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The presence of heavy minerals in South Africa has been known for several decades.
During the 1950's ilmenite was mined at Umgababa as feedstock for a sulphate pigment
plant located at Durban in KwaZulu-Natal (Lee and Poggi, 1978). In the late 1970's
Richards Bay Minerals was founded on the east coast of South Africa. Heavy minerals are
extracted from the dunes there and upgraded to produce rutile, zircon and ilmenite as the
major products. The ilmenite is smelted in several electric arc furnaces to produce high
titania slag and a metallic iron product. In 1997 Richards Bay Minerals had an annual
production capacity of 1 million tons of titania slag (Anonymous, 1997). On the west coast
of South Africa Namakwa Sands was founded in the early 1990's to extract heavy minerals
from deposits situated near Vredendal. Again rutile, zircon and ilmenite are the main
products. The products are transported to Saldanha where the ilmenite is smelted in DC arc
electric furnaces to produce high titania slag and a metallic iron product. An increase in
smelting capacity from 97 000 to 230 000 tons per annum was announced in 1998
(Anonymous, 1998). !scor has also completed a feasibility study on the recovery of heavy
minerals near Richards Bay, with approval of the project been given in the first half of
2000. This project also includes the smelting of ilmenite at a complex that will be erected at
Empangeni. The capacity of this project will be 250 000 tons of high titania slag per

The expansion of the titaniwn industry in South Africa over the last three decades shows
the increasing importance of the industry to the local economy. South Africa has over this
period evolved into one of the major titanium feedstock producers in the world. It is
therefore important that the technical body of knowledge on the relevant metallurgical
processes be expanded. This should enable the industry to optimise the processes and
thereby obtain the maximum benefit for all.

This study will concentrate on aspects relevant to the smelting of ilmenite. In particular the
focus will be on the following two aspects:
1. Characterisation of cooled high titania slags produced during the smelting of ilmenite.
This will include the following:
• The mineralogy of the slags.
• The chemistry of the slags.
• Relationships between the chemistry of the slags and the tapping temperatures of
the slags.
2. The decrepitation behaviour of high titania slags after tapping.

A briefreview of the titanium industry relevant to this study is given as background.


The titanium dioxide pigment industry consumes over 90 per cent of the titanium mineral
production worldwide (Stanaway, 1994; Fisher, 1997). The remaining uses for titanium
minerals are as a flux for electric welding rods and for certain metallurgical and electronic
applications. The most common titanium minerals that are mined are rutile and ilmenite.
Rutile can be used directly in the pigment production processes to produce titanium dioxide
pigment. Ilmenite is preferably treated to selectively remove the iron content in order to
provide a product with a lower iron content. The removal of the iron content results in a
product with a high titanium content, resulting in less waste being produced in the
processes producing the titanium dioxide pigments. The two main processes used for the
upgrading of ilmenite are briefly discussed below.


Ilmenite can be smelted at high temperatures (approximately 1650 to 1700 DC) with a
suitable carbonaceous reductant in electric fumaces to produce high titania slag as the
major product. In the process liquid iron is produced as a by-product. The iron product can
subsequently be modified by secondary treatment (de-sulphurisation, carburisation, alloy
additions) to optimise the value of the product (Lee and Poggi , 1978). The Ti0 2 content
(total Ti expressed as Ti02) of the slag after reduction can range between 75 and 86 per
cent. Not all the iron can be reduced, as some FeO in the slag is required to act as a fluxing
agent. The final quality of the titania slag is dependent on both the quality of the ilmenite
and the reductant. According to Grau and Poggi (1978) the reduction process can broadly
be described by the following reactions :

Fe20) + C = 2FeO + CO .. .(A)

FeO + C = Fe + CO ... (B)

In the smelting process contact between the molten slag and the furnace refractories is
prevented by the presence of a solid freeze lining. This freeze lining is required to prevent
attack on the refractories by the corrosive molten slag (Grau and Poggi , 1978). Due to the
high electrical conductivity of the slags (Desrosiers et. aI., 1980) the electrodes are above
the slag level in an "open arc" position. The high titania slag is tapped into ladles, water-
cooled and crushed to produce the final products. Titania slag is used for both the sulphate
and chloride process routes for the production of pigments . The criteria used for
determining to which process route the slag should be allocated is determined mainly by the
chemical quality and size distribution of the slag products. This will be discussed in more
detail later.

