038 Derk Steinberg Iyengar Yoga Therapy AIHM2017
038 Derk Steinberg Iyengar Yoga Therapy AIHM2017
038 Derk Steinberg Iyengar Yoga Therapy AIHM2017
Menstruation and
Menstrual Disorders
Gwendolyn Derk, CIYT, CIAYT, MD/PhD candidate
Lois Steinberg, CIYT, CIAYT, PhD
Disclosure Statement
Gwendolyn Derk and Lois Steinberg have
indicated no financial relationships with
any commercial interest relevant to this
Slide 2
MDC1 Attention Speakers: Please include this disclosure statement and add speaker names if
no financial relationships. If there are financial relationshps, please add that on the
Faculty Disclosure slide
Megan Denhardt, CAE, 6/22/2017
Workshop Objectives
• Review current state of research
• Explain the basic physiological concepts of
menstruation as well as the most common
pathologies and connect them to body posture
• Discuss Iyengar Yoga Therapy menstruation
sequences for healthy women
• Identify poses that are contraindicated during
Menstrual Disorders & Dysmenorrhea
Primary Dysmenorrhea
Secondary Dysmenorrhea
‐ Endometriosis
‐ Adenomyosis
‐ Fibroids
‐ Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome
Osayande, AMIMI, and Suarna Mehulic. "Diagnosis and initial management of
dysmenorrhea." Am Fam Physician 89.5 (2014): 341‐6.
Prevalence for Dysmenorrhea
• Range from 20 to 91%
• Surveys from the United States, Europe, &
Australia that 20% of women have
dysmenorrhea that stops them from
participating in usual activities
• A recent cross sectional study from Ethiopa
reported that 67% of female college students
reported having dysmenorrhea and 60% said it
affects their school performance
Oates, Jennifer. "The Effect of Yoga on Menstrual
Disorders: A Systematic Review." The Journal of
Alternative and Complementary Medicine (2017).
Evidence: Yoga for Dysmenorrhea
2017 Systematic Review with 15 primary studies
Oates, Jennifer. "The Effect of Yoga on Menstrual
Disorders: A Systematic Review." The Journal of
Alternative and Complementary Medicine (2017).
Year Author Design & Age Intervention Dose Outcome Results
& Sample Measures
2012 Sakuma RCT, 68 20‐64 Home based ~6 min VASP, BMI, Pain reduced
(Japan) healthy yoga DVD; asana &2 flexibility, grip in good
women asana and min test, reach adherence
(44 yoga, pranayama pranayama test, General group
24 control) every day Health pre/post
for 2 weeks Questionnaire (p<0.05) &
and 4 week compared to
follow up control, and
GHQ score
improved in
yoga group
Oates, Jennifer. "The Effect of Yoga on Menstrual
Disorders: A Systematic Review." The Journal of
Alternative and Complementary Medicine (2017).
Year Author & Design Age Intervention Dose Outcome Results
Country & Measures
Oates, Jennifer. "The Effect of Yoga on Menstrual
Disorders: A Systematic Review." The Journal of
Alternative and Complementary Medicine (2017).
Year Author & Design & Age Intervention Dose Outcome Results
Country Sample Measures
Year Author Design & Age Intervention Dose Outcome Results
& Sample Measures
Oates, Jennifer. "The Effect of Yoga on Menstrual
Disorders: A Systematic Review." The Journal of
Alternative and Complementary Medicine (2017).
Efficacy of Yoga for Dysmenorrhea
Summary: All studies suggest reduced menstrual
distress following a yoga intervention, but further
higher quality research is warranted.
Heterogeneity of Interventions (Type and Intensity) & Outcomes
• Descriptions of interventions (supplements with
• Crystal Parks EYPQ survey
• Validated survey tools (NIH PROMIS, MDQ)
• Adequate reporting using tools from the Equator
Network (CONSORT, PRISMA, etc.)
Oates, Jennifer. "The Effect of Yoga on Menstrual
Disorders: A Systematic Review." The Journal of
Alternative and Complementary Medicine (2017).
