Physics 1: Kaunas University of Technology
Physics 1: Kaunas University of Technology
Physics 1: Kaunas University of Technology
Physics 1
Supervisor: B. G. Urbonavičius
KAUNAS, 2019
Student’s name and surname…….
Date: …………………..……..….
During this laboratory work we will experimentally investigate surface tension, wetting and
capillary phenomena and also determine the dependence of surface tension on the concentration
of a solution.
Cohesive forces between molecules cause the surface of a liquid to contract to the smallest
possible surface area. This general effect is called surface tension. Molecules on the surface are
pulled inward by cohesive forces, reducing the surface area. Molecules inside the liquid experience
zero net force, since they have neighbors on all sides. The model of a liquid surface acting like a
stretched elastic sheet can effectively explain surface tension effects. Surface tension supporting
the weight of an insect and an iron needle, both of which rest on the surface without penetrating
it. They are not floating; rather, they are supported by the surface of the liquid. (a) An insect leg
dents the water surface, which is a restoring force (surface tension) parallel to the surface. (b) An
iron needle similarly dents a water surface until the restoring force (surface tension) grows to equal
its weight.
Surface tension is
proportional to the
strength of the cohesive
force, which varies with
the type of liquid.
Surface tension 𝛾 is
defined to be the
force F per unit
length 𝐿 exerted by a
stretched liquid
𝑝 = 𝜌𝑔ℎ
𝜎 = 0,5𝑟𝜌𝑔ℎ
Used equipment:
1) Write down a radius of the capillary R, room temperature and mass density of water p at
this temperature.
2) Prepare the equipment for measurement:
a) Wipe the capillary with a paper towel.
b) Immerse the capillary into bottle with solution of lowest concentration, changing
pressure in tube B several times let the solution ,to go into capillary and then push it
back -this provides good wetting of the water levels in both hands of the manometer
are equal.
c) 3-for each given solution measure the difference of water levels H in the manometer
corresponding to equality of additional pressure in the capillary and extra pressure
due to immersing of the tube B. each time before changing measured solutions dry
out the capillary with paper towel.
d) 4- wipe the capillary with paper towel.
Through experiment we get this answer:
Z, % 0 10 20 40 80 96 X
<H> 30 22 20 14 12 11 16
Room temperature: 22.5 Co
Density: (997.56+997.80)/2=997.68
We calculated <H> for each %:
1) For 0% - 30
2) For 10% - 22
3) For 20% - 20
4) For X% - 16
5) For 40% - 14
6) For 80% - 12
7) For 96% - 11
Now we calculate the 𝜕 of the all 7 experiments:
1) 2 * 997.68 * 9.8 * 0.0004 * 30 = 586.5 (0%)
2) 19.55*22=371.45 (10%)
3) 19.55 * 20 = 391 (20%)
4) 19.55 * 16 = 312.8 (X%)
5) 19.55 * 14 = 273.7 (40%)
6) 19.55 * 12 = 234.6 (80%)
7) 19.55 * 11 = 215.05 (96%)
Now we should find the X%:
We know that it is between 20% and 40% by looking at the values
Lets say:
14(<H>) --- 100%(40)
20(<H>) --- 50%(20)
From this we understand that 40%-(40* 3 )=X%
And we get X to be 33.(3)%
From experiments provided above, one can conclude that despite some technical errors, we
determined approximate percentage of the alcohol in the given liquid, by doing what we proved
that we entirely understand surface tension. Moreover, from the line chart provided above, we can
notice that the line has similarity with hyperbola, which shows that σ and the percentage of the
alcohol in the liquid has an opposite relationship.
2) (Andrew
Zimmerman Jones, 4 January 2019)
water?qt-science_center_objects=0#qt-science_center_objects (Georgia State University)