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First Week Body Weight Influenced Growth Performance and Morphometric Traits in Commercial White Leghorn Layers

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International Journal of Applied Biology and Forensics (2018) 2(3): 213-219

Copyright © 2018 All Rights Reserved

ISSN: 2520-7318 (Online) | 2520-730X (Print)


First Week Body Weight Influenced Growth

Performance and Morphometric Traits in
Commercial White Leghorn Layers
*Shamoil Tariq1, Jibran Hussain2, Muhammad Usman3, Athar Mahmud4, Faisal Husnain5, Abdul Ghayas6 and Mudassar

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
Department of Poultry Production, University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Lahore-Pakistan
*Correspondence: shamoilraj@yahoo.com


A study was conducted to evaluate the effect of first week body weight on growth performance and morphometric traits
in white Leghorn layers. A total of 160, one week old, commercial chicks (LSL-lite) were equally divided into four body
weight groups, comprising of 4 replicates of each group having 10 birds/replicate according to Randomized Complete
Block Design (RCBD). Experimental treatments consisted of four body weight categories i.e. jumbo (J), heavy (H),
medium (M), low (L) with body weight >75 grams, 70-74 grams, 65-69 grams and <65 grams respectively. The data were
analysed using one-way ANOVA technique and means were compared through Duncan’s Multiple Range (DMR) test.
Statistical analysis revealed significant (P≤0.05) variations in body weight (g) of LSL layers in initial period of rearing. But
at later stages, differences in body weight were negligible (P>0.05). Feed intake (g), body weight gain (g) and mortality%
were also not influenced by first week body weight categories. Significantly (P≤0.05) higher body length, breast width,
shank length and wing span were observed in Jumbo weight category birds. In conclusion, first week body weight of more
than 75 grams could be an incentive for morphometric traits without any detrimental termination of growth phase of white
Leghorn commercial layer.

Keywords: Leghorn Layer, Body Weight Category, Growth Performance, Morphometric Traits

How to Cite: Tariq S, Hussain J, Usman M, Mahmud A, Husnain F, Ghayas A, Rasul M. 2018. First Week Body Weight Influenced Growth Performance
and Morphometric Traits in Commercial White Leghorn Layers. International Journal of Applied Biology and Forensics 2: 213-219

Published: September, 2018

Copyright Statement: An open-access article distributed under Creative Commons Attribution License, with unrestricted use, distribution, and
reproduction in any medium, crediting the original author and source.
Funding Statement: No funding statement
Competing Interests: The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.

Volume 2 | Issue 3 | Page 213

Tariq et al. 2018

Introduction Materials and Methods

Like other animal production sectors, the main The proposed study was conducted at
objective of commercial layer farming is to obtain higher Experimental Layer Unit, Department of Poultry
egg yield at the lowest possible cost. Economic success Production, University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences,
for a layer flock is measured by total number of eggs laid Ravi campus, Pattoki to investigate the growth, productive
(Monira et al. 2003). Most of the commercial strains can performance and egg characteristics in LSL layer from
lay 260 eggs and some improved breeds can lay 300 different initial chick weight categories. A total of 160, one
eggs per year as compared to indigenous chicken of week old, commercial chicks LSL lite were equally divided
Pakistan which can lay only 60 eggs per bird per annum into four treatment groups, comprising of 4 replicates of
(Farooq et al. 2004). 10 birds each according to randomized complete block
However, commercial layer farming needs strong design. Experimental treatments were consisted of four
technical skills and management knowledge for better BW categories i.e. Jumbo (J), heavy (H), medium (M), low
production and profit. Scientist are working on (L) with average body weight >75 grams, 70-74 grams,
improvement of production performance along with 65-69 grams and <65 grams respectively.
decreasing the body weight and feed intake in commercial Birds were maintained at layer house having
layers. But onset of early maturity and correct body weight dimension of 20 × 25 × 15 ft. The birds were placed in the
before and after the onset of maturity is still the cages having dimension of 2 × 3× 3 ft with manual
continuous managemental problem for the farmers. Major drinking and feeding system. The birds were fed with
emphasis on maintaining the body weight before the ration prepared according to LSL lite feeding standards
onset of maturity may contribute to solving practical for different phases (brooding, rearing, pre-laying and
problem despite of developing principal through scientific laying) for a period of 30 weeks. Effect of these first week
approach. body weight categories was observed on growth
Management of body growth rate in layer is performance, morphometric traits and productive
predictor of subsequent egg production. Welfare traits in performance of commercial layer.
meat as well as egg type poultry has been focus by
producer for consumer interest in recent years. Both, the Table 1: Diet Plan for First Week
growth and morphometric traits of chicken has been Ingredient Grower/Rearing diet
influenced by genetics, age, selection and managemental Corn 29.7
techniques (Sonaiya et al. 1986; Ezzeldin et al. 1994; Wheat 25
Adeleke et al. 2004). Raw Rice Bran 8
Certain conditions such as chick quality, housing, Wheat Bran 7
rearing systems and many others; of these, chick quality Soybean meal (44% CP) 7.40
gets the prime importance as it is the starting material for Rape seed 6
poultry business. Chick quality is measured by the day old Mollases 3
chick weight, residual egg yolk, alertness, feather and Canola meal 6
colour and some other factors (Petek et al. 2010). Corn Glutten meal 1
However, it is very necessary to understand the Feather meal 4
relationship between 1st week weight on growth Bone ash 0.83
parameters of chick through optimum feeding and Calcium corbonate 0.80
environment because the birds show their genetic Salt 0.30
potential in early age of their life which primarily depends Lysine sulphate 0.49
upon feeding and environment. Feed consumption in DL-Methionine 0.09
layer during laying period decreases in large weight birds Premix 0.30
as compared to the birds having less weight (Farooq et Total 100
al. 2002).
Through empowerment the genetic potential Growth performance was studied in terms of feed
earlier in life will make easier to attain the flock BW intake, body weight, body weight gain and liveability for
uniformity before the start of their production by changing the duration of thirty weeks. Body measurements were
the quantity of feeding. Selection for body weight will recorded on weekly basis with the help of measurement
resulted in early maturity, lesser feed intake, better tape. Body length was assessed by measuring the length
production and egg quality (Mahmoud 2016). of stretched chick from the tip of beak to the tip of middle

