational factors Environmental factors
This type of cough has clinical features of chronic
Occupational rhinitis Exposure to dust mite, animal or
cockroach allergens, fungi and nonproductive cough, sputum eosinophilia and
pollen lacks bronchial hyper-responsiveness. In contrast to
Occupational asthma Exposure to cigarette smoking or eosinophilic bronchitis, atopic cough has eosinophilia
other respiratory irritants only in the upper airway and the condition usually
Occupational Exposure to indoor particulate
does not respond to inhaled corticosteroids.12
eosinophilic bronchitis pollution from biomass combustion The Japanese Cough Research Society criteria for
Hard metal disease Exposure to air pollutants such as recognizing atopic cough include.10
nitrogen oxides from gas cooking ÂÂ Nonproductive cough lasting for >8 weeks without
stoves or outdoor traffic
wheezing or dyspnea.
1086 Indian Journal of Clinical Practice, Vol. 24, No. 11, April 2014
ÂÂ Presence of one or more findings indicative of ÂÂ An assessment of health status and cough severity
an atopic constitution, including a past history should be done.
and/or complications of allergic diseases excluding ÂÂ Chest radiograph and spirometry which are
asthma. considered as mandatory should be advised.
ÂÂ No bronchial reversibility (defined as less than a ÂÂ Bronchial provocation testing should be performed
10% increase in forced expiratory volume in 1 sec in patients with chronic cough without a clinically
(FEV1) after inhalation of 300 μg salbutamol sulfate obvious etiology and normal spirometry.
ÂÂ Normal bronchial responsiveness.
ÂÂ Bronchoscopy should be performed in all patients
ÂÂ Increased cough reflex. with chronic cough and suspected foreign body
ÂÂ Cough-resistant to bronchodilator therapy. inhalation.
ÂÂ No abnormal findings indicative of cough etiology ÂÂ High resolution computed tomography may be
on chest X-ray. helpful in patients with chronic cough in whom
ÂÂ Normal FEV1 (≥80% of predicted value) and normal other more targeted investigations are normal.
forced vital capacity (FVC) and FEV1/FVC ratio. ÂÂ Optimal management strategies should be chosen
based on the most likely aggravator(s) by using a
Characteristics of Allergic Cough
combination of diagnostic testing and treatment
Allergic cough is characterized by a loud barking trials.
sound with intensity and force that is similar to
ÂÂ Effects of treatment should be quantified.
sneezing in hay fever. This type of cough is paroxysmal
and nonproductive in nature, and may last from a
few minutes to hours or days.11 In contrast, cough
associated with cough-variant asthma is dry and With respect to allergic cough, the radiographic as
nocturnal in nature while atopic cough is isolated in well as physical examination of the chest and sputum
nature with cough hypersensitivity and normal airway analysis may be within normal limits. Patients with
responsiveness. Eosinophilic bronchitis, on the other allergic cough may not look or feel sick, but may
hand, is characterized by a troublesome cough that is complain of an itchy, scratchy or rubbing sensation
devoid of asthma symptoms and hyper-responsiveness.8 deep in the throat, leading to an irritation which can
Pathophysiological events, following allergen exposure reflexly cause coughing spells.11
are generally biphasic.6
ÂÂ The early phase is mediated by mast cell-derived
Differential Diagnosis of Common Allergic
mediators. Respiratory Conditions Causing Cough
ÂÂ The late phase response that occurs from 4 to 12 Although allergic cough may resemble asthmatic
hours after exposure and persists up to 24 hours, cough, it can be differentiated by a normal chest
involves increased recruitment and activation of examination and the lack of sibilant and sonorous rales
inflammatory cells such as T cells, neutrophils, and prolonged expiration that is observed in asthmatic
macrophages and eosinophils. cough.
Indian Journal of Clinical Practice, Vol. 24, No. 11, April 2014 1087
ASM = Airway smooth muscle; BAL= Bronchoalveolar lavage; n/a = Not applicable; NK = Not known. + = Often present; ± = Sometimes
present; − = Not present; ↑ = Increased; ↓ = Not increased.
