Introduction To Dilute Magnetic Semiconductors: PACS Numbers
Introduction To Dilute Magnetic Semiconductors: PACS Numbers
Introduction To Dilute Magnetic Semiconductors: PACS Numbers
Nan Zheng∗
Course: Solid Sate II, Instructor: Ebio Dagotto, Semester: Spring 2008,
Department of Physics and Astronomy, The University of Tennessee Knoxville
(Dated: April 13, 2008)
This paper begins with a brief introduction to the field of spintronics and dilute magnetic semi-
conductor (DMS), the second part discusses in detail on three typical DMS materials–(Ga,Mn)As,
(Ga,Mn)N and Transition metal doped oxide. Next mechanism of DMS ferromagnetism along with
its magneto transport properties are discussed. Following that, an important sample preparation
technique in DMS– Molecular Beam Epitaxial (MBE) – will be presented. Finally, conclusion and
outlook are made towards the future study on DMS.
PACS numbers:
B. Magnetotransport Properties
FIG. 7: Illustration of carrier mediated ferromagnetism in di-
lute magnetic semiconductor (Ga,Mn)As. Mn2+ ions sit on 1. Negative Magnetoresistance
trivalent Ga sites (triangles), and therefore act as electron
acceptors (providing holes) as well as producing a magnetic When magnetic ions are doped into semiconductor to
moment (arrows). form DMS, spin from magnetic ions can capture carri-
(A) The holes are thought to mediate ferromagnetic coupling
ers into its ferromagnetic spin cluster, due to spin-spin
between the magnetic Mn2+ ions.
(B) Below certain temperatures, a percolation network is exchange coupling between carriers and magnetic ions.
formed in which clusters of the holes are delocalized and hop The above procedure produces so called bounded mag-
from site to site, which is an effective mechanism for aligning netic polarizer (BMP). However, with increased external
Mn moments within the cluster network. field, BMP will be destroyed more and more, thus lead
to more and more leased carriers to conduct. Therefore,
DMS will display a negative magnetoresistance at low
H. Ohno studied Ga1−x Mnx As DMS. The samples dis-
played as both metal and insulator depend on Mn dose.
He discovered that for metallic samples, negative magne-
toresistance will intense with decreased temperature, and
reached its highest at Curie temperature Tc . While for
insulating samples, negative magnetoresistance was still
stronger even with temperature lower than Tc , and ex-
ternal magnetic field effected strongly on sample’s mag-
netoresistance at low temperatures[6]. Fig. 9 shows clear
negative magnetoresistance (11% at 10K) on a GaMnN
to surface Hall resistance Rsheet , i. e., RS = dcRsheet , vides the possibility to manipulate electron charge and
where c is a constant independent of temperature. spin at the same time, and opens a new field in
semiconducting technology to invent new electronic de-
vices. Although research on DMS application is still
3. Enhanced Magnetophotonic Effect at the stage of exploration, this field has already
present its wide spread future in practice. For ex-
Enhanced magnetophotonic effect is another unique ample, inserting DMS material into magnetic metal
property of DMS, angle change of polarization plane and semiconductor, one can realize ejection of carriers
(Faraday angle) can display magnitude of interactions with spin polarization into non-magnetic semiconduc-
between d, p and s electrons. Theoretical analysis indi- tor, and this technique can be applied to make spin
cates that, Faraday angle θF can be expressed as: polarized light-emitting diode[36]. While for certain
√ ferromagnetic/non-ferromagnetic multi-layer structures,
F0 β − α h2 ω 2 like GaMnAs/AlGaAs/GaMnAs[37] etc, by tuning tem-
θF ≈ M 2 l, (2) perature and voltage, one can control carrier concentra-
2hc gMn µB (Eg − h2 ω 2 )3/2
tion in semiconducting layer and magnetic coupling be-
where F0 is a constant, l is sample thickness, hω is tween magnetic layers, this property can be used to pro-
the energy of incoming photons, Eg is energy gap, M duce new magnetic-controled and photonic-controled de-
is magnetic intensity of the sample. Here, the value of vices.
β − α will vary according to different doping percentage
of composite atoms.
Experiment implies that Faraday Rotation Effect is
much stronger in III-V DMS like (Ga,Mn)As than the
original compound GaAs, with a 6 × 104 deg/cm Faraday
Rotation at temperature 10K and magnetic field 0.1T[2].
The field of DMS is developing in a remarkably fast
paste. nowadays researchers mainly focus on fundamen-
V. CONCLUSION AND OUTLOOK tal aspect, however with deeper and deeper understand-
ing through theoretical and experimental studies, the col-
Dilute magnetic semiconductors (DMS) has both semi- laboration between fundamental and applied research on
conducting and ferromagnetic properties, which pro- DMS will be increasingly intense and widespread.
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