Volume 2 | Issue 3 | Page 214

Tariq et al. 2018

Table 2: Effect of Initial Chick (1 week) Weight on Growth Performance (1-20 Weeks) of LSL-Lite Layers
First Week Body Final Body Weight (20 Feed Intake Liveability
Body Weight st th
Weight Week) (1 to 20 week) (1st 20 weeks)
--------------------------(g)------------------------- --( % )--
Jumbo (> 75g ) 76.91±0.56a 1134.50±21.76 6789.70±20.91 99.89±0.07
Heavy (70-74 g) 71.93±0.43b 1075.00±26.73 6815.60±28.28 99.94±0.06
Medium (65-69 g) 66.72±0.55c 1113.50±24.43 6816.70±29.44 99.94±0.06
Low ( < 65 g) 57.40±0.33 d 1110.50±18.26 6816.90±21.60 99.94±0.06

toe (Petek 2008). Breast width was calculated on weekly Whereas,

basis with the help of Vernier calliper from one end to Yij = Observation of dependent variable recorded on ith
another end of the breast. Shank length was recorded chick weight
from hock joint to the tarsus bone. Wing span was µ = Population mean
measured by the distance from head of humerus to the tip Ʈi = Effect of ith initial chick weight
of digit by using the measurement tape. (i = 1, 2, 3, 4; J, H, M, L)
Data were analysed through one-way ANOVA Ԑij= Residual effect associated with jth observation on ith
technique (Steel et al. 1997) using PROC GLM in SAS treatment, assumed that data is normally and
software (SAS 2002-03). Comparison of means were independently distributed NID ~ 0, σ2.
worked out through Duncan’s Multiple Range test
(Duncan 1955) assuming following mathematical model: Results
Yij= µ + Ʈi + Ԑij
Table 2 and figures 1-7 indicates the summary of our
60 **
Average Daily Feed intake

* 1200
50 **
Body weight (g)

800 *
30 *
600 *
* **
400 *
10 *
200 **
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Week 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29
Jumbo Heavy Medium Low Jumbo Heavy Medium Low

Figure 1: Effect of initial chick weight on Average Daily feed Figure 2: Effect of initial chick weight on weekly body weight of
intake of LSL lite layer LSL lite layer
*Significant difference (P≤0.05) *Significant difference (P≤0.05

Volume 2 | Issue 3 | Page 215

Tariq et al. 2018

100 6 * ****
* **
90 *
5.5 *
80 * *
5 *
* **
60 4.5

Breast width (cm)

weight gain (g)

* *



10 2.5

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2
1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29
Jumbo Heavy Medium Low
Jumbo Heavy Medium Low

