Of The Reduction Behavior of W/Ti02 Catalysts XPS Using Curve Fitting, Deconvolution and Factor Analysis
Of The Reduction Behavior of W/Ti02 Catalysts XPS Using Curve Fitting, Deconvolution and Factor Analysis
Of The Reduction Behavior of W/Ti02 Catalysts XPS Using Curve Fitting, Deconvolution and Factor Analysis
X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS,ESCA) was used to determine the tungsten oxidation states in a 5 wt.%
WO,/l%O, catalyst reduced in hydrogen in the temperature range 400-700 "C.Because, in the region of interest,
W 4f overlaps with the Ti 3p energy level, a multiple analysis procedure including deconvolution, non-linear least-
squares curve fitting and factor analysis was used to analyze the data. Deconvolution was better able to resolve the
peaks in the W 4f region and thus elucidate the positions of the tungsten components for each reduction tem-
perature. It was shown that there is a maximum of three W 4f doublets. The W 4f,,, peaks of these components
were located at 35.5,33.3 and 31.1 eV and they were assigned to W+6, W+4 and W", respectively. Factor analysis
verified the presence of three spectral tungsten components. X-ray ditaction verified the presence of W" on
reduction at 675OC. Non-linear least-squares curve fitting, using the positions from deconvolution, was able to
determine the distribution of tungsten oxidation states as a function of reduction temperature: W+6 steadily
decreased with increasing reduction temperature, W" initially appears at 408OC and goes through a maximum
around 58OOC; W" was first detected following reduction at 550OC and was the only species present for reduction
temperatures higher than 665 OC. From the distribution, it is proposed that, unlike the molybdenum systems,
tungsten undergoes a more simplified reduction process in which only one intermediate oxidation state (presumably
W+4) is detected.
EXPERIMENTAL AND METHODOLOGY data analysis. Binding energy values for the 5 wt.%
W03/Ti0, catalysts were referenced to the Ti 2p3,, line
of TiO, (458.7 eV',).
For reduction experiments, the catalysts were pressed
Catalyst preparation (2000 psi) into pellets and mounted on a sealable
probe.', The sample was heated to the desired tem-
Degussa P-25 TiO, (84/16 anatase/rutile, pore perature (400-700 "C)by ramping the temperature at a
volume = 0.5 cm3 g-' and BET surface area = 50 5 rate of 2" min-' in flowing H, at a flow rate of 100 cm3
m2 g-') was first mixed with deionized water, dried min-'. The catalysts were reduced for 12 h at the
(110°C) and calcined (400°C) in air for 12 h. It was desired reduction temperature and then cooled to room
ground and sieved to 100 mesh, then tungsten (5 wt.% temperature under H, flow. The sealable probe was
WO,) was deposited by incipient wetness impregnation pressurized to 20 psi, sealed and transferred to the
using an ammonium metatungstate (Cerac) spectrometer.
[(NH4)6H2W12040* 4H20] solution. The resulting
catalyst was dried at 110°C for 16 h followed by calcin-
ation for 16 h in air at 500 "C.
The XPS spectra were obtained with a modified AEI Non-linear least-squares curve fitting
ES2OOA photoelectron spectrometer equipped with an
A1 anode (hv = 1486.6 ev) at a power of 240 W (12 kV, The methodology used to fit the individual Ti 3 p W 4f
20 mA). The instrument was operated in the fixed retar- envelopes was slightly different than that adopted in
dation ratio (FRR) mode and the analysis pressure was previous work',' because of the Ti 3p interference.
< 5 x lo-' Torr. The instrument was interfaced to an Information about the Ti 3p region for the W/Ti02
IBM PC compatible for data collection and subsequent catalysts, such as peak width and peak position, was
where (Ti 2p),,, and (Ti 2p),,, are the Ti 2p areas for the
catalysts and the TiO, support alone. The Ti 3p peak of
.= .
the TiO, support was then multiplied by the normal-
ization constant and the subsequent subtraction was
carried out.
