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Carrier Qualification: Flight Training Instruction T-45TS, ADV, and IUT 2001

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Interval’s Hook Down, 7 o’clock

On Interval or No Earlier Than 1 nm
Wingman: 15 sec Interval


600 ft On-Speed Climb, Turn to Parallel BRC
Airspeed Check 3 nm Astern
Landing Checks 800 ft
Trimmed Up 250-300 KIAS

.9 - 1.1 nm



600 ft
VSI: 200-300 fpm
27-30 AOB

450 ft 45
27-30 AOB
VSI: 500 fpm



T-45TS, ADV, and IUT

Carrier Qualification Introduction


What sets a Navy-trained jet pilot apart from all other pilots is the ability to land a jet aircraft precisely and
safely on a carrier deck.

Carrier Qualification (CARQUAL) will be the most demanding and memorable phase of training. Unlike
other stages, there will be weeks of preparation for only a few moments of performance at the ship.
Ground lectures, simulator flights, and FCLPs will prepare you for the task of landing the T-45 aboard the

The simulator flights will let you “see” the ship and get a feel for what your CARQUAL flights will look like.
A highly skilled LSO will grade and debrief each FCLP pass. After field qualifications, you will be ready for
the carrier.

You will be thoroughly briefed on all aspects and procedures of the CARQUAL flight by the LSOs.
Enroute, pattern, approach, flight deck, and launch procedures will be covered in great detail during the
ship’s brief.

(7-01) Original Page 1

Carrier Qualification Fresnel Lens Optical Landing System (FLOLS)


There are three models of the Fresnel lens: one is a portable shore-based model (Figure 1) and the other
two are shipboard models. The model (Figure 2) used on most carriers is line and inertial stabilized. Line
stabilization compensates for the ship’s pitch and roll, where inertial compensates for pitch, roll, and

Green Cut Lights

Lens Assembly

Green Datum Lights Green Datum Lights

Red Waveoff Lights Red Waveoff Lights



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Carrier Qualification Fresnel Lens Optical Landing System (FLOLS)

The Fresnel lens consists of a lens assembly, “cut” lights, waveoff lights, and datum lights.

The lens assembly is a box one ft wide by four ft high containing five vertical light cells. Depending on
your position on the glidepath, one of the four upper amber cells or the bottom red cell is visible. The
visible lens indicates your position relative to the glideslope, i.e., above, on, or below the optimum

Mounted horizontally and centered above the lens box are four green cut lights that initially indicate a
“Roger ball” call to aircraft that are operating under “ziplip”, EMCON, or NORDO at the ship. Additional
illumination of the cut lights is a call for power. Ziplip is normally used during day Case I fleet operations to
minimize radio transmissions. EMCON is a condition where all electronic emissions are minimized.

Waveoff lights are mounted vertically on each side of the lens box. These red lights are controlled by the
Landing Signal Officer (LSO) and used to indicate that either the deck is foul or the approach is not set up
properly or is unsafe. “Bingo” is signaled by alternating waveoff and cut lights.

NOTE: On the shipboard model, there are 3 auxiliary waveoff lights on each side and adjacent to the
primary waveoff lights.

Green datum lights are mounted horizontally to the lens assembly with six lights on each side. The
position of the ball in reference to the datum lights provides you glideslope information.

All source lights in the lens box are illuminated during operation (Figure 3). Each of the five cells is angled
slightly from the adjacent cell for a total vertical coverage of 1.5 degrees. The lenses are manufactured in
such a way that only one cell, or part thereof, can be seen from a particular angle. Each cell projects a bar
of horizontal light that appears to be a ball until very close range; therefore, the term “meatball” or “ball” is
used to describe the light. As stated previously, the red bottom cell indicates an excessively low condition.
Never accept or finesse a low ball.

Rolling the lens relative to the ship’s roll axis compensates for the hook-to-eye distance of different type

The ball is visible on the lens at plus or minus 3/4 of a degree vertically from optimum glideslope and
about 20 degrees either side of centerline. These conditions create a wedge-shaped area in which the ball
can be seen on the lens (Figure 4).

Because the lens assembly projects a wedge of light, the closer the aircraft comes to the lens, the nar-
rower the wedge becomes; therefore, smaller glideslope corrections are required the closer the aircraft is
to touchdown. If your aircraft is not in the 1.5-degree wedge, the ball will not be visible. If you understand
glideslope geometry, you will realize the importance of flying to a good start.

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Carrier Qualification Fresnel Lens Optical Landing System (FLOLS)

Above Optimum


On Optimum Glideslope

Below Optimum






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Carrier Qualification Fresnel Lens Optical Landing System (FLOLS)

Because of the divergence of each lens cell, the size of the ball projected by that cell increases as dis-
tance from that cell increases, and vice versa. The following graphic illustrates this relationship, as well as
the sink rate/ball position relationship. Note that at 1 mile the thickness of the center cell is approximately
36 ft. The entire lens is 180 ft thick at one mile and only 15 ft thick at the ramp. It must be noted also that
as distance increases, resolution of the cells decreases. Thus, the information you receive within one mile
is better resolved and more accurate the closer the aircraft gets.



36.2’ ~700 FP

18.1’ ~600 FP

~500 FPM

RAMP 1/4 mile 1/2 mile 3/4 mile 1 mile 1 1/4 mile 1 1/2 mile

Lens Thickness 14.9’ 45.2’ 90.4’ 135.6’ 180.8’


(7-01) Change 2 Page 5

Carrier Qualification Improved Fresnel Lens Optical Landing System (FLOLS)


The IFLOLS (Figure 6) is replacing the presently used FLOLS (pp 3-6). The theory and operation of the
FLOLS and IFLOLS are the same. Primary differences are:

The IFLOLS has 7 additional cells, for a total of 12. This allows for more exact glideslope information, and
a higher definition visual aid which can be referenced out to 1.5 nm. The IFLOLS will appear to be much
more “sensitive” due to its increased accuracy.

The number of Datum Lights has increased to 10.

The vertical coverage has been increased to 1.7 degrees vice the 1.5 of FLOLS.

Acquisition range has been increased from 3/4 nm to 1 1/2 nm.

Due to present limited shipboard use IFLOLS, you will be briefed and FCLPed with a shore based IFLOLS,
prior to CQ using IFLOLS.

Source Lights

Cut Lights
Wave-off Lights
Datum Lights


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Carrier Qualification Improved Fresnel Lens Optical Landing System (FLOLS)

Cut Lights

Datum Lights

Waveoff Lights





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Carrier Qualification Improved Fresnel Lens Optical Landing System (FLOLS)



Note: The same magnitude of glideslope deviation appears

greater on the IFLOLS. Use caution as to not overcontrol


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Carrier Qualification Landing Signal Officer


The LSO or “paddles” is responsible for the safe and expeditious recovery of fixed-wing aircraft aboard the
ship. The LSO also has the ultimate responsibility for the training of pilots in carrier landing techniques by
conducting ground training, counseling, and debriefing individual pilots on their performance during FCLP
and CQ evolutions. The LSO can see your aircraft developing a trend that may result in a poor approach
or landing.

The LSO uses radio calls to effect the safe recovery of aircraft. LSOs will keep communications short and
to the point using standard phraseology whenever possible. Your safety depends on your ability to re-
spond to these calls. Due to the training environment, nonstandard phraseology is sometimes necessary.
LSO phraseology is categorized into three types of calls: INFORMATIVE, ADVISORY, and IMPERATIVE.



“You’re (a little) high.” Adjust rate of descent immediately with power/nose attitude to
reestablish a centered ball.

“You’re (a little) low.” Correct glideslope immediately.

“You’re going high/low.” Adjust rate of descent with power/nose attitude to maintain a
centered ball.

“You’re lined up left/right.” Make lineup correction back to centerline.

“You’re drifting left/right.” Stop drift and correct lineup to centerline.

“You’re fast/slow.” Adjust nose attitude/power to reestablish optimum AOA.

“Winds are (slightly) starboard/ Monitor lineup to maintain centerline.


“You’re under/overpowered.” Adjust power and attitude as required.

“Ship’s in a starboard/port turn.” Adjust lineup as necessary.

“You’re wide abeam.” Use less AOB in approach turn and adjust rate of descent and
altitude accordingly.

“You’re close abeam.” Use more AOB in approach turn and adjust rate of descent and
altitude accordingly.

“Deep 90.” Compensate by increasing pattern altitude.

“Close 90.” Compensate by decreasing pattern altitude.

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Carrier Qualification Landing Signal Officer

“You’re angling.” Correct lineup to centerline.

“You’re overshooting.” Increase AOB to maximum allowable.

The LSO’s advisory calls are used to direct your attention to potential difficulties in order to prevent pos-
sible control errors.


“Keep your turn in.” Increase AOB to prevent overshoot.

“Don’t settle/Don’t go low.” Adjust power/attitude to avoid settling below glideslope.

“Don’t climb/Don’t go high.” Adjust power/attitude to stop the ball from rising.

“Don’t settle through it.” Adjust rate of descent with power/nose attitude to intercept and
maintain optimum glideslope.

“Easy with the power.” Reduce magnitude of power/nose attitude correction to intercept and
reestablish optimal glideslope and airspeed.

Imperative calls direct you to execute a specific control action. Imperative calls are mandatory and require
an immediate response.


“A little power.” Correct with power.

“Power.” Add power.

“Power back on.” Add power to maintain appropriate glideslope and AOA

“Attitude/( A little attitude.”) Increase nose attitude (slightly) to establish landing attitude.

“Right for lineup” Correct line up to centerline, then level wings.

“Come left” Correct line up to centerline, then level wings.

“Bolter.” Power to MRT, retract speed brakes, and rotate nose attitude to
establish optimum AOA and climb.

“Wave off” or “Wave off, foul deck.” Power to MRT, retract speed brakes, and adjust landing attitude to
maintain proper attitude and climb to pattern altitude. Fly up the
landing area centerline. At the bow, turn parallel to the BRC.

“Wave off up the starboard side.” Power to MRT, retract speed brakes, and adjust nose attitude to maintain
proper attitude and climb to pattern altitude. Fly up the starboard
side of the ship.

“Speed brakes.” Retract speed brakes, as appropriate.

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Carrier Qualification Landing Signal Officer

“Climb.” Adjust nose attitude to optimum AOA, level wings, and maintain
MRT to establish a positive rate of climb. (May follow a bolter or
waveoff call.)

“Level your wings.” Roll wings level.

“Drop your hook.” Extend arresting hook.

“Drop your gear.” Lower landing gear.

“Drop your flaps.” Extend flaps/slats.

Each pass flown during FCLPs and at the ship is graded by the LSO on a 0- to 5-point scale. The grade,
with appropriate comments, is recorded in your training jacket. Following is a partial list of symbols (includ-
ing their meanings and applicable points) that the LSO uses in grading the passes.


OK 5 Perfect pass

OK 4 Reasonable deviations with good corrections

(OK) 3 Fair pass, reasonable deviations

B 2.5 (B with diagonal arrow) bolter

-- 2 No grade, below average but safe pass

PWO 2 Pattern waveoff

WO 1 Waveoff, aircraft not set up properly for a safe approach (technique)

C 0 (C with horizontal arrow) cut pass, unsafe, gross deviations inside waveoff

TWO NC Test waveoff, practiced during FCLPs to demonstrate proper waveoff technique

OWO NC Own waveoff, executed when clearance to land via Roger ball or cut lights are not

OWO 2 Own waveoff, executed when clearance to land via Roger ball or cut lights are

WOFD NC Waveoff—foul deck

NC NC No count (used in grade column)

(7-01) Original Page 11

Carrier Qualification Landing Signal Officer

See Figures 7 and 8 for additional symbols used by LSOs to describe landings on the Pilot Performance

Symbol Meaning Symbol Meaning

Parentheses around any CU Cocked-up

() symbol signify "slightly"
(e.g., (F) means "slightly DEC Decelerate
DFD Dived for deck
A square drawn around any
symbol indicates that a signal DLW Dropped left wing
was not answered by the pilot
DN Dropped nose
A circle drawn around any
DRW Dropped right wing
symbol indicates that a signal
was answered too slowly
EG Eased gun
When used as a prefix to any
O symbol, OC indicates "over- F Fast
FD Fouled deck
GLI Gliding approach
M Manual (APC-equipped aircraft)

PD Pitching deck H High

Mode 1 ACLS (record in grade Landed left wing down

Landed right wing down
When placed between two sym-
bols, indicates "on" (e.g., S LUIC) Landed nose first

An APC/AUTO approach down- LIG Long in the groove

graded to manual
LLU Late lineup
AA Angling approach
LL Landed left
ACC Accelerate
LO Low
AFU All fouled up
L-R Left to right
B Flat glideslope
LR Landed right
C Climbing
LUL Lined up left

CB Coming back to the left LUR Lined up right

CD Coming down ND Nosedown

CH Chased NEA Not enough attitude

CO Come-on NELR Not enough left rudder

COCO Climbed on come-on NEP Not enough power

CPD Chased pitching deck NERD Not enough rate of descent


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Carrier Qualification Landing Signal Officer

Symbol Meaning Symbol Meaning

NERR Not enough right rudder TTL Turned too late

NESA Not enough straight away TTM Turned too much

NH No hook TTS Turned too soon

NLU Not lined up TWA Too wide abeam

NSU Not set up ( ) For emphasis (underline)

OS Overshoot Landed 3 points

OSCB Overshot coming back Over the top

P Power Fly up through the glideslope

PNU Pulled nose up Fly down through the glideslope

ROT Rotate IT In the turn

RUF Rough Out of turn (as aircraft

OT starts to roll wings level)
R-L Right to left
At the start (first one-third of
S Settle X glideslope)

SD Spotted deck In the middle (middle one-third

of glideslope)
SHT Ship in turn
In close (last one-third of
SLO Slow IC glideslope)

SRD Stopped rate of descent AR At the ramp

ST Steep turn TL To land

TCA Too close abeam IW In the wires

TMA Too much attitude OW Over the wires

TMRD Too much rate of descent AW All the way


(7-01) Original Page 13

Carrier Qualification Field Carrier Landing Practice (FCLP)


The procedures and techniques required for a successful carrier or field carrier landing are refinements of
procedures and techniques you should have previously mastered. At this stage of training, you will be
required to execute the most precise approach/landing yet. Before you actually land aboard a carrier, you
will practice in the simulator and at the field.

