Infrastructure PDF
Infrastructure PDF
Infrastructure PDF
I’m glad to be in my sixth year of service to the PC, but important as this job
is, it’s not what defines my life in public policy.
Across the bulk of my working life since the early 1990s, the only constant
has been my involvement in infrastructure.
The National Highway System; the original road safety blackspots program;
telecommunications; interstate rail freight; urban public transport franchises;
airport privatisation; the Channel Deepening project here in Melbourne; the
big desalination plant down at Wonthaggi; and the NBN (National
Broadband Network). These have defined the jobs I’ve done.
And even when I worked at Ansett, half of my week - every week - that was
not spent with regulators was spent on airport infrastructure.
These large and very long-term assets are so risky in their early stages that
private firms will generally not supply them, which is inherently the reason
that governments are involved in so much of infrastructure.
I just mentioned the NBN, the project that almost dare not whisper its
name. I see the media regularly fail to cite it when they talk about Snowy 2 or
one of the Connexes as being Australia’s biggest infrastructure project.
Really, what’s hard to spot about $30bn?
We were almost entirely focused on creating that least risky path - for a
project that embodied every kind of possible risk, on steroids.
Yet, also know that governments and public servants (and I’m one) are
generally deeply risk-averse.
So there is the conundrum. The most risk averse of parties has to become
the chief risk balancing party.
That is what we have to solve every time we consider one of these really big
And in your case, he said to me, you get way too much enjoyment from
prodding them as they glide by.
Simple clear communication really matters because our audience in
infrastructure is not the people in this room.
It is leaders who can change the nation for the better, but who have plenty of
other things to draw their attention.
Anyone who has worked on the kind of complex projects that make up
serious infrastructure investments knows the importance of constant
attention to alignment of the parties.
And third, we all like honesty and enthusiasm but I see them as more than
just pleasant human characteristics. They are more essential in our teams
even than is subject matter expertise.
When you move from rail projects to airport projects or water projects, as I
have done, you can’t claim to be an expert in each.
And it’s not just me. I brought in a roads guy to build our big desalination
project in Victoria. He was brilliant. I know you can buy or build up subject
matter expertise.
But at the decision maker level, you can’t buy honesty, it has to be inherent.
And for these hardest of all tasks, enthusiasm is the same.
I said this to Vince Graham after his IPA Oration a couple of years ago. He
gave me a particularly powerful slap on the back and rejected the idea.
I worked in Bob Hawke’s office back then, on rail reform as part of a set of
broader responsibilities in what was then called micro economic reform:
transport and communications, along with what became national
competition policy.
I’m sorry to say that so far I haven’t been so successful that to the current
generation of politicians, but we live in hope.
Going back to the 1970s, it was one of the failed dreams of the Whitlam
Government to take control of Australia’s inconsistent rail gauges and
deliver a national rail network and operator.
In return the Commonwealth would invest $350m (a fortune then, today it
buys you 2.9km of rail network from Port Botany) in new rolling stock,
terminals, signalling and the like.
The States diddled around for a bit to see if there was more on offer and
then jumped on the idea. Off-loading perennial loss-making businesses and
their workforces (we had negotiated the co-operation of the rail unions too)
was a god-send to them.
At the time, it was considered utterly irrational to separate rail track from
above rail operations. Despite their poor condition, no one in the Federal
Government had seriously considered rejecting the network assets, as the
States could then neuter any operational improvements by not maintaining
them; or altering train priorities as they already often did.
Vince had been hired as National Rail’s CEO and he told me this in a
typically straight-speaking meeting. His executives, concerned for my mental
health, sent me books (there were books!) on the lessons of rail transport and
the intrinsic linkage between track and train.
A bit like the guy who remade baseball by using the data to pick-the-value for
money players, my answer to Vince was based on the money. I asked him
how he proposed to maintain and upgrade a rail network stretching from
outside Brisbane to a hundred or so km outside Perth with the remainder of
$350m, now fast being spent on the world’s sexiest new rail wagons and
Now I’m not claiming to be the sole owner of the idea that became the
ARTC (Australian Rail Track Corporation). But success always has a
thousand fathers and failure is a lonely orphan.
And there was a time when me and two other guys – Leon Welsby at
Australian National and Rod Bullock at Booz Hamilton – were pretty lonely.
We had to convince not just Vince and his Board but also the Treasury to
fund the capital investment in new rail track infrastructure, just as we do
with roads (remember, the Commonwealth was at that time the proud
parent of a National Highway System).
And we improved on the road model by seeking out and contracting both
new private and public rail operators and charging them per train path, at
the minimum recovering the maintenance cost at least of each track section.
We called it the road transport model for rail, but from a true cost recovery
perspective, it was much better than road transport.
Vince Graham eventually endorsed the idea and did not nominate to take
the track into National Rail. We set up a separate entity to manage it, which
became the ARTC and guaranteed competitive neutrality between National
Rail and any new competitors.
No one but us thought there would be new competitors, but there were.