. I
Factor analysis
Reduction Temp ( P C )
32 36 40 44 40 36 32
2 theta Binding Energy I eV
Figure 4. X-ray diffraction reflections for: (a) TiO,; (b) TiO,
reduced at 675°C; (c) W metal powder; (d) a 5 wt.% WO,/riO, Figure 6. The Ti 3p-W 4f spectra for re1 iced 5 wt. WOfliO,
catalyst reduced at 677 "C. catalysts.
0.4 I
0.3 1 9 .
(indicated by arrows) emerge. However, because the Ti
3p energy level is a major contributor to these XPS
envelopes it is difficult to determine the exact nature of
the tungsten components as a function of reduction
temperature. Therefore, there is a need to improve the
resolution in a manner that will help to define the posi-
tions of all the tungsten components. Thus, a deconvol-
ution procedure was carried out on each individual Ti
3 p W 4f envelope in an attempt to resolve the com-
ponents. Figure 7 displays the series of deconvoluted Ti
3 p W 4f envelopes. A decrease in peak width by about
O ~ ' " " ' " " ' " ' ' I a factor of 3 can be seen. The peak (A) at 37.5 eV attrib-
400 500 600 700
Reduction Temperature ( P C )
Figure 5. Variation of ESCA W 4d/Ti 3p intensity ratio as a func- Reduction Temp. ( P C )
tion of reduction temperature.
ratios. A considerable decrease in the intensity ratio is
observed for reduction temperatures between 500 "C 503
and 600 "C. This can be attributed to particle growth of
the tungsten surface species and/or a change in the mor- 529
phology of the surface tungstates upon
Note the increase in the intensity ratio from 650°C to 549
700 "C. This behavior has been observed previously for
the Mo/TiO, system and it can be attributed to the col- 582
lapse of the TiO, surface area, which occurs on trans- 604
formation from anatase to rutile.
Figure 6 shows the series of W 4f-Ti 3p envelopes 40 36 32
obtained from a set of reduced 5 wt.% WOJTiO, cata- Binding Energy I eV
lysts. It is clear that as the reduction temperature Figure 7. Deconvoluted Ti 3p-W 4f envelopes for reduced 5
increases from 400 to 700°C new tungsten components wt.% WO,/TiO, catalysts.
uted to Ti 3p is constant throughout the series. As the cedure on the original experimental data the positions
reduction temperature is increased it is evident that new were allowed to relax slightly into their local minima.
tungsten components appear. These new components Typical examples of curve-fitted Ti 3 p W 4f
are indicated by arrows. The four positions appearing in envelopes of the catalyst are shown in Fig. 9. Figure 9
the reduction series are 37.5 eV (A), 35.5 eV (B), 33.3 eV shows the Ti 3 p W 4f envelopes (*) for the 5 wt.%
(C) and 31.1 eV (D), respectively. The peaks at 35.5 eV W03/Ti02 catalyst reduced at 529 "C and at 582 "C.
and 31.1 eV are assigned to the W 4f,/2 positions for The residuals indicate that the overall fits (-) for
W+6 and W", respectively, based on model compounds. both envelopes agreed well with the experimental data.
W 4f7/2 binding energy values ranging from 34.5 eV to Statistically, the goodness of fit was measured by the
32.7 eV have been assigned to W+4.30-35On this basis residual excursion (REX%) value.6 The lower the
the peak at 33.3 eV can be assigned tentatively to the W REX% values the better the fit. The REX% values are
4f7/2 position of W+4. noted on the figure. Figure 9(a) has a REX% of 4.1
Close examination of the individual deconvoluted while the value for Fig. 9(b) is 3.8. Both values indicate
spectra (Fig. 8) reveals that the peak assigned to W+4 relatively good fits.