Figure 3: Effect of initial chick weight on weekly body weight gain

of LSL lite layer Figure 5: Effect of initial chick weight on breast width of LSL lite
*Significant difference (P≤0.05) layer
*Significant difference (P≤0.05)

* 9.5 *
*** * **** * **
* *** 8.5
50 *** *
Body Length (cm)

Shank length (cm)

35 * 5.5
30 * 4.5
* *
* 3.5 *
1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29
1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 Week

Week Jumbo Heavy Medium Low

Jumbo Heavy Medium Low

Figure 6: Effect of initial chick weight on shank length of LSL lite
Figure 4: Effect of initial chick weight on body length of LSL lite *Significant difference (P≤0.05)
*Significant difference (P≤0.05

Volume 2 | Issue 3 | Page 216

Tariq et al. 2018

23 (Varkoohi et al. 2010). Similarly, Deaton et al. (1979)

reported that initial BW non- significantly affect the BW at
21 * 12th and 18th week of commercial layers under cage
rearing system. Contrarily to the present results,
19 McNaughton et al. (1977) found that if BW is reduced at
the age of 12th weeks, it would have reduced BW at the
17 age of maturity 18th week under summer climatic
Wing spread (cm)

conditions. Another study reported that initial BW

15 * significantly affect the BW of have laying hens at maturity
* (Harms et al. 2000). No significant differences (P>0.05)
* were measured in cumulative weight gain among all
groups, however, significantly (P≤0.05) positive
11 * correlation was recorded during 1st, 4th and 5th week
* weight gain while this phenomenon was observed to be
negatively correlated at 12th and 17th week. Because, a
* bird consume only 3.5 g more feed even after 100 g
increase in body weight (Leeson and Summers 1987) and
5 birds from lower BW category showed compensatory
1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 growth. Similarly, in egg laying birds as BW increases,
week weight gain in heavy BW birds was measured to be
decreased as compared to the weight gain in low BW
Jumbo Heavy Medium Low
birds (Butcher and Nilipour 2008). Not any significant
differences were observed regarding overall livability
Figure 7: Effect of initial chick weight on wing span of LSL lite among different groups. It might be due to better
management and put out of flock from detrimental or
*Significant difference (P≤0.05)
lethal microbes resulted into increase livability. Similarly,
Discussion Sun and Coon (2005) found no difference in liveability
among broilers of different BW categories.
Growth Performance
Morphometric traits
The study observed no difference (P>0.05)
regarding cumulative feed intake during a period of 20 The significantly (P≤0.05) higher body length in
weeks among different groups, However, trend regarding weekly trends were recorded in J and lower in M among
average daily feed intake showed significant (P≤0.05) groups. This might be due to significantly positive genetic
differences during 8th to 14th week. Birds at immature correlation between the BW and body length in all kinds
stage showed the compensatory growth and hence find of poultry (Petek 2008). Therefore, improvement of one
no difference during growing period (Lacin et al. 2008). trait will be resulted into improvement of other one
These results are in accordance with Leeson and (Olawumi 2014).These results were in accordance with
Summers (1987) pointed out that prior to 15th week when (Molenaar 2007; Molenear et al. 2005; Msoffe et al. 2005;
the birds are immature found no variation in feed intake Wolanski et al. 2007) who found that body length has
on the basis of different initial body weight. Contradictory positive correlation with the 7 week chick weight and as
to the current finding, the birds with higher BW consume BW increases in BW the body length also increases in
more feed as compared to those which have low body poultry (Petek et al. 2008). Another scientist Kolawole and
weight (Harms et al. 1982; Lacin et al. 2008). Differences Salako (2010) observed positive association between BW
in body weight remained significant (P≤0.05) from start till and body length in cane rat. Significantly (P≤0.05) higher
11th week in the same pattern. However, with the breast width was noted in J and lower in M category at
passage of time after 11th week, variations in body weight laying stage but no difference were found during growing
decreased non-significantly (P>0.05) till the 20th week. period. Higher breast width in the heavy birds in later
Possibly, this had no effect on final weight of egg laying phases could be attributed to more myofibers
birds because of similar genetic potential (Marks 1971; development (15-20 %) than in low weight birds
Sefton and Siegel 1974; Shamma 1981; Darden and (Remignon et al. 1995). Similar to current finding, the
Marks 1988) and genotype (Mohammed et al. 2006; selection for higher BW resulted into increase in breast

Volume 2 | Issue 3 | Page 217

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