• Retrospective study
• Data was collected at Iyengar Yoga Champaign‐Urbana (IYCU)
over a 17‐year study period from 1999 to 2016
• Yoga therapy participants filled out a brief survey ranking their
physical and mental health status (7‐point scale: 0 being
extremely good, 3 being neutral, 7 extremely bad) before and
after each class
• Detailed patient history form
• Normalized to values between 0 and 1
• Repeated‐measure mixed‐effect regressions were performed
to compare self‐rated health status before and after each yoga
session (n=4,126) stratified by chronic condition
• Two‐hundred participants attended a total of 4,126 yoga therapy sessions
• Ages ranged from 14 to 80 years with a mean and standard deviation of 45.9 ± 15 years
• The median time span of participation was 105 days (3.5 months) and the median number of
classes attended was 9
• The ratio of length of practice to the number of classes attended was calculated for each
student: the median ratio is 9.33 days per class, while the mean is 18.0 days per class
• Participants were 77% (n=154) female and 22.5% (n=45) male
• The repeated measures mixed effect model (n=4126) showed statistically significant
improvements in both physical status and mental status after a yoga therapy session
Workshop Objectives
• Review current state of research
• Explain the basic physiological concepts of
menstruation as well as the most common
pathologies and connect them to body posture
• Discuss Iyengar Yoga Therapy menstruation
sequences for healthy women
• Identify poses that are contraindicated during
Postural changes affect location,
morphology, and rib coverage of
the liver, spleen, and kidneys: each
organ was found to compress or
expand in the cranial‐caudal,
medial‐lateral, and anterior‐
posterior directions.
Ashley Hayes, et al. “Comparison of Organ
Location, Morphology, and Rib Coverage of a
Midsized Male in the Supine and Seated
Positions,” Computational and Mathematical
Methods in Medicine, vol. 2013.
Lafon, Yoann, et al.
"Combination of a model‐
deformation method and a
positional MRI to quantify the
effects of posture on the
anatomical structures of the
trunk." Journal of
biomechanics 43.7 (2010):
Postural Changes
Muscolino, Joseph E., and Simona Cipriani. "Pilates
and the “powerhouse”—I." Journal of bodywork and
movement therapies8.1 (2004): 15‐24.
Workshop Objectives
• Review current state of research
• Explain the basic physiological concepts
of menstruation as well as the most
common pathologies and connect them
to body posture
• Discuss Iyengar Yoga Therapy
menstruation sequences for healthy
• Identify poses that are contraindicated
during menstruation
Iyengar Yoga Methodology for
• Keep the abdomen and pelvic
region soft and open
• Avoid heating poses
• Extension of the front spine
• Relaxation of the mind
Iyengar, Geeta S. Yoga: A gem for women. Vol. 1. Allied
Publishers, 1998.
Workshop Objectives
• Review current state of research
• Explain the basic physiological concepts of
menstruation as well as the most common
pathologies and connect them to body
• Discuss Iyengar Yoga Therapy
menstruation sequences for healthy
• Identify poses that are contraindicated
during menstruation
Contraindications for Menstruation
• Inversions
• Deep Twists
• Abdominal Gripping Poses
Iyengar, Geeta S. Yoga: A gem for women. Vol. 1. Allied
Publishers, 1998.
Parsva Supta Padangusthasana
Steinberg, Lois. Geeta S. Iyengar's Guide to a Woman's Yoga
Practice. Vol. 1. United States: Parvati Productions, 2006. Print.
Prasarita Padottanasana
Steinberg, Lois. Geeta S. Iyengar's Guide to a Woman's Yoga
Practice. Vol. 1. United States: Parvati Productions, 2006. Print.
Upavistha Konasana
Steinberg, Lois. Geeta S. Iyengar's Guide to a Woman's Yoga
Practice. Vol. 1. United States: Parvati Productions, 2006. Print.
Baddha Konasana
Supta Baddha Konasana
Steinberg, Lois. Geeta S. Iyengar's Guide to a Woman's Yoga
Practice. Vol. 1. United States: Parvati Productions, 2006. Print.
Viparita Dandasana
Steinberg, Lois. Geeta S. Iyengar's Guide to a Woman's Yoga
Practice. Vol. 1. United States: Parvati Productions, 2006. Print.
SetuBanda Sarvangasana
Treatments for Dysmenorrhea
Oates, Jennifer. "The Effect of Yoga on Menstrual
Disorders: A Systematic Review." The Journal of
Alternative and Complementary Medicine (2017).
“Words cannot convey the value
of yoga – it has to
be experienced.”
– BKS Iyengar
Gwendolyn Derk, CIYT, CIAYT, MD/PhD candidate
University of Illinois, Urbana‐Champaign