Hematology 2016
Hematology 2016
Hematology 2016
Division of Hematology, Cancer and Blood Diseases Institute, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center,
University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, Cincinnati, OH
Autoimmune hemolytic anemia (AIHA) is a rare and heterogeneous disease that affects 1 to 3/100 000 patients per year.
AIHA caused by warm autoantibodies (w-AIHA), ie, antibodies that react with their antigens on the red blood cell optimally
at 37°C, is the most common type, comprising ~70% to 80% of all adult cases and ~50% of pediatric cases. About half of the
w-AIHA cases are called primary because no specific etiology can be found, whereas the rest are secondary to other
recognizable underlying disorders. This review will focus on the postulated immunopathogenetic mechanisms in idiopathic
and secondary w-AIHA and report on the rare cases of direct antiglobulin test–negative AIHA, which are even more likely to
be fatal because of inherent characteristics of the causative antibodies, as well as because of delays in diagnosis and
initiation of appropriate treatment. Then, the characteristics of w-AIHA associated with genetically defined immune
dysregulation disorders and special considerations on its management will be discussed. Finally, the standard treatment
options and newer therapeutic approaches for this chronic autoimmune blood disorder will be reviewed.
DAT-negative AIHA have been now developed and used by reference laboratories; they are
In 1957, Evans and Weiser reported on the serology of immune he- calibrated so that the fluorescently labeled anti-human IgG on red cells is
molytic disease, describing 41 cases of autoimmune hemolytic anemia, detected at a sensitivity greater than that of the commercial DAT reagent,
4 of which had negative direct and indirect Coombs.17 In 1 case, RBC decreasing the frequency of a false-negative antiglobulin test.18,22,23
agglutination in the DAT was achieved only after preparing the anti-
globulin serum by injecting the patient’s own serum into rabbits. In the RBC autoantibodies may have low affinity and therefore are re-
other 3 cases, the 2 associated with infectious mononucleosis, auto- moved easily from the red cell surface during preparative washings
antibodies or isoantibodies, could not be demonstrated but transfused of the cells at room temperature, to perform direct Coombs. Cold
RBCs in these patients had a severely decreased survival, indicating that washing with isotonic or with low ionic strength saline at 4°C using
a factor extrinsic to the patients’ red cells was responsible for their refrigerated centrifuges can prevent the antibody loss from the RBC
destruction. Since then, numerous case series have studied anemia with surface, improving the sensitivity of the commercial DAT assay.18,24
clinical characteristics of w-AIHA but with negative DAT. Based on
such publications, the incidence of DAT-negative w-AIHA has been w-AIHA may be rarely due to sensitization of RBCs with IgA25,26 or
estimated at 3% to 11% of all cases, depending, at least in part, on the a warm-reacting, monomeric IgM alone instead of IgG, without
potency of the direct antiglobulin reagent used for the DAT.18 complement fixation,27 in which cases most commercial DAT re-
agents, containing only anti-IgG against the g heavy chain portion of
There are several inherent characteristics of the RBC autoantibodies the IgG molecule and anti-C3, are not detecting the antibodies.5
causing DAT-negative w-AIHA, and thankfully there are now al-
ternative methods to prove their existence, which are easier and faster Reference laboratories are offering enhanced DAT assays (orderable
than immunizing a rabbit with the patient’s serum. frequently as super-Coombs or micro-Coombs), using an extensive
list of methods reviewed in detail by Segel and Lichtman,18 to
Anti-RBC IgG may bind to the erythrocytes at relatively low levels confirm the immune basis of a hemolytic anemia with history and
causing hemolysis but being below the threshold of detection for the clinical and hematologic findings compatible with w-AIHA but with
commonly used DAT reagents. Kamesaki et al studied samples from negative routine DAT. Of note, in keeping with the observations that
154 patients with DAT-negative AIHA and from 62 patients with DAT- the intensity of DAT reaction does not correlate with the degree of
positive disease by immunoradiometric assay and determined that the hemolysis and severity of the disease, DAT-negative w-AIHA can be
first group had a mean red cell IgG density approximately an order of mild or severe and life threatening. Similarly to the DAT-positive
magnitude less (179 IgG molecules/red cell) than in DAT-positive disease, DAT-negative w-AIHA can also be primary or secondary,
patients (1397 IgG molecules/red cell).19 Normal RBCs from healthy may respond to steroids or splenectomy or may not, and requires the
control subjects had been previously determined to have a low level of same management approach.28-30
IgG adsorbed on their membrane, calculated at 33 6 13 molecules/cell
as detected by immunoradiometric assay20 or ,35 molecules/cell as AIHA associated with genetically defined immune
detected by complement-fixing, antibody consumption test.21 At the dysregulation
same time, the commercial DAT reagent and assay could not identify wAIHA presenting either simultaneously or sequentially with
positivity below ~500 molecules of IgG/cell.21 Flow cytometry assays thrombocytopenia is known as Evans syndrome.31 In fact, when
For danazol and most of the third- and fourth-line treatment medications, limited data are available; dosing regimen is based on case reports or small case series for patients with
w-AIHA or dosages that have been used in patients with ITP.
by the presence of autoantibodies, but transfusion services can a fatal outcome.43 Lechner and Jäger42 recommend an in vivo
usually evaluate for underlying alloantibodies that may have de- compatibility test when initiating a packed RBC transfusion in
veloped as a result of previous transfusions or pregnancies. Good a patient with w-AIHA: rapid infusion of 20 mL blood followed by
communication between the hematologist and the transfusion 20-minute observation. If no reaction is noted, then the rest of the
medicine physician is critical to assess and minimize the risks of unit is given at the usual speed.
transfusion in these settings.45,46 Of note, although reticulocytosis
is a typical diagnostic finding in hemolytic anemia, up to 20% of The dose of steroids used the first 72 hours varies widely between
adults and 39% of children with w-AIHA may present with re- different hematology teams from 1 to 2 mg/kg/dose of prednisone
ticulocytopenia, either due to inefficient erythropoietic response every 8 to 12 hours up to high-dose steroids, for example, 250 to
or due to autoantibody-mediated destruction of the late erythro- 1000 mg/day methylprednisolone.32,42,43 After the first 72 hours,
blasts and reticulocytes. Such cases typically demonstrate signif- the dose is decreased to 1 to 2 mg/kg/day in children and usually to
icant anemia and require aggressive transfusion support to avoid 30 to 80 mg/day in adults. About 80% of the patients with w-AIHA