Analysis of Criterion For Torsional Irregularity of Seismic Structures
Analysis of Criterion For Torsional Irregularity of Seismic Structures
Analysis of Criterion For Torsional Irregularity of Seismic Structures
The torsion effects caused by irregularity of plan layout of seismic structures have been emphasized for
seismic design in some codes. When and how to consider torsion effects is depended on the criterion and
relative regulations for torsional irregularity. There are some differences between the criterions from one
code to another. In this paper, the differences between the codes of China, USA and Europe are studied.
Through analyzing series of structures with eccentricity in one and two directions, the corelation between
torsion effects and the criterion adopted by the different codes is obtained. According to the analysis
results, it can be indicated that torsion effects has no dependency relation with the criterion adopted by the
codes mentioned above and some regulations in the code are not reasonable.
With the development of the theory of seismic design, the viewpoint is approved popularly that the torsion
effects resulting from the irregular layout of the structure should be considered. The criterion and some
relative regulations for torsional irregularity have been put forward in Code for Seismic Design of
Buildings of China (called GB50011-2001 for short)[1], United Building Code (version1997)(called
UBC97 for short) of USA [2], while the criterion for regularity of structures have been regulated in
Structural codes of Europe [3] (called EC8 for short). The rationality and practicability of these criterion
and relative regulations in these codes will be investigated in this paper.
In these three codes, for structures with torsional irregularities, the torsion effects should be considered in
two aspects, (1) The analysis models of structures should be spatial; (2) The modal analysis considering
torsion coupling should be adopted for seismic design. For the structures with extreme irregularities in
layouts of mass and stiffness, the torsion effects under seismic action in two directions should be
considered simultaneously. That is to say that the criterion for torsional irregularity of the seismic
structures can be further taken as the one for the irregular structures considering seismic action in two
directions simultaneously, thus the criterion for torsional irregularity becomes a keystone for the selection
of different design methods in the seismic design of the structures.
College of Civil Engineering, Chongqing University, Chongqing, 400045, China
Committee of Construction of Nan'an District, Chongqing, 400060, China
IN GB50011-2001, UBC97 AND EC8
In GB50011-2001, UBC97 and EC8, the criterion for torsional irregularity of the structures is
approximately in the same form as shown in Figure 1. Torsional irregularity should be considered when
maximum story drift (or inter-story drift) at one end of the structure transverse to an axis ( δ 2 ) is more than
1.2 times the average of the story drifts (or inter-story drifts) at the two ends of the structure .The criterion
is expressed in Equation (1).
δ1 + δ 2
δ2 > 1 .2 (1)
δ +δ2
θ = δ2 1 (2)
Where δ 1 and δ 2 are the story drifts (or inter-story drifts) at the two ends of the structure respectively. θ is
the parameter of the criterion.
Some differences between the terms of torsional irregularity are given as following,
1) δ 1 and δ 2 can be story drifts or inter-story drifts in GB50011-2001, and the maximum θ from the two
results of story drifts and inter-story drifts should be adopted, while these can only be inter-story drifts in
UBC97 and story drifts in EC8;
2) θ is calculated considering not only actual eccentricity, but also accidental eccentricity of ±5 percent of
the length of the structure in UBC97 and EC8, while in GB50011-2001 only actual eccentricity needs to
be considered; and
3) In the code of GB50011-2001, the maximum of θ is 1.5 while there is no similar provision in code of
UBC97 and EC8.
When the criterion are used in practice, some problems should be pointed out,
1) It is not convenient for engineers to determine θ at the beginning of the design. θ must be calculated
through the global analysis of structure;
2) The relative eccentricity is usually considered as the important factor influencing torsion effects, the
relationship between θ and relative eccentricity should be studied;
3) Story drifts (inter-story drifts) of different floors may be different. So θ may be different between
different floors. It is not clear that θ of which floor should be adopted in GB50011-2001, UBC97 and
EC8; and
4) If θ is a proper criterion for torisonal irregularity, whether it can further be taken as the criterion for
considering seismic action in two directions simultaneously should be studied.