appears at 503 "C and that the peak assigned to Wo first Because the fitting procedure used in this study is
appears at 549°C. From Fig. 7 one can see that as the complicated, it is important to show that the fits are
reduction temperature is increased the peak assigned to legitimate. To verify the legitimacy of the fits certain
W 4f7/2 of W + 6 disappears (-650°C) and the peak experimental criteria were used. First, results from the
assigned to W 4f7/2 of W" increases. The behavior of the fits show that the Ti 3p fitted area was found to be
W + 4 species is not quite as straightforward. This is within f 7 % of the calculated Ti 3p area. The calcu-
partly due to the fact that the doublet separation (2.1 lated Ti 3p peak area was determined by multiplying
ev) of a particular tungsten oxidation state coincides the measured Ti 3p/Ti 2p ratio for TiO, alone by the
with the separation between the W 4f7,, peaks of W f 6 measured area of the Ti 2p region for the catalysts.
and W + 4 (i.e. 2.2 eV) and that of W'4 and W" (i.e. 2.2 Another way to check the consistency of the fits was to
eV). compare the variation of W 4f/Ti 2p intensity ratios
with those of W 4d/Ti 2p (see Fig. 5) as a function of
reduction temperature. The W 4f area was found by
Non-linear least-squares curve fitting summing the fitted area of the W 4f doublets for each
A NLLSCF routine was used to determine the dis-
tribution of tungsten species as a function of reduction
temperature. Deconvolution has provided a logical
starting point for the NLLSCF routine. It was able to
give positional information for all the components and
REX% - 4.1
to provide an indication of the reduction temperatures
at which new components appear. Thus, the initial
guesses used in the NLLSCF routine are more accurate,
which inherently makes the curve fitting procedure a
more efficient process. In performing the NLLSCF pro-
40 36 32
Binding Energy I eV
REX% = 3.8
44 40 36 32 40 36 32
Binding Energy I eV Binding Energy I eV
Figure 8. Deconvoluted spectra for 5 wt.% WO,piO, catalysts Figure 9. Curve fits for 5 wt.% WO,/TiO, catalysts reduced at (a)
reduced at 503 "C and at 549 "C. 529°C and (b) 582°C.
Factor analysis
Figure 11 shows the W 4f envelopes from the series of As mentioned previously, few studies have focused on
reduced 5 wt.% W0,/Ti02 catalysts following subtrac- the reduction of W/Ti02 catalysts. Temperature-
tion of the Ti 3p envelope. The Ti 3p was removed so programmed reduction experiments conducted by Bond
et al. showed that a monolayer W/Ti02 catalyst pre-
Reduction Temp. (/OC) pared by incipient wetness impregnation reduces
directly and completely to Wo between the tem-
408 peratures of 730 and 770"C.4 They also pointed out that
above monolayer coverage (4.8 wt.% WO,) the presence
503 of bulk WO, suppresses the reduction to Wo. These
results were at variance with those reported by Ver-
529 maire and van Berge5 which suggest that a monolayer
WO,/TiO, catalyst prepared by equilibrium adsorption
549 undergoes a two-step reduction (W+6+ W t 4 + WO).
Mo catalysts. Previous XPS studies of Mo/TiOZ7 and decreases with increasing reduction temperature; W + 4
Mo/Al,O,* indicated that Mo forms a wide range of first appears around 400 "C, goes through a maximum
, o + ~M
stable oxidation states (i.e. M o + ~M , o + ~M, o+~, around 580 "C and then decreases as the reduction tem-
Mo" and Moo) upon reduction with H, . Fiedor et aL6 perature is increased further, W" first appears around
also showed that three Mo oxidation states (i.e. M o + ~ , 550 "C then maximizes at -675 "C at 100%. It is con-
M o + ~and M o + ~ )were present on a 5 wt.% cluded that, unlike the Mo/TiO, system, the tungsten in
MoO,/TiO, catalyst after reduction at relatively low a monolayer-like W/TiO, catalyst undergoes a more
temperatures (< 300 "C). The results of the present study simplified reduction process in which only one interme-
for a monolayer-like W/TiO, system indicate that, diate oxidation state was detected.
unlike the Mo systems, tungsten undergoes a more sim-
plified reduction process in which only one intermediate
oxidation state was detected. Acknowledgement
It should be noted, however, that the presence of an
intermediate tungsten oxidation state, such as W +,,in The authors acknowledge financial support for this work from the US
relatively low concentrations or having a binding Department of Energy, Grant DE-FG02-87ER13781.
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