Normal procedures apply for FCLP with the following special considerations:

* Conduct a thorough preflight with emphasis on strut inflation and tire condition.

* FCLP patterns may be entered after takeoff or by flying to an outlying field.

* Refer to NATOPS Chapter 4 for FCLP landing configuration limitations.

NOTE: SNPs will not fly to or from an outlying field in formation without an instructor pilot in the flight.
When arriving at the outlying field, fly a standard FCLP pattern entry or as briefed.


The FCLP pattern is the familiar racetrack pattern (Figure 9). Call the initial at the appropriate altitude and
airspeed. The tower may direct you to switch to the “paddles” frequency prior to the break or once estab-
lished downwind. Often you will check in on the paddles frequency on deck and launch directly into the
pattern under LSO control.

Execute a level 15 unit break at 70-80 degrees AOB, 250-300 KIAS at 800 ft AGL or in accordance with
local course rules when cleared by the tower. Reduce power to idle and extend speed brakes. Lower your
landing gear and flaps/slats below 200 KIAS.

Descend to 600 ft AGL when wings level downwind, trim for on-speed, cross-check AOA, and complete
the landing checklist prior to reaching the abeam position.

Fly to an abeam distance of 0.9 to 1.1 nm laterally and maintain the proper interval and an altitude of 600
ft AGL. Fly the reciprocal of the runway heading +/- crab necessary to compensate for winds. Do not
blindly follow the aircraft ahead. Make an abeam call to the LSO (on the first pass only), stating your side
number, abeam, gear, flaps, “on-speed” KIAS, fuel state, and qual number. After your first pass, limit your
abeam call to your qual number and position. Do not transmit when another aircraft is on the ball.

Precise control of altitude, AOA, and airspeed at the abeam position is paramount. Prior to reaching the
180, your aircraft should be trimmed up for optimum AOA in level flight.

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Carrier Qualification Field Carrier Landing Practice (FCLP)

The proper 180 position is 15 seconds past the abeam under no-wind conditions. As wind becomes a
factor, the 180 is adjusted so that a 27- to 30-degree turn results in a centerline start with 15-18 seconds of
straightaway (Figure 9). At the 180 position, roll into 27-30 degrees AOB and adjust power to set a 200- to
300-fpm rate of descent. Maintain optimum AOA. Being too wide abeam at the 180 will require less AOB
to arrive at the correct 90-degree position, while being too close abeam will require up to maximum AOB to
prevent an overshoot.

NOTE: The turn from the 180 to the 90 is primarily an instrument scan with several outside looks as

Optimum AOA Level Break and


30° AOB
Wings Level
Descend to 600 ft AGL
Proper Heading 300 ft AGL Before
Turning Downwind

Slow to Optimum

Landing Checklist
Complete Break
800 ft AGL or as Briefed
250-300 KIAS

Abeam Call .9 - 1.1 nm

Time According to
Existing Wind Groove Length
15-18 seconds

27-30° AOB 180° Ball Call

VSI: 200-300 fpm

135° 45°
525 ft AGL 325-375 ft AGL
450 ft AGL
Optimum AOA
VSI: Increase to 500 fpm


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Carrier Qualification Field Carrier Landing Practice (FCLP)

At the 90 (450 ft AGL), maintain optimum AOA and increase rate of descent to 500 fpm. It may be neces-
sary to adjust altitude if you are too close or too deep (Figures 10 and 11). If you are too deep at the 90,
450 ft AGL will result in a low start. If you are too close, 450 ft AGL will result in a high start. Passing
through the 90, adjust AOB as necessary to prevent overshooting or undershooting the centerline.

NOTE: From the 90 to the 45, begin to transition from an instrument scan to a VFR scan, while maintain-
ing a proper rate of descent.

E 3 /4 °
3 /4 °

450 ft 450 ft

Correct Groove
Deep 90 and Long G roove

Figure 10: DEEP 90


450 ft 450 ft

Close 90
Correct 90

Figure 11: CLOSE 90

(7-01) Original Page 17

Carrier Qualification Field Carrier Landing Practice (FCLP)

Pass through the 45 at 325-375 ft AGL at optimum AOA. At this position, you should acquire the ball.
From the 45 to the start, adjust AOB to arrive on centerline, maintain on-speed attitude and rate of descent
to arrive with a stabilized centered ball. An aggressive VSI scan from the 45 to the start position will allow
for a stabilized rate of descent and is paramount.

NOTE: The ball position at the 45 is mainly a reference and corrections should be made on the VSI.
Because of the width of the glideslope, flying the ball at the 45 will normally result in overcorrections.

The start is, without a doubt, the most important phase during FCLPs, carrier qualifications, and carrier-
type approaches. Pilots need to arrive wings level, on centerline, on speed with proper rate of descent to
maintain a centered ball. Poor starts are a direct result of improper abeam/180 positions, RODs that do
not allow for proper 90 and 45 altitudes, and not flying an optimum AOA. If the meatball is not acquired by
the start, a “Clara” call will be made.

The groove is the portion of the approach from a wings-level start to touchdown, ideally this should be 15-
18 seconds. With the ball in sight, call the ball: side number, aircraft type, ball, fuel state, qual number.

NOTE: Do not call the ball if the aircraft ahead of you is on the ball or just touching down. Never descend
below 300 ft AGL without a ball.

The glideslope is a 3.25 degree (above the horizon) fixed path determined by the angle of the Fresnel lens.
The rate of descent necessary to stay on this glideslope depends on your ground speed (and therefore
changes slightly with wind conditions). Proper execution of the approach requires an accurate, rapid scan.
Your goal on the approach is to keep the meatball centered, stay on centerline and on-speed AOA all the
way to touchdown.

Do not overcorrect the ball in close to at-the-ramp. If the ball starts to go low, apply enough power to stop
the ball’s movement. Likewise, if the ball goes high in close, do not attempt to recenter the ball but
stabilize it while maintaining AOA.

Correct for glideslope, lineup, and AOA with quick, aggressive coordination of stick and throttle. Make a
correction as soon as one is required; if you hesitate, you will encounter greater deviations. Make appro-
priate corrections all the way to touchdown.

Touchdown should occur on centerline, on-speed, with centered ball. Upon touchdown, simultaneously
advance power to MRT, retract speed brakes, rotate to optimum AOA (approximately 12 degrees nose up)
and establish a climb. Turn downwind off your interval (at 300 ft AGL or higher). Ensure feet are off the

The waveoff is a mandatory signal and comes in verbal form from the LSO, or in the form of red flashing
lights on the lens, or both. When performing a waveoff, simultaneously level the wings and advance
power to MRT while retracting your speed brakes, maintaining landing attitude, and climb.

With your descent stopped, establish an optimum AOA rate of climb. When you have established a
comfortable climb and are approaching pattern altitude (600 ft AGL), adjust power as necessary to main-
tain altitude and pattern airspeed.

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Carrier Qualification Field Carrier Landing Practice (FCLP)

DO NOT initiate your own waveoff except in an emergency or if you have not received a “Roger ball” by in-
the-middle. DO NOT take your own waveoff in close. The waveoff will normally be taken straight ahead or
as directed by the LSO.

After a waveoff, bolter, or touch and go, begin the turn to downwind after climbing to a minimum of 300 ft
AGL and when your interval is at your 10 o’clock position. During your climb and turn downwind, maintain
130 KIAS or on-speed AOA, whichever is greater, and a 30-degree AOB while climbing to pattern altitude.

If the deck or runway becomes fouled, you will be
directed to go into a holding (Delta) pattern
(Figure 12). You will be cleared out of the Delta
Pattern by a “Charlie” call. See glossary for Never More
examples. Than 3 nm

Delta Easy Turn at 10:00

In the Delta Easy pattern, remain in a dirty configu- Interval
ration, speed brakes in at 130 KIAS, and at pattern
altitude or as directed by the LSO. Fly a normal
racetrack pattern offset to the left-hand side of the
runway while maintaining proper interval on the
aircraft ahead. When aircraft in the Delta Easy

Delta Clean
pattern are cleared, the first aircraft to reach the
180 will resume the landing pattern. Delta Easy

Delta Clean
If instructed to Delta Clean when already estab-
lished in the FCLP pattern, clean up, accelerate to
200 KIAS, and climb to 2,000 ft MSL or the altitude Execute Turn
When Abeam
directed. If you are told to Delta upon arrival at the
field, enter the initial in accordance with course
rules or as directed by the LSO/tower, maintain 200
KIAS, and proceed overhead the duty runway
taking interval with the aircraft already in the Delta
pattern. Fly a normal racetrack pattern while
maintaining proper 10 o’clock interval. All aircraft
should remain within 3 nm of the field. When
cleared out of Delta, the first aircraft abeam will
depart the Delta pattern to arrive at the initial with
wings level, at 250 KIAS, and at initial altitude for
the break. All aircraft will follow in order. Figure 12: DELTA PATTERN


You should correct any errors made immediately. The earlier you make a correction, the easier correc-
tions and countercorrections will be.

The following list presents some glideslope/AOA deviations you can expect to see and the corrections

Remember, the glideslope is wedge-shaped and becomes progressively narrower as you get closer to the
runway, and you must decrease the magnitude of a correction for an equivalent amount of ball movement
as you approach touchdown.

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Carrier Qualification Field Carrier Landing Practice (FCLP)

NOTE: All glideslope deviations will require a minimum of three corrections in order to regain optimum

Over Powered
Refer to Figure 13 for the following discussion of glideslope corrections.

Reduce power to increase your rate of descent and adjust nose attitude to maintain optimum AOA. As the
ball approaches the center, add power to reestablish and maintain the proper glideslope and
readjust your nose attitude to maintain optimum AOA. Almost immediately following this countercorrection,
a third adjustment will be required.






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Carrier Qualification Field Carrier Landing Practice (FCLP)

If the ball goes high in close or at the ramp, stop the movement but do not attempt to recenter the ball.
Avoid the temptation to cut power or drop your nose when you are high or climbing in-close to at-the-ramp.
Accept the high or take your bolter. A large power reduction in close to at-the-ramp is referred to as a cut
or ease gun. This condition is unsafe and is never an acceptable correction—a high “come down” will
result in a hard landing, blown tires, and possible structural damage.

Reduce power. As the aircraft decelerates, coordinate an increase in nose attitude slightly to maintain a
centered ball and work it back on-speed. Approaching optimum AOA, add power as necessary to maintain
glideslope and readjust nose attitude to maintain optimum AOA. Again, you will have to make a third

High and Fast

As in the high or fast approach, you must reduce power. As the ball approaches the center, increase nose
attitude as necessary to correct back to optimum AOA. The aircraft approaches on-speed prior to regain-
ing a centered ball. Adjust power to control your rate of descent and to maintain proper AOA. As the ball
approaches the center, use nose attitude and power to stabilize on the proper AOA and glideslope.

Under Powered

Add power and adjust nose attitude to maintain optimum AOA. Once the ball is centered, reduce power to
reestablish glideslope and readjust your nose attitude to maintain optimum AOA. Do not lead a low by
reducing power prior to a centered ball. An inevitable third correction is required to stabilize on glideslope.
Never accept a low ball. Never finesse a low ball.

Add power. As the aircraft accelerates, decrease the nose attitude slightly to obtain optimum AOA and
then readjust attitude to maintain AOA and reduce power to maintain glideslope. To stabilize glideslope, a
third power correction is mandatory.

Low and Slow

Add power immediately. Maintain nose attitude while adding power. As the ball centers, prior to your
regaining the proper AOA, decrease nose attitude to stay on glideslope until optimum AOA is reached. If
the aircraft returns to on-speed while the ball is still low, adjust the nose attitude to maintain proper AOA
while waiting for the glideslope correction to be completed. When the ball is centered, simultaneously
adjust the nose attitude and reduce power to reestablish the proper rate of descent. Add power and adjust
nose attitude as necessary to stabilize the aircraft on glideslope and airspeed. A third power and attitude
correction is required.