10 mg once a day is recommended. Nasal cromolyn, the treatment against potential aggravating factors
corticosteroids and azelastine may also be helpful. remains unsatisfactory.13 Most antitussives available
Upper airway cough syndrome can be managed with are combinations of dextromethorphan or codeine
a trial of H1 antihistamines and decongestants for a with antihistamines, expectorants, decongestants
period of 1-2 weeks. Patients who respond or partially and/or antipyretics. Codeine is a commonly used,
respond to this treatment are advised to continue on centrally-acting cough suppressant and its effectiveness
the same for one more week and nonresponders are in suppressing artificially-induced, disease-related
cough-variant asthma can be managed with the use of and chronic cough has been established from animal
inhaled steroids by metered-dose inhaler with spacer models and in humans. Codeine has analgesic and
or salbutamol by metered-dose inhaler with spacer as sedative effects in addition to its antitussive property,
needed. Improvement of cough is usually noted within which may be useful in relieving painful cough. The
1 week and resolution may take 6-8 weeks. Patients with American College of Chest Physicians (ACCP) evidence-
this type of cough may require long-term maintenance based clinical practice guidelines recommend cough
therapy with an anti-inflammatory agent. For managing suppressants such as codeine and dextromethorphan
eosinophilic bronchitis, inhaled budesonide, 400 μg for short-term symptomatic relief of cough in patients
twice-daily for a period of 1-2 weeks is recommended; with chronic bronchitis.14
equivalent doses of other inhaled corticosteroids are
also effective. Patients with this condition may require Conclusions
long-term therapy. Avoidance of aggravants is advised Allergic cough is characterized by the presence of
if the condition is found to be associated with an marked familial history, past history and/or concomitant
environmental irritant such as acrylic resin.3 allergic conditions, sensitivity to allergens readily
demonstrable by skin testing, therapeutic response to
Value of Antitussive Agents
epinephrine and its periodic nature. Chronic cough
A trial of antitussive therapy is generally indicated is a common symptom in a multitude of allergic
for patients with chronic dry cough when the cause diseases in adults, which makes the diagnosis and
of an increased cough reflex is not known or when treatment quite challenging. Differential diagnosis and
1088 Indian Journal of Clinical Practice, Vol. 24, No. 11, April 2014
a systematic therapeutic approach might simplify the the management of cough in adults. Thorax 2006;61 Suppl
management of cough related to allergies. Avoidance 1:i1-24.
of offending allergen is the first-line of defense to 6. Brozmanová M, Calkovský V, Plevková J, Bartos V, Plank
reduce the possibility of an allergic attack. Various L, Tatár M. Early and late allergic phase related cough
therapeutic options available for the management response in sensitized guinea pigs with experimental
of cough associated with allergic conditions. Use of allergic rhinitis. Physiol Res 2006;55(5):577-84.
antitussive agent such as codeine or dextromethorphan 7. Gawchik S, Goldstein S, Prenner B, John A. Relief of cough
is suggested for the short-term symptomatic relief of and nasal symptoms associated with allergic rhinitis by
dry cough. mometasone furoate nasal spray. Ann Allergy Asthma
Immunol 2003;90(4):416-21.
Key Messages
8. Chung KF, Pavord ID. Prevalence, pathogenesis, and
ÂÂ Chronic cough is a common symptom in a multitude causes of chronic cough. Lancet 2008;371(9621):1364-74.
of allergic diseases in adults, which makes the
9. Tarlo SM. Cough: occupational and environmental
diagnosis and treatment quite challenging.
considerations: ACCP evidence-based clinical practice
ÂÂ Differential diagnosis and a systematic therapeutic guidelines. Chest 2006;129(1 Suppl):186S-196S.
approach might simplify the management of cough
10. Magni C, Chellini E, Zanasi A. Cough variant asthma and
related to allergies.
atopic cough. Multidiscip Respir Med 2010;5(2):99-103.
References 11. Prigal SJ. Allergic cough. Chest 1942;8(4):115-20.
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Frontiers 2009;3:187-201.
2. Iyer RK, Joshi JM. Future drugs for the treatment of dry
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3. Irwin RS, Madison JM. The diagnosis and treatment of Lancet 2008;371(9621):1375-84.
cough. N Engl J Med 2000;343(23):1715-21. 14. Irwin RS, Baumann MH, Bolser DC, Boulet LP, Braman SS,
4. Rai SP. Chronic cough. J Assoc Physicians India 2013;61(5 Brightling CE, et al; American College of Chest Physicians
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5. Morice AH, McGarvey L, Pavord I; British Thoracic summary: ACCP evidence-based clinical practice
Society Cough Guideline Group. Recommendations for guidelines. Chest 2006;129(1 Suppl):1S-23S.
Indian Journal of Clinical Practice, Vol. 24, No. 11, April 2014 1089
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