Press03may06 Art - 2
Press03may06 Art - 2
Press03may06 Art - 2
The Official Magazine of ISPE Wireless Technology
September/October 2006, Vol. 26 No. 5
This article
describes Wireless Framework for Enterprise
strategies to Excellence: Managing, Securing, and
uncertainty, Validating
cost, and
vulnerability in by Janice Abel, Hesh Kagan, and Ian McPherson
he radio spectrum is an asset that phar- the system is implemented at the enterprise
maceutical and biotechnology indus- level.
tries are now beginning to exploit, and The most significant challenges to pharma-
the emergence of secure, affordable ceutical companies wishing to take advantage
wireless technology is making it easier for of wireless technology are in managing the
them to do that every day. limited available bandwidth, integrating mul-
Wireless technologies include wireless ac- tiple communication protocols and standards,
cess points (gateways), transmitters, receivers, and maintaining and supporting the ongoing
antenna, protocols, powering options and serv- security requirements of wireless networks.
ers, and security technology ranging from intru- Solving these problems requires resource plan-
sion detection devices to data encryption. Per- ning, performance management, and a com-
formance and reliability of wireless technology mon wireless systems management platform.
has been improving steadily, to the point at This finite, relatively available resource
which it has become a very feasible cost saving means that today - and for many years to come
option for many industrial applications. Unlike - reaping the many control benefits of wireless
cell phone networks which span many miles, communications will challenge technology
most industrial settings are contained, repeat- management much more so than technology
able, and thus very manageable, provided that performance.
Figure 1.Typical
interrelated applications
with different RF “needs.”
abling remote electronic capture of Maintenance and line. Other applications for wireless
process data (e.g., remote valida- Infrastructure Management sensors might include temperature
tion protocol execution via wireless • eliminating wiring related costs in monitoring of product in storage and
tablet PCs) upgrading or installing control sys- transportation.
• electronic product authentication tems In contrast, a company whose strat-
and electronic pedigree documenta- • improved plant safety and security egy is to get to market faster, reliably,
tion through proactive perimeter moni- and securely, might find that the added
• improved equipment availability toring, Weapons of Mass Destruc- cost of an RFID product tracking sys-
and reduced maintenance costs tion (WMD) detection, and person- tem would improve their competitive
through proactive condition moni- nel tracking position. According to a Gartner re-
toring, for example, implementing port, “industries with the greatest op-
wireless vibration sensors to indi- Although it is quite feasible for each portunities to use RFID include retail
cate system malfunctions department to present a strong busi- and aerospace and defense, while the
• improved flexibility for quick pro- ness case for using wireless networks healthcare, logistics, and pharmaceu-
cess unit changeover in its own operation, these consider- tical industries will adopt RFID the
• reduced downtime and costs for wire- ations must be made at the enterprise fastest.”1
less sensors on skids by eliminating level. Data integration, process inte- The US Food and Drug Administra-
the need to connect instruments and gration, and knowledge sharing are tion (FDA) has stepped up its efforts to
computers to field networks some key performance enhancers in improve the safety and security of the
• faster process changes through pharmaceutical production. Process, nation’s drug supply by promoting the
reconfigured operations security, or logistics needs must be use of RFID technology. The FDA
• better tracking of clean-in-place evaluated in the context of the overall launched this effort by publishing a
components enterprise strategy. Compliance Policy Guide (CPG) for
• improved utilization of process A company whose strategy is driven implementing RFID programs that are
equipment through more precise by reducing costs might want to deploy designed to enhance the safety and
measurements of process variables wireless vibration sensors to determine security of the drug supply. This action
such as temperature and pressure when assets are not operating opti- continues the FDA’s commitment to
• greater efficiency in enabling PAT mally. They would then look for sav- promote the use of RFID by the US
solutions ings on maintenance in the bottom- drug supply chain by 2007.