Power Ok

High and Slow

If the aircraft is not excessively slow, lower the nose attitude to initiate the correction. If you are exces-
sively slow, you will have to add power. If your aircraft accelerates to on-speed prior to the ball reaching
the center, a small power reduction is necessary. If the AOA continues to indicate that you are slow, add
power, and as the ball approaches the center, accelerate your aircraft to the proper AOA.

(7-01) Original Page 21

Carrier Qualification Field Carrier Landing Practice (FCLP)

Low and Fast

Raise the nose to start the ball coming up and decelerate to optimum AOA. If the aircraft slows to on-
speed prior to the ball being centered, add power and maintain on-speed. When the ball is centered,
reduce power to reestablish glideslope and adjust nose attitude to maintain optimum AOA. If you’re still
fast with the ball centered, reduce power and readjust nose attitude as necessary to maintain a centered
ball and decelerate to optimum AOA. Approaching optimum AOA, add power to maintain proper glides-

CAUTION: Never accept a low ball. If you’re low, add power immediately. Do not reduce power
until the ball is centered.

Roll into the groove on the extended centerline of the carrier box. Lineup is critical at the carrier: the
relatively small size of the landing area makes it imperative that you land on the centerline with no drift. If
you’re not lined up at the start, make an immediate lineup correction. Failure to make lineup corrections in
a timely manner will cause scan breakdown both in glideslope and AOA deviations. Be aware that lineup
corrections require a corresponding power adjustment.

Being aware of local area winds will help you correct for lineup when rolling out in the groove. Remember,
abeam distance is adjusted so that a consistent 27- to 30-degree AOB turn results in a centerline start.
With consistent crosswinds, use the crab technique to maintain lineup. Don’t forget that every lineup
correction requires a counter-correction as you approach the centerline. Chasing lineup will cause glides-
lope errors to follow.

COMMON ERROR: Fixating on the ball and not scanning lineup all the way to touchdown.


NOTE: If you are departing for an outlying field, use standard communications for departure and pattern

To request takeoff directly into the FCLP pattern, communicate the following to the LSO when directed:
LSO call, side number, aircraft status, fuel state, and student qual number.

If departing and re-entering for the break, make the following call entering the pattern to the controlling
agency: “Tower, (side number), initial.” For direct entry, paddles/tower will clear aircraft for takeoff and


Make the following call to the LSO: side number, aircraft location (abeam), gear/flaps, “on-speed” KIAS,
fuel state, and student qual number.


After the first pass at the abeam, the call is, “qual number, abeam.”

NOTE: These reports are mandatory even if an aircraft is on the ball.

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Carrier Qualification Field Carrier Landing Practice (FCLP)

NOTE: If at any time the LSO goes NORDO, the tower will take charge of the pattern until the problem can
be resolved.

As you roll into the groove with a ball, communicate the following: side number, type aircraft, you see the
meatball, fuel state, and qual number.

NOTE: If you do not have the meatball in sight after rolling into the groove, immediately call “Clara.” The
LSO will respond with calls, such as, “You’re high” or “You’re low.” Follow the LSO’s calls. Once you have
sight of the ball, call “ball.”

CAUTION: Never descend below 300 ft AGL without a ball.


If your receiver operates but your transmitter does not, the LSO may elect to work your aircraft in the
pattern. If a receiver failure occurs while you’re in the pattern, rock your wings and expect to perform a
full-stop landing on the next pass. Momentary (2 seconds) cut lights on the ball the first time signal “Roger
ball.” Subsequent momentary illumination of cut lights means “add power.” Alternating cut and waveoff
lights signal you to proceed to your prebriefed divert field.

* In all cases, remember: “Aviate, navigate, communicate.”

Night FCLP serves two important purposes. Ball control demands intensified concentration (because no
other adequate visual references exist). It also demonstrates the need for smooth, precise instrument
flying in the pattern. No more than 6 aircraft will be allowed in the night FCLP pattern. You will receive a
thorough briefing, including local course rules, prior to night FCLP.

Night field lighting used at the FCLP field is the same as for night familiarization except that the wheels
watch high intensity light is extinguished.

Two types of field lighting are used for night FCLP: the permanent carrier deck (Figure 14), which closely
resembles actual flight deck lighting.

(7-01) Original Page 23

Carrier Qualification Field Carrier Landing Practice (FCLP)

The abeam position is marked by a red light placed abeam the intended point of landing. Usually only white
lights simulating the carrier deck will be illuminated during night FCLPs. Aircraft lighting and procedures are
similar to night familiarization with emphasis on the following:

* Check the field/carrier switch in FIELD prior to leaving the line area.




Abeam Position


* Check the operability of your approach lights.

NOTE: Aircraft will not be allowed in the night FCLP pattern without operating approach lights.

* Observe normal light management during taxi. Nav lights: bright, anti-collision, taxi light and strobe
lights ON as required.

* Entering the holdshort, set the anti-collision and strobe lights OFF (or as directed by the LSO) if you’re
taking off from the same field at which you will be operating.

* When cleared for takeoff, ensure anti-collision light is ON before taking duty.

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Carrier Qualification Field Carrier Landing Practice (FCLP)


Intercept initial and break altitudes as directed by course rules. Make “entry call.” Enter the break at 250
KIAS, lights BRIGHT/STEADY, and strobes off/anti-collision light on. Perform a level break using approxi-
mately 45 degrees AOB when instructed by the LSO/tower. Reduce power to IDLE and extend speed
brakes. At 200 KIAS or less, extend landing gear and flaps/slats and descend to 600 ft AGL. Report
abeam position as per day FCLPs. From this point, procedures are similar to day FCLP with the following
exceptions (Figure 15):

* Due to the absence of visual cues, a strong instrument scan is essential for flying a consistent pattern.

* Do not descend below 300 ft AGL without acquiring the ball.

* Do not turn crosswind until at or above 500 ft AGL and cleared by the tower or the LSO.

(7-01) Original Page 25

Carrier Qualification Field Carrier Landing Practice (FCLP)

Optimum AOA
200 KIAS Report Turning
Dirty-up Crosswind
30° Bank

Descend to 600 ft AGL

45° AOB
500 ft AGL
Before Downwind Speed Brakes Out

Slow to Optimum AOA

AOA/Airspeed Check

Landing Checklist

Pattern Entry
250 KIAS
Abeam Call .9 - 1.1 nm
Strobes OFF
Time According to
Existing Wind

27-30° AOB Do not descend below
180° Ball Call 300 feet AGL without
Report "Turning in"
VSI: 200-300 fpm the ball.

135° 45°
525 ft AGL 325-375 ft AGL
450 ft AGL
Optimum AOA
VSI: Increase to 500 fpm



A solid landing pattern is paramount for night FCLPs. With fewer visual cues available, a strong instru-
ment scan is required to get to a good start. Once in the groove, the procedures for controlling lineup at
night are the same procedures as for day FCLP except that lineup drift is more difficult to detect with the
shortened “carrier box” runway. The pattern is the same, but the most significant difference is the lack of
lineup information. At the 180, the carrier box lights will not be visible, so judging the abeam and timing
are critical. The carrier box lights only become visible passing the 90, so deviations must be noted and
corrected for on subsequent passes.

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Carrier Qualification Carrier Qualification


Prior to carrier qualifications, you will be given a ship’s brief covering:

1. Administrative and general information

2. Preflight

3. Ground procedures

4. Takeoff and enroute procedures

5. Ship marshal procedures

6. Approaches to the ship

7. Carrier pattern/Landing procedures

8. Deck procedures

9. Catapult procedures

10. Refueling/cold start procedures

11. Departure procedures

12. Bingo

13. Emergency procedures

14. LSO calls/grades

15. Carrier qualification test


The LSO will give a thorough ship’s brief, and prior to your first carrier qualification flight, you will receive a
course rules brief covering procedures specific to the local operating area. Each flight is preceded by a
sortie brief similar to your LSO “Ship’s Brief.” All items will be covered again during the sortie brief via your
lead safe.

When preflighting for a CV sortie, pay particular attention to tires, struts, launch bar, holdback fitting,
snubber pressure, tail hook bumpers, and the tail hook (checking that it is greased), and ensure that the
aircraft is “soloized.”

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Carrier Qualification Carrier Qualification


Case I refers recoveries and departure procedures and landing pattern conducted in VMC conditions of
3,000/5 or greater within the carrier control zone.

Each flight to the ship will be led by a lead safe instructor who will give you specific instructions for radio
checks, takeoff and rendezvous procedures, and formation. Along with the flight lead, each overhead time
will include an additional late safe who will arrive at the ship 30 minutes after the overhead time. The lead
safes will act as return leads for students who have completed carrier qualification or in the event of an

NOTE: Pilots earn their reputation while working around the ship. This includes good formation, flying the
ball well, and sounding professional on the radios. Never key the UHF, except during emergency situations,
until it is certain that no other aircraft is on the ball.

Following the rendezvous and outbound, the lead safe will switch the flight to the warning area controller.
The flight will then be instructed to contact the ship’s marshal. Enroute when feet wet, the lead safe will tell
the flight to check the “shore-to-ship” checklist complete.

The flight lead will check in to Marshal with

callsign, number in flight, position, altitude, low
state, and lineup. Marshal will assign case
recovery holding instructions, including as-
signed altitude, ship’s weather, altimeter
setting, base recovery course (BRC), bingo
information, EAT, and a request for a “see me.”
When the ship is in sight, the flight leader will 10 nm
Establish Pattern Altitude
call, “See you at ten [or as shown on DME].”
Marshal may switch the flight directly to tower
or direct it to hold overhead.


Establish level flight at your assigned altitude BRC
10 nm prior to entering the holding pattern PATTERN
(Figure 16) in balanced formation or as briefed.

3 5 nm 1

10 nm
Establish Pattern Altitude


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Carrier Qualification Carrier Qualification


The overhead marshal pattern is a counterclockwise circling pattern tangent to the ship’s BRC with the
ship at the 3 o’clock position (Figure 17). The pattern is no more than 5 nm in diameter and no lower than
1,500 ft AGL. In marshal, the flight will remain at max conserve unless briefed otherwise. Flights in
marshal are separated vertically by a minimum of 1,000 ft.


Make all descents in marshal only when you are
abeam and aft of the ship (between positions 3 and
1, Figure 17). When given a “Signal Charlie,” the
lead will verbally switch the flight to tower (if not
already there) and depart the holding pattern and
lead the flight to initial. After receiving a Charlie,
the flight lead will depart marshal on a heading of Pattern Climb
approximately 210 degrees relative to BRC. The
lead will form the flight in right echelon and secure 2

lights prior to arriving at the initial. PATTERN


The Case II Marshal procedures are used when 3 5 nm 1
weather is less than 3,000/5 but greater than
1,000/5 at the ship. It is used when a VFR pen-
3 nm
etration cannot be made. The approach to the
ship’s VFR pattern may be via radar vectors or a
TACAN fix on the ship. The case II recovery is a Depart
Marshal 4 Initial
controlled IMC descent to the break and the VFR Pattern
Pattern Descent
pattern. In no case will a section of more than two Area

aircraft execute a Case II recovery.

As in CASE I Marshal procedures, each flight will

be led to the ship by a lead safe.
Following rendezvous, outbound, and entering the
warning area procedures, the flight will contact
“Marshal.” If a Case II recovery is directed by
Marshal, the flight will proceed to the Case II Figure 17: CASE I MARSHAL PATTERN RECOVERY
marshal pattern holding fix. The fix is determined
and located along the ship’s aft BRC by adding the
marshal assigned altitude (angels), plus fifteen.
That formula will determine the distance from the
carrier to establish the fix (Figure 18).

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Carrier Qualification Carrier Qualification


The Case II marshal holding pattern is a normal “non-standard holding pattern” located at the Case II
marshal fix. Use a normal entry procedure for a non-standard holding pattern that you learned in RI. Use
normal holding configuration in the marshal pattern. Strive to establish a one-minute leg inbound to the fix
at 230 KIAS (Figure 18).


Once cleared to the ship’s pattern, at the fix inbound to the ship, commence a 250 KIAS descent at 4,000-
6,000 ft/min. Maintain this descent to “Platform Altitude” 5,000 ft. At that point slow the rate of descent to
a rate not to exceed the minute-to-live rule. Continue the descent until at approximately 1,200 ft AGL and
10 nm. At this time slow the rate of descent
further to arrive at 800 ft and 250-300 KIAS to the
break. At the break resume normal carrier
pattern procedures.


The flight will arrive at a 3-nm initial astern of the (Carrier)
ship and parallel to the ship’s BRC (Figure 19).
At this point, the flight should be wings level at
800 ft and between 250 and 300 KIAS.
The flight leader will advise the tower of the ALT (ANGELS) + 15 = HOLDING FIX DISTANCE
flight’s position by communicating, “Flight of 10,000 ft. MSL + 15 = 25 nm
(number), initial.” Maintain 800 ft AGL and fly just 25 nm
outboard the starboard side of the ship. A
common problem during pattern entry is that
Dash Two flies too tight a parade position for
Dash Three to match.

