Preposition P5
Preposition P5
Preposition P5
• after/later
after —— 后面要加句子(phrase)
I will call you after I get home from work.
➢ afterwards 句子的最后面
“Did you go straight home after the baseball game?”
“No, we went out for drinks after.”
“No, we went out for drinks afterwards.”
I will call you later.
• by/until
Please send me the information by Monday.
He’s staying in London until the 30th.
• during/while
She cried during the movie.
➢ to talk about something that occurs at the same time as a longer action
or event that is described in the main clause
I was asleep in my chair when Dora rang to say she was not coming
We were playing monopoly when the lights went off.
➢ whenever 每一次
My grandmother will bring some presents for me when she comes to
visit me.
My grandmother will bring some presents for me whenever she comes
to visit me.
➢ to describe the longer action of two events or to talk about two longer
actions that go on simultaneously
Dora left a message on the voice mail while I was sleeping in my room.
I was cooking the supper while Jenny was ironing the clothes.
➢ meanwhile = during this time
She spent four years studying for her law degree. Meanwhile, she
continued to work at the bank.
• between…and 介于…和…
This campaign will be held between 2 days and 5 days.
Twelve fifteen
Twelve o'clock or
• As Soon As / As Long As
2. come by ——obtain
Cheap organic food is still difficult to come by.
7. die down ——fade away (if something dies down, it becomes much less
noisy, powerful, or active)
I waited for the laughter to die down before I spoke.
The strong wind died down during the night.
8. die out ——disappear
The tribe’s traditional way of life is dying out.
9. drop by ——visit
She drops by her friend’s house to take the dress.