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吉隆坡康乐华小 四年级 英文作文 (2016)

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[10 MARK]

Study the map given below carefully and use the information to complete the text.

Vincent is at the bus stop. He wants to go to the public library. Tell him the way to the library.

From the bus stop, go along Jalan Tiong until you come to a crossroads. At the junction,
________________________________________________. You will see a row of
___________________________ on your left. Go straight on until you come to another crossroads.
Turn left into Jalan Riang and go on until you come to a __________________________. There,
________________________________ into Jalan Inti. The public library is on your right. It is
opposite a _________________________.

[10 marks]

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Study the tree map given below carefully and answer the following questions in the spaces provided.

Love Yourself: Healthy Body, Healthy Mind

To be physically To be careful of To exercise To get enough

fit what one eats regularly sleep everyday

Exercises for at Needs six to eight

Helps pupils Eats a balanced
least 20 minutes hours of sleep a
study well diet
a day day

Drinks at least Better alertness

Enjoys a healthy Feels fresher,
eight glasses of and
life more energetic
water every day concentration

List three examples to be healthy in body and mind.

i. ________________________________________________________________________

ii. ________________________________________________________________________

iii. ________________________________________________________________________

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B (ii)

Sri Petaling Town Council is organising Sports Awareness Month. Complete the email below to tell
your friend about three not to be missed activities. Write your answers in the spaces provided.

Subject: Sports Awareness Month


Hope you are _________________. I come across a poster and I wish to share with you.
They will be having a few activities. First, you can join the _________________. There will be
an instructor to teach you some techniques. Then, there will be ___________________. A coach will
be there to teach you different swimming strokes. Besides, there will be a _________________ too.
This is good to build your stamina in running.

I hope we can join together.



此考卷版权为该学校所有,我们仅重新排版,游览 30.com.my 以下载更多历年考卷

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