NOTE: Exterior lights, to include position,

collision, and strobe lights, will be extinguished
prior to entering the break.

If the pattern is full, tower may instruct the flight to RECOVERY
spin. At the bow, the flight lead begins a climbing
250 KIAS
left turn to an altitude of 1,200 ft AGL using a max 4,000-6,000 ft/min
NOTE: Below platform, rate of descent
30 degrees AOB. Remain within 3 DME of the should not exceed altitude.
ship at 250-300 KIAS. Caution must be exer-
cised reentering the initial to avoid additional Platform 5,000 ft

flights entering the break. 250 KIAS

2,000 ft/min

800 ft 1,200 ft / 10 nm


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Carrier Qualification Carrier Qualification

When cleared by the tower, the flight leader will break on his interval or no earlier than 1 nm past the bow
(or as directed) using 70-80 degrees AOB as in day FCLP’s. Each wingman breaks at 15-second intervals
after the lead breaks. Remember to check the clock and use it to set an exact break interval. Too often
students fail to hold their heading and altitude after the lead has broken. Don’t make this mistake! Always
concentrate on maintaining the proper heading and altitude. No aircraft should break more than
4 nm ahead of the ship. Execute instrument level break. Descend to 600 ft when established downwind.
Out of the break, intercept the reciprocal of the BRC. Haze or lack of a defined horizon makes an instru-
ment break imperative. At 200 KIAS, extend gear and flaps/slats.

The following items illustrate differences between carrier approaches and field approaches.

* Because of high winds at the ship, power corrections for a low ball will require a larger addition.

* Corrections for a high ball will require smaller power reductions.

* It is harder to correct for lineup at the ship due to the short length of the deck and the constant
movement of the centerline.

* Due to wind over the deck, you will feel high and tight when flying through the 90; resist the tendency
to ease your turn and increase your rate of descent, thus causing low, overshooting starts.

* At the ship, spotting the deck in close will result in a settle at the ramp and a possible No. 1 wire. This
is a scan breakdown.

* You will experience a greater tendency at the ship to fixate on a single item, such as the meatball,
airspeed, or the wires. Don’t fixate, Keep your scan moving.

* Although the landing area is angled approximately 10 degrees, the pattern is flown parallel to the BRC
(base recovery course).

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Carrier Qualification Carrier Qualification



On Interval or No Earlier Than 1 nm
Wingman: 15 sec Interval


600 ft On-Speed Climb, Turn to Parallel BRC
Airspeed Check 3 nm Astern
Landing Checks 800 ft
Trimmed Up 250-300 KIAS

.9 - 1.1 nm



600 ft
VSI: 200-300 fpm
27-30 AOB

450 ft 45
27-30 AOB
VSI: 500 fpm




Once you’re established downwind with wings level, descend to 600 ft, slow to optimum AOA, and retrim
as necessary. Perform your AOA/airspeed check and complete your landing checklist. Pay particular
attention to your configuration: landing gear down, flaps full down, slats extended, speed brakes ex-
tended, hook up initially for 2 touch and go landings or as directed by the LSO, anti-skid off, and harness

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Carrier Qualification Carrier Qualification

Verify your distance abeam (0.9-1.1 nm). Failing to monitor the abeam distance and either angling in or
away will result in being too close or wide abeam. Make the abeam call only if an aircraft is not on the ball.
At any time during the pattern, the LSO may ask for your qual number—respond accordingly.

The ship will have a 25-30 kt wind across the deck. Turn abeam the LSO platform. The abeam and the
180 are collocated at the ship. Proper setup at the 180 cannot be overemphasized. A poor setup at the
180 makes a good start almost impossible.

At the abeam position, roll into 27-30 degrees AOB and adjust power and nose slightly to set up a 200-300
fpm rate of descent. Maintaining optimum AOA is essential. It will be much more difficult to obtain a
consistent 90 if optimum AOA is not maintained.

NOTE: If you are too close abeam, turning a little later may be required to allow for enough straight away.
If you are too wide abeam, turning a little earlier may help prevent a long-in-the-groove.

When at the 90, maintain optimum AOA, a 27-30 degree AOB turn (to avoid an overshoot/ undershoot),
cross-check altitude (450 ft AGL), and increase VSI to a 500-fpm descent. Because the ship is moving
away from you, you will appear high and tight. It is a common tendency that, while coming through the 90-
degree position, you will increase rate of descent and shallow your AOB due to the appearance of the ship.
Resist the tendency to reduce AOB and to increase your rate of descent. The ship is moving away from

At the 45-degree position (the 45), you may be able to start to acquire the ball. Adjust AOB as necessary
to roll out on centerline. Cross-check altitude 325-375 ft, maintain AOA, and proper rate of descent.

NOTE: An advisory call from the LSO (“Keep your turn in”) normally occurs from the 90 to the groove to
avoid an overshooting start. Maximum AOB will be required in order to stop the overshoot. If greater AOB
turn is needed, a waveoff by the LSO will result.

As you roll wings level, reduce power slightly to maintain on-speed and a proper rate of descent and call
the ball. If you do not see the ball, call “Clara.” Do not descend below 300 ft. Do not fixate on the ball but
continue to scan your lineup and AOA. Glideslope becomes progressively narrower as you get closer to
touchdown, you must decrease the magnitude of each correction for an equivalent amount of ball move-
ment as you approach touchdown. The wings level transition is the most dynamic phase of each pass.
The excess energy required in the turn to maintain proper AOA must be bled off while maintaining opti-
mum AOA and rate of descent.

Roll into the groove using the extended centerline of the angled deck as your reference. Roll out with the
centerline between your legs and keep it there all the way to touchdown. If it becomes necessary for the
ship to create its own wind, lineup will be more difficult as the ship’s centerline will be moving constantly to
the right.

Scan the lineup all the way to touchdown, using small wing dips to make corrections. Lineup is critical at
the ship—many accidents during carrier operations are lineup related.

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Carrier Qualification Carrier Qualification

LSO calls during carrier operations are identical to FCLP LSO calls.

CAUTION: Not responding or being slow to respond to an LSO call at the ship may result in a
disqual. These commands are mandatory and will be practiced during FCLP. It is imperative that
each pilot responds properly. Carrier qualifications can be very unforgiving and the margin for
error very small.


The procedures for touch and go landings and bolters are identical. Continue to fly the ball all the way to
touchdown. Upon touchdown, simultaneously advance power to MRT, retract speed brakes, and rotate to
optimum AOA. Maintain wings level and verify a positive rate of climb and maintain optimum AOA. Once
a positive rate of climb is established and your aircraft is abeam the bow, use 10-degree wing dip right to
parallel the ship’s BRC. Take interval on any aircraft that reaches the bow prior to you, either entering the
break or launching off the cat.

CAUTION: Ensure feet are off the Brakes!

CAUTION: To avoid interfering with aircraft off the cat or in the break, do not cross the ship’s bow.

Climb to pattern altitude (600 ft) at optimum AOA and turn downwind with proper interval. Turn downwind
when the aircraft ahead reaches your 7 o’clock position. Perform the landing checklist. If unable to find
interval, ask tower to call turn.

All waveoffs are made up the angled deck unless otherwise directed by the LSO or the tower. Waveoff
calls are mandatory. Student pilots will not initiate their own waveoffs unless ball call has not been rogered
by the in-the-middle position. Waveoffs may result from a fouled deck, winds out of limits, or aircraft not
being set up for a safe landing.

To perform a waveoff, simultaneously advance power to MRT, retract speed brakes, maintain landing
attitude (not to exceed optimum AOA), level wings, and climb up the angled deck. Verify a positive rate of
climb and maintain optimum AOA. Once you have established a positive rate of climb and you are abeam
the bow, turn right to parallel the ship’s BRC. Climb to 600 ft, turn downwind with proper interval, and
perform landing checklist.

If a signal Delta is given by the tower while you’re in the pattern, maintain pattern altitude and fly the same
landing pattern. Fly the pattern at 130 KIAS in the landing configuration with speed brakes retracted (Delta
Easy). When cleared from the Delta pattern, the first aircraft to reach the 180 position resumes the normal

Execute the approach exactly as you would a touch and go, flying the ball all the way to touchdown. When
the aircraft touches down, advance the power to MRT and retract your speed brakes. Do not anticipate an
arrested landing. Maintain MRT until your aircraft comes to a complete stop and the yellow shirt located at
the 1 to 2 o’clock position signals for power back. The yellow shirt will then signal for brake release and a
pull back followed by a stop signal and hook up signal. The pull back allows for the wire to clear the hook.
If the pilot applies the brakes during the evolution, the aircraft will tilt back, potentially damaging the tail
section. Follow the yellow shirt’s instructions/commands.

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Carrier Qualification Flight Deck Procedures


To clear the landing area, advance power to no more than 70 percent, engage high gain nose wheel
steering, and follow the yellow shirt’s signals as you taxi past the foul deck line. You will be passed from
one yellow shirt to another as you taxi from the landing area to the catapult or refueling area. If it is neces-
sary to use power above 70%, inform the tower. If you lose sight of your director or if you are receiving
signals from more than one director at a time, stop. Follow the yellow shirt’s signals explicitly. Do not
anticipate any signals. If in doubt, stop. Always use high gain nose wheel steering on the flight deck. The
yellow shirts expect you to use high gain.

While taxiing to the catapult, complete the takeoff checklist, compute the aircraft’s gross weight, and
acknowledge the weight board prior to crossing the jet blast deflector (JBD). When computing gross
weight, round up to the closest 500-pound increment. For example, 12,300 to 12,500. If the figure is
correct on the weight board, give the thumbs up signal. If the weight is too low on the weight board, raise it
in 500-pound increments by moving your hand up and down vertically with your palm up. If the weight
shown is too high, lower it in 500-pound increments by moving your hand horizontally with your palm down.
If the weight is more than 1,000 pounds off, call the tower with the gross weight of the aircraft. Follow
yellow shirt’s direction to line up on catapult.

During refueling or hot seat evolutions, the yellow shirts will taxi each jet into close proximity to other
aircraft, the island, or the deck edge to utilize all available space. It is critical that the pilot never breaks
eye contact with the controlling yellow shirt. Once the signal is passed (by the controlling yellow shirt) that
the aircraft is chocked and chained, the pilot may then take his/her feet off the brakes and hot seat or
refueling can be performed.

You must be able to recognize the deck personnel and their functions. All taxi directors, catapult spotters,
catapult officers, flight deck officers, and arresting gear officers wear yellow jerseys and are the only
persons authorized to control the movement of the aircraft on the flight deck. Additionally, Flight Deck
officers, Chief Warrant officers and Chief Petty officers wear khaki pants. The catapult officer and arrest-
ing gear officer can be identified by orange and green reflective tape on their cranials.

Maintenance personnel, catapult, and arresting crews wear green jerseys. The catapult and arresting gear
officers also wear orange and green reflective tape on their cranials. Plane captains wear brown; plane
handlers (pushers, chockers, chainers, etc.), phone talkers, and elevator operators wear blue; fueling
personnel wear purple. Safety and medical personnel, LSOs, final checkers, and quality assurance
personnel wear white. Ordnance and crash crews wear red.

NOTE: Flight Deck Officers, Chief Warrant Officers and Chief Petty Officers are the only personnel on the
deck that will be wearing “khaki” pants.

(7-01) Original Page 35

Carrier Qualification Flight Deck Procedures


The following signals are directed to pilots or deck crews by the yellow shirt. Signals performed above the
waist are directed to pilots; signals performed below the waist are directed to deck crews.

* Proceed to next director: director pats sides of head with both hands, then points to next director
(near arm extended toward new director, other arm moved across chest pointing toward new direc-

* I have control: new director will hold one arm straight up and will begin giving directions as soon as
you look at him.

* Slow down: director extends arms down with palms toward ground, then moves them up and down
several times.

* Turn left: director points right arm downward and moves left arm repeatedly upward and backward,
speed of arm movement indicating desired rate of turn.

* Turn right: director points left arm downward and moves right arm repeatedly upward and backward,
speed of arm movement indicating desired rate of turn.

* Move ahead: director extends arms forward at shoulder level with hands upraised above eye level
and palms facing backward and makes beckoning arm motion, speed of arm movement indicating
desired speed.

* Move back (push back): director holds arms down by sides, palms facing forward, and then sweeps
them forward and upward repeatedly to shoulder height.

* Emergency stop: director extends arms above head with wrists crossed and fists clenched.

* Brakes on: director extends arms above head with fists clenched.

* Brakes off: director extends arms above head and alternately clenches and unclenches fists.

* Install chocks: director extends arms down 45 degrees from body with fists closed, thumbs pointed
inward, and then swings arms from outward to inward.

* Install tiedowns: director rotates hands in a vertical circle in front of body.

* Remove chocks: director holds arms down at sides with fists closed and thumbs pointed outward and
then swings arms outward.

* Remove chain tiedowns: director makes wiping motion down left arm with right hand and down right
arm with left hand.