Therefore, there are some unclearness and inconvenient in the criterion of torsional irregularity. The above
problems have been investigated by example analysis by Zheng [4] and the contents are extracted here.
Although the criterion for torsional irregularity looks simple, but the application of it has some confusions
and it is necessary to investigate the details of it and make it easy to use. For the factors influencing
torsion effects, many scholars approve the relative eccentricity is an important factor. The relationship
between θ and relative eccentricity and the relationship between torsional effects and θ are respectively
investigated by examples analysis of structures with eccentricity in one and two directions. Based on these
analyses, the applicability of the criterion will be evaluated, the superiority of story drift and inter-story
drift to calculate θ will be evaluated and the value of θ for different stories will be compared.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
er = ex 2 + ey 2 / r (4)
r= (a 2
+ b 2 12 (5)
Where exr is relative eccentricity for structures with eccentricity in X direction while er in two
directions, r is the radius of torsion rotate of the floor. a , b are the length of structure along X and Y
direction. The above information of all example structures are shown in table 1.
Results analysis
1F 3F 5F 1F 3F 5F
1.4 1.4
1.3 1.3
1.2 1.2
1.1 1.1
exr exr
1 1
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4
1.2 1.2
1.1 1.1
er er
1 1
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
1F 3F 5F 1F 3F 5F
1.15 1.15
1.1 1.1
1.05 1.05
1 1
er er
0.95 0.95
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
1.3 1.3
1.2 1.2
1.1 1.1
exr exr
1 1
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6
1.2 1.2
1.1 1.1
er er
1 1
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
1F 3F 5F 1F 3F 5F
1.1 1.1
1.05 1.05
1 1
er er
0.95 0.95
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
1.2 1.2
1.1 1.1
exr exr
1 1
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
1.2 1.2
1.1 1.1
er er
1 1
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4
1F 3F 5F 1F 3F 5F
1.15 1.15
1.1 1.1
1.05 1.05
1 1
er er
0.95 0.95
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4
1F 3F 5F 1F 3F 5F
0.5 0.5
0.4 0.4
0.3 0.3
0.2 0.2
0.1 0.1
θy θy
0 0
1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4
1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4
(3) Str.51
Figure 5. Variations of λVX and θ
It can be seen that with the increasing of θ y , λVX of different structures all decrease but the degrees of
decrease are not same. When θ y are in 1.3~1.4, the same θ y may corresponds to several λVX for Str.31
and 51. And λVX increases with the increasing of story for Str.31 and 51. In a word, the correlation of
torsion effects and the criterion for torsional irregularity is not definite. This criterion for torsional
irregularity is not proper to decide considering earthquake action in two directions simultaneously or not.
In this paper, the criterion and relative regulations for torsional irregularity in GB50011-2001, UBC97 and
EC8 are compared and analyzed from the theoretical and practical aspects. Through designing and
analyzing the series of example structures with eccentricity in one direction and two directions, a
elementary conclusion can be drawn that the corelationships between torsion effects and θ are not
definite, although the criterion about θ is adopted by GB50011-2001, UBC97 and EC8 for torsional
irregularity. This criterion is not proper to decide considering earthquake action in two directions
simultaneously or not.
1. GB50011-2001, “Code for Seismic Design of Buildings.” (in Chinese) Beijing: China Architecture
& Building Press, 2001.
2. UBC97, “Uniform building code.” International Conference of Building Officials (ICBO). Vol.2.
Structural Engineering Design Provisions, USA, 1997.
3. Cheng Shaoge. “Structural Europe code (EC8).” (in Chinese) Institute of earthquake resistant of
china academy of building research, 1997
4. Zheng Nina. “Research on the scope of structures considering seismic action in two directions
simultaneously”. (in Chinese) Thesis for master degree, Chongqing University, Chongqing, China,
5. Wang Yaowei, Huang Zongmin. “ Analysis on factors influencing non-linear earthquake response
of structures with eccentricity”. (in Chinese) Journal of Chongqing Jianzhu University. 2001, 23(6):