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Name : Mahnoor Zahid

Roll no. : BSEF17M507

Assignment : Stats
Submitted to : Aurooj Butt
Analysis of Myths and Realities of Deforestation in
Northwest Pakistan
This research paper, as already defined in the title give details about deforestation in Pakistan.
This research paper is written by TANVIR ALI, BABAR SHAHBAZ AND ABID SULERI associated
with Department of Agricultural Extension, University of Agriculture Faisalabad.

The Industrial Revolution in the 18th century brought drastic changes to the manufacturing
industry that gradually led to economic growth and mass urbanization both in the developed
and the developing world. Fast forward to the 21st century, cities have rapidly expanded with
many of them under the definition of mega cities. On the other hand, even small towns and
villages have developed to such an extent that they are widely considered to be part of mega
cities as sub-urban regions. However, there is a huge cost to bear for such kind of expansions
and that is rapid deforestation.

When discussing about Pakistan, deforestation has increased by multiple folds due to which its
rate is now the highest in Asia. The failure to conserve forests in the country had a considerably
large negative environmental and economic impact that may likely reduce the feasibility of
sustaining clean air and soil for agricultural purposes over the next couple of decades.
International experts have called for preserving forests at a sustainable rate of 12 percent but
recent figures show that Pakistan’s total land reserved for forests has fallen to as low as 2.2
percent, which is quite abysmal. While in Europe and North America, deforestation is regulated
and emphasis is given to mass plantation of saplings; this is not the case for Pakistan where
there is no check and balance. Moreover, only 50 percent of the 400 million saplings planted in
the last few years were effective. Timber mafia still has a considerable influence over tree
cuttings and some trees such as Juniper are on the verge of extinction from the country.

In the mountain areas of NWFP trees and forest resources almost always have a place in rural
livelihoods. People rely on forests for fodder for livestock, timber for houses, and above all for
fuel wood, which is the most important, and often the only source of energy for cooking and
heating for most rural households. In addition, forest people collect diverse non-timber forest
products for use at the household level and for cash income .Farming is the most important
subsistence oriented livelihood in the mountain areas of NWFP. To meet their subsistence, the
farmers have to practice intensive method of cultivation, and bring marginal land under
cultivation through encroachment of forests and of steep slopes.

For the current research the NWFP was choosen because it has the largest area of productive
forests as compared to other provinces. About 40% of the country forests are in NWFP. Within
then two districts Mansehra and swat are selected because they have the maximum forest
cover. The data were obtained through structured questionnaire from 50 randomly selected
households in each village, and in total 400 interviews were conducted. The quantitative data
were analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Scientists (SPSS).

In this research paper the researcher first analyzes the Demographic characteristics of the
respondents. Literate people, illiterate people, their family, and their annual income which
shows that most of the households are extremely poor, illiterate and marginalized. Then he
analysis forest cover in last 5 years by calculating their frequency and percentage. Then he
describes the access to forest cover areas which suggest that majority of the local people do
not depend on the natural resource (forest and land) for their cash income, and the daily wage
labor and remittance is the most important source of cash income for most of the respondents.
In most of the cases 1 to 2 family members of the respondents had migrated to big cities
(mainly Karachi) to earn their livings. Focus group interviews revealed that most of the migrants
are doing low paid jobs like bus conductors/drivers, laborers etc.

Then the researcher describest Perception of the respondents regarding the trends of illegal
cutting of forests, by outsiders and villagers, during past 5 years. Which results that Majority of
the people (79%) blamed the forest department for the illegal deforestation, while only 16% of
the people told that the local people are responsible for illegal cutting, and 5% of the
respondents assigned miscellaneous causes of this effect. The researcher then eith the help of
bar graph describes the main source of cash incomes for the respondents household. Similarly
density of the forests was high in the past but now most of the forests are vanishing due to over
exploitation and illegal cuttings by the nexus of timber smugglers (timber mafia) and the
provincial forest department.
At the end the researcher concludes \that the general supposition that a large portion of the
backwoods assets are devastated by nearby timberland occupants isn't valid. Truth be told
neighborhood individuals don't cut trees for monetary purposes, be that as it may they need to
utilize minor piece of the timberland asset for their survival/subsistence, for example, fuel
wood, timber (for family unit utilize), pastures, grain. The deforestation comes about not just
because of the subsistence of the general population living in and around backwoods zones, yet
in addition because of the insufficient timberland administration procedures and terrible
administration by the common woods division. The ranger service augmentation benefit
offered by the office is very insufficient and doesn’t address the genuine issues. There is
a need to streamline ranger service expansion benefits in the zone by further

reinforcing the current group based and non legislative associations, with the goal that the
neighborhood individuals are engaged with the reforestation. They should be furnished with
instructive administrations in regards to feasible utilization of timberland assets and vital woods
administration. Investigation of exchange assets of fuel and vitality and giving preparing to
neighborhood individuals can be a positive advance to diminish deforestation. They additionally
should be prepared with respect to viable control of timber mafia and contribution of youth in
beneficial backwoods mind exercises. In the event that such measures are not dealt with, the
deforestation rate might be expanded, because of expanding subsistence of expanding masses.
Mountains will transform into the infertile zones causing high temperature, loss of biodiversity,
and a generous lessening in water stores

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