* Chain tiedowns in place: director rotates hands in a vertical circle in front of body and then gives
thumbs up.

* Throttle back: director extends arm in front of body with fist at waist level and thumb extended up,
then grasps thumb with other hand and rocks as if pulling throttle to IDLE.

* Engage nose wheel steering: director points to nose with index finger and points to nose wheel with
other hand.

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Carrier Qualification Flight Deck Procedures

* Disengage nose wheel steering: director points to nose with index finger and makes lateral wave with
open palm of other hand at shoulder height.

* Engine runup: catapult officer waves index and middle finger in circular motion at head level.

* Open canopy: director places hand palm-down on top of head and raises hand as though hinged at

* Hook up: director positions left hand in front of body palm down and moves right hand upward
bringing extended thumb into left palm.

* Launch: catapult officer squats, touches the deck, then raises his hand.

* Hook down: director positions left hand horizontally in front of his body palm up, then moves right
hand down bringing extended thumb into left palm.

* Lights on/off: director points to eyes with two fingers.

* Fuel top off: director or pilot pats top of head.

* Engine shutdown: director points finger at one side of throat and moves hand sideways as if to cut


Following is a list of visual signals you will use in communicating with deck personnel.

* Fuel status: pilot moves thumb extended from fist toward mouth in a drinking motion and then uses
fingers to signal amount of remaining fuel in hundreds of pounds.

* Fuel quantity signal: pilot signals 700 lb, for example, with a clenched fist followed by two fingers
extended horizontally. See your T-45 NATOPS for a complete listing of signals.

* Cut fuel: pilot holds extended fingers at throat and moves hand sideways as if to cut throat.

* Brake failure: pilot drops arresting hook and turns on light.


CAUTION: Any time you man an aircraft on the flight deck, request an escort to the aircraft from
flight deck control.

When manning an aircraft that has been shut down, perform an exterior inspection just as you would
conduct the shore-based inspection, again emphasizing the launch bar, tail hook bumpers, tail hook, hook
point (should be greased), landing gear struts, holdback, underside of fuselage, and tire pressure.

CAUTION: You may not be able to preflight some portions of the aircraft due to its positioning on
the edge of the flight deck.

(7-01) Original Page 37

Carrier Qualification Flight Deck Procedures

Perform an interior inspection just as you would on shore, but pay extra attention to potential cockpit FOD
such as loose cockpit gauges/HUD. Complete “entering cockpit checklist except ensure aft cockpit ANTI-
SKID switch is set to ON, and forward cockpit ANTI-SKID switch is set to OFF.

CAUTION: Gauges may be loose due to previous impacts of aircraft on the deck during landings, you
must verify that all gauges are secure. Loose gauges can be dangerous during catapult launch.

* Perform the prestart checklist.

* Start the engine when authorized by the yellow shirt; a plane captain (brown shirt) will monitor the
engine start.

* Close the canopy when appropriate.

* Complete the post-start checklist.

* Complete the plane captain’s checks.

* Complete the taxi/takeoff checklist prior to taxiing.

NOTE: The takeoff checklist is the same as for shore-based procedures with emphasis placed on the

- Position the ANTI-SKID switch to OFF.

- Set the stabilator trim to 3 1/2 degrees noseup.

- Check the HOOK BYP switch to CARRIER.

* When ready to taxi, give the “up and ready” call (with gross weight). Ensure there is no one on the

NOTE: Your oxygen mask must be on whenever you are not chocked and chained.


There may be times when you will man an aircraft that has just landed. Follow these procedures:

* With the aircraft chocked and chained, the outgoing pilot safes the seat, sets the throttle to IDLE with
full friction applied (throttle locked), and sets the parking brake.

CAUTION: Prior to performing hot seat procedures, ensure that the FOD safety screen is
installed over the port engine intake.

* The outgoing pilot verifies that the cockpit switches are left in the proper positions.

* The outgoing pilot unstraps from the seat, extends the seat and leg straps, and opens the canopy on
signal from the plane captain.

* The outgoing pilot exits the aircraft with all personal gear as expeditiously as practical.

* The new pilot enters as quickly as practical.

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Carrier Qualification Flight Deck Procedures

* The outgoing pilot briefs the incoming pilot on aircraft status.

* The new pilot completes the taxi/takeoff checklists.

NOTE: The takeoff checklist is the same as for Manning Aircraft procedures stated above with the following

- Check the ANTI-SKID switch is set to OFF.

- Set the stabilator trim to 3 1/2 degrees noseup.

- Check HOOK BYP switch to CARRIER.

* When ready, the new pilot gives the “up and ready” call.

* Up and ready will be confirmed by the yellow shirt with a thumbs up.

CAUTION: The outgoing pilot must be escorted to flight deck control.

NOTE: Your oxygen mask must be on whenever you are not chocked and chained.

For this operation, follow these procedures:

* Follow the yellow shirt’s taxi directions to the fueling area where your aircraft will be chocked and
chained to prevent movement before fueling hoses are attached.

* Canopy must remain down and locked during refueling.

* Indicate the aircraft fuel state when signaled by the fueling crew (purple shirt).

* Watch your fuel quantity indicator; give a thumbs up to the purple shirt to indicate that fuel is being

NOTE: Give cut signal when fuel gauge reaches 2,800 lbs.

* When fueling is complete, the ground crew will disconnect the fueling hose.

* When you are ready to taxi, make the “up and ready with gross weight” call.

When shutting down the aircraft, follow the procedures outlined in the NATOPS:

* Follow the yellow shirt signals to the parking area.

* When the yellow shirt signals, the blue shirts will chock and chain the aircraft.

* Set the parking brake ON.

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Carrier Qualification Flight Deck Procedures

* The yellow shirt will signal the pilot when the aircraft is fully chocked and chained down.

-Apply the gust lock.

-Complete the postlanding checklist.

* Shut down the engine only when signaled by the yellow shirt; a brown shirt (plane captain) will monitor
the shutdown.

To ensure precise spotting on the catapult, you must follow the taxi director’s signals. The following is a
list of visual signals for catapult operations.

NOTE: Ensure the takeoff checklist is completed and trim set to 3.5 degrees noseup with flaps/slats set to
full prior to passing the JBD. Roger the weight board.

* Extend launch bar: director rests right elbow in left palm at waist level with right arm up at waist level
and then brings right hand down to horizontal position.

* Engaging nose wheel steering: director points right index finger to his nose and presents a lateral wave
with open palm of the left hand at shoulder height.

* Taxi: director extends arms forward at shoulder level with hands upraised at eye level, palms facing
toward each other and then moves hands horizontally back and forth across the front of chest, speed of
arm movement indicating desired speed.

* Slight turn left/right: director will nod head in direction of turn while giving move ahead signal.

* Brakes on (when in holdback): director extends arms above head with open palms toward aircraft and
then closes fists.

* Tension: director extends arms overhead with fists closed and then opened with palms forward (indica-
tion to release brakes); then hand toward bow is swept down to a 45-degree position toward deck, while
other hand is swept up 45 degrees toward sky (it is mandatory for the pilot to go to MRT).

* Retract launch bar: director rests right elbow in left palm with right arm extended horizontally at waist
level and then raised to vertical.

* Engine runup: Catapult Officer/Catapult Safety Petty Officer (CSPO) makes circular motion with index
and middle finger at head level.

* Acknowledge salute: Catapult Officer/CSPO returns salute.

* Launch signal: Catapult Officer/CSPO extends arm overhead and sweeps upraised hand downward in
direction of the launch, touching the deck and returning the hand to horizontal in the direction of the

* Hang fire: Catapult Officer/CSPO extends right-hand index finger overhead and points horizontally at
left palm extended vertically.

* Suspend: Catapult Officer/CSPO raises arms above head with wrists crossed (indicating the launch is
to be suspended).

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Carrier Qualification Flight Deck Procedures

* Throttle back: Catapult Officer/CSPO stands in front of aircraft’s wing and holds one fist above head
with thumb up, then grasps thumb with other hand and rocks as if pulling throttle back.

WARNING: Do not throttle back until the catapult officer walks in front of the aircraft and gives the
throttle back signal during suspended launches.

When directed by the catapult director (yellow shirt), place the launch bar switch to EXTEND; the nose
wheel steering (NWS) is automatically disengaged with the launch bar extended.

The yellow shirt may signal to reengage NWS to get the launch bar seated properly into the catapult track
(the box). Press and hold the NWS button and slowly apply rudder as directed by the yellow shirt. Once
the launch bar is properly seated in the track, the director will signal you to disengage NWS.

CAUTION: Very small NWS inputs are required. Do not apply excessive NWS inputs during
hookup. Deck personnel are working around the nose gear.

CAUTION: Never operate the parking brake beyond the JBD.

Following signals, taxi forward slowly to position the launch bar over the shuttle (significant power may be
required). When the launch bar drops over the shuttle, the aircraft will be stopped as the holdback engages
the catapult buffer.

CAUTION: To prevent the possibility of breaking the holdback link, you must keep taxi speed to a

Apply and hold the brakes when signaled. When the take tension signal is given by the catapult director,
advance power to MRT, wipe out the controls, release the wheel brakes, place your heels on the deck,
with toes below the toe bars, (Figure 20) and then place the launch bar switch to RETRACT (launch bar
will be held down by shuttle tension). Grasp the catapult handgrip and lock your elbow. As tension is
taken, you will feel the aircraft squat.

WARNING: Selecting launch bar RETRACT before receiving the retract signal from the aircraft
director may raise the launch bar before it is properly seated in the shuttle spreader assembly,
resulting in a mispositioned launch bar.

CAUTION: If launch bar is retracted below max rpm, an ACCEL light may illuminate.

CAUTION: Failing to use the catapult grip could result in power settings less than MRT during the
cat stroke.

During the engine runup and checks, the catapult director will pass control to the catapult officer. Check
your engine instruments (EGT, rpm, fuel flow) and monitor your central warning system indicators and
advisory lights while wiping out control surfaces. When wiping out the cockpit controls, verify the full throw
of the stick and rudder in all directions.

WARNING: Brakes may inadvertently be applied during a catapult launch, resulting in a blown
tire, even with heels placed on the deck.

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Carrier Qualification Flight Deck Procedures

Figure 20: PEDAL TOE BAR

When ready for launch, crisply give a right-handed salute to the Catapult Officer/CSPO. Cup your hand
loosely behind the stick and place your head firmly against the headrest.

The catapult officer will make final checks, looking fore and aft, then touch the deck. After about a 1-second
delay, an acceleration will be felt reaching flying speed in about 2 seconds.

NOTE: If “bubble launch,” the CSPO will return salute. The Catapult Officer will effect the launch once
clearing fore and aft.

NOTE: The bow should pass under the nose at 120 KIAS minimum or excess end airspeed, whichever is
greater. Refer to the Catapult Launch Minimum Endspeed Chart in NATOPS Chapter 8. Let your hand
follow the stick as it moves aft during the cat stroke. As your aircraft clears the end of the stroke, rotate to
10-12 degrees noseup attitude and establish a positive rate of climb, climb to pattern altitude, lower hook,
and check for interval.

Suspend Procedures
Although the pilot, catapult officer, or air boss can all initiate a suspend, the following procedures apply to
the pilot only.

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Carrier Qualification Flight Deck Procedures

If at any time during the launch sequence, the pilot elects to suspend, he/she will broadcast over the UHF,
“SUSPEND, SUSPEND, SUSPEND,” while simultaneously shaking the head from side to side.

CAUTION: When the aircraft is in tension, keep both hands down below the canopy rails until the
salute. Any gesture made above the canopy rails may be confused with a salute.

The catapult officer will signal suspend followed by the signals to retract the shuttle, raise the launch bar,
and bring the shuttle forward. Maintain MRT until the catapult officer steps in front of your aircraft and gives
the throttle back signal; only then reduce the throttle to IDLE.

CAUTION: Under no circumstances should the power be reduced until the catapult officer walks in
front of the aircraft’s wing and signals for power back. Be fully prepared to go flying.

If the launch sequence is to continue after suspension, control will be returned to the catapult yellow shirt.
The launch sequence will continue as normal, beginning with the launch bar extend signal.

While CQ is in progress, there will be enough lead safes overhead the ship at all times with enough fuel to
escort the remaining SNPs in the pattern back to the beach. The ship will constantly update the “pigeons”
(bearing and range back to the home field) information.


After the aircraft clears the catapult, rotate to 10-12 degrees noseup attitude and establish a positive rate of
climb. Raise your gear (once a positive rate of climb is established) and flaps/slats at 140 KIAS. Climb to
and maintain 500 ft and accelerate to 300 KIAS. Continue outbound parallel to the ship’s BRC. When
directed or at 7 nm, begin a climbing turn toward home base or to join on lead safe as directed and continue
your climb to the assigned or appropriate cruise altitude. When instructed, switch from tower frequency to
departure frequency and check in.

CAUTION: Do not overfly the ship during a transit to the beach. A minimum of 10 nm should be
maintained from the ship.

Once in communication with departure, the controller will assign a squawk and instruct the pilot to report a
sweet lock on the appropriate field. Once reported, a switch to the controlling agency will be made.

