Podcast Script
Podcast Script
Podcast Script
Intro: Who you are and what you’re going to discuss (30-60 seconds).
Music Jingle: Plays at the start of each episode so listeners can
easily identify your podcast (30 seconds).
Topic 1: Setting up your theme and topics (5 minutes).
Topic 2: Discussing your topics in detail (10 minutes).
Interlude: Music break or sponsor ad (30 seconds).
Topic 3: Continuing discussing your topics (10 minutes).
Outro: Summary of theme and topics with conclusion (5 minutes).
Closing Remarks: Thank the listener and talk about your next show
(2 minutes).
Music Jingle: Plays at the end of each episode so listeners can easily
identify your podcast (30 seconds).
Introduction Hi! Welcome to the Podcast.co podcast! Podcasts vs Radio, which is better?
Let’s find out! (Keep any introduction very brief and to the point. Say the name of the
podcast, maybe your own name or what the podcast is about, and what topic you’re
focusing on this episode.)
Sign Off & Call to Action That’s all for this episode! Thanks for listening, and remember, if
you want to support what we do then share, subscribe, and leave a review over on iTunes.
That’s all for now, but I’ll see you in the next episode of the Podcast.co podcast.
[OUTRO JINGLE AND POST-ROLL ADS] (Post-roll ads shouldn’t go on for too long as
not many listeners will stick around until the very end of the episode, so keep it short
and to the point.)
Intro: [Say your podcast name and topic, your name and who you are, what
you’re going to talk about, and your call to action] (Duration)
Music Jingle: Repeat at beginning of each episode to help listeners easily
identify your podcast (Duration)
Topic 1: [Set up your overall theme and discuss a point, topic, or segment in
detail] (Duration)
Topic 2: [Discuss one point, topic, or segment in detail] (Duration)
Interlude: [Music break or sponsor ad] (Duration)
Topic 3: [Discuss one point, topic, or segment in detail] (Duration)
Topic 4: [Discuss one point, topic, or segment in detail] (Duration)
Outro: [Summarize theme, topics, and segments with conclusion] (Duration)
Closing Remarks: [Thank audience, thank guests, talk about the next
episode, and do one final call to action] (Duration)
Closing Music Jingle: Repeat intro music jingle to help listeners identify the
jingle with your show (Duration)
Topic 1 Header (Duration)
o Main Point
Supporting Point
Supporting Point
o Supporting Data/Reference
o Case Study/Example/Anecdote
o Conclusion
Topic 2 Header (Duration)
o Main Point
Supporting Point
Supporting Point
o Supporting Data/Reference
o Case Study/Example/Anecdote
o Conclusion