Several producers worldwide use various smelting technologies to produce high titania
slags. The producers are Richards Bay Minerals (RBM) and Namakwa Sands in South
Africa, QIT in Canada and Tinfos in Norway. RBM and QIT use 6-in-line altemating
current furnaces , while Namakwa Sands use two circular fumaces with direct current


The second type of process involves the partial or complete solid-state reduction of iron,
followed by a leaching process to remove the iron content. An example of this type of
process is the Becher process (Battle et. ai., 1993). At present the leached iron is considered
to be a waste product, although recent progress has been made in recovering this iron as a
valuable product (McLoughlin et. a!., 1998). A synthetic rutile product is produced
containing approximately 90 to 96 per cent Ti0 2. Current synthetic rutile production is

dominated by the Becher process (Grey, 1992). Other commercial processes for synthetic
rutile production include the following (Battle et. aI. , 1993 ; Grey, 1992) :
• The Benelite process involves a partial reduction of the iron in altered ilmenite to the
ferrous state, followed by acid leaching of the iron and other impurities using
hydrochloric acid .
• The Ishihara process utilises waste sulphuric acid from a sulphate-route pigment plant
in Japan to leach ilmenite after partial reduction of the iron.

In Figure 1 the flowsheet of the improved Becher process are shown. This process is
essentially a pyrometallurgical operation followed by a number of wet chemical process
steps. It consists of the following three main process steps as described by Formanek et. al.
• Ilmenite, coal, char and sulphur are reacted in a rotary kiln at approximately 1200 °C in
such a way that the iron oxide content of the ilmenite is reduced to metallic iron. This is
different to the other synthetic rutile processes where the iron content of the ilmenite is
only partially reduced . The sulphur is added to assist with the removal of manganese.
Manganese sulfide is produced and then separated from the final product by a
subsequent leaching step (Battle et. aI., 1993). The reduced ilmenite is separated from
the gangue materials by screening and magnetic separation. Coarse char recovered from
the process is recycled to the kiln.

Figure 1: Flowsheet of the improved Becher process (from Formanek et. aI., 1997)

Reduction Plant Wet Plant


Iron Oxide


Roduceu IIIt1enitp.
'Nast!;! G,,~

Wastl! Synthetic Rutile Slurry

• The reduced ilmenite is aerated and stirred inside tanks in a 1.0 to 1.5 per cent
ammonium chloride solution so that the iron is "rusted" from the ilmenite. The aeration
process is carried out in batches. The mixture of synthetic rutile and iron oxide from the
aeration step is separated in a multi-stage hydrocycloning system. At this stage the
aerated product contains approximately 90 per cent Ti0 2 .
• The aerated product is separated from the iron oxide and leached with 10 per cent
sulphuric acid to obtain a high quality synthetic rutile product. The leached product is
separated from the acidic liquor in a spiral classifier. The remaining acid is removed
from the synthetic rutile by counter-current washing on a belt filter. The synthetic rutile
can then be dried in a flash or fluidised bed dryer. The final product contains 93.2 per
cent Ti0 2, with the main impurity being iron (2.4 per cent total iron). The product is
porous, with a grain size similar to the original ilmenite.

The synthetic rutile product is generally sold to the chloride processmg route for the
production of pigments.


Two processes are used to produce titanium dioxide pigments, these being the sulphate and
chloride process routes respectively. All the high titania slag produced in the world via
smelting processes is used as feedstock in one of these two processes.

1.2.1 PIGMENT MANUFACTURING PROCESSES Sulphate processing route

The sulphate process for the production of titanium dioxide pigments was first used in
Norway in 1915 (Fisher, 1997). This process is a batch process, using a number of unit
operations. A flowsheet of a typical sulphate process is shown in Figure 2.

The main process steps are as follows (Fisher, 1997; Stanaway, 1994):
a) The titaniferous feed is reacted with sulphuric acid to produce titanyl sulphate. For
ilmenite as feed the reaction can be written as follows:

The highly exothermic reaction also emits hydrogen sulphide and sulphur dioxide as
pollutants from various side reactions. Ir()n sulphate is removed from the solution as solid
copperas (FeS04.7H20).
b) After the iron removal, titanyl sulphate is hydrolysed to titanium dioxide hydrate.
c) The precipitate is then chemically purified, filtered and calcined at 800 to 1100 °C to
produce titanium dioxide (Habashi, 1997).