After your aircraft clears the catapult, rotate to 10-12 degrees noseup attitude to establish a positive rate of
climb. Raise gear (once a positive rate of climb is established) and flaps/slats at 140 KIAS and climb to and
maintain 500 ft. Accelerate to 300 KIAS and continue outbound on the ship’s BRC. At 7 nm, if you are
unable to climb in VFR, perform the following:

* Turn to intercept the 10 DME arc and maintain 500 ft or 500 ft below the clouds.

* Arc to and intercept the assigned departure radial.

* Climb to the assigned altitude once you’re established on the departure radial.

(7-01) Original Page 43

Carrier Qualification Flight Deck Procedures


MEA 7 nm
1 0D

500 ft



If you arrive at 7 nm and are able to remain in VFR, perform the same procedures as that of a CASE I

* When in VMC on top. turn to desired heading to RTB.

CAUTION: During the departure, verify HSI and wet compass to ensure no errors exist.

* If still IMC at 18,000 ft, report “Popeye” to receive instructions.

Full stop ashore following carrier operations:

* Complete the landing checklist.

* Ensure the hook is “UP.”

* Ensure the anti-skid is “ON.”

* Ensure the anti-collision lights are “ON.”

* Use the appropriate procedures for braking with carrier tire pressure.

NOTE: Your flight is not over until the yellow sheet is signed. Ensure that you use the correct codes.

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Carrier Qualification Emergency Procedures


Bingo is an emergency situation. It means that you are at emergency fuel levels, not minimum fuel.

The fuel state of every aircraft is constantly monitored by AIR OPS and tower. When the fuel state
reaches hold-down (as set by AIR OPS), you will be held on the deck for refueling. Advise the tower if you
have been directed to taxi to the catapult with a fuel state at or below hold-down.


In a clean configuration, the computation of the bingo profile will be computed as follows (refer to Figure

* Determine the distance to base.

NOTE: You will receive information on bearing/distance (pigeons) to the divert field and bingo fuel state
from marshal on initial check-in. This information is periodically updated and broadcast over marshal and
tower frequencies. Always write down bingo and pigeons information.

* Refer to the PCL to determine proper bingo information.

-Fuel required

-Time required for bingo (total time required from start of climb to landing)

-Speed (KIAS) for climb

-Cruise altitude

-Cruise (KIAS/IMN) speed at cruise altitude

-Descent (KIAS) speed

-Descent point

Always verify bingo figures passed by the ship with your bingo fuel chart based on your knowledge of the
distance to the bingo field. Here is an example of a bingo profile computation problem:

* Determine proper bingo information

* Example variables

-Aircraft configuration: gear up, flaps up

-Zero fuel weight: 10,500 lb

-Drag index: 0

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Carrier Qualification Emergency Procedures



NOTE: The drag index is determined according to the external stores of the aircraft. With no external
stores, the drag index of the T-45 is 0.

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Carrier Qualification Emergency Procedures

* Distance to bingo field: 100 nm

NOTE: Fuel required includes 300 pounds reserve fuel, maximum thrust climb to indicated altitude, and
idle descent to sea level.

* Example answers

-DIST TO BASE = 100 nm

-FUEL REQD = 714 lb


-CRUISE ALT = 20,000 feet



-DESCENT DIST = 54 nm (from bingo field)


CAUTION: If bingo fuel occurs during a communication failure, immediately execute a bingo. A
bingo profile can be executed at any point in the CQ pattern.

Upon reaching bingo fuel status, turn to your bingo heading (do not delay performing the turn or climb, but
be on the lookout for other aircraft), clean up, and fly the bingo profile (climb at MRT). Communicate your
intentions to the ship. Do not delay in executing a bingo profile while awaiting Tower reply. Squawk 7700
and communicate to any appropriate controlling agency.

At your descent point, begin idle descent to the bingo field at the descent airspeed.

CAUTION: Always cross-check your wet compass once established on a bingo.

NOTE: If the Bingo Profile is properly flown, you should arrive overhead the field with 300-500 lbs of fuel.
This allows enough fuel to make a turn downwind or a 360 in the event you are unable to make a safe
approach on the first try. Use good headwork.


Since bingo profiles are normally flown in a clean configuration, bingo information calculated from the CV
is for a clean bingo. However, if your aircraft has a gear and/or flap/slat malfunction resulting in a dirty
configuration, the fuel requirements will be higher. Dirty bingo information is computed in the same
manner as clean bingo except that a different chart is used (Figure 23).

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Carrier Qualification Emergency Procedures

When in a dirty configuration, compute your bingo profile as follows:

* Determine the distance to base.

* Refer to the PCL to determine proper bingo information.

-Fuel required

-Speed (KIAS) for climb

-Cruise altitude

-Cruise (KIAS/IMN) speed at cruise altitude

-Descent (KIAS) speed

-Descent point

Here is an example problem:

* Determine proper bingo information

* Example variables

-Aircraft configuration: gear down, flaps full

-Zero fuel weight: 10,500 lb

-Drag index: 0 to calculate speed

-Distance to bingo field: 100 nm

NOTE: Fuel required includes 300 pounds reserve fuel, maximum thrust climb to indicated altitude, and idle
thrust descent to sea level.

* Example answers

-DIST TO BASE = 100 nm

-FUEL REQD = 1,942 lb


-CRUISE ALT = 15,000 feet

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Carrier Qualification Emergency Procedures



-DESCENT DIST = 15 nm (from bingo field)


Upon reaching bingo fuel status, turn to your bingo heading. Do not delay performing the turn or climb, but
be on the lookout for other aircraft. Fly your computed bingo profile and climb at MRT. Communicate the
same information as you would for a clean bingo.

Determining dirty configuration bingo, gear down, flaps/slats down is figured the same way as the previous
two configuration profiles. Use the drag index to calculate speed and the 50 drag index to calculate fuel
and time. Squawk 7700 and communicate your situation to the appropriate agency. Refer to your PCL or
NATOPS for appropriate and current charts.

Procedures for handling a blown tire depend on the situation under which the malfunction occurs. If the
tire blows during a touch and go or after a catapult launch, you may trap aboard or be directed to return to
home field direct. If it occurs after an arrestment, follow the yellow shirt’s signals to taxi or be towed out of
the landing area. If you are instructed to bingo, you should fly the dirty profile, which will require you to
monitor fuel carefully. Even if you are well above bingo fuel, you should still fly the dirty bingo profile (the
most fuel efficient profile) or as directed by a lead safe. Refer to your PCL or NATOPS for proper field
arrestment procedures. Not following these procedures explicitly may result in a hook skip.

WARNING: Directional control on the runway will be extremely difficult with one or both main tires


Immediately determine if your aircraft can be stopped on the deck. If your aircraft cannot be stopped on
the deck, determine if you have adequate airspeed for flight. If airspeed is not adequate, eject. If your
airspeed is adequate, maintain MRT, check speed brakes retracted, and smoothly rotate to optimum AOA.
If the sink rate is not arrested, increase the AOA to 24 units, maintain wings level, and establish a positive
rate of climb.


The indications of a nose wheel steering failure are as follows:

* MSTR ALERT light flashes

* Caution tone sounds in headset

* NOSE WHEEL STR amber caution light illuminated

* NOSE WHEEL STR green advisory light extinguished (if high gain selected)

* Rudder pedals ineffective for steering

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Carrier Qualification Emergency Procedures

If these indications are present, stop the aircraft. Do not taxi with inoperable NWS. Inform the tower of
NWS failure, press the paddle switch to disengage NWS, and press the MSTR ALERT light (to cancel the
light and tone). The deck crew will attach a tow bar. While you are being towed, follow the flight director’s

WARNING: Do not reengage NWS or use differential braking while the tow bar is attached.

The illumination of the HYD 1 PRESS caution light, a low indication of pressure on the brake pressure
gauge, or a decrease or loss of brake pedal pressure are indications of brake failure. If these indications
occur, use high gain nose wheel steering and available braking to maintain directional control while
stopping. If only one brake fails, use NWS and the functioning brake to stop the aircraft.

Drop the arresting hook (to signal deck personnel that a brake failure has occurred), ensure that the ANTI-
SKID switch is in OFF position, and engage the parking brake if possible.

Advise the tower of your situation. Move the throttle to OFF when necessary or if a collision is unavoid-
able. Make every effort to keep the aircraft on the flight deck, even if it means running into the island or
other aircraft. If the aircraft is leaving the flight deck, eject. Once a wheel is off the flight deck (i.e., aircraft
is no longer level), the aircraft may be out of the ejection envelope and ejection is no longer recom-
mended. The following water egress procedures may be necessary.

Pull the MDC firing handle and activate emergency oxygen. In the event of an underwater egress, it is
possible to breathe under water with the oxygen equipment to a depth of 16 feet.

If you can evacuate with the survival kit, release the upper Koch fittings, pull the emergency restraint
release (to release leg restraints), evacuate the aircraft with the seatpack, and inflate your life preserver
unit (LPU).

If you must evacuate without the survival kit, release the upper Koch fittings, pull the emergency restraint
release, release the lower Koch fittings, disconnect oxygen/communication connectors, and inflate your

If the cockpit has flooded, the LPU may have inflated due to the water-activated automatic inflation device.
If so, care must be taken during exit to avoid damage to the LPU.


A launch bar malfunction is indicated by the red L BAR warning light accompanied by the warning tone.
If these indications occur, verify that the launch bar switch is in the RETRACT position. If the launch bar
fails to retract, inform the LSO/tower and refer to the Landing Gear Malfunction-Landing Guide chart in
your PCL. If the launch bar is visually confirmed to be in the DOWN position, clean up, exit the pattern
using standard procedures, and rendezvous on the lead safe overhead according to tower instructions.

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Carrier Qualification Emergency Procedures

If an aircraft emergency occurs while you’re on the catapult, perform catapult suspend procedures.

CAUTION: Keep both hands down in the cockpit and out of sight so that hand movements cannot
be confused with a salute.

* Use a head shake as a negative signal and transmit, “Suspend, suspend, suspend.”

* Maintain MRT until the catapult officer steps in front of the aircraft’s wing and gives the throttle back


A catapult hang fire occurs when the catapult officer has touched the deck, the button has been pushed to
launch the aircraft, but the catapult does not fire. If a hang fire occurs, the catapult officer will give the
suspend signal followed by the hang fire signal. Once the catapult is “safed,” he will then step in front of
the aircraft and give the throttle back signal.


Once the aircraft is in tension, a holdback fitting failure may occur. When a holdback fitting fails, the
aircraft will begin rolling forward and feel like it is on a normal takeoff roll as opposed to a catapult stroke.
If this happens, retard the throttle immediately to IDLE, extend speed brakes and apply maximum braking.
If necessary, use NWS to remain on the deck. The launch bar must be retracted or the NWS button
pressed to activate the NWS.

CAUTION: Failure to perform the above procedures immediately may make it impossible to keep
the aircraft on the flight deck, requiring you to eject. If you are unable to eject, pull the MDC
handle, activate emergency oxygen, ride the aircraft into the water, and perform a water egress.


Immediately determine if the aircraft can be stopped on the deck. If you cannot stop the aircraft on the
deck, determine if you have adequate airspeed for flight. If your airspeed is not adequate, eject. If your
airspeed is adequate, maintain MRT and smoothly rotate aircraft to optimum AOA to stop sink rate. If the
sink rate is not arrested, increase AOA to 24 units. Maintain wings level and establish a positive rate of

In the event of a communications failure, always troubleshoot the system by checking switches and
looking for loose connections.

Using hand signals, notify the lead safe of your NORDO condition and fuel state. Always pass your fuel
state to the lead—never assume that the flight lead is aware of it. The lead safe will contact marshal and
attempt to have a lead safe escort you back to home base.

Fly a normal pattern to the start and call the ball. If no “Cut light” is received, wave off your approach and
do not descend below 300 ft. Fly up the angled deck, rocking your wings. Once abeam of the ship’s bow,
turn to parallel the ship’s BRC. Climb to and maintain 500 ft, accelerate to 150 KIAS, continue in the
pattern, turning on your interval until a lead safe joins on you. The lead safe will join on the right. The lead
safe will take the lead and lead you home.

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Carrier Qualification Emergency Procedures

CAUTION: When climbing, stay heads up for other aircraft. Stay within 5 nm of the ship: don’t
lose sight of the ship.

CAUTION: If you reach bingo fuel state or an emergency occurs that requires an immediate
landing prior to rendezvous with the lead safe, immediately proceed to your divert field and
squawk 7700 on your IFF. Cross-check your wet compass and HSI to ensure that heading is
properly aligned. A lead safe will attempt to join on you and escort you to the bingo field.

Never taxi to a catapult for launch with a known communication malfunction. Give the communication
failure signal to the yellow shirt (point at ears or mask followed by a thumbs down) and follow the yellow
shirt’s signals to a parking area. Troubleshoot the malfunction when practicable (cycle the switches and
check the mask and helmet connections).