Small, to be sure, but private and efficient. And later, QR (Queensland Rail)
moved south.
The ARTC of today is a far more sophisticated entity than we started out
twenty odd years ago. But it has been responsible for ensuring that there is a
genuine rail alternative to heavy road transport and coastal shipping.
And it has allowed a couple of small private operators, and one large one, to
compete with the former National Rail and do so in a manner that ensures
that maintenance and some part of capital is recovered, and the track
infrastructure keeps up with demand.
First, because it represents the kind of policy leadership that we don’t see
much of today.
I know your past Chief Executive, Brendan Lyon, has gone on to better
things, but I thought I’d still mention a little example to show how much
road pricing has been at the forefront of my thinking, even in this job.
I looked down the list of luminaries speaking and figured I had nothing to
say that one of them would not cover better.
At the same time, we were engaged with a debate in Canberra about whether
it would be wise for the new Federal Roads Minister to open up a debate on
road pricing.
So I delivered a speech (I’m sure you can still find it) on what road policy
could learn from water policy. So there was a sort of tangential link to
Brendan’s conference theme.
But just to make sure people didn’t think they’d wandered into the wrong
conference, I did mark up the speech to indicate when I was going to move
full bore (*) into road pricing, so the water people could go out and get a
cup of coffee.
But no such luck tonight, water people.
For me, road pricing also dates back to the time I was working on rail reform
in Bob Hawke’s office. In heavy vehicle road reforms, we had some success
on safety and registration issues, but we didn’t really get far on pricing.
Twenty-five years on, there is still just a notional portion of fuel excise
designated as a proxy road user charge for heavy vehicles, and not even that
for light vehicles.
The idea that price should affect allocation of future investment is novel in
roads, even as it is common in water, energy, airports, telecommunications
or ports. Say ‘user pays’ and while eyes may roll at some regulator decisions,
it’s well-known what you mean and how it happens in each mode. And it
mostly works.
Because of effective pricing, stuff gets built most often where and when
people are prepared to pay for it.
The current lack of effective pricing for roads can be explained by the lack of
good crisis. If all else fails, you can generally be sure that better policy will be
applied as a consequence of that.
I’m not endorsing the idea that we welcome a crisis, it would always be better
to make policy change in advance of distorting the investment scene with a
But the comfort Commonwealth and State Treasuries have at present that
what we spend on roads is generally covered by a road tax paid by someone,
somewhere is disappearing quite fast.
The pressure on revenue is coming from a set of changes, some of which will
be bigger than we expect, and some smaller. But together they look
• Electric vehicles - Tesla took $US400m in $1000 deposits last year for
its new Model 3.
So in my view, the revenue crisis means we will need another source of road
charging in the 2020s, lest all the owners of fossil fuel guzzlers end up
subsidising all the hybrid and fully electric drivers.
There are a few hesitant signs that the Commonwealth Government might
be looking more closely at the coming e-vehicle revolution, after both
Infrastructure Australia and Infrastructure Partners Australia (IPA) drew
attention to the opportunity to embed a road user charge in e-vehicles, given
they will pay no fuel excise.
But toll concessions and availability can only deal with new infrastructure,
under the constraints we mentally place upon ourselves.
We will need to make that mental shift from paying only for new roads to
paying for a mix of older and newer roads and related projects - because the
misallocation of resources that will occur if we don’t will skew our future
new road funding towards investments that can be turned into concessions.
And that is not at all efficient.
And finally, we should recall for a moment what we can learn from user pays
in all other major infrastructure:
The trams are free in the CBD. Which means on wet week-nights, those
wanting to go one or two stops and keep out of the rain pack in and prevent
those who need the tram in order to get home from getting on.
Curiously, the first step to do road pricing properly is actually not to start
setting prices for road access.
No consumer, no heavy vehicle operator can have any confidence in
suddenly having to pay for a road that yesterday was apparently free.
You can guess the right first steps if you go back to what I said in opening
this address:
• Identify the public interest objective and be open about it, using
language that is clear – in this case, we have to pay for what we need
and we aren’t doing that.
• Establish a structure that aligns the funds raised (today, and forever)
from road use with the selection of projects to be funded in future.
There’s a very good Productivity Commission guide on how to do that
(published in 2014 and updated in 2017).
The biggest gains to this reform do not lie in getting more revenue. That will
just be the catalyst.
The true public interest objective is a system that selects the right projects –
projects where, as in other forms of infrastructure, people have a choice and
yet show they are prepared to pay for.
I was also thinking of talking tonight about airports, water projects or telco.
Some of the most enjoyable work I have ever done has been in those fields.
And like the ARTC, the policy models that I worked on which underpins
these parts of our national infrastructure still function pretty well today,
twenty or more years on in some cases.
There are critics - of airport price-monitoring, or the size of availability
payments for desalination or how much optical fibre future-proofs a digital
network against capacity choking.
But from the bigger picture perspective, the public interest objective is
generally being served.
There are newish bodies to help with this: Infrastructure Australia and its
NSW and Victorian counterparts have settled in to useful roles.