Subsequent process steps are required after this for the Ti0 2 product to function as a
pigment. These process steps are shown in Figure 3. These processes include milling of the
particles to the required size specification and the addition of chemicals to the surface of the
pigment particles to obtain the required optical and physical properties. These post-
treatment processes can be similar for pigments produced by both the sulphate and chloride

There is one operation in South Africa that uses this technology, this being the Huntsman
Tioxide plant situated at Umbogintwini in the KwaZulu-Natal province. This plant supplies

titanium dioxide to the South African market and also exports appro ximately 30 per cent of
its production (Tioxide Southern Africa, 1997).

Figure 2 : Flowsheet for a typical sulphate processing route (from Fisher, 1997)

Water and
Weak Waste Acid

Titaniferous Or~ Ore Drier I _ _"'---;~::::---"I

and ...
Air Emission
Cake Solution
Iron _
"--_ R.edu.ction
_ _ _. . - - - ScrlIp hoD

C llIrification
Settling (Primary)


Copperas Filtration
and Waslllng

Copperas for Strong Waste Acid

Weak Waste Acid

. . . - - - - Additives

Weak Waste Acid

__- - - Reagent

TiD, to
Post Treatment Chloride processing route

The chloride process was commercialised in the United States in 1958 (Fisher, 1997). The
process is continuous and is carried out in a fluidised bed reactor. A flowsheet of a typical
chloride process is shown in Figure 4. The main process steps are as follows (Fisher, 1997;
Stanaway, 1994):

a) Chlorination of titanium feedstock using chlorine gas and coke to form various chloride
species. The chlorination reaction is exothermic and is carried out at approximately 900°C
in a reducing atmosphere. The basic reactions can be written as follows:

2C + O2 = CO ... (£)

Ti0 2 + 2Cb + 2CO = TiCl 4 + 2C0 2 ... (F)

b) The volatile chloride species are separated by fractional distillation into low, medium
and high boiling chlorides.

Figure 3 : A typical post-treatment process for titanium dioxide pigments (from

Fisher, 1997)

Calciner or
Oxidation Reactor - - - _

Slurry r---_crS Product
Discharge (CP Only)


Aqueous Discharge

Additives &
Organic Chemicals


Additives - - - .

Slurried Pigment Product Dry Pigment Product

c) Titanium tetrachloride is then reacted with oxygen according to the following reaction:

TiCl 4 + O 2 = Ti0 2 + 2Cb ... (G)

The chlorine is recycled to the chlorinator, while the titanium dioxide can be processed
further ifrequired according to the flowsheet presented in Figure 3.

Because of commercial and environmental reasons the chloride processing route IS

preferred over the sulphate processing route. Approximately 57 per cent of all titanium
dioxide pigments are produced by the chloride processing route. It is estimated that this will
increase to approximately 69 per cent by the year 2010 (Fisher, 1997).

Figure 4 : Flowsheet for a typical chloride processing route (from Fisher, 1997)

Ore Coke

Solid Separation

Chlorine Purification Additives

Cooling and Oxidation

Ti0 2 to


Titanium dioxide pigments are used across a wide range of applications. The major uses for
titanium dioxide pigments are listed in Table 1 (Fisher, 1997). By far the largest use is as
surface coating. In western countries titanium dioxide is now the most widely used white
pigment in paints, having replaced zinc oxide, lithopone and white lead. Plastics represent
the fastest growing market segment of the titanium dioxide pigment, with growth rates
ranging between 5 and 18 per cent over the last two decades. Examples of some of the other
uses of the titanium dioxide pigments include applications in ceramics, concrete, cosmetics,
food, titanates and photovoltaic cells.

Table 1 : Global Ti0 2 pigment consumption by industry (Fisher, 1997)

Use Percentage of total world

Surface coatings 59.8
Plastics 15.2
Paper 12.1
Printing inks 2.5
Fibres 2.7
Other 7.7

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