Upon touchdown, with a single blown main tire, the aircraft will begin an immediate and rapid yaw or
swerve into the side of the blown tire. Additionally, the aircraft will establish an AOB of approximately
3 degrees opposite the direction of yaw (i.e., right yaw, left AOB). During the initial swerve, and subse-
quent pilot inputs to correct it, cockpit lateral accelerations (side-to-side) can reach up to 0.5 g that can be
very uncomfortable. Landing area lateral deviations will vary depending on how rapidly correct control
inputs (rudder inputs opposite the swerve) are applied. Due to these characteristics, a short field, fly-in
arrestment is the highly recommended procedure to recover the aircraft.

For a short field arrestment, request LSO assistance and expect a “talk down” to a fly-in arrestment. The
LSO may elect to use a shallower glideslope than usual; visual glideslope information provided by the
Fresnel lens may conflict with LSO calls. Under these circumstances, disregard visual glideslope informa-
tion and respond solely to LSO calls. A normal, on-speed approach should be flown using half or full flaps.
Reconfigure the flaps only after visual inspection confirms no flap damage from the blown tire. During the
approach to land, the pilot should be prepared for the distinct possibility of a bolter and be ready to perform
an immediate go-around. Normal touch-and-go or bolter technique should be used with an additional and
simultaneous rudder application (requiring up to 180 pounds of force) to counter the effects of the blown
tire. Prompt but smooth aft stick application, up to full aft stick, will reduce time on deck. Once airborne,
center the rudder pedals (to prevent a rudder-induced roll) and maintain a flyaway attitude. Power should
be reduced only when arrestment is assured, either by an LSO call or deceleration is felt by the pilot.

For a shipboard arrested landing attempt, the LSO may elect to adjust the touchdown point by targeting
the 2-wire. The pilot should be prepared for the possibility of a bolter/hook skip. Should this occur,
aggressive and rapid rudder pedal deflection after touchdown (requiring up to 180 pounds of force within
0.25 seconds) is required to counter the swerve of a single blown tire to stay within the lateral confines of
the landing area. Once airborne, center the rudder pedals and establish a flyaway attitude.
If arresting gear is not available, perform a flared landing with half flaps (if able) using the longest and
widest runway available consistent with wind direction and speed. Simulations have shown that landing
with a crosswind component of greater than 5 knots on the side corresponding to the blown tire was
extremely hazardous due to loss of directional control below approximately 60 KIAS. Crosswinds of up to
15 knots on the side corresponding to the good tire were controllable to a full stop. If landing distance
permits, a quartering tailwind corresponding to the side of the good tire is preferable to a headwind landing
with the crosswind corresponding to the side with the blown tire. Prior to attempting a tailwind landing, the
Landing Distance Chart (section XI) should be referenced to verify that an adequate runway exists. Offset
to land on the side of the runway corresponding to the good tire. Upon touchdown, simultaneously retard
power to idle and counter swerve with rudder. Nosewheel steering (NWS) effectiveness can be increased
by applying forward stick, up to full forward. Do not use high gain NWS until the aircraft has slowed to taxi

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Carrier Qualification Emergency Procedures

speed. As the aircraft slows through 100 KIAS, differential braking may be required to maintain directional
control. Since anti-skid will be off, aggressive braking will result in blowing the remaining good tire.
Additionally, smooth brake application is required to avoid pilot-induced directional oscillations. If rudder
inputs at touchdown are not sufficient to prevent a high-speed departure from the prepared runway sur-
face, ejection may be the only remaining option and the decision to eject should not be delayed.

NOTE: Rudder inputs to counter swerve should be applied without brake application. Since the anti-skid
system is off, any brake application at high speed increases the likelihood of a blown main tire.

* See NATOPS for more information and procedures.

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Carrier Qualification Summary


Following your landing at home base after your initial carqual, you will reflect on how enjoyable this phase
of your training has been. All the preparation—studying, being attentive at lectures, working hard during
FCLPs—has culminated with your traps at the ship and has been well worthwhile.

You can be justifiably proud of your accomplishments, but your greatest pride will be the knowledge that
you are now a Navy carrier pilot—something that separates you from all other pilots in the world.

(7-01) Original Page 55

Carrier Qualification Self-Test



1. Identify the function, color, and location of the FLOLS lights--source, cut, waveoff, and datum-- and
briefly explain the function of each.

1. The 5 source lights in the lens box indicate the aircraft’s relative position on the glideslope (as
referenced to the datum lights). The top 4 lights are amber and the bottom light is red.

2. There are 4 green cut lights mounted horizontally on top of lens. The cutlights are used to indicate
“Roger Ball,” thereafter power. Utilized during Ziplip or EMCON at the ship (when radio calls are
not normally made).

3. There are 4 red waveoff lights mounted vertically on each side of the lens box. The waveoff lights
flash to indicate a mandatory waveoff command by the LSO.

4. There are 6 green datum lights mounted horizontally on each side of the center lens of the lens box.
The datum lights provide the reference for optimum glideslope and are used in conjunction with the
source lights in the lens box.


2. Give the corrective action (response) to each of the following calls and state whether it is informative,
advisory, or imperative.

“You’re low”
“Right for lineup”
“Easy with the power”

1. You’re low: adjust glideslope immediately (informative call)

2. Right for lineup: come right to correct lineup to centerline (imperative call)

3. Easy with the power: reduce magnitude of power/attitude correction (advisory call)


3. Upon arriving at the 180-degree position, you find that you are too close. In order for you to arrive at
the correct 90-degree position, should you increase or decrease your AOB?

ANSWER: When you are too close at the 180-degree position, you will have to use maximum AOB to
arrive at the correct 90-degree position to prevent overshooting. In addition, you must increase your
initial rate of descent to be at the correct altitude at the 90-degree position.

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Carrier Qualification Self-Test


4. You are making your approach to the carrier. While making glideslope corrections for low and
on-speed, you overcontrol and the ball starts to go high at the ramp. What should you do?

ANSWER: In this situation you should stop the movement of the ball but not attempt to recenter it. If
you attempt to recenter the ball, you could overcontrol again, causing a very dangerous situation.


5. What is the most important difference between day FCLP and night FCLP?

ANSWER: The lack of visual cues at night.


6. During carrier qualification, when is it appropriate to initiate your own waveoff?

ANSWER: You may initiate your own waveoff only in an emergency or if you have not received a
“Roger ball” call by the in-the-middle position.

7. Briefly describe the Case I marshal (holding) pattern.

ANSWER: Left-hand circling pattern (with flight in balanced formation) tangent to ship’s BRC with
ship at 3 o’clock position.

* No more than 5 nm in diameter

* At assigned altitude (minimum: 1,500 ft)

* Minimum separation of flights (vertically): 1,000 ft

* Marshal airspeed: max conserve

8. Identify the common errors associated with the carrier pattern break.


1. Failure to check clock to set an exact break interval

2. Failure to hold heading and altitude after interval has broken

3. Gaining or losing altitude in the break--haze and loss of visual cues make an instrument break

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Carrier Qualification Self-Test

9. Describe the four-plane break procedure during a carrier pattern entry.


1. The lead will break on interval or no earlier than 1 nm past bow or as directed by tower.

2. Each wingman breaks at 15-second intervals after lead breaks.

3. Execute level break: use approximately 79-80 degrees AOB, reduce power to IDLE, and extend
speed brakes.

4. Descend to 600 ft AGL.

5. At 200 KIAS, extend gear and flaps/slats.

10. True or false. The 180-degree position is the same as the abeam position when there is a 25- to
30-kt wind across the deck.


11. True or false. A right-to-left crosswind will always be present at the ship.

ANSWER: False. A right-to-left crosswind may be present on calm days due to axial winds. With
high natural winds, the winds will normally be down the angle.

12. What should you do if you lose sight of the taxi director while taxiing?

ANSWER: Stop immediately!

13. Identify the personnel associated with the following shirt colors.

Yellow Green
Brown Blue
Purple White


1. Yellow: plane directors, catapult spotter, catapult officer, flight deck officer, arresting gear officer

2. Green: maintenance, catapult, and arresting gear personnel

3. Brown: plane captains

4. Blue: plane handlers (pushers, checkers, chainers, etc.), phone talkers, elevator operators

5. Purple: Fueling crews

6. White: safety and medical personnel, LSOs, final checker, and Quality Assurance (QA)

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Carrier Qualification Self-Test

7. Red: ordnance and crash crews

14. What are the differences in the takeoff checklist when performed on the carrier?

ANSWER: Anti-skid is set to OFF and stabilator trim is set to 3 1/2 degrees noseup & HOOK BYP
switch set to CARRIER.

15. What is the first thing you must accomplish before starting the hot seat procedures?

ANSWER: Verify that a FOD safety screen has been placed over the port engine intake.

16. Why is the parking brake never used beyond the JBD?



Page 60 (7-01) Original

Carrier Qualification Appendix A


Study Resources for Carrier Qualification:

[A] T-45 NATOPS Flight Manual, A1-T45AB-NFM-000 or A1-T45AC-NFM-000

[B] T-45 Carrier Qualification FTI
[C] CV NATOPS Manual, NAVAIR 00-8T-105
[D] LSO NATOPS Manual, NAVAIR 00-80T-104

T-45 UJPT, E2-C2, ADV, & IUT CQFP-01 : “Field Carrier Landing Practice (FCLP),” 1.0 hr,
Lesson Preparation:
*[B] “Fresnel Lens Optical Landing System,” “Field Carrier Landing Practice (FCLP),” and “Glossary of
Terms,” T-45 Carrier Qualification FTI
*[A] Part III, “Normal Procedures,” Part IV, “Flight Characteristics,” and Part XI, “Performance Data,” T-45
NATOPS Flight Manual, A1-T45AB-NFM-000 or A1-T45AC-NFM-000
Lesson Objectives for CQFP-03X exam preparation:
* Recall the operating characteristics of the Fresnel lens
* Recall Landing Signal Officer (LSO) responsibilities
* Recall the correct procedures/techniques in response to LSO commands during FCLP approach
* Recall procedures/techniques for flying FCLP pattern
* Diagram the FCLP pattern
* Recall procedures/techniques for performing waveoff
* Recall procedures for Delta pattern
* Recall procedures/techniques for control of glideslope and airspeed during FCLP approach
* Recall the procedures/techniques for controlling lineup on FCLP approach
* Recall required communications for FCLP takeoff, approach, and landing

T-45 UJPT, E2-C2, & ADV CQFP-02: “Night FCLP Procedures,” 0.5 hr, Classroom
Lesson Preparation: N/A
Reinforcement: N/A
Lesson Objectives for Carrier Qualification Flight Procedures CQFP-03X exam preparation:
* Recall night FCLP lighting
* Recall procedures for night FCLP
* Receive the procedures/techniques for controlling lineup on night FCLP approach
* Recall required communications for night FCLP takeoff, approach, and landing

T-45 IUT CQFP-02: “CAR QUAL/Lead Safe Procedures,” 1.5 hr, Classroom
Lesson Preparation:
*[A] Part III, “Normal Procedures,” Part IV, “Flight Characteristics,” and Part XI, “Performance Data,” T-45
NATOPS Flight Manual, A1-T45AB-NFM-000 or A1-T45AC-NFM-000
*[B] “Fresnel Lens Optical Landing System,” “Field Carrier Landing Practice (FCLP),” and “Glossary of
Terms,” T-45 Carrier Qualification FTI
*[A] Chapter 8, “Carrier-Based Procedures,” T-45 NATOPS Flight Manual, A1-T45AB-NFM-000 or
*[B] Study
*[C] Section IV, “Launching Aircraft,” and Section V, “Recovering Aircraft,” CV NATOPS Manual

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Carrier Qualification Appendix A

*[D] Chapter 6, “Shipboard Procedures,” LSO NATOPS Manual, NAVAIR 00-80T-104

Lesson Objectives for IUT CQFP-04X exam preparation:
* Receive lead safe procedures overview
* Recall lead safe requirements (# overhead)
* Recall FCLP currency requirements
* Recall CNATRA CV weather limits
* Recall SNA limitations
* Recall IUT/lead safe limitations
* Recall Carrier Qualification briefing requirements
* Review ground procedures
* Review marshal check-in procedures
* Interpret marshal procedures (Case I)
* Interpret marshal procedures (Case II)
* Recall procedures/techniques for CV pattern entry
* Recall procedures/techniques for the carrier pattern
* Recall lead safe overhead procedures
* Recall emergency/escort procedures
* Recall procedures/techniques for flying a bingo profile (clean)
* Recall procedures/techniques for flying a bingo profile (dirty)
* Compute a bingo profile (clean)
* Compute a bingo profile (dirty)
* Recall procedures/techniques for blown tire

T-45 UJPT, E2-C2, & ADV CQFP-03X: “Carrier Qualification Stage Examination,” 1.0 hr, CAI

T-45 UJPT, E2-C2, & ADV CQFP-04: “Carrier Qualification Shipboard Procedures,” 1.0 hr,
Lesson Preparation:
*[B] “Carrier Qualification” and “Flight Deck Procedures,” T-45 Carrier Qualification FTI
*[C] Section IV, “Launching Aircraft,” and Section V, “Recovering Aircraft,” CV NATOPS Manual
*[A] Chapter 8, “Carrier-Based Procedures,” T-45 NATOPS Flight Manual, A1-T45AB-NFM-000 or
*[C] Section IV, “Launching Aircraft,” and Section V, “Recovering Aircraft,” CV NATOPS Manual, NAVAIR
*[D] Chapter 6, “Shipboard Procedures,” LSO NATOPS Manual, NAVAIR 00-80T-104
Lesson Objectives for Carrier Qualification Flight Procedures CQFP-06X exam preparation:
* Recall procedures/techniques for CV pattern entry
* Recall procedures/techniques for the carrier pattern
* Interpret marshal procedures (Case I)
* Interpret marshal procedures (Case II)
* Recall carrier pattern/landing procedures
* Recall carrier pattern break and turn downwind procedures at CV
* Recall procedures/techniques for approach turn to CV
* Recall procedures/techniques for controlling glideslope/airspeed on carrier approach
* Recall procedures/techniques in response to LSO calls during carrier approach
* Recall procedures/techniques for performing touch and go and bolter
* Recall procedures/techniques for performing a waveoff
* Recall procedures for Delta pattern
* Recall procedures/techniques for arrested landings

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Carrier Qualification Appendix A

* Recall after CV arrestment procedures

* Recall procedures/techniques for taxiing aircraft on flight deck
* Recall procedures for catapult hookup
* Recall procedures/techniques for catapult launch
* Identify catapult director/officer signals
* Recall procedures to initiate suspend
* Recall procedures for catapult malfunctions/emergencies
* Recall procedures/techniques for performing Case I departure
* Recall procedures/techniques for performing Case II departure
* Recall NATOPS recovery and landing procedures for T-45
* Identify procedures/techniques for flying a bingo profile (clean)
* Identify procedures/techniques for flying a bingo profile (dirty)
* Recall procedures/techniques for communications failure in pattern
* Recall procedures/techniques for communications failure on deck
* Recall safety of flight situations/procedures during operational flight
* Recall procedures/techniques for blown tire
* Recall procedures for NWS failure on deck
* Recall procedures for brake failure on deck
* Recall procedures for launch bar failure to retract
* Identify indications of launch bar failing to retract
* Recall procedures for landing gear unsafe/fails to extend
* Recall procedures for ejection
* Recall procedures/techniques for short field arrestment

T-45 UJPT, E2-C2, & ADV CQFP-05; IUT CQFP-03: “Ship’s Brief,” 3.0 hr, Classroom
Lesson Preparation: N/A
Reinforcement: N/A
Lesson Objectives for Carrier Qualification Flight Procedures CQFP-06X exam preparation:
* Receive ship’s brief
* Interpret marshal procedures (Case I)
* Interpret marshal procedures (Case II)
* Recall procedures/techniques for CV pattern entry
* Recall procedures/techniques for the carrier pattern
* Recall the procedures/techniques for controlling glideslope and airspeed on carrier approach
* Recall the principle for controlling lineup on carrier approach
* Recall procedures/techniques in response to LSO commands during carrier approach
* Identify criteria for executing a waveoff
* Recall procedures/techniques for performing a waveoff
* Recall procedures for Delta pattern
* Recall procedures/techniques for arrested landings
* Recall after CV arrestment procedures
* Recall procedures/techniques for taxiing aircraft on flight deck
* Identify the various types of flight deck personnel
* Recall functions/responsibilities of various types of flight deck personnel
* Identify signals used by flight deck personnel
* Identify catapult director/officer signals
* Recall procedures for catapult hook-up
* Recall procedures/techniques for catapult launch
* Recall procedures to initiate suspend
* Recall procedures for catapult malfunctions/emergencies

(7-01) Original Page 63

Carrier Qualification Appendix A

* Recall procedures for performing hot refueling on CV flight deck

* Recall preflight procedures on CV flight deck
* Recall procedures for manning aircraft on CV flight deck
* Recall procedures for shutdown of aircraft on CV flight deck
* Recall procedures/techniques for performing Case I departure
* Recall procedures/techniques for performing Case II departure
* Compute bingo profile (clean)
* Recall procedures/techniques for flying a bingo profile (clean)
* Compute bingo profile (dirty)
* Recall procedures/techniques for flying a bingo profile (dirty)
* Recall procedures for communications failure in pattern
* Recall procedures for communications failure on flight deck
* Recall safety of flight situations/procedures during operational flight
* Recall the procedure/techniques for blown tire
* Recall the procedures for NWS failure on deck
* Recall procedures for brake failure on deck
* Identify indications of launch bar failing to retract
* Recall procedures for launch bar failing to retract
* Recall the procedures/techniques for cross-deck pendant/hook point failure

T-45 UJPT, E2-C2, & ADV CQFP-06X; IUT CQFP-04X: “Ship’s Brief Examination,” 1.0 hr, CAI

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Carrier Qualification Glossary


Air Boss: Officer (located in Pri-Fly) in charge of all flight deck and tower operations within 10 nautical
miles of the ship.

Air Operations Officer: The officer who coordinates all matters pertaining to air operations including

Air Plan: Schedule of carrier flight operations published daily but subject to change.

Angels: Altitude in thousands of feet. For example, Angels 1.5 = 1500 feet.

Axial Winds: Winds down the longitudinal axis of the ship created by the ship’s forward movement. This
causes a right-to-left crosswind across the angled deck.

Bingo: Refers to the minimum fuel state required to divert safely to the nearest suitable field. Bingo is an
emergency situation.

Bolter: A touchdown on the carrier in which the arresting hook does not engage the arresting wires.

BRC: Base recovery course, which is the ship’s magnetic course.

Buster: Proceed at maximum airspeed, generally for an immediate Charlie.

Carrier Air Traffic Control Center (CATCC): The centralized department responsible for the status-
keeping of all carrier air operations and control of all airborne aircraft involved in launch and recovery.

Case I: Refers to departure/recovery procedures and landing patterns conducted in VMC conditions
3,000/5 or greater exist (3,000-foot ceiling and 5-nm visibility within the carrier control zone). Case I
recoveries will marshal overhead the ship and enter the pattern via the break.

Case II: Weather less than 3,000/5 but greater than 1,000/5 exist at the ship. Case II recovery is a
controlled IMC descent to the break and the VFR pattern. It is used when a VFR penetration cannot be
made. The approach may be via radar vectors or a TACAN or ADF approach. In no case will more than a
section of two aircraft execute a Case II recovery. Case II departure is a procedure used to climb through
IFR conditions to VMC.

Case III: Used for weather less than 1,000/5 or at night or when weather is below 1,000 feet 1/2 hour after
sunset or 1/2 hour before sunrise.

CCA: Carrier-controlled approach similar to a GCA.

Charlie: Refers to the time the first aircraft is expected at the ramp. A “Charlie” or “Charlie on arrival” is a
directive to enter the pattern now. “Charlie five” means be at the ramp in five minutes.

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Carrier Qualification Glossary

Cherubs: Altitude in hundreds of feet. For example, Cherubs 3 = 300 feet.

Chicks: Wingmen in a flight.

Clara: Meatball is not in sight.

Cross-deck Pendant (CDP): Arresting gear wire.

Cut Lights: Green lights mounted horizontally and centered above the Fresnel lens box (controlled by the
LSO). Utilized during ziplip and EMCON conditions instead of UHF to give pilots clearance to land, i.e.,
“Roger Ball.” Also, used in conjunction with waveoff lights to signal bingo.

Datum Lights: Green reference lights mounted horizontally on the Fresnel lens on each side of the
centered cell.

Delta: Enter holding pattern as directed or continue to hold.

Delta Clean: Signal for aircraft in the pattern to raise gear and flaps/slats and hold as directed.

Delta Easy: Signal for aircraft to remain at pattern altitude with gear and flaps/slats down and speed
brakes retracted.

Emission Control Procedures (EMCON): Electronic emission control procedures are in effect at the
ship to avoid detection. All radio, radar, and navigation equipment transmissions are eliminated except as
required for safety of flight.

Expected Approach Time (EAT): The future time at which an aircraft is cleared to depart inbound or
penetrate from a preassigned fix. Aircraft depart and commence approach at assigned time if no further
instructions are received.

Father: Code name for the ship’s TACAN.

Feet Wet or Feet Dry: Aircraft crossing the coastline enroute to or returning from the ship.

Field Carrier Landing Practice (FCLP): LSO-graded landings conducted at the field prior to any carrier

Foul Deck: Landing area is not free of all obstructions or the flight deck is not ready to recover aircraft.

Foul Line (ship only): A line painted on both sides of the landing area to define the minimum area that
must be free of obstructions in order to consider the deck clear.

Fresnel Lens Optical Landing System (FLOLS): Pilot’s landing aid, i.e. meatball.

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Carrier Qualification Glossary

Hangar Deck: Area below the flight deck used to store and repair aircraft.

Hawk: Term used for a lead safety. (Hawking chicks)

Holdback: Metal fitting designed to break or release at a preset level of force during a catapult stroke.

Hold-Down: Fuel state at which an aircraft will be refueled on deck prior to launch.

Hook to Eye: The vertical distance measured between the pilot’s eye and the aircraft’s hook point.

Hook to Ramp: The clearance distance between the aircraft’s hook point and the flight deck as it crosses
the ramp.

Hot Refueling: Aircraft receives fuel with engine turning.

Hot Seat: The replacement of one pilot by another pilot while the engine is turning.

Improved Fresnel Lens Optical Landing System (IFLOLS): Pilot’s landing aid, i.e. meatball.

Interval: The time between you and the aircraft you are to follow.

In the Middle Position: A distance on the groove that is between the “start” and the “in close” position.
The middle third of the groove.

Jet Blast Deflector (JBD): Hydraulically lifted deck plate mounted behind each catapult.

Launch Bar: Metal arm attached to the nose gear and used to launch the aircraft.

Landing Signal Officer (LSO). Controls all fixed-wing aircraft off the 180 to touchdown during carrier and
FCLP landings.

Marshal: 1. Holding pattern during Case I, II, and III recoveries. 2. The term used for the ship’s radar

Meatball: Light projected by source lens on the FLOLS.

Mirror: Landing aid used prior to the development of the Fresnel lens.

Mother: Code name used to signify the carrier.

Mark Your Father: State bearing and distance from ship.

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Carrier Qualification Glossary

On the Ball: LSO call stating hold your transmission until aircraft in groove has landed.

Overhead Time: The scheduled time a flight of aircraft is expected overhead the ship for pattern entry.

Paddles: The call sign for the LSO.

Parrot: IFF

Pigeons: The magnetic bearing and distance to the divert field named.

Pilot Landing Assistance Television (PLAT): Video camera system used to record carrier operations.

PIM: Position of intended movement.

Plane Guard: SAR helicopter or ship assigned during aircraft launch and recovery, usually located in
starboard Delta for a helicopter, three miles astern for a ship.

Platform: A reporting point in the ship’s TACAN approach (normally at 20 nm from the ship at 5,000 ft) at
which the rate of descent is decreased to 2,000 feet per minute.

Popeye: Code word used to signify that aircraft is operating IMC.

Pri-Fly: Tower location where the AIR BOSS oversees the pattern and flight deck operations.

Pull Back: Action following arrestment whereby the wire is partially retracted to allow the pilot to raise the

Push Back: Action taken anytime the aircraft needs to be moved back by deck personnel.

Pogo: Return to previous frequency if unable to establish communications on frequency assigned.

RTB: Signal to return to base.

Ramp: The aft end of the flight deck or the downwind end of the platform of the runway.

Ramp Time: Time assigned for an aircraft to be crossing the ramp.

Roll Angle: Movement of the lens about the roll axis (set for each type of aircraft) to maintain a constant
targeted hook touchdown point.

Round Down: The aft end of the landing area that is curved downward.

“See You”: Communication used to indicate that flight lead has the ship in sight.

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Carrier Qualification Glossary

Shuttle: The portion of the catapult that attaches to the launch bar during catapult launches.

Spin: Depart and reenter the break. Normally performed at the bow if unable to break prior to 4 nautical
miles upwind.

Starboard Delta: Holding pattern used by the helicopters and COD aircraft flown on the starboard side of
the ship and using right-hand turns at 500 feet.

Start: The first third of the groove length.

Steer: A heading to an airfield for normal divert from the ship when not in bingo profile. When directed,
proceed to the field named.

Strangle Your Parrot: Turn off your IFF.

Suspend: Stop the catapult launch sequence.

Sweet Lock: Positive TACAN lock-on.

Tension: The portion of the catapult launch sequence when the shuttle is hydraulically moved forward to
remove slack.

Tiedown: Chocks and chains used to secure aircraft on the flight deck.

Trick or Treat: Aircraft in pattern that has enough fuel for one more approach. If the aircraft doesn’t trap,
it will have to bingo.

Waveoff: Procedure used to terminate an approach when directed by the LSO or tower.

Wind-Over-Deck: The amount of wind crossing the deck which is either caused by natural wind or the
ship’s movement.

Walk time: The time you are to leave the ready room to man your aircraft.

Ziplip: Condition under which radio